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The Miss Fisher star in
T Best new On comedy, kindness,
her first NZ feature broths crime & unlikely heroes

JULY 31-AUGUST 6 2021





Peter Hillary on an ill-fated trek & 50 years on: his sister on
Nepal’s growing Covid tragedy the man & his writings
CONTENTS ISSN 2381-9553: Vol 276, No. 4206. July 31-August 6, 2021

Te Kaiwhakarongo Aotearoa

FEATURES LIFE 42 | Psychology Reaction times do
get slower with age, so choose your
COVER STORY 34 | Health A Dunedin-based charity opponent carefully. by Marc Wilson
12 | Only human is dedicated to improving detection and
New Zealand is one of the fattest nations on treatment of ovarian cancer. by Nicky Pellegrino 44 | Sport The mercurial All Blacks
Earth and a Cambridge University geneticist are not helping coach Ian Foster’s case
36 | Nutrition Pulses are increasingly for reappointment. by Paul Thomas
says we should recognise that not all calories being recognised as beneficial in preventing
are created equal. So what should we be
eating? by Eleanor de Jong
cardiovascular disease, but what are they?
by Jennifer Bowden
46 | Lyric king Fifty years after the death
22 | Chance & tragedy 38 | Food In the depths of winter, it’s hard to of Jim Morrison, The Doors’ charismatic and
The fates of the Hillary family and Nepal have beat nourishing, healthy soups. Easy recipes enigmatic frontman, his sister, Anne Morrison
been entwined since the conquest of Everest. by Dru Melton and Jamie Taerbaum offer Chewning, has pulled together his collected
Despite Covid and an ill-fated trek six years tasty meal inspiration. writings. She spoke to Mark Broatch.
ago, Peter Hillary is determined to go back. 40 | Wine The first 2020 vintage from 49-55 | Books Emma Neale’s Books of My
Gibbston’s loftiest vineyard should boost the Life; Deborah Levy’s meditation on modern
30 | The things that unite us sub-region’s reputation. by Michael Cooper womanhood; novels by Oana Aristide and
Accidental TV star Richard Osman turned to
41 | Technology Printer makers aren’t Katherine Brabon; a debut short-story
crime and kindness for his debut novel, with
abandoning their lucrative business model collection by Paige Clark; an autograpgh
record-breaking results. by Craig Sisterson
any time soon, but HP, for one, is offering hunter’s memoir; and an exploration of
some concessions. by Peter Griffin Silicon Valley censorship

COMMENTARY DIVERSIONS 64 | Film Reviews Sarah Watt

3 | Editorial 56-59
5 | Diversions & Puzzles 66 | TV highlights Russell Baillie
4 | Letters Plus Caption Competition, 5 | Wordsworth Jessica Malcolm
57 69 | Guide to the Olympic Games
Quips & Quotes and 10 Quick Questions 71-91 | TV programmes
7 | Bulletin Cathrin Schaer in Berlin ENTERTAINMENT 92-93 | Radio programmes
8 | Life Bill Ralston 60 | Film Russell Baillie
6 93 | Classical Elizabeth Kerr
10 | Politics Jane Clifton 63 | Music
94 | The Good Life Michele Hewitson p34 Graham Reid p44

Editor-in-Chief PAMELA STIRLING Assistant Art Director SHANE KELLY Editorial contact Sales Director RACHEL McLEAN
Chief Subeditor GEOFF CUMMING Senior Designer RICHARD KINGSFORD Published by Are Media Sales Manager GUY SLATER
Political Columnist JANE CLIFTON Subeditor NICK RUSSELL Chief Executive Officer JANE HUXLEY
Books Editor MARK BROATCH Editorial Assistant JESSICA MALCOLM General Manager STUART DICK Classified Sales KIM CHAPMAN
Entertainment & Arts Editor RUSSELL BAILLIE Editorial Office 317 New North Rd, Kingsland Editorial Manager SARAH HENRY
Television Editor FIONA RAE Editorial postal address PO Box 52122, Commercial Brand Manager BRIDGET HEWITT Subscriptions Email,
Art Director DEREK WARD Kingsland, Auckland 1352 or phone 0800 624 7467



Farm friends

ere’s a question to put the farmers’ pro- – has reportedly clashed with farm-sector leaders because its
tests into perspective: who would we agriculture spokesperson, David Bennett, believes they are being
rather have tell the world about New too co-operative with the Government.
Zealand produce – Jeremy Clarkson or
our own Government?
Clarkson, the British television
petrolhead-turned-sheep farmer,
has launched a tirade against foreign
animal welfare standards, including New Zealand’s, in a bid to
U rban New Zealanders should be encouraged to take pride
in the progress a majority of the farm sector is making.
Townies are not subject to a fraction of the individual
accountability required from farmers for landfill, emissions
and water use. Like any Kiwi, a farmer responds better to being
turn British public opinion against our encouraged and supported than shamed.
pending free-trade deal with the UK. Farmers have voluntarily, at their own
Love him or loathe him, he’s a globally expense, put nearly 5000 native-bush
influential figure, whose recent hit blocks under covenant, yet the Govern-
reality show has recast him as an animal- ment is proposing to prohibit farming on
doting farmer. many thousands more hectares of their
Britain’s RSPCA welcomed the trade land without compensation under its
negotiations, stressing New Zealand Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) policy.
alone among the UK’s potential free- Voluntary farmer groups are already
trade partners has animal welfare taking responsibility for local waterways
standards as good as, and in some cases and emissions under the industry-led
better than, Britain’s. plan He Waka Eke Noa.
But did our Government speak up in The Government, partly in response
our farmers’ defence on animal welfare? to Māori landowners, is now rethinking
Did it point out that this country is also its SNAs, and doing the same with the
head-and-shoulders the most sustainable river-nutrients restrictions, having lis-
producer of dairy and meat – even count- tened to both sectoral and science-based
ing air miles after export to the northern objections. But comments such a–s those
hemisphere? Not a word. of Greens co-leader James Shaw, that
Nor has it ever thanked agriculture “a group of Pākehā farmers” are being
for agreeing to arguably disproportion- Telling porkies: unreasonable, have left an impression of
Jeremy Clarkson.
ate methane-reduction goals because of bad faith and hostility.
the lack of progress on – mostly urban- Farmers are increasingly accepting
generated – carbon emissions. that climate change itself dwarfs all policy-
It’s this sense of abandonment and blame A sense of abandon- wrought inconvenience in being a threat to
that sent farmers with placards to more than their livelihood. Higher temperatures, floods
50 towns and cities last week as much as the
ment and blame and storms can destroy everything they’ve
undeniable burden of new restrictions and as much as new worked to build.
compliance obligations they face. regulations led Those who say this country should just
The Government has been damagingly “pivot” to growing plant foods make two
remiss in declining to champion the global farmers to protest. wrong assumptions: that globally competitive
competitiveness of this country’s meat and productivity is achievable in plant foods, given
dairy sector. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern our climate and terrain, and that massed plant
has had unprece-dented global attention, not least for climate crops are necessarily more sustainable than meat and dairy. There
advocacy, yet rarely, if ever, has she talked overseas of this econo- are, by world standards, only boutique pockets of land here where
my’s most outstanding sustainability story. As we approach new high-protein plants such as nuts and legumes are viable. New
trade negotiations with the European Union, the United States Zealand is an efficient producer of many fruit and vegetable crops,
and Britain, that environmental prowess has never been more but with them come other quandaries: irrigation, pest control, fer-
relevant. Yet, how can we sell our produce to other countries’ tiliser, monoculture’s risk to biodiversity, and climate variability.
populations if even our own citizens are under the misapprehen- It’s impressive that farm-protest leaders apologised for the
sion we wilfully produce evil emissions? few marchers who toted derogatory placards. They understand,
Farmers have taken real action to clean up their act and, save perhaps better than townies, that we are all in this together, both

for the inevitable ratbags, are co-operating enthusiastically with economically and in terms of saving the planet. We need to rise
governmental and academic efforts to reduce emissions and above the cheap politics of blame. And that includes Jeremy “I’ll-
pollution. It’s telling that National – the farmers’ preferred party never-buy-an-electric-car” Clarkson. l



In defence
of science
A recent report from a such as Covid, global warming, John Werry Hollows Foundation. In this
Government NCEA working carbon pollution, biodiver- Emeritus Professor, Depart- country, cataract operations
group on proposed changes sity loss and environmental ment of Psychological Medicine, are done by doctors with full
to the Māori school curricu- degradation. Such science is University of Auckland medical training, but is it
lum aims “to ensure parity informed by the united efforts necessary to understand the
for mātauranga Māori with of many nations and cultures. GP SHORTAGES anatomy of limbs, for exam-
the other bodies of know- We increasingly depend on One way the Government ple, to operate on a cataract?
ledge credentialed by NCEA science, perhaps for our very could immediately address the Maybe we should be training
(particularly Western/Pākehā survival. The future of our GP shortage (“Burnout”, July highly specialised technicians
epistemologies)”. It includes world, and our species, cannot 24) is to work with the Medical to do a lot of the jobs that doc-
the following description as afford mistrust of science. Council of New Zealand to tors now do, releasing doctors
part of a new course: “It pro- Indigenous knowledge is fast-track foreign-doctor reg- to diagnose and treat patients
motes discussion and analysis critical for the preservation istration, which is apparently whose needs are less clear.
of the ways in which science and perpetuation of culture outrageously difficult and Carol Dossor
has been used to support the and local practices, and plays takes a ridiculously long time. (Napier)
dominance of Eurocentric key roles in management and C Johnstone
views (among which, its use policy. However, in the discov- (Auckland) A good GP is a wonderful
as a rationale for colonisation ery of empirical, universal resource, but the decline in
of Māori and the suppres- truths, it falls far short of what I know of three overseas- number and availability is now
sion of Māori knowledge); we can define as science itself. trained doctors who are long-standing and unlikely to
and the notion that science is To accept it as the equivalent working in other jobs. When I change even if another medi-
a Western European inven- of science is to patronise and asked one (a rest-home carer) cal school were to be created.
tion and itself evidence of fail indigenous populations; why he had not gone through Nurse practitioners are
European dominance over better to ensure that everyone the processes required to experienced registered nurses
Māori and other indigenous participates in the world’s sci- register here, he said he had to with an additional master’s
peoples.” entific enterprises. Indigenous earn a living for his family and degree who are legally able to
This perpetuates disturbing knowledge may indeed help could not afford the fees and deliver exactly the same diag-
misunderstandings of science advance scientific knowledge loss of paid working time. nostic, prescribing, referral
emerging at all levels of educa- in some ways, but it is not Surely we could set up a and management of present-
tion and in science funding. science. scheme whereby we retrained ing conditions as a GP. This
These encourage mistrust Kendall Clements and assessed these doctors country has well over 500,
of science. Science is univer- Professor, School of Biological while paying them a salary? some of whom have been in
sal, not especially Western Sciences, University of Auckland We could then bond them to their position for 20 years.
European. It has origins in Garth Cooper, FRSNZ work as GPs (or as hospital Importantly, nurses are the
ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Professor, School of Biological doctors) for a set term. Any only profession who remain
ancient Greece and later India, Sciences, University of Auckland who failed the assessment well distributed throughout
with significant contributions Michael Corballis, FRSNZ would obviously be a cost to the country, and so with a rela-
in mathematics, astronomy Emeritus Professor, School the system, but that would tively small investment could
and physics from mediaeval of Psychology, University of be offset by the benefits from become nurse practitioners
Islam, before developing in Auckland those who succeeded. in the rural areas and small
Europe and later the US, with Douglas Elliffe I am also interested in towns in which the shortage is
a strong presence across Asia. Professor, School of Psychology, the example set by the Fred being felt most keenly.
Science itself does not University of Auckland
colonise. It has been used Robert Nola, FRSNZ
Letters to the editor {}
to aid colonisation, as have Emeritus Professor, Department
The Editor, NZ Listener, PO Box 52122, Kingsland, Auckland 1352
literature and art. However, of Philosophy, University of
● Letters must be under A phone number can be helpful. 
science also provides immense Auckland 300 words. Preference is ● Pen names or letters submitted
good, as well as greatly Elizabeth Rata given to shorter letters.  elsewhere are not acceptable. 
enhanced understanding of Professor, Critical Studies ● A writer’s full residential ● We reserve the right

the world. Science is helping in Education, University of address is required on all to edit or decline letters
letters, including emails. without explanation.
us battle worldwide crises Auckland


By George!
It’s William
and Kate.

WINNING CAPTION Political candidate Caitlyn Jenner speaking at a meeting
of the Republican Party of Orange County. THIS WEEK’S PICTURE
Kevin Boyce, Raumati Beach

Prince William: “Harry’s Prince George: “Aunty Duchess of Cambridge: bald block.” – Judy Stevenson,
just applied for American Meghan isn’t coming over!” “You’re a bit Windsor and a Oamaru
citizenship!” – Ricky Feutz, – L Snikta, Nelson bit Saxe-Coburg. You can’t
Tauranga lose even if Germany wins.” George: “Thank goodness
George: “Dad! How can – Paul Kelly, Palmerston North I won’t have to wait till I’m
Caption: “Prince William, you play in the Euros if 63 for England to win!”
his wife Kate, Duchess you left the EU? William: William: “Just like Boris’ – Simone Stansfield, Wellington
of Cambridge, and their Great-Grandma played her ‘Freedom Day’, let’s
elder son, Prince George, heritage card!” – Alan Belcher, celebrate winning before Caption: “Loud clapping
celebrate the opening of Christchurch the end of the game!” – Rod could be heard when

the 2021 English Dental Galloway, Mosgiel Harry’s flight departed for
Association Conference.” Caption: “Relishing the sour Los Angeles.” – Alan Petrie,
– Steve Horne, Raglan Kraut.” – Tony Clemow, Kamo Caption: “A chip off the Te Anau

The development of nurse that, despite the huge amount connect Stewart Islanders to achieve at least 75% herd
practitioners receives shoe- of hydro power produced by to what most of us take for immunity against the virus.
string investment compared the bottom half of the South granted. At the same time, many
with that in medical training. Island, our third island is not Paul Hayward sectors of our economy are
With focused attention and connected to the national (Oamaru) struggling, with permanent
investment, it would be rapidly electricity grid. Stewart Island loss of business and the tragic
possible to make a significant still relies on diesel generators COVID VACCINATIONS destruction of many liveli-
difference to people struggling for electricity, at up to three Bill Ralston (Life, July 24) hoods. Those in permanent
to find appropriate care. times the cost of what most of is correct about our Covid state employment, however,
Professor Jenny Carryer, RN us pay. A small hydro scheme vaccination rate. As of July know little of this.
Massey University for the island has been consid- 20, official figures show only Instead of constant Govern-
ered, but apparently is just not 628,259 people have been fully ment assurances and excuses,
BUFFETED SPECTATOR feasible. vaccinated – one of the lowest the latest being that the rollout
I was at the 1961 All Blacks v A cable under Foveaux rates in the OECD membership is “gathering momentum”,
France game at Athletic Park Strait, linking Stewart Island of 38 developed countries. what we require is an urgent
and enjoyed David Hill’s arti- to the national grid, should New Zealand has had closed mass vaccination so we can
cle on the match (“The cyclone be the next major infrastruc- borders for 16 months as open our borders, with life
test”, July 24). However, as a ture project funded by the it awaits mass vaccination then returning to some sense
severely buffeted spectator Government.
sitting on the top deck of the Southland, home to the
Millard Stand, at the southern biggest hydro power station,
Caption Competition {}
TO ENTER Send your captions for the photo above to listenercaption@aremedia.
end, I can assure him the top Manapouri, provides up to, with “Caption Competition No 420” in the subject line.
deck was not closed. 15% of our total export earn- Alternatively, entries can be posted to “Caption Competition
Mike Jarman ings, with a mere 2.5% of total No 420”, NZ Listener, PO Box 52122, Kingsland, Auckland 1352.
(Auckland) Entries must be received by noon, Tuesday, August 3.
population. In comparison,
Auckland produces 6-8% of THE PRIZE Ron Palenski’s book marks 100 years of the greatest
rivalry the rugby world has known, New Zealand against South
STEWART ISLAND POWER those export earnings. This Africa. The rivalry carries a storyline like no other.
Many people will be surprised is all about fairness. So, let’s



Quips& 10 Quick
1. Which TV character would 4. Which of these is not a movie 7. Which of these is a small
often make an appearance by about the game of golf? object that creates a streak
falling from the sky as a choir ❑ The Legend of Bagger Vance of light as it enters Earth’s
“In football, everything sang “Ecce homo qui est faba”? ❑ Bobby Jones: Stroke of atmosphere?
is complicated by the ❑ Geraldine Granger (The Vicar Genius ❑ Meteor
presence of the opposite of Dibley) ❑ Any Given Sunday ❑ Meteoroid
team.” – Jean-Paul Sartre, ❑ Father Ted Crilly (Father Ted) ❑ Tin Cup ❑ Asteroid
quoted in the Times ❑ Mr Bean (Mr Bean) ❑ Meteorite
❑ Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers) 5. Which novel includes the
“People change and notable line: “Who controls the 8. What does it mean to “let out
forget to tell each other.” 2. Which of these animals is a past controls the future: who a Bronx cheer”?
– Lillian Hellman, quoted in the ruminant? controls the present controls ❑ Boo loudly
❑ Rabbit the past”? ❑ Blow a raspberry
“Future statues would be
❑ Horse ❑ The Time Machine ❑ Make a hissing sound
preferably androgynous ❑ Antelope ❑ The Hunger Games ❑ Belch during conversation
and could have ❑ Elephant ❑ Dune
replaceable heads. ❑ Nineteen Eighty-Four 9. Which of these TV shows
That way, if the person 3. Which animal was given the began screening first?
commemorated should name “Beelzebub’s pup” by 6. Which of these terms ❑ The Muppet Show
fall out of fashion, the early Western explorers who describes a society that is ruled ❑ Sesame Street
head could simply be encountered it? by a wealthy elite?
screwed off and replaced ❑ Tasmanian devil ❑ Plutocracy 10. True or false? Some people
by another.” – Alexander ❑ Skunk ❑ Theocracy use nuclear-powered cardiac
McCall Smith ❑ Wolverine ❑ Autocracy pacemakers.
❑ Honey badger ❑ Junta ❑ True Answers on
page 58.
“I am not overfond of ❑ False
animals. I am merely
astounded by them.”
– David Attenborough of normality. drivers who can afford the Recently, I offered $100 cash
If this doesn’t happen, we SUVs and flash four-wheel- to two young folk “collecting”
“What matters now risk a tragic and widespread drives. They can be persuaded for IHC outside a supermar-
is not goodness but outbreak of the virus, with by carrot or stick to get an ket. They said they “no longer
the appearance of
the gravest of consequences. electric vehicle (EV). accepted cash or cheques, but
goodness. We are no
longer human beings. Why are most New Zealanders The main problem is that if you come this way, you can
We are now angels seemingly quietly accepting 80% of drivers buy their fill in a form to enable you to
jostling to out-angel one this situation? cars from the under-$20,000 make your donations”.
another.” – Chimamanda Dr Hylton Le Grice market. Of these, 40% are Ron Jones
Ngozi Adichie, quoted in the (Auckland) under $5000. These people (Auckland)
Guardian will not be able to afford an
“We have a hooligan J Chris Horne’s suggestion ment incentive. The worldwide problem is
class of politicians – and (Letters, July 17) that cyclists Any change in direction has that “we” are the pollution
a national football team
behave badly on cycle/walk- to be done in a way that those (Letters, July 10). More than
composed of gentlemen.”
– Matthew D’Ancona quoted in ways because central and local already struggling are not seven billion and counting.
the Week government agencies fail to worse off. Every child born is potentially
apprehend offenders is prob- Trevor Sennitt 70-80 more years of pollution.
“You know you’ve ably correct. (Christchurch) It’s illogical that New Zealand
reached middle age when The problem is that cyclists is still encouraging women to
you’re cautioned to slow are anonymous. They can, and DONATIONS have children as though we are
down by your doctor, do, commit whatever infringe- Laurie Wesley’s letter (July 10) somehow not connected to the
instead of by the police.” ments they like, then ride alerted me to the “new” corpo- rest of the world.
– Joan Rivers, quoted in the
off into the sunset safe in the rate IHC. I had naively believed Until population numbers
knowledge that they cannot be my donations were helping are addressed, we are simply
“He manu aute, e taea te identified. individuals with physical and/ rearranging the deckchairs. It
whakahoro.” A kite that is Chris Mowatt or intellectual disabilities. I has already been said that infi-
slackened off flies away. (Wellington) now learn my donation may nite growth in a finite world is
– Māori proverb be supporting the head office not possible.
UNAFFORDABLE EVS of a property-management Rob Gall
The problem is not those company. (Nelson)



A biblical flood

ould this be the announced, tying North make it so hard to deal with middle-aged), the EU’s plan,
summer that Ger- American wildfires to flooding climate change. The others announced this month, aims to
mans really start in Europe. include the complexity of cut greenhouse-gas emissions
to be scared about Strange, you would think the problem, the fact that it by 55% by 2030 compared with
climate change? we knew that by now. But calls for collective action, 1990 levels.
Torrential rain in mid-July somehow we’ve been avoiding and the issue of accountabil- It has already been called
caused flash floods in western thinking about it too much. ity: that is, who’s to blame. “nothing short of an industrial
Germany, Belgium and the Islands in the Pacific might be
Netherlands. Vehicles were going under and whole coun-
swept away, roads and bridges tries in the Middle East drying We, the privileged, must be willing to
destroyed and, at press time, up, but until this month, the give up our privileges. But are we?
nearly 200 people had been climate crisis has been more of
killed. In one particularly hor- a distant disaster.
rible incident, 12 residents at
a facility for the disabled, who
were sleeping on lower floors,
drowned as waters rose inside
their lodgings in just minutes.
There’s even a name for
this attitude: it’s called the
“construal-level of psycho-
logical distance”. That basically
means, if it’s happening over
I t often feels as if Germany
is doing quite a lot in this
area. For one thing, the
neighbours will yell at you if
you don’t recycle properly.
revolution” that turns “the
2020s into a transformative
decade for climate action”.
However, it is likely to take
a while. The plan needs to be
In the small town of Schuld, there, then we’re not actually For another, the country is negotiated with all member
50 houses collapsed. A too bothered. The same theory allegedly standing behind the states and will doubtless be
neighbourhood in Erftstadt, applies to time – if it’s hap- European Union’s ambitious watered down – after all, it
south-west of Cologne, was pening in 50 years, we’re fine new proposal to make itself the involves such things as an auto
under water in 10 minutes, a with it. first climate-neutral continent. industry-endangering ban
local politician told journalists. “Psychological distance” Named “Fit for 55” (not to be on new petrol and diesel cars
“There was hardly any time to is just one of the factors that confused with a gym for the from 2035.
warn anybody,” he said. So, what do we do until
It was more like a one- then? Because already it’s
in-a-millennium than a clear that separating your
one-in-100-year event, a tins from your rotting
German meteorologist said, vegetables and browsing
predicting there would VW’s electric-car ads may
be more to come. German not be quite enough. We, the
Chancellor Angela Merkel privileged, must be willing
described the devastation as to give up our privileges.
“terrifying”. But are we?
A generally moderate land, It’s pretty hard to tell. I’ve
where people avoid spicy just written this, but I’m
foods, debate earnestly and still thinking about where
dress sensibly, was suddenly a budget airline could fly
on the frontlines of the cli- me for €30 for a summer
mate crisis. Germans haven’t holiday. And the climate
had to deal with a natural dis- crisis may have come closer
aster of this magnitude for this month, but those flash
decades. Was it possible that floods were still a couple of
this rich nation of entitled hundred kilometres away
engineers wouldn’t be able to from Berlin. l

cope with the climate crisis

after all? Cathrin Schaer is Middle
“No one is safe: Extreme “And have you met the Wilding-Pines? I don’t East editor for German
weather batters the wealthy think they were properly introduced.” public broadcaster
world,” the New York Times and lives in Berlin.



Up in smoke

arry Tam, operation. New gang members working in a garden on Smith’s must vote for the Labour
a man are recruited, given a car or property. Party – “there’s only one
described as motorcycle, effectively made option” – and he campaigned

a “lifetime a franchisee in the meth busi- here is a simpler and in “gang pads” around the
honorary ness, then sent out to sell. cheaper method of country for Labour at the last
member” of the Mongrel Mob, Until recently, three of combating the meth- election. It is hard not to see it
when defending a govern- them lived in a motor camp a amphetamine plague. Tam and all as a clear example of what
ment grant of $2.75 million kilometre away from me. They Smith could simply have the bureaucrats call “reciprocity”
towards a methamphetamine would ride daily past my place, Notorious and other chapters or, in less opaque language,
rehabilitation programme patched up, on Harley-David- cease selling meth. But then, mutual backscratching.
that his company runs, said, sons, off for a day’s marketing
“Jacinda seems to trust me, of their product. The police
why wouldn’t you?” eventually drove them out of It is hard not to see it all as a clear
Well, Harry, let me list the
reasons I don’t share the Prime
the camp, to the relief of the
neighbourhood, but no doubt
example of what bureaucrats call
Minister’s trust in you. they are continuing their sales “reciprocity” or, in less opaque
Your drugs programme operations elsewhere, along language, mutual backscratching.
run at Tapairu Marae, near with the many other Mob
Waipawa, involves Sonny chapters in the Bay.
Smith, the Mongrel Mob leader Tam’s Hard2Reach opera- of course, they would not National has complained to
of the Notorious chapter. The tion was granted the $2.75 receive the $2.75 million from the Auditor-General, request-
Notorious is described by million funding to run for the Proceeds of Crime fund ing an investigation of the
police as the leading distribu- three years a course for up to given to them and signed off government grant and another
tor of meth in Hawke’s Bay. 120 gang members and family by Ardern, Finance Minister instance where the Chief
Police Association president participants a year in an eight- Grant Robertson and Justice Human Rights Commissioner
Chris Cahill quotes an anony- week live-in programme, with Minister Andrew Little. gave a $200 “koha” to the Wai-
mous officer as likening it to another eight weeks follow- National acidly points out kato chapter of the Mongrel
“the most successful money- up. Among other activities, that Tam’s company website Mob. The chances of it getting
laundering scheme he’d heard the participants appear to be states that gang members that investigation are slim.
[of]”. As Cahill says, “Police Ardern points to
take $2 million of dirty oversight of the grant’s
money – as they recently spending and the pro-
did from the Notorious gramme’s performance by
chapter of the Mongrel the Ministry of Health and
Mob in Operation Dusk other government depart-
in Hawke’s Bay – and the ments. It is hard not to see
Government returns $2.75 that as a smokescreen.
million in clean money to The inescapable point
people so closely linked to remains, why should
the same gang.” Mongrel Mob members
There has been an explo- receive $2.75 million of
sion in Mob membership public money to eliminate
here in Hawke’s Bay. A a problem the Mongrel
multitude of chapters have Mob helped create?
set up, a little like corner As Cahill says, a
dairies, each operating its gang-run addiction
own lucrative businesses service is “really akin to

selling, among other a pharmacy infecting its

things, methamphetamine. customers with a cold,
This chain of chapters “May I recommend today’s special – Swill!” and then selling them
has a simple method of cold medication”. l


ideas from our sharpest minds.



