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Growth and structure of titanium silicide phases formed by thin Ti films on Si crystals

G. G. Bentini, R. Nipoti, A. Armigliato, M. Berti, A. V. Drigo, and C. Cohen

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 57, 270 (1985); doi: 10.1063/1.334799

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Growth and structure of titanium smcide phases formed by
thftn Ti films on Si crystals
G. G. Sentini, R. Nipoti, and A. Armigliato
CNR, Istituto Lame!, Via Castagnoli I, 40126 Bologna, Italy
M. Berti and A. V. Origo
Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Uniuersita. GNSM-CNR Via Marzolo 8,35131 Padova Italy
C. Cohen
Groupe de Physique des So/ides de rEcole Normale Superieure, Uniuersite Paris V/L Tour 23. 2 Place Jussieu,
75251 Paris Cedex 05. France

(Received 6 July 1984; accepted for publication 7 August 1984)

The silicide formation with a titanium film deposited on (100) single-crystal silicon, has been
studied by using nuclear microanalysis, x-ray di.ffraction, and transmission el.ectron microscopy.
The presence of interfacial defects and their possible role in the early stages of the reaction has
been evidenced. The phase composition was dependent on the annealing temperature and time: at
550·C only TiSi 2 is observed; at higher temperatures (> 600 .q, a thin TiSi 2 layer at the interface
is again observed, but Ti-rich silicides grow on top of this layer by increasing the annealing time.
For longer annealing times, aU the reacted layer progressively transforms into TiSi 2. The amount
of reacted silicon grows with a (time)I/21aw; the activation energy of 1.8 eV reported for the
growth of TiSi2 onto amorphous Si may be appropriate even in this case. The reaction proceeds at
a rate of one order of magnitude higher than previously reported for reaction between silicon and
an oxygen saturated titanium mm. The kinetics seems to be controHed by silicon diffusion
through the TiSi 2 interfacial. l.ayer.

I. INTRODUCTION The aim of the present work is to study the structure

Interest in the formation of refractory metal silicides by and the kinetics of the growth of titanium silicide phases on
solid phase reaction between a deposited thin metal film and sam pies prepared in condi tions of deanliness of typical tech-
the underlying crystal is justified by their great importance nological processes.
in silicon device technology. The results of the present investigation show that repro-
Among other metal silicides, there is a growing interest ducible data on the phase formed and on the kinetics of
in titanium silicides and, in particular, in the TiSi 2 phase due growth of the reacted silicon could be obtained at tempera-
to its good adhesion on silicon and low electrical resistivity. tures between 550 and. 750·C by using Ti-evaporated films
In spite of its great importance, only very recently have the on (100) silicon wafers carefully cleaned at the surface. The
kinetics of the TiSi2 phase been reported in detail. 1 Previous kinetics agree quite well with the TiSi 2 growth kinetics re-
studies concerning the titanium silicon reaction gave poorly ported by Ref. 1, even if all the amoun t of reacted silicon has
reproducible results, for both the kinetics and the formed been considered independently of the phases formed. This
phases, because of the strong effect of the impurities located may be due to the fact that a TiSi 2 fiJ.m is always present near
in the film and at the meta! semiconductor interface. the bulk region and the process of silicon diffusion through
For instance, the oxygen contamination has been the TiSi 2 phase becomes the factor which controls all the
shown to play an important role. In fact, the threshold tem- kinetics.
perature of the titanium silicon reaction is higher than
650·C when the metal film is heavily contaminated (- 33
at. %) by oxygen,2,3 but it is much lower, i.e., 475·C on U. EXPIERIMEN!T
amorphous silicon a-Si and 550·C on crystal silicon, c-Si,
when particular care is taken to reduce any contamination. I A. Sample preparation
Further, different phases are formed. In the contaminated
samples, which start to react at quite high temperatures, The substrates used in our study were p-type Si wafer
metal-rich silicide phases are always present2~; in the case of (100) oriented. Before deposition of the metal film, the sili-
the heaviest contamination 2 only the TisSi3 phase is present, con surface was carefull:y cleaned with a chemical etch.
which is stable after treatment at a high temperature for Titanium, about 140 nm thick, were e-gun evapor-
quite a long time (750 ·C up to 60 min). AU these phases ated in a vacuum chamber with a 1O-6-Torr residual pres-
convert to TiSi 2 when annealing temperature and time are sure. The deposition rate was about 1 nm/s.
increased. The TiSi 2 phase is the only one formed in the Annealing treatments were carried out in a vacuum fur-
presence of a clean titanium film and in the absence of inter- nace with a residual pressure which was always lower than
facial. impurities, as reported in Ref. 1: for low annealing tem- 5 X 10- 1 Torr. The temperatures were up to 750·C and the
peratures; however, the authors do not report results for annealing time was varied from a few minutes to several
temperatures higher than 550·C. hours.
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270 J. Appl. Phys. 57 (2). 15 January 1985 0021-8979/85/020270-06$02.40 © 1985 American Institute of Physics 270 On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:02:09
B. Sample analysis
1. Nuclear microanalysis 8 min ~
Nuclear microanalyses of the samples were systemati-
caHy performed before and after annealing by using the 2
MV Van de Graaff facilities at both the Ecole Normale Supe- 2
rieure in Paris and the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Pa-
dova). 1.8-MeV 4He Rutherford backscattering spectrom-
etry (RBS) was used, in order to follow the concentration
profile evolution of titanium and silicon and to measure the
average composition of the reacted layers by comparing the 0
height of the plateaux. The overall resolution was about 14 4
keY and the associated depth resolution between 15 and 20 44 min
nm. The absolute amount of each reacted element was ob-
tained by calibrating the RBS spectra against standards7
;3 -.!l,SI,
having a precision greater than 1.5%.8 The absolute amount C)

