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Pre-intermediate MARKET LEADER ET cee aie eel) Pm aL David Cotton David Falvey Simon Kent FT Publishing FINANCIAL TIMES, Contents DISCUSSION ‘TEXTS LANGUAGE WORK — SKILLS. (CASE STUDY rr Talkabout your Listening: An interview with Career moves Telephoning: Youjuice: Decide Canties careerpian——theFinanceDiectorofaTV todas 1: ability, making contact on the successful company eestareen «candidate for ajob Reading: Facebook Witing: emai Pe profile ‘ould damage Job prospects’ Telegraph mE = es Describing companies Presenting your Conti ice Cream: Present simpleand CAREERS What should you do to get ahead in your career? Choose the four most important tips from this list. Compare your ideas in a group and try to agree on a inal choice. 1 Change companies often. 5 Be energetic and enthusiastic at all times. 2. Use charm with your superiors. 6 Be the last to leave work every day. 3. Attend all meetings. 7. Find an experienced person to give you help . and advice. 4 Goto your company’s social functions. 8 Study for extra qualifications in your free time. ‘These phrases (1-6) all include the word career. Match each of them to its correct meaning (a-f). Use a dictionary to help you. 1 career move a) chances to start/improve your career 2. career break ) ideas you have for your future career 3. career plan Q) anaction you take to progress in your career 4 career opportunities 4) a period of time away from your job to, for Rag sa example, look after your children ora easer ©) aseries of levels or steps in your working life f) the direction your working life takes 4) c01.1-13 Listen to three people talking about their careers. Which person is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of their career? 4) c01.1-13 Listen again. Which of the phrases with career in Exercise A does each person use? Which of the experiences do you think are common? Complete the sentences below with the verbs in the box. Use a dictionary to help you. ib decide heve make offer take 1. Employees in large multinationals have... excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel. 2 Some people a career break to do something adventurous like sailing round the world or going trekking in India. 3 One way to. ‘a career move is to join a small but rapidly growing company. 4 Certain companies career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to people without formal qualifications. 5. Ambitious people often on a career plan while they are stil at university. 6 Insome industries, it can take a long time to. the career ladder. Look at these groups of words. Cross out the noun or noun phrase in each ‘group which doesn’t go with the verb in italics. 1. make afortune / progress / aliving/ 4 do part-time work / a mistake / atesiming ence a nine-to-five job / your best 2 get progress / a promotion / abonus/ 5 take pension / an opportunity / fired (AmE) / the sack (BrE) time off / early retirement 3 eam commission / aparttimejob/ 6 work flexitime / anti-social hours / money / 40,000 per year overtime / an office job _EL~=— UNIT1 »> CAREERS [complete each of these sentences with the appropriate form of a word partnership from Exercise E. 1 In banking, you can with the big bonuses and retire at 35. 2. When you + you can arrange your own schedule, so this is very convenient when you have children, People who work in sales often have the opportunity to on top of a basic salary, Luke is ambitious and does not want to be a sales assistant all his life. In fact, he hopes to and become Assistant Manager very soon, ‘See the DVD-ROM 5 Many students. when they are at university because it fits in with their studies. forthe -Glossary 6 Goran is 59, but he does not want to In fact, he is taking on more work! LY Discuss these questions in pairs. 1 What social-networking sites do you a) know, and b) use? Be aware of your online 2. Why do you use them? image El Scan the articte below quickly and answer these questions. 1 What percentage of employers research candidates online? 2 Which social-networking sites are mentioned? 