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On the Stresses in a Plate Containing Two Circular Holes

ChihBing Ling

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 19, 77 (1948); doi: 10.1063/1.1697875

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On the Stresses in a Plate Containing Two Circular Holes
Guggenheim Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 4, California
(Received May 29, 1947)

This note gives a theoretical solution to a plate containing two circular holes of equal size.
The method of solution is to add to the given stress system a suitable biharmonic function
which gives no stress at infinity. The parametric coefficients involved in the solution are
adjusted so as to' satisfy the boundary conditions at the edges of the holes. Bipolar coordinates
are used in the solution, by means of which explicit expressions are obtained for the parametric
coefficients. Three fundamental stress systems are discussed in some detail, namely, the all-
around tension case, the longitudinal tension case, and the transverse tension case. Formulas
of the stress along the edges of holes are derived and, in particular, values of maximum stress
are calculated. The limiting case in which the holes are tangential is also discussed.

T HE general solution of the stresses in a

perforated plate, of infinite size, containing
a group of circular holes was obtained by How-
Jeffery's, wiII be given, corresponding to several
fundamental stress systems acting in the plate.
The parametric coefficients involved in the so-
land and Knight,l and Green. 2 Naturally, such lution are obtained in explicit forms in terms of
general solutions do not give much information bipolar coordinates. Finally, the maximum stresses
as to the numerical aspect of the problem unless in the plate are calculated and plotted against
particular cases are worked out separately. In the distance between the holes.
hoth solutions, it may be mentioned that the The bipolar coordinates (~, 71) will be defined
parametric coefficients involved in the stress by the equation of transformation
function are solved by the method of successive
approximations, which is, however, a lengthly x+iy= -a coth!i(~+iT/), (1)
process. such that the two poles of the coordinates are
The simplest case of a perforated plate is the located on the x axis at the points (±a, 0), and
one containing a single circular hole. This prob-
lem has been discussed in great detail by various x=JsinhT/, y=Jsint (2)
investigators. The next less simple case is a where
plate containing a group of two circular holes of (3)
equal size. Owing to its importance in engineering
The biharmonic equation V4X = 0, which must be
applications, it is thought that it is also necessary
satisfied by the stress function x, then transforms
to discuss this problem in some detail.
A plate problem involving two circular bound-
aries is best treated by means of bipolar coordi-
nates. A general discussion of stress and strain
in bipolar coordinates was given in a paper by
Jeffery sometime ago. 3 Nevertheless, the problem Consider a solution, even in both ~ and 71, of
of a plate containing two equal holes has not been the type
worked out as fully as it deserves. In this note, a
solution of this problem, differed slightly from
The transformed biharmonic equation then re-
1 R. C. J. Howland and R. C. Knight, "Stress functions duces on substitution to an ordinary differential
for a plate containing groups of circular holes," Phil.
Trans. A 238, 357 (1939). equation
2 A. E. Green, "General biharmonic analysis for a plate
containing circular holes," Proc. Roy. Soc. A 176, 121
3 G. B. Jeffery, "Plane stress and plane strain in bipolar (6)
coordinates," Phil. Trans. A 221, 265 (1921).

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 77

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Consequently, the solution even in 1/ is

where An and En are parametric coefficients.

This solution holds true for any n except n = O.
The solution in the latter case, however, will be
rejected partially on the ground that it is
redundant to stresses and partially that it gives + f/I 1(1/) - tf/ll"(!) - t L
{f/ln-I" (1/)
rise to multi-valued displacements. There are n=1
also some even solutions of Eq. (4), which are -2f/1n"(!)) COSh7J+f/ln+l"(7J)
not included in (7), for instance,
+(n-2)f/ln-l(11)+2f/1n'(11) sinhll
xlJ = K(cosh1/ -cos~) log (cosh!) -cos~), (8)
- (n+2)f/ln+l(7J)} cosn~, (11)
K being a parametric coefficient. It is found
convenient to include this solution also in the
solution concerned presently. A more general
solution is, therefore, 00

= -K sinh!) sin~-! L {(n-1)f/ln-l'(!)