Covid roulette
As Britain and Japan spin the pandemic wheel, this country
has the drawbridge raised, but frustration is building.

omeone has will see what happens when at the world atop a car, like The next person here who
decided to a country with a population the chap filmed outside the nags in the media about the
amalgamate two only about 60% fully Wembley PC World store. Even urgency of “a road map for the
daredevil reality vaccinated and a statistically those early adopting jackasses future” is apt to find themselves
TV shows, Jackass significant anti-vax quotient who went about Britain lick- wearing an AA guide à la the
and MythBusters, trusts its citizens to go about ing public door handles and British football/fireworks fan.
and mount a couple of inter- their business without taking supermarket shelves were to
national productions, best pandemic precautions unless discover that it’s quite rare to DEFIANCE BREWING
known to us as Freedom Day they feel like it, while Covid get the bot from hand contact. As Prime Minister Jacinda
in Britain and the Olympic Ardern noted after chairing a
Games in Japan. virtual Asia-Pacific Economic
These are basically real- Australia is shutting down like Cooperation meeting last
time experiments on live an advent calendar in reverse. week, the opening of borders
humans, who, to be fair, know will be complicated by the
what the risks are in advance
Fiji is in desperate straits. different vaccines used by
of the experiments they’re different countries. Con-
about to be involved in. numbers are on the rise. So, there’s nothing to worry tinual assessment will need
It’s unfortunate that most Okay, we already know how about. Is there? to be made of their relative
of the participants are not that will work out, too. It’s beginning to feel as effectiveness, alongside each
exactly voluntary. Millions But we saw how self- though this country, among country’s vaccine statistics.
of Japanese and Britons are restrained British folk can be many others, will be in partial Some critics say New Zealand
decidedly unkeen and have during the recent European sequestration for longer is being unnecessarily risk-
done everything possible to Championship football final. than the most pessimistic averse. Tell that to people in
block these extravaganzas. Be fair: one can’t catch Covid experts have been predicting. France, Italy and Denmark,
A bit selfish, really, because by sticking a firework up one’s Australia is shutting down like among others, who are increas-
from what happens to them, bare backside and lighting it an advent calendar in reverse. ingly having to produce proof
the rest of the world will find for the international cameras Fiji is in desperate straits. of vaccination to get much past
out some useful information like that guy in Leicester And if anyone thought that their front doors. Even technol-
about pandemic spread. For Square. Nor can one catch it full vaccination was the final ogy company Apple has decided
instance, that if you send by joyfully waving one’s willy word on the subject, there’s to delay its back-to-the-office
groups of people from all Britain’s health secretary, who edict worldwide, because Covid
over the world on aeroplanes was
w double-jabbed but came numbers are on a tear and even
to one common venue, some down
d with Covid nonethe- it knows it’s not immune.
vaccinated, some partially less, forcing himself and Seeing people die avoidably
vaccinated and some carry- Prime Minister Boris in terrifying numbers tends to
ing the virus, you create the Johnson
J – who nearly focus minds, which is why Brit-
perfect arena for coronavirus died of Covid last year ain’s experiment, while widely
to stage its own variant – into isolation right on deplored, will be a milestone
Olympics. What? We Freedom Day. sociopolitical exercise, even

already knew that? Never The great benison that though it’s unlikely to produce
mind. “at least children don’t get it” any surprises on the epidemio-
In Britain’s case, we didn’t last, either. Children logical front.
h now fallen ill and died As at press time, the Olym-
Self-isolating: Boris Johnson. of coronavirus. pics were going ahead, mainly

10 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

because its controllers think fortunate in having an endur- once – some of its own making week, it turned up fresh and
TV royalties and sponsorship ingly comfortable majority – while remaining popular: fierce, with all the communica-
deals trump pandemics. resolutely opposed to anything housing shortages, gang bility of a new Covid variant,
Britain’s open-up decision even faintly experimental. shootings, unhappy farmers, at 3.3%.
is almost entirely political. The violence of some peo- mutinous local councils, vault- How timely for the Govern-
Civil disobedience has been ple’s opposition to the travel ing electricity prices, new ment, then, that world focus
simmering since the first lock- bubble with Australia took the car taxes, He Puapua Māori is shifting to the British and
down, and it had begun to look Government by surprise, but governance, labour shortages, Olympic Covid roulette. The
as though not even the new it has now done its attitudi-
surge in cases could prevent nal homework. Just because
widespread defiance. That New Zealanders have been New Zealanders are reacquainting
“most people” are vaccinated
has made it hard to keep the lid
increasingly slack about mask
wearing and contact tracing,
themselves with an old foe, inflation.
on people’s frustration. The that doesn’t mean they’re not
experts insist it’s not yet safe, worried. Just because they’re building-product scarcity, mis- politics of “at least that’s not
but the pandemic’s history of impatient – where’s my jab, treated immigrant hopefuls, happening to us” can be pretty
necessarily changing epide- when can I go to Bali? – doesn’t hate-speech controversy and powerful. Already we have
miological assessments give mean they’re brewing up defi- wage-growth pressure. the poster gal: unruly tourist,
refusniks a useful, if dumb, ance to restrictions. English Covid sceptic and
excuse. If even the experts Still, they are brewing ANCIENT SPECTRE race baiter Katie Hopkins just
can’t agree, why shouldn’t one up defiance. Starting with New Zealanders are also got deported from Australia
lager up and fly barefaced to growing frustration at the reacquainting themselves for mocking and flouting
Barbados singing all the way? inequitable and confusing with an old foe, inflation. The managed-isolation rules in a
Every administration in vaccine delivery and the down- consumers price index had manner so puerile even the
the world has faced that ten- right cruel quarantine lottery. come to seem like analogue Wembley willy waver and

sion: let us out versus keep It’s hard to think of a modern TV and landline phones – a Mr Rocket-Bottom will have
us safe. For the sake of civil government that has faced as lumpen old thing boomers winced. In a pandemic, even
cohesion, New Zealand seems many socially divisive issues at used to be familiar with. Last Jackass has standards. l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 11


New Zealand is one of the fattest nations on Earth and a Cambridge
University geneticist says we should recognise not all calories are
created equal. So what should we be eating? by ELEANOR DE JONG

besity expert Dr Giles weigh-in, he celebrated by grabbing a says, speaking to the Listener from his home
Yeo cycles to and from packet of cheese and onion crisps at the in Cambridge. “It was really depressing.”
work each day, runs train station. That night, he ordered his If even a world-leading obesity expert
five kilometres on usual king prawn jalfrezi, naan bread and can’t keep the weight off, what hope is there
Saturdays and goes egg pilau rice at his local curry house, fol- for the rest of us? “Diets only work if you
long-distance cycling lowed by a steak for Saturday-night dinner, are actually on the diet,” says Yeo. “When
on Sundays, purpose- roast pork, crackling and goose-fat pota- I stopped being vegan, the calorific den-
fully searching out hills to push himself. toes for Sunday dinner and a multitude of sity of the food I was eating had changed
But even
ven then, the University of Cambridge creamy desserts and
icist hasn’t avoided the creep of “mid- wines.
ge spread”.
In addition to his 20 years as an obesity
Within five
days of quitting
Within five days of
rcher in Britain, Yeo is also a pre- veganism, Yeo quitting veganism, Yeo
senter r on the BBC’s popular show Trust had regained had regained 50% of his
Me, I’mm a Doctor and BBC Horizon, where 50% of his pre-
his investigations
vestigations are critically acclaimed. vious weight
previous weight loss.
In 2018, aware of his gradual weight loss. “That was “That was a shock.”
gain, Yeo agreed to adopt a vegan diet a shock,” he
for a month and have it
mented by the show. so drastically that the weigh
weight was simply
Despite te veganism having flooding back – it’s really, re
really difficult.”
a thoroughly
roughly unsexy rep-
on at the time, the THE YUM FACTOR
nce behind it being A few years ago, Yeo too took a test that
ive for weight loss found white rice gave him a blood-
is strong.
ong. sugar spike shortly after eating
er a month of the knowledge
it. Yet th
tofu, pulses and hasn’t deterred
d him
ns, the effec- from pairing
pa it with
ess of the rendang curries and
regimeme seemed chicken stir-fries. “I

putable hate brown
brow rice!” he
when Yeo lost 4kg laughs.
and lowered his It is a good example
e of the
sterol by 12%. psychological find nding that even
ning from his Debunking calorie- with access to expert
exper knowledge
counting myths: Dr
Giles Yeo.
12 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

on how to stay healthy and lose weight, back against ”food shaming” by using science and valuable to your body, and weight-loss,
humans still have cravings, favourite foods to prove that eating is deeply human – and so, than others.
and indulgences they struggle to resist. too, is struggling to stop. Although a few tablespoons of prawns
Here, our biology betrays our best inten- and a few slices of rye bread have the same
tions by making it biologically hard to say no FULLER FOR LONGER number of calories – about 120-150 – the
to plentiful, calorie-rich foods, and then hold- Surprisingly, many of the diets on offer high-density protein of the prawns does
ing on vice-like to the extra weight we put on. today – Atkins and ketogenic diets, for not carry the weight-gain potential of the
Following his vegan experiment – and example – do work, but for the simple bread and will contribute to you feeling
five-day weight gain – Yeo became a “flexi- reason that the diets are all mainly plant- less hungry and eating less at your next
tarian”, meaning he eats vegan lunches every meal. Win-win. “Put simply, a calorie of
day of the working week, and at least two protein makes you feel fuller than a calorie
vegan dinners a week. The pints and crack- Beef is higher in calories of fat or carbs,” says Yeo.
ling have stayed, as have the curries, naan
bread, alcohol and occasional pudding. By
when it’s minced than “There is actually plenty of evidence to
support the effectiveness of diets ‘high’
no interpretation is it a diet of deprivation. it is as a steak that has in protein for weight loss – at least in the
Yeo’s love of food is reminiscent of TV chef been cooked quickly. short term. The issue is there is no general
Nigella Lawson, and large chunks of his latest consensus as to what constitutes a ‘high’
book, Why Calories Don’t Count, are devoted protein diet.”
to joyfully detailing his favourite recipes and based and high in fibre and protein. The World Health Organisation (WHO)
indulgences. Many readers are now begging The evidence for the effectiveness of recommends protein should contribute
him to publish a cookbook. the low-carb, high-protein diet goes back 10-15% of your daily intake, which largely
His Twitter feed is filled with food esca- to 1863, when William Banting ditched reflects the current status quo, with both
pades, such as when he recently took a detour bread, beer and potatoes and wrote a book- the UK and US populations consuming 16%.
from a London conference to Chinatown to let, Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Using these guidelines, that equates to
pick up some Peking duck, or a selfie of him Public, detailing his weight-loss success. about 64g of protein a day for women and
red-faced at a backyard barbecue, captioned, The Atkins diet of the 1970s built on 88g a day for men.
“Yeeha! Scorcher of a weekend evening, so Banting’s weight-loss discovery, as have Although that may sound small, the ref-
piece of cow on the barbie, cold beer and the majority of successful diets since, erence is to pure protein. A 100g rib-eye
we’re good to go!” simply under different names, with differ- steak contains about 19g of protein and 211
Yeo’s attitude is both personality driven ent celebrities attached and often bizarre calories. “That would mean that chewing
and deeply intentional. In countless stud- variations in “rules”. your way through a full 300g rib-eye would
In simple terms, calorie for calorie,
meals high in protein make people feel
Surprisingly, many fuller and satiated for longer, meaning “It is important to note,
of the diets on offer they are less likely to reach for a second for all you vegetarians
today – Atkins and helping or a sugary snack when cravings
and vegans out there, it
ketogenic diets, for As a macronutrient, protein is far more is the amount of protein
example – do work, but complex than carbohydrates or fat, Yeo rather than their
writes in Why Calories Don’t Count, offer-
for one simple reason. ing a “challenge” for the body to break
source that is crucial.”
down. “Unlike fat or carbohydrate, which
are composed entirely of differing pro-
ies, food has been shown to light up the portions and configurations of carbon, still only get you 57g of protein,” Yeo writes.
dopamine-rich, pleasure-seeking regions hydrogen and oxygen, protein contains (in The leanest and most expensive beef
of the brain, sending saliva rushing to the addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) cuts reward the eater with higher quanti-
mouth in the anticipation of the joyous job a significant amount of nitrogen,” he says. ties of protein, with 100g of raw beef fillet
of mastication. “Although the human body can store containing 23g of protein and 5.5g of fat,
Food can also be an expression of, and con- carbon, hydrogen and oxygen or pretty which is 141 calories. This is why the qual-
nection to, culture – it is one of the reasons much oxidise it completely, any nitrogen ity of your food also counts – it rewards in
Yeo still prefers his white rice – a comfort at that is not used (as part of protein) has to greater nutritional density.
the end of a hard day, a bonding or mating be excreted.” Although there is more protein per
ritual, an expression of love or sustenance What this means is that while carbohy- gram of fillet compared with rib-eye, fillet
to power through arduous challenges. Yeo drates and fats can easily be stored as fat steaks are typically served in 200g por-
points out that UK long-distance runner Sir if not burnt off, the amino acids of protein tions, which would be 46g of protein. This
Mo Farah eats nearly 4000 calories a day cannot. Therein lies their powerful weight- is two-thirds of the daily requirement for
when in training loss potential. An increase in proteins is women and not difficult to increase if they
In a culture that is increasingly telling also often coupled with a reduction in car- are pursuing weight loss.
people the food they love is “clean” or “dirty”, bohydrate consumption. Foods with 20% or more protein are clas-
or that they should face moral condemnation This is why all calories are not created sified as “protein-enriched” and include
when they eat too much of it, Yeo is fighting equal – some are simply more nutritious lean white meat such as chicken and fish.

14 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Other protein options include eggs, nuts, significantly increased subjective ratings actually a plant-derived carbohydrate; it is
dried lentils and tofu. of satiety,” Yeo writes, meaning your diet the part of plant-based food that humans
“My point is that 88g is actually quite a shouldn’t leave you feeling hungry. cannot digest,” writes Yeo.
bit of protein, equivalent to a 450g rib-eye, When it comes to red meat, Yeo suggests The wonders of fibre were discovered by
14.5 eggs or nearly a kilogram of lentils,” using whole cuts such as steak, which can British surgeon Denis Burkitt in the 1960s,
Yeo writes. be cooked quickly, rather than mince, as the while undertaking field work in Uganda.
“And it is important to note, for all you further away food is from its natural state, He found the fibre-rich diet of the local
vegetarians and vegans out there, it is the the more calorific it becomes. Mincing meat people – low in red meat and animal fat, but
amount of protein rather than their source then cooking it alters the collagen protein high in fibre-rich foods such as colourful
that is crucial to satiety, which means that a it contains, making it easier to chew and fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, tubers,
range of protein sources can contribute to digest. The same applies to slow-cooked beans, nuts and whole grains – resulted in
satiety, including dairy, meat, poultry, cere- a relative absence of modern Western dis-
als, fish, peas, pulses and legumes.” eases such as colon cancer, type 2 diabetes
A diet containing 10-15% protein is The study found a 40% and heart disease.
advised by the WHO to maintain weight Back then, as now, Britons consume
– not lose it – so a diet aiming for a higher reduction in cancer about 18g of fibre a day, far below the 50g
intake may be advised if weight loss is the risk when low-intake Burkitt recommended as part of a high-
Because there is no definition of what a
populations doubled fibre diet.
“We now know, from multiple epi-
high-protein diet is, Yeo does not commit their fibre intake. demiological studies, that significantly
to a protein “target”, but does say that most increasing the fibre content of our diet
research papers that assess its effective- either decreases the risk of, and in some
ness tend to include all diets that have more stews and casseroles; if they are heated cases protects against, a number of dif-
than 16% of the calories from protein. through three or four times, it increases ferent non-communicable diseases,” Yeo
The evidence for protein’s effectiveness the caloric availability each time, he says. writes.
is, at this point, robust. One such study, based on data from the

“In a review paper that summarised FEAST ON FIBRE European Prospective Investigation into
the main findings of 14 studies compar- As with protein, fibre slows down digestion Cancer and Nutrition (Epic) study, involved
ing ‘high’ protein with at least one other in the gut, making it work harder and burn 519,978 participants from 10 European
macronutrient, 11 found that high protein more calories to extract it. “Dietary fibre is countries. It found a 40% reduction in

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 15


Hunger games
Humans have been primed to pack on more fat than any other ape,
says US evolutionary anthropologist Herman Pontzer, and trying to
exercise it away without changing our eating habits is doomed to fail.

umans burn about 2000- discovered that exercise doesn’t increase our
3000 calories a day, no metabolism. The majority of calories are burnt
matter how much exercise in the process of keeping us alive – in breathing
they do. Herman Pontzer, and digestion, for example – while only a small
an associate professor of percentage is expended on exercise.
evolutionary anthropology at Duke Uni- “Our metabolic engines were not crafted by
versity, North Carolina, published these millions of years of evolution to guarantee a
findings in his recent book, Burn, after beach-ready bikini body,” Pontzer
delving into the lives of hunter-gatherer says. “Rather, our metabolism
tribes in East Africa and exploring why has been primed to pack on
they don’t burn more calories than seden- more fat than any other ape.
tary office workers in New York. What’s more, our metabo- Eat less, move more: Giles Yeo
and, right, Herman Pontzer.
Over a decade, Pontzer and colleagues lism responds to changes in

cancer risk when low-intake populations FOOD DOUBLE STANDARD

doubled their fibre intake. “Crucially,” writes One reason the raw diet With the innovation of meat-free, ultra-
Yeo, “more is better in this case, with fibre
intakes higher than 35g a day appearing to be
works is that a stick processed foods, such as the Beyond and
Impossible plant-based burgers, the sim-
even more effective at reducing disease risk.” of celery clocks in at plicity of labelling all such processes “bad”
A recent review of 58 clinical fibre trials, only five calories when is becoming more complicated, Yeo says.
encompassing 4635 people, found a 15-30% “What will surprise many is that the
decrease in cardiovascular-related stroke,
raw, but rises to 30 grains that we eat every day, from which
type 2 diabetes and colon-cancer deaths, calories after cooking. humans get the majority of their calories,
as well as a decrease in the incidence of all are also processed.” Yeo cites such stand-

these diseases, when comparing the highest- diet – as much as three times more than ard foodstuffs as rice and wheat, but also
fibre consumers with the lowest. you’re likely to be currently eating – is yogurt, which was first eaten in 5000 BCE
The case for adding more fibre to your sound, Yeo says. in Mesopotamia.

16 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

exercise and diet in ways that thwart our – remain skilled at matching energy “Our genetic make-up means all of us
efforts to shed pounds.” expenditure to intake. behave differently around food,” writes
Dr Giles Yeo and Pontzer agree that Weight gain and the obesity tend to Yeo in Why Calories Don’t Count. “Some
pursuing exercise as a weight-loss strat- build up over time. A daily muffin habit of us, for instance, are slightly more
egy without cutting down on your daily cannot be sustained without consequences, hungry all the time and so eat more than
calorie intake is doomed to fail, as humans Pontzer says, meaning any successful diet others. Some of us might eat in response
have evolved to hold on to fat stores for needs to be adopted in the long-term to to stress, whereas others will stop eating
future famines and energy-intensive keep it off. as a result of the exact same stress. People
reproduction. Both scientists are at pains Yeo says all successful diets incorporate who are overweight are neither bad nor
to stress the overall health gains lazy; rather, they are fighting their
of exercise – for the mind, dis- biology.”
ease prevention and fitness – but
agree that the only way to shed
pounds is to decrease your food
“Our metabolic
intake and improve the quality. engines were
The World Health Organisa- not crafted by
tion recommends between 150
to 300 minutes of moderate
millions of years
exercise, such as brisk walking, of evolution to
a week, or 75 to 150 minutes of
vigorous activity, such as run-
guarantee a beach-
ning, swimming or active team ready bikini body.”
sports. Two sessions of strength
training such as pilates, yoga, tai Yeo – and others – say that
chi or weightlifting are recom- because of these inherent dif-
mended as well. ferences in biology, there is no
Gardening, doing the “one-size-fits all” weight-loss cure.
washing, cleaning and other common Active lifestyle: despite trekking long However, any “diet that results in someone
household chores all contribute to your distances, the Hadza burn no more calories eating less is a diet that works”.
each day than adults in the West.
weekly exercise total, Pontzer says, clock- Pontzer agrees: “There’s no singular,
ing in as “moderate” activity. “Just about natural human diet. Hunter-gatherers
everything is on the menu.” high levels of plant-based foods, as well such as the Hadza eat a diverse mix of plant
as much higher levels of protein and and animal foods that vary day to day,
THE EXPERTS WEIGH IN fibre than are currently consumed in the month to month and year to year. There’s
“Maintaining the same weight without West. However, many are restrictive and even more dietary diversity when we look
really trying seems an impossible dream difficult to commit to long-term. But even across populations. Humans are built to
to most of us, but it’s far more common adopting a flexitarian approach, such as thrive on a wide variety of diets – just
than you think,” Pontzer writes in Burn. eating vegan like Yeo for half the week, about everything is on the menu.”
“At least, it used to be. Hadza men and can cut your meat intake by 40-50% – a The takeaway? Any diet that is plant-
women, for example, are incredibly weight meaningful drop that helps to maintain based and high in fibre and protein will be
stable across the life span: body weights weight and is better for the planet. In fact, good for you. Even one or two days a week.
and BMI [body-mass index] hardly change a 2020 University of Oxford study, pub- And what to avoid? “We need to be
from early adulthood to old age.” lished in the journal Science, concluded really careful about how we incorporate
This is good news, and as Pontzer that switching to a vegan diet is the “single ultra-processed foods into our daily diets,
continues, our bodies – even in “the biggest way” to reduce your environmen- because they are calorie bombs that drive
industrialised zoos we live in today” tal impact on the planet. us to overconsume.” Pontzer says.

“So, although the term ‘processed food’, now demanding the opposite. This is one unhealthy fast-food options, high in sugar,
as used today, is associated with a whole reason the raw diet works – a stick of celery fat and salt, that are blamed for the obeso-
host of negative connotations, the pro- clocks in at only five calories when raw, but genic environment we find ourselves in
cesses of cooking, food preservation and rises to 30 after cooking. today,” he writes.
separation were critical to our ability as a Although processing food is ancient, “Ultra-processed food is the opposite of
species to survive and to thrive.” ultra-processed food, which Yeo describes ‘clean’, the antithesis of ‘real’. Yet ultra-pro-
Cooked food, for complex reasons, also as “foods that have been processed beyond cessed plant-based milks are unashamedly
increases the calorie count of what we eat. what is ordinary or proper” – think oat milk, marketed as healthy. What makes one
For most of human history, food has been cheap chicken nuggets, packet soups, soft ultra-processed food item different from
scarce and energy-intensive to gather, drinks and mass-produced packaged breads another? What makes some suited to be

meaning the more calories the better. and buns – takes it many steps further. condemned and legislated against, while
But in the modern world, where food “In recent years, the term ‘ultra-pro- others remain respectable, eminently Ins-
appears to grow in supermarkets, we’re cessed’ has become synonymous with tagrammable even?”

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 17


Often, the difference comes down to good Huge quantities of additives such as salt, fat Instead, he advocates for pragmatism.
or bad PR, Yeo says. “The milk we get from and sugar become necessary to make the “It really annoys me when experts tell
the supermarket is pasteurised, so milk is food palatable, let alone delicious. people, ‘Just replace that chocolate bar with
actually a processed food. “Ultra-processed foods are typically a banana,’” Yeo says. “It’s stupid, because
“Most of the plant-based milk options, with higher in salt, sugar and fat, and lower in sometimes you need a chocolate bar, and
the exception of coconut milk, because of all fibre, which is what makes that lovely ‘pro- other times you need a banana. What I
the machinations that are required to con- tein of chicken origin’ nugget oh so moreish, want is a better kind of chocolate bar loaded
vert quinoa or oat extract into a facsimile of and also oh so very calorically available,” with nuts. And there is no way they need to
milk (how exactly do you milk a quinoa?) are writes Yeo. be in petrol stations and at supermarket
actually classed as ultra-processed.” “It is easy to eat and even easier to extract checkouts – that’s pure manipulation. If
Adding to the complexity is that although the calories. Compare that with eating a piece you want a chocolate bar, you should have
some ultra-processed foods are at the fore- of chicken breast, even if it has been battered to walk to the chocolate aisle to get it.”
front of modern health experiments – the and fried, where you can control the amount
Impossible burger, for example – the vast of seasoning and fat that goes in.” HUNGRY GENES
majority remain astoundingly unhealthy, Studies are also finding that ultra-pro- Yeo is ethnically Chinese, meaning he is at a
especially when they make up the bulk of a cessed foods encourage your body to eat greater risk of developing diabetes, among
person’s diet. more, as much as 500 calories in one sitting. other weight-related diseases. “The inter-
“Diets that include a lot of ultra-processed It is thought the lack of protein in these foods esting thing is that your fat cells and my
foods are intrinsically nutritionally unbal- make the body go into overdrive in an effort fat cells can expand to different amounts,”
anced and intrinsically harmful to health,” to secure this vital resource. says Yeo. “So, East Asian people, me, South
says Carlos Monteiro, a professor of nutri- Even when matched calorie for calorie Asian people, Indians, Pakistanis, don’t
tion and public health at the University of São – as in a 2010 cheese-sandwich experiment have to gain much weight before they get
by Sadie Barr and Jonathan Wright from
Pomona College, California – wholefoods
A child walking home come out on top. Subject participants ate “Eating a processed
from school in South two sandwiches, both of 600 calories, but one
was classified as a “wholefood sandwich” of
sandwich means you
Auckland is five-times wholegrain bread and real cheddar cheese, absorb 10% more
more likely to encounter while the other used ultra-processed cheese calories than if you
and white bread.
a KFC than a child in “Even though the sandwiches contained had eaten a wholefood
wealthy suburbs. exactly the same number of calories, the sandwich.”
body has to spend nearly twice the number
of calories to metabolise the wholefood
Paulo in Brazil, who is credited with invent- sandwich compared with the processed metabolic disease – they just don’t. My risk
ing the term “ultra-processed”. sandwich,” wrote Yeo of the study. “Put factor, as ethnically Chinese, is 23 or 24 in
In the UK, 65% of calories eaten by pri- another way, eating the processed terms of body-mass index (BMI), while for
mary- and secondary-school children come sandwich means you absorb 10% more cal- Europeans, it is more like 25, 26 or 27.”
from ultra-processed food or drinks. In most ories than if you had eaten the wholefood When people consume too many calories
Western countries, ultra-processed foods sandwich.” and don’t burn them off – the universal expla-
account for 50% of the calories in a standard Studies have found humans biologically nation for weight gain – the extra weight is
diet, with the three highest consumers in struggle to resist foods stuffed with fat and stored in the body’s fat cells, which expand or
Europe, led by the Netherlands. carbs. A 2018 Yale University study sug- decrease “like balloons” depending on how
New Zealand is not far behind as the sev- gested this might be a result of our first much fat you’re storing.
enth-highest consumers of ultra-processed food – breast milk – being loaded with When fat cells reach their capacity,
foods in the world. them, resulting in our brains associating any additional fat then begins to form on
This is really concerning, says Yeo, the two with growth, comfort and pleas- organs such as the liver, increasing the risk
because each percentage point increase in ure. However, apart from breast milk, fat for obesity-related “modern” illnesses.
the availability of ultra-processed calories and carbs rarely occur together in high Frustratingly, looking in the mirror or
in an average household is associated with quantities in nature – macaroni cheese even at a set of scales won’t tell you this. A
an increase of 0.25% in obesity prevalence is a human construction. Ultra-processed skinny person of Indian origin with a small
within that country. foods can hijack your efforts to stay slim in beer belly may be at greater risk of develop-
Rates in the developing world are also a multitude of ways. “There does appear to ing diabetes than a large Māori person who
rapidly catching up with the West, with the be a biologically plausible mechanism to looks heavier but is actually healthier. This
added problem that ultra-processed eating is explain why our response, as humans, is to makes it difficult for the “average Joe” to
often a status symbol for the newly emerging overeat in this contemporary environment know when they are getting into dangerous
middle class. rich in ultra-processed foods that are high territory with their weight.
The chemical, man-made processes that in fat and carbs,” Yeo writes. “I think the answer will come down to
ultra-processed foods undergo to reach their At this point, simply dropping ultra- genetic and other types of tests, but we’re
consumer-friendly form are routinely so processed foods from the diet is near not there yet; maybe in 10 to 15 years’ time,”
extreme they strip the food of any flavour. impossible for most people, Yeo says. says Yeo. “I think the easiest way at the

