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Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur

Department of Electrical Engineering

Subject: Energy Management

Chapter: 1
Energy Management
Energy management is the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption to
conserve usage in a building.
There are few steps for the process of energy management:
1. Collecting and analyzing continuous data.
2. Identify optimizations in equipment schedules, set points and flow rates to improve
energy efficiency.
3. Calculate return on investment. Units of energy saved can be metered and calculated
just like units of energy delivered.
4. Execute energy optimization solutions.
5. Repeat step two to continue optimizing energy efficiency.

Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while the
users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is connected closely to
environmental management, production management, logistics and other established
business functions.

Scope of Energy Management

According to a study released by the US Energy Information Administration in the year
2011, “In the year 2008, China and India, accounted for 21% of the total world energy
consumption. By 2035, both countries will account for 31% of world energy use.”
With the increased energy consumption, it is very important to maximise energy
management to save the degrading planet and country’s economy. Energy management not just
reduces pollution or climate changes but widely affects the economy of any country by saving
Careers in Energy Management
India is the 6th largest consumer of energy, and the consumers are up-surging every
day, but the primary source for energy production remains limited.
Having an MBA in energy management will set you apart from the crowd by giving
you the ability to create plans, discuss strategies with brilliant minds to overcome this huge
production-consumer gap.
Some of the fields where MBA professionals can be employed have been listed below:
 Educational Institutes
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

 Health Care Providers

 Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Industry
 Chemical Industry
 Environmental Management and Conservation
 Research Firms

Course outcomes
 To improve the knowledge of student for calculate the energy efficiency and
 Student will be able to design suitable energy motoring system to analyse and optimize
the energy consumption.
 Student can improve the thermal efficiency by designing suitable system.
 Student will carry out the cost-benefit analysist of various investment.
 They can also guides the employees of the company or organisational about the need
and method of energy management.
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Chapter: 2

Energy is the ability to do work is the transfer of energy from one form to another.
Energy comes into different form like:
 Heat (Thermal)
 Light (Radiant)
 Mechanical
 Electrical
 Chemical &
 Nuclear energy, etc
If we talk about Electrical energy/current then they are basically two types:
 AC (Alternative Current) and
 DC (Direct Current)
AC (Alternative Current): -
A current which reverses in regularly recurring intervals of time and which has
alternately positive and negative values, and occurring a specified number of times per second.
(Example: Electricity produced by generators.)
DC (Direct Current): -
A non-varying, unidirectional electric current (Example: Current produced by batteries)

Energy Demand Management

Energy demand management, also known as Demand Side Management (DSM)
or Demand Side Response (DSR), is the modification of consumer demand for
energy through various methods such as financial incentives and behavioural change through
Types of EDM
 Energy Efficiency
 Demand response
 Dynamic demand
 Distributed Energy Resources
Energy Efficiency: -
Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task – that is,
eliminating energy waste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse
gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our costs on a household
and economy-wide level.
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Demand response:-
Demand response is a strategy used by electric utility companies to reduce or shift
energy consumption from peak hours of the day, when the demand for electricity is the greatest
to leaner demand periods.
Dynamic demand:-
Dynamic Demand is the name of a semi-passive technology to support demand
response by adjusting the load demand on an electrical power grid.
Distributed Energy Resources:-
Distributed generation, also distributed energy, on-site generation (OSG),
or district/decentralized energy, is electrical generation and storage performed by a variety of
small, grid-connected or distribution system-connected devices referred to as distributed
energy resources (DER).

Conservation & Resource Development

The Conservation Resource Development Division (CARDD) provides technical and
financial assistance to local governments, state agencies and private citizens for conservation,
development, protection and management of the state's natural resources.
The division is incorporated into three bureaus to help target resource improvement needs to
best deliver focused resource assistance as follows:
Conservation Districts Bureau
The Conservation Districts Bureau is the coordinating state agency for conservation
districts in Montana. Together, the CDB assists conservation districts that provides voluntary,
incentive-based programs to empower private landowners that implement conservation on
their property. The CDB assists conservation districts in meeting their legal requirements to
carry out conservation programs locally and with the Montana Natural Streambed and Land
Preservation Act (310 Law).
The CDB offers many grant programs for conservation districts, helps sponsor state
wide educational events such as the Montana Youth Range Camp and the
Montana Envirothon. The CDB also works with groups including the
Montana Salinity Control Association, Yellowstone River Conservation Districts Council,
the Missouri River Conservation Districts Council, and the Milk River Watershed Alliance.
Financial Bureau
The Financial Development Bureau protects Montana's resources by issuing loans to
borrowers for infrastructure improvement projects, manages the financial administration of
Montana's Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund (WPCSRF) and Drinking Water
State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan programs and oversees the Regional Water program.
Resource Development Bureau
The Resource Development Bureau (RDB) administers several grant and loan programs
and provides assistance to conservation districts for the administration of water reservations.
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Energy for Sustainable Development

Clean energy is a key element for achieving all of the MDGs—poverty, hunger, education,
gender equality, health, communicable diseases, and environmental sustainability.

