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Classroom/Teacher Observation Checklist

School: __________________________________ Date: __________

Teacher: _________________________________ Gender: M / F

Class: ________________ Number of children present: M: ______ F: ______

Subject: _______________ Period: _______________ Lesson time start-finish: __________

Qualification/Training of teacher: __________________________________________________

List any training from Save the Children: __________________________________________________

Name of observer: __________________________________________________

Teacher Assessment Criteria Scoring

Sn For each assess whether the teacher fulfills the criteria: 0 1 2
not at all (0), partially (1) or fully (2)
1 The teacher arrives within 5 minutes of the lesson start.

2 The teacher speaks in a friendly tone.

3 The teacher listens attentively to children.

4 The teacher makes eye contact.

5 The teacher calls children by name.

6 The teacher praises the children.

7 The lesson includes small group activities.

8 The teacher moves round the class.

9 The teacher asks questions to test the children’s understanding of lessons, not just
repeating or saying yes or no.
10 The teacher asks questions to individual students (not just chorusing).

11 Children are given a chance to ask the teacher questions.

12 The teacher involves boys and girls in the lesson equally.

13 Children’s work is marked (check their note books).

14 The teacher does not hit students or threaten to hit them.

15 The teacher does not insult students

16 The teacher leaves at the end of the lesson time, not before.

17 Lesson objectives are clear and measurable (SMART).

18 The teacher gives a summary at the end of the lesson.

19 The teacher knows the subject content.

20 The teacher delivers the subject content without mistakes.

21 The teacher is presentable and smart.

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Classroom/Teacher Observation Checklist
22 The teacher uses clear and simple language.

23 The teacher stimulates learning through teaching aids.

24 The teacher allows the learners to touch and feel some of the teaching materials.

25 The teacher stimulates learning through playing, activities, role play and/or group

26 The teacher has ensured that the classroom is free from any items which would
threaten children’s safety and protection (check the classroom).

27 The teacher has arranged the classroom with suitable seating arrangements (e.g.
children in groups)

28 The teacher distributes materials equally among children

28 The teacher has a timetable for the day / week’s classes and activities are drawn
from various curriculum areas

29 The teacher uses one or more of the following teaching methodologies: child-
centered approach; thematic learning approaches; story telling; peer teaching.

30 The teacher keeps a learning record

TOTAL / 60

Language Tick () the languages which the Tick () the main language used:
teacher uses:





Participation Assessment Criteria Scoring

Assess whether the lesson fulfills the criteria fully (2), partially (1) or not at all (0) 0 1 2

1 The majority of the children are involved in the lesson (listening and taking part).

2 The teacher makes an effort to involve children who are not listening or taking part.

3 The teacher has identified children with special needs and is evidently catering for
these children through specific measures / activities.


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Classroom/Teacher Observation Checklist

1 Strengths to build on

2 Areas in need of improvement

3 Recommendation

4 Head Teacher’s Comments

Observer’s Name: ______________________ Signature: __________________ Date: ________

Inspected teacher’s Name: ___________________ Signature: ________________ Date: ________

Head Teacher’s Name: __________________ Signature: ___________________ Date: ________

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