18 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Obesity expert Dr Giles Yeo gives his summary of the
benefits and drawbacks of recent dieting trends.
1. KETOGENIC DIET: A adopt it today “fantastical”. meat and most other 7. MEDITERRANEAN DIET:
high-fat, Yeo says the diet does work animal-based products Studies have shown as
moderate- as a weight-loss strategy are labelled as ‘acidic’, an much as a 30%
protein, “for some” but largely alkaline diet is pretty much reduction in
very-low because it follows basic plant-based by another cardio-
carbo- rules: it’s high in lean name.” vascular
hydrate meat and seafood, as well disease
diet, at the as fruit and non-starchy 5.SIRTFOOD DIET: One – the most
“extreme vegetables, and it avoids of the selling common
end” of carbohy- cereals and grains and points of cause of death
drate-restricting diets on starchy root vegetables. It’s this diet, in the world – for those fol-
offer. Ketogenic diets have a low-carbohydrate diet, by devel- lowing this diet, compared
been around in a clinical another name. oped with those on a low-fat diet.
setting since 1921, when by two It gets a solid tick from Yeo
they were used to treat 3.CARNIVORE DIET: An British for its health and weight-
children with epilepsy. Yeo extreme diet nutrition- loss benefits.
says most people cannot that is ists, is that singer
manage the recommended effective Adele credits it for her 8.VEGETARIAN/VEGAN
80% daily fat intake, which in the 2020 weight loss, and it DIETS: Plant-based and
he calls “an extreme level short- allows chocolate and wine, high in fibre
of fat unpalatable to many”. term for “which I must admit, is and protein
weight undoubtedly appealing”, – another
2. PALEOLITHIC DIET: loss, but not Yeo says. “Most of the rec- tick from
“There was healthy in the ommended ‘sirt foods’ are Yeo –
no single medium or long-term. No plant-based, coupled with these diets
paleo- one has conducted studies calorie restriction, making are easily
lithic diet, into the long-term safety it a weight-loss strategy for incorporated
because of the carnivore diet, Yeo some, wrapped up in some into a flexitarian menu for
there says, and labels “this par- ‘sciency’ explanation to the long-term. Yeo recom-
were ticular fad diet a bad idea”. make it more compelling.” mends avoiding specialist
no single “vegan products”, many
paleolithic people,” Yeo 4. ALKALINE LIVING: It 6.RAW DIET: “Eating raw of which are expensive
writes. “The reality is we works in the food – a salad, and lack fibre and protein
are not eating what our short-term basically and are at the mercy of
ancestors did, because we for weight – means intensive marketing drives.
can’t. Those foods simply loss, “in you Researching specialist
no longer exist. Almost spite of its will be vegan meals, rather than
everything that we eat nonsensi- absorb- trying to recreate meat
today is a product of many cal nature, ing fewer meals with vegan products,
generations of domes- barely able to calories, is also recommended. Yeo
tication.” Yeo labels the stand up to casual which is why a does not like vegan cheese
backstory of paleo “quite scrutiny”, Yeo says. Why? raw-food diet is so effective or replacement meat prod-
nonsensical”, and trying to “As it turns out, because for weight loss,” says Yeo. ucts such as quorn.

moment is to look at your parents, should In addition to ethnic weight differences, other, and even a slight mutation or abnor-
they be alive. But even if they’re not alive, individual feeding behaviours are governed mality can lead to imperfect communication
what did they die of? What shape were they by more than 1000 different genes, dictating between the belly and brain – and, possibly,

in, what diseases did they have? They are a such things as how hungry you feel, how help explain your lifelong struggle to say no
picture of the future you, to some degree. much food you want to eat, when you feel to banana bread slathered with butter. “At
So that is still far more predictive than full and how happy that food makes you feel. this point you have to ask, is how much we
simply your body weight.” These complex genes all speak to each eat really a choice?” Yeo says.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 19


WHY ARE WE SO FAT? little to do with your best intentions of 10% of families unsure how they’re going
According to the WHO, 1.9 billion adults being bikini-ready by Christmas. to provide their next meal. Early evidence
18 years and older are now classified as “Body weight is not a choice,” Yeo says suggests these numbers have as much as
overweight, with more than 650 million emphatically. “Most policymakers still doubled since the pandemic hit in early
of them obese. think obesity is a result of personal choice 2020.
In New Zealand, one in three adults and bad habits, when in large part, for bio- In terms of weight loss, Yeo points out
are classified as obese, making us one logical and non-biological reasons, it isn’t. that the rules are fairly straightforward:
of the fattest nations on Earth, while for “We need to try and help people make more plant-based foods, protein and fibre,
children the figure is about one in 10. Chil- the healthier decision by fixing the built and less sugar, fat and carbs. But there’s a
dren living in the most socio-economically catch: “You need to give people realistic
deprived areas of the country are 2.7 times and pragmatic solutions, rather than say,
more likely to be obese as children living ‘Please have more carrots and hummus.’
in the least-deprived areas, while the rate It’s fine advice if you have hummus in
for adults is 1.8 times. the fridge, but not everybody is going
Obesity is not evenly distributed in this to have hummus and carrot sticks in the
country. According to the 2019/2020 New fridge – ever – and I think that’s part of
Zealand Health Survey, the prevalence of the problem.”
obesity among adults differed by ethnic- It is why the moralising judgments
ity, with 63.4% of Pacific, 47.9% of Māori, over “clean” and “dirty” food angers Yeo
so much. When you’re time poor, cash
poor and have never had any education
“Body weight is on nutritious eating, there’s no such thing
as good and bad food, there’s just food.
not a choice. Most The cheaper it is and the more calories it
policymakers still think contains for immediate fuel, the better.
“Human beings are designed to eat food
obesity is a result of efficiently, and very easily store it as fat,”
personal choice and Yeo says. “But it takes a long time to burn
bad habits, when in off, because that’s how we have evolved to
survive. It will take you 60 seconds to eat a
large part it isn’t.” Mars bar, which is 240 calories, but always
half an hour to burn it off.”
This simple example highlights why it is
29.3% of European/Other and 15.9% of so easy to gain weight – even over a single
Asian adults obese. weekend – and so extremely difficult to
This is important, because Māori and lose it again. Fat is potential energy and
Pacific people are also more likely to live the body is biologically resistant to parting
in deprived suburbs and regions. Local with its fuel. From an evolutionary stand-
and international research has repeat- point, starvation, pregnancy or war could
edly found that the prevalence of highly always be around the next corner.
calorific food outlets such as takeaways Yeo understands that, for myriad rea-
and drive-throughs is five times greater sons, picking up a frozen pizza at the
in low socio-economic regions. supermarket is going to be a more appeal-
In real terms, this means that a child ing choice for many people than buying the
walking home from school in South Auck- ingredients for, say, an organic vegetarian
land is five times more likely to encounter frittata with a rocket and pomegranate-
a KFC than a child in wealthy suburbs such seed salad.
as Ponsonby or Remuera. Predictably, chil- “If you require a frozen pizza because
dren, as with adults, have great difficulty you’re in a rush, or you like frozen pizza,
saying no to treats placed right in front of environment around them. If we don’t or that’s what the kids want to eat – there
them, particularly ultra-processed treats fix the environment, if we don’t make the can be a million valid reasons why you
high in fat, salt and sugar. healthy choice the easier, more conveni- want it. What I want to change is: can you
Adding to this geographic and income ent, cheaper choice, then we’re not going pick a better frozen pizza, something with
disadvantage, studies have found that to fix the problem.” more protein and fibre?” Yeo says.
highly calorific, ultra-processed food is As with many in the middle-class “I am not saying that frozen pizza is ever
about a third cheaper in supermarkets. Western world, Yeo and his wife spent going to be better for you than other types
Combined with gene inheritance, which lockdown nurturing a sourdough starter of food, but if you need a frozen pizza, can
determines 40-70% of your body weight and cooking slow, thoughtful meals. But we give people the tools to pick a better

– the fluctuation in those numbers is for millions in the UK – and New Zealand frozen pizza? And I think if we do that,
influenced by the environment you live – the pandemic has highlighted disturb- we’re being more pragmatic and realistic
in – what size you end up often has very ing rates of food insecurity, with at least about people’s lives.”

20 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

TRICKING THE BRAIN scientists at Hammersmith Hospital in currently need to be injected before each
There are few government-led interven- London, led by professors Tricia Tan and meal, but once a week would be ideal. The
tions that have been successful in lowering Sir Steve Bloom, have been conducting “holy grail” involves delivering the concoc-
obesity rates, but Yeo, whose lab is funded trials infusing patients with the hormones tion in pill form.
by the UK government, has – somewhat GLP-1, oxyntomodulin and peptide YY “But because of the pesky acidic caul-
reluctantly – shown his support for the tax individually. dron that is the stomach, that is a long way
on sugary drinks. He says that in response Each hormone on its own could modestly off yet,” Yeo writes. “Nevertheless, these
to the tax, many companies lowered the reduce food intake, Yeo writes, and over the results are very exciting indeed and repre-
amount of sugar in their beverages so they years the team has systematically tried dif- sent really significant progress in obesity
would not face financial penalties. ferent doses and combinations. They are therapeutics.”
In multiple studies since, consumers
were found to barely notice the difference
in taste. This is positive news.
On a personal level, Yeo has found his
flexitarian diet to be sustainable in the
long run. A change in home insurance
also inspired him to track his fitness, as his
insurance company offered an annual £200

“It will take you 60

seconds to eat a Mars
bar, but always half
an hour to burn it off.
This highlights why
it is so easy to gain
weight – even over a
single weekend.”

rebate if he stayed physically active. Giles Yeo: “Is how

“Humans are like magpies, we like shiny much we eat really
new things, so anything – be it technology, a choice?”
publicity, whatever – that nudges you every
so often into making healthy decisions can
be effective.” now at the stage of trialling an infusion of However, if Yeo could wave a magic wand
But the most important way to make a dif- all three hormones in a single mixture. and change one thing about the modern
ference to obesity rates is to tackle the eating “While the treatment is still in the testing food environment, it would be far simpler
habits of kids, especially those in high-risk phase, it appears that this hormone infusion than this. “What I would do overnight, if I
areas of the country. This should become a can indeed mimic gastric bypass, at least could, is subsidise healthy foods, fruits and
passion for any government serious about partially, and make the brain think it is full vegetables. We need to make the healthier
obesity, Yeo says, particularly one like New choice the cheaper, more convenient choice.
Zealand, whose well-being goals and pov- So, if you’re trying to feed yourself, the
erty-reduction aspirations he praises. Weight-management healthier decision is cheaper. That would
Although many middle-class schools be more equitable for all.”
now have market gardens and healthy-food
medications may Tellingly, at the end of Why Calories Don’t
initiatives, these same policies are often become more Count, Yeo includes some of his own recipes,
absent in lower-income schools and homes mainstream. Hormone including for meals that would make tradi-
– the very places most in need of intensive tional diet followers baulk: crispy-skin duck
healthy-eating support. therapy to “weaponise” pancakes, Chinese black beef brisket and
For some, weight-management medica- gut hormones is beef short-rib rendang.
tions may become more mainstream in the
future, with five now approved by the US
already being trialled. The recipes are decadent, impressive,
and “good for entertaining”. They are also
Food and Drug Administration. Hormone based around wholefoods, high in protein
therapy to “weaponise” gut hormones is also so patients actually eat less, about 30% less and fibre and packed with flavour.
being trialled in the UK, Yeo writes, and the in a single meal,” says Yeo. And this is why calories don’t count, at

initial findings are promising. The biggest hurdle for hormone therapy least not to this geneticist. “We don’t eat calo-
Beginning more than a decade ago, is to make the infusions longer lasting. They ries,” Yeo says. “We eat food.” l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 21


TRAGEDY The fates of the Hillary family and
Nepal have been entwined since the
conquest of Everest. Despite Covid and
an ill-fated trek six years ago, Peter
Hillary is determined to go back.
n the steep ridge- Chance events change everything and descent and two 400m ascents after lunch!”
line above the little take the trajectory of life in new, unantici- We all mastered the road rules of “give
village of Kunde, we pated directions. way to yaks”, and the synchronised cross-
paused at the three But here I was in the company of old ing procedures for suspension bridges
memorial chortens friends; we trekked on. Group photographs above Himalayan cataracts – you don’t
at 4100 metres, built were arranged – as much for a rest along want to meet a yak in the middle of a 100m
by the villagers for the trail as for a photographic record – and suspension footbridge. We all adopted
my father, mother and little sister, and they were always punctuated with “Where’s our own versions of the “Himalayan plod”
it occurred to me for the first time that Hamish?” as our camera-shy colleague – a pace that allows your heart and lungs
I was up in the Himalayas with a group was rounded up, grinning happily for a to operate within a range suitable for your
of people who had all known them. That round of high-altitude digital vainglory. age and fitness and the lofty altitudes.
had never happened before. And as we A few days short of Everest Base Camp
gazed out towards the bulk of Mt Everest
and down at the little hospital my parents
had built in the village, this connection
with the past and my “precious ones” felt
particularly special.
in Nepal, we diverted up a side valley to a
lake I had described to my fellow trekkers
as turquoise blue, and found it was frozen T his all happened six years ago,
when I organised to trek through
the Himalayas with a group of
my old collegians, past the schools and
hospitals my father had built and up the
Back in 1975, the Hillary family were The aircraft dived valley to base camp, at 5360m. The great
living in Nepal to help my father, Ed, into a paddy field. form of the world’s highest mountain was
build his biggest hospital at the impor- our beacon and occupied the northern
tant village of Phaphlu, five days’ trek No one survived, horizon, while the stories of actually
south of Kunde. My mother, Louise, 43, and the Hillarys lost climbing the mountain were frequent
and younger sister, Belinda, 16, boarded
a small plane to fly into the mountains
half of our family. topics around hot cups of tea in the trek-
king lodges. And, of course, the greatest
to join Dad at the building site. But the story of them all was the first ascent by
New Zealand pilot, who was notorious solid with an icy-white surface. So the cry my father and Tenzing Norgay on the 1953
for his disregard for the safety regimes of went out that Hillary’s itinerary was rid- British Expedition, where they ascended
aviation, pushed the throttle to maximum dled with inaccuracies – and these related to where no one had gone before.
power and lifted the plane into the air to the daily trek times, too. “So, how far is The truth is that in our own small ways,
above Kathmandu before realising the today’s trek, Peter?” we are all going where none had gone
control guards were still attached to the Of course, all my estimates were lam- before.
ailerons. He lost control of the aircraft pooned for outrageous optimism. “We I have climbed Everest a couple of times,
and it dived into a paddy field north of the will double that,” they would say, and then and made five attempts on different routes
runway near the great stupa of Boudhan- enquire how much climbing was involved to on the mountain among my more than 50
ath. No one survived, and the Hillarys reach the next village. “Today, there is a net expeditions to mountains around the world.
lost half of our family, our hearts forever altitude gain of zero,” I often replied. “Yeah, I work with the foundations my father
broken and our lives forever changed.g right.
g Once we have completed p an 800m helped establish to run education, health
and environmental programmes in the
Himalayas around the foot of Mt Everest.
And, like my father in 1953, I found that
the sting in the tail of an Everest climb
comes when you least expect it:

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing just below the summit. It’s a verti-
Norgay on Mt Everest in cal step in the ridge, now called
1953. Right, Louise and Ed
Hillary with children, from the Hillary Step, that guards
left, Belinda, Peter and Sarah.
Opposite: Mt Ama Dablam in
the eastern Himalayas.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 23


Before and after:

Greg Kay, above,
crosses a glacial
stream. Right, the
rescue operation
at Everest Base
Camp after the access to the top. the narrow footpaths as we headed up
earthquake. Below,
Kay with son Ben And that is There was silence. Then valley at a methodical ascent rate to assist
and granddaughter the hallmark of acclimatisation.
Madison. any adventure
we heard the roar of
avalanches pouring off
or undertak-
ing: often, the biggest challenges come
when you least expect them. And so it
was for the 12 of us – 60-year-old men
the mountains above
and around us like a
I t was Anzac Day, and after our dawn
service at the hamlet of Lobuche
(4900m) to honour the war dead, we
trudged up the valley in lightly falling
who had decided to go to Everest Base hundred freight trains. snow. We arrived at Gorak Shep, just 3km
Camp in Nepal, where there are no roads south of base camp, and stopped at one of
and few of the amenities of our affluent its five tea shops to quaff hot drinks and
Western lives – on a reunion trek. This father’s airstrip at Lukla into the ‘high eat some food. It was just before midday,
was a chance to rekindle friendships and Himal”, as Dad always referred to it with a and our usual banter was continuing
share in an adventure amid the awesome smile, staying with people I have known when all hell broke loose. The dry-stone
grandeur and delve behind our ageing all my life. building started shaking violently from
physiognomies for the teenage cohort of Being a bunch of old school friends – side to side, and while some dived beneath
many years before. And, incredibly, the even with receding hairlines and bulging tables, I knew that stone buildings were
men I trekked with retained the person- waistlines – there was plenty of high best vacated. I roared, “Everyone outside!”
alities of the boys I had known long ago: jinks. On Phil Barron’s birthday, there was This was a huge earthquake – as we

wisdom and experience layered on the a cake and speeches and the singing of the learnt later, it was 7.9 on the Richter scale
character and idealism of their youth. old school song, O floreat semper. When – and it felt as if the whole Himalayas were
For two weeks, we trekked from my y Guy y Haddleton and I stayed at my “Sherpa being shaken and in danger of coming
aunt’s” house, he performed a skit, apart. When we rushed outside and stood
filmed by Russell Tills, in which Guy together in stunned silence as gently
remonstrated to camera that he had
paid for a single-room upgrade and
here was his ensuite: a hole in the THE OLD COLLEGIANS
floor of an outhouse with leaf litter Hamish Brown, Russell Tills, Guy
for a flush and a wooden pole to help Haddleton, John Reyburn, Philip
ageing knees to regain their vertical Barron, Simon Hanley, Iain Patterson,
composure. Peter Hillary, Richard Agnew, Peter
We laughed a lot. And we Revell, Greg Kay, Michael Caughey.
encouraged each other on along

24 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

falling snow landed upon us, the violent into an enormous aerosol avalanche that
shaking stopped. There was silence. Then, More than 10,000 produced a blast of air and ice particles so
in the distance, we heard the roar of ava- severe that it devastated the lower portion
lanches pouring off the mountains above
people had been killed, of the camp. Twenty-one people died, 100
and around us like a hundred freight millions of homes were injured and the camp was largely
trains. Looking to the north, to where base
camp was and the great Khumbu Glacier,
damaged. People lived destroyed. It was the same avalanche blast
that had come down the glacier and hit us
I could see the sharp form of the lateral outside beneath large at Gorak Shep.
moraine. Suddenly, a great boiling cloud blue tarpaulins. So, within a couple of hours’ trek of our
of avalanche blast came over the moraine goal of Everest base camp, I turned the old
and straight towards us across the valley, collegians around and, in the gloom of low


at what I estimated was 100 knots. I knew well for the climbers up at base camp. cloud and lightly falling snow, we trudged
what to do, so I called to the old collegians, What we lived through next was five past destroyed villages and trekkers’
“Get back in the building!” To which some- days of hell. At base camp, a huge block lodges. Now, we were on a mission to get
one mumbled, “First, you tell us of ice had released down the valley, 12 old school chums knit-
to get out, and now you tell us to Upbeat: John Reyburn from 800m higher ted into a cohesive group by two weeks of
get inside!” I was sure that this and Greg Kay with trekkers up and, on hitting trekking and an earthquake. Eventually,
at Dingboche after the
catastrophic event did not bode quake. Right, Hillary’s and the glacier, exploded some communications were repaired and
Jamling Tenzing’s groups
at Tengboche.


we were able to call home and our agent in night in the restaurant of a badly damaged of our situation and the sheer wonder of
Kathmandu. And the news was bad. More hotel and, as luck would have it, we were being happy and contented when happi-
than 10,000 people had been killed, mil- there with my old friend, Jamling Tenzing ness and contentment had vanished for so
lions of homes damaged. With the ongoing (Tenzing Norgay’s son), who was guid- many around us.
aftershocks, people in Kathmandu were ing a group of young Indian women to Then, at 6am on April 27, we awoke
too afraid to sleep indoors and they lived Everest Base Camp. Like everyone else, he to find Greg couldn’t be roused. He lay
outside beneath large blue tarpaulins on motionless in his sleeping bag while three
the streets and fields. of our group attempted to resuscitate him.
Compared with this news, the next two We awoke to find Greg But it was to no avail. It seemed he must
evenings for us were upbeat affairs. How have died from a heart attack or stroke an
fortunate were we? There were rousing
couldn’t be roused. hour or two before. We were all stunned,
speeches while sitting around yak-dung He must have died an speechless, heartbroken.
fires in damaged accommodations and a hour or two before. The loss of Greg compounded on
heightened sense of “the good life”, despite the horror of the devastation of the
the quake, the destruction and the loss of It was a terrible and earthquake and left us in a state of dis-
life. personal blow for us all. combobulated sorrow. It was a terrible
That first night at the village of Dingbo- and personal blow for us all. His absence
che, Greg Kay eloquently summarised our haunted us as we did what we had to do
experiences with positivity and a touch- was reviewing what he would do after the to transport him to Lukla, contact his
ing nod to the camaraderie of the dozen. It earthquake. family and arrange for his cremation. As
was a special moment. This had been a big As he had done once before, Greg came up darkness approached, a helicopter landed
undertaking for him, and he was probably to me and asked, “Have I shown you a photo in the meadow in front of the ruined mon-
the one who found the relentless ascents of my little granddaughter?”, proffering a astery and shuttled Greg’s body down to
the hardest. But it was a journey he had picture of a beautiful little girl, Madison. It Lukla with his close friend, John Reyburn,
looked forward to with such enthusiasm. was a touching gesture in the midst of the and Michael Caughey.
He and I joked about running for Mayor mayhem in which we now lived. The next day, the rest of us trekked
of Auckland: Hillary and Kay, a ticket for down to the village of Monzo, deep in
fresh thinking, we enthused as we hiked
the trails. After all, his father, Colin, had
T hat evening, we all shared a
marvellously lighthearted time
the Dudh Kosi valley, passing groves
of flowering rhododendrons, and we

been Mayor of Auckland, and my father together – the Tenzing party of descended the infamous Namche Hill
had considered politics at one time. young Indians and the Hillary party of old with a lifting sense of purpose. Then,
At Tengboche Monastery, we spent the collegians – inspired by the uncertainty to my horror as we looked down on

26 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

From far left: the Everest
range; George, Lily and
Alexander Hillary; Peter
Hillary, right, with his lead earthquake, we were living
sherpa, Pasang Temba, left, fully. None of us will ever
and Jamling Tenzing. Inset, forget it. We who returned are
Alexander and George Hillary changed men. And we still con-
on Lobuche Peak in 2019.
gregate as the old collegians.

to the slippery mud and rock tracks of

Lukla village and up the hillside to a ridge
above the little town. A Buddhist monk
led us up the track, with a silk khata scarf
L ife is riddled with uncertainty.
Although this may seem gratuitous
when people have lost their lives,
the truth is, they would want us to make
the most of our lives, especially when they
symbolically drawing Greg up the path to cannot.
the next life and to an airy cremation site We live in times of earthquakes, forest
with views (once the rain stopped) to the fires, a Covid-19 pandemic, detestable
north -- to the Himalayas -- and west, to the human conflicts and cruelty and the
setting sun. Beneath a parade of umbrel- creeping spectre of a changing climate
las, we, the old collegians, said farewell to that has the potential to make everything
Greg as the smoke lifted into the clearing that has gone before look relatively minor.
Himalayan sky. Who knows what the world will be like as
We returned home to the deep sadness the Covid-19 restrictions are eased? The
the Dudh Kosi River, I saw some of our of Greg’s family and his grieving friends. much-discussed “normalcy” may be five
bags floating in the river itself. We later Why did he go on this journey? The truth or more years away, if that is even possible.
learnt that our porter, Narayan Katwal, is, he wanted to; he was excited to go. This Yet in all of this, we must seek out the joy
was also in the water. Nepalese porters was a whole new challenge and Greg liked in life and living. We need to be proactive
can’t swim – we had lost another. challenges. And none of us would have and make changes for the common good.
While our sirdar (Sherpa leader), agreed to trek to Everest Base Camp -- or On May 18 this year, in the midst of
Pasang Temba, filed a police report on the the pandemic’s second wave in Nepal, I
accident, we all had an early and subdued received an email from our accountant,
night. It felt like our world was coming None of us would Baween Tandukar, in Kathmandu. He
asunder. described how his mother died of Covid-
We never did find out how Narayan had
have gone if we’d 19, then his 34-year-old cousin, a father
fallen into the river, but then, the Hima- known there would with young children, then his wife’s aunt.
layas seemed to be falling down around be a 7.9 earthquake This was a family being ravaged by the
us – there were many huge boulders that virus and tossed into despair. I wept as I
had come down the mountainsides and and that five days of read his message. It is true that “chance
across the tracks where we walked, so our hell would follow. events change everything and take the
journey seemed suitably chaotic and our trajectory of life in new unanticipated
prospects ill-defined. directions”.
anywhere else, for that matter -- if we’d In the end, it’s how you deal with it that