of oxygen in our samples was accurately measured by using
the 160 (d,p) 170. nuclear reaction and Ta 20 s reference stan-
dards; their absolute content is known within 2%.9
2. X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) was applied to most 4
of the samles to identify the phases formed after annealing. 600 "C
To obtain enough sensitivity in thin-film analysis, a Wal- 85mln
lace-Ward 10 texture camera was used; the incident angle 3
was 20· and CuKa radiation was employed.
The phase identification may be ambiguous. First of all, 2
the expected phases have many common (or very near) dif-
fraction lines. Secondly, thin films are often stressed and the
way in which the interplanar spacing varies is not predict-
able, causing an appreciable shift of the diffraction lines.
Moreover, the bulk intensity ratios for the set ofIines belong-
ing to a given phase may be widely different in the case of
thin films. Nevertheless, by looking at the whole diffraction
FIG. 1. 1.8-MeV 4He+ RBS spectra of Ti/Si annealed at 6OO·C for different
pattern and by taking into account the RBS information, the
times: e = 160·, 2.8 keVleh. Vertical arrows represent surface scattering
main phases can be identified. channels. The expected plateau heights of some silicides are reported only
for reference.
3. Transmission electron microscopy
From a few silicide samples, cross-sectioned specimens Ti interface. However, it is an indication of the cleanliness of
for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations the Ti film in contact with the substrate. After the annealing
were obtained. These sections allowed us to study the thin-
treatments, the oxygen contamination raised up to (50-
layered structures with a higher accuracy with respect to the
70) X 10 15 at./cm 2 depending on the annealing time and tem-
normal plane-sectioned samples. Moreover, information
perature. This oxygen is mainly localized in the sample sur-
about the crystallographic quality of the Si substrate under-
face region.
lying the silicide film can be obtained. The procedure em- From RBS experiments, no reaction was observed after
ployed to prepare these samples has been reported in Ref. 1!. 30 min annealing at 450 .c. A degradation of the sharpness
of the Si/Ti interface was observed after 30 min annealing at
III. RESULTS 500 ·C, whereas a reaction producing only a TiSi 2 level was
The oxygen content of the as-deposited samples was found at 550·C after longer annealing time, i.e., up to 120
measured by using the 160 (d,p) 17 0. nuclear reaction. It was min; therefore, the threshold temperature for the reaction is
found to be (36 ± 4)X lOIS at./cm 2 , that is, equivalent to an higher than that found by L. S. Hung et al. I for Tila-Si but
average concentration of 5 at. % on the whole film; however, comparable to the reaction they found for TilcoSio It must be
the RBS spectra show that almost all the oxygen is concen- noted however that the total amount of reacted titanium is
trated in a surface layer about H~15 nm thick, where the significantly smaller than in Ref. 1.
solid solubility limit (- 33 at. %) is reached. This oxygen At temperatures higher than 550 ·C, RBS data show the
contamination is of the same order as that observed at the coexistence of different silicide phases. Figure 1 shows the
surface of the titanium film in a previous paper. 2 Of course typical evolution of the spectra as a function of annealing
this does not imply the absence of a thin Si02 1ayer at the Sil time at 600 ·C. Initially, the reaction mainly gives a level

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FIG. 2. RBS spectrum on a Ti/Si annealed at 700'C for 15 mi. Experimen-
tal conditions and the meaning of symbols are the same as in Fig. I.

