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06/09/08 - 21:06 Unit 1 Report Layout page 1 of 3

Presenting Information


1.0 Terms of Reference

Here you will name the organisations that you have chosen and the types of documents e.g letters
and websites. You will also state that you will be comparing the types of documents across the 3
organisations, identifying common elements etc.. (the headings throughout the document kind of
give it away!)

2.0 Procedures

2.1 Gathering of documents

When I was issued with the assignment I had to contact a small organisation that I could
create electronic communications for, this helped me decide on the types of different
documents that I could collect and also the type of organisation that I should investigate. State
how you gathered the documents e.g., people/organisations who you could ask for documents

2.2 Selection of Documents

When I began looking at documents, I decided that the two most

popular types of documents would be letters and Websites (or invoices,
perhaps). How did you select which documents to use?

3.0 Findings

3.1-------------- Websites

3.1.1 Purpose and layout of the documents (you need a good detailed section
on each of the organisations, it needs to be detailed to gain A-C grade
For example if the website has a formal look to it, then does the writing
also portray this…Layout - margins/headers and footers/page
orientation/papersize/pagination/gutters etc.’

What is the purpose of the ? website?

Describe in detail the layout of the ? website
What is the purpose of the ? website?
Describe in detail the layout of the ? website
What is the purpose of the ? website?
Describe in detail the layout of the ? website

3.1.2 Identify what common elements are present

In comparison with all the other documents I found out that:

All three Websites have a logo

All three Websites have a top horizontal navigation bar…………………….
All three Websites have …………………….
All three Websites have …………………….

3.1.3 Good points about writing style

06/09/08 - 21:06 Unit 1 Report Layout page 2 of 3

What are they in this particular document (website 1)?

What are they in this particular document (website 2)?
What are they in this particular document (website 3)?

3.1.4 Good points about presentation style

Same as above but base your findings on presentation style

3.1.5 Bad points about writing style

Again what are they in this particular document?

3.1.5 Bad points about presentational style

Again what are they in this particular document?

3.1.6 Comments on the suitability of the layout of the document for its purpose

How does the layout of the document suit its purpose? (Do this for each site. For example if the
communication is formal (such as a business letter) then is the layout suitable does it include features
that make the letter look as though it is a formal document.

3.1.7 Comments on the organisations use of House Style

An understanding of the below will help you with this:

• commonly-accepted standards for the layout of formal documents;
• essential information that appears on formal documents;
• methods of presenting a corporate image;
• how templates might be used to enforce corporate standards.

3.2……………………………... Letters

3.2.1 Purpose and layout of the documents (you need a good detailed section
on each of the organisations, it needs to be detailed to gain A-C grade
For example if the letter has a formal look to it, then does the writing
also portray this…Layout - margins/headers and footers/page
orientation/papersize/pagination/gutters etc.’

What is the purpose of the ? letter?

Describe in detail the layout of the ? letter
What is the purpose of the ? letter?
Describe in detail the layout of the ? letter
What is the purpose of the ? letter?
Describe in detail the layout of the ? letter

3.2.2 Identify what common elements are present

In comparison with all the other documents I found out that:

All three Letters have a logo

All three Letters have a top horizontal navigation bar…………………….
All three Letters have …………………….
All three Letters have …………………….
06/09/08 - 21:06 Unit 1 Report Layout page 3 of 3

3.2.3 Good points about writing style

What are they in this particular document (letter 1)?

What are they in this particular document (letter 2)?
What are they in this particular document (letter 3)?

3.2.4 Good points about presentation style

Same as above but base your findings on presentation style

3.2.5 Bad points about writing style

Again what are they in this particular document?

3.1.5 Bad points about presentational style

Again what are they in this particular document?

3.2.6 Comments on the suitability of the layout of the document for its purpose

How does the layout of the document suit its purpose? (Do this for each site. For example if the
communication is formal (such as a business letter) then is the layout suitable does it include features
that make the letter look as though it is a formal document.

3.2.7 Comments on the organisations use of House Style

An understanding of the below will help you with this:

• commonly-accepted standards for the layout of formal documents;
• essential information that appears on formal documents;
• methods of presenting a corporate image;
• how templates might be used to enforce corporate standards.

4.0 Conclusions

It is my opinion that all the presentation styles used on the documents

collected are effective (if you think they are!)

Write about six sentences concluding your review of each of the six
documents and why you think the most effective documents are just that!

5.0 Recommendations

5.1 ………………………… Websites

Give your recommendations for improvement on each letter

5.2 ………………………… Letters

Again, give your recommendations for improvement on each letter

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