3 Who do Peter Cullen and Farhan Yasin work for? by Andy Bloxham Jobseekers have been warned that their Facebook profile could damage their employment prospects, after a study found that seven in 10 employers now research candidates online. According to new figures released by Microsoft, checks on Facebook and Twitter are now as important in the job-selection Microsoft, said: “Your online reputation is not something to be scared of, it’s something to be proactively managed. These days, it’s essential that web users cultivate the kind of online 1s reputation that they would want an employer to see. e Facebook faux pas include drunken photographs, bad language and messages complaining about work: Farhan Yasin, of online recruitment network, said: “Social networking is a great way to make connections with 2» job opportunities and promote your personal brand across the Internet. People really need to make sure they are using this resource to their advantage, by conveying a professional image. But Mr Yasin cautioned job seekers to be aware oftheir online image even after landing the perfect job, after their own research e 2 found that 28 per cent of employers had fired staff for content, found on their social-networking profile. He added, "A huge is ‘number of employers have taken action against staff for writing negative comments about the company or another employee on their social-networking page. adapted from the Telegraph UNIT 1.» CAREERS Read the article again and choose the best headline (a, b orc). a) Complaining about your job could lose you your job b) Facebook profile ‘could damage job prospects’ ©) Ambition is key to a successful career According to the article, how can social-networking sites make or break your career? LZ _inpairs, write a short list of things you should not do on your social- networking pages. You can include your own ideas. Should staff be allowed to use social-networking sites du day? Discuss. LN 40 co14 Melissa Foux is the Finance Director of CSC Media Limited, a Changing jobs television company. Listen to the first part of the interview and answer these questions. 1g the working 1. How does she describe her current company? 2 What was her previous job? 3 Why is it easy to move from sector to sector in the finance world? E4001; Listen to the second part and complete this extract. When | was a student, although | was studying ¥ | thought | would like to do something afterwards, and | actually did a summer. > with one of the big. ‘firms, which was an excellent way to get an of what the job would be like. | started off as an auditor, and it was through that * that | got my first job. Melissa Foux 4 01.6 Melissa is asked if she has had any good advice during her career. Listen to the third part and number these points in the order in which she mentions them. a) maintain clarity b) be able to see the key point and the key decision you have to make ©) do not overcomplicate things Oo 4) 1,7 Listen to the final part and decide which was the interviewer's question (a, b or). ‘a) What is the most interesting question you have been asked at interview? Watch the b) Whats the key difference between people who work in finance and those who | interview on ° work in research? the DVD-ROM. 0 How would you advise people who are starting their careers? L_ingroups, discuss these questions. 1. What do you hope to do in the future in your career? 2. Do you think there is an ideal career for you? What is it? Why? 3 What is the best advice you have been given during your career or your studies? UNIT1 +> CAREERS aad Modals 1: ability, requests 10 and offers ‘Modal verbs are very common in English. Match these functions (a-c) to the examples (1-3). a) making an offer b) describing ability ©) making a request 1 Can you help me? Could you say that again, please? 2 Canthelp you Would you like a cup of coffee? 3 I can speak Polish and Russian. She could read and write before she was three. Grammar reference page 141 Rearrange the words to make questions from a job interview, Then decide whether each question is a) making a request, b) making an offer, or ¢) asking about ability. 1 get / you /can /1/a drink /? Can I get you a drink? (b) e-mail address / your / confirm / | / could / 2 can / you / spreadsheets / use / ? speak / languages / any other / you / can /? about / tell / you / job / us / your present / more / could I? tell / your current salary / me / you / could / 2 would you / as soon as possible / your decision / let us know / 2 start / you / when / can /? eC oNaweuwn like / tea / some more / you / would /? Match the questions in Exercise A (1-9) to these interviewee’s answers (2-i). a) t's €60,000 a year. b) Not very well, but 'm doing a course next week. 9 I can let you know next week. 4) Thank you. A cup of tea, please. ) The address is correct, but 've got a new mobile number. fd love some. Thank you. 8) Well, 'm currently supervising an HR project h) Yes, | can speak Korean and Japanese. 1) My notice period is two months. Work in pairs. Student A is an interviewer and Student B is an interviewee. Student A: Follow the instructions below. Student B: Answer the questions truthfully. Then switch roles. Student A * Offer tea or coffee. © Ask Student B: * Find out Student B’s ability to: 1. totell you about themselves; 1 speak any languages; 2. forthe best number to contact them 2 use Excel, PowerPoint or Publisher; on tomorrow; 3. drive, 3 to repeat the number; if they would like to work abroad; 5. ifthere are any hours they wouldn't be able to work, O Telephoning: making contact UNIT 1 *> CAREERS What kinds of phone calls do you make in English? What useful telephone expressions do you know? 4) co1.8-1.10 Listen to three phone calls and answer these questions. 