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Chapter 1 Ques 1. What is the objective of this course? Ans. Course Objectives Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is connected closely to environmental ‘management, production management, logistics and other established business functions 1. To facilitate the students to achieve a clear conceptual understanding of technical and commercial aspects of energy conservation and energy auditing. 2. To enable the students to develop managerial skills to assess feasibility of alternative approaches and drive strategies regarding energy conservation and energy auditing. Ques 2. What are Course Outcomes? Ans. On completion of this course, the students will be able to exhibit . Conceptual knowledge of the technology, economies and regulation related issues assox ied with energy conservation and energy auditing 2. Ability to analyse the viability of energy conservation projects, 3. Capability to integrate various options and assess the business and policy environment regarding energy conservation and energy auditing 4, Advocacy of strategic and policy recommendations on energy conservation and energy auditing. . To improve the knowledge of student for calculate the energy efficiency and ‘management. 6. Student will be able to design suitable energy motoring system to analyse and optimize the energy consumption. 7. Student can improve the thermal efficiency by designing suitable system. Student will carry out the cost-benefit analysist of various investment 9. Thy cam also guides the employees of the company or organisational about the need and method of energy management Ques 3. Define careers in energy management. Ans, India is the 6th largest consumer of energy, and the consumers are up-surging every day, but the primary source for energy production remains limited. BITTU SONI Having an MBA in energy management will set you apart from the crowd by giving you the ability to create plans, discuss strategies with brilliant minds to overcome this huge production ‘consumer gap. Some of the fields where MBA professionals can be employed have been listed below: + Educational Institutes + Health Care Providers + Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Industry + Chemical Industry + Environmental Management and Conservation + Research Firms Ques 4. Explain scope in energy management. ‘Ans. According to a study released by the US Energy Information Administration in the year 2011, “In the year 2008, China and India, accounted for 21% of the total world energy consumption. By 2035, both countries will account for 31% of world energy use.” With the increased energy consumption, it is very important to maximise energy management to save the degrading planet and country’s economy. Energy management not just reduces pollution or climate changes but widely affects the economy of any country by saving millions, Chapter 2 Ques 1. What energy management? Explain. Ans. Definition Energy management is the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption to conserve usage in a building, There are few steps for the process of energy management: 1, Collecting and analyzing continuous data. 2. Identify optimizations in equipment schedules, set points and flow rates to improve energy efficiency. 3. Calculate return on investment. Units of energy saved can be metered and calculated just like units of energy delivered. 4, Execute energy optimization solutions. 5. Repeat step two to continue optimizing energy efficiency. BITTU SONI Energy management is the means to controlling and reducing a building's energy consumption, which enables owners and operators to: + Reduce costs — energy represents 25% of all operating costs in an office building. + Reduce carbon emissions in order to meet internal sustainability goals and regulatory requirements. + Reduce risk ~ the more energy you consume, the greater the risk that energy price increases or supply shortages could seriously affect your profitability. With energy management systems, you can reduce this risk by reducing your demand for energy and by controlling it so as to make it more predictable. ENERGY Ques 2. Define energy and its type. Ans. Energy, — in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms, There are, moreover, heat and work—ie., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature, Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy. Energy is the ability to do work is the transfer of energy from one form to another. Energy comes into different form like: + Heat (Thermal) + Light (Radiant) + Mechanical * Electrical + Chemical & + Nuclear energy, ete BITTU SONI If we talk about Electrical energy/current then they are basically two types: + AC (Alternative Current) and + DC Cirect Current) AC (Alternative Current): - A current which reverses in regularly recurring intervals of time and which has alternately positive and negative values, and occurring a specified number of times per second. (Example: Electricity produced by generators.) DC (Direct Curren ‘Anon-varying, unidirectional electric current (Example: Current produced by batteries) Ques 3. Explain Energy management system? Ans. An energy management system (EMS) is a computer-aided tool used by power system operators to monitor, control, and earry out optimal energy management. The purpose of an EMS is to determine power generation or power demands that minimize a certain objective such as generation cost, power loss, or environmental effect. The Value of Energy Management Reducing greenhouse gas emissions for greater corporate social responsibility. Tracking your utility costs to prepare more accurate budgets and gain greater insight into your operational costs. Reducing reliance on supply chains that are inherently volatile Principles. Energy management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units as well as energy distribution and storage. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. Tt is connected closely to environmental management, production ‘management, logistics and other established business functions. The VDI-Guideline 4602 released a definition which includes the economic dimension: "Energy management is the proactive, organized and systematic coordination of procurement, conversion, distribution and use of energy to meet the requirements, taking into account environmental and economic objectives”. It is a systematic endeavour to optimize energy efficiency for specific political, economic and or/em nmental objectives through Engineering and Management techniques. BITTU SONI Energy Management System sc SYSTEM Ques 4. Define energy demand management. Also describe its type. ‘Ans. Energy demand management, also known as demand-side management (DSM) or demand-side response (DSR), is the modification of consumer demand for energy through various methods such as financial incentives and behavioural change through education. + Energy efficiency + Demand response + Dynamic demand + Distributed Energy Resources Energy efficiency: Using less power to perform the same tasks. This involves a permanent reduction of demand by using more efficient load-intensive appliances such as water heaters, reftigerators, or washing machines. Demand response: Any reactive or preventative method to reduce, flatten or shift demand, Historically, demand response programs have focused on peak reduction to defer the high cost of constructing generation capacity. However, demand response programs are now being looked to assist with changing the net load shape as well, load minus solar and wind generation, to help with integration of variable renewable energy.!'"