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LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.

LMS Plus maintenance

Machine calibrations
All these functions can be accessed only using external keyboard.
Most of the calibrations can be done only using Logicontrol Plus display.

There are many calibrations necessary for a proper system maintenance. Since
this amount of data could be lost, it is provided the possibility to download all
machine calibrations into a laptop and restore them immediately into a different

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

F1 FRED logo and

software version

F2 F2
Input / Output weigh Test joystick CAN /
system Output electrovalve
LogPlus Main

Configuration mode
F3 and working data

F4 Test engine and Test spreader
transmission sensor sensor

0 calibrations
1 system test
2 operative black box
3 alarm black box
4 configuration
5 language
6 about

In the menu system it is possible to change configuration mode, working

parameters and display language also it is possible to monitor all input / output
Browsing the menu system
When you are in normal operational, use the MENU button to go to the menu
system and press the F4 key when you want to go back to the main screen.
To browse between the different menus, use the UP/DN button to the top of
the keyboard and press ENTER or press the right number.
In the submenus, use the DEL button to return to the previous menu level.
To browse between the different menus:
• use the arrows keys and selecting the right menu. Confirm with ENTER
• use the numbers of the menu (for example selecting the option “set angle
min/max” can be done pressing the keys: MENU-0-1-0)

Main screen (see the frontal panel description)

In the main screen (normal operation) machine information are shown.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Test engine and transmission sensor

From the main screen press F2 key:

1) Angle sensor value, expressed in milliampere (mA) and degrees.

2) Boom length sensor value, in mA and meters.
3) Lifting pressure sensor value, in mA and bar or load cell right value, in mA
and quintals
4) Lowering pressure sensor value, in mA and bar or load cell left value, in mA
and quintals
5) Twist lock sensors status (unlocked, locked, seated). 0 means open, 1 means
from left to right:
6) Overload safety: N movements enabled, Y movements locked (except
7) Minimum distance safety: N boom up-in locked, Y movements enabled
High angle safety: 1 lifting locked, 0 lifting enabled.
8) Booster : Y booster is active, N booster is disactive.

Just press F2 key one more time you will see (only if the joystick CAN used):
prop valve joystick
up: 23% boom 23%
down: 0% telescope 0
out 0%
in 0%
Pressing F2 you will return to the main screen

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Basic engine and transmission sensor

From the main screen press F4 key:

We have, in the first row the following sensors:

engine oil temperature, engine cool temperature, engine oil pressure, coolant
In the second row, we have:
transmission oil temperature, fuel level, brakes oil pressure, fuel consumption
liters per hours.
Pressing F4 one more time you will see the spreader status:
It is very useful when the machine has a spreader multican because it is possible
to check any sensor on the twist and the encoder position too.
Test spreader sensor

Configuration mode and working data

From the main screen press F3 key:

12 56 km 78

RPM km/h
1300 12

This is the configuration software monitor.

We have the hours meter (for example 12 hours) , 56 number of containers
lifted and 34 kilometers made from the machine.
Pressing F3 one more time you will see the machine configuration:

Machine configuration

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
WS = press op code 1234
Joy = CAN HS = REG

WS = weight of system = press / load cell

Joy = type of joystick : CAN or hydraulic
HS = type of high speed
DAMP = Y /N = multican 109 installed / or not installed
Op code 1234 if the badge system is installed
HS stand for type of high speed. N any high boom speed installed or disabled.

Pressing F3 again:

type of transmission = Te27 USA = N

type of engine = C9 lock 30 = N
sprader multican = N start = 1 st
stabilizers = N Verticalism = N
mobile cabin = N

Pressing F3 you will return to the main screen.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Menu overview
Calibration menu

1^ submenu 2^ submenu 3^ submenu

Main menu
0) calibrations 0) stability sensors 0) sensor calibrations 0)angle calibration
1) boom calibration
2) load calibration
1) machine geometry 0) set min/max angle
1) set min/max boom
2) dist, top boom, height
2) overload param
3) parameters
4) data transmission 0) print calibrations
1) receives calib. from PC
2) sends calib. to PC
3) receives capacity chart
4) TruckTrack address
5) engine PLCore data
5) system reset
1) engine, transmission 0) transmission 0) type
1) table empty
2) table load
3) hysteresi empty
4) hysteresi load
5) time in
6) time out
7) kick down
8) gear safeties
9) TCU param
1) engine 0) type
1) max engine RPM
2) engine alarm
2) pedal calibration
3) set speed param 0) speed factors
1) limit speed
4) start request
2) movements 0) offset boom
1) offset angle
2) radius safety
3) instability safety
3) work lights
4) counters
5) date - time

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Test units and black box menu

1) system test 0) LogPlus display test 0)test analog input

1)test digital input
2)set digital input
3)test digital output
4)test rpm input
5)test truck track
1) Engine PLCore test 0)test analog input
1)test digital input
3)test/set digital output
4)test rpm input
2) operative black 0) view operat black box
1) del operat black box
2) print operat black box
3) alarms black box 0) view alarm black box
1) erase alarm black box
2) print alarm black box
4) configuration
6) about

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Machine configuration
This submenu changes the operational mode of the LogPlus system. Before to use it is
necessary to know what type of the configuration the machine has to work.

