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6th year practical task Read the following text 4. Read the text and say if the sentences (1-8) are TRUE or FALSE is Photoshop Destroying America’s Body Has photosnop gone too far? While most opie dream of agicaly removing their pounds, es, the Kate Winslet and Brad Pat are against image digtal Yet complained and took leg rn when her mage was Cigtaly altered by GOmagazine ‘making her unreaksticaly thin Iso Pt asked W magazine not to retouch hs mage. and selected (Chuck Close as his photographer because he b known for Ns tremely detaled portraits that ‘how shin flaws, such 3 BRS Under the ryes, wees pimples, The American Medical Auociation (atan} i against mage ‘manipulation i advertising i believes that people's mental heath can be damaged by the impact of image manipulation, 3 ‘can comribute to umvealstc isorders and ather emotional ‘problems, Surprise professional and pubse reactions fare macs Some eating disorder ‘specisits do not agree wth ‘he pressures they feet about thei ‘body. After al, what i the purbose of storing AMA because ther isno evicence hat supports scam Also. mary ‘et that they beheve that wonderty dnd parents are vn By Poteshop an our cuture. Do you manipulation ave such as Photoshop, and they won't Dhotography 2 creative ar, and thar they should be free too "a consequence, happier Is theve enough research to Support AMA's concern? Do artist and photographers support tne ‘bjectiveaton oF Peoph ‘Setumanveation of aly don't krow Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? BeNE All celebrities dislike digital manipulation. Kate Winslet and Brad Pitt have asked magazines not to alter their pictures. The photographer Chuck Close erases skin flaws from pictures. c Experts have confirmed that image manipulation brings mental problems. Spet in eating disorders have claimed there’s a lack of proof to support AMA's fears. Photographers don’t agree with AMA and want to have freedom in their job. _ The writer is sure that the artists who want to use Photoshop are in favour of treating people as objects. The author's main concen to encourage teenagers to worry about their bodies. Answer these questions 1 23 3 Why did Pitt choose Chuck Close as his photographer? What are the points for and against image manipulation? 1s the writer of the article for or against image manipulation? Answer the last questions in the article. “Tell us how you see the impact of Photoshop on our culture. Do you believe that restricting image manipulation in advertising is a positive action or an encroachment on artistic freedom?” Report what Winslet and Pitt said. a ““ will take legal actions because you have altered my image in your magazine.” Winslet said to the people in GQ magazine. “| want Chuck Close to be my photographer”, said Pitt. “People’s mental health can be damaged by the impact of image manipulation.” said the AMA “We wanted to improve your image”, said the editor of GQ magazine to Winslet.

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