! Demand response includes all intentional modifications to consumption patterns of electricity of end user customers that are intended to alter the timing, level of instantaneous demand, or the total electricity consumption. Demand response refers to a wide range of actions which can be taken at the customer side of the electricity meter in response to particular conditions within the electricity system (such as, peak period network congestion or high prices), including the aforementioned IDSM. BITTU SONI Dynamic demand: Advance ot delay appliance operating cycles by a few seconds to increase the diversity factor of the set of loads. The concept is that by monitoring the power factor of the power grid, as well as their own control parameters, individual, intermittent loads would switch on or off at optimal moments to balance the overall system load with generation, reducing critical power mismatches. As this switching would only advance or delay the appliance operating cycle by a few seconds, it would be unnoticeable to the end user. In the United States, in 1982, a (now-lapsed) patent for this idea was issued to power systems engineer Fred Schweppe. This type of dynamic demand control is frequently used for air-conditioners. One example of this is through the Smart AC program in California. Distributed Energy Resources: Distributed generation, also distributed energy, on-site generation (OSG) or districU/decentralized energy is electrical generation and storage performed by a variety of small, grid-connected devices referred to as distributed energy resources (DER). Conventional power stations, such as coal-fired-, gas- and nuclear-powered plants, as well as hydroelectric dams and large-scale solar power stations, are centralized and often require electric energy to be transmitted over long distances. By contrast, DER systems are decentralized, modular and more flexible technologies, that are located close to the load they serve, albeit having capacities of only 10 megawatts (MW) or less. These systems can ‘comprise multiple generation and storage components; in this instance they are referred to as hybrid power systems. DER systems typically use renewable energy sources, including small hydro, biomass, biogas, solar power, wind power, and geothermal power, and increasingly play an important role for the electric power distribution system. A grid-connected device for electricity storage can also be classified as a DER system, and is often called a distributed energy storage system (DESS). By means of an interface, DER systems can be managed and coordinated within a smart grid. Distributed generation and storage enable collection of energy from many sources and may lower environmental impacts and improve security of supply. Ques 5. What is Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and management? ‘Ans. Energy conservation: is the term used for reducing the consumption through using less energy service. Energy conservation is not about making limited resources last longer, but it is a process of doing nothing more than delaying a crisis until we finally run out of all our energy resources. Conservation is the process of reducing demand on a limited supply (for example natural gas) and ensuring that the demand is met by alternative means of supply. Most of the times the best way to do this is to replace the existing energy used with an alternate one. Energy BITTU SONI Conservation is all about using energy only when it is required and using it as much as needed for the job and not wasting any amount of it. It requires a conscious effort from the user of ‘energy to make sure that there is no wastage on a regular basis. Energy efficiency: The phrase energy efficiency is often used to describe any kind of energy saving measure, though technically energy efficiency is different from energy conservation. For example, a compact fluorescent bulb is more efficient than a traditional incandescent bulb as it uses much less electrical energy to produce the same amount of light. Similarly, an efficient boiler takes less fuel to heat a home to a given temperature than a less efficient model. Energy Management: is a term used for saving or reducing the use of energy in businesses, public sector or government organizations and homes. It is the art of using optimum energy to ‘maximize profits and minimize costs thereby improving the economic competitiveness. Energy ‘management can also be defined as the science involving planning and controlling the supply and consumption of energy to improve the productivity and comforts of the public and to minimize the energy costs and pollution with conscious and effective use of energy. Effective Toole for Energy ‘servation and Management Energy inermation eae Energy reguaton | | techndogytinsttuton Matson ‘Schools Energy Corwe Coteges Eneoy ow CETREE Srrponam EDA Wai and Stel centers WAESOO Energy mantrs soeetaon Ques 6. What are the Basic principles for effective energy management? Ans, Because of the rising energy costs, energy management has again become a priority for facilities managers. Many new energy saving technologies are available, such as automated BITTU SONI management systems, but they do not support or guarantee a successful energy program. Facility managers should keep the following principles in mind, while considering innovative approaches to energy management: 1. Without knowing how, when and where energy is used, there is no way to gauge the relative importance of energy management projects. Identifying and tracking energy use patterns is the first step in any energy program: 2. Good maintenance practices and good energy management go hand in hand. Some of the highest rates of return on energy conservation are generated simply by performing maintenance, Preventive maintenance is stil critical, and reactive maintenance (waiting for a crisis to occur) still foolish, despite funding limitations. It is easy to ignore preventive maintenance when systems are new, calibrations are precise, seals are tight, and heat-exchanger surfaces are clean. 3. Maintenance and energy management serve different purposes. One cannot be substituted for the other. For example, cleaning light-fixture lenses and re lamping them is good maintenance; installing more efficient lamps and ballasts is good energy management, ‘The government of India launched the Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 (ECBC) on Monday. With the adoption of ECBC 2017 for new commercial building construction throughout the country, itis estimated to achieve a 50% reduction in energy use by 2030. This will translate to energy savings of about 300 Billion Units by 2030 and peak demand reduction of over 15 GW in a year. This will be equivalent to expenditure savings of Rs 35,000 crore and ECBC 2017 was developed by BEE with technical support from United States Ageney for International Development (USAID) under the U.S.