0) weight system 0) load cell Load cells installed

1) LSP 1P One pressure sensor installed
2) Press Two pressure sensors installed
1) USA std N Indicates the standard metric system.
Even with USA standard, all calibrations references
must be expressed in the metric system.
Y Indicates that all the measures are expressed in the
USA standard: feet instead of meters and pounds
instead of tons.
2) Truck Track N N: LogPlus doeasn’t send any black box data on
COM1 serial port. TT communcation is disabled.
Y LogPlus sends black box data on COM1 serial port.
TT communcation is enabled. Set the network address
3) high speed REG High boom speed is active when the radius is lower
than 4.5 mt and the weight of the container is lower
than a threshold
N hydraulic electro valve is never active.
4) lock 30 feet Y it is possible to lock a spreader in 30 feet position
N it is not possible to lock a spreader in 30 feet position
5) stabilizers Y stabilizers are installed
N stabilizers are not installed
6) mobile cabin Y mobile cabin is installed
N mobile cabin is not installed
7) spreader multican Y spreader is installed
N spreader is not installed
8) joystick CAN joystick CAN. The hydraulic system is proportional.
hydraulic hydraulic joystick . The hydraulic system is digital on-
9) automatic Y automatic movements enabled
N automatic movements disabled

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

angle calibration


Min and max sensor value at 3 deg and 60.8

deg as stored in the last calibration.
Inclinometer sensor current value in real time

angle calibration 12,9 deg

min 5.08 mA 3 deg

max 14.56 mA 60,8 deg

Real minimum and maximum machine boom

It is done as follows: angles as stated in the menu “Machine
• Move boom at minimum and press F1 Geometry”
• Move boom at 60.8° (maximum possible) and press F2
• Press F3 to store the new calibration

boom calibration


boom calibration 11,9 mA

min: 18,40 mA 8.66 mt

max: 4.16 mA 15.37 mt

See “angle calibration” for an explanation of the different items.

It is done as follows:
• Move boom at minimum length and press F1
• Move boom at maximum possible length and press F2
• Press F3 to store the new calibration

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

load calibration (with pressure’s sensors)


the follwing load calibration is valid only for the machine KM with two / one pressure’s sensors
installed in it.
The default load calibration for this kind of the machine is already stored in the LogPlus system. If
you want to repeat all calibration, just read carefully the instructions:
“load calibration” is performed in three steps:

1. cylinder calibration
2. auto calibration
3. gain calibration (with reference weight)

1. cylinder calibration
This calibration is used to find the relationship between lowering and lifting cylinder surfaces. This
relationship is 0.2 for the CS45KM and KC models.
So, this calibration has to be if the system is installed on other machine types or if the weight
displayed has big variations during the lowering movement.
If this calibration is done, after that it will be necessary to repeat the automatic calibration.

Start auto calibration


ENTER: OK DEL-cancel

Press OK and move to the minimum angle:

Move to minimum angle

Angle: 0.5 Ps: 120

Length: 13.5 Pd: 60

Then move to the maximum angle, maintaining always the same boom length; this is the data
acquisition phase.
Keep the engine at 1700-1800 rpm at least.
At the end of this calibration there will be a report with an estimate of the data validity:

k (cylinder): 0.2 calculated relationship

error : 1,2 (bar) maximum error detected
discarded: 10 / 110 (10 %) samples discarded from calculation

As before, if the error is too high it will be necessary to repeat the calibration
LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

2. auto calibration
This is the main procedure for weight calibration. The operator has to follow always screen
The operation has to be done with spreader empty.

Start auto calibration


ENTER: OK DEL-cancel

Press ENTER to start. First step is to move boom angle at minimum.

Note: it is always possible to check angle, length and cylinder pressures (lifting and lowering)

Move to minimum angle

Angle: 20.9 Ps: 120

Length: 13.5 Pd: 60

Now, move the boom back to the minimum (keeping angle constant)

Move to minimum length

Angle: 3.5 Ps: 120

Length: 8.8 Pd: 60

Then the screen will be:

Lift boom

Target: 4,0
Angle: 0.0

Lift the boom up the indicated target angle, paying attention not to overtake that limit over 2
otherwise the calibration will have to be restarted from the beginning.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Then, it is necessary to extend the boom and this is the data acquisition phase for that particular
boom angle:

Move to maximum length

Angle: 4.0 Ps: 120

Length: 8.7 Pd: 0

Once in the maximum length, it will be necessary to retract back to the minimum, as shown in the

Move to minimum length

Angle: 4.0 Ps: 120

Length: 15.3 Pd: 60

During the extension-retraction procedure, maintain the engine at 1700 -1800 rpm at least.

Finally, the system estimates the calibration data validity through a numerical analysis, and it shows
the results:

angle: 3,5 reference angle

error: 0,05 average quadratic error, expressed in bar
discarded: 10 / 80 number of samples discarded; samples can be discarded if some wrong
movements has been done. The minimum number is 10, because at boom
limits all samples are discarded.

If these values have a too high error, the complete calibration procedure has to be repeated.