Fig.2.1 Energy development

Productive Use of Energy

In rural areas, helps raise incomes and improve health, pumping water for irrigation, power for
drying crops, energy for cottage industries, and lighting in schools and hospitals.
WSSD called for a substantial increase “with a sense of urgency” of the global share of
renewable energy in the total energy supply.
Renewable Energy
A win-win proposition for developed and developing countries alike;
Provides opportunities for poverty eradication and for satisfying the energy needs in rural and
remote regions;
Helps generate employment and local economic development opportunities;
Helps curb global warming and contributes to the protection of human health caused by air
pollution; and
Enhances energy security through reliance on domestic energy sources.
Sustainable Energy
“No matter how we define sustainable development, current systems of energy supply and use
are clearly not sustainable in economic, environmental, or social terms.”
World Primary Energy Demand by Fuel in the Reference Scenario
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Fig. 2.2 Average Annual Growth in World Primary Energy Demand and Energy-Related CO2 Emission in the
Reference Scenario

Fig. 2.3 Energy demand

Climate Change
Sustainability means that we get serious about dealing effectively with climate change. z New
measurements from world’s oceans show that man-made climate change is underway.
Barriers to energy access
Most developing countries have major regulatory and institutional barriers to enhancing access
to energy services.
Finance is also a major barrier. Gap between needs and resources has widened since Rio. Both
ODA and FDI have declined in the last decade.
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Policy Recommendations
Develop coherent policies that support the development of markets for clean energy
technologies; z Remove barriers and level the playing field for renewables.
Establish regulatory and legal frameworks and reduce regulatory uncertainties.
Strengthen the human and institutional capacity required to transform energy markets in
developing countries;
Establish in developing countries the conditions for attracting private investments for clean
Channel micro-finance to support the extension of access to energy for the rural poor.
Energy Efficiency
IEA estimates the overall potential of cost-effective energy efficiency gains in developing
countries at 30-45%.
Sustainable Energy
The challenge is to change course towards a sustainable energy future—one that
simultaneously meets the energy needs of a growing global population, enhances people’s
quality of life, and addresses environmental concerns, especially climate change.
Large increases in renewable energy use, including bio-energy, combined with higher levels of
energy efficiency, and the development of carbon sequestration technologies, can go a long
way towards a more secure and globally sustainable energy path.
Biofuels can make important contributions in Asia from an energy security and development
perspective. The preferred path for bioenergy uses in transportation has been the conversion of
traditional crops, such as sugar cane and corn, to ethanol. New technological advances now
focus on the conversion of feed stocks rich in cellulose such as crop residues and dedicated
crops like grasses and trees.
We need to act now because developing new ideas and major shifts in technologies requires
time scales on the order of 20 - 30 years or more.
Global sustainability
With a gross world product exceeding $30 trillion the world can pursue sustainability to great
advantage if it wants to.
Sustainable energy is the main driver of sustainable economic development.
A sustainable energy future requires bold policy actions, enhanced investments, and
international cooperation. And political will.
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Chapter: 3


Rising energy pricing, stricter environment law restrictions, new supply and demand
policies like European union emission trading system (EU ETS) as well as energy end-use
efficiency policy programs have created increased demand for reducing energy consumption
and related energy cost in industrial organizations.

Industrial -Sector
The large proportion of the analysed study represents mixed-industrial studies which
includes a wide range of different industry sector single-sector studies mainly focus on the
chemical industry, the food processing industry, the iron & steel industry. These in particular
represents high energy intensity sector within the manufacturing industry, where a high
potential for a reduction of energy uses as well as related energy costs is located.

Fig. 3.1. Industry sector focus of studies

A Building energy management system (BEMS) is a sophisticated method to monitor
and control the Building energy needs. BESM technology can be applied in both residential
and commercial Buildings. Building energy consumption in EU represents about 30 % of total
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

EU energy consumption and between 25-40% in OECD (other energy consumption demand)
country. Developing countries have a less efficient Building stock where it is ever more
important to improve on Building energy efficiency.
Today, there are more ways to “Back in” energy management tools from the starts that
afford better control over energy use, one of which is a building energy management system
(BEMS). We will also try to clarify the future direction of the industry, so we can put our
Building in the best position to optimize all factors of our Building operations-energy.

