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Website: Telephones: UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN STUDENT FEES 2021 University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 7701, RONDEBOSCH All correspondence on fees should be addressed to the Executive Director of Finance. Please quote your student number in all correspondence +27 21 650-4768 General Enquiries +27 21 650-9111 Accounts and Fees +27 21 650-1704 Fee Enquiry Mondays to Fridays 09h00 - 15h30 and Cashiers Thursdays 09h30 - 15h30 Office Hours: Student Self Only available to registered students: Service: This handbook is part of a series that consists of Book 1: Book Book Book. Book 5: Books 6-11: Book 12: Book 13: Book 14: Information for applicants for undergraduate degrees and diplomas Authorities and information of record General rules and policies Academic calendar and meetings Student support and services Handbooks of the Faculties of Commerce, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science Student fees Financial assistance for undergraduate students Financial assistance for postgraduate students CONTENTS 1 Ll 12 TERMS OF PAYMENT. Tuition Fees Residence Fees Method of Paymen Payments Received Outstanding Fees ... ACADEMIC FEES Typical 1* Year Tuition Fees... Notice to Leave: Withdrawal of Registration (UCT & GSB students).. Drop an Individual Cours senna Add an Individual Course Sibling Rebate Bursary Undergraduate Students Wishi Leave of Absence .. to Take Additional Courses OTHER FEES AND LEVIES.. Sports Clubs and Societies. Supplementary or Deferred Examinations Ordinary Examinations without Re-attendance at Course. Credit and/or Exemptior Duplicate Degree and Diploma Certificates. Fee for Academic Records... sess Verification of Academic Record ...... Verification of Past Training in Faculty of Health Sc Fees for Hiring Academic Apparel. Fee for Replacement Student Identity/Access Control Card... Late Registration Fee Late Changes of Curriculum Student Wellness Services Parking Tokens... Incidental Charges... ‘ORMATION FOR SPONSORS. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. Semester Study Abroad (SSA) Programmes Exchange Programmes International Occasional Students... International Students who intend to study for a full UCT qualification. Qualifications offered by the Graduate School of Business... International and refugee scholarships. Residence fees... International Fees Cancellation Policy VISITING POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS AFFILIATED TO UCT STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR RESEACH MASTER'S OR PHI SUBMISSION OF DOCTORAL THESES AND MASTER'S DISSERTATION: 10. 10.1 10.1 102 103 104 105 10.6 1. id 2 13 4 us 116 7 12. 1B. 13.1 13.2 13.3 DOCTORATES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Master of Business Administration (MBA)... Master of Business Administration specialising in Executive Management PGDip: Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice GSB: Master of Commerce in Developmental Finance GSB: Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation GSB: PhD specialising in Business Administration & Management Practice Withdrawal of Acceptance ..nsnsnnnnnsnenninennne UCT ACADEMIC FEES. Typical 1* Year Tuition Fees... Faculty of Commerce Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment . Faculty of Health Science8...noseennmsnsnenn Faculty of Humanities .. Faculty of Law... Faculty of Science UCT ACADEMIC COURSES. RESIDENCES. ‘Terms of Payment. Withdrawal from Student Accommodation after the start of the Academic Year Residence Fees and Occupancy...» A. First Tier (Catering) Accommodation... B. Second Tier (Catering) Accommodation ..... C. Second Tier (Self Catering) Accommodation ... D. Third Tier (Self Catering) Accommodation 131 131 131 133 133 134 135, 136 [The University has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in its handbooks. |However, we reserve the right at any time, if circumstances dictate, to \i) make alterations or changes to any of the published details of the opportunities on offer; or \ii) add to or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer. |Our students are given every assurance that changes to opportunities will only be made under compelling lcircumstances and students will be fully informed as soon as possible. TERMS OF PAYMENT 1 FEES Fees are determined by Council from time to time and are subject to revision without notice, 1. TERMS OF PAYMENT ‘A registered student is personally liable for all tuition and accommodation fees, notwithstanding any pledges of support or bursary that they may have received It should be noted that the contract which forms part of the application form for admission to the University of Cape Town and which to that end was signed by the student and/or their legal guardian, legally binds those parties to pay the full tuition and accommodation fees for a year of registration as determined by the University. This liability is not affected nor reduced through ignorance on the part of the student/guardian regarding the rules and regulations of the University of Cape Town or of the validity of his/her registration in terms of the said rules and regulations, Since a student's fee account is based on hishher academic record and accommodation choices, itis their responsibility to verify the correctness of this information. 