All this procedure has to be replied 6 times in correspondence of these boom angles:
4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54 degrees.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

3.gain calibration
This calibration is useful to adjust the weight calculation, for example if there are errors with high
loads or if the weight changes at different boom angles.
This calibration calculates the weight gain for each angle. It is necessary a reference load (a
container whose weight is known); that load has to be close to the machine maximum capacity
(about 35-40 ton for 45 maximum capacity)

Start auto calibration

weight gain
ENTER: OK DEL-cancel

Insert container weight:

Insert weight

tons: 34.5

F4 - exit

Press OK, then lock the container:

Please lock the container

F4 - exit

Lift the container:

Go to max length

Target: 75 %
Overload: 50%
Length: 12.7

F4 – exit

Go to the maximum possible length up to reaching 75% of the stability factor; this will allow data
acquisition with boom extended. If weight is already at 75% this screen will not appear.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Then, move it back to ground:

Please land the container

F4 - exit

Finally, lift it up to maximum angle, trying to keep the container at a positive distance from the
front wheel.

The calibration is now finished.

If during the weight test there are still problems, it is possible a fine adjustment: pressing the keys
ARROW UP and ARROWS DOWN the weight increases or decreases respectively.
The modifications have immediate effect and they are stored in memory.

edit load param (with pressure’s sensors)

Edit load parameters

Cylinder(no boost): 1250
Cylinder(boost): 310

Cylinder (no booster): relationship between the lifting and lowering cylinder
surfaces without any hydraulic valve for high performance boom.
Cylinder (booster): relationship between the lifting and lowering cylinder
surfaces with the high performance booster .

load calibration (with load cells)

The follwing load calibration is valid only for the machine with two load cells installed in it.
The weight is calculated measuring the sum of the currents supplied by the two load cells.
So, it is necessary to calibrate these sensors with the spreader empty and with one reference load,
whose weight must be known.
For a good calibration, the selected weight must be closest possible to the machine maximum
The real container weight must be set in the screen “reference loads” (see next paragraph), before
this calibration.

load cells: 10.4 12.5 mA

min: 30.2 0.00
max: 14.7 8.00

F1 min F2 max F3 OK F4 Exit

With empty and centered spreader, check the load cells currents: they must be about the same. If
not, adjust the trimmer in the load cell amplifiers (located close to the load cell pin).
Once currents are set, press F1 to store the value.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Lock and lift the reference container (8 tons in the example) up to 20-30 degrees; wait for currents
stabilization (side shift the spreader to center the weight if necessary) and press F2 to store the
Then, press F3 per store the final calibration.

edit load param (with load cells)

Use this option to insert the reference loads necessary for the load calibration.
Usually, the minimum load is set to 0 (spreader empty); the maximum weight should be close to the
machine real maximum capacity.
This maximum reference inserted here load has nothing to do with the real machine capacity:
it is only a reference for the calibration
Reference loads

min load: 0.00

max load: 9.00

machine geometry
This option allows to set all geometrical parameters typical o a generic stacker machine. The
examples below use the real data of a CS45KM machine.

set min/max angle

These values are the references in the angle calibration screen.

Setting angles

min angle: 3.0

max angle: 60.8

set min/max boom

These values are the references in the boom length calibration screen.

Setting boom

min length: 8.66

max length: 15.37

distance, top boom, height

Setting geometric factor

distance (mt): 6.66

top (mt): 0.30
height(mt): 2.05

For cs7.5 machine are 5.09 mt, 0.60 mt and 1.30 mt.
LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
The meaning of the terms are indicate in this figure:

distance: A
top: B
height: C

overload alarm
overload (%): 100
pre-alarm (%): 90
lock delay (ms): 1
unlock delay (ms): 5

Overload: % of maximum capacity to activate overload alarm condition.

Prealarm: % of maximum capacity to activate approaching overload alarm condition
Lock Delay: Delay in ms between the overload alarm activation and the movements interlock.
Unlock Delay: Delay in ms between the overload alarm end and the movements enabled.

This is to set up the maximum weigth allowed to active the booster.

weight(q) booster: 70

data transmission
This menu allows data communication between an external PC and LogPlus Edgevision.
It is always necessary to connect a serial cable (null-modem standard, see appendix) between the
RS232_1 connector of LogPlus and the PC serial port . Then, configure the PC serial port or the
serial printer as follows:

• Baud rate: 19.200 bps

• Data bits: 8

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
• Parity: No parity
• Stop bit: 1

For all following options (except “Print calibrations”) it is necessary to get the proper
communication software, developed by FRED (SuperLoaderTM), that allows the complete
management of the LogPlus information. This software is not part of the standard supply, and it is
sold only to sub-dealers that manage big machines parks.
See help file in the SuperLoader program to get more details.

print calibration
This option allows to download or print all machine calibrations regarding a particular machine. It
can be very useful as remind of the calibration status, also in case of spare parts replacement.
On the PC there must be any serial terminal software, like, for example, Hyperterminal, always
present in any Windows operating system.

receives calibrations from PC

This option allows to receive from a PC a binary file (not readable) that contains all machine
This file can be used if it is necessary to set up a LogPlus without repeating all calibrations
procedures. This is very useful in case of spare part setup “ready to use”.

sends calibrations to PC
With this option it is possible to send to a PC all machine present calibrations. The PC will be able
to store that information in a binary file.
This file can be used to prepare other LogPlus boxes that can be installed in the same machine
without repeating any calibration.

receives capacity chart from PC

This option allows to update machine capacity charts. The manufacturer has to produce tha capacity
chart in a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file format, and this can be send to the LogPlus.