1 What is the purpose of each call? 2 Do the callers know each other? 4) c01.8 Listen to the first call again. Complete the expressions on the right so they have the same meaning as the ones on the left. 1 Cant talkto...? 1d, like, to. 2 Justa moment Thank you 3 Ml connect you. rn 4 AmI speaking to Corina Molenaar? Hello. Corina Molenaar? 5 Yes, it's me. 6 The reason 'm calling is Yes, 'm your advert 7 Cant have your name and address? your name and address, please? 4) 01.9 Listen to the second call again and complete this extract. ‘A: Hello. Could. J. speak: to Giovanna, please? 8: she's not here at the moment. Can! a A: Yes, please. Johan from Intec. you her | won't be able to, the training course on Saturday? She can me ifthere’s a problem. I'm 0191 498 0051 4) c01.10 Listen to the third call again. Choose the phrases the speakers use. Matt: Hello, Matt speaking. Karl: Hi, Matt. Karl here. Matt: Oh, hello, Karl. How are things /you'? Karl: Fine, thanks. Listen, just a quick word /question’ Matt: Yeah, go ahead. Karl: Do you think you could give me /let me have’ the other number for Workplace Solutions? | can’t get through to them. Their phone's always busy /engaged Matt: I've got it here /right in front of me’. I's 020 9756 4237, Karl: Sorry, didn’t hear /catch’ the last part. Did you say 4227? Matt: No, i's 4237. Karl: OK. Thanks. Bye. Matt: No problem /Don't mention it’. Bye. Study the Useful language box below. Then role-play the phone calls. Student A: Turn to page 132. Student B: Turn to page 136. TT MAKING CALLS RECEIVING CALLS Could | speak to Carmela Cantani, please? Who's calling, please? Yes, this is Erika Mueller from KMV. Could you tell me what it's about? Is this the sales/finance/marketing department? PU put you through. 'm calling about Can you hold? Could you transfer me to the IT department, please?-_-He seems to be with someone right now. Can | get him to call you? Could you tell him/her that | called? ''m afraid there's no answer. Can | take a message? Could you ask him/her to call me back? 1'm sorry, there's no answer. | can transfer you to his/her voice mail. Can | leave a message, please? 1 Fed 7 AOlERTE (ei Background SOT Late ncaa oe Soe Oc UU ee eee DLO eee ae aa Cu Cua ed eC Lee eee et Director for its sales facilities in Brazil, Argentina Ie c uns Recently, sales results have been poor. Overall, sales LOU Ce Soe cea ieee Ce Ue ud Mie ee Rca ream PUCO COUR mae ee cee td Ge a gee es ee CURLS Ue ec Re entre COE oe + Not enough market research has been done, SSG eet een eee tet ees Oe ae gy See eee eats Waco Rey a eer Pa oot coatg Seu Co gues etd ‘Sales and Marketing Director. They all work for Soo eu augur tad ST ORL ceca eee ny OT unread job CCRC im ‘The successful candidate will be responsible for: asing sales and developing marketit ordinatng the work of the sales teams so that they are more motivated and effect numbers out market research to improve customer The successful candi strong personality * energetic, dynamic, p quate | enthusiastic He/She will have: 00d a experienc mic background and relevant work + organizational and interpersonal skill + numeracy skills and analytical ability + good linguistic ability The position ill involve frequent travel in the three countries, unit CAREERS Profiles of the candidates Read the essential information about each candidate. Then listen to the interview extracts. 49 01.11, 1.12 Juana Ramos 149 01.13, 1.14 Chantal Lefevre 49 01.15, 1.16 Jeff Sanderson Juana Ramos Chantal Jeff Sanderson Mexican, aged 30 Lefevre Married, two Swiss aged 41 children (seven and Divorced, one child nine years ol) (ve yrs od) Education Education = University degre + Univesity degree in Fconomics insuines tf NX swans bre Administration aN ste's degree in + Diploma in Marketing Marketing (distance learning) ‘ Experience «Two yeas! market research, then over Experience + Has worked fr Youluce since leaving 15 years sles and marketing in various Joined Youluice 20 years ago. Has always university ‘Companies ining one yar in Spin worked in sales. In the last ive years Sales ‘+ Worked in market research for one yea, and sx yeas in Portugal. Manager (France and tay). then in sales + Joined Youice three years ago as sales Achievements ‘* Has a good knowledge of computing; tepresentative in Switzerland. Very hard Has increased sales by 8% in the five-year umerate working. Has done an