-2nf/ln'(7J) COSh7J

+ L f/ln(1/) cosnf (9) +(n+l)f/lnt-1'(!)1 sinn~. (12)


Prime signs have the usual meaning of differ-

The stresses derived from XI are as follows: entiation.
It is seen that all the stresses derived from XI
vanish at infinity, provided that xI! J = 0 when
~, !) = O. This condition leads to
a }-XI L (An+Bn) =0. (13)
-sin~-+cosh1/ n=l
a~ J
When the holes are absent, the stress system
= -!K(cosh21/-2 cosh1/ cos~-cos2~) in the (infinite) plate will be supposed to be
specified by a symmetrical stress function xo.

+f/lI(!)+! L {(n-1)(n-2)f/ln_I(!) The method of solution when two equal holes

n=1 are present is to add to xo the even biharmonic
function Xl, as shown in (9), which satisfies the
further condition (13) so as to give no stress at
infinity. The parametric coefficients involved in
the function Xl are adjusted to satisfy the
boundary conditions at the edges of the holes.
For convenience, a factor aT will be introduced
to Xl to render these coefficients dimensionless.
The required stress function is thus constructed
in the form:
X=XO+aTXl. (14)
Now, let the edges of the holes be denoted by
q=±a, respectively, such that their centers are
located symmetrically on the x axis (see Fig. 1),
FIG. 1. Two equal holes. and let the normal and the tangential stresses


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derived from xo at 'Y/ = ±a be denoted by TABLE 1. The maximum stresses (1'= 1).

00 00
(1) All-around (2) Longitudinal (3) Transverse
'Y/170 = T L Cn cosn~, ~no = T E bn sinn~. (15) >. 8=0
71.=0 71.=1 8=0 0=11"

1 2.894 00 2.569 3.869 oc

Consequently, the boundary condition of no 1.5 2.255 2.887 2.623 3.151 3.264
traction at the edges of holes (i.e., 'Y/17=O, ~,,=O, 2 2.158 2.411 2.703 3.066 3.020
3 2.080 2.155 2.825 3.020 2.992
when 'Y/ = ±a) leads to 5 2.033 2.049 2.927 3.004 2.997
8 2.014 2.018 2.970 3.001 2.999
- 2co = 2¢I(a) -K cosh2a, 00 2.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 3.000

and for n)1

solved in general for any even stress system
(16) acting in the plate.
-21/;,,' sinha+2K(oln cosha-02n), Three fundamental cases will be considered in
the sequel, namely, (1) the plate is under an
2bn = 1/;71.-1' - 21/;71.' cosha
all-around tension T, so that we have
+1/;71.+/ +2Ko1n sinha,
where Omn is Kronecker delta which is equal to or (20)
unity when m=n, or to zero when m~n, and
1/;n=(n-l)n(n+l)¢n(a), 1/;n'=n¢n'(a). (17) (2) the plate is under a longitudinal tension T,

The systems of equations may be replaced by

or (21)
2¢1(a) =K cosh2a-2co,
and (3) the plate is under a transverse tension T,
1/;1' = 2Ke-a sinha-2 E bme-",a,

or (22)
and for n) 2 by
Xo/aT J = t sinh 211/(cosh'Y/ -cos~).
1/;71.' sinha =1/;1' sinhna
The stresses at 'Y/ = ±a derived from Xo are then
-2K sinh(n-l)a sinha given by
71.-1 (23)
+2 E bm sinh(n-m)a,
rfi//T= (1-cosha cos~)2/(cosha-cos~)2, 1
1/;" sinha=1/;I'(n coshna-cotha sinhna)

H/T=sinh 2a

+K[(n+l) sinh(n-2)a (19) (24)

