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Name :Shedebir Meseret Belachew from Hawassa

Individual assignment part one

Healthy 15 years goals

1. Nutritional goal

 I drinking water more water every day .I just one day should 6 glasses of water
 I try to eat balanced diet for breakfast to start each day except fasting.
2. Physical activity goal
 I running each days of morning time at 12:oo AM
 Walk 30 Minutes a Day, 5 Days a Week .I can achieve this goal by brisk walking for 30
minutes a day on Mondays – Fridays. I may further break it down to 15 minutes each for
morning and evening.
 I playing volleyball sometimes weekend time at 11:00 pm
 I exercising rope jump, setup, stretching, and breathing exercise each days of morning
activity at 2:30 AM

3. Metal and emotional Health goals

 Creating and following a set morning routine is great for I headspace and metal health
make it a goal.
 Identifying emotional reaction
 Make small goals to organize various part of your work or home area over a set
period of time.
 I will have plenty to reflect on, and I will likely want to keep going.

Social 15 years goals

 I am agreeing that communication always comes first. Set my goals to make

communication a lifelong priority in our marriage.
 I am a Promise to always be there for one husband. Being married is amazing but having
a spouse that i know will stand by my side no matter what is truly a gift. Through thick or
thin, in sickness and in health, I and my spouse made a lifelong promise that our both
need to honor.
 Our Creating goals early on in our marriage that will drive me to have a financially
secure future is not only smart, but practical as well.
 I wish grow in our faith together to find purpose in my marriage.
 After 4 years i will have to give birth children.
 I will grow in faith together to find purpose in our marriage.
 I will a Plan for Fun Together. Life is already serious and stressful. My days are spent
working, caring for children, running errands, dealing with problems, and worrying about
future problems.
 Have a Yearly Review if i and my spouse take the time to set relationship goals and work
toward achieving them, then it’s important to measure the success of my efforts.
 I will can do Set of weekly meetings to discuss my husband progress and how our goals
what are impacting my intimacy and connection.
 Service and Social Responsibility. I have a duty and responsibility to do good works with
our blessings.

Professional/economy 15 years of goals

 Improve my Listening Skills

 Improve Presentation / Public Speaking Skills. My Set of a personal goal to attend three
networking months quarterly to connect with old colleagues and meet new people.
 Improve my Time Management Skills. Be more focused on achieving daily tasks.
 I Learn One New Thing Every Week.
 I Learn a Foreign Language for a year of September 2021
 Save up for my retirement.
 I will be starting a business.
 I gain experience in a leadership role.
 Improve my work performance.
 Increase my earnings I can do this by getting promoted or getting a raise.
 I will be Become a founder of a non-profit organization.
 Self-mastery is all about deepening my awareness of your skills, strengths, and
 To be managing editor of the magazine that I work for.
 I learning MSC next two years 2022-2023.
 Express my Professional Goals Positively
 Build my Network with Passion and Purpose.
 Write down tasks my need to get done during the week.
 Identify my Strengths and Weaknesses and Get Strategic.
 Take Advantage of Awesome Resources at my Disposal.
 Learn how to do the boring, rote tasks with joy because I am doing them to achieve


 I will do spread Kindness.

 I will be Practice Gratitude. Having gratitude helps us recognize value, dignity, and
worthiness in everything, so i may actually consider it to be a remedy for many forms of
 I learning join a Bible Study.
 I have being Clear on my Beliefs.
 I will be Promote Peace each time.
 I Observe the Interconnectedness of All Things.
 Do you have email gmail? Yes
 Do you have LinkedIn account? Yes
 Do you have ethiojob account? Yes
 Do you have youtube ? No, but I intend to open it.
 Did you think about starting your own website? Yes
 What is your major gain from social media?
 I have proactive in listening to and responding to online community.
 I encourage tagging.
 Participate in relevant trending topics and current events.
 Share relevant information to others
 I communicate important idea to somebody.
 I let others know what I know.
 I do the work that works and send it.
 I would like to comment on any issues that need to be addressed.
 Did you ever share message on social media? Yes


SWOT analysis


 My strength including my ability to apply myself to given task. This means I will always
achieve my goals. I am also a good planner and organizer and I know what I need to do
to get where I want to be.
 I am supportive of other peoples and I am a positive and enthusiastic person it.
 I am a very positive and happy person who has the mindset that you only get out if life
what you are prepare to put in.
 I work hard, preserver, and I am prepared to listen and learn.
 Initiation of entrepreneurial and enterprise training.
 Increased intake capacity.
 I am good attention to improve quality of education
 I am highly committed and motivated academic staff
 I am good relationship among academic staff

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