O n the fifth day of our trials, we known there would be a 7.9 earthquake matters. And that is why we are going
trekked to Lukla airstrip in light while we were there and that five days back to Mt Everest. Next year, a third
rain. After lunch, we went to the of hell would follow. But, of course, you generation of Hillarys, George, Alexander
earthquake-damaged heliport building never know what lies ahead with most and Lily, will head to the mountain, with
to retrieve Greg’s body. He lay, white- things in life. And perhaps that is just as their father in support, to sample the
shrouded, within the three remaining well, because we would end up living in a exhilaration of the summit and the legacy

walls of the heliport office with two other state of foreboding and fear. of what it was like to be first.
bodies tied in red and blue tarpaulins – On our trek together, we lived so richly.
one labelled “unknown” – that had been Through the smoke of the yak-dung fires, Greg Kay’s family, fellow trekkers and
brought from Everest Base Camp. the energised conversations, the anticipa- friends are financially assisting the family
We carried him outside, past an injured tion of what lay ahead at base camp, or of the late Narayan Katwal. The Kay family
Sherpa climber in a stretcher and beneath even as we planned our evacuation from is also funding the university education of
the rotating blades of a helicopter, on the mountains and getting home after the Pasang Temba’s son, Dawa.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 27


Mountain to climb
Earthquake damage and Covid-19 threaten Nepal’s progress. by GEOFF CUMMING

hen Covid struck & Johnson vaccine; China is supplying 2.4
in 2020, forcing million doses of its Sinopharm vaccine,
the cancellation though there are storage issues. So far,
of the Himalayan 6.6 million vaccine doses have reached
climbing season, it Nepal, well short of what’s needed. The
was a devastating blow for Nepal’s tourism Government has faced criticism for lift-
industry, costing millions in lost revenue. ing lockdowns too early, for repeating
Mountaineering and trekking are the only mistakes and for failing to provide infra-
income sources in northeastern Nepal’s structure such as ventilators and oxygen.
Khumbu region, in the shadow of Mt Doctors worry about a third wave.
Everest, where the Sir Edmund Hillary-

founded Himalayan Trust is working to uge swathes of the country have
reduce poverty and “transform lives”. no doctors at all. Maternal deaths
The lockdown lasted until the have soared as pregnant women
pandemic’s first wave had passed, too avoid going to hospitals to give birth, fear-
late for the climbing season that stretches ing Covid infection. Between March 2020
from April until early June. This year, and June 2021, 258 women died during
authorities eased rules to lure back pregnancy or childbirth, compared with
foreign adventurers and issued nearly 51 recorded maternal deaths in the year to
400 permits – enough for 1500 climbers March 2020.
and support crew to be on the mountain. Kunde Hospital’s None of the country’s
Sherpas “felt a great sense of relief to Dr Kami Temba midwives are currently practis-
get some employment opportunity”, with a patient. ing. Agencies fear a return to
Alexander Hillary, the trust’s New Zealand Top, schooling is pre-2000 maternal death rates,
flooded home as lockdowns
suspended. Below,
operations manager, posted on the trust resumed. By early May, a porter carries after two decades of effort had
website. Nepal’s Government, meanwhile, Nepal had the highest rate of 100kg of timber up seen maternal mortality fall
anticipated millions in expedition infection among countries a hillside; Everest’s from more than 500 deaths per
north face.
royalties. neighbouring India. 100,000 live births to 186.
Then came Covid’s second wave, mostly Schools are closed and educa-
from neighbouring India, where the more- tion is being provided by online lessons
transmissible Delta variant exploded in The Covid death toll for those who can receive them.
April and May. Initially, lodges and hotels has passed 9600. “There is a real risk of a generation of

on the main trekking route, then Everest young Nepalese missing out on an educa-
Base Camp, became infected. It quickly tion and becoming only semi-literate,”
spread to local communities. By mid-July, the nation of 28.6 million says trust chairperson Peter Hillary,
Many climbers were evacuated with had nearly 26,000 active cases, with about “which makes us even more determined to
Covid-19 and returned home before push- 1600 new cases daily. Since the pandemic maintain our education programmes and
ing for the summit. At the trust-funded began, more than 670,000 Nepalese have support remote learning.
Kunde Hospital, infected locals from been infected, and the death toll has passed “Our accountant, our educational direc-
throughout Khumbu came for testing. 9600. Under-reporting of cases means the tor, our doctor at Kunde Hospital, Kami
Everest trekkers were, of course, far figures may be higher. Temba, and his wife, Da Doma, have all
from the only sources and spreaders of the About 72% of the population are yet to been affected with the virus and deaths in
coronavirus. Nepalese working in India be vaccinated. Rural Nepalese have little their families. These are just the people we
access to medical care. work with.
Vaccinations began in “The earthquake of 2015 destroyed and
January after India supplied damaged millions of homes and buildings
one million doses of Astra- and caused damage that will take decades
Zeneca. But it cancelled a to rebuild. The pandemic has further
further million-dose ship- affected the communities of the region and
ment as the crisis deepened challenged the operations of the trust and
at home. It has since assured its programmes.” l
Nepal of future supplies.
The US has provided 1.53 To donate to the Himalayan Trust, visit
million doses of the Johnson


WORD Christchurch Festival 2021 presents in-depth conversations with some of our nation’s
leading thinkers including Abbas Nazari, Helen Clark, Te Maire Tau, Sue Kedgley,
Kera Sherwood-O’Regan , Brannavan Gnanalingam, Nicky Hager, Claudia Orange and Alison Jones.

THAT UNITE US Accidental TV star Richard Osman turned to crime
and kindness for his debut novel, with record-
breaking results. by CRAIG SISTERSON illustration by WEEF ●

very Thursday, at the produced something that people seem the rarefied air of one million hardcovers
Coopers Chase luxury to be enjoying and taking some solace sold in less than six months. It set a record
retirement village, a in, and it’s giving them a few hours’ for consecutive weeks atop the UK fiction
converted convent sitting break from what’s going on,” says author charts and even broke the long-standing
among rural landscapes Richard Osman. “That’s quite nice in a cookbook/memoir/kids’ fiction strangle-
and market towns south way, and I think it probably gives you hold on the overall Christmas No 1 spot.
of London, four “not friends” meet in even more of a connection with readers Described as an “antidote to Brexit”
the jigsaw room. Sandwiched “between if you’re by their side in difficult times. and a “rallying cry for togetherness” by
Art History and Conversational French”, I think they appreciate it.” Penguin editor Katy Loftus, The Thursday
their booking for “Japanese Opera: A Murder Club struck a huge chord with
Discussion” attracts no interest from readers in Britain and beyond.
their fellow residents. Described as an “I think one of the things about the
Which is just how Elizabeth, Ibrahim, world at the moment is we’re constantly
Ron and Joyce like it. Because none of
“antidote to Brexit”, being divided, and we’re constantly being
them are there to discuss the soprano The Thursday Murder told that we’re siloed and everyone is at
skills of Tamaki Miura or the modern Club struck a huge the extremes,” says Osman, a quiz host for
popular BBC shows who worked on his
artistic direction of Kazushi Ono.
They’re there to discuss murder. chord with readers in debut mystery in secret for two years.
For Elizabeth, Ibrahim, Ron and Britain and beyond. “You just think, ‘That’s not the world
Joyce are the Thursday Murder Club I see all day every day,’” he continues.
– four retirees brought together by “Through the book, I’ve got four incredibly
proximity and a shared interest in In May, Osman was named Author of different people, who probably vote dif-
mysteries and justice. Four elderly the Year at the online ceremony for the ferently, who probably would have voted
amateur sleuths from vastly different 2021 British Book Awards. Undoubtedly, differently on Brexit – all that stuff. But
backgrounds whose crime-solving shifts it was a strange year for anyone publish- they have a common goal. And that’s what
from theory to practice when a con- ing a first novel. For Osman, who turned the book is about: the things that unite us
tractor tied to their village’s greedy 50 last November, it was an rather than the things that divide us.”
owner is bludgeoned to death. extraordinary one. The Thursday Murder Club is a modern
They’re an unlikely quartet of His warm-hearted and take on the classic British murder-mys-
heroes, but their (mis)adventures wwitty whodunnit leapt to tery style that made household names
in The Thursday Murder Club have tthe top of the British best- of Agatha Christie and our own Ngaio
enchanted readers, critics and sseller lists, then hovered Marsh. Except, rather than a singular
book-awards judges worldwide. tthere for months. Think of detective such as Hercule Poirot, Miss
Not to mention shattering British oour local response to Becky Marple or Roderick Alleyn, perhaps
book-sales records in the midst of MManawatu’s award-win- with only a sidekick, there are four
a pandemic. ning Auē, but scaled up. sleuths: Elizabeth, the ex-civil servant
“It’s sort of lovely for me The Thursday Murder of the secret kind; Ibrahim, the retired
that at least I’ve Club didn’t just dominate
C psychiatrist; Ron, the firebrand trade
the UK charts,
th unionist; and Joyce, the former nurse
it lapped whose daughter runs a hedge fund.

Richard Osman: tthe field at “I wanted four, because, you know,

new star on the
British literary times.
t It that’s The Beatles, isn’t it?” says Osman.
scene. cracked “And I wanted two men and two women

30 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 31

because that’s Abba.

From left, Pointless
Four sides, four corners co-hosts Alexander
of a square.” Armstrong and
Osman says he Richard Osman. Right,
Osman with, from left,
enjoyed the way his four Gary Delaney, Rose
main characters, who Matafeo, Rav Wilding
inveigle themselves into and Valerie Singleton
the police investiga- on Richard Osman’s
House of Games.
tion of the contractor’s
murder, come at every
problem from a different angle.
“They immediately felt like a gang,” he
says. “Every time I’d start a scene, I knew
all four of them would approach it differ-
ently. When you start writing a book, it’s
just so hard, isn’t it? You think, ‘Oh God,
how am I ever going to finish this?’ And
then you think, ‘Oh, these four – I can
throw anything at them and they’re going
to carry me through the book.’”

A lthough Osman has been a

fan of mysteries since he was
young, reading came tougher
for him than most. He’s a renowned
figure in the UK, thanks to his nightly
When Steven Spielberg
bought the screen
rights for the book,
Spielberg had bought the screen rights
for the book, Osman said he was unlikely
to appear on screen given his distinc-
tive appearance, but would love for his
mother to have a cameo role. After all, she
television appearances on hit shows Osman said he would inspired one of the quartet, as well as the
such as Richard Osman’s House of Games underlying theme of his book.
and Pointless – and a conspicuous one, love for his mother to “You know, ours wasn’t a particularly
too, with his thick-framed glasses and have a cameo role. arty household,” says Osman with a
towering height – at 200cm or 6’ 7”, he’s chuckle, when I note both he and his
taller than most English rugby locks. brother have gone on to extremely suc-
The glasses are to alleviate the symp- for authors to explore all sorts of lives cessful careers in arts and entertainment.
toms of nystagmus, a condition that and issues. Readers willingly go along “There were never music and paints and
affects eye movement and reduces vision. for the mystery, and authors can do crafts going in our house. But my whole
“I’m very visually impaired, so reading what they choose on the journey. family – I’m guessing it’s the same for
wasn’t something that came naturally,” “That’s the beauty of crime fiction. many New Zealand families from the mid-
he says. “When I was little, I read all You tell stories that people wouldn’t 20th century – went from working class to
the Famous Five books and loved them. otherwise read,” says Osman. “I wanted my generation being middle class. But you
Through my teens, I sort of zoned out of to write about the world as I see it, know, I grew up in that low-income envi-
reading, and then I got back into it in my within the context of a crime novel.” ronment. I grew up in an environment with
twenties. Funnily enough, crime was one Osman’s mystery tendencies may be very strong working-class role models.”
of the things that really got me back into down to his mother, a teacher who raised Osman says that, to him, The Thurs-

being a voracious reader. It was always my him and his brother, Mat (who later day Murder Club is all about a lesson
first port of call, I think.” became the bass player for British band imprinted on him as he matured – about
Osman loves the way crime novels Suede), alone after their father walked out. the importance of being kind but strong.
provide some structure while also open- “My mum read Ngaio Marsh and Dorothy “That’s the thing I gained from my back-
ing up “a huge world of possibilities” L Sayers and had loads of Agatha Christies. ground, that I’ve gained from my mum
I remember, as a kid, just looking at the and from my grandparents.”
ffront covers and there’d be, like, a spar- Kindness and empathy are incredibly
k cyanide or a glass of champagne. important to Osman. “I believe kindness
I was always very glamorous.” is the way that we make the world a better
Talking to Osman, it’s clear place, but you also can’t be a pushover,”
h mother, Brenda, has been a he says. “There’s a lot of alpha empaths in
h influence throughout his The Thursday Murder Club, people who
life. He dedicated The Thurs- really, really want the world to be a better
day Murder Club to her. When it place, but do not mess with them! And I
was announced last year that Steven think if my family has a defining charac-
teristic, it’s very, very kind, but takes no
Crime-writing royalty: Ngaio Marsh, nonsense from anyone.”
far left, and Agatha Christie. Those traits are echoed in the character

32 LISTENER JULY 31 2021
Brookmyre, but there can be a discon-
nect if you’re taken out of a book by the
comedy. So, my rule was ‘no jokes’. There’s
not a single one-liner in that book. Noth-
ing was in there because it was funny.
The humour seems to be coming from the
characters and the way they interact with
each other, the way the world sees them
and they see themselves.”
Chuckling, Osman says he was actually
trying to write as gritty a book as pos-
sible. He’s a fan of such authors as Dennis
Lehane, Mark Billingham and Val McDer-
mid, who write gritty, dark urban tales.
“That’s me writing gritty, and the charac-
ters kept interjecting the humour,” he says.
“They stopped it becoming endlessly grim
and bleak, but I didn’t set out with ‘Okay,
I’m going to write a joke now.’ It’s just that
when I’m writing a serious scene, I just

Alexander Armstrong, who went on to

Osman is a fixture on become his co-host on Pointless. “When I’m writing a
British TV screens, Osman’s grandfather, a policeman
who was one of 11 children, was a huge
serious scene, I just
a genial giant known believer in the power of education, and know one of the four of
for his quick wit Osman took him to his Cambridge gradu- the characters is going
ation, feeling it was his grandfather’s
and kindness. achievement as much as his own. Later, to say something that
Osman went on to work as a successful will make me laugh.”
TV producer on a variety of unscripted
of Joyce in book: a nurse who never had shows such as Deal or No Deal, 8 Out of 10
the income of her fellow sleuths and Cats, and Total Wipeout. know one of the four characters is going to
perhaps undervalues her own abilities, His move in front of the camera, as say something that will make me laugh. So
but dedicated her life to helping others his 40th birthday loomed, was acciden- it just goes in there.”
while raising a child who went on to big tal. Osman stood in as co-host to his old In September, the Thursday Murder
financial success. Cambridge pal Armstrong while pitching Club will return for another adventure
“Joyce is clearly incredibly competent the idea of Pointless (a show in which in The Man Who Died Twice, a sequel
and sharp,” says Osman. “Had she been contestants battle to come up with the entwined with stolen diamonds and a
born into a different family in a different most obscure answers), then ended up in violent mobster.
world at a different time, she would have the role for real. Osman, who is keen to visit New
gone on to do something extraordinary A decade later, he’s a fixture on British Zealand once the pandemic has passed,
in the world. But actually, what she did TV screens, a genial giant known for his admits he’s glad he wrote the bulk of his
was what my mum did – have an amazing quick wit and kindness. Funny without second novel during lockdown, before
career looking after people and making snark, even when contestants provide his debut was released. Otherwise, the
the world a better place. But she still has plenty of ammo. stunning success may have turned his
that potential to, you know, go and solve a That gentle humour is on show head and had him trying to predict what it
murder, essentially.” throughout The Thursday Murder Club, was so many readers loved about his first
w provides plenty of chuck- novel, rather than just writing the best

O sman grew up with his

mother and brother in
West Sussex, going to
high school about a 30-minute
drive north of Brighton before
les, even if Osman says he took
c not to write any jokes
into it.
“I know people are laugh-
ing at the book, and that’s
story he could.
Instead, he could just enjoy being in the
company of the characters who survived
the first book. As for the future, he’s
looking forward to writing many more
gaining a place at the University lovely, and it’s a joy to be able instalments. “I am so not done with them,
of Cambridge, where he studied to do that, but I really set out and they’re not done with me, either. In
politics and sociology and met tto not write a funny book,” he their voices, I find a way to say what I
ssays. “Comic crime novels think about the world. And, you know, I

are hard. I love Carl want to keep doing that.” l

Steven Spielberg: his production
company has bought the Hiaasen,
rights to Osman’s first book. Christopher
C Osman (Penguin, $24) is out now in paperback.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 33

by Nicky Pellegrino

Sure signs
A Dunedin-based charity is
dedicated to improving detection
and treatment of ovarian cancer.

n May, a giant billboard in London’s Pic- appetite, aches, spasms in her thigh
cadilly Circus and another on New York’s The disease is often – but was told she was too young to
Times Square were devoted to ovarian have cancer and made to feel like a
cancer. “An ad you can’t miss for a cancer
diagnosed too late hypochondriac.
you do”, they read. Those billboards, along and is the fifth-most- One of the problems with ovarian-
with more than 150 others that were donated across
the UK and New York, were the work of a small
common cause of cancer diagnosis is there are a
number of potential symptoms that
Dunedin-based charity that is doing big things to female cancer death can easily be attributed to other
help change the fate of women with a disease that is in New Zealand. things, such as irritable bowel syn-
often diagnosed too late and is the fifth-most-com- drome. Last year, Cure Our Ovarian
mon cause of female cancer death in New Zealand. Cancer conducted a survey that found
This year alone, Cure Our Ovarian Cancer has cancer screening programme. And 90% of women couldn’t name a single
run an education campaign targeted at GP prac- the charity, which already funds a symptom before their diagnosis and
tices to drive earlier diagnosis. It has researcher at the University of Otago, the majority had to visit their doctor
delivered a petition to Parliament recently advertised another $25,000 three or more times about their symp-
calling for more research fund- research grant. toms before being offered testing.

ing, treatments, ultrasounds The inspirational woman behind People might have one symptom
for detection and asking for Cure Our Ovarian Cancer, Jane or many (see panel). If symptoms last
ovarian cancer education to be Ludemann, found out she had the for two weeks or longer, particularly
incorporated into the cervical disease in 2017, at the age of 32. She if they are unusual, frequent and/
had been having symptoms for a or getting worse, women should see
Jane Ludemann: working for better long time before that – changes in their GP. Diagnosis involves a blood
understanding of ovarian cancer. bowel motions, fatigue, reduced test and a transvaginal ultrasound.

34 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Health message: HEALTH BRIEFS
the World billboards, and fundraising events
Ovarian Cancer
Day billboard will take place around the country.
in London’s Larger amounts of money are needed
Piccadilly Circus. Athletes are two and half times
to pay for medical research, which,
more likely than non-athletes to
says Ludemann, has been lacking until
develop irregular heart rhythms
now. According to Te Aho o Te Kahu, the Cancer
(atrial fibrillation), suggests research
Control Agency, between 2006 and 2019, ovarian
published in the British Journal of
received the lowest amount of any cancer funded
Sports Medicine. Previous studies
by the Health Research Council. Others, such
have shown that physical activ-
as prostate and breast cancer, which have had ity can improve cardiovascular
more support, have seen survival rates improve. health, but the new research
suggests there is a threshold
beyond which exercise is linked
“Although my scans are to heart issues. Younger athletes,
looking good, it’s really aged 55 and under, had a much
higher risk of atrial fibrillation
likely that my cancer than older athletes. And those in
will come back.” sports such as rugby and netball
had a higher risk than athletes
OVARIAN CANCER taking part in endurance sports
SYMPTOMS As well as raising funds, the Ludemann family such as orienteering or rowing.
Increase in tummy size/ have donated a lot of their own money to the
bloating. cause. There are regular Zoom conferences REDUCING THE RISK
Abdominal and/or pelvic from the kitchen table with experts worldwide. Prioritising vulnerable but less
and/or back pain. “We’re trying to drive progress more quickly mobile groups for Covid-19 vaccina-
Needing to urinate more and get researchers to collaborate and come up tion could create a higher risk of
often or urgently. with ideas. A lot of it is working out what sorts vaccine-evading variants emerg-
Bowel habit changes. of existing treatments out there could be repur- ing, according to international
Eating less and feeling fuller. posed to benefit people.” modelling by the University of
Fatigue. This is personal, of course. “The hope is to Cambridge. The researchers found
Indigestion. fast-track things so they can find better treat- that prioritising less vulnerable but
Painful intercourse. ments when I need them,” Ludemann says. more mobile population groups
Abnormal vaginal bleeding. After two surgeries, she now takes an could reduce overall cases of Covid-
Unexplained weight change. aromatase inhibitor, Letrozole, and the hormone- 19, therefore reducing the risk of
therapy drug Zoladex. Both are relatively old vaccine-resistant strains emerging.
drugs, which suppress the activity of hormones

T he ovarian cancer Ludemann

has is called “low-grade
serious”. It is a type that
particularly affects younger women
and, initially, the charity she quit her
in the body and slow the growth of cancers.
Ludemann describes herself as being in a
grey zone at the moment. “Although my scans
are looking good, it’s really likely that my cancer
will come back.” Running a charity focused on
Learning Braille alters specific
regions of the brain, say research-
ers from the Polish Academy of
Sciences. The team used MRI
career as an optometrist to run was ovarian cancer means she is immersed in it day to measure the changes in the
focused solely on that. But Cure Our after day. “I’m constantly dealing with people I brain’s white matter – the system
Ovarian Cancer has now expanded get to know very well who are dying.” of neural connections that join all
to cover all the 30-plus types of this It takes an emotional toll, but she is deter- four lobes of the brain – of sighted
cancer and has a global reach. mined to continue. “We’ve achieved a lot, but adults as they learnt Braille over
“New Zealand didn’t have an it has been slower and more difficult than I eight months. They found that the
ovarian cancer charity when I was ever imagined it would be when I started,” she white matter in regions related to
diagnosed,” says Ludemann, who says. “It has taken four and a half years to get touch strengthened over the full

told her story to Clare de Lore in the to this point and that’s a long time for someone course of the training, but vision-
Listener in 2019. “There was a general with ovarian cancer. But I’m certain that more related white matter started to
gynaecological cancer charity, but no research, better treatments and an effective change only at the halfway point.
one was focusing specifically on this.” screening test will make a big
Better understanding is an difference. So it’s really impor-
important part of what the tant that we get this charity to
organisation is working towards. a point that it will be able to
September is Gynaecological operate without me, because
Awareness Month, so New Zealand- I don’t know how long I’ll be
ers will be seeing some of those here to keep it going.” l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 35

by Jennifer Bowden

Bean there,
eaten that
Pulses are increasingly being recognised
as beneficial in preventing cardiovascular
disease, but what are they?
Question: classified as pulses are those legume
What is the difference between legumes and pulses? crops that are harvested for dry Including pulses
And is one a healthier alternative to meat than the other? grain, including lentils, chickpeas,
dry beans and peas. in most meals
Answer: However, green crops that are will help meet the

T recommended 30g
he terms legumes, pulses and beans harvested for food, such as green
are used interchangeably, but they beans and peas, and those used for
actually refer to different sets of oil extraction, such as soybean and of dietary fibre a day.
foods. And, interestingly, research peanuts, or agricultural sowing
suggests one group may be more purposes (clover and alfalfa), are
beneficial for heart health than the others. not pulses. Thus, while all pulses are been relegated to an occasional side-
Legumes are the pods or fruits of plants that legumes, not all legumes fall into the dish, rather than their traditional role
belong to the botanical families of Leguminosae or subcategory of pulses. as a centrepiece of main meals. This
Fabaceae. Thus, legumes include soybeans, pea- Pulses were a primary source of unfortunate decline in pulse con-
nuts, green/dry beans and peas, chickpeas, lentils, protein and energy for most agri- sumption, a symptom of “progress”

broad beans, alfalfa, clover and lupin. However, cultural civilisations dating back and prosperity, is associated with a
according to the Food and Agriculture Organisa- 8000-10,000 years. In the past century, rise in chronic disease rates, says a
tion of the United Nations, the subset of legumes pulses and many other legumes have 2019 study in the journal Nutrients.

36 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

fibre, B vitamins and minerals such
as iron, magnesium and potassium,
as well as a range of polyphenols.
No single food must be totally
Their nutrition profile, including
avoided if you want to improve
tthat helpful fibre, also makes them a
cardiovascular-disease risk, says
llow glycaemic-index food that slowly
a new study published in Car-
iincreases blood-glucose levels, in contrast to
diovascular Research. Rather, it is a
the processed foods in many Western diets.
matter of managing the quantity
Pulses are increasingly being recognised as
and frequency of consumption of
beneficial in preventing and managing cardio-
different foods. Overall, there is still
AS: vascular disease. The World Cancer Research
consistent evidence that low intake
Add canned baked beans, Fund also recommends including pulses in
of salt and foods of animal origin
chickpeas or red kidney most meals to help meet its recommended 30g
and increased intake of plant-
beans to a store-bought or of dietary fibre a day; high-fibre diets reduce
based foods will reduce the risk of
home-made soup, casserole the risk of certain cancers, such as colorectal
atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats,
or pasta sauce. cancer. Legumes are also a favoured food for
cholesterol and other substances
Add canned four-bean the beneficial bacteria in our gut and their fibre
in and on artery walls). Red meat
mix or chickpeas to salads helps maintain bowel regularity.
should be limited to two 100g
or pasta. servings a week and processed
Substitute baked beans and meat eaten only occasionally.
diced vegetables for meat in New Zealanders generally
a shepherd’s pie; or combine do not eat enough FLAVOURSOME TOMS
beans with meat to make
the meal more nutritious
dietary fibre, with men Tastier tomatoes could be on the
menu, thanks to scientists who
and able to stretch further. consuming just 22.1g have developed a way to rapidly
Use red kidney beans in a
Mexican-style chilli; serve
a day and women 17.5g. analyse tomato samples from 157
varieties to identify their carot-
with rice, baked potatoes, enoid and chlorophyll content.
nachos, tacos or burritos. In terms of health effects for pulses versus Researchers have discovered the
Replace meat in recipes other legumes, a recent systematic review and coloured pigments in tomatoes
with beans or tofu. meta-analysis found people who ate more pulses also affect their flavour. They hope
Add your favourite sauce or had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, to identify growing conditions that
marinade to tofu to imbue coronary heart disease and hypertension. promote production of benefi-
some flavour; dry-fry in a However, the addition of non-pulse legumes to cial pigments, resulting in more
non-stick pan and add to the diet was not associated with any changes in flavoursome tomatoes.
stir-fried vegetables or a heart-disease risk. Although this was a review of
salad. observational studies and thus is not definitive, MORE VEGES, PLEASE
Make bean burgers: blend it suggests that pulses are responsible for more Increasing the serving size of vege-
kidney beans with onion, of the positive heart-health effects than the tables on children’s plates may lead
spices, sauces and bread- other legumes. to increased consumption, says a
crumbs in a food processor, New Zealanders do not tend to eat enough die- new study by Pennsylvania State
form into patties, then cook tary fibre, with men consuming just 22.1g a day University. Researchers doubled
and serve in a wholegrain and women 17.5g, well below the recommended the quantities of corn and broc-
bun with leafy greens. intake of 30g and 25g respectively. Adding more ccoli served from
Toss falafels – made from pulses and other legumes to your diet is a great 6
60g to 120g
chickpeas and/or beans way to boost fibre intake and health. For exam- a
and found
– with salad into a pita ple, one cup of baked beans contains 16g of fibre, tthe chil-
pocket. which is a substantial boost. dren, aged
Use puréed beans as a dip Although some legumes need b
or spread. Hummus is a soaking before cooking, three
chickpea-based dip. others such as lentils, split and five
peas and black-eyed peas years, ate
do not. And canned pulses 68% more

L egumes remain an underap- such as chickpeas, beans of the veges

preciated food group by most and lentils can simply – or an extra
Westerners, with the exception be rinsed under running 21g. They also
of vegetarians, who embrace these water to remove excess salt found that season-
nutritious nuggets as a prime protein before adding to meals. l i the veges with

source. Legumes are not only an butter and salt

inexpensive source of protein, but also Email your nutrition questions d not increase
contain significant quantities of dietary to consumption.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 37


In the depths of winter, it’s hard to beat
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 stalks celery, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp tomato paste
nourishing, healthy soups. These easy ½ tsp dried oregano
recipes offer tasty meal inspiration. ½ tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp chopped parsley, plus more for

oups are the perfect meal for a cold Heat the oil in a large stockpot over 1 litre vegetable stock
day. This hearty chicken dish is made medium heat, then sauté the onion, 2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
with whole milk and finished with celery and carrot until translucent – 2 medium red-skinned potatoes,
spinach and parmesan tortellini. You about 8 minutes. Add the flour, garlic, diced
can give it a stew-like texture by adding salt, thyme and pepper, then cook 1 zucchini, quartered and sliced
two tablespoons of flour instead of just one. for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. 1 cup green beans, cut into 2.5cm
Add the stock and milk, then bring lengths
ROASTED CHICKEN FLORENTINE to a boil. Add the spinach, chicken kernels cut from 1 ear of sweetcorn
2 tbsp olive oil and tortellini, then cook until done
1 medium onion, diced – about 10 minutes. Taste and adjust Heat the oil in a large stockpot over
2 stalks celery, diced the seasonings with salt and pepper if medium heat, then sauté the onion,
1 carrot, diced necessary. Garnish with fresh parsley carrot and celery until fragrant
1 tbsp flour and serve with toasted garlic bread. – about 5 minutes. Add the garlic,
2 garlic cloves, minced Serves 4. tomato paste, oregano, salt, pepper
½ tsp salt and parsley to the pot, then cook for 2
½ tsp fresh thyme THE FOLLOWING RECIPE highlights minutes, stirring constantly. Add the
¼ tsp black pepper the freshest vegetables in a simple yet stock and tomatoes, then bring to a
1 litre chicken stock flavourful broth. A tip to aid peeling simmer. Once the soup is simmering,
1 cup whole milk the tomatoes is to cut a cross on the add the potatoes, zucchini and beans.