[r,/T= -sinha sin~(1-cosha cos~)/
-(n-I) sinhnal
(cosha - ('OS~)2,
0.--\ and
-2 E ! (n-m)b m cosh(n-m)a
m=l 'Y/1J/1'=sinh2a sin2U(cosha-cos~)2, f
- (mcm+b m cotha) ~/T= (1-cosha cos~)2/(cosha-cos~)2, (25)

Xsinh(n-m)al· ~lI/T=sinha sin~(1-cosha cos~)j

(cosha - cos~)2,
The coefficients A" and B" can thus be expressed
explicitly in terms of Cn, bu , and K. An additional respectively. Hence, we have in the first case
equation is supplied by the condition (13) for
the determination of K. The problem is thus co=1, cn=bn=O. (n)1) (26)

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 79

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in the other two cases, we expand the first and and
the third expressions, respectively, into Fourier a
series between ~ = -71" and ~ = 71" with the aid of Co = e- sinha, }
the following integrals, for n ~ 0, cn=b n = -2e- na sinha(n sinha-cosha), (29)
(n~ 1)

respectively. With these coefficients we obtain

" cosn~ d~ 2tP1(a) =K cosh2a-2co,

ifi"e n« =- 2K (n sinha +cosha)
271"e-"«(n sinha+cosha) ±n(n2-1) sinha, (n~2) (30)

sinh3a ifin'e n « = 2K sinha=Fn(n sinha-cosha).

(n~ 1)
Then we readily have
Wherever the sign is ambiguous, the upper one
Co = e-« cosha, } goes with the longitudinal tension case and the
cn =b n =2e- na sinha(n sinha-cosha), (28) lower with the transverse tension case. In the
all-around tension case, the terms with ambigu-
(n~ 1) ous signs are all absent. Hence, we have for n ~ 1,

2K(e- na sinhna+ ne-a sinha) ±n(n+1) (e- na coshna - ne- a sinha)

n(n+ 1)(sinh2na+n sinh2a)
2K(e- na sinhna+ne a sinha)±n(n-1)(e-na coshna-ne a sinh~)
~=- , (31)
n(n-1)(sinh2na+n sinh2a)
with the exception that
B1 =!CK tanha cosh2a - 2c o=Fe--2a coth2a).

Moreover, in the all-around tension case, K is determined from

00 e- na sinhna+n sinha(n sinha+cosha)}

K !+tanha sinh2 a-4 :E
= L (32)
n=2 n(n2 -1) (sinh2na+n sinh2a)

But in the longitudinal and the transverse tension cases, unity on the right-hand side of Eq. (32) is
to be replaced by the quantities .

t±!=F2 sinh 2a :E n/(sinh2na+n sinh2a). (33)

Most important is the stress at the edges of holes. With the same distinction to ambiguous signs
as before, this stress is found to be given by

Ha {( oc sinhna cosn~ )
-=2(cosha-cos~) K sinha 1+4:E - - - -
T n=1 sinh2na+n sinh2a

'" n(n sinhna sinha-coshna cosha) cosn~}

=F2:E . (34)
n=1 sinh2na+n sinh2a


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For convenience, we shall define 't] and 8 as
shown in Fig. 1, which are connected to a) by a, .
cosha = >-, cos~= (1 +>- cosO) /(>-+cosO). (35) (31 01 •• 0.