1.1 Tuition Fees Students will be charged for all academic courses for which they register. Initial payment is due on or before 12 March 2021 We do not issue detailed statements of account prior to the initial payment date. It is therefore the responsibility of the student to pay the initial payment as set out below by the due date. 1.1.1 Each student must make an initial payment of academic fees, as follows, by 12 March 2021, subject to a one-off late payment fee of 8%. This includes students who intend registering after the payment date, for example postgraduate students. Students registering at the Graduate School of Business see point (b) below for initial payment due dates. Qualification not listed in point (b) the due date is 12 March 2021. For the initial payment of residence fees, refer to 13.1. Balance of all fees is due by 31 July 2021. ALL STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE SOUTH AFRICA, INCLUDING SADC, SHOULD REFER TO FEES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS; POINT (d) OR (e) BELOW AND Section 5, of this handbook. (a) Alllstudents with South African ci or permanent residence for qualifications not listed belOW ......0.:.1::nesnenine R28 500 (b) Students registering at the Graduate School of Business MBA - Full-time local students 2 TERMS OF PAYMENT (J* payment due prior to Ist February 2021)... oe R95 075 MBA - Modular I" year 2021/2022 (1 payment due prior to 1 February 2021)... se ssennneseee R 60-700 MBA - Modular 2"' year (2020/2021) (* payment due prior to 25% January 2021) sce -R 34375 MBA - Full-time international students (Full fees due prior to 1" February 2021)...n.. noe ZAR 514 300 MBA ~ Modular intemational students- 1"' Year 2021/2022 (Full fees due prior to I* February 2021)... so ZAR 328 400 MBA ~ Modular intemational students- 2nd Year (2020/2021) (Full fees due prior to 25" January 2021). coe ZAR 185 900 MBA — Executive 1” year 2021/2022 (J* payment due prior to 19" February 2021)... R70 465 MBA — Executive 2" year (2020/2021) (1* payment due prior to 18" January 2021) scene R63 430 MBA — Executive 1" year Full-time international students (Full fees due prior to 19" February 2021) wnsesenon soe ZAR 400 300 MBA — Executive 2™ year Full-time intemational students (2020/2021) (Full fees due prior to 18" January 2021) oo. -ZAR 360 300 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 1* year (2021/2022) (1" payment due prior to 25" February 2021)... sve R48 020 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 2" year (2020/2021) (J* payment due prior to 26" January 2021)... -R 14285 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 1* year (2021/2022) International students (Full fees due prior to 25" February 2021) .. ZAR 205 400 Master of Commerce in Development Finance 2" year (2020/2021) International students (Full fees due prior to 26% January 2021)... ZAR 59 560 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation 1* year (1" payment due prior to 5® February 2021) secs Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation 1" year International students (Full fees due prior to 5 February 2021)... ZAR 203 400 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation 2 year (2020/2021) (1" payment due prior to 25" January 2021) R11 180 Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation 2™ year (2020/2021) International students (Full fees due prior to 25" January 2021) ...ZAR 19 680 CEMS Master of Management Specialising in International Management J" payment due prior to 23" August 2021) R40 420 CEMS Master of Management Specialising in International Management International students (Full fees due prior to 23" August 2021)... ZAR 173 235 (January 2021 intake) Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (J* payment due prior to 8® January 2021).... Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice intemational students (Full fees due prior to 8 January 2021)... -ZAR 134100 (Mid-Year 2020-2021 intake) Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (J* payment due prior to 18" January 2021)... (Mid-Year 2021-2022 intake) Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice (* payment due prior to 25" May 2021)...useesu (January 2021 intake) Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance R47 185 R31 465 -R 28.090 R21 630 1.1.3 TERMS OF PAYMENT 3 (1* payment due prior to 1* April 2021)... RAL 650 Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance intemational students (Full fees due prior to 1" April 2021)... ZAR 150.000 Note: The amounts reflected above are the totals that must be paid and are inclusive of the acceptance fee paid (applicable to first year GSB students only) to secure your place. (c) Full fee if total annual fee is less than R 28 500 (d)__ Students from SADC countries and non-South African students who do not have permanent residence but pay local fees, must pay the minimum initial fee for academic and residence PLUS the SADC Administrative fee of R4,200 prior to registration or by 12 March 2021, whichever date occurs first. . 