Truck Track address

network address
address: 16

address: this is a LogPlus network address. PC server has to have the same network address.
Engine PLCore data
This option allows to download / upload all Engine PLCore datas on the laptop. It is necessary to
install SuperLoader application in the laptop.

F1 – Engine PLCore sends calib

F2 – Engine PLCore gets calib


LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
hours counter: 12
km : 34
container: 17895
fuel (L): 33

hours meter: it is the absolute hours meter engine on

Km: it is the absolute kilometers made by the stacker
container: it is the absolute number of the container lifted.
fuel (L): number of litres

start = 1st
start = 2nd

this is to inform system if the button to allow machine start on first gear only on request is installed.

type of transmission:
ZF 261
Transmission type installed:
it select actual transmission type installed. It is possible:
• Dana mechanical or compatible
• Caterpillar mechanical
• Dana Electronic (with APC200)
• ZF Electronic (with ZF control unit)

table empty:
empty table
1 -> 2 (mph): 2000
2 -> 3 (mph): 6000
3 -> 4 (mph): 10000

12: 2000 m/h: meters per hour to shift from first to second gear
23: 6000 m/h: meters per hour to shift from second to third gear
34: 10000 m/h: meters per hour to shift from third to fourth gear

table load:
load table
1 -> 2 (mph): 3000
2 -> 3 (mph): 7000
3 -> 4 (mph): 12000
shifting table for unloaded machine: the meaning is the same as above, but in this case it will be
necessary to insert higher speeds, in order to allow a shifting at higher engine rpm and torque.

empty hysteresi :

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
empty hysteresi
2 -> 1 (mph): 2000
3 -> 2 (mph): 2000
4 -> 3 (mph): 2000
Hysteresis 21: 3000 m/h: meters per hour less than shift 1-2 to shift back from second to
first gear
Hysteresis 32: 3000 m/h: meters per hour less than shift 2-3 to shift back from third to
second gear
Hysteresis 43: 3000 m/h: meters per hour less than shift 3-4 to shift back from fourth to
third gear

load hysteresi:
load hysteresi
2 -> 1 (mph): 2000
3 -> 2 (mph): 2000
4 -> 3 (mph): 2000
shifting table for unloaded machine: the meaning is the same as above, but in this case it will be
necessary to insert higher speeds, in order to allow a shifting at higher engine rpm and torque.

time in:
time in
2 -> 1 (ms): 250
3 -> 2 (ms): 250
4 -> 3 (ms): 250

time out:
time out
2 -> 1 (ms): 250
3 -> 2 (ms): 250
4 -> 3 (ms): 250

Time 1-2 in: 250 ms:

time interval between engine in idle and second gear engaged (declutch active)
Time 2-3 in: 350 ms:
time interval between engine in idle and third gear engaged (declutch active)
Time 3-4 in: 250 ms:
time interval between engine in idle and fourth gear engaged (declutch active)
Time 1-2 out: 250 ms:
time interval between second gear engaged and engine restored (declutch not active)
Time 2-3 out: 350 ms:
time interval between third gear engaged and engine restored (declutch not active)
Time 3-4 out: 250 ms:
time interval between fourth gear engaged and engine restored (declutch not active)

kick down:
kick down pedal: 80%
kick down empty: 20%
kick down load: 10%
Kick down (empty): 20%:
LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
% of speed increase of shifting table (with machine unloaded) when pedal is at maximum

Kick down (load): 10%:

% of speed increase of shifting table (with machine loaded) when pedal is at maximum

Kick down threshold: 80%

% of pedal to be considered in kick-down conditions (see automatic transmission management)

gear safeties:
engine limit: 1000 RPM
speed limit: 500 m/h
max oil temp.: 120 C

engine limit: 1000 RPM

minimum number of engine RPM to allow first gear engagement

speed limit (m/h): 500:

maximum speed in meters/hour allowed to invert direction

Max oil temp: 120 C: maximum transmission oil temperature in degrees celsius

TCU paramters
axle ratio: 30
machine empty weight: 775 q
tire size: 76 mm
They are some of the parameters sent over by secondary CAN to APC200.
Axle ratio: 30
Information necessary only for Dana electronic transmission. Refer to technical department
Wheel size: 775 mm
Information necessary only for Dana electronic transmission. Refer to technical department
Empty stacker weight: 76 tons
Information necessary only for Dana electronic transmission. Refer to technical department

type of engine:
1) VOLVO 1240 940
3) TWD VOLVO 720
this shows the engine list:
• Cummins QSM11
• TWD Volvo 1240 TD VE or VOLVO 940
• Caterpillar C9
• TWD Volvo 720

max engine rpm

This is to set up references for engine RPM calibration.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
set RPM
rpm max: 2300

real engine maximum RPM, used to calibrate engine RPM for some electronic engines.

engine alarms
fuel level: 5%
cool temp: 120 deg C
oil temp: 125 deg C
oil press: 1.0 KPa

It allows to modify alarm thresholds of transmission/engine sensors.