2 cups fresh spinach, washed and trimmed bottom with a sharp knife, then dunk Cook, covered, for 20 minutes or until
500g roasted chicken meat, cubed them into boiling water for a minute. the potatoes are tender. Remove from
500g spinach and parmesan tortellini Remove and dunk in cold water. The the heat and stir in the corn kernels.
fresh parsley for garnish skin should peel off easily. Taste, then adjust the seasonings with

38 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

From far left,
roasted chicken
florentine, hearty
fresh vegetable
soup, Vietnamese
phở with beef, and
cream of potato
and leek soup.

extra salt and pepper if necessary. 500g banh pho noodles or rice noodles into large, deep bowls. Top with several
Garnish with fresh parsley and serve vermicelli slices of raw sirloin, then cover with several ladles
with crusty sourdough rolls. fresh basil leaves, lime wedges, bean of boiling broth. Garnish with spring onion and
Serves 4‐6. sprouts, sliced jalapeño pepper and serve with the other garnishes on side plates.
culantro or coriander leaves for Serves 8.
PHỞ CAN BE made with all manner garnishes
of meat cuts, but for this recipe, very THIS IS A classic flavour combination inspired by
thin slices of beef sirloin are usually Place the bones in a large pot, then the cold French soup vichyssoise.
used. The boiling broth is poured cover with water. Add the cinna-
over the meat and noodles once they mon stick, star anise, brown sugar, CREAM OF POTATO AND LEEK SOUP
are in the serving bowls and on their cloves, lime and salt to the water. 4 tbsp butter
way to the dining table. Although Bring to a boil, then simmer for 90 1 leek, chopped, including the green part
the recipe is time-consuming, all the minutes, skimming off any fat that 1 stalk celery, chopped
steps are easy and the ingredients rises to the top. 1 carrot, shredded
are readily available, except the Meanwhile, char the onion and 2 garlic cloves, minced
culantro, which can be substituted ginger pieces by holding them (using ¼ cup all-purpose flour
with coriander. tongs) over an open flame of your 2 cups chicken stock
stove or using a kitchen blowtorch. 3 potatoes, cut into small cubes
VIETNAMESE PHỞ WITH BEEF They don’t have to be evenly charred 2 cups milk
500g beef knucklebones, with marrow on all sides, just slightly charred 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
7.5cm cinnamon stick and semi-cooked. Add the onion and ¼ tsp fresh thyme
4 star anise ginger to the bones, then skim off any ¼ tsp fresh rosemary
2 tbsp brown sugar fat or scum that rises to the top. Char- dash of hot sauce (eg, Tabasco)
4 whole cloves ring adds more flavour and this step dash of worcestershire sauce
1 lime, sliced should not be skipped. salt and pepper to taste
½ tsp salt Once the bones are cooked, strain
2 large onions, halved the broth into another pot set on In a large stockpot, melt the butter, then sweat

7.5cm piece of ginger, halved medium-high heat. Add the fish the leek, celery, carrot and garlic over medium
2 tbsp fish sauce sauce, soy sauce and chilli paste to heat until just softened. Add the flour, then stir
2 tbsp soy sauce the strained broth, then bring to a boil. constantly for 2-3 minutes. Slowly add the stock to
2 tbsp chilli paste Put the water in another large the pot, stirring as you go. Add the potatoes, milk,
2 litres water stockpot, then cover and heat to a parsley, thyme, rosemary, hot sauce, worcestershire
1kg beef sirloin tip, sliced as thinly as simmer. Cook the noodles according sauce and salt and pepper. Simmer for 20-30 min-
possible against the grain to the package directions. Drain well. utes, stirring frequently, until the potatoes are soft.
1 bunch spring onions, sliced To assemble the phở, ladle the Serves 6.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 39

by Michael Cooper

Sky red
The first 2020
vintage from
Gibbston’s loftiest
vineyard should
boost the sub-
region’s reputation. The Gibbston high-
way bridge over the
Maryland crab chowder Kawarau Gorge.

THIS US EAST COAST classic comes together carpet of green runs noir – Tedder says he invested in
quickly and is lighter than most chowders. along north-facing Central Otago, rather than Tasma-
Served with crusty sourdough bread and terraces above the nia, because of his New Zealand
a cold beer, it makes a perfect dinner. tumbling Kawarau background. “We’ve been visiting
River, between Queenstown and the region for 15 years. And when I
MARYLAND CRAB CHOWDER Cromwell. At Gibbston, the high- tasted Grant Taylor’s range of Valli
2 tbsp canola oil est and coolest of Central Otago’s pinot noirs [grown at Bannock-
2 shallots, diced wine sub-regions, a rising stream burn, Bendigo, Lowburn, Gibbston
2 stalks celery, diced of red wine has flowed since the and North Otago’s Waitaki Valley],
2 garlic cloves, minced mid-1980s: floral, frequently the Gibbston wine was a revelation.”
½ tsp salt slightly herbal pinot noirs, at their The grapes from High Garden
¼ tsp white pepper finest showing impressive deli- Vineyard, planted in 2001-02,
¼ tsp paprika cacy and length of flavour, with a were previously not reserved for a
¼ tsp red chilli flakes seductive, silky texture. single-vineyard red. Since acquir-
450ml fish stock At 420-490m above sea level, ing the site in 2020, Tedder has
450ml whole milk High Garden is Gibbston’s loftiest reduced the vines’ grape yields to
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced vineyard. The first 2020 vin- four tonnes a hectare, “similar to
500g crab meat tage of High Garden Vineyard the Burgundy grand cru Romanée
1 cup corn kernels, fresh or frozen Gibbston Pinot Noir ($95), soon to Conti”. In autumn, the vineyard’s
½ cup peas, fresh or frozen be released, should boost the sub- extreme elevation gives the ripen-
1 tbsp cornflour mixed with 1 tbsp cold milk region’s reputation, with its lovely ing grapes “an hour and a half more
salt and pepper to taste perfume and gracefulness. sunshine per day than down on the
High Garden’s owner, Robin valley floor”.
Heat the oil in a large stockpot over medium Tedder, the third Baron Tedder The High Garden red will defi-
heat, then sauté the shallots and celery until of Glenguin, divides his time nitely be sold in Australia. Tedder
fragrant – about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, salt, between Sydney, the Hunter says there are two main markets
pepper, paprika and chilli flakes, then cook for 2 Valley and Gibbston. Raised in for New Zealand wine there:
minutes, stirring constantly. Add the stock and Scotland, he lived in New Zealand “‘Cheap and cheerful’ Marlborough
milk, then bring to a simmer. Add the potatoes for a couple of years in the 1970s, sauvignon blanc, but also ‘high-end’
and cook for 15 minutes or until tender. Add the but has since spent most of his life wines from other regions, includ-
crab, corn and peas, then cook until warmed in Australia, where he is a major ing chardonnay and syrah, but
through – about 5 minutes. Stir in the cornflour shareholder in ASX-listed prop- mostly pinot noir.” l
paste and cook for 5 minutes. Adjust the season- erty fund manager Blackwall Ltd.
ings with salt and Tedder’s interest in wine was WINE OF THE WEEK
pepper if necessary. aroused in Germany, “drinking
Serves 4. goblets of Mosel-Saar-Ruwer”. Villa Maria Cellar Selection Hawke’s
Recipes extracted In 1993, he and his wife, Rita, Bay Chardonnay 2020
From a favourably dry vintage,
from THE ULTIMATE founded Glenguin Estate in the
this great-value wine is fragrant
SOUP COOKBOOK: Hunter Valley, now specialising
and full-bodied, with generous
Sensational soups in shiraz and sémillon. Four years

stone-fruit flavours showing

for healthy living, later, he passed the Master of

good complexity, a hint of but-

by Dru Melton and Wine exam.
terscotch and fresh acidity. It’s
Jamie Taerbaum For his current project – already highly enjoyable. $18
(Quarto, $27.99). fashioning a world-class pinot

40 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

by Peter Griffin
allowing 50 pages of printing.
Your printer is connected to the
internet so lets HP know your page
usage and ink toner levels. It will
automatically order ink cartridges,
which are then couriered to you.
I found this remarkably intuitive.
Less than halfway through the first

month, the new cartridges had
arrived. Every so often, HP will send
out a prepaid bag so you can post
back empty cartridges, which is a

good move to encourage recycling.

It’s a convenient
Printer makers system that avoids
aren’t abandoning the bill shock of
buying several
their lucrative cartridges at once.
business model any
time soon, but HP, If you have a quiet printing
month, you can roll over unused
for one, is offering pages for up to three months, a bit
some concessions. like mobile phone plans that let
you roll over unused data. It’s a
convenient system that avoids the
hassle of needing to head out to

rinter ink. It’s up there with razor printers require you to replace a buy cartridges and the bill shock of
blades as one of the most annoyingly depleted cyan or magenta cartridge buying several cartridges at once.
expensive everyday consumable even if you just want to print in But is it actually any cheaper over-
products. black and white. It’s infuriating. all? Yes, claims HP, up to 50% cheaper,
I recently found myself in Kilbirnie, What’s the answer? There are but mainly on the high-end 700-page-
near Wellington Airport, knocking on the door hacks to trick printers into accepting per-month plan. That would see you
of someone who was advertising genuine HP ink generic cartridges, but using them pay $600 a year in subscription fees,
cartridges at cheap prices. This followed my storm- can void your warranty, and the qual- but you would be able to print 8400
ing out of Warehouse Stationery, unwilling to pay ity of genuine ink is usually better. pages, more than if you picked up
in excess of $350 to replace my depleted printer The printer makers aren’t abandon- genuine cartridges from a store. So,
cartridges – more than the printer itself cost. ing their lucrative business model you really need to be running a small
The knocked-down prices were real, but the any time soon, but they are offering business or working on a novel or
supplier needed to order in stock from Auckland. some concessions. HP, for instance, PhD thesis to save money.
I had an urgent print job to do, so slunk back to the has its Instant Ink service available The $5.99 plan seems right for
stationery store for an inky fleecing. on a wide range of its printers. me and I like not having to worry
Why is printer ink more expensive than about running out of ink. I’m trying
gold and vintage champagne?
It comes down to the printer
makers adopting the razor-
and-blades business model that
safety-razor baron King Camp
recently tried it for the
entry-level HP Envy
Pro 6420 inkjet printer,
is suitable for light
pr jobs. Instant Ink
to print less these days, using an
iPad and digital pen to read and edit
documents. But with more people
working from home, home print-
ers are spitting out more pages. A
Gillette became famous for is a subscription service. subscription service may make sense.
more than 100 years ago. You
Y pay a monthly fee Another approach is printers
The likes of HP, Canon ranging
ra from $1.99, which with bulk ink tanks, which Epson,
and Epson sell you a printer allows
a you to print 15 Brother and HP are all now sell-
below what it costs to make pages,
p up to $49.99, which ing. The printer itself typically
it, then charge inflated prices lets
l you print 700 pages. costs a lot more, but the genuine
for ink. Some printers have I opted for the $5.99 plan, ink refills work out much cheaper

sensors that can detect cheaper than traditional cartridges. That’s

generic printer cartridges Safety-razor baron King the way to go if you baulk at the
and reject them. Many colour Gillette’s famous blades. idea of paying a monthly fee. l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 41

by Marc Wilson

Reaction times do get slower
with age, so choose your
opponent carefully.

n computer game terms, “FPS” means at I’m rubbish. In one hilarious attempt
least two things. “Frames per second” indi- to bond, the boy “allowed” me to play My attempt at
cates how many frames you see in a second.
Faster is often better. “First-person shooter”,
with him and three of his mates, but
it turned into a farce – I would “die”
bonding turned
on the other hand, describes games pretty much immediately
p into a farce. I would
in which you shoot baddies from a first- and my teammates would
a “die” pretty much
person perspective. Though this style embark on revenge
of game dates back to the 1970s, most (“They killed Burgundy’s
sources identify Doom (1993) as the dad!”).
most influential of the genre. The reason for my worn and the signals aren’t getting
Our 17-year-old is very good at badness is that I’m slow
b through quite so fast, right?
FPS, and particularly Tom Clancy’s cos I’m old(er). I don’t have Actually, this is only a minuscule
Rainbow Six Siege. When I have a half lightning-like reflexes any piece of the age-related decline in

hour to myself, I also dabble. Except, more. That makes sense, reaction time.
really – the insulation on the
r There are numerous online
Benchmark setter: Sir Francis Galton. wiring is getting a little
w reaction-time tests. The simplest

42 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

target that pops up at random around the screen NATURE BRIEFS
– I’m notably slower, although better than
maybe 40% of the population. AMAZON REVERSAL
The carbon-buffering potential

D avid Woods, of the neurophysiology

laboratory at Northern California Vet-
erans Affairs, and colleagues used tasks
such as these, modified and corrected, to see if
we’re slower (or faster) now than we were in the
of the Amazon rainforest is being
threatened by climate change
and deforestation, with some
regions now emitting more carbon
than they absorb. A Brazilian-led
19th century. Why 19th? That’s when Charles international study, published in
Darwin’s half-cousin, Sir Francis Galton, Nature, suggests human-induced
reported reaction times faster than 190 millisec- climate change and deforestation
onds in young subjects. More recent research, have stimulated a reduction in the
Woods says, suggests we’re not just slower now, rainforest’s capacity for absorbing
but that there’s also huge variation in measured carbon and altered the balance of
reaction times. carbon gases. The south-eastern
Amazon has transformed from a
carbon sink to a carbon contributor.
An 80-year-old is, on
average, 34 milliseconds More than five million extra deaths
slower than an 18-year- a year can be attributed to hotter
old. But they’re more and colder temperature extremes
caused by climate change, an inter-
careful to get it right. national study led by Melbourne’s
Monash University has found. Hot
and cold temperatures were identi-
Part of the challenge is how you pre-
fied as contributing to 9.43% of
sent the task. Contemporary reaction-time
total global deaths between 2000
measurement tools are very accurate but
and 2019, or 74 additional deaths
computer-mediated. In the press-when-you-see-
for every 100,000 people, with most
stop task, there’s a latency between the signal
deaths linked to cold exposure.
to present the stop sign and it appearing on the
However, deaths linked to extreme
monitor of as much as 50 milliseconds. 60Hz
cold decreased slightly while deaths
TVs, released in 2020, can add 34-124 millisec-
linked to heatwaves increased. The
onds to your reaction time on an HDTV.
highest excess death rates were in
So, Woods corrected for this lag, and found
Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan
that we’re almost exactly as fast as our Victorian
Africa. The research data should
counterparts. But although men and women are
lead to better understanding of the
pretty much identical, and education is unre-
effects of non-optimal tempera-
lated to reaction time, we do get slower as we age
tures under climate change.
– about half a millisecond a year. An 80-year-old
is, on average, 34 milliseconds slower than an CAPTIVITY THREAT
18-year-old. Kiwi living in captivity have less-
What we lose on the swing, we gain on the diverse gut microbiomes, made up
roundabout, though – younger people make of different microbes, than those
involve pressing a key, or the mouse more errors (what’s called a speed-accuracy of their wild counterparts, says a
button, as soon as something changes trade-off ). Basically, older folk see the stimulus joint Stanford University, California,
(a stop sign appears, or a box goes as fast as anyone, but they show slower “motor Massey University and Manaaki
from green to red). output”, and part of that is because they’re more Whenua-Landcare Research study.
I had a bit of fun doing a few, trying careful to get it right. a
Faecal samples of captive and
each five times. I was surprised that If you want to beat the young non-captive kiwi revealed
my simple reaction time was both ’uns at R6, you’re starting at t
that an artificial diet, human
better than average and, apparently, a disadvantage. Evidence- i
interaction and sterile
for my age. Yet, I’m being embar- based advice is to practise huts and living quarters
rassed by “squeakers” – “a child on an lots, stay hydrated, exercise w
were key factors in the
online chat who has not yet reached regularly, warm up your simplification of microbes
puberty”– who shouldn’t be playing hands – and buy a faster in the guts of captive kiwi.
Rainbow Six Siege because it’s rated computer with a higher The lack of diversity, and

R16 in New Zealand. refresh rate. Remember the variation in the microbes
In a target-based reaction test – the other FPS? Maximise present, could leave them
where you click your cursor on a those frames per second. l more vulnerable to disease.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 43

by Paul Thomas
assumption, which Robertson has, artfully
or otherwise, encouraged, that Foster will
be, at most, a one World Cup-cycle coach.
Referring to Robertson’s deal with NZR,
Hansen said, “As long as they haven’t prom-
ised him that he’s going to get the job in
2024, because if they have and [Foster] goes
and wins the World Cup, then they’re going
to have a wee problem on their hands.”

Anything less than retaining

the Bledisloe and winning
the Rugby Championship
will trigger strident demands
for a contested process.

Jury’s out: Ian

Foster has yet to
G iving Foster job security would
theoretically ease the pressure, but
the reality for all coaches is that signed
contracts and fulsome expressions of support
mean very little if results aren’t forthcoming.
win over some fans Foster must now be seen to earn a contract
and media critics.
extension. So he must soldier on, knowing, first,
that anything less than retaining the Bledisloe

Work ons Cup and winning the Rugby Championship

will trigger strident demands for a contested
process, and second, he would enter that
process having already lost the PR contest.
The mercurial All Blacks are not helping Meanwhile, in South Africa, the Springboks
and British and Irish Lions are defying the
coach Ian Foster’s case for reappointment. pandemic that has penetrated both camps, the
worst civil disorder since the end of apartheid

lthough pandemic-related Foster, it seems, can’t take a trick: and common sense to press ahead with their
precautions and logistical the day after Robertson re-signed three-test series, albeit in empty stadiums. As
nightmares are the new with New Zealand Rugby (NZR), the with the staging of the Tokyo Olympics, it’s an
normal in most parts of All Blacks put on a sub-par display. indication that sport is prepared to go so far
the rugby world, it’s business as usual Robertson’s effortless upper hand but no further to accommodate the virus.
in this country. in the battle for hearts and minds Across the Tasman, the Wallabies and French
Unmasked spectators congregate may have prompted two of Foster’s teams stayed just far enough ahead of the out-
to watch international fixtures and predecessors to speak out. John breaks to complete an extraordinarily tight series,
be pummelled with very loud music Hart, All Blacks coach from 1996 to won by the home side. However, with France host-
at every break in play. The All Blacks 1999, warned the “undue pressure” ing the next World Cup, the big takeaway was the
blow hot and cold. And swathes of the on Foster would be detrimental to competitiveness of what was closer to being their
media and public remain staunchly the team, adding that “the spectre C team than their A team.
resistant to the official view that Ian of Scott Robertson in the back- And in yet another example of Australia’s
Foster is the coach to lead the All ground isn’t helping”. “heads we win, tails you lose” attitude
Blacks back to the summit. Foster’s former boss, tto Kiwi immigrants, former Wallaby
There’s a chicken-and-egg com- Sir Steve Hansen, called it Quade Cooper has been denied Austral-
ponent to anti-Foster sentiment: “stupid” that Foster hasn’t ian citizenship despite playing 70 tests
media sceptics insist the public lacks yet been appointed through in green and gold.
confidence in him, but that’s hardly to the 2023 Rugby World Cup Given the callous mindset articulated
surprising given what the public (he’s contracted until the end by former Home Affairs Minister Peter
sees and hears from the media. One of this year). Hansen Dutton – “taking out the trash” –
underwhelming performance and also challenged Cooper could count himself
“All the doubts … have come flooding the widespread lucky he hasn’t been

back”. That, in turn, obliges the media deported back to where

to remake the case for Foster’s rival, Heir apparent: he spent his formative
Crusaders coach Scott Robertson. Scott Robertson. years: Tokoroa. l

44 LISTENER JULY 31 2021





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Fifty years after the death of Jim Morrison, The Doors’ charismatic
and enigmatic frontman, his sister, Anne Morrison Chewning, has
pulled together his collected writings. She spoke to Mark Broatch.

n recent days, social-media feeds had been published before, some of his Kerouac, but also books on religion,
saw a burst of images of people writing, and of course his lyrics,” Chewn- psychology and philosophy, including the
lounging around Jim Morrison’s ing says. Morrison wrote the words to Marquis de Sade. His poetry and lyrics
grave in Paris’ Cimetière du Père many of the band’s most famous tunes, are replete with dark, cryptic, stream-
Lachaise. Someone had attached including LA Woman – “Well, I just got of-consciousness imagery, rife with
a handmade sign to his grave: into town about an hour ago ...” – Break references to ancient cultures, reptiles,
THANKS FOR YOUR WORDS. on Through – “You know the day destroys deserts, canyons, highways. Occasion-
The occasion was the 50th anniversary the night / Night divides the day” – People ally, there’s black, sometimes juvenile
of the death of Morrison, lead singer of Are Strange, Hello I Love You, Roadhouse humour.
The Doors and the original leather-pants- Blues, and the oedipal The End – “The killer “I think he was the most well-read person
wearing, hell-raising Lizard King, but it awoke before dawn / He put his boots on I’ve ever met for the age he was,” Chewning
could have been any day. It’s a pilgrimage says. “When we took him to Florida to go
done by thousands every year, includ- to school, we stopped at Thomas Wolfe’s
ing me, decades ago during one baking house [a once-groundbreaking US novelist
Parisian summer. The cemetery is also who also died young] because he’d read
home to Oscar Wilde, Édith Piaf, Molière, him. When he graduated, he wanted the
Chopin, Proust and Bizet, although most complete works of Nietzsche – I don’t think
head for Morrison’s littered, graffitied he ever got them. My mother didn’t like
last resting place. to have books around because we moved
“My daughter sent me the same every year or two, so we didn’t keep a lot
pictures,” says Morrison’s sister, Anne of things at our house, especially books,
Morrison Chewning, on the phone from because they weigh so much.
her home in California. “It’s really wonder- “He left books at my grandma’s house,
ful that people do remember. It’s one of the where he stayed that first year he went to
most popular walking tours in Paris, from college. I stayed the next few years when
what I understand, Père Lachaise.” I went to college and found a lot of them.
We’re speaking because Chewning, a They were Jean Genet, Arthur Rimbaud
sharp and thoughtful 74-year-old who and Camus, which no other 19-year-olds
was a schoolteacher “for years and years”, were reading, I don’t think.”
was deeply involved in putting together a What was he like as a person? He was
book of her brother’s collected writings in great, she says, fun to be around. “He was
accordance with a plan he included in his / He took a face from the/ancient gallery / always writing, always had a pen and a
notebooks. In the book’s nearly 600 pages And he walked on down the hall.” journal with him.” Chewning is four years
are all his published and unpublished writ- “But what I wanted to do,” says Chewn- younger, so never saw him in concert. “I’ve
ings, including probably his last poetry ing, “was put it altogether so the reader seen it on videos. He was amazing on stage,
reading on his 27th birthday; excerpts from and the fans and critics could see him too, most of the time.”
notebooks kept during his 1970 Miami trial as more than just one thing, as a whole The Doors producer Paul Rothchild,
for indecency; and the Paris notebook, pos- person, not just the rock star we’re used to who died in 1995, had a less sanguine view.
sibly his final journal. All his song lyrics, seeing. He was much more than a lyricist; “When he was sober, he was Jekyll, the
as well as family and performance photos, he wrote a screenplay, he wrote poetry, he most erudite, balanced, friendly kind of
and the shooting script and stills from his wrote prose poems.” guy. When he would start to drink, he’d be
never-released film, HWY: An American okay at first, then, suddenly, he would turn

Pastoral, about a murderous hitchhiker. rom a young age, Morrison read into a maniac. Turn into Hyde.”
The idea was to finally pull all Morri- novels and poetry from the likes One close observer says he viewed
son’s work together in one place. “Things of William Blake, Baudelaire and Morrison as poet and rock god, but also a

46 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Jekyll and Hyde: Jim
Morrison in rock-god
form. Opposite, in
Frankfurt in 1968.