32700 Allow at least 14 working days for payment to appear in UCT bank account to avoid delays in registration clearance being granted, (©) Each international student must make a minimum initial payment towards tuition fees, intemational term fees and residence fees (where applicable), prior to registration or before 12 March 2021, whichever date is earlier. If payment is not received on or before the due date a one-off late payment penalty of 8% of the ‘unpaid amount will be charged. Allow a minimum of 14 working days for the payment to reflect in UCT’s bank account. Payment due prior registration: AIL UCT full-time international fee-paying students for qualifications not listed below (payable prior to registration) .. R100 000 Master's (Coursework and dissertation) full-time international fee paying students (payment due prior to registration) ... -ZAR66 500 ‘The above is not the full tuition cost. Final payment of outstanding fees is due 31 July 2021 Master's (Dissertation only) full-time international fee-paying students (payment due prior to registration) full fees PLUS R 4,200 PhD full-time international fee-paying students (payable prior to registration) .. full fees PLUS R 4,200 Allow at least 14 working days for payment to appear in UCT bank account to avoid delays in registration clearance being granted ‘The University of Cape Town does not accept responsibility for incorrect addresses, blocked e-mails or postal service deficiencies resulting in statements of account not being received. It is the responsibility of the student to make enquiries should he/she not receive a statement of account. The fact that no statement of account has been received will not be accepted as a reason for failure to pay the university fees by due date. Where a student has applied to the bank for a student loan, the initial payment deadline will, be extended until 30 April 2021, provided that the Fees Office receives a confirmation letter of an approved loan from the bank. No further extensions will be granted. Bursaries and Sponsorship Any student who has been made a firm offer of an external bursary or scholarship must provide the Fees Office with written evidence from his/her sponsors and may deduct one half of the annual award from the initial payment of fees due. Awards which have not been confirmed by the due date for payment of fees may not be used to reduce the initial payment due. Such awards when confirmed will be credited towards fees due by 31 July 2021 Students who are uncertain on receiving a bursary, which subsequently does not 4 TERMS OF PAYMENT LL 1.1.6 LL7 LL8 119 1.1.10 LLL 112 1113 114 1.2 ‘materialize, will not have an adjustment made to the 8% penalty fee raised on short payment of the initial fees or to interest charged. Final payment must be made by 31 July 2021 Payment of the balance of fees is due on 31 July 2021. We send out detailed statements of account every month from March onwards. Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month. Where a student registers for the first time in the second semester of an academic year, the full fees (including residence, if applicable) are payable on registration or prior to registration for Intemational Students including those from SADC countries. If fees are unpaid and student registration has been allowed due to residency, the fees are due immediately and interest is payable. Where a student adds one or more courses at the start of the second semester of an academic year, the fees in respect thereof are due immediately and payable within 30 days of registration including summer term. Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month. For fee purposes the same rules and conditions apply to a student who is provisionally registered at the University of Cape Town as for a registered student. All fees due to the University are a first charge on any scholarship, bursary or loan granted by the University or paid to the University from other sources for the benefit of the student. If the total of bursaries/scholarships exceeds fees due, the balance may be drawn by the student in two equal instalments after 12 March and 31 July if the University has received payment of the bursary and the refund is agreed to by the sponsor. ‘A student to whom an advance is to be made, or to whom residual funds are to be disbursed, is required to capture his/her banking details on the PeopleSoft Student System via the ‘Student Portal URL: Payments are made by electronic funds transfer and cannot be processed unless bank details have been entered. Students need to keep these current to avoid delays and payments being processed to incorrect bank accounts. Payments made by online credit card will be refunded back to the same credit card if request is done within the allowable period. A student who has a credit balance on his/her fee account because of an external payment, will not be refunded until at least 14 days have elapsed from the credit of the payment to his/her fee account. Student identity cards must be produced at the Fees Office when withdrawals or refunds from fees accounts are requested. Students will be requested to provide supporting documentation where required. Any case which may not be provided for in these rules will be subject to the ruling of the Council. Residence Fees ‘Students who will be entering UCT student accommodation should refer to Section 13 of this handbook. 