excellent job and peiod ‘Achievements med age bonuses each eae, Languages Top sles representative in the las five ears Achievements Fluent English and Portuguese; Spanish: Languages ‘A good sales record inal her previous ‘good reading skills, needs to improve his Fluent Spanish and Italian; good standard positions oral ability of English; intermediate Portuguese Languages Interviewer's comments Interviewer's comments Fluent Portuguese; intermediate Spanish; ‘A seious person. Respected by his staf. ‘strong, charismatic personality. Very excellent English Has a strong sense of responsibility. '| am ‘competitive. Not afraid to speak her mind, Interviewer's comments company man. Not very creative Believes even if it upsets colleagues. good sense “Acq modest person but very €2ge 1 ‘new ideas should come from staff. Some cof humor Wants to advance inher career progress in her carer. Answered questions staf say he's a workaholic and dificult 45 quickly a posible. Intligence test (19): rectly and honesty Asocable person toget to know. Ver intrested in South ‘vet igh she diplomatic? Interpersonal Shes chet organizer of er fcal tenis cub. —-Arercan cultures neligenc est (1) skills? Believes that the new director should involve above average. Why does he really want staff in all decisions. Intelligence test (1Q): the job? Energetic enough? average. Leadership qualities? Decisive? 1 Workingwips Yover menberoftielneviewng team. dacs | aac ag) the Seg td wenkoeaa ofeach andste Dede vio | ” Eat select for the vacant position. Note down the reasons for your choice. 2. Meet as one group. Discuss your choices. Decide who should fil the vacant position. Writing oe Complete this e-mail from the head of th interviewing team to Claudia L6pez, Regional Director of YouJuice. Write about at least three strengths of the can you have chosen. Explain how these strengths relate to ‘the job description. eee To: [ Regional Director eS From: [ Head, interviewing team } ‘Subject: [ Appointment of Sales and Marketing Director (Bi il, Argentina, Colombia) Dear Claudia We recently interviewed three candidates for this position. We have decided to appoint | will briefly describe the candidate's strengths and explain the reasons for our decision. ee ee Writing file page 126 Cad Reren eC Dee ued Pera Letecce in| Cra Conan acd eet Una ana eee) ecard ane eS Coe iad PI ke ed Cream Describing companies Which of these companies do you or would you like to work for? a family-owned company a multinational company your own company (be self-employed) Can you name a company in each of these business sectors? Is there one that you would like to work for? * Telecommunications/Media_* Banking andfinance * Food and drink * Engineering * Transport Retailing * Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals * Manufacturing * Another service industry © Construction * IT/Electronics © Tourism Complete the chart on the next page with the information in the box below. Then write sentences about the companies. EXAMP | : Cisco Systems is an American company which supplies Internet equipment. American Express container-ship operator fashion/retail Finnish Japanese Korean Nokia oilandgas pharmaceuticals Toyota See the DVD-ROM for the i-Glossary. UNIT2 >> COMPANIES Company ‘Main activity Internet-equipment supplier Car manufacturer ‘Travel and financial services provider Electronic-goods maker Telecommunications ’ Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases in the box. head office market share net profit parent company | share price subsidiary twmever workforce 1. The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called its turnover. The money a company makes after taking away its costs and taxis its ‘Acompany which owns another company is called a ‘The employees in a particular country or business are called the The percentage of sales a company has in a particular market is its tion is its. ‘The main building or location of a large orgar The cost of a company's shares is its. ew anewn ‘A company which is more than 50% owned by another company is called a Complete this extract from a company report with appropriate words or phrases from the box in Exercise B. Financial performance 1am pleased to say the parent. company." has continued its excellent performance, We are changing, growing and doing well at a difficult time for the industry. was €57.2 million, an increase of 15% on last year, and * rose by 5% to €6.4 million. We are a highly competitive business. We have increased our..." 0 20%. ‘Consequently, our * has risen and is now at an all-time high of €9.6. Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cashflow, so wwe are able to finance a number of new projects. We have successfully moved to our new * in central London, We are now planning to start full production at the recently ‘opened Spanish ? in October. Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicated *. Our employees will always be our most valuable asset. 4) c01.17 Listen to the CEO reading from the company report and check your answers to Exercise C. Now talk in the same way about your own company or one you know well. Which other companies in your country are doing well / not doing well at the moment? 15 UNIT2 »» COMPANIES Asuccessful company Susan Barratt Watch the interview on the DVD-ROM. Two different 16 +4) co1.18 Listen to the first part of an interview with Susan Barratt, the Chief Executive Officer of Nature's Way Foods, and correct the six mistakes in this paragraph. Nature's Way Foods is a drinks: ‘manufacturing company based on the east coast of Ireland. They put chilled product, the majority of which is milk and cheese, into various types of Packaging for the major retailers and various food-service companies in Ireland. 4) 01.19 Listen to the second part, where Susan talks about the reasons for the company’s success, and complete these notes with one word in each gap. First reason for success: the. ‘+ Health— desire to eat healthy * Convenience ~ poor * Sustainability — low level of food * Indulgence — diet Monday to Friday, but have several pieces of cake on Friday night Second reason for success: the way they * the business + High. * business * Produce hundreds of. ’ of units ‘+ Need to be very. “in the way they produce them * Invested heavily in ? and processes 4 01.20 Listen to the third part and answer these questions. 1 What two things has Susan enjoyed the most when running a company? 2 What does she not enjoy about running a company? ¢) 01.21 Listen to the final part and complete this extract. ve learned a lot of lessons from the companies I've worked for. | think the key thing is that you have to make sure your "in the organisation are engaged with the organisation and have a clear ” of what that organisation is trying to a Ifyou can get that clarity of. “and ? from the people within the organisation, then that will help move the business forward in itself. Discuss this question in pairs. Would you like to run your own company? Why? | Why not? ‘Companies should be owned by their employees.’ Discuss. Work in pairs. As you read, make a note of the key points about your company in the chart below. Student A: Read Article 1 on the opposite page. ‘Student B: Read Article 2 on the opposite page. Tata John Lewis India’s biggest company Owned by its employees Article 1 UNIT2 *» COMPANIES India: Tata’s search for a new CEO by Joe Leahy in Mumbai Mr Tata, Chairman of India’s biggest ‘company, is expected to retire ~ yet again in two years. But this time things look different. The group appears ready to move on, formally ‘announcing last month that it has set up a special committee to look for a new CEO, Instead of simply choosing the ‘most obvious successor, the group hhas sai it will consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job. In a ‘country where companies are often controlled by influential families, the idea of an outsider, particularly a foreigner, controlling a group of Tata's size and reputation is revolutionary. Article 2 At risk is more than the future of the Tata Group, though this is very important to the national economy. With its 100 subsidiaries — including India’s biggest private-sector steel company, its biggest information: technology outsourcing company and its biggest automotive producer = it is also the country’s first true multinational, with 65 per cent of its '$71}bn in revenue generated overseas. Analysts question whether Tata ‘can create an example for corporate India of orderly transition from family leadership to professional management. “There's a feeling if an ‘outsider, especially a foreigner, took XS over a group as complex as Tata, it ‘would be disastrous,” says a banker ‘who knows the company. However, some critics argue that introducing professionals would help to break down a reputation for weak management in large, family-run ‘companies. Is John Lewis the best company in Britain to work for? by Jon Henley tis owned by its employees —or partners who have a say in how it is run and receive a share of the profits. Surely this is the way every organisation should be run? It's just before opening time on bonus day at John Lewis and, boy, are wwe excited. Up and down the country the 69,000 people who work for the ‘nation’s favourite retailer are gathered, impatient. A specially chosen staff ‘member opens an envelope and reads ‘out a number. Fifteen per cent. It's the percentage of their salary that each John Lewis employee takes home as that year’s