Clockwise from left:

detached observer – the notes in the book more than who he was. He Morrison and Pamela naval forces during the
on his court case are journalistic. “Yes,” wanted people to think. Courson in 1969; from left, Gulf of Tonkin Incident of
says Chewning. “I think he was trying to That’s what he said about his Jim, Anne, Clara, George August 1964, a precursor
and Andy Morrison in
take the experience that way and remem- poetry as well. He says real to the US involvement in

Virginia in 1960; a still from


ber it and think about it and write about it.” poetry doesn’t say anything, Morrison’s unreleased film, the Vietnam War. Because
What was he trying to do with his music? it just ticks off possibilities, HWY: An American Pastoral. of their father’s job, the
Below, a page from one of
He wrote that he used the language of opens doors, and you can Morrison’s journals. family moved around often.
violence and eroticism to break through walk through any one that Jim was born in Florida,
people’s barriers. “He said he wanted suits you. He even said about Anne in New Mexico, and
people to respond. It seems to me he didn’t his poetry when he looked back at it that Andrew, who is a year younger than Anne,
want to be up there performing and them sometimes he saw it in a different way. I in California. Their father was reportedly
just watching. He wanted them to have to don’t think he ever wanted to teach anyone. a disciplinarian and at one point his elder
react to what he was doing. I think he wanted to open up people.” Per- son cut off all contact with the family.
“One time, he told me that he was just forming, he thought, was real action, a kind Chewning first heard her brother
so little on the stage that he had to be of social protest. “I think sometimes, yes. singing in 1967, when she was about 20,
And sometimes just to create chaos and get without realising it was him. “I was in
a reaction.” London and he’d only graduated from
In the band doco Feast of Friends, Mor- college a year or so ago. I really didn’t
rison is asked: what do you hope to achieve know what he was up to. My dad was
with your work? He says, “I hope it leaves stationed at Grosvenor Square in London
them puzzled.” Some of his writing is a bit in the navy two years previously, and
enigmatic? “Yes. I always worry some- then I stayed. I worked and I got married
one’s going to ask me to explain it,” says and had a baby in London. My brother
Chewning. “Of course, some of it I love got a call from a friend who said, ‘I just
but … I think he expects you to ponder saw an album cover and it looks just like
over it and to wonder about it. When your brother and his name is Morrison,
people get this book, I say, don’t just sit what do you think?’ So Andy promptly
down and read it. That’s just too hard. went down to the music store and bought
You just want to pick it up and look at the album, and then my mum sent it to
different parts and try to figure it out me with no note, nothing, just the album
yourself.” cover. And it was amazing.”
Was it obvious from an early age that

ames Douglas Morrison was he was one out of the box? “No,” Chewn-
born on December 8, 1943, to ing says. “I always knew he was really
Clara (née Clarke) and George smart. I always thought he would just be
Stephen Morrison, who would go a poet. Back in the day, we had beatniks
on to be a rear admiral in the US in San Francisco, and I assumed that was
Navy. He was commander of the US the direction he was going to go. Which

48 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Books of My Life
worried me, because I didn’t think any of with rock music. “Part of it with Jim was
them made enough money to live on. But
he never cared about money. I don’t think
he ever had a job, except in the music
that he was lucky, because you go to a
smaller concert or a club and there are
wonderful people performing who never
business. I like one of the lines in his
journal – ‘thanks to all the girls who fed
reached the fame that Jim did. I am sure
there are people out there who are doing
me’ – because even after college, I think he just as much.”
slept on rooftops and people’s couches and If he had lived, he would be 78 this year. The novelist and poet’s first collection
everyone helped him a little bit.” What would he have been doing in the of short stories and flash fiction, THE
past 50 years? “I only assume he’d be doing PINK JUMPSUIT (Quentin Wilson), is

y the time of the Miami trial, more,” says Chewning. “More of everything. released on August 1.
Morrison may have been ready to More of the writing and in the movie vein.

give up the The Doors. The group I don’t know how long he would have kept book I pored
– he met keyboardist Ray Manzarek at singing. I think he was coming to the end. over, read
UCLA film school, and guitarist Robby But they change their mind, right?” and reread
Krieger and drummer John Densmore The Collected Works quotes a contem- as a child, yet never
shortly after – released five albums in six porary interview with Morrison: “I’m not finished, was THE
years. Chewning has said elsewhere that denying that I’ve had a good time these last ILLUSTRATED
her brother regarded his 1970 trial as a three or four years and met a lot of interest- TREASURY OF
turning point. (He was convicted but was ing people and seen a lot of things in a short CHILDREN’S LITERA-
reportedly appealing the verdict when space of time that I probably wouldn’t have TURE. It is plump, with everything
he died. A member of the band said it run into in 20 years of living. So I can’t say from nursery rhymes to fairy tales,
was a “mass hallucination”.) “The joy of that I regret it, [but] if I had to do it over Aesop’s fables, tales of Brer Rabbit,
performing has ended,” Morrison wrote. again, I think I would have gone more for the extracts from classic novels and poetry
“Joy of films is pleasure of writing.” He was quiet, undemonstrative little artist plodding by Shelley, Whitman, Wordsworth, de
interested in film, he said in an interview, away in his own garden.” la Mare and Robert Browning. It seems
“because, to me, it’s the closest approxima- Given his full-throated performances, it’s to have magical, shifting, bottomless-
tion in art that we have to the actual flow doubtful his distinctive voice – “a scream pot qualities, because every time I pick
of consciousness”. or a sick croon. Nothing in between”, he it up, even now, there are items in the
lamented – would have held out forever, or contents I’ve never noticed before. It
even his liver or heart if he had persisted subliminally taught me about twists
“I don’t know how with his enthusiasm for drink and drugs. and surprises in plot, and also about
In her introduction to the book, Chewning the binding fibres of music in poetry.
long he would have gives the impression that at one point she
kept singing. I think thought her brother might still be alive. Wallace Stevens’
he was coming to the “We didn’t get any official word that he
died. We heard it on the radio. So there
compresses lucent
end. But they change were always rumours that he faked his imagery, a sonic crisp-
their mind, right?” death and was living in Africa, things like ness and a questing,
that, and at some point I thought, ‘Well, I allegorical cast of mind
don’t know. Wouldn’t it be great?’” into sometimes eerie,
After the trial and the recording of Did the family ever think about bring- riddling pieces that
LA Woman, Morrison joined girlfriend ing his body back from Paris? “No, never. explore the nature of imagination and
Pamela Courson in Paris, in March 1971. His girlfriend bought the grave site at Père reality. Stevens helps readers to find
He died there four months later, on July Lachaise and buried him there. It seems meaning in a mind-created world in
3, aged 27. Courson said she found him in just perfect, actually. Where else would which the comforts of religion have
the morning in the bathtub. The official have been a better place than with those gone cold.
cause of death was listed as heart failure, other artists and musicians and writers?” l
although no autopsy was performed. Sev- A novel I’m choosing
eral alleged eyewitnesses said his death THE COLLECTED WORKS OF JIM for the power it had
was the result of a, presumably accidental, MORRISON: Poetry, journals, transcripts, to break open my
heroin overdose. Courson inherited his and lyrics, by teenage naivety, yet
estate but died of a heroin overdose three Jim Morrison also speak to some of
years later. After legal proceedings, the (HarperCollins, $75). its loneliness, is RUBY,
two families eventually agreed to divide For avid collectors, by Rosa Guy. It’s a
the earnings from the estate. more expensive limited novel that addresses
Morrison has doubtless influenced editions signed by poverty, racism and lesbian desire,

generations of frontmen, including Iggy family and band which were taboo topics in young-adult
Pop and the likes of Eddie Vedder, Bono members are available fiction when it first appeared. The main
and Michael Hutchence. Is anyone like from booksonline. character’s sensitivity is still vivid in
him today? Chewning doesn’t keep up my memory decades later. l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 49


How to
live well
The beauty and
complexity of the day-
to-day are captured in
a stirring meditation on
modern womanhood.

eborah Levy’s bitter-
sweet trilogy has
concluded in real
time as it began, with
the evergreen search
for a “freer life” after
the ongoing knock-
ing down of the old ways.
These slim, profound memoirs, or long
autobiographical essays, however you
choose to read them, are a subtle quest by
the British novelist, playwright and poet
on how to live today. How to grow, love,
eat, marry, write, bear children, grieve,
cook and, eventually, hopefully, forge
your own way.
In London, where her family settle after Deborah Levy:
leaving apartheid-era South Africa, Levy frequent and
discovers a precocious talent for writing revealing
but, in a struggle familiar to many women,
she wrestles with keeping her internal life
and imagination kindled amid the chaos new ways to be a family. A strong and interviewer in 2018. “I thought it would
of a cooling marriage and two young eccentric cast of female friends emerge be exciting to see what they were about
daughters. This tension is at the heart of – and the affable “best male friend” – and what they reveal. It seemed to me that
the trilogy. bringing humour and levity to the fragile autobiographies are usually written in
In the first instalment, Things I Don’t new steps of independence in her post- retrospect, right at the end of one’s life:
Want to Know, Levy’s response to George separation decade. what would it be like to write one while
Orwell’s famous essay Why I Write, we Defending the book from simply being you were living it?”
join her as she searches for purpose in part of an endless stream of self-discov- Her exploration reveals a marrow-deep
her turbulent teenage years, before ery break-up memoirs – it is completely intellectual vibrancy, comforting, ritual-
settling into a marriage and family life not – Levy said: “It’s not about the guy, istic daily habits and slowly kindling joy
that begins to suffocate the spaces she it’s not about marriage: it’s about making as her new existence takes root. Restless
needs to be a writer. another life.” by nature, Levy is constantly seeking new
In The Cost of Living, my favourite of Levy says the trilogy was sparked by experiences, new homes and new ways
the trilogy, Levy leaves her husband for her growing into middle age, an often- to exist in the world. Her friends have
a grim London apartment block, with neglected period of women’s lives, and torrid love affairs and drama, and she
her daughters in tow. Here, her peren- wondering how to live a less-traditional, charts their turbulence with a journalist’s
nial quest for “home” emerges as a siren more-spontaneous way. “Those decades detachment, generally refraining from
heartbeat as she and her daughters build – the forties, fifties and sixties – were judgment but thoroughly enjoying the

a garden in the bathroom and a writing really undocumented years in terms spectacle and capturing their escapades
shed in a friend’s garden, and discover of female experience,” Levy told an with wry, generous humour.

50 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

By contrast, Levy’s life is much quieter. own lives are punctuated by an emotional philosophical and radical thinking that
She loves to cook, swim and, in London, instability and carelessness that she has has defined her intellectual life. The
ride her electric bicycle around town. largely grown out of. form is reminiscent of Karl Ove Knaus-
These are the habits that allow her such Yet Levy’s independence and occa- gård’s autobiographical six-volume My
frequent and revealing introspection, and sional eccentricity seem to be adored by Struggle series, but far warmer in tone
lead her friends to accuse her of being her daughters. They delight in joining and endearingly less self-assured and
able to live “only alone”. their mother on her various solitary self-mythologising.
jaunts – sharing a beer in a fishermen’s But like the Norwegian writer, Levy

n Real Estate, the final instalment, seamlessly transitions between pondering
Levy trots from Mumbai to Paris to how to heat her frigid writing shed, to the
Greece, as the growing success of her The joy of Levy is work of Marguerite Duras, the paintings
novels sees her invited to an Indian writing of Picasso and whether the green Paris
festival, a nine-month writing fellowship in how skilfully she shoes she’s bought are too “character” for
in France and endless book launches. Here, weaves the often prosaic a woman her age. It’s this high and low
she is often accosted by male novelists
whom she views as frequently choosing
domestic sphere with blend that rings so true of most people’s
existence, neither grand nor tragic, but
to demean her. She is equal parts amused the philosophical touched by both.
and dismayed by their Jurassic-era, often- and radical. In her perennial search for an ever-
narrow lives and works. after home and an ever-after life, Levy
With both daughters having left the astutely captures the
nest for university, Levy finds herself pub on the Greek island of Hydra or bed- beauty and complex-
living “alone-alone” for the first time in ding down in her sparse Paris flat – and ity of the day-to-day,
decades, and imagines a house of her own offer no harsh advice on the necessity for the good enough and
by the sea, with an egg-shaped fireplace, a her to find a mate. the power of constant,
tropical climate and pomegranate trees in The joy of Levy is in how skilfully she restless living. l
the garden. weaves the often prosaic domestic sphere
Levy’s frequent choice of solitude – so familiar to all – a meditative account REAL ESTATE,
conducive to productive writing – is often of squeezing 12 oranges for breakfast by Deborah Levy
read as a threat to those around her, whose fills a whole page – with the inquisitive, (Penguin, $26)


An exciting, readable
trip through climate-
change, AI and
post-pandemic ethics.

ack in the late 1970s, Stephen
King invented a new genre:
the post-apocalyptic road
trip. He wanted to write an
epic quest, an American
version of Lord of the Rings. He’d been
listening to a lot of Springsteen songs
about small towns and the open road,
and obsessing over a news story about
an army chemical-weapons accident that There had been post-apocalypse novels Publicist’s dream: Oana Aristide.
nearly wiped out a US city, as well as a before – Day of the Triffids, War of the
phrase he heard from a preacher on a Worlds, On the Beach – but this one sold a pandemic, though it can be climate
Christian radio station: “Once in every so well, even by King’s wildly lucrative change or zombies – wipes out civilisa-
generation the plague will fall among standards, that it became the archetype tion and a handful of survivors adventure
them.” for the many post-apocalyptic road through the ruins.
He combined these into The Stand. trips that followed it. A disaster – often In Oana Aristide’s Under the Blue, the

The London lad began, aged 10, after of them, though there’s evil wrestler Big
he discovered a neighbour’s visitor was Daddy, aka Shirley Crabtree. He sources
Ronnie Barker, “an old man seated in a most via the internet, trade contacts, a

chair … solemn and impatient”. Three convention in a pink hotel with a water-
decades later, he has made a career out of fall in the lobby. One collector of Nazi
it. Triumphs include “a van Gogh letter,
a Churchill love note, a Karl Marx, a
The triumphs and Rasputin”. Oh, and he helped buy an HMS
Victory logbook in Nelson’s handwriting
Andrusier likes to hold
tribulations of a for half a million pounds. the Fuhrer’s bestseller
world-leading Via 20 unchallenging chapters, he takes in one hand and a
us through the triumphs and tribulations
copy of Freud’s signed
autograph addict. of his addiction. Each section comes with
the name and signature of his target, prov- works in the other.
ing that fame doesn’t always equate with
by DAVID HILL legibility. Who would have guessed that
“Coop Eloof” is actually Clint Eastwood? memorabilia lives in a house surrounded

hat drives your average Steve Reich adds a couple of bars from by a moat.
autograph obsessive? Clapping Music to his inscription. Seven- Yes, Marilyn Monroe is there, courtesy
(Yes, oxymoron there.) foot tall James Bond villain “Jaws” charges of Ray from the Postcard Fair. She hasn’t
Status by association? £20 for a photo of him preparing to crush signed in red, which is encouraging, since
Thrill of the chase? Anecdotes to bore Andrusier’s head. Ray Charles writes his red often means a fake. Forgers, plus
friends? Or, as Adam Andrusier puts it, “a name in uncertain block letters and you secretaries signing for celebs, are among
special connection … something amazing suddenly remember his blindness. an autograph hunter’s banes. Hitler also
set in motion”? The author doesn’t actually meet many features – between Elvis and Monica

52 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

survivors of a pandemic travel across a cover of the book). Like many contem-
depopulated, climate-changed Europe porary novelists, Aristide is eager to
during a heatwave. This is Aristide’s lecture her readers about politics, and
first novel, and her author biography is the device of the AI allows her to sermon-
a publicist’s dream: “Oana was born in ise on climate change, cruelty to animals
Transylvania, to parents of Romanian, and existential risk without poisoning

Greek and Yemeni background. After the the plot with authorial sanctimony. In
a postscript, she discloses that the book
was written before Covid: she wanted it
The book was written to be topical, but not this topical.

before Covid: Aristide Why do so many of us like to read
about the end of the world? Literary
wanted it to be topical, critic Frank Kermode thought it was a
but not this topical. way to impose structure on the idea of

eternity. We dislike the idea that our
lives occupy such a brief and meaning-
fall of communism, the family emigrated less window of time, so we give them
to Sweden. Oana has worked in the City of significance by imagining we live at the

London as a macroeconomist, and as an end of things.
adviser to the Romanian prime minister, King admitted he found the apocalypse
but since 2018 she has lived on a Greek “cheerful, in a horrible sort of way”. Per-

island, converting a heritage villa into a haps the real horror story is that it never
hotel.” comes; that the world, with all its cruelty
and incoherence, just keeps going.

er book is not as original as her Maybe it’s terrify-

life, but it’s still exciting, expertly ing to think that the
written and pleasingly readable. world might end, but
There’s a subplot involving the creation even more unthink-
of an artificial intelligence: a sentient able to think that it
algorithm that decides traditional human won’t. l
ethical systems are incoherent. It lands
on a rational, utilitarian philosophy UNDER THE BLUE, by
inspired by the Australian philosopher Oana Aristide (Serpent’s

Finalists in
Peter Singer (whose blurb appears on the Tail, $32.99)

Lewinsky – with two bizarre ideograms

on a copy of Mein Kampf. Andrusier likes bookstores
to hold the Fuhrer’s best-seller in one
hand and a copy of Freud’s signed works
in the other. This could be the time to men-
tion that our author is a nice Jewish boy.
Nice he is. He has a life outside his
obsession, with his partner and jazz piano.
Zadie Smith has dedicated a novel to him.
His potentially featherweight narrative
finds gravitas in his relationship with
father Adrian, through resentment, sepa-
ration, sickness and reconciliation.
“World is crazier and more of it than
we think,” noted Irish poet Louis Mac-
Neice, not referring to
autographs. Andrusier
might like to quote that
beside his own signa-
ture. l


A MARILYN, by Adam
Moniker magnet: Andrusier (Hachette,
Adam Andrusier.



Inner Paige Clark:

an offbeat
and strikingly


Paige Clark’s dark

humour shines
through in her debut
short-story collection.

subtle and thought-
ful handling of race,
culture, identity and
otherness are features
of Melbourne-based
Chinese-American-Australian author
Paige Clark’s debut short-story collection. mothers, as well as illness, death and Kübler-Ross” and “Gwendolyn Wakes”
And although I’m not convinced that all grief. are harder to engage with than the sto-
18 of the stories in She Is Haunted needed With a cast of characters who are ries that follow. In the eerie “Times I’ve
to be included, more than half of them are obsessed, moribund, lonely and desper- Wanted to be You”, a woman is so struck
gleaming gems. ate, one thing that unifies them is that with grief after the death of her husband
In these offbeat and strikingly contem- they are all searching for connectivity that she strives to become him so she can
porary stories, Clark examines strained and understanding. avoid grieving. She stops wearing her red
family dynamics, with daughters feeling She Is Haunted begins, I think, with silk kimono and leather skirt in favour of
the pinch of high expectations from two of its weaker stories. “Elisabeth his pilled green jersey.

Own gaol The novel is framed and linked by the

voice of an Australian woman visiting
Japan in search of achiragawa. She “com-
piles” accounts of four interconnected
Both the young women’s stories are
strong, but the most powerful and affect-
ing is the third account, that of Hikaru’s
mother, Hiromi Satō, who is struggling
An atmospheric but lives, the book’s principal characters.
The first is Mai Takeda, a young
to cope with her silent son and ageing, ill
mother. When Hikaru finally gets his say,
overly complex tale of woman who has recently married a man the result is disappointing. There is a lack
striving for corporate success, and she of emotional authenticity, a sense that
four interconnected is expected to conform. She encounters this is just the result of careful research
Japanese women. the mother of a memorable childhood
friend, Hikaru, and when she visits, dis-
about hikikomori.
Brabon can certainly write. Mai’s
covers that he is “down the hallway, apartment complex is built “for a
by ANNA ROGERS in his room”. thousand bodies but no individual soul”;
Originally hired as a “rental sister”, a tunnel is a “stone half-moon mouth

hey call it “hikikomori” – paid to write to Hikaru in an attempt to gaping, choking on the road running
when young people sever their lure him from his refuge, Mai becomes through”; time has a “quiet violence” as
lives from the world, locking increasingly absorbed in his world and it carves up the three years of Hikaru’s
themselves in their bedrooms increasingly aware of how constrained imprisonment.
at home, perhaps for years, not com- and obliterating her relationship is. The author also evokes the stringency
municating even with their families. The next story is that of Sadako, an of Japanese society, the primacy of order
Another Japanese word, “achiragawa”, escort in Tokyo’s red-light district who and the shame of disorder. The breathless
marks the opening pages of Katherine Bra- spends time with Mai’s husband, always humidity is palpable, the urban settings
bon’s second novel. It means “over there” called only “J”, acting out for him the role oppressive. Brabon’s prose is composed,
or “the other side”, a “place of dreams, of a more satisfactory replacement wife. cool, clear, sometimes even hypnotic,
death and possibility”. Rich sources for fic- She longs for a different life, and that pos- but the lack of pitch changes can also be
tion, surely. Is that the case in The Shut Ins? sibility arrives. oddly distancing.

54 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

“Safety Triangle” is a moody and
devastating story about earthquakes and
violence. When a child hears doors slam-
In “Private Eating” a Chinese woman
recalls her European ex-boyfriend who,
when out for dinner with her family, orders
ming and sharp voices coming from the
kitchen, she knows it must be an earth-
quake because of the rubble. “What other
only a bowl of rice and some jasmine tea,
which he moans “tastes like grass”. When
she later goes on a date with a staunchly
explanation for the glass that cut my foot
on my way to the fridge?”
vegetarian anaesthetist, she lies and tells
him she is also a vegetarian. As with many
Free speech in
In that bombastic power ballad Woman of the characters in She Is Haunted, she’s the age of Silicon
in Love, Barbra Streisand warns that she
will do anything to get the object of her
seeking acceptance. He tells her, without
a hint of self-awareness, that she is “well
Valley censorship.
desire. “What do I do?” she asks, hopelessly, made, like a car manufactured in Japan”.
over and over. In Clark’s wacky, sad and In the beguiling title story, the all-seeing by JENNY NICHOLLS
hilarious story named after the song, the narrator is dead and observing her family

character nicknamed “Babs” asks the same and loved ones while attending her own f anyone can be described as a “social
question. She gets “half of nothing” when funeral. “Why My Hair Is So Long” pulses media intellectual”, it is American
separating from her husband. But what she with a heavy sadness shot through with author Jillian York. Her book SILI-
really wants is their dog, Minnie, a long- moments of dry humour. A mother, who CON VALUES: The future of free speech
haired, toothless chihuahua the “colour, goes to the same hair clinic as Ringo Starr, under surveillance capitalism (Verso,
shape and size of a sweet potato with two hacks off her daughter’s hair because her $42.99) is the result of more than a decade
chocolate chip eyes”. She decides to get the own has started falling out as a result of of discreet coffees with Silicon Valley
dog cloned. But first she must kidnap it. cancer treatment. insiders, many of whom she has chosen
Food features prominently in these Clark is good at getting into the inner not to name. Her work with an interna-
stories: buffets with beef and broccoli in worlds of her strange tional digital-rights group focuses on
sweet, sticky sauce; cakes and lots of pizza. and desperate char- censorship and informs a chapter on hate
When the characters in “In a Room of Chi- acters, and her dark speech and social media, which is a timely
nese Women” go to a Sichuan restaurant, sense of humour shines read for New Zealanders.
they see someone has spray-painted the through the stronger Frustratingly, though, York seldom
words “stop eating dogs” on the facade. It’s stories. l comes to definite conclusions, although
a confronting sting of racism. “I told you she describes epic levels of mismanage-
we shouldn’t have had those hot dogs for SHE IS HAUNTED, ment within Facebook where content
lunch,” one of the friends says to defuse by Paige Clark (Allen & moderation, she says, is “inherently
the shock. Unwin, $33) broken”. She spent years living in Morocco
and experienced the slow unfolding of the
“Arab Spring” in the
Odd, too, is the author’s frequent need early 2010s. In oppres-
to explain, as if she, or her narrator, does sive countries such
not quite trust the reader to understand: as Egypt and Tunisia,
“The story of Hiromi Satō runs parallel to Facebook and Twitter
the accounts of Mai Takeda and Sadako.” played a central role in
Strange little intrusions of fact wrench the uprisings, although
the reader away from a fuller emotional the social-media giants
involvement in the writing. And the were too inept to sup-
younger characters’ solipsism can occa- port free speech in a
sionally be wearying. coherent way.
The Shut Ins offers a curious reading “Move fast and break things” is a now
experience. The atmosphere lingers, as notorious Facebook motto, reinforced by
do some of the personalities, but the novel the firm’s shouty internal office posters.
fails to cohere and so feels unresolved and, But “moving fast” is exactly what Facebook
finally, unsatisfying. The problem lies tragically failed to do in Myanmar, as
largely with the unnecessarily fussy struc- violent anti-Rohingya propaganda built
ture. A concentrated on Facebook in the years before 2017. It
treatment of a fascinat- culminated, York writes, in what a United
ing theme would have Nations official described as “a textbook
landed a more effective example of ethnic cleansing”.
emotional and cultural Silicon Values is a stylish and well-writ-
punch. l ten book, although York is reluctant to let

the Rohingya’s experience inform univer-

Katherine Brabon: THE SHUT INS, sal hate-speech rules. Her Wikipedia job
offers a curious by Katherine Brabon description as a “free-expression activist”
reading experience.
(Allen & Unwin, $32.99) might be a clue here. l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 55

QUIZWORD by Alan Shuker CROSSWORD by David Tossman
Puzzle No 1608 Puzzle No 1240
Clues across replacing the old French
1. What is the most common word “goupil”? (7)
duck in New Zealand? (7)
4. What is a person who escorts Clues down
people to their seats? (5) 1. The islands of Gozo and
7. In 2002, who successfully Comino are part of what
sued a Chinese company country? (5)
who made “Coko bricks”? (4) 2. What surgical tie stops
8. Under a banner “Free soup, bleeding? (8)
coffee & doughnuts for the 3. Criminal couple Bonnie and
unemployed”, who financed Clyde are buried in which
a soup kitchen in Chicago in city? (6)
1930? (2,6) 4. Who plays Mia Wallace in
10. Who beat Jimmy Connors to Quentin Tarantino’s 1994
win at Wimbledon in 1975? film Pulp Fiction? (3,7)
(6,4) 5. Robin Williams stars as
12. Which opera character a grown-up Peter Pan in
worked in a cigarette which 1991 film? (4)
factory? (6) 6. With symbol Re, the name
13. What is a statement of an of which chemical element
obvious truth? (6) is derived from the Latin
15. Which fictional character name for the Rhine? (7)
lives in the Skull Cave? (3,7) 9. What was Alexander the
18. Margaret Thatcher Great’s horse named? (10)
acknowledged and embraced 11. What climbing shrub of the
what nickname in a 1976 pea family with hanging
speech? (4,4) clusters of fragrant flowers
19. What food dish consists of a is popular for pergolas,
soft flatbread rolled around a verandas? (8) Clues across 21. What the model says to be
filling? (4) 12. “Durdatha whye!” means 5. Time to regret being loyal (4) dignified (8)
20. Which lake between “Good day to you!” in 7. Do brave composition about 24. Cut back with relations and
Queenstown and Arrow- which Celtic language? (7) serpent being honest (5,5) polish off the meal (4,2)
town is known for its 14. What name is given to the 9. Set out to contain the sound 25. Monotonous, jaggy,
mirror-like reflections of the wire frame on a dartboard? (6) of a hiccup with a sense of unfinished flute composition
surrounding mountains and 16. In 1952, a Swedish journalist rightness (6) (10)
countryside? (5) coined what term for a two- 10. I, leaving the entire world 26. Ogle, seeing what dancers
21. The French word for fox wheeler with pedals and a and everything, died might do coming back (4)
was derived from which motor? (5) inexperienced (8)
character in medieval stories, 17. What is a young kangaroo? (4) 11. The place for the dog’s Clues down
breakfast (4) 1. Information one deploys for
12. The point of being leader (9) brainboxes (8)
15. A bit of an egotist but he 2. Soya curd found in part of
gave us a lift (4) university (4)
16. A playwright ad-libs 3. Firm bottom? That’s vulgar
entertainingly in certain (6)
parts (5) 4. Totara perhaps found in the
17. The directors collectively middle of the thoroughfare
don’t finish off the animal (4)
(4) 6. Shrunk from being attended
18. Pal dodged swimming, or to by the shrink again? (9)
dodged swimming lessons 7. The slaying of two fools by
anyway by the look of it one country (13)
(3,6) 8. Strange tale includes new
20. Apply for a loan – just a leader with five endurance
small amount and not in sport competitors concerned
writing (4) with ecological matters (13)
13. Loosened and replanted a
seed (5)
14. Raw deal in new deal? Set a
Solution No 1239 limit on it (4,1,4)
17. Cool crib built for one of the
Greens (8)
19. Enjoy the music as it was put
on record in the press (6)
22. A lot of people are allowed
to gather around the capital
of Norway (4)
23. Fruit turned up on time to
Solution 1607 Across: 1 Wonder Woman, 8 Nanjing/Nanking, 9 Rowel, be present (4)
10 Keys, 11 Anatomy, 12 Sam, 13 True, 15 Nike, 17 Ore, 19/20 Desmond
Tutu, 23 Sushi, 24 Jericho, 25 Alan Bennett. Down: 1 Wānaka, 2 Nancy,
3 Eric, 4 Wigram, 5 Marianne, 6 New York, 7 Boleyn, 12 Semolina,
14 Ross Sea, 16 Edison, 17 Oddjob, 18 Dugout, 21 Uncle, 22 Iron.