1.4 TERMS OF PAYMEN’ Method of Payment ‘When making payment the alpha/numeric student number must be used as the reference to ensure prompt credit of payment to the student fees account. Direct Deposits/Internet Transfers/Cash Payments can be made into the University's bank account at Standard Bank, Rondebosch; Branch Code 025009, Account Number 27 068 9982. The student number must be used as the reference. Credit card payments can be made at the Cashiers Office by the card-hold directly to the student fee account via the UCT website URL: hftp:/ Debit card payments can be made but only at the Cashiers Office by the card holder as the card holder must enter his/her PIN when authorising the transaction. Payment will be limited to the card holders’ daily limit, Prior to making payment by credit or debit card at the UCT, Kramer Law Building, Main cashiers Office, please obtain bank authorisation and code to expedite the payment process. No cash payments will be accepted at the Cashiers Office. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to the “University of Cape Town” and the student name and number written on the back of the cheque. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted and will be returned to the drawer. Foreign cheques will not be accepted. A R150 administration fee will be charged on all unpaid cheques. ‘Where payment is being made for students from outside the South African rand currency area, payment must be made by telegraphic transfer into the University’s bank account at Standard Bank, Rondebosch; Branch Code 025009, Account Number 27 068 9982, Swift address SBZA ZAJJ. Students paying International fees should consult the International Office (see Section 5). Students should allow at least 14 working days for such foreign payments to reach the UCT bank account. Clearance will only be given when payment has been received. ‘A copy of the deposit slip/transfer form should be e-mailed to the Fees Office, University of Cape Town, fnd-feeeng to assist with the timeous allocation of payments to the appropriate fees account. Payments Received All payments received will be applied in the first instance to any amount outstanding from the prior year debt. Thereafter payments made will be applied against current year debt in the following order: Tuition charges, Residence and meal charges, 6 TERMS OF PAYMENT 15 15.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 Extemal Bursars Allowances, Finance administration and miscellaneous charges. Outstanding Fees Students with outstanding balances on their fees account: (a) will not be permitted to graduate; (b) will not receive their examination results; (©) will not receive an academic transcript; (d)__ will not be permitted to re-register in the following year; (e) will not be permitted to register for Summer Term programmes which statt in the next academic year; (©) will have any offer of a place in residence cancelled on Friday 22 January 2021 if outstanding fees are not paid by Friday, 15 January 2021; (g) will not have any subsequent application processed until debt has been settled in full. Students who have outstanding fees, fines, interest, current registration of occasional non- degree studies or dues will not be awarded degrees or diplomas in: Gi) July, if any amount is unpaid by 31 May 2021 (iii) December, if any amount is unpaid by 31 October 2021 We charge interest monthly on outstanding balances at 1%. Where the final fee payment date is 31 July, interest is charged on outstanding balances at 1% per month from 31 July and at the end of each succeeding month, A student whose fees are not paid by the due date, and who has not produced evidence of receipt of a bursary/scholarship/loan, may be excluded from attendance at classes or from a residence or a student housing unit. Where a student has prior year outstanding fees, payments received will be allocated to clear unpaid interest first, followed by the oldest debt. ‘A student must check his/her fee account on a regular basis. This is especially important prior to the year-end. Various charges may be debited to fee accounts if the student has not settled these in cash, and these include library fines, traffic fines, student health charges and residence damage costs. Such charges will often appear on fee accounts late in the year. Students can access their fee account from the UCT website via the Student Portal URL:, ACADEMIC FEES 7 2 2.1 ACADEMIC FEES All students from outside South Africa, including students from SADC countries, should also refer to fees for international students in Section 5 of this handbook. ‘The University of Cape Town operates on a course-based fee structure inclusive of all “add- ons”. Thus, the dictum that ‘the price you see is the price you pay’ applies to all academic offerings across the University. Please note that residence, catering and miscellaneous fees such as subscriptions to clubs and societies are itemised and charged separately on the student fee account. ‘The University’s all-inclusive course-based fee structures published in Section 12 of this booklet, together with the relevant Faculty handbook, will enable students to accurately calculate the cost of their academic studies at UCT in 