The definition of Home Energy Management System (HEMS) varies a little bit,
especially depending on who you ask? Will differ slightly from source -to-source, but we
believe the below neatly encapsulates the concept without being too brand.
A Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is a technology platform comprised of
both hardware and software that allows the user to monitor energy usages and production and
to manually control and/or automate the use of energy within a household.
As for control, A HEMS may allow a user to do a range of things including:
 Turn device on & off remotely.
 Set device to operate on schedules.
 Set up conditional rule for device operations.
 Mange the flow of energy from the solar panel and other generators through the home
or in and out of batteries.
 Allow “machine learning to take once and run the system semi-automatically”.
HEMS Required Specifications
The main goal of HEMS is to improve efficiency in Home & Building. Additional goals
may include electric utility benefits, such as controlling energy usage to reduce peak demand
achieve these goals. HEMS needs of these features as shown in figure 3.2.
1. Device monitoring and control
2. Seamless communications between device
3. Demand response
4. Intelligence
5. Data management
6. Security and privacy
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Fig. 3.2. HEMS service visualizations.

What exactly does a HEMS monitor and manage?

Home energy management systems can vary greatly in the breadth of their applications.
There are four main aspects of home energy that a home energy management system can be
involved in. Some HEMS operate with all four, while others may only work with one or two.
We’ve outlined each of them below.
The core functionality of a versatile home energy management system involves the use
of electricity within the home. A HEMS should give the user the ability to ‘see’ what devices
are doing and to remotely ‘reach in’ and turn them on & off or otherwise modify their operation
(e.g. turning down the thermostat temperature on an air conditioning unit).
Provided that the HEMS is geared primarily to save the user money, key considerations
in electricity use management will include to grid electricity rates, whether the customer is on
time of use billing, and whether there is solar power or batteries available on site.
A HEMS may also be required to operate in an off-grid scenario, in which case its role
is even more crucial in ensuring that energy is used effectively so that it is always available
when required.
Solar PV
Small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power – in the form of solar panels – has become
commonplace in many countries, allowing homes to generate a portion of their electricity on-
site. Depending on the situation and the incentive structure, a solar system owner may make it
a priority to ‘self-consume ‘their solar energy directly or to export it to the grid as much as
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

The presence of solar battery storage (see below) makes the equation even more
complex – making a home energy management system an even more attractive option than for
a home with no on-site generation.
Battery storage
Battery storage is the next frontier in home energy, holding the key to greater home
energy self-sufficiency and lower electricity bills – not to mention the future of our electricity
infrastructure itself. In order to maximise the value of a battery bank, however, it helps to have
an intelligent management system that can take into account multiple variables – such as
whether you’re on a time of use of flat rate tariff, and whether you have any incentive to sell
stored energy into the grid.
Solar thermal
Solar thermal – or solar hot water – is a popular technology that uses the sun’s power
to heat water within a home. Solar hot water system often operates mostly independently of the
rest of a home’s electrical devices, but a smart HEMS with the right connectivity & monitoring
functionality can help to improve their value even further.

Electric power
Electric power is the rate, per unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by
an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Electric power is
usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied by sources such
as electric batteries.
It is usually supplied to businesses and homes (as domestic mains electricity) by the electric
power industry through an electric power grid.
Electric power can be delivered over long distances by transmission lines and used for
applications such as motion, light or heat with high efficiency.

= = = ⦁

Q is electric charge in coulombs
t is time in seconds
I is electric current in amperes
V is electric potential or voltage in volts
Resistive circuits
In the case of resistive (Ohmic, or linear) loads, Joule's law can be combined with Ohm's
law (V = I·R) to produce alternative expressions for the amount of power that is dissipated:

= ⦁ = ⦁ =
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

R is the electrical resistance.
Alternating current
In alternative current circuit, energy storage element such as inductance and
capacitance may result in periodic reversal of the direction of energy flow. The portion of
power flow that, averaged over a complete cycle of the AC waveform, results in net transfer of
energy in one direction is known as real power (also referred to as active power). That portion
of power flow due to stored energy, that returns to the source in each cycle, is known as reactive
power. The real power P in watts consumed by a device is given by:

= =

is the peak voltage in volts
Ip is the peak current in amperes
is the root-mean-square voltage in volts
is the root-mean-square current in amperes
θ is the phase angle between the current and voltage sine waves

Fig. 3.3 Power triangle: The components of AC power

The relationship between real power, reactive power and apparent power can be
expressed by representing the quantities as vectors.
Real power is represented as a horizontal vector and reactive power is represented as a
vertical vector. The apparent power vector is the hypotenuse of a right triangle formed by
connecting the real and reactive power vectors. This representation is often called the power
triangle. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the relationship among real, reactive and apparent
power is:
= ! " #
Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Real and reactive powers can also be calculated directly from the apparent power, when the
current and voltage are both sinusoids with a known phase angle θ between them:
" # = $%

The ratio of real power to apparent power is called power factor and is a number always
between 0 and 1. Where the currents and voltages have non-sinusoidal forms, power factor is
generalized to include the effects of distortion.

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