Sistemlerin Kararlılık Teorisi: Van Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Üzaktan Eğitim Merkezi

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Sistemlerin Kararlılık


Prepared by: Rodi Ali Sistemlerin Kararlılık Teorisi

Supervised by:Dr.Muzaffer Atis

Final report
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi

Qualitative Behaviors of Chua-Like Circuits by Lyapunov Direct Method

Our aim is to investigate some qualitative behaviors of Chua-like circuit systems under

suitable conditions by Liapunov direct method. This method gives us qualitative information

directly without solving the given systems. For each system we construct a suitable energy

function and then apply the method as a tool to investigate global asymptotic stability,

instability and passivity of the given systems. We also determine under which conditions the

systems behave as a memristor. In this study, we realized and then discussed that lossless

systems have zero solutions (motions) and passive systems have bounded motions since these

two ideas are not so clear in the literature. Some simulations results and examples were given

to verify the obtained theoretical predictions.


In this study the handled Chua-like circuits [1] are third-order nonlinear autonomous circuits

with at least: one nonlinear element ( N R ), one linear resistor, and three linear energy storage

elements [1]. In 1983, Chua realized that chaos could be produced in such third order circuits

when N R shows symmetric piecewise–linear ( v R −i R ) characteristics, but this is not necessary

[1], it can also be realized with a cubic characteristic [2, 3]. Here, we will study on some

different aspects of the above discussion which not have been studied yet. That is, we will

turn out our discussion on the stability, instability and passivity of the defined circuits with

more general nonlinear characteristic of N R. Then, illustrate these results with cubic and the

piecewise – linear characteristics of N R. Hence, understanding nonlinear phenomena will

become more and more important as time goes by [4], since the nature itself is nonlinear.

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi

Rektörlük Ek Bina, 65080, Kampüs / VAN
444 50 65
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi

Qualitative behaviors of many nonlinear systems (of any order) such as biolological,

electrical, mechanical, and neural systems can be analyzed in the future as we now do.

The term stability is a device of some sort operates under certain general conditions [5]. It is

the heart of control theory [6]. Therefore, Liapunov direct method is very efficient to

determine the qualitative behaviors of dynamical system [7, 8]. In this connection, we shall

cite some excellent studies in the related literature discussing qualitative behaviors of certain

circuit systems [9-13]. Here, we applied this method to certain third-order nonlinear RLC

circuit systems which are closely associated with the nonlinear oscillations [14-16].

Then, the authors [17-18] used Liapunov functions as energy functions in real applications

that fortified the method. Moreover, stability and passivity of some linear (nonlinear) systems

are investigated by Venkatesh [19], Yang, Sun, Zhang and Ma [20] using Liapunov-

Corduneanu function, and Liapunov stability, respectively.

Let's give the following basic knowledge before the main results.

2. Preliminaries

In this investigation, we consider nonlinear dynamical system of the form

ẋ=f ( x , u ). (1)

Let, (1) has properties as in the literature (see, (5.7) in [19]).

Theorem 1 Assume that Theorem 1in [9] holds with E1 ( ¿ V ) : R n → R +¿¿. Then, x ( t ) ≡0 of

(1) with u ≡0, is GAS or the system is lossless.

∂ f ( x ,u )
Now, let us define the passivity for (1), where f is locally Lipschitz (i.e., ‖ ∂x ‖ ≤M,M

is a constant) and f ( 0 ,0 )=0.

Definition 1 E1 ( x ) : Rn → R+¿ ¿ is said to be a positive definite function if E1 satisfies the

conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 1.

Remark 1 All the energy functions given here obeys Definition 1.

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi

Rektörlük Ek Bina, 65080, Kampüs / VAN
444 50 65
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Merkezi

Definition 2 (1) is passive if

(i) Ė1 ( t ) ≤ r ( u , x ).

Moreover, it is lossless if

(ii) Ė1 ( t ) =r (u , x ) ,

and strictly passive if

(iii) Ė1 ( t ) +ψ ( z ) ≤ r ( u , x ),

for some positive definite function ψ, wherer ( u , x ) =u x , r ( 0 ,0 )=0 is the supply rate

function of (1).

Lemma 1 If (1) is passive with E1, then the origin of ẋ=f ( x , 0 ), is stable.

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi

Rektörlük Ek Bina, 65080, Kampüs / VAN
444 50 65

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