2021. ‘The Faculty handbook will indicate the courses that can be taken in pursuing a qualification. and the relevant course code. Use this code to look up the all-inclusive cost of the course in this booklet. The sum of these costs will give you the total cost for the set of chosen courses as there are no levies or additional academic charges. Faculty handbooks containing the curriculum for each qualification can be obtained from. the relevant faculty office and this information is also available on the UCT web site: ww, Since a student's fees account is based on his/her academic load, it is the student's responsibility to verify the correctness of his/her enrolment for courses in the current year. To assist first time applicants, the table below lists fees for typical first-year undergraduate degrees for South African applicants. It will give you an idea of what the fees are likely to be. They may vary a bit depending on actual choice of courses International students must add the relevant Administrative Service Fee / International Term fee to the cost of the typical fee. COMMERCE BCom. ..R 66 280 to R 84.760 BCom specialising in Actuarial ScieMce ...c.0.uuR 85 250 BCom Academic Development......un.--R 49 080 to R 60 140 BBusSc... R 67 800 to R85 250 BBusSe specialising in Actuarial Science v.00. 85 250 BBusSc Academic Development .........R 50 550 to R59 890 ENGINEERING & Bachelor of Architectural Studies «0.0.0 R71 440 BUILT BSc (Engineering) “R68 100 to R78 840 ENVIRONMENT BSc (Geomatics). eR 67 280 BSc (Construction Studies)... ssennneeenR 68 240 BSc (Property Studies)......00mmnnnemanennnnene 80 230 HEALTH SCIENCES MBCBB.. nnnnesnnnnnnnesnnnnnsnnnnseR 89370 MBCAB - I" year Intervention CurriculUm......0.00R 83 170 BSc (Audiology)... ssnnnnsnennnneeesnnneR T3 920 BSc (Occupational Therapy) .n.voveuesnnenesesnanneR 67 390 8 ACADEMIC FEES 2.2 BSc (Physiotherapy) R66 100 BSc (Speech & Lang Pathology R76 280 HUMANITIES BA and BSocSc.... . R62 240 BA (Fine Art)... R69 410 BA (Theatre & Performance)... on R87 330 Bachelor of Social Sciences in PPE.. R73 620 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)... R46 680 BA specialising in Music Education -R 61 970-R65 970 BMus .. -R 58 970-R61 790 BA specialising in Film and Media Production... R62 240 LAW Undergraduate = LLB on R63 300 Graduate LLB. R62 840 SCIENCE BSc . senna oo R68 000 BSc— 1" year Extended Degree Programme. R34. 000 Notice to Leave: Withdrawal of Registration A registered student (or legal guardian) is personally liable for all tuition fees notwithstanding any pledges of support or bursary that they may have received. Students or their legal guardians must give notice of intention to discontinue studies in writing by completing the Cancellation of Registration Form and submitting this together with their student card to their Faculty Office in person or by registered mail. A R500 Administration Fee will be charged on all cancellations / withdrawal: International students, including those from SADC countries, refer to Section 5.8.3 A reduction on the academic fees may be considered in special circumstances, depending, on when the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received by the Faculty Office. If notice is received before: (a) Whole Year Courses starting in March: 19 March 2021 . 100% adjustment 06 August 2021. 50% adjustment (b) First Semester Courses starting in February 19 March 2021... 02 April 2021 (©) Second Semester Courses starting in July: 06 August 2021 20 August 2021 .. 100% adjustment 50% adjustment 100% adjustment 50% adjustment (4) Full year programme starting in second semester 06 August 2021 . 18 February 2022. 100% adjustment 50% adjustment No reduction will be granted if the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received after the above deadlines. Note: These dates will be strictly adhered to. Any fees owing is due immediately on cancellation of studies. ACADEMIC FEES 2.2.1 GSB students 2.3 Rebates for tuition fees (acceptance and administration fees are not rebated) may be granted depending on when the written notice of intention to discontinue studies is, received by the GSB Faculty Office. The unique nature of GSB programmes/courses precludes the organisation from replacing students once a programme/courses has commenced. Consequently, and with due consideration of Section 17(2) of the Consumer Protection Act, the following reduction in the academic fees may be considered in special circumstances, depending on when the notice of intention to discontinue studies is received by the Faculty Office: Last date to drop a qualification/course Programme / | Last date | Get 75% fee | Get 50% fee | Cancel Qualification’ | to add a | adjustment | adjustment | transcript course course entry GSB Full Time | Friday of | Friday of the | Friday of Monday after the first first week of | week three | which two week of starting, of starting, | thirds of the starting, course has been presented/run. GSB Modular | Friday of | Friday ofthe | Friday of Monday after the first first week of | week three | which two week of starting, of starting, | thirds of the starting, course has been presented/run. Programmes/courses commence on the day a student is required to be at orientation. No reduction