bonus. If a product is on sale in a John Lewis store, you know you can trust it. lus you can be sure you'll be served by someone who really knows what they're talking about and, most ‘unusually of all, is eager to help. Unlike other high-street names, John Lewis is owned by its employee ‘each of whom has a say in its running and a share in its profits. This is Britain’s largest example of worker co-ownership. Its purpose is “the happiness of all its members, through their worthwhile and satisfying employment in a successful business’ “It's a good company to work for, says Pedro, a Waitrose® chef. “I didn’t realise how good until I joined ss Employer-employee relations at John Lewis, says Nicola McRoberts, “are completely different. They want you to appy.” *A supermarket chain, part ofthe John Lewis group A veteran of five years, Kirsty © Reilly, in womenswear, speaks of the ‘passion and commitment” that come from “being engaged, because you have a shared interest in making sure it works, for you and for the people you 4s work with, adapted from the Guardian After reading, ask your partner what they have learned about Tata / John Lewis. Add the new information to your chart in Exercise B. 1 compare and contrast the two companies. EXAMPLE: Tata is an Indian company, but John Lewis is a British company. [_ Discuss these questions. 1 What are the good and bad points of bringing in someone from outside to run a family-owned business? 2. Do you know of any company like John Lewis in your country? If so, how successful is it? 7 UNIT2 >> COMPANIES Waa Present simple 18 and present continuous ‘Complete the rules below with these phrases. a) feettatinformation- b) future arrangements ) routine activities and habits d) temporary situations We use the present simple to: + givefactval information’ Tata produces cars. © talk about. ttt usually arrive at the office at eight o'clock. ‘Some verbs are almost always used in the present: continuous, for example like, want, know, need. We use the present continuous to: © describe essen? She's staying in Mumbai til the end of the week, talk about..........4 What are you doing on Tuesday afternoon? Grammar reference page 142 Complete these sentences with either the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ple or the present 1 We normally... held... (hold) our sales conference in Mumbai, but this year we (hold) it in Delhi 2. Although we (use) our own sales representative at the moment, we generally (use) agents in China, 3. Tatsuo (work) fora financial magazine. At the moment, he. (write) an article on insider trading. 4 Usually our Sales Director. (deal) with important customers, but | (dead with all enquiries while she is on holiday. ' (come) from Poland, but at the moment | (live) in Germany. 6 John Lewis. (want) to continue with expansion this year. Complete the job advertisement below with either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in the box. be consider employ have grow look need offer offer prepare | Sales Manager MWe ...are...* one of the largest mWe. * for people who mobile-phone retailers in Europe. are reliable, confident and mee a corer enthusiastic. We ............° impartial advice on mobile phones. mWe. ® more than 800 stores in 10 countries, and we fast. mWe... over 3,000 workers, Currently, we...........° the next stage in our development, and we .........7 for major growth outside Europe. experienced people who want to work for an expanding company. MWe ...........2° a competitive salary and private health insurance. We are willing to reward staff with attractive performance-based bonuses. Ring 020 7946 0008 for an information pack. Work in pairs. Student A: Turn to page 134. Student B: Turn to page 136, Presenting your company| [J DCV Fashions a Head office Products Turnover (last year) Profits (last year) Reasons for success Advertising and promotion UNIT2 »> COMPANIES What sort of presentations have you given? How did you feel? 4) 1.22 Listen to the beginning of a presentation by Robert Pullin, Director of Human Resources at DCV Fashions, and answer these questions. 1 What is the main aim of the presenter? 2. What kind of audience is he probably addressing? 