From these limits, Logicontrol Plus displays alarm messages and engine is shut off:
Max cooling temp.: 105 C: maximum cooling water temperature in degrees
Max eng.oil temp: 120 C: maximum engine oil temperature in degrees
Min eng.oil press: 1.2 b: minimum engine oil pressure in degrees
Min.fuel level: 10%: minimum fuel level, in percentage

pedal calibration


Min and max sensor value at 0% and 100% as

stored in the last calibration.
pedal sensor current value in real time

pedal calibration 1.6 V

min 1.00 V 0%
max 8.00 V 100%

Real minimum and maximum value

Calibration procedure:
• With pedal at minimum (value around 1000 mV), press F1 key the mV value is copied in the
line “pedal minimum”
• Press completely throttle pedal (value goes to about 6000-7000 mV) and press F2 key: the
value in mV is copied in the line “pedale maximum”
• Press F3 to store calibration, or F4 to get out without to save a calibration

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
It will be necessary to repeat this calibration in case of pedal replacement.

speed factors

accel ramp (ms): 1000

dethrottle (%): 40
speed factor 35
acceleration ramp: 1000 ms
time interval between end of declutch phase and maximum engine RPM restore
dethrottle: 30%:
engine RPM decrease (in %) during shifting from lower to higher gear
Speed factor: 35
factor to convert frequency signal from wheels rpm (hertz) into meters per hour (machine real

limit speed

max speed (km/h): 25

medium speed (km/h) 12
low speed (km/h) 6

Maximum speed: 25 km/h

this is maximum speed allowed in normal conditions (no alarms, machine with good stability)
Maximum speed medium stability.: 12 Km/h:
this is maximum speed allowed when machine is in medium stability conditions
Maximum speed low stability.: 6 Km/h:
this is the maximum speed allowed when machine is in low stability conditions

offset boom

offset end boom (cm) 80

offset start boom (cm) 80

The speed of the boom will be reduced when the boom length is close to the max and min length.

offset angle

offset end angle (deg) 10

offset start angle(deg) 10
max safety angle (deg) 58

The speed of the boom will be reduced when the boom angle is close to the max and min angle.
Lifting will be locked when the boom angle reachs the max safety angle.

radius safety

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

offset end radius (cm) 80

offset start radius(cm) 80
minimum distance (cm) 0.00

The speed of the boom will be reduced when the boom radius is close to the max and min radius.
Retraction and lifting will be locked when the radius reachs the minimu distance.

instability safety

max instability (%) 100

min instability (%) 65
The speed of the boom will be reduced when the machine stability of capacity chart is upper than
65 %.

work lights

timeout (min) 5
rpm minimum (RPM) 900

Timeout lights off: 5 min

It specifies how many minutes engine has to be idle before shutting lights off.
Minimum RPM for lights: 900 rpm
It specifies which is minimum engine RPM to be considered idle, used only for lights control.

system reset
This options erases all boom angle, length and weight calibration.
All default values will be restored. A code is request for this operation.
After that, all these calibrations will have to be repeated manually or
downloading from external PC.

operative black box

Operative black box contains information regarding the total number of containers ever lifted and
the data of the last 3000 containers.

view operative black box Date and time container handling

time: 15/03/02 15:10:37

weight: 20.1
hand.time: 15 34/45
Handling time (sec)
and container number counter: 1
(it restarts from 1
every time the system
is turned off) Message number and total messages

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

del operative black box

It deletes permanently all operative black box information. A code is required.

print operative black box

It transmits all black box messages through the serial port RS232_1. See the paragraph “print
calibrations” for the serial port settings.
In the PC it is necessary a software like Hyperterminal of Windows.

alarms black box

Alarms black box contains all sensor malfunction, overloads and bypass use messages.
It is possible to store about 3000 messages.

view alarms black box

start: 15/03/02 15:08:09

end: -
Max weight and max value: 24.5
distance of the distance: 3.85 12 / 24
container at the Overload
overload moment.
Not used for other
alarms Message Number of message and
total number.
erase alarms black box
It deletes permanently all alarms black box information. A code is required.

print alarms black box

It transmits all black box messages through the serial port RS232_1. See the paragraph “print
calibrations” for the serial port settings.
In the PC it is necessary a software like Hyperterminal of Windows.


It is possible to select one of 5 different languages for all messages and menu of LogPlus. The
language selected will be stored.
Select the language with the appropriate numerical key in the screen below:

0: software
1: english
2: italian
3: french
4: spanish
5: german

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
It shows a screen with the system type and software version. Press F4 to exit.

system test using a LogPlus display

This menu allows a troubleshooting of all LogPlus inputs/outputs signls, in order to find out any
problem can arise.

analog inputs test

1: 0.14 V (0) 5. 0.16 V(0)

2: 0.14 V (0) 6. 0.16 V(0)
3: 0.14 V (0) 7. 0.16 V(0)
4: 0.14 V (0) 8. 0.16 V(0)

This shows the status of digital inputs connected to each pin of input connector.
If the state is “1”, it means that the contact is closed, if it is “0”, it means that it is open.
See appendix to check which sensors are connected to each pin.