roughly corresponding to the TiSi 2 composition. By increas-

ing the annealing time, the formation of titanium-rich sili-
cides (mainly TiSi) is evidenced, the Ti-rich phases being on
top of the TiSi 2 layer. The smooth shape of the high energy
edge of the silicon spectra in Fig. 1 indicates the variation of
the silicon composition in the near surface region of the FIG. 3. Weak-beam dark-field (g = 220) TEM micrograph taken on the
reacted fil.m. This variation may be due either to the presence 600 'C, 8 min specimen. Accelerating voltage: 1 MY.
of Ti silicides richer in Ti than TiSi (TisSi3 and Tis Si4 ) or to
some silicon diffusion through grain boundaries in the un-
reacted Ti film. As silicon reaches the near-surface region, dence for TiSi 2 formation. The absence of the TiSi 2 diffrac-
the Ti-rich silicide layer is progressively transformed into tion pattern for a short annealing time at 600 ·C is in contrast
TiSi 2 [Fig. l(c)). The reaction never involves the whole film, with the RBS results; the same effect was previously report-
even at 700 ·C (see Fig. 2), as in a thin surface region oxygen ed in Ref. 12 for disilicide coevaporated film annealed below
has been accumulated. giving rise to some titanium suboxide 700·C. These results may be due either to the sensitivity
which has been identified as Ti 6 0 11 from XRD patterns (see limit of the x-ray technique (for short annealing times at
also Ref. 4). 600 ·C the TiSi z layer is not very thick) or to a fine-grained
Table I shows the phase identification as a result of structure of the TiSi 2 formed in the interfacial region. At
XRD analyses on samples treated at different times and tem- temperatures of 700 ·C and higher, the TiSi 2 phase is clearly
peratures. A phase formation is detectable at 6OO·C for 22 detected with all the techniques used in this work.
min; in this case, the diffraction pattern corresponds to TiSi In addition to these structural results, we have also
and TisSi4 silicide formation plus some residual metallic ti- made TEM observations on cross-sectioned specimens, to
tanium. For longer times (85 min) at 600 ·C, XRD gives evi- gather more information on the morphology of the silicide
Since it is very important to investigate the possible role
TABLE I. Composition of titanium phases identified by x-ray diffraction of interfacial defects in controlling the very earl.y stages of
for different annealing conditions. TiO. means a titanium suboxide: most the reaction, the sample annealed at 6OO·C for 8 min was
probably Ti60 Il .
observed; to this end, the weak-beam dark-field technique,
which exhibits a higher resolution in the imaging of crystal
T defects, was employed. Due to the thickness of the cross
('q IS 22 30 44 8S sections obtained from this specimen, it was necessary to use
a high voltage electron microscope operating at 1. MY. The
R.T. Ti observations were performed with the high voltage micro-
450 Ti scope at Halle (DDR). The result is shown in the picture
Ti TiSi TiSi reported in Fig. 3, taken with the (220) diffraction vector; the
TiSi TisSi.; T~Si.; interface appears to be very sharp and the und.erlying silicon
TisSi.; TiO. TiSi2
TiO. TiO.
exhibits a 350-nm-thick layer with a high density of smaU
defects. The whole film shows a layered structure. From the
700 TiSi2 RBS spectrum [Fig. 1(a)], the top layer is identified as a titan-
TiO. ium unreacted film and. the underl.ying layer, in contact with
the bulk silicon, as a TiSi 2 film. The thicknesses of the

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FIG. 6. Arrhenius plot for the reacted Si as obtained in the present work (e).
Open symbols and straight line refer to data derived from Ref. 1 and are
reported for comparison.