4) co1.22 Listen again and complete this paragraph. ll give you some basic information about DCV Fashions. .Tllexplain why we've been so successful in the fashion industry. Vil tell you about our mission statement. This describes what we're all about, why we're in business, And Tl explain how we communicate with people through our advertising and promotion. In pairs, practise giving an introduction to your own company or one which you know well. 4) c01.23 Listen to the rest of the presentation. Work in pairs and complete the information on the left. If necessary, listen again. Number these phrases which introduce different sections of the presentation in the order in which they appear. a) Moving on now to our mission b) Finally, a word about ©) Thanks very much for listening 4) OK, some basic facts ooo000 ) What's the key to our success? Choose one of these topics. ‘© Think about your company or a company you know. Study the Useful language box below, and use the headings in the chart in Exercise E to help you prepare a presentation about it ‘© Use the facts provided on page 133 to make a presentation about Moda International Fashion Group (MIFG). Work in pairs. Make your presentation and answer your partner's questions. Your audience is a group of young people from a fashion college. SGA INTRODUCING YOURSELF Hello everyone, my name's Robert Pullin. 'm Director of Human Resources at DCV Fashions. Good morning, I'm Robert Pullin, Director of Human Resources, DCV Fashions. STATING YOUR AIM My purpose today isto talk to you about our company. Today, I'd like to talk about our new projects. OUTLINING THE PRESENTATION CHANGING TO A NEW SECTION First, ll give you some basic (OF THE TALK information. ‘Moving on now to our mission. Next, I'll talk about our products. ‘OK/Right. What about our Then, I'll discuss the reasons for distribution system? our success. Finally, I'l tell you about our ENDING THE PRESENTATION advertising and marketing. Thanks very much for listening to my presentation. INTRODUCING NEW INFORMATION Thanks for coming to my talk. Here are some basic facts. Are there any questions? Here are some key facts about ‘our company. 19 Dino Conti Ice Cream How can a popular ice-cream maker increase sales? Background Dino Conti Ice Cream Inc., based in Santa Barbara (USA), manufactures and distributes ice cream to consumers in California. It produces 15 flavours, which it distributes mainly to supermarkets and company-owned stores. Its most famous product is its classic chocolate ice cream, sold under the SupaKool label. Many people believe that Dino Conti's SupaKool chocolate ice cream is the best in the world Dino Conti has expanded rapidly in recent years, but now its growth is slowing down. A recent fallin profits has disappointed the management. The owner, Paolo Conti, wants the company to become more international. 4) cD1.24 Listen to an excerpt from a board meeting. Make notes under these | headings. Reasons for falling profits + Prices + Equipment + Outlets * Products + Environment } Classic SupaKool chocolate ice cream 41% Six top-selling flavours 32% Other flavours 14% Iced yoghurt 6% Novelty products* 7% * iced fudge, chocolate bars, lollipops The future Paolo Conti has $3 million to invest in his company so that it continues to expand and become an international business. Here is an extract from a company profile that appeared in a business magazine recently. Dino Conti can continue its remarkable growth, but only if it solves its present problems, develops new products, and finds new markets. ‘So how should Paolo Conti invest the $3 million? Chart 2 on page 21 lists the ways he could do that, UNIT2 >» Option Cost (estimated) Benefit 1 Build a bigger factory $2.4 million More production capacity; to 2. Export to China and Russia $1.2 million New markets - great sales potential 3. Buy out its major competitor $2 million+ Reduce competition; increase production capacity 4 Develop a range of exotic fruit drinks $25 millon Move into a new area 5 Upgrade its equipment and fleet of trucks | $1.2 million Lo 6 Distribute to more outlets $500,000 increase sales and profits 7. Increase its advertising budget $500,000 Increase sales / Improve company image 8 Make the company more ‘green $800,000 Improve company image and sales 9 Improve the products’ packaging $400,000 increase sales 10 Offer free ice cream to all consumers Ric 600,000+ Raise awareness of the company; good PR pling he eon $600,000. ft pany; good You are directors of investment pl 1 Work in pairs. Decide how to spend the $3 million asons for your choices presentation of your investment plan, with watch thecose study commentary 3 As one group, agree on a final investment plan. faite INVESTMENT PLAN 2 Meet as one group and present your idea Writing ‘ss a director of Dino Conti Ice Cream, write a proposal document to your CEO in which you 1 Objectives To solve our current problems and enable Dino Conti to become a « tistthe investment options you [f Competitive international business, we propose an investment of $3 milion eae 2 Strategy and implementation The Board of Directors has agr © give arguments fo well as the cost and the following investment plan. option, eens 4 Begin as shown on the right.

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