Each signal is expressed in V (volt). They are used by LogPlus display as digital imput.

digital inputs test

DIG1: 1 DIG5: 0
DIG2: 0 DIG6: 0
DIG3: 0 DIG7: 0
DIG4: 0 DIG8: 0

This shows the status of digital inputs connected to each pin of input connector.
If the state is “1”, it means that the contact is closed, if it is “0”, it means that it is open.
See appendix to check which sensors are connected to each pin.

set digital outputs

1.DIG1: 1 5.DIG5: 0
2.DIG2: 0 6.DIG6: 0
3.DIG3: 0 7.DIG7: 0
4.DIG4: 0 8.DIG8: 0
F4 – exit 1 ..8 on/off

For the LogPlus we have:

This option allows to force the output activation in oder to check the system and cabling.
For example, pressing 1 the status of DIG1 is forced to high (1, 24V), and pressing 1 again DIG1 is
resetted (0, 0V).
Once exited from the test, outputs will be automatically set by the control program.
For the Engine PLCore we have:

Y01: 1 Y5:0 Y9:0

Y02: 1 Y6:0 Y10:0
Y03: 1 Y7:0 Y11:0

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Y04: 1 Y8:0 Y12:0
F1: page F4: exit ENT:SET

Each time you pressed ENTER, the output will be forced starting from the output # 1. To test other
output upper than 12 press F1.

digital outputs test

1.DIG1: 1 5.DIG5: 0
2.DIG2: 0 6.DIG6: 0
3.DIG3: 0 7.DIG7: 0
4.DIG4: 0 8.DIG8: 0

This test shows output status in real time: 1 means 24V on the output pin.

rpm input test

RPM1: 569
RPM2: 0

This test allows to know the number of pulses (units) and the frequency (freq) in hertz of the two
available RPM inputs.

system test using a hyperterminal

This option allows to see most of all informations regarding system status into an external PC.
On the PC there must be any serial terminal software, like, for example, HyperTerminal, always
present in any Windows operating system.
Serial port has to be configured as follows:

• Baud rate: 19.200 bps

• Data bits: 8
• Parity: No parity
• Stop bit: 1

A following menu allows a troubleshooting of all Logicontrol Plus inputs/outputs signls and the
other electronic devices, in order to find out any problem can arise.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Engine PLCore software version: LPKExx

Engine PLCore software version: LPS2

--> 1 Test AIN
--> 2 Test DIN - RPM
--> 3 Test DOUT
--> 4 Test keyboard
--> 5 Test Joystick
--> 6 Engine - Gear - Pedal
--> 7 General CAN
--> a TCU error --> b ECU error --> c TCU data
--> d PWM boom
--> v vertical lift
--> m multican 108 - n multican 109 - q multican 34
--> z auto refresh

Pressing “1” key on the laptop, all analog input status:

6. length 11203 uA
29. angle 8982 uA
7. P up - cell R 8982 uA
30. P dw - cell L 5931 uA
8. pedal 1601 mV 8 %
31. fuel level 4089 mV 83 %
9. tr. oil temp. 2587 mV 64 C
32. command 30 FH ---

Pressing the “2” key on the laptop, all digital input status:

34. wheel 4 Hz
12. twist lock sensor ---
35. twist unlock sensor ---
13. seated sensor 24V
36. 20 sensor ---
14. 30 sensor ---
37. 40 sensor ---
15. piggy_back_down ---
38. piggy_back_seated ---
16. bad_seated ---
39. start engine ---
17. inching park brake 24V
40. low cool level GND
18. low brake oil press ---
41. command 20 feet ---
19. command 40 feet ---

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Pressing the “3” key on the laptop, all Engine PLCore output status:

battery 24137 mV 45. side slop right ---

46. boom up 0 % 0 mA 11. side slop left ---
47. boom down 0 % 0 mA 50. twist lock ---
48. telescope out 0 % 0 mA 51. twist unlock ---
49. telescope in 0 % 0 mA 52. 30 lock ---
64. cabin forward 0 % 0 mA 10. 30 unlock ---
61. cabin backward 0 % 0 mA 42. spreader oil sent ---
62. clock rotation --- 20. seated forced 24V
63. anti clock rotation --- 43. start engine ---
24. 40 --- 21. stop motore 24V
2. 20 --- 44. switch off lights 24V
25. side shift right --- 22. emergency lights ---
3. side shift left ---

Pressing the “4” key on the laptop, the keyboard CAN status:
spreader 20 0; spreader 30 0; spreader 40 0;
b4 0; b5 0; brake damp 0;
piggy up front 0; piggy up rear 0; damp front 0;
piggy down front 0; piggy up rear 0; damp rear 0;
cabine forward 0; stabilezers up 0; hook consent 0;
cabine reverse 0; stabilezers down 0; hazard command 0;
H2 command 0; H3 command 0; H4 command 0;
H5 command 0; H6 command 0;

bypass_seated 1; manual / auto 1;
emergency stop 0; dead man 0;

lock light 0; unlock light 0;
seated light 1; -- 0;

The keyboard CAN is made of two electronic board:

• key board
• digital inpit / output board (= IO board)

In same case it is installed only a IO board.