will be granted if the notice to withdraw is received after the above deadlines. No withdrawal is possible after the ‘cancel transcript’ entry date. Note: These dates will be strictly adhered to. Any fees owing is due immediately on cancellation of studies. Drop an Individual Course ‘When students withdraw from individual courses of a minimum duration of one semester, any fee reduction is dependent upon the date of withdrawal. If the course duration is less than one semester, there is no fee reduction if a student withdraws from the course after it begins. Last date to drop a course Course Last date to | Get 100% fee | Get 50% fee | Cancel adda course | adjustment | adjustment | transcript entry Whole year | 19 March 19 March 06 August 13 August courses First term | 19 March, 19 March 02 Apiil 23 April courses Second term | 06 August 06 August 20 August 10 September courses 9 10 ACADEMIC FEES ‘Other Friday of the | Friday ofthe] Friday of Monday after courses: first week of | first week of | week three of | which two the course. | the course. the course. thirds of the (Day 5) (Day 5) (Day 15) course has been presented/run. Block T week or Not Release less: Before | applicable 12 noon of day | 2 Weeks: Before 12 noon of day 2 3 weeks: Before 12 noon of day 3 Longer than 3 weeks: Friday of the week the course begins. (Day 5) ‘Summer Friday of the | Not Monday after Term week the applicable which two course begins. thirds of the (Day 5) course has been’ presented/run. Winter Term Friday of the | Not Monday after week the applicable which two course begins, thirds of the (Day 5) course has been presented/run. No reduction will be granted if the notice to withdraw is received after the above deadlines. After the last date to withdraw from a course but before the tenth last teaching day of a semester or year course, a student may notify the faculty office that he or she does not intend to complete the course. In this case the course remains on the record with a result of INC. During the last ten days of a semester ot year course such notifications will no longer be accepted and a result of DPR or AB will be awarded by the department. No withdrawal is possible after the ‘cancel transcript’ entry date. 2.4 2.5 2.6 ACADEMIC FEES 11 Add an Individual Course The following minimum penalties may be charged per course which is added: After the first Friday of the commencement of the course: Semester Course. R1500 ‘Year Course... R 3.000 After the course examination has been written: Semester Course, R2000 ‘Year Course. R400 Sibling Rebate Bursary Undergraduate Full-time Students with South African Citizenship or Permanent Residence An undergraduate full-time student — * who is a South African citizen or has South African permanent residence; * who has siblings at UCT also studying towards a full-time undergraduate degree; + whose total family income is below R750,000; ‘+ where the student or siblings are not in receipt of financial assistance, sponsorship or the UCT Staff Tuition rate; will on successful application to the Manager, Student Financial Aid Office, receive a bursary equivalent to 20% of their sibling’ tuition fees, This concession does not apply to the tuition fees of the first child and funding received will be limited to the costs of all courses registered for at the start of the academic year. Funding will be adjusted should a sibling cancel a course/s or receive altemate funding. Families with more than 2 siblings in full-time undergraduate study at UCT and whose income exceeds the stated cut-off may apply for special consideration. This funding is not automatically renewed and must be applied for every year. Application forms are available on the UCT Student Financial Aid website at b Application Closing Date is 31 May in the year of study. No late applications will be considered. Undergraduate Students Wishing to Take Additional Courses A student — * other than a student who is catching up on his/her studies; * who is permitted in any given year by Senate to take one or more courses in addition to the full standard curriculum: * onthe grounds of a good academic record. Ordinarily this is taken to be students on the Dean's merit ist, * inorder to enrich and enhance his/her curriculum. may, on successful application to the Senate Committee responsible, have the course fee waived for such additional course(s) 12 ACADEMIC FEES 27 Where courses chosen are priced differently, the student will effectively be charged and pay for the most expensive set of courses making up a full standard curriculum. In such cases, the price for all courses taken will be raised on the fees statement, and a credit, will be given to reduce the overall cost in line with the above paragraph. Leave of Absence A student who is granted a prospective academic concession for Leave of Absence will be entitled to a fee rebate depending on the date and period for which the Leave of Absence is granted, Refer Rule G.16. If Leave of Absence is granted before the following date for the remainder of the academic year: (a) Whole Year Courses starting in March. 19 March 2021 30 April 2021 06 August 2021 17 September 2021 .. .. 