It appears that there are two points of maxi-

Iii \- (3101 •• ".

mum (tensile) stress at the edge of each hole. 13 \.-.2

In the all-around and the transverse tension ~3
eases, they are at 0=0 (or ~=O) and at 0=7r (or
......-l -
X-/"- (21 at ••• >r 12.
~=7r). In the longitudinal tension case, these 2.6
points are very nearly at 0= ±7r/2, or more \ \ (I) 01 .'0.
precisely at 101 slightly less than 7r /2. They
shift towards (J = ±7r /2 when A increases. For 2.2 V'\-
:---.... ~
(11 01 .,,,,

simplicity in calculation, the stress at 0 = ±7r /2 2 I 2 3 4 & 6 7 8 9 10

in the latter case may be taken as the maximum
stress without any appreciable error. -00- -00- 0'0
The limiting case a= OCJ (or >-= OCJ) corresponds I I
to a single hole in the plate. The results in this (I) All-around
tension case
(2) Longitudinal
tension case
(3) Transverse
tension case
case are well-known. On the other hand, in the
FIG. 2. The maximum stress.
limi ting case a = 0 (or >- = 1), the hvo holes in
the plate become tangen tial to each other. It
can be shown without much difficulty that when an.
--=8(a2 K)
i"'sinhcp coscp dcp
a=O, the series in Eq. (32) takes the following T (I sinh2cp+2cp
limiting value
",cp( coshcp - cp sinhcp) coscp dcp
00 e- na sinhna+n sinha(n sinha+cosha)
2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+4 f. , (39)
(J sinh2cp+2cp
,,~2 n(n2 -1) (sinh2na+n sinh2a)
and (3) in the transverse tension case at ~=O.
= 2: 1 2a2f"'~sinh2cp-cp2)dCP.
,,~2 n(n2-1) 0 cp3(sinh2cp+ 2cp)
~o foro sinhcp dcp
-=4(a 2K)
T n sinh2cp+2cp
Since the sum of the series on the right-hand
side of the expression is equal to t, Eq. (32) thus oocp(cp sinhcp-coshcp)dcp
becomes in the limit +2
i o sinh2cp+2cp
. (40)

(36) Values of the maximum stresses are calculated

and shown, for T = 1, in the accompanying table.
Figure 2 shows the resultfi graphically.
Also, the quantities in (33) become in the limit
I t may be noted that the integralti in the
limiting case a = 0 can be cOllveniently evaluated
(37) with the aid of the Illlmerkal values of the
following in tegrals, for n?:- 1,
The maximum stresses take the following limiting
values when a=O: (1) in the all-around tension (41)
case at ~=O,

which have heen calculated by Howland.! For

(38) example:;:

4 R. C. J_Howland, "On the stresses in the neighborhood

(2) ill the longitudinal tension case at ~ = a (or ot a circular hole in a strip under tension," Phil. Trans.
0= ±7rj2) , A 229, 67 (1930), Table I.

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 81

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An Alignment Chart Giving the Polarization Correction of Equi-Inclination

Weissenberg Photographic Intensities
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
(Received August 15, 1947)

A nomograph is presented which gives, in terms of film coordinates iJ. and T, the polarization
factors to be applied to intensities taken from equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs to
correct them for polarization. The remaining correction, the Lorentz factor, merely involves
division by COS2iJ. sinT.

IN determining the structure factors F or P

from observed intensities of spots on equi-
Knowing /l the inclination angle and l' the off-
axis angle of the reflection, one can compute 20,
inclination Weissenberg photographs,* a correc- the ray deviation, and hence 1/p. This can be
tion for polarization is necessary. The computa- done very conveniently and with sufficient accu-
tion of the polarization correction factor, 1/p, is racy with an alignment chart. This paper pre-
somewhat tedious. Here, P",1/L·l/p· lo, where sents such a chart which gives the polarization
lo is the spot intensity correction for equi-inclination Weissenberg pho-
p=--- Po 1.0
2 20
and 1.2
L (the Lorentz factor) 50 1.4
COS /l sin')' 1.~

60 1.6

35 \.9
P 3,0 •

90 '0
0 Z.O

,00 1.9!)

110 1.6
'20 1.6

140 1.3
FIG. 1. 1.2
* M. J. Buerger and G. E. Klein, "Correction of. x-ray .60
diffraction intensities for Lorentz and polarization factors," .80
J. App. Phys. 16,408 (1945). FiG. 2.


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