shown in Fig. 4 where the spots ofthe (Ok 0) planes are visible.
FIG. 4. Dark-field TEM micrograph taken with the (020) spot of TiSi 2 ar- In particular, the first spot of this series corresponds to an
rowed in the diffraction pattern shown in the insert. Specimen annealed at interplanar spacing as high as d (020) = 6.9 A and rules out
700·C for 15 min. Accelerating voltage: 125 kV. all the other Ti silicide lattices reported in literature. Dark-
field images, like the one in Fig. 4, evidence the morphology
of the grains, which extend throughout the whole film, al-
layered structure agree with those measured by the RBS
though in this picture the surface seems to be partially erod-
spectrum. Diffraction spots from metallic titanium and sili-
ed during the thinning of the sample; the grains are colum-
cide could not be exc1uded from the objective aperture, cen-
nar and the length is in the range of 200 nm.
tered around a (weak) matrix spot; due to this fact, the sur-
A kinetics study was done taking the quantitative data
face top layer has a white appearance. A high degree of
from RBS analyses. For temperatures higher than 550·C
texturization of the unreacted titanium layer is evident from
and short annealing times, the reacted layer shows a nonuni-
this micrograph, in agreement with the x-ray diffraction re-
form composition (see Fig. 1), so the kinetics were obtained
sults. The TiSi 2 film is continuous, though its contrast is very
by evaluating the total amount of the reacted silicon, without
low, because of the less favorable orientation of its crystal
distinction between the different silicon concentrations in
planes with respect to the Bragg position.
each reacted layer. Such a procedure is correct only when the
Cross-section TEM analysis on a sample annealed at
reaction is governed by one rate-determining process. In any
700 ·C for 15 min allowed us to give an unambigous identifi-
case, it must be shown that the total amount of the reacted
cation of the TiSi 2 phase. This is evident in the SAD pattern
silicon is largely (60-80%) composed of the atoms in the
TiSi 2 layer. Isothermal annealings at three different tem-
peratures (550,600, and 650·C) were made. Figure 5 reports
15 the total amount of the reacted silicon as a function of the
square root of time. The data are well fitted with a linear
dependence with (time) 1 12 which indicates a reaction domi-
nated by a diffusion-controlled process. However, at any
temperature, some scattering of the data is evident.
The square of the slopes of Fig. 5 is reported in Fig. 6 as
an Arrhenius plot, together with the values deduced from
the data in Fig. 3 of Ref. I relative to the Til a-Si system. An
agreement between the slope of the total reacted silicon
amount and the reported data, concerning only the TiSi 2
phase (slope 1.8 eV), is found at 600 and 650°C. On the con-
trary, our datum at 550·C is considerably lower. This last
fact could be due to those contamination effects which raise
FIG. 5. The amount of reacted silicon vs (time) 1/2 for different annealing the reaction threshold temperature and strongly affect the
temperatures. very early stages of the reaction. The agreement at 600 and

