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Attitude is Everything: Jeff Keller

“Change your attitude and change your life”

Jeff Keller is the founder and President of Attitude is everything for more than 20 years. He
delivered presentation on attitude and motivation. Jeff Keller has written a number of
motivational books, one of the most popular with motivational tone is “Attitude is
Everything”. The book aims to improve the personality of the reader built self-confidence
and get power to deal with all adversities. It is a short book of 128 pages consisting 12
lessons and an introduction and conclusion.
The book is divided into three parts and each part contains a series of lessons. Part 1 (Lesson
1 to 5) – “Success Begins in the Mind” focuses on the attitude and belief to shape our
destiny. It emphasizes that success initially depends on the way we think.
Part 2 (Lesson 6 to 8) – “Watch your words” concentrate on what one says. It shows that our
attitude is reflected by our words and how a positive words can help to propel towards our
Part 3 (Lesson 9 to 12) – “Heaven helps those who Act” focuses on action, until and unless
we act success cannot be achieved. Only right actions can turn our dreams into reality. So,
positive thinking, correct words and right act will support us to achieve success.
The language of the book is simple and easy to read. Every lesson has an inspirations to give.
Jeff has very smartly uses quotes from the famous leaders to connect the story and convey
his message. The book shows how the author Jeff Keller used the principles discussed in 12
different chapter to make a career transitions from lawyer to motivational speaker. Through
his story and speeches, shows readers how they too, can make positive changes in every
area of their lives. It was a real fun and excitement reading the book. It’s a timeless classic in
the self-help field.
Lesson 1 begins with a famous quote of George Bernard Shaw “Better keep yourself clean
and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world”.
He defines attitude, positive and negative and then shares a story of Sara and Sam who had
different experience in the coffee shop. Through this lesson he conveys that our thoughts
dominate and drive our circumstances, our attitude towards life and people in our window
to our world. When we learn to keep window clear the light comes pouring in and we can
have satisfying relationships, increase spiritual awareness and reach our full potential.
Lesson 2 “You’re a Magnet” inspires us by saying that a positive belief system is the starting
point for achievement of any goal. When we belief that we can achieve the goal, we begin
taking actions necessary to move in that direction.
Lesson 3 “Picture your way to success”. In the lesson author emphasis to develop images
that involve as many senses as we can. The more sights, sounds, smells tastes and touches
we put in our picture the more powerful the “Pull” for us to make our vision a reality.
Lesson 4 “Make a commitment … and you’ll move mountains” says that commitment is the
essence of the ultimate secret to get anything or everything.
“Turn your problems into opportunities” is the 5 th Lesson. He says that adversities serve us
in the following ways
1. Adversities gives us perspective
2. Adversities teaches us to be grateful
3. Adversities brings out our hidden potential
4. Adversities encourages us to make changes and take action
5. Adversities teaches us valuable lesson
6. Adversities opens a new door
7. Adversities builds confidence and self-esteem.
He advises that problems should not cloud our attitude window, move forward and
maintain an optimistic attitude.
Part 2 of the book begins with Lesson 6 “Your words Blaze a Trail” begins with words of
Anthony Robbins “The words you consistently select will shape your destiny”. So, he advised
us to speak in a way that will move us toward what we want in life.
“How are you?” is the title of chapter 7 begins with a quotation “Your day goes the way the
corners of your mouth turn”. In this chapter the author suggests us to ask ourselves “How
are you?” 10 to 50 times a day. The few words answer would show our attitude and help us
to literally shape our attitude.
Lesson 8 “Stop Complaining” deals with story of Eddle Rickenbacker; who drifted in a life raft
for 21 days, hopelessly lost in the Pacific. The author advised the reader not to complain
very much; think about the positive side of the things and job will be around you.
Part 3 of the book begins with the chapter 9 “Associate with positive people”. The gist of the
lesson is to surround ourselves with positive, nourishing people – they will lift you up the
ladder of success.
Lesson 10 “Confront your Fears and Grow” help us to analyse our fears.
Lesson 11 “Get out there and fail” begins with words of Henry Ford “Failure is only the
opportunity to more intelligently begin again”. He suggest that failures are the learning
experiences. We should never try to hide from our failures. Life is a series of wins and
losses, even for the most successful. The winners in life know that you crawl before you
walk and you walk before you run. With each new goal comes a new set of failures. We
should learn from every defeat and stay focused on the end result that we wish to attain,
failures will eventually lead us to success.
Finally lesson 12 “Networking that gets results” discusses benefits of networking,
communication, attitude and action. He advises us to improve our network then we will
have an army of troops working to help us succeed.
The book definitely has a positive impact on the readers. It helps in improvement of attitude
and skill in the readers. A person with negative attitude will definitely develop and maintain
a positive attitude in life by reading this book. It helps the reader to achieve great
breakthrough in life. If the reader has positive attitude the principles laid in the book helps
to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment. The book has the power to
transform the readers’ life. To end, I would like to say that it is a fantastic book with a very
similar message as given by Joseph Murphy “The power of subconscious mind”.

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