Pressing the “5” key on the laptop, all joystick CAN / hydraulic command:
CAN msg 12224; other 12270 Joystick commands
Lock --
Id 3 Unlock ok
type 0 Side shift right --
boom 0 Side shift left --
telescope 0 Side sloping right --
dead man -- Side sloping left --
BLU. shift left -- Clockwise rotation --
YELL. shift right -- Anticlockwise rotation --
GREEN. clock rotation --
RED. anticlock rotation --
6LU. unlock -- -- : not pressed
LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
6RU. lock -- ok : pressed
7LO. slop left --
7LU. slop right --
BALANCING1. 20 size --
BALANCING2. 40 size --

Pressing the “6” key on the laptop, all engine and transmission informations:

Engine PLCore software version: SENSOR STATUS

LP1X Cool temperature: 85 C ->OK
ENGINE PEDAL/STATUS engine oil temp: 90 C ->OK
Engine torque: 24% engine oil pressure: 3.0 bar ->OK
Engine Type: VOLVO 1240 TDE fuel level: 77% -> OK
Engine RPM: 0 trans.oil temp: 89 C -> OK
Shut Down: N fuel rate 0 ml (6L/h)
CAN2 J1939: OK
Hours meter: H 123 M 45 Table: empty
Pedal: -1%
Power required: 0 % task mov 13/50 ms
Max speed: 9 km/h tsk eng 1/10 ms; start 206 ms


Target speed: R4 'p': progr.'r': refresh ' ': I/O
Actual speed: R1
First speed start: N
Wheel RPM: 100
Speed: 3500 meters/h
Meters: 45000 m

Brakes: N
Wheel RPM safety: N
Engine RPM safety: N
Inversion safety: N

Pressing the “7” key on the laptop, all CAN electronic devices status:

Primary Can
LogPlus display ok
keyboard ok
joystick ok
Ecocan ok
Multican D108 ok
Secondary Can
engine ok
transmission ok

Pressing “a” key on the laptop, you can see eventually all TCU fault code and pressing “c” key on
the laptop, you can see all TCU datas.
Pressing “b” key on the laptop, you can see eventually all ECU fault code
Pressing “v” key on the laptop, you can see the “vertical test page” just to make a troubleshooting if
the vertical function does not work properly.
Pressing “m” key on the laptop, you can see the “multican 108 test page”
Pressing “n” key on the laptop, you can see the “multican 109 test page”
Pressing “q” key on the laptop, you can see the “multican 34 test page”
LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Pressing the “d” key on the laptop, all boom output status:

out joy len ang cog eng ins wei OVL ANG MIN
boom up 0 % = min( 0 100 0 0 0 100 100 N N N)
boom down 0 % = min( 0 100 0 0 100 100 100 N N N)
telescope out 0 % = min( 0 0 100 0 0 100 100 N N N)
telescope in 0 % = min( 0 0 100 0 0 100 100 N N N)

weight 75 q
boom ANGLE 172 dec deg
boom LENGTH 1158 cm
radius 448 cm
engine 0 RPM
boom 0 %
telescope 0 %

Logicontrol Plus system is able to drive both hydraulic system :

1. Load sensing pumps (LSP)
2. gear pumps (GP)

There are four (4) proportionals electro valves for all 4 movements: lifting, lowering, retraction and
extension. The PWM output varies from 0% (no movements) to 100% (full speed). This value
depends on many variables: boom‘s angle , boom‘s length, engine RPM, load of the container and
position of the joystick. It depends on some boom’s safeties like “minimu distance” , “overload”,
“max safety angle”, “lowering locked”.

In this case Logcontrol Plus can’t regulate boom speed (this is done only using joystick), it can cut
the movements if there are some safeties in progress. The output can have only two type of values:
0 and 100.

Programming special parameters

Pressing the “p” key on the laptop. It is possible to modify all parameters about a calibration ramps
of the movements as acceleration and deceleration ramp, maximum and minimu current. It can also
change all verticalism parameters. This is reserved to Fantuzzi Service.

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Logicontrol Plus display

Input Signal

1. Input connector (DB25F)

PIN Signal Note
1 forward lever digital input
2 reverse lever digital input
3 speed 1 digital input
4 speed 2 digital input
5 speed 3 digital input
6 switch left selector digital input
7 doors opened digital input
8 bypass key digital input
9 not used
10 RPM signal
11 RPM signal
12 power supply for hydraulic joystick +5VDC-max 100 mA
14 twist lock Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
15 twist unlock Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
16 side shift right Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
17 side shift left Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
18 side sloping right Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
19 side sloping left Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
20 clockwise rotation Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
21 anticlockwise rotation Analog - 0-5 VDC hydraulic joystick
22-25 not used

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Output Signal

2. Output connector (DB25M)

PIN Signal
1 neutral spy light
2 low engine oil pressure spy light
3 forward level buzzer
4 reverse level buzzer
5 booster
6 booster

Power Connector
3. Power connector (DB9 F)
PIN Signal
1 +24 VDC
2 +24 VDC
3 +24 VDC
6 +24 VDC
7 +24 VDC
8 +24 VDC