56 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

BRIDGE by David Bird
♠ K Q J 10 9 7
diamond finesse would give you the slam.
Is there a better line? Yes! When West holds
♥ A7 four clubs, you can throw him in on the by Jessica Malcolm
♦ 752 fourth round of clubs. You win the heart lead
♣ AQ and play the king of trumps, East discarding.
WEST EAST Readers were asked to create
You continue with the ace and queen of kennings by combining two words
♠ 653 ♠ —
clubs, cross to the eight of trumps and play
♥ 963 ♥ K Q J 10 5 4 as a translation or metaphor for
♦ K 10 6 ♦ J984 the king of clubs, throwing dummy’s heart
something else.
♣ 10 8 7 3 ♣J95 loser. You then ruff your remaining heart
in dummy and return to the ace of trumps, Win Lunt of Whakatāne: Doctor –
SOUTH script writer. Fisherman – net flinger.
drawing West’s last trump. Finally, you lead
♠ A842 Ann Robinson, Christchurch:
♥ 82 a fourth round of clubs. When West plays
♦ AQ3 the ten of clubs, you discard a diamond from Dentist – drill sergeant. Prime Minister –
♣K642 dummy. West must now lead a diamond into cabinet maker.
your ace-queen or give you a ruff-and-discard. Geraldine’s Robyn Gillies: Cow fart
Love all, dealer South If East had held four clubs, you would – dairy air. Cyclist – eco-warrior. Tramper
have to ruff the fourth club and rely on the – scenery seeker.
West North East South
diamond finesse. John Mills, Gebbies Valley: Plastic
— — — 1NT
Pass 2H 3H 3S BIDDING QUIZ surgeon – face saver. Secondhand car
Pass 6S All Pass yard – bomb disposal.
WEST West North East South
Kaye Bennetts, Whangaparāoa:
North begins with a transfer bid and leaps ♠ A Q 10 9 2 — 1D 2C Pass
to 6S when South volunteers spade support Quizzer – answer dancer. Wool crafter –
♥ 85 ?
at the three-level. How would you play the knit-wit. Milk – moo juice.
slam when West leads the six of hearts? If ♦ J932
Hamilton’s Yvonne Moosberger:
you look at the potential losers in the long- ♣ K5
Vaccinator – virus sniper. Vegetarian –
trump (North) hand, you see one heart loser
and two diamond losers. The heart can be What will you say now on the West cards? salad spinner. Electric vehicle – battery
thrown on the king of clubs and a successful (Answer on page 58.) case.
Ann Love, Nelson: Floor – crumb
TAKE 5 BARDEN’S repository. Tea – gossip lubricator.
by Simon Shuker CHESS PROBLEMS Lyttelton’s Bill Heffernan: Low-rise
(development) – pita bread. Slow-rise
(development) – Kiwi-build.
Doug Embling, Pukekohe:
Vaccination centre – prick parlour. Dental
hygienist – gum digger.
Paul Kelly, Palmerston North:
Conspiracy theorist – banana
straightener. Ventriloquist – word
muncher. Cat – sun sleeper. Jogger –
pavement plodder.
But the winner is Helensville’s
Anne Martin: Tall person – cloud
clobberer. Teacher – class act. Rugby
scrum – man tangle. Rugby tackle –
wind boofer. Hairdresser – lock smith.
Vegetarian – cow preserver.
Next, send us a brief obituary for
Adhiban Baskaran v Nijat Abasov, India v a fictional character of your choice.
Azerbaijan, Baku Olympiad, 2016 Entries, for the prize below, close at
Play went 1 Rh3 Rh7 2 Rh1 Rh6 3 Rh2 Rh7.
The grandmasters seem to have been just midday on Thursday, August 5.
making random rook moves to gain time
on the clock, but there was actually a subtle Submissions: listenerwordsworth@
reason for this sequence. Can you explain? Please include your
(Answer on page 58.) name and address and
No 2131 in the subject line.
Entries may be edited.

Jamie Wall’s examination
of two cultures brought
together by rugby, torn
apart by racism, then
brought back together to
forge a new era of rivalry.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 57


Fill the grid so that every column, every row

and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.





East has overcalled at the two-level, so it’s
possible you have a game your way. You
759 should respond 2S. This is constructive but
non-forcing. If partner has spade support,
1 Place a number from 1 to 9 he will raise you to an appropriate level. If
in each empty box. instead he passes or rebids his clubs, you will
2. The sum of each vertical or be in a sensible spot.
horizontal block equals the Awards: 2S – 10, 3C – 6, Pass – 5.
number at the top or on the
left of that block.
3. Numbers may be used only CHESS SOLUTION
once in each block. White needs to have his own rook away from h3
(where Rxh3 would give check) at the same time
that the black rook is away from h6 (where hxg6
can be met by Rxg6). Mission accomplished,
LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION White won by 4 hxg6! Rxh2 5 g7.


1. Mr Bean. Ecce homo qui est faba means
“behold the man who is a bean”.
2. Antelope.
3. Tasmanian devils, due in part to
the shrieking sounds they make.
4. Any Given Sunday is about
American football.
5. Nineteen Eighty-Four.
6. Plutocracy.
7. Meteor.
8. Blow a raspberry.
9. Sesame Street began screening in 1969,
and The Muppet Show premiered in 1976.
10. True. Plutonium-powered pacemakers
were produced from the 1970s to the
1980s, and are still used by a few people.

58 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

At an airshow, various vintage aircraft are displaying different
manoeuvres at different times in the programme: CROSSWORD
Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a different number
1. The Tiger Moth is performing loops.
from 1 to 26. Use your knowledge of English to solve the
2. The loops are being performed 15 minutes before the barrel rolls.
crossword. Some clue letters are given.
3. Regarding the loops and the barrel rolls, one occurs at 2pm and the
other is performed by the Sopwith Camel.
4. The Avro Avian performs later than the craft performing the Cuban
Using these clues and the grid below, can you work out which aircraft
performed which stunts and at what time in the programme?


head Stall















You may Arrow Active
write your
answers in
Avro Avian
Sopwith Camel
this grid: Tiger Moth NOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Your aim is to create words of TEMPERATE

four letters or more using the Your aim is to change
given letters once but always the top word one
including the middle letter. Do letter at a time, each
not use proper names or plural/ time rearranging the
verb forms that add only “s”. letters to create a new
word. Perform one
See if you can find the nine-letter such permutation for
word using all the letters. each blank line below
until you arrive at
the last word. There
18 GOOD is usually more than

one correct solution.
See how many you
24+ EXCELLENT can find in 15 mins.

Last week’s solutions. Logic Puzzle: Terry quoted $2000 in Howick, Troy quoted $3000 in Ponsonby, Andrea quoted $4000 in Newmarket and Meg
quoted $5000 in Parnell. Scatterword: POLITICAL, optical, topical, politic, local, copal, octal, patio, allot, atoll, optic, topic, pilot, coal, cola, capo,
coat, taco, iota, opal, alto, atop, coil, loci, otic, clop, clot, colt, toil, topi, poll, toll, plot. 33 words. Permutate: PLANT, LEANT, ALONE, ENROL/
LONER, OWNER, BOWER Clueless crossword:

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 59


Life at a crossroads
Better known for her Miss Fisher TV detective role,
Australian actress Essie Davis stars in the locally made
The Justice of Bunny King, a film of modest means but
with heart, character and hidden depths. by RUSSELL BAILLIE

ssie Davis’ intersection in industrial herself to protect the teenager performance in 2014 Austral-
acting Wiri, an array of welfare- while also trying to keep a ian horror film The Babadook
career has agency reception areas, a birthday-party promise to her helped propel it to interna-
taken her suburban cul-de-sac and a own young daughter. tional cult-hit status. She was
places. The road trip to Thames. Ned Kelly’s mum in last year’s

National We first meet Davis’ forty- he film is a mix of True History of the Kelly Gang,
Theatre something Bunny working social-realist drama the adaptation of Peter Carey’s
in London. The Broadway as a windscreen washer – a – one set pointedly novel by director Justin
stage. To Croatia for Game of squeegee bandit – at that against New Zealand’s hous- Kurzel, who is her husband.
Thrones. To Morocco for Miss intersection just as her life is ing crisis – and entertaining She was also the mother of
Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, at a crossroads. She’s trying thrill ride. It is largely driven the terminally ill teenager in
last year’s feature spin-off of to raise money so she can stop by Bunny and her anger, her Babyteeth, the most acclaimed
her hit Australian television sleeping on a couch at her sis- Australian film of 2020.
series Miss Fisher’s Murder ter’s house and get a home for Bunny King is another Davis
Mysteries, in which she played her children, who have been Miss Fisher’s performance in which she dis-
Phryne Fisher, the glamorous,
black-bobbed private detec-
placed in foster care.
Complications arise,
fanbase will plays fierce maternal instinct
and an ability to bury herself
tive who solves crime in 1920s involving her niece Tonyah find it hard in the character. Miss Fisher’s
Melbourne. (Thomasin McKenzie), her to recognise international fanbase will find
Now, the Tasmanian-born sister’s partner Bevan (Erroll it hard to recognise their idol,
and -based actress has finally Shand) and his V8 Commo- their idol, with with her sunburnt face, greasy
added New Zealand to the dore, as Bunny takes it upon her op-shop hair, op-shop wardrobe and
list of places she has worked.
She has always wanted to do
wardrobe. Kiwi vowels.
“The thing I love most is
something here, she tells the completely immersing myself
Listener from Toronto, where sense of humour, her kindness in a character and being able to
she’s filming. and her ability to get away look in the mirror and see that
But unlike most screen-star with stuff. The role required character, not see myself, or yet
imports, Davis wasn’t here to someone special, says Thavat. another version of the same
pretend she was somewhere “What I needed for Bunny character in a different set of
else on a big-budget produc- was an actress who was a clothes,” says Davis. “It’s really
tion. She was here for The complete chameleon, who important to me that I can look
Justice of Bunny King, a local could transform herself and in the mirror and see them and
film of modest means but just disappear into this role not anyone else. So, it’s quite a
with heart, character and and inhabit it in a 3D kind of complicated process of finding
hidden depths. way, and that is what Essie did a character for me, because
The film – the so beautifully.” it’s from the inside out, but it’s
debut feature of It’s not the first time Davis also from the outside in.”
director Gaysorn has played a desperate She loved Bunny as soon as
Thavat – also took mother. Her gripping she first read the script.

Davis places. Major “She’s kind of glorious and

locations included Essie Davis: starring role as a she’s amusing and funny
a traffic-jammed desperate squeegee bandit. and down to earth, but she’s

60 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Clockwise from top left, Essie
Davis and Thomasin McKenzie;
Erroll Shand with Toni Potter,
who plays Bunny’s sister Grace;
Davis with fellow squeegee
bandits; Davis hustling for
cleaning jobs; McKenzie.

practical and kind, a good reason for

and I just think she’s that. Thavat has
a nugget of gold. She’s been in the screen-
such a good person. I storytelling business
loved her so much.” for some time. She
Long before Davis began her career in
brought Bunny the late 1990s in vari-
to vibrant life, the ous camera-assistant
character had been and focus-puller
a work in progress roles. Being close
for her creators over to where the actors
a number of years. acted and directors
Director-writer directed, she says,
Gregory King, best was great training
known for his local for when she shifted
dysfunctional-family to directing commer-
dramas A Song of cials and then, more
Good and Christmas, Gaysorn Thavat: “It’s a recently, episodes of
provocative film.”
had also written The Gulf and Fresh
Thavat’s 2009 first Eggs.
short film, Brave Donkey. He to understand her more than McKenzie is a coup and it’s Her ad portfolio includes
suggested a feature-length pity her.” already getting noticed. When everything from domestic
story to her. Thavat thought The script found its way to the film premiered at New violence awareness-raisers
the story was too complicated producer Emma Slade, to the York’s Tribeca Film Festival for the Families Commission
for a debut feature, but she New Zealand Film Commis- last month, the star-studded to 60th-anniversary nostalgia-
liked a character, a middle- sion for funding and to actors’ jury for the Nora Ephron fests for Holden. Given the
aged woman working as a agents on both sides of the Award aimed at female writers abuse her film’s star vehicle
squeegee bandit. Tasman. and directors announced a gets, and that it’s owned by
“Visually and emotionally, I Davis arrived in New Zea- special jury mention for the the dodgy Bevan, it’s perhaps
just fell in love with this char- land a month before filming performances of Davis and a good thing that particular
acter, the idea of this woman started in September 2019 to McKenzie. automotive client is no longer
at an intersection, who had all a going concern.
this joy and love and warmth “We did a test screening
and determination to survive “‘Look, they’re not victims. They’re early on during the edit pro-
and overcome this situation,
and that’s what really stayed
really brave and courageous cess and one of the questions
was, ‘Who was your favourite
with me,” says Thavat. and amazing. They’re the character?’ Most of them were
She and King created a quintessential Kiwi battlers.’” like, ‘It’s Bunny’, but then there
story outline before he shifted was one answer that said, ‘The
overseas. In came Sophie car’,” she says, with a laugh.
Henderson, writer of her research the territory and The film is also showing at Directing movies was
own character-driven feature find her Kiwi accent. “It’s hard the forthcoming Melbourne always Thavat’s ambition.
Fantail as well as the 2020 Rose for an Australian, because and Sydney film festivals, She’s proud that her first fea-
Matafeo comedy Baby Done, to although there are so many where Davis’ name is sure to ture is entertaining while also
write the screenplay. similarities, it’s easy to do a win it attention. Here, though, having something to say.
“She brought a lighter touch bad version,” says Davis. where she’s not as recognis- “It’s a provocative film, I
to the script, because there are able, her presence gives the think, for New Zealand, and it

heavy themes in some places, cKenzie, who had film a curious freshness. forces us to look at ourselves
but she was able to create this appeared with Thavat says, “I wanted audi- in a way that maybe we don’t
beautiful balance, so that even Davis in True His- ences here not to look at the like to look at ourselves some-
though you may feel the strug- tory of the Kelly Gang, signed film and go, ‘Oh, that’s so and times. What I really wanted
gle is overwhelming for Bunny on after Slade sent her the so’. I wanted them to go, ‘Oh, to do was reframe the narra-
at times, we never lost her script. She fitted Bunny King that’s like the lady down the tive around women such as
sense of joy, her warmth and in between shooting Edgar street, or that reminds me of Bunny to say, ‘Look, they’re not
our belief in her. As an audi- Wright’s Last Night in Soho in my mum or my best friend’s victims. They’re really brave
ence, we were always walking Britain and M Night Shyama- mum.’ I wanted them to be able and courageous and amazing.
alongside her, which was a lan’s Old in the Dominican to connect without that kind of They’re the quintessential
really important thing for me. Republic. preconception.” Kiwi battlers.’” l
I never wanted the audience Casting a prominent If Bunny King seems a
to pity Bunny – and I’m sure Australian actress and the remarkably assured feature The Justice of Bunny King
people will – I wanted them internationally in-demand for a first-time director, there’s opens in cinemas on July 29.

62 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

by Graham Reid

Vote of
A live, late-
career Miles
Davis album
proves the jazz
legend wasn’t
coasting in his
final years.

he mercurial
directions in
trumpeter Miles
Davis’ career Just months before his more different. Spellbinding: Miles Davis.
frequently con- death, Davis, who insisted he Merci Miles! opens with
founded jazz writers. never looked back, appeared Hannibal, where Davis teases concert in 1988: saxophonist
In the mid-70s, one announc- at the Montreux Jazz Festival filigrees of melodies as the Kenny Garrett, bassist Foley,
ed Davis’ output after the with band leader Quincy Jones band picks up pace and drummer Ricky Wellman. As
mid-60s was of little interest, to perform material from breadth behind him before he did then, Davis steps back
thereby dismissing the innova- Miles Ahead (1957), Porgy and Davis gets a hauntingly poin- for them and funk is often
tive In a Silent Way (1969) and Bess (1959) and Sketches of tillistic coda. the default position – as on
the game-changing Bitches Spain (1960), all albums with Then there’s a lean, moody Wrinkle.
Brew (1970). Another wrote Davis’ late arranger Gil Evans. and ultimately exciting Two pieces on Merci Miles!
of In A Silent Way: “It was like There have been numerous 18-minute Human Nature penned by Prince, Penetra-
finding a raised lavatory seat tion and Jailbait, are more
in a nunnery.” ideas and vamps than fully
Certainly, Davis’ recorded In Davis’ band realised tunes. But the album
output in the decade before his were the players is a better representation than
death in 1991 disappointed jazz Live at Montreux of where
and rock critics alike, many of
who performed Davis was at this point in
whom had previously hailed at his Auckland his life and career. It’s also a
The 1982 live album We
concert in 1988. reminder of that exceptional
Auckland concert.
Want Miles, with guitarist Merci Miles! – alongside
Mike Stern, was too bom- posthumous Davis albums, but (written by Toto’s Steve 1996’s Live Around the
bastic even for rock writers; those believing he was weak Porcaro with John Bettis for World – is a valuable, enjoy-
the street funk of Star People and coasting near the end – a Michael Jackson’s Thriller), able memento of a man who
(1983), Decoy (1984) and You’re valid charge levelled against which takes off from Davis’ confounded critics and recali-
Under Arrest (1985) had their the Montreux album, Miles spiderweb weave around the brated the direction of jazz
moments, but too few, and & Quincy: Live at Montreux tune into sax’n’funk chaos in many times.
although the electro-jazz – might reconsider their the final third. His playing here, especially
funk of 1986’s Tutu signalled position with the latest from on the fragile extended treat-

another career resurrection, the vaults: Merci Miles! Live at n the band, which never ments of Cyndi Lauper’s Time
little after warranted much Vienne. overcrowds Davis but After Time and Human Nature,
attention. It was recorded with his elec- confidently occupies its is spellbinding. l

Siesta (1987) was interesting, tric band at a festival in France own space, were the play-
but as with Tutu, was indebted a week before Montreux. And ers who performed at his St Merci Miles! Live at Vienne, is
to arranger Marcus Miller. the two concerts couldn’t be James Theatre, Auckland, available now.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 63


Sarah Watt

Hard to
directed by Navot Papushado
neon-lit diner on a rainy
night, as teenager Sam meets
path to becoming a gun/
knife/hammer-for-hire for
revenge thriller with her unreliable assassin shady men-only crime organi-

his diverting mother for a milkshake. After sation “The Firm”.
descends into but derivative uttering, “I’ve got to make a Fast-forward 15 years:
cliché and female-led
revenge flick
quick phone call,” Mom disap-
pears into the night and Sam
reluctantly caught up in
the kidnapping of eight-
imitation. opens in a sets off on the same career year-old Emily, Sam’s own

Kinder deserved rendering on the big

screen. Beautifully adapted,
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
status come the unfamiliar
trappings of poverty and fear
for the future.

surprise is a straightforward story

that focuses on nine-year-
old Anna’s experience of
Although any viewer
will feel the implicit threat
hanging over every scene,
upheaval and adaptability Kerr’s story centres on Anna’s
A film about a under the shadow of war, as typically childlike preoccu-
opposed to a brutal histori- pations: fitting in at a school
Jewish family cal depiction of a period that
fleeing the Nazis has been explored in cinema
many times before. Link’s film
is hopeful rather Little Riva Krymalowski
doesn’t need
than horrific. does a lovely job as Anna, who
is living a happy, comfortably scenes of jack-
middle-class life in Berlin
with her big brother, Max,
booted soldiers or
WHEN HITLER STOLE their intellectual father and terrified families
PINK RABBIT musical mother. But with separated at
directed by Caroline Link Hitler coming to power in
1933, the loving Jewish family

ifty years after Judith face upheaval. Notorious
Kerr’s bestselling for his politically outspoken with conservative rules,
children’s book journalism, Anna’s father is tasting strange new foods and
was first published, advised to flee Germany and the fear that each time her
her semi-autobiographical the family soon join him in parents depart to arrange the
tale of a young girl escaping exile in neutral Switzerland. family’s next safe haven, they
Hitler’s Germany finally gets a Along with their new refugee won’t return.

64 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


Gun for hire: Lena Headey as Scarlet in

Gunpowder Milkshake.
Sam (a capable but surprisingly ordinary
Karen Gillan) reunites with her mother
abandonment issues compel her to save
(Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey) to battle
an onslaught of suited killers.
the child’s life and escape her employer’s Unfortunately, that’s the highlight of
(Paul Giamatti) clutches. Inevitably, much an otherwise derivative bundle of cin-
shooting/knifing/hammering ensues. ematic clichés wrapped in a wordy and
The best thing about Gunpowder Milk- meaningless script, which doesn’t give its
shake is, potentially, its strong female
cast of tough broads, and its platform for
wonder women anything proper to say.
There’s nothing wrong with paying OF BUNNY
homage to your favourite film-makers.
In terms of design, this film looks stun- KING
It’s a bundle of cinematic ning, but whereas Tarantino managed
to create his own genre out of mimick-
clichés wrapped in a ing the cinema he adores, here, with an
wordy and meaningless Ennio Morricone-esque score, editing
script, which doesn’t tricks à la Edgar Wright and some clas-
sic Hitchcockian shots, writer-director
give its wonder women Navot Papushado seems simply to be tick-
anything proper to say. ing off a long list of cool stuff he has seen
before. What he’s missing is that critical
spark of originality and the faintest clue
former action heroines such as Angela about how to maintain an interesting
Bassett and Michelle Yeoh, here playing pace when every second shot is in slow
retired hitwomen running a lending motion.
library of weaponry. Secreting guns in With a lot of style, not much substance
the pages of classic women’s literature is and way too much slo mo, Gunpowder
a cute conceit (“I need weapons”. “Look Milkshake works better as a drinking
under Self-Help”) and the beautifully game of “spot the influences” than a movie
styled book repository is a standout set- worthy of its women.
ting for the film’s best sequence, in which IN CINEMAS NOW

One family’s changing fortunes: Riva

Krymalowski as Anna, centre, in When Hitler
Stole Pink Rabbit.

German director Caroline Link’s The Listener is giving readers

film doesn’t need scenes of jackbooted
soldiers marching into town, or terrified
the chance to win tickets to
families separated at gunpoint, to convey THE JUSTICE OF BUNNY KING.
the tone of the time. Bunny King (Essie Davis) is a mother
It’s all handled sweetly and palatably,
of two, a rough cut diamond with
no doubt aimed at the younger audience
a sketchy past. While battling the
for whom the book was written, with
system to reunite with her children,
likeable performances and impressive
a confrontation leads her to take her
period detail of evocative European
niece Tonyah (Thomasin McKenzie)
Although there are moments of sad-
under her wing. With the world against
ness, nothing is played to be hugely her and Tonyah, Bunny’s battle has
affecting – this doesn’t have the emo- just begun.
tional punch of, say, The Boy in the Striped
Pyjamas. But the way in which Kerr’s The Listener has 20 x in-season
parents crafted an adventure out of their THE JUSTICE OF BUNNY KING
peril makes this a touching depiction of double passes to giveaway
one family’s changing fortunes and ever- nationwide!
hopeful struggle.

Screening as part of the Jewish International To enter, email

Festival, which is in cinemas in Auckland,
New Plymouth, Wellington, Christchurch with THE JUSTICE OF BUNNY KING
and Dunedin from July 22 to August 15. in the subject line.
Entries close Thursday, August 5.