100% adjustment 75% adjustment 50% adjustment 25% adjustment (b) First Semester Courses starting in March 19 March 2021 02 April 2021 100% adjustment 50% adjustment (©) Second Semester Courses starting in August 06 August 2021 20 August 2021 100% adjustment 50% adjustment (©) Block Course refer to section 2.3 ‘These dates will be strictly adhered to. No further concessions will be granted if Leave of Absence is granted after the above deadlines. Students are required to pay the minimum prescribed academic fees prior to graduation, OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 13 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 OTHER FEES AND LEVIES Sports Clubs and Societies Additional fees for registered students are payable in respect of the following: Subscriptions to Clubs and Societies couse Variable up to R 2 400 Membership lapses at the end of each academic year and students have to re-register each year should they wish to continue their membership. There is no refund if a student cancels his/her membership during the year. Financial aid and some bursaries do not pay for clubs and societies; therefore, students should reconsider joining or visit Department of Student Affairs office for assistance. Supplementary or Deferred Examinations Any Subject? ..cnssnmnmunnunnnnntinnnnnnsnninnnnnnsnnnnni ..No Charge (Students granted permission in terms of rule G20.10 to write off-campus are liable for the cost incurred in making off-campus provision.) Ordinary Examinations without Re- attendance at Course Education courses (per unit) and courses where the fee is less than R 600... R 300 Any other subject: including students writing it for purpose of entrance examinations .. . ..R 600 Certain MBChB cours R100 Credit and/or Exemption The fee for exemption from a course, and/or credit for a course completed at another university, is R100 per course or per half course with a maximum fee of R500. Duplicate Degree and Diploma Certificates Degree centficates are handed to graduates presented for their degrees at the graduation ceremony or posted as soon as possible thereafter to graduates admitted to their degrees in absentia, Diploma centificates are issued to successful candidates in the same way. ‘The reposting of a certificate returned to the Records office by the Post Office will incur a fee of R100. A duplicate certificate of any UCT qualification will be issued at a fee of R 800 where satisfactory evidence of destruction or irretrievable loss of the original is submitted. An affidavit to the effect that irretrievable loss has occurred, signed and attested to before a Commissioner of Oaths, must accompany this application. 14 OTHER FEES AND LEVIES 3.6 3.7 3.8 Fee for Academic Records Academic transcripts are handed to graduates presented for their degrees at the graduation ceremony or posted as soon as possible thereafter to graduates admitted to their degrees in absentia. Any student who qualifies for a degree or diploma will be e-mailed one original electronic academic transcript (without charge) within one month of the Graduation Ceremony Academic transcripts other than these may be obtained on application to the Registrar and. on payment of the relevant fees as per the schedule below: (a) ONE hard copy (for collection or local post) or an electronic copy e-mailed up to three different addresses. (b) Subsequent copies (per hard copy (for collection or local post) or per three e-mail addresses..... A (©) Local registered mail over and above hard copy fee . (d) _ International posting over and above hard copy fee and per address .R50 (c) International registered mail over and above hard copy fee and per address ... R75 wo Reposting of a transcript returned to the Records Office by the Post Office. R20 And the following for the transcript supplement: (a) Electronic Supplement over and above transcript fee R50 (b) _ hard copy supplement over and above transcript fee R100 Verification of Academic Record (a) Basic verification of qualification and of graduation date, to be mailed/faxed to an address within Southern Africa.. ....No charge (b) Basic verification of qualification and of graduation date, to be mailed/faxed to an address outside Southern Africa. R100 (c) Completion of basic documentation, to be mailed/faxed to an address within Southern Africa... R150 (d) Completion of basic documentation, to tobe ‘mailed/faxed to an address outside Southern Africa R200 (©) Completion of complex documentation to be mailed ot faxed... R400 Where academic transcripts are requested along with verification documentation, the charges in 3.6 apply ication of Past Training in Faculty of Health nces The verification of the undergraduate training of UCT graduates is done by the Faculty Office of Health Sciences. The verification of postgraduate medical training is done by individual departments but coordinated by the Faculty Office. Foreign professional boards have different requirements for the registration of South African health sciences graduates in those countries. Verification fees at the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences depend on the complexity of the documentation to be completed, availability of information and the required form of transmission (e.g. by registered airmail or by courier, within or outside Southern Africa).

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