CAN bus connector

4. CAN Connector (DB9 M)
PIN Signal
1 Not used
2 CAN Low
3-6 Not Used
7 CAN High
8-9 Not used

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Engine PLCore

Input signal
Signal PIN Description Type Notes
UE 54 +24 VDC battery POWER SUPPLY Fuse 2A
UB 56-57-58-59-60 +24 VDC key Fuse 30A
D+ 28 +24 VDC key
GND 55-65-66-67-68 GND
din1 34 Wheels rpm INPUTS RPM
din2 12 twist lock status DIGITAL/RPM
din3 35 twist unlock status (GND o 24V) 24 V – from shift lever
din4 13 seated status 24 V – from shift lever
din5 36 20 spreader size 24 V – from shift lever
din6 14 30 spreader size 24 V
din7 37 40 spreader size 24 V – only for VOLVO Electr
din8 15 piggy back down 24 V: no inching; open: inching
din9 38 piggy back seated 24 V
din10 16 bad seated 24 V
din11 39 start engine key 24 V
din12 17 inching pedal, parking brake 24 V – from shift lever
din13 40 low cool level 24 V – from Logicontrol
din14 18 low pressure brake 24 V – from Logicontrol
din15 41 20 spreader command 24 V – from shift lever
din16 19 40 spreader command 24 V – from shift lever
ain1 6 cable reel sensor INPUTS
ain2 29 inclinometer sensor ANALOG
ain3 7 pressure up / load cell left (0-8.5 VDC)
ain4 30 pressure up / load cell right
ain5 8 accelerator pedal
ain6 31 fuel level
ain7 9 transmission oil temperature
ain8 32 30 spreader command
AIN REF 23 +8.5 VDC Analog power supply Reserved to analog inputs
AGND 1 GND GND Fuse 2A - Reserved to analog inputs

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x

Output signal

Signal PIN Description Type Notes

Out1 (4A) 46 lifting boom OUTPUTS PWM – optional
Out2 (4A) 47 lowering boom ON/OFF - PWM PWM – optional
Out3 (4A) 48 extension boom PWM – optional
Out4 (4A) 49 retraction boom PWM – optional
Out5 (4A) 64 cabin forward ON/OFF
Out6 (4A) 61 cabin reverse ON/OFF
Out7 (4A) 62 clockwise rotation ON/OFF
Out8 (4A) 63 anticlockwise rotation ON/OFF
Out9 (4A) 24 spreader extension 40 ON/OFF
Out10 (2.5A) 2 spreader retraction 20 ON/OFF – only for CAT trans
Out11 (2.5A) 25 side shift right ON/OFF - Cummins – CAT
Out12 (2.5A) 3 side shift left ON-OFF
Out13 (4A) 45 side sloping right OUTPUTS ON-OFF
Out14 (4A) 11 side sloping left ON/OFF ON-OFF
Out15 (4A) 50 twist lock 4A a 24 VDC ON-OFF
Out16 (4A) 51 twist unlock BABY BOARD ON-OFF
Out17 (4A) 52 30 spreader lock ON-OFF
Out18 (4A) 10 30 spreader unlock ON-OFF
Out19 (4A) 42 spreader oil delivery ON-OFF
Out20 (4A) 20 seated forced light ON-OFF
Out21 (4A) 43 start engine relay ON-OFF
Out22 (4A) 21 stop engine relay ON-OFF
Out23 (4A) 44 swith off lights for low RPM ON-OFF
Out24 (4A) 22 hazard lights ON-OFF
TXD 5 SERIAL pin 3 DB9 M
RXD 4 RS232 pin 2 DB9 M
GND 55 pin 5 DB9 M
CAN1-H 27 Main CAN – ECOCAN Can 1 - High
CAN1-L 26 Main CAN – ECOCAN BUS Can 1 - Low
CAN2-H 53 CAN Engine – SAE J1939 CAN Can 2 - High
CAN2-L 33 CAN Engine – SAE J1939 Can 2 - Low

Multican device

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
CNT_1 forward gear
CNT_2 reverse gear
CNT_3 second speed
CNT_4 third speed
CNT_5 Fourth speed
CNT_6 -
CNT_7 -
CNT_8 -

CNT_1 stabilizers right down
CNT_2 stabilizers right up
CNT_3 stabilizers up
CNT_4 stabilizers down
CNT_5 stabilizers left down
CNT_6 stabilizers left up
CNT_7 -
CNT_8 -

CNT_1 Damping brakes
CNT_2 Damping front
CNT_3 Damping rear
CNT_4 Quick coopling lock
CNT_5 Quick coopling unlock
CNT_6 -
CNT_7 -
CNT_8 -

LMS Plus CS7.5– V 1.x
Keyboard CAN device
It is installed to the right side under the joystick board


1 bypass key seated 24 V
2 Transmission manual / autp 24 V
3 Stop emergency 24 V
4 Dead man 24 V
5 not connected
6 light sensor (-)
7 light sensor (+)


1 1Locked GND
2 2Unlocked GND
3 3Seated GND
4 4not used GND
5 5power voltage 24 V
6 6not connected


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