TELEVISION the ship’s doctor aboard the

Diamond Princess, the ship
that embarked on a Southeast
will be checking up on the
relationship status of people
who have starred in previous
The Best of the Week Asia cruise in late January
2020 before being quaran-

tined at the Port of Yokohama TRAVEL: BOSWELL & JOHN-

SUNDAY AUGUST 1 whodunnit, Val delves into for a month with more than SON’S SCOTTISH ROAD TRIP
DRAMA: SMOTHER (TVNZ Denis’ relationships with his 700 cases, 14 of whom later (Sky Arts, 8.20pm). In which
OnDemand, full season). Irish children, stepchildren and died. The film is largely told comedian Frank Skinner and
actress Dervla Kirwan has siblings, discovering how through the phone footage of best-selling Scottish crime
appeared in many British his manipulative behaviour US passengers and the ship’s writer Denise Mina recreate
crime dramas and thrillers affected those around him. multinational crew, the latter the 1773 trip around Scot-
over the years. With Smother, That includes her three adult still having to tend to those land made by English writer
she has made one in her home- daughters, Jenny (Niamh confined to their spacious Samuel Johnson and his biog-
land, the six episodes being set Walsh), Anna (Gemma-Leah cabins and sundecks. rapher, James Boswell. Both
in a small town on the rugged Devereux) and Grace (Seána writers delivered very differ-
Atlantic coast of County Clare. Kerslake). The series has had REALITY: THE UNDATEABLES ent accounts in Johnson’s A
Kirwan plays Val Ahern, decent reviews at home, and (TVNZ 2, 8.35pm). It’s the Journey to the Western Islands
the matriarch of a well-to-do Kirwan won an Irish Film and 11th series of this British of Scotland and Boswell’s The
family, whose husband Denis Television Award for lead reality-telly institution, which Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
(Stuart Graham) is found dead actress in a drama for the role fashions feel-good entertain- with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
at the bottom of a cliff the earlier this month. ment out of the romantic For Skinner, the series is a
morning after a party to cele- travails of young adults with chance to step into the buckled
brate her 50th birthday. As we MONDAY AUGUST 2 disabilities and learning shoes and powdered wig of
see in the preamble to the first DOCUMENTARY: THE LAST difficulties. The first of the his literary hero – he became
episode, Denis’ death was no CRUISE (Neon). In case you’ve five-episode season features president of the Samuel John-
accident. And it’s complicated wondered what it was like 26-year-old Nicholas, an ama- son Society in 2010. It’s Mina’s
by the fact that at the previous to be aboard a cruise ship teur football commentator; job to represent her country-
night’s party, he had made the during a Covid-19 outbreak, 28-year-old Sam, a keen horse man Boswell. The first episode
shock announcement that he this HBO production delivers rider and Robbie Williams of three has them leaving
and Val were separating and a view from the other side of superfan; and 22-year-old Edinburgh and heading up
she was shifting in with her the porthole. The 40-minute Shantae, a shopaholic who the east coast for Macbeth
new man. doco shows the experiences dreams of meeting a religious country. Further instalments
In the ensuing six-episode of passengers, crew and family man. Future episodes take them to Loch Ness and

66 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

Boswell & Johnson’s
Scottish Road Trip,

the Isles of Mull and Iona. documented the violent pair were acquitted at their shifted the production and his
history of the Florida drugs 1996 trial, having bought off family to Wellington. While he
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4 trade. This six-part saga fol- witnesses and jury members. was here, the star of 3rd Rock
DOCUMENTARY: OBAMA: IN lows earlier features Cocaine Tried a second time, Magluta from the Sun and (500) Days of
PURSUIT OF A MORE PERFECT Cowboys and Cocaine Cowboys received a 195-year prison sen- Summer spent time saying nice
UNION (Neon; SoHo, Monday, 2 as well as the pot-focused tence; Falcon took a plea deal things about New Zealand to
August 9, 9.30pm). Former US Square Grouper: The Godfathers in 2003 and was sentenced to US talk shows. Now comes the
president Barack Obama 20 years behind bars. chance to see if the upheaval
has thrown his lot in with was worth it. Created, directed
Netflix, so he’s not inter- FOOD: COOKING WITH and starring Gordon-Levitt
viewed in this series about PARIS (Netflix). Paris Hilton as the title character, Mr
his journey to the White made a YouTube video of Corman is about a Los Angeles
House and his legacy. her attempting to make fifth-grade teacher and frus-
But the three episodes lasagne in early 2020 and trated musician who is facing
promise plenty of archival it went viral. That was increasing anxiety, loneliness,
interviews and speeches, enough for the heiress- self-loathing and relationship
including the 2008 one socialite-reality TV star problems. Sometimes, those
about the race that inspired to score her own show on feelings manifest themselves
the doco’s title and helped Netflix in which she learns with surreal moments or
him win the Democratic how to cook by getting musical numbers. The show,
Party nomination. There’s lessons from other famous its lead character and his
also an array of political fig- Mr Corman, Friday. people in six episodes. thoughts are mostly based on
ures, including Jelani Cobb, “She’s not a trained chef him. “This show in large part is
David Remnick, Cornel and she’s not trying to be,” about myself, or some version
West, Sherrilyn Ifill, Al Sharp- of Ganja. The new series looks says the publicity, just in case it of myself,” he told Entertain-
ton and Jesse Jackson, helping at how high-school friends needed to be said. ment Weekly. “I find that a lot
trace the pivotal moments of Augusto “Willy” Falcon of my favourite art happens
his rise and his presidency. and Salvador “Sal” Magluta FRIDAY AUGUST 6 when artists are taking a really
became speedboat champions COMEDY: MR CORMAN (Apple deep and honest dive into
THURSDAY AUGUST 5 and drug kingpins during the TV+, new episodes weekly). themselves. And that’s what
DOCUMENTARY: COCAINE Miami Vice era of the 1980s, When the pandemic shut I’ve endeavoured to do here.”
COWBOYS: THE KINGS OF when it’s estimated they smug- down the Hollywood produc- The series co-stars Debra
MIAMI (Netflix). Director gled about $2 billion worth tion of his new dramedy last Winger, Hugo Weaving and
Billy Corben has certainly of cocaine into Florida. The year, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Juno Temple. l

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 67


What We Did on Our

Holiday, Friday.


television shows and worst
films starring Will Smith,
there sits this spectacular
stinker. (1999)
first sequel, Sam Neill’s Dr
Alan Grant returned for this
patchy Steven Spielberg-free
instalment. Still, it had its
The big movies on TV this week SUNDAY AUGUST 1
moments, such as the one
involving the dwindling
FANTASTIC BEASTS AND human survivors discovering
SATURDAY JULY 31 hire” writer on an ailing US WHERE TO FIND THEM (TVNZ 2, the rope bridge they’re on is
COOL RUNNINGS (TVNZ 2, talk show hosted by Emma 8.20pm). Fun if densely plotted in an aviary of blood-thirsty
7.00pm). Without a doubt, one Thompson. It’s a comedy about fantasy from JK Rowling. In a Pteranodons. (2001)
of the great Olympics movies creating comedy and – care of new world of wizards in Pro-
that set off an avalanche of its leads – a very likeable one. hibition-era New York, beast WHAT WE DID ON OUR HOLI-
comedies about the winter (2019) conservationist Newt Scama- DAY (Māori TV, 8.30pm). David
games. It also did for bobsled- nder (Eddie Redmayne) finds Tennant and Rosamund Pike
ding what Chariots of Fire did PETERLOO (Rialto, 8.30pm). himself in trouble as some- as Doug and Abi McLeod try to
for jogging on the beach. (1993) Mike Leigh’s ambitious, thing dark and evil threatens keep their separation a secret
austere, uncompromising the city. (2016) while on a family excursion
and epic drama about the 1819 to Scotland with their three
JUNGLE SHUFFLE (Māori TV, Peterloo Massacre in Man- THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD children to celebrate the 75th
7.30pm). Cheap and cheesy chester – when the British (Three, 8.30pm). Brainless birthday of Doug’s father,
animated flick about raccoon- Government ordered soldiers and formulaic buddy-action played nicely by Billy Con-
like coatis fighting invading to attack pro-democracy comedy that is slightly nolly. (2014)
humans in the Mexican rain- protesters – is both exhaustive reprieved by the double act
forest. (2014) and exhausting. (2018) of Ryan Reynolds as personal ARCHIVE (Sky Movies Pre-
protection guy and Samuel L miere, 8.30pm; Neon, August
LATE NIGHT (Three, 8.25pm). WILD WILD WEST (TVNZ 2, Jackson as an assassin who’s a 7). Intriguing if unoriginal
Mindy Kaling wrote and stars 8.50pm). In the Venn diagram star witness in a war-crimes British artificial-intelligence
as Molly, a supposed “diversity overlap of worst movies from trial and possibly not requir- thriller about a robotics engi-
ing anyone to keep him safe. neer working on an android
(2017) version of his deceased wife.
FATMAN (Sky Movies Premiere,
8.30pm). Gimmicky Christmas- LUCKY GRANDMA (Rialto,
themed action comedy with 8.30pm). Hilariously knocka-
Mel Gibson as an unjolly Santa bout crime-caper comedy
Claus having to fight off a about a grouchy New York Chi-
killer hired by a disgruntled nese granny whose big casino
12-year-old. (2020) win attracts the attention of
the Chinatown mafia. (2020)
Late Night, JURASSIC PARK III (Three, Films are rated out of 5:
7.30pm). After sitting out the (abysmal) to (amazing)

68 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

A guide to the second week of the
Tokyo Olympics and when NZ
athletes will be in competition.
SATURDAY JULY 31 Ratcliffe and Lauren Bruce
RUGBY: The Black Ferns could (12.10pm).
be headed to a gold-medal GYMNASTICS: Misha Koudi-
match (Sky Sport 5, 9.00pm) nov in the floor exercise (SS8, Canoeists Alicia
after earlier semifinals 8.00pm) and pommel horse Hoskin and Teneale
(2.00pm). (9.30pm). Hatton in the women’s
double, Monday.
TRIATHLON: The NZ team of SAILING: Possible medal race
Nicole van der Kaay, Ainsley for Laser sailor Sam Meech
Thorpe, Tayler Reid and (SS6, 7.30pm). 8.00pm) before the final (SS7, CYCLING (track): Women’s team
Hayden Wilde in the mixed EQUESTRIAN: The eventing 11.45pm). pursuit heats (SS5, 6.30pm),
relay event (SS6,10.30am). team of Tim Price, Jonelle CYCLING (track): Women’s men’s team pursuit heats
EQUESTRIAN: The eventing Price and Jesse Campbell in the team pursuit qualifying (SS6, (7.22pm) and men’s team sprint
team of Tim Price, Jonelle Price cross-country (SS6, 10.45am). 6.54pm) and men’s team pur- qualifying (6.58pm).
and Jesse Campbell in the third WEIGHTLIFTING: Megan Signal suit qualifying (SS6, 8.02pm). GYMNASTICS: Misha Koudinov
session of the two-day dressage in the women’s 76kg division GYMNASTICS: Misha Koudinov in the men’s parallel bars final
competition (Sky Sport pop-up (SS5, 10.50pm). in the men’s vault final (SS9, (SS6, 8.00pm) and horizontal
1, 11.30am). Sessions one and 9.30pm). bars final (9.30pm).
two are on Friday, July 30 (Sky MONDAY AUGUST 2 SAILING: Possible 49er FX EQUESTRIAN: Bruce Goodin,
Sport Pop-Up 3, 11.30am; SS9, CANOE (sprint): Lisa Car- skiff medal races for Molly Daniel Meech and Sharn
8.30pm). rington in the heats of her Meech and Alex Maloney Woodley in the individual
GYMNASTICS: Dylan Schmidt favoured event, the single (SSPU1,5.30pm) and for Peter jumping qualifiers (SS5,
on the trampoline (SS9, 200m, and possible quar- Burling and Blair Tuke 10.00pm) before the final
4.00pm). terfinals (SS5, 2.45pm and (SSPU1,6.30pm). (Wednesday, 10.00pm).
HOCKEY: Women’s Pool B 12.30pm) with semi-finals and WEIGHTLIFTING: Kanah SAILING: Possible medal races
game, NZ vs China (SS8, finals on Tuesday (SS5, from Andrews-Nahu in the women’s for Nacra 17 foiling multihull
12.30pm). 9.30am). She will also be in 87kg (SS8, 6.50pm) and Laurel duo Micah Wilkinson and
WEIGHTLIFTING: Cameron the K2 500m heat with Caitlin Hubbard in the women’s +87kg Erica Dawson (SS6, 6.30pm)
McTaggart in the men’s 81kg Regal today (SS5, 2.00pm), as is (SS6, 10.50pm). and for Josh Junior in the Finn
division (SS9, 2.50pm). the other NZ women’s double (SS6, 5.30pm).
of Alicia Hoskin and Teneale TUESDAY AUGUST 3 DIVING: Anton Down-Jenkins
SUNDAY AUGUST 1 Hatton (with quarterfinals ATHLETICS: Shot-putters in the springboard event (SS8,
ATHLETICS: If they’ve quali- 3.45pm; semi-finals, Tuesday, Jacko Gill and Tom Walsh in 1.00pm).
fied, Valerie Adams and 1.23pm; finals, Tuesday 3.40pm). their qualifying rounds (SS4,
Maddison-Lee Wesche in the EQUESTRIAN: The eventing 11.40pm) with finals on Thurs- WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4
women’s shot-put finals (SS4, team of Tim Price, Jonelle day (SS4, 2.05pm). Nick Willis GOLF: Lydia Ko tees off in the
1.35pm). Qualification stage Price and Jesse Campbell in the and Samuel Tanner in the first of the four rounds (SS7,
for hammer throwers Julia event jumping qualifier (SS7, 1500m heats (SS4, 12.05pm). 10.30am, daily).

TV SPORT round 3: Taranaki v Tasman

(SS1, Saturday, 12.00pm);
with Manawatū v Counties
Manukau (SS1, Friday 7.00pm),
year’s NRL grand final – and
potentially a prelude to
Hawke’s Bay v North Harbour after Manawatū women play this season’s (SS2, Saturday,
NETBALL: In the ANZ Pre- (SS2, Saturday, 12.00pm); Bay Hawke’s Bay (SS1, 5.00pm). 9.35pm). On Friday, three
miership elimination final, of Plenty v Waikato (SS2, In Johannesburg, the Brit- plays four when the Eels meet
the Mainland Tactix play Saturday, 2.00pm); Northland ish and Irish Lions meet South the Rabbitohs (SS2, 9.55pm).
Southern Steel (Sky Sport 1, v Manawatū (SS1, Saturday, Africa in the second of three
Sunday, 4.00pm). Northern 7.00pm); Counties Manukau v tests (SS1, Sunday, 3.50am). MOTORSPORT: F1 road
Mystics await the winner in Otago (SS1, Sunday, 12.00pm); rage resumes at Budapest’s

next weekend’s grand final. Canterbury v Wellington (SS1, LEAGUE: Game of the round Hungaroring with the
Sunday 2.00pm). Later in the is Melbourne Storm v Penrith Hungarian Grand Prix (Spark
RUGBY: Farah Palmer Cup week, the men’s NPC begins Panthers in a rerun of last Sport, Monday, 1.00am).

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 69


IN PRAISE OF NURSERY RHYMES One recent news bulletin at 6am
In the enthusiasm to incorpo- was down to two items.
rate more te reo into our daily RB Manger
lives, let us not forget the beau- (Church Bay)
ties and history of the English
David Liti in the +109kg language. A recent television I also find RNZ Concert’s fre-
men’s weightlifting, interviewee decried English quent and irritating reminders
Wednesday, 10.50pm.
nursery rhymes. Yes, many beyond endurance. Is it continu-
were forged in dangerous times, ing the dumbing down we have
CANOE (sprint): Lisa Car- Daniel Meech and Sharn but they are beloved of many endured for so long to prepare
rington and Caitlin Regal Woodley in the jumping children and carry Pākehā us for commercialisation? Any
in heats for the single 500m team qualifiers (SS9, 10.00pm) history and learning with remaining listeners will then
(SS5, 1.19pm) with quarter- before the final (Saturday, them as do Māori whakataukī accept as normal the wittering
finals later in the afternoon 10.00pm). (proverbs). on of previously professional
and semi-finals and finals on CYCLING (track): Ellesse Norma McCallum presenters and the frequent
Thursday. The 1000m men’s Andrews and Kirstie James (Waikanae) interruption of programmes by
double duo of Max Brown in the women’s sprint quali- commercials.
and Kurtis Imrie in heats fiers and heats (SS5, 6.30pm); ‘SCHITT’S CREEK’ A GEM Thank you, RNZ Concert, for
(SS5, 1.54pm). Rushlee Buchanan and Jessie As someone who has an the many years of satisfying
CYCLING (track): Ethan Hodges in the women’s madi- ordinary TV set-up (no Sky, listening that I enjoyed until
Mitchell and Sam Webster son final (8.10pm). Netflix, Acorn, Apple TV+, Vibe recently. I now give up.
in the qualifying stages and HOCKEY: The women’s gold- or OnDemand), I appreciate Marianne Kiddle
heats of the men’s sprint and medal match (SS9, 12.00am). TVNZ 1 screening Schitt’s Creek, (Wellington)
Ellesse Andrews in the heats FOOTBALL: The women’s gold- one of the most satisfying com-
of the women’s keirin (SS5, medal match (SS4, 2.00pm). edies ever. The highlight of my TO BEE OR NOT TO BEE
6.30pm). meagre viewing week, the series TVNZ 1 has just finished a repeat
SAILING: Possible medal race SATURDAY AUGUST 7 is full of effortless comedy and of series one of The Great British
for 470 sailors Paul Snow- ATHLETICS: Camille Buscomb timing. It’s no wonder this Cana- Sewing Bee. I was disappointed
Hansen and Dan Willcox in the women’s 10,000m final dian gem scooped nine Emmys. to see it is not continuing with
(SS6, 5.30pm). (SS4, 10.45pm). Barbara Byers series 2 of this wonderful
WEIGHTLIFTING: David CYCLING (track): Sam (Christchurch) programme in the same time
Liti in the +109kg men (SS9, Dakin and Sam Webster Schitt’s Creek returns after the slot. Will TVNZ be screening the
10.50pm). in the heats of the men’s Olympic Games coverage ends. next six series?
keirin (SS5, 6.48pm). Aaron Ruth Lewis
KARATE: Andrea Anacan and Corbin Strong in As much as we love The Chase TVNZ replies: More will screen
competing in the elimination the men’s madison final (TVNZ 1), we don’t need to see later in the year.
rounds (SSPU1, 1.00pm). (7.51pm). the pre-Covid episodes again.
CYCLING (track): Aaron Gate, FOOTBALL: The men’s gold- Cherrilyn Lowery ANOTHER WORTHY SUCCESSOR
Campbell Stewart, Corbin medal match (SS5, 11.30pm). (Kerikeri) Rather than anointing Julian
Strong in the men’s omnium Wilcox as Kim Hill’s succes-
(SS5, 6.30pm). SUNDAY AUGUST 8 REGULAR LISTENERS sor when she retires from her
HOCKEY: The men’s gold- ATHLETICS: Malcolm Hicks Brian Peak (Talkback, July 10) is Saturday Morning programme
medal match (SS9, 12.00am). and Zane Robertson in puzzled by RNZ Concert’s “clas- (Talkback, July 3), I suggest Jim
the men’s marathon (SS4, sical music and beyond” slogan. Mora, who never interrupts
FRIDAY AUGUST 6 10.00am). I am more intrigued by its and is the most empathetic and
ATHLETICS: Quentin Rew in CYCLING (track): Holly “musical fibre” claim. Fibre? Is knowledgeable broadcaster,
the men’s 50km race walk Edmondston in the women’s that like prunes with the sound even on RNZ National.
(SS4, 8.30am). omnium (SS4, 1.00pm). of music, a radio relaxative, so to Brian Collins
CANOE (sprint): Lisa Car- speak? Still, it’s a sound way to (Lower Hutt)
rington, Caitlin Regal, Alicia As well as Sky Sport, TVNZ1 keep regular listeners, I guess.
Hoskin and Teneale Hatton will be carrying live games Dean Donoghue Please send comments, queries
or complaints about radio or
team up for the K4 500m coverage focused on Kiwi (Pāpāmoa Beach)
television to: listenerletters@
heats (SS5, 1.15pm) with semi- competitors throughout the with “Talkback”

finals and finals on Saturday day. See last week’s edition RNZ Concert is slowly disap- in the subject line, or Talkback,
(3.00pm). for a guide to the first week’s pearing. Music is fitted in NZ Listener, PO Box 52122,
Kingsland, Auckland 1352
EQUESTRIAN: Bruce Goodin, events. between lots of self-promotion.

70 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

6.00 Te Karere (R) A Māori 6.00 The Adventures of 6.00 Charles Stanley
perspective on the day’s Paddington (G, HD, C) 6.30 Infomercials
news and current affairs. 6.10 The Most Magnificent Thing 9.30 Newshub Nation (HD) With
6.30 Country Calendar (G, R, (G, C) Simon Shepherd.
HD, C, AD) Wairoa farmer 6.30 Esme and Roy (G, HD, 10.30 Darren Robertson’s
Sheena Martin played C, AD) Charcoal Kitchen (G, R, HD)
with the farm pups at two 6.55 Love Monster (G, R, HD, C) s1ep8
and owned a dog at six. 7.05 Scooby Doo! Guess Who (G, 11.00 Taste of Australia with
Nowadays, she has about HD, C) Hayden Quinn (G, R, HD, C)
20 working dogs and goes 7.25 Beyblade Burst Surge (G, s1ep9
away dog-trialling most HD, C) 11.30 Tiny House World (G, R, HD,
weekends. 7.50 Dragon Ball Super (PG, R, C) s1ep1
7.00 Fishing and Adventure (G, HD, C) Noon ■ Tiny House Hunting (PG,
R, HD, C) The crew heads to 8.15 Adventure Time (PG, HD, C) R, HD, C) s4ep1 Infinity and beyond:
the very top of Aotearoa for 8.40 Pokémon Journeys: The 12.30 Doctors Without Borders: FOR ALL MANKIND
a three-day adventure where Series (G, HD, C) Dedicated to Life (PG, R,
the challenge is to land big HD, C) s1ep1 DRAMA: In episode one, the
9.00 Monkie Kid (G, HD, C, AD)
trevally, snapper and kingfish. 9.10 Power Rangers Ninja Steel 1.35 Lego Masters Australia (G, R, Russians land on the Moon
7.30 Infomercials (G, R, HD, C) HD, C) s2ep4 first; in the second, the Rus-
8.30 Religious Programming 9.35 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C) 3.25 Rescue My Renovation (G,
HD, C) s1ep8
sians – good Lord – send a
9.00 Roads Less Travelled (G, HD, s14ep22
C) An Australian road trip 3.55 Restoration Man (PG, R, woman up, inspiring girls
10.00 Fresh (PG) The Young Gifted
series about hidden gems & Brown Person of the HD, C) and women everywhere. In
that only locals know about. Week is Christchurch-based 5.00 Ocean Bounty (G, HD, C) this clever alternative history
9.30 Tagata Pasifika (HD) Stories s4ep9
musician Leighton Fairlie, series created by Ronald D
and information from the 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
and Mangere and Marcellin
Pacific Island community. 7.00 Holey Moley Australia: Moore, the space race never
colleges face off in How
10.00 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Junior Edition (PG, HD, C) ends and soon, both astro-
Fresh Are You?
(HD, C) Toni Street presents Junior mini-golfers, ranging
10.30 ■ The Amazing Race nauts and cosmonauts are
day 8 coverage of the 2020 from 8 to 10, battle it out
Australia (PG, R, HD, C) living on the Moon amid
Summer Olympics in Tokyo, across three rounds. s1ep14
11.50 The Middle (G, R, HD, C)
with insight from Olympian 8.25 ■ Late Night (2019, M, HD, escalating tensions. There
Sarah Cowley Ross and C) A late-night TV host are lots of cookies here for
12.45 Dress to Impress (G, R, HD, whose show is in decline
reporters Kimberlee Downs, US history nerds, real figures
C, AD) attempts a revamp by hiring
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt
1.40 How to Look Good Naked a female writer. Emma from history and spliced-in
and Rapaera Tawhai on
(PG, R, HD, C, AD)
the ground in Tokyo. New Thompson, Mindy Kaling. historical footage, although
2.35 Little Big Shots UK (G, R, TV Films, page 69
Zealand athletes will be as Mars is on the cards for the
HD, C) 10.30 ■ Kindred Spirits (2019, 16,
searching for Olympic glory
3.35 The Voice Kids UK (G, HD, C) Caitlin Stasey. third season, perhaps Moore
in more than 20 sports.
HD, C) 12.30am Infomercials is eventually going to link up
Today, Mixed Triathlon,
5.05 Junior Bake Off (G, HD, C) 5.00 Brian Houston @ Hillsong
final from Odaiba Marine with his other magnum opus,
s5ep2 (G, R)
Park, Women’s Black Sticks Battlestar Galactica.
6.00 The Cube (G, HD, C) 5.30 – 6.00 Charles Stanley
v China from Oi Hockey
Phillip Schofield presents APPLE TV+
Stadium, Trampoline
qualifications featuring Dylan
Schmidt from the Olympic
a UK game show in which
contestants undergo physical PRIME FREEVIEW 10 SKY 004
Gymnastics Centre, and and mental challenges in a
giant clear cube. 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
the Black Ferns in action at 10.00 SmackDown (PG, R)
Tokyo Stadium. 7.00 ■ Cool Runnings (1993, G,
R, HD, C, AD) Based on the 11.00 NRL Try Time (G)
6.00 1 News (HD, C)
story of the first Jamaican Noon NRL Premiership (G)
7.00 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
bobsled team trying to make Brisbane Broncos v North
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson
it to the Winter Olympics. Queensland Cowboys.
presents coverage of the
John Candy, Leon Robinson. 2.00 Farah Palmer Cup (G) Bay of
evening session of day 8,
TV Films, page 69 Plenty v Waikato, live.
with insight from Olympian
Sarah Cowley Ross and 8.50 ■ Wild Wild West (1999, 4.00 Judge Judy (PG)
reporters Kimberlee Downs, M, R, HD, C, AD) Two 5.00 Mighty Machines (PG, R, C)
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt government agents are sent 5.30 Prime News
and Rapaera Tawhai on to stop a diabolical genius 6.00 Weather Gone Viral (PG, Swing and a miss: HOLEY
who is plotting to assassinate R, C)
the ground in Tokyo. New
7.00 Storage Wars (PG, R, C)
Zealand athletes will be the President. Will Smith,
searching for Olympic glory Kevin Kline, Salma Hayak. 7.30 The Day We Walked on JUNIOR EDITION
in more than 20 sports. TV Films, page 69 the Moon (PG, R, C) US GAME SHOW: Well, here’s
Tonight, Swimming, finals 11.00 ■ Blade Runner 2049 documentary marking 50
years since the first moon another way for parents to
from the Olympic Aquatics (2017, 16, R, HD, C, AD) A
Centre, the Black Ferns in blade runner discovers a landing. disappoint their offspring, as
action at Tokyo Stadium, secret that leads him to 8.30 The Brokenwood Mysteries they will be the ones taking
and Athletics from Olympic Rick Deckard, who has (M, R, C) At the funeral of a on the obstacles while the
Stadium. been missing for 30 years. beloved local poet the coffin
falls open to reveal the body
youngsters make the putts.
2.00 Coronation Street (PG, R, Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling.
HD, C, AD) A blast from the 1.50am ■ Wedding Crashers (2005, of a woman. One nine-year-old says he
past offers Carla respite from 16, R, HD, C, AD) Vince 10.30 The Radical Story of Patty wants to be a professional
Peter’s woes, Tracy shows an Vaughn, Owen Wilson. Hearst (16, R, C) Soon after golfer, another claims to have
interest in buying Number 8, 3.50 2 Overnight being captured by the FBI,
the SLA goes up in flames.
been playing golf for eight
and Dev seeks Nina’s advice 5.05 Fresh (PG, R)
on how to help Asha. 5.30 – 6.00 Religious 11.25 NXT (PG) years. Huh?
3.35 – 6.00 Infomercials Programming 12.25am – 3.25 Infomercials (G) THREE, 7.00pm
■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition
JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 71


A smart, concise debut from David Bow-
6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) ie’s kid, Duncan Jones, that references a
9.30 Kōrero Mai (G, R) number of sci-fi classics, including 2001:
Noon Whānau Living (G, R) A Space Odyssey. Sam Rockwell holds the
1.00 Marae DIY (G, R)
picture together as a lone Moon worker;
2.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G)
3.00 Funny Whare: Gamesnight the appropriately named Kevin Spacey is
(G, R) the voice of Hal, er, Gerty, the computer.
4.00 Soul Sessions (G) MĀORI TV, 8.40pm
4.30 Fresh (G)

5.00 The Hui (G)
5.30 Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau:
Aotearoa (G, R)
6.30 Haka Ngahau ā-Rohe: 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Hugh’s Three Good Things 7.00 DUKEbox Music
Tamararo (G, R) Coverage of 10.00 Judge Jerry (G, R) 6.30 Inside the Vets (G) 2.50 Extreme E: Electric Odyssey
Tamararo performances at Te 10.25 Hollywood Medium with 7.30 Project Grizzly (G) 3.20 Disasters Engineered (PG, R,
Poho ō Rāwiri, Gisborne. Tyler Henry