-India bilateral Partnership to Advance tance (PACE-D TA) Program. Clean Energy — Deployment Technical As Ques 7. What is Sustainable Energy? Also explain its need. ‘Ans, Sustainable energy is a form of energy that meets our today’s demand of energy without putting them in danger of getting expired or depleted and can be used over and over again. Sustainable energy should be widely encouraged as it does not cause any harm to the environment and is available widely free of cost. Allrenewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean energy are sustainable as they are stable and available in plenty. BITTU SONI ‘Sun will continue to provide sunlight till we all are here on earth, heat caused by the sun will continue to produce winds, the earth will continue to produce heat from inside and will not cool down anytime soon, movement of earth, sun and moon will not stop, and this will keep on producing tides. Need for Sustainable Energy During ancient times, wood, timber and waste products were the only major energy sources. In short, biomass was the only way to get energy. When more technology was developed, fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas were discovered. Fossil fuels proved a boon to mankind as they were widely available and could be harnessed easily When these fossil fuels were started using extensively by all the countries across the globe, they led to the degradation of the environment. Coal and oil are two of the major sources that produce a large amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This led to an increase in global warming. Also, few countries have held on these valuable products, which led to the rise in the prices of these fuels. Now, with rising prices, increasing air pollution and the risk of getting expired soon forced scientists to look out for some alternative or renewable energy sources. ‘The need of the hour was to look for resources that are available widely, cause no pollution and are replenishable, Sustainable Energy, at that time, came into the picture as it could meet our today’s increasing demand for energy and also provide us with an option to make use of them in the future also. Chapter 3 Ques 1. Why energy management is important? Ans, Energy management is more important than ever as businesses look to control costs, control energy and attract younger customers conscious about corporate social responsibility. Unfortunately, many commercial facilities and businesses do not have their own energy ‘manager or lack automated solutions to carry out a strategic energy management program. If you fall into that bucket, read on to learn how Albireo can help. The value of energy management Energy management offers multiple benefits to organizations which include: BITTU SONI 10 + Cutting costs through competitive procurement and strategically decreasing consumption + Reducing greenhouse gas emissions for greater corporate social responsibility + Tracking your utility costs to prepare more accurate budgets and gain greater insight into your operational costs + Reducing reliance on supply chains that are inherently volatile ‘Therefore, not only does energy management offer short-term benefit . it also can prepare your business to effectively plan for the future by gaining greater insight into the needs of your organization. Ques 2. What exactly does a HEMS monitor and manage? Ans. Home energy management systems can vary greatly in the breadth of their applications. ‘There are four main aspects of home energy that a home energy management system can be involved in. Some HEMS operate with all four, while others may only work with one or two. We've outlined each of them below. Electricity ‘The core functionality of a versatile home energy management system involves the use of electricity within the home, A HEMS should give the user the ability to ‘see’ what devices are doing and to remotely “reach in’ and turn them on & off or otherwise modify their operation (e.g. turning down the thermostat temperature on an air conditioning unit). Provided that the HEMS is geared primarily to save the user money, key considerations in electricity use management will include to grid electricity rates, whether the customer is on time of use billing, and whether there is solar power or batteries available on site. A HEMS may also be required to operate in an off-grid scenario, in which case its role is even more crucial in ensuring that energy is used effectively so that it is always available when required. Solar PV Small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power ~ in the form of solar panels ~ has become ‘commonplace in many countries, allowing homes to generate a portion of their electricity on- site. Depending on the situation and the incentive structure, a solar system owner may make it a priority to ‘self-consume “their solar energy directly or to export it to the grid as much as possible. The presence of solar battery storage (see below) makes the equation even more complex ~ making a home energy management system an even more attractive option than for a home with no on-site generation, Battery storage BITTU SONI a Battery storage is the next frontier in home energy, holding the key to greater home energy self-sufficiency and lower electricity bills — not to mention the future of our electricity infrastructure itself. In order to maximise the value of a battery bank, however, it helps to have an intelligent management system that can take into account multiple variables — such as whether you're on a time of use of flat rate tariff, and whether you have any incentive to sell stored energy into the grid. Solar thermal Solar thermal — or solar hot water ~ is a popular technology that uses the sun’s power to heat water within a home. Solar hot water system often operates mostly independently of the rest of a home’s electrical devices, but a smart HEMS with the right connectivity & monitoring functionality ean help to improve their value even further. Ques 3. Define electric power with all factors? Ans. Electric power is the rate, per unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Electric power is usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied. by sources such as electric batteries It is usually supplied to businesses and homes (as domestic mains electricity) by the electric power industry through an electric power grid. Electric power can be delivered over long distances by transmission lines and used for applications such as motion, light or heat with high efficiency. ve P = work done per unit time = Where, Q is electric charge in coulombs tis time in seconds Tis electric current in amperes Vis electric potential or voltage in volts In the case of resistive (Ohmic, or linear) loads, Joule's law can be combined with Ohm's law (V = IR) to produce alternative expressions for the amount of power that is dissipated: ve P vo PR ev Where, Ris the electrical resistance. Alternating current BITTU SONI 2 In alternative current circuit, energy storage element such as inductance and capacitance may result in periodic reversal of the direction of energy flow. The portion of power flow that, averaged over a complete cycle of the AC waveform, results in net transfer of ‘energy in one direction is known as real power (also referred to as active power). That portion of power flow due to stored energy, that returns to the source in each cycle, is known as reactive power. The real power P in watts consumed by a device is given by: P= i Vp [p C088 = Vimslrms COS 8 Where, Vpis the peak voltage in volts Ip is the peak current in amperes Vyms is the root-mean-square voltage in volts Tpms is the root-mean-square current in amperes @ is the phase angle between the current and voltage sine waves Apparent Power (VA) Reactive Power VAR Real Power (W) Fig. 3.3 Power tfiangle: The components of AC power The relationship between real power, reactive power and apparent power can be expressed by representing the quantities as vectors. Real power is represented as a horizontal vector and reactive power is represented as a vertical vector. The apparent power vector is the hypotenuse of a right triangle formed by connecting the real and reactive power vectors. This representation is often called the power triangle. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the relationship among real, reactive and apparent power is: (Apparant power)? = (Real power)? + (Reactive power)? Real and reactive powers can also be calculated directly from the apparent power, when the ‘current and voltage are both sinusoids with a known phase angle @ between the (Real power) = (Apparent power ) cos 0 BITTU SONI 3B (Reactive power) = (Apparent power ) sind The ratio of real power to apparent power is called power factor and is a number always between 0 and 1. Where the currents and voltages have non-sinusoidal forms, power factor is generalized to include the effects of distortion, Ques 4. Describe HEMS Requirements. Ans. The main goal of HEMS is to improve efficiency in Home & Building. Additional goals may include electric utility benefits, such as controlling energy usage to reduce peak demand achieve these goals. HEMS needs of these features as shown in figure 3.2. Device monitoring and control Seamless communications between device Demand response Intelligence Data management Security and privacy avewpe Ques 5. Role of energy in transportation? Ans. Energy-efficient transportation needs to be encouraged on three different levels: system efficiency, travel efficiency and vehicle efficiency. Corresponding to these three levels of energy efficiency in transport, three basis strategies exist to improve energy efficiency: + Avoiding increased transport activity and reducing the current demand for transport; + Shifting demand to more efficient modes of transport; BITTU SONI 4 + Improving the vehicles and fuels used. Energy Efficiency ‘More with less Ee | ace | efficiency ieney Ques 6. Energy Choices for the Road. Ans. Nearly 30 percent of the energy used in Florida is consumed by our 13 million personal automobiles that use about 7-1/2 billion gallons of gasoline every year. Florida has more registered cars per capita than any other state, with nearly one car for each person, The average Florida automobile is driven more than 10,000 miles a year, burning about 550 gallons of gasoline and costing its owner about $1,200 in fuel costs alone at today’s average prices (not to mention payments, insurance, service, repairs, tires, tags, license, etc.). Based on a comprehensive analysis, total automobile operating costs for the typical car owner average ‘more than $800 per month, Beyond that is the fact that the more gasoline we use, the more pollution we create. For instance, the average ear that travels 10,000 miles produces 650 pounds of carbon monoxide, 105 pounds of hydrocarbons, 50 pounds of nitrogen oxides and 12 pounds of particulates. Besides saving on fuel costs and reducing pollutants, lowering automobile fuel consumption will also reduce our state's dependence on unreliable foreign oil supplies. Consider Alternatives So what can you do to save money on your driving costs? Consider the following: + Park your car. Walking, riding your bicycle or using available mass transit saves ‘energy, especially on short trips, Our test car, which gets 32 miles per gallon (mpg) BITTU SONI 15 on the highway, achieved only 17.1 mpg when driven on a 1.8-mile round trip to the grocery store. + Increase ridership. Carpooling always saves dollars and makes sense. + Combine several errands and auto trips into one longer trip. Share errands with other household drivers. + Use the phone to avoid wasted trips. + Consider a bus or train for a long-distance vacation, Relax and let someone else do the driving. ‘+ When contemplating a move, carefully consider how the location will affect your ‘commuting distance to work, school and other weekly errands, Ques 7. Why is transportation efficiency important in energy conservation? Ans, Efficient transportation systems enable the movement of people and goods while minimizing time, cost, and energy. Today, transportation represents 28% of annual energy use in the United States, and on-road vehicles account for more than $2% of all transportation energy use. Energy use may change dramatically as consumer behaviour, technological advancements, and the on-demand and ridesharing economy adapt to and influence new mobility services, such as connected and automated vehicles, carsharing, and ride hailing, These transformative changes are redefining the way people choose to travel and have the potential to provide improved mobility options for consumers: however, the impact to transportation energy use is largely uncertain, Ques 8. How can efficiency of transportation be improved? ‘Ans, Possible measures include improving the aerodynamics of the vehicle design, increasing engine efficiency, or developing alternative fuel vehicles that are less polluting and more environment-friendly. Transport policy measures could also help to improve efficieney in freight transportation Chapter 4 Ques 1. Define Energy Policy and its factor. Energy policy is the manner in which a given entity (often governmental) has decided to address issues of energy development including energy conversion, distribution and use. The attributes of energy policy may include legislation, international treaties, incentives to BITTU SONI 16 investment, guidelines for energy conservation, taxation and other public policy techniques. Energy is a core component of modern economies. A functioning economy requires not only labour and capital but also. energy, for manufacturing processes, transportation, ‘communication, agriculture, and more. Energy sources are measured in different physical units: liquid fuels in barrels or gallons, natural gas in cubic feet, coal in short tons, and electricity in kilowatts and kilowatt-hours. Factors within an energy policy ‘There are a number of elements that are naturally contained in a national energy policy, regardless of which of the above measures was used to arrive at the resultant policy. The chief elements intrinsic to an energy policy are: + What is the extent of energy self-sufficiency for this nation Where future energy sources will derive How future energy will be consumed (e.g. among sectors) ‘What fraction of the population will be acceptable to endure energy poverty © What are the goals for future energy intensity, ratio of energy consumed to GDP What is the reliability standard for distribution reliability © What environmental