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650·C is a good indication that a single process limits the detected. As the silicon is the mobile spL"Cies and a TiSi 2 layer
reaction: Le., the silicon diffusion through the interfacial is formed first, it is difficult to understand why other silicide
TiSi z film, always present between the bulk silicon and the phases, poor in silicon, nucleate and grow on the top of the
top silicides (see Fig. 1). The kinetics obtained by taking into original TiSi 2 phase, which has the lowest energy of forma-
account the overall reacted silicon is therefore meaningful. tion and is always the final product of the Ti/Si reaction.
The growth rate in the present experiment is one order Merely kinetics considerations could account for such a
of magnitude higher than the rate observed by some of us in phenomenon. The TiSi 2 phase is formed first if the kinetics
Ref. 2, where heavily contaminated titanium films were are slow enough, i.e., when the temperature is low. This is
studied. This effect is clearly shown in Fig. 7, reporting the the case of the experiments in Ref. 1 (highest temperature:
comparison of two RBS spectra obtained after annealing at 550°C) and for the first stages of the reacti.on studied here.
600 ·C, 8 min with a "clean" film and at 650 ·C, 60 min with When the temperature is increased to above 550°C, the pref-
an oxygen saturated (33 at. %) Ti film. The clean sample erential formation ofa Ti-rich phase on the top of the TiSi 2 is
displays three times more reacted silicon, in spite of the low- explained by a mechanism with higher activation energy and
er annealing temperature and time; moreover, the effect of a much stronger preexponential factor. However, a TiSi 2 in-
the oxygen contamination on the nature of the growing terfaciallayer is always present and. the observable kinetics is
phase is clearly evident. limited by the silicon diffusion through it. The presence of
this layer at or above 600 ·C, i.e., at a temperature at which
IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS the Ti-rich sil.icide formation should dominate, may be due
The above results confirm the importance of sample to the fact that the sample takes a few minutes before reach-
preparation when studying solid phase Ti/Si reaction as re- ing the treatment temperature and the TiSi 2 formation takes
marked in Ref. 1. A contamination at the interface between place during the rise time. However, our TEM observations
the metal film and the underlying crystal acts as a barrier provide another explanation rdated to a possible slower sili-
against the diffusion of silicon. The heavier the contamina- con diffusion in the interfacial. region.
tion at the interface and in the metal film, the higher the The TEM images on cross sections dearly show a well-
temperature necessary to destroy the barrier; as a conse- defined strained layer in the crystalline silicon below the in-
quence, the agreement among the values of the Si/Ti thresh- terface (Fig. 3) due to the stress induced by the overlaying
old temperature reported in hterature l •3.4 is poor. In the silicide film; stress of the same order is expected to be exerted
present work, the reaction started to be detectable at a tem- on the film by the silicon lattice. An interpretation of the
perature of 550·C which is lower than most of the values very early stages of the reaction is a silicon diffusion through
previousl.y reported and comparable with the value reported the breaks in the interfacial layer, and it is gettered by the
for clean titanium film deposited on particularly clean sili- defects giving rise to TiSi 2 formation, as detected by RBS.
con crystals. I The comparison between the results of Ref. 1 After the trapping defects have been decorated, silicon can
and those of Ref. 2 indicates that the cleanliness of the Ti film diffuse freely and the nucleation of the metal-rich siIicides
is the main condition in order to obtain reproducible results occurs. After silicon reaches the surface, due to the con tin-
for the threshold temperature. ous supply of atoms from the bulk, the TiSi 2 composition is
A common feature of aU our RBS spectra is a clearly reached (see Fig. 1).
observable level corresponding to a TiSi 2 plateau [see Fig. Note that in the experiments performed in Ref. 2 on
I (all when the reaction has just started. Only later, the metal- highly oxygen-contaminated titanium films, as the reaction
rich silicide levels and perhaps a silicon diffusion tail are temperature is quite high (650·C), a fast silicon diffusion
takes place and no TiSi 2 is formed by a Ti-rich silicide phase
grows and is transfonned into TiSi 2 only when nearly aU the
metal film has reacted. Such results are consistent with the
interpretation presented in this paper.
This work underlines that Ti silicide formation implies
I various processes whose relative importance depends
strongly on temperature: kinetic factors dearly predomi-
nate. In such a situation, it could be interesting to perfonn
experiments at high tempratures and a very short annealing
e -TiSi, time. The furnace annealing technique cannot be used! to this
purpose because of the long transient time: after treatments
at 750°C only the final stage is observed, Le., the formation
of a uniform TiSi 2 film with long columnar grains as shown
100 2DI in the TEM cross section of Fig. 5.
C~ II1II10
The columnar structure of TiSi z phase is presumably
FIG. 7. Comparison between RBS spectra from a "clean" sample annealed due to the fact that consecutive l.ocal breaks of the interfacial.
at 6OO'C (heavy line\ [Fig. l(a)] and from an oxygen saturated sample an- oxide layer occur and a rapid growth up to the surface takes
nealed at 650'C for 60 min (light line). The amounts of reacted silicon are
place through them. Also, in this case the transient anneal-
4 X 10 17 and 1.5 X 10 17 at./cm 2 , respectively. The lowering of the Ti signal
from the oxygen saturated sample is due both to the silicide formation and ing experiments could give information about intermediate
to the high oxygen concentration. stages in these processes.
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274 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 57, No.2, 15 January 1985 On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:02:09
Schematically we can conclude that the Ti/Si reaction for the preparation of the cross sectioned specimens, and to
seems to proceed through the following steps: Mr. D. Govoni for his technical assistance. The skillful help
(1) The passivating layer, due to the interface contamin- of Mr. A. Rampazzo in drawing the original figures is also
ation, starts to be locally destroyed at a temperature (thresh- gratefully acknowledged. This work was partially supported
old temperature) depending on the contamination level of by C. N. R. S. (France) under R. C. P. No. 157.
the titanium film. If this thresholld temperature is low
enough, TiSi 2 will be the only silicide formed. At high tem-
peratures TiSi2 is omy first formed at the interface either
during the temperature rise or in relation with silicon getter- IL. S. Hung, J. Gyulai, J. w. Mayer, S. S. Lau, and M. A. Nicolet, J. AppJ.
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above a given temperature (>600 0c) the silicon diffusion is 3G. G. Bentini, M. Servidori, C. Cohen, R. Nipoti, and A. V. Drigo, J.
quicker and Ti-rich silicides are favored. However the sili- Appl. Phys. 53,1525 (1982).
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SR. M. Walser and R. W. Bene, AppJ. Phys. Lett. 28, 624 (1976).
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(3) When silicon reaches the surface, the meta1-rich sUi- 7S. Rigo, C. Cohen, A. L'Hoir, and E. Backelandt, Nucl. Instrum. Methods
cides progressively change to TiSi2 , due to the continuous 149,713 (1978).
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9G. Amsel, J. P. Nadai, C. Ortega, S. Rigo, and J. Siejka, Nucl. Instrum.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Methods 149, 705 (1978).
IOC. A. Wallace and R. C. C. Ward, J. Appl. Crysta1logr. 8, 225 (1975).
The authors are indebted to Dr. Kiistner of the Institut II A. GaruIli, M. Vanzi, M. Giannini, and A. ArmigIiato, Ultramicroscopy
fUr Festkoperphysik und Elektronenmikroskopie of Halle 12,106 (1983-84).
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