externalities are acceptable and are forecast ‘* What form of "portable energy" is forecast (¢.g. sources of fuel for motor vehicles) + How will energy efficient hardware (e.g. hybrid vehicles, household appliances) be encouraged * How can the national policy drive province, state and municipal functions * What specific mechanisms (e.g. taxes, incentives, manufacturing standards) are in place to implement the total policy © What future consequences there will be for national security and foreign policy (Ques 2. Energy Uses in Agricultural Production. Direct Use of Energy Fuel Operating farm machinery and large trucks: Diesel fuel ~ field work (tractors, combines, mowers, balers, etc.) - input purchase and deliveries (large trucks) Operating small vehicles (cars and pickup trucks): Gasoline - farm management activities BITTU SONI 7 Operating small equipment: Irrigation equipment - Drying of grain or fruit - Ginning cotton - Curing tobacco - Heating for frost protection in groves and orchards - Crop flamers - Heating/cooling of cattle bam, pig or poultry brooder, greenhouse, stock tanks, etc. - Animal Diesel fuel Natural Gas (NG) LP Gas (LP) Electricity (E) - Nitrogen-based (NG is 75% to 90% of cost of prod.) -Phosphate (NG is 15% to 30% of cost of prod.) - Potash (NG is 15% of cost of prod.) General farm overhead Electricity ~ Lighting for houses, sheds, - Power for farm household appliances Custom operations Diesel, - Field work (¢.g., combining) Gasoline, NG, - Drying LPLE - Other Marketing - Transportation: elevator to terminal, processor, or port - Elevating Indirect Use of Energy Fuel Fertilizer Natural Gas (NG) Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) Petroleum or NG Ques 3. What are the Regulations of Energy Use? Ans, Major objectives of regulation of energy use are increasing energy use efficiency and promotion of the transition to cleaner energy sources. The policies promoting energy efficiency are highly diverse and numerous. The regulations targeted at increasing the energy efficiency of the residential sector represent a major section of these measures. The policy tools used include eco-labels which certify environmental friendliness of various consumer and industrial products, elaboration of more energy-efficient building codes, various incentives for retrofitting existing buil insulation, more efficient lighting, heating, cooling and ven jon systems, public camp: 1g8 for higher energy efficiency, including in farm buildings by heat igns at promoting positive behavioural change for reducing the waste of energy. There are vast opportunities for improving energy efficiency of agriculture as well, considering that agricultural value chains are major consumers of energy. For example, even beyond more energy efficient farm buildings, there is a significant scope for reducing the energy BITTU SONI 18 consumption in crop production by conservation agricultural measures such as zero tillage, which reduce the amount of fuel consumed, and precision agriculture, which helps in applying the exact amounts of fertilizers needed by each patch of cropped land. Macro-economic and sectoral policies promoting the transition to cleaner energies include regulations limiting polluting sources of energy such as coal, setting limits to carbon emissions, instituting cap and trade mechanisms, imposing environmental taxes. On the other hand, the transition to cleaner energies is not only a global or national level process. The stakes from using cleaner energies are not less, but arguably, they are even more vital at the household and ‘community level. Household transition to cleaner and more efficient energy sources can follow two approaches: energy ladder or energy stacking, Ques 4. Define domestic energy stream. Ans. The model of a single house is shown in Figure 4.1. Every house consists of (several) micro-generators, heat and electricity buffers, appliances and a local controller. Multiple houses are combined into a grid, exchanging electricity and information between the houses. Electricity can be imported from and exported into the grid. Heat is produced, stored and used only within the house. All domestic heat and electricity devices are divided into three groups: 2 Photo Vols oy 5 a z i ail | & | teat = els] il BITTU SONI 19 Ques 5. What are Energy management methodology? Ans, The goal of the local energy management methodology is to make a generic solution for different (future) domestic technologies and house configurations. Furthermore, multiple scenarios should be possible, e.g. islanded scenario or houses connected to the grid. All these scenarios have to be covered by the methodology. The primary functionality is to control the domestic generation and buffering technologies in such a way that they are used in a proper way and the heat and electricity supply is guaranteed for the house owners. The scheduling freedom of the domestic devices within these constraints can be used for optimizations. More scheduling freedom can be gained. Summarising, a list of requirements for the energy management methodology is: 1) Device-level cost functions should include presents and future technologies, 2) Multiple scenarios with different objectives and costs for specific devices are possible. 3) Guaranteed comfort level chosen by the resident, given the incentives. 4) Both heat and electricity are considered and coupled to include combined heavlelectricity producers and consumers, 5) Agreement between local and global controller by responding on steering signals and send status information, 6) Online scheduling possibilities for instantaneous matching of supply and demand and to respond on steering signals. Ques 6. Analysis for Agriculture Energy Basic End-Use. Ans. © Obtain data on base-year number and average energy intensity of pumps by size. ‘¢ Estimate future number of pumps in each size class. Use growth rate based on projected growth in VA or irrigated area ‘* Estimate retirement rate for base-year pumps. © Obtain data on average energy intensity and cost of new standard and high-efficiency pumps. ‘+ Estimate potential average energy savings and cost associated with retrofit of surviving base-year pumps. BITTU SONI 20 ‘* Calculate baseline energy consumption for each class of pumps. Frozen efficiency: no retrofits, standard new pumps Likely trends: some retrofits, mix of standard and high- efficiency new pumps ‘* Calculate technical potential energy consumption. ~100% retrofits, ~100% high- efficiency new pumps ‘* Estimate portion of technical potential that is cost-effective. ‘* Identify and evaluate mitigation policies and estimate achievable potential. Ques 7. Describe Energy used in agriculture sector. Ans. Agricultural power use stands at about 20 percent of India's national consumption and is the third highest, after industry and household, as per the Power Ministry's statistics for 2009-10. In 2016, the agricultural sector consumed 1,872 trillion Btu of energy, accounting for about 1.9 percent of total U.S. primary energy consumption, The agri and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and milk, etc), and non-food vegetable products of culture sector has at its core the production process for foodstuff (e.g., grains, fruits economic value (e.g., tobacco, jute, hemp, ete). ‘The agriculture sector has as its primary goal the delivery of food on the table for the population or for export. Thus, any measure that will reduce the energy consumption while delivering the food service is principle a potential candidate for analysis as a mitigation option. Agricultural energy use tends to be small compared to that in industry or transport. Energy is mainly used for ground water pumping and farm machinery such as threshers and tractors. In many cases, electricity and fuel use tends to be inefficient because of price subsidies, and thus mitigation options may offer a significant potential for improving efficiency and reducing GHG emissions from this sector. Ques 8. Define Energy forecasting techniques. Ans, Energy forecasting is a technique to predict future energy needs to achieve demand and supply equilibrium. Tn this paper we aim to assess the performance of a forecasting model which is a weather-free model created using a database containing relevant information about past produced power data and data mining techniques. The idea of using a weather-free data- driven model is first to alleviate the dependence on weather data which, in some scena BITTU SONI an difficult to obtain and second to reduce the computational effort, In this work, we aim first to evaluate the interplay between anomaly detection techniques and forecasting model accuracy. Secondly, we will determine out of the three defined performance metrics, which one is the best for this particular application The four primary techniques discussed they are: 1) Time-series analysis 2) Econometric modelling 3) End-use modelling and 4) Abhybrid approach combining both econometric and end-use techniques. Ques 9. Explain Energy Integration. Ans, The energy integration is motivated by economic benefits, the HEN configuration impacts the process behaviour introducing interactions, and in many cases, making the process more difficult to control and operate, Integrated energy is considered a key technology for the energy transition. It combines the individual electricity, heat and mobility energy sectors and thus ensures efficient use of renewable energy. This is the only way to achieve decarbonization of the global economy. Systematic energy integration should be performed to enhance energy efficiency of the system (Sadhu khan et al., 2014). Energy integration strategies include data extraction, screening and classification of heat integration task, composite curve analysis, combined heat and power (CHP) network design, and heat and power balance, are illustrated in Figure. BITTU SONI 22 | Data Extraction I Screening and Classifying demand Low level task I High level task Process streams matching or Composite curve analysis or energy balance energy balance i. Process-to-process hi ii, Hot water generation ii requirement for heating | | Ques 10. Define Energy Matrix. Ans, An energy matrix, or power matrix, is a term used to describe the primary source of energy for a system. This system can be either organic or technological, and the matrix is responsible for the distribution. of energy throughout. On a Federation star-ship, the engineering section, being the main source of power for the vessel, is considered the primary energy matrix. Global energy demand has continued to increase, with major developing countries acting as the main driving force behind such increases. However, the world energy balance is dominated by fossil fuels. One major issue raised by this is how to change the future energy matrix towards more sustainable and renewable sources of energy. Ques 11. Implications of the evolving energy matrix on energy security. ‘Ans. Access to sustainable cheap energy is essential to the functioning of modern economies. However, limited supplies of non-renewable energy and uneven distribution of reserves among countries have prompted competition over energy resources, particularly in fossil fuels. Rising BITTU SONI 23 costs of fossil fuels and environmental concerns have thus intensified the need to diversify from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energy in order to secure energy supplies. “Energy secut ** covers a broad range of issues, from uninterrupted oil, natural gas and LNG supplies to the protection of energy infrastructures from terrorist attacks. Historically, the concept was applied to consuming countries but it has evolved in recent years to incorporate the responsibility of both consumers and producers. For example, factors such as political unrest and violence in several oil-producing countries, the increased cooperation between oil- producing and oil-consuming countri ,, multinational oil companies’ investment in the oil- producing countries, uncertainty over the available reserves, and the possibility of an oil production peak in some oil producing countries have all raised concerns about the uninterrupted flow of cheap energy to consumers. Maintaining security of demand has also been highlighted as a necessary factor to facilitate the supply of energy. Itis therefore important to address both the security of supply and the security demand as a means to attaining energy security. A simple method, generally accepted in measuring energy security, involves assessing whether supplies are available, accessible, affordable and acceptable. Precise indicators have yet to be designed as the notion of energy security is highly contextual. Ques 12. An Overview of Energy independence. Ans. Understanding energy independence is necessary for formulating an effective energy security policy. To achieve “oil independence”, a nation must reach a state in which its economic, military or foreign policies are not subject to the restraining or directing influence of oil producers. This definition captures the essential idea but it is not measurable. A measurable definition needs to reflect the uncertainty about future oil market conditions and include a quantitative statement of how much the potential costs of oil dependence must be reduced, BITTU SONI 24 ‘Combustie Renewables and Waste Hydro Combustible 3%, 2007 Renewables Nuclear ‘and Waste 10% other 1% biomass —nudear Hideo — other renewables Chapter 5 Ques 1. What is the Need for energy audit explai Ans. An energy audit is recommended to determine the energy consumption associated with a facility and the potential savings associated with that energy consumption, It helps reduce the dependence on. foreign energy sources. It helps reduce environmental damage and pollution, Energy Audit needs to be done to Identify Energy saving Opportunities in a facility or areas with excess use of Energy compared with set up standards. Energy audit is an effective tool of ‘energy management to use Energy Effectively and Efficiently. In other words Energy Audit is a process or methodology to find out Power Consumption according to different areas and in various slots of time, Total Connected load, Maximum Demand, Power Factor, Load Factor and most importantly It proposes economic measures to save energy with detailed comparison of cost of energy saving and investment required in terms of payback period. An energy audit BITTU SONI 25 is a study of a plant or facility to determine how and where energy is used and to identify methods for energy savings. The objectives of an energy analysis or audit are to identify and develop modifications that will reduce the energy use and/or cost of operating a building. The results should be presented in a format that will provide the information needed by an owner/operator to decide if any, some, or all of the recommended modifications should be implemented. An energy analysis or Energy Audit includes the following steps: 1) Collection and analysis of historical energy use. 2) Study of the building and its operational characteristics. 3) Identification of potential solutions that will reduce the energy use and/or cost. 4) To perform an engineering and economic analysis of potential modifications. 5) Preparation of rank-ordered list of appropriate modifications, 6) Preparation of an audit report to document the analysis process and results. Ques 2. Explain Principal of energy audit. Ans, When the object of study is an occupied building then reducing energy consumption while maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety are of primary concem, Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost-effective opportunities for energy savings. ‘* Eliminate unnecessary energy usage. ‘+ Improve efficiency of energy usages. ‘© Buying energy at low cost. ‘* Adjusting operations to allow purchasing energy at low price ‘* Control the cost of energy © Control energy as a product cost ‘For same energy higher production. ‘+ Energy saved is the money earned which can be used in the other productive means. Ques 3. How many types of energy audit explain, ‘Ans. The type of industrial energy audit conducted depends on the function, size, and type of the industry, the depth to which the energy audit is needed, and the potential and magnitude of ‘energy savings and cost reduction desired. Based on these criteria, an industrial energy audit and its types can be classified into two types: BITTU SONI 26 * Preliminary Energy Audit (Walk-through Energy Audit) and © Detailed Energy Audit (Diagnostic Energy Audit) 1. Preliminary Energy Audit (Walk-through audit), In a preliminary energy audit, readily-available data are mostly used for a simple analysis of energy use and performance of the plant. This type of audit does not require a lot of measurement and data collection. These audits take a relatively short time and the results are more general, providing common opportunities for energy efficiency. ‘The economic analysis is typically limited to calculation of the simple payback period, or the time required paying back the initial capital investment through realized energy savings. 2. Detailed Energy Audit (Diagnostic Energy Audit). For detailed (or diagnostic) energy audits, more detailed data and information are required. Measurements and a data inventory are usually conducted and different energy systems (pump, fan, compressed air, steam, process heating, etc.) are assessed. in detail. Hence, the time required for this type of audit is longer than that of preliminary audi The results of these audits are more comprehensive and useful since they give a more accurate picture of the energy performance of the plant and more specific recommendation for improvements, The economic analysis conducted for the efficiency measures recommended typically go beyond the simple payback period and usually include the calculation of an Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPY), and often also Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Ques. 4, What is the Principle of Cleaner Production in energy management? Ans, For produetion processes, cleaner production involves one or a combination of the following: conserving raw materials, water and energy; eliminating toxic and dangerous raw materials; reducing the quantity and toxicity of emissions and wastes at source during the production process leaner production, also sometimes called pollution prevention, is the continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy to processes, products, and services to increase overall efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment. Cleaner production can be applied to the processes used in any industry, to the products themselves, and to various services provided in society. BITTU SONI 27 For production processes, cleaner production involves one or a combination of the following: ‘© conserving raw materials, water and energy; ‘+ eliminating toxic and dangerous raw materials; ‘* reducing the quantity and toxicity of emissions and wastes at source during the production process. Carat) Ques 5. What is the Application of renewable energy? Ans. Renewable energy is useful energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on ahuman timescale, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. The term often also encompasses biomass as well, whose carbon neutral status is under debate. This type of energy source stands in contrast to fossil fuels, which are being used far more quickly than they are being replenished. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services Examples of renewable energy technologies that can be incorporated with building energy systems include: * Solar electric, or photovoltaic (PV), systems BITTU SONI 28 © Solar thermal, including solar hot water (domestic water heating and space heating), and solar ventilation air preheating © Geothermal heat pump © Wind turbines ‘* Biomass systems. More information on each technology is provided in the following sections. Ques 6. Define Solar Thermal energy. Ans. Solar water heating can be a cost-competitive way to generate hot water or air and eliminate both the cost of electricity or fossil fuel as well as the associated environmental impacts. Solar Hot Water Systems, Solar hot water systems use a collector to absorb and transfer heat from the sun to water, which is stored in a tank until needed. These systems are categorized by the temperature at which heat is most efficiently delivered and the collector type that is best suited for that delivered temperature, including low-temperature (unglazed collectors), mid- temperature (flat-plate collectors), and high-temperature (evacuated tube collectors). Solar Ventilation Preheating Systems, Solar ventilation preheating systems heat ventilation air for applications needing high volumes of ventilation air. In principle, the sun warms the collector surface, where heat is then conducted from the surface to a thermal boundary layer of air. Fans then draw the boundary layer though holes in the collector before the heat can escape by convection. BITTU SONI 29 Ques 7. Explain Energy generation and uses. Ans, The term soft energy technology was coined by Amory Lovins to describe “appropriate” renewable energy. "Appropriate" energy technologies are especially suitable for isolated and/or small-scale energy needs. Electricity can be provided from: ‘* Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, and (large) Concentrating solar power plants. PV solar panels made from low-cost photovoltaic cells or PV-cells which have first been concentrated by a Luminescent solar concentrator-panel are also a good option. Especially companies as Sol focus make appropriate technology CSP plants which can be made from waste plasties polluting the surroundings. ‘© Solar thermal collector ‘+ wind power (home do-it yourself turbines and larger-scale) ‘* micto hydro, and Pico hydro ‘+ human-powered handwheel generators ‘* other zero emission generation methods Some intermediate technologies include: * Bi alcohols as bioethanol, bio-methanol and biobutanol. The first two require minor modifications to allow them to be used in conventional gasoline engines. The third requires no modifications at all. ‘© Vegetable oils which can be used only in internal combustion (Diesel) engines, Biofuels are locally available in many developing countries and can be ‘cheaper than fossil fuels. ‘* Anaerobic digestion power plants ‘* Biogas is another potential source of energy, particularly where there is an abundant supply of waste organic matter. A generator (running on biofuels) can be run more efficiently if combined with batteries and an inverter; this adds significantly to capital cost but reduces running cost, and can potentially make this a much cheaper option than the solar, ind and micro-hydro options. ‘* Dry animal dung fuel can also be used. ‘© Biochar is another similar energy source which can be obtained through charring of certain types of organic material (¢.g., hazelnut shells, bamboo, chicken manure, etc.) in a pyrolysis unit, A similar energy source is terra preta nova, BITTU SONI 30 © Chemurgy Miscellaneous Ques 1. What energy management and its need? ‘Ans. Energy management is the means {0 controlling and reducing a building's energy consumption, which enables owners and operators to: Reduce costs — energy represents 25% of all operating costs in an office building. Reduce carbon emissions in order to meet internal sustainability goals and regulatory requirements, Ques 2. Why is it important to have energy management in the industrial sector? Ans, Energy management is very important as all well-planned actions can help reduce an organization's energy bills and minimize the damage it does to the environment, The two ‘main energy management strategies are conservation and efficiency. Ques 3. Why is energy management important? Ans. The Value of Energy Management Reducing greenhouse gas emissions for greater corporate social responsibility. Tracking your utility costs to prepare more accurate budgets and gain greater insight into your operational costs. Reducing reliance on supply chains that are inherently volatile. Ques 4. How does energy management system work? ‘Ans, An energy management system (EMS) is a system of computer-aided tools used by operators of electric utility grids to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of the generation or transmission system. Also, it can be used in small scale systems like microgrids Ques 5. What is building energy management system? Ans. A building energy management system (BEMS) is a sophisticated method to monitor and control the building's energy needs Next toenergy management, the system can control and monitor a large variety of other aspects of the building regardless of whether it is residential or commercial. Ques 6. How does agriculture use energy? Ans. Agriculture uses energy directly as fuel or electricity to operate machinery and equipment, to heat or cool buildings, and for lighting on the farm, and indirectly in the fertilizers and chemicals produced off the farm. Ques 7. What energy in agriculture? Ans, Direct energy includes electricity, mechanical power, solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Indirect energy, on the other hand, refers to the energy required to manufacture inputs such as ‘machinery, farm equipment, fertilizers and pesticides. Ques 8. What is the importance of energy in agriculture? BITTU SONI a1 Ans. Agriculture requires energy as an important input to production, Agriculture uses energy directly as fuel or electricity to operate machinery and equipment, to heat or cool buildings, and for lighting on the farm, and indirectly in the fertilizers and chemicals produced off the farm. Ques 8. Why do we need energy poli Ans. An energy policy objective of paramount importance is the requirement to ensure continuity of supply. In a long-term perspective, poliey needs to ensure that for all fuels there is a reliable and economic supply. In a shorter-term perspective, instruments are necessary to ‘meet sudden supply interruptions. Ques 9, What are the sources of power in agriculture? Ans. These operations are done by different sources of power, namely human, anim: , ol engine, tractor, power tiller, electricity and renewable energy (biogas, solar and wind). Human beings are the main source of power for operating small tools and implements. Ques 10. What is renewable energy policy? Ans, Energy policy tools have a crucial rule in deploying innovation and cost reduction in renewable energy production. Different countries have implemented various policies to promote renewable energy technologies such as: capital subsidies, feed in tarifi S, tradable certificates, and renewable portfolio standards. Ques 11. Which of the following is an example of energy conservation? Ans, Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation. Ques 12. What is an example of energy efficiency? Ans, Energy efficiency is using technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. Using a light-emitting diode (LED) light bulb or a compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb that requires less energy than an incandescent light bulb to produce the same amount of light is an example of energy efficiency. Ques 13. What are 5 ways to conserve energy? Ans. Here are our top 5 free and easy ways to save energy in your home: BITTU SONI 32 ¢ Tum off the fan when you leave a room. © Close your drapes or drop your window shades during the day © Wash your clothes in cold water. ‘* Wrap or cover foods and drinks in the refrigerator. ‘* Always use the cold-water faucet, unless you really want hot water. Ques 14. What are three examples of energy sources used by humans? Ans, Oil, coal, and natural gas Ques 15. What are the benefits of energy efficiency? Ans, The many benefits of energy efficiency include: Environmental: Increased efficiency can lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other pollutants, as well as decrease water use. Economic: Improving energy efficiency can lower individual utility bills, create jobs, and help stabilize electricity prices and volatility. Ques 16. Define energy policies in house? Ans, Energy policy is the scheme in which the government (oF any organization) addresses issues related to energy growth and usage including energy production, distribution, and ‘consumption. Ques 17. What are the main features of energy policy? Ans. Policy seeks to reduce black-marketing of subsidised petroleum products. The policy seeks optimal exploitation of domestic energy resources and also. vigorous exploration and acquisition of energy assets abroad, so that energy security can be attained effectively. The policy aims to meet energy demands of all sectors. Ques 18. What is an energy plan? Ans. Energy planning has a number of different meanings. However, one common meaning of the term is the process of developing long-range policies to help guide the future of a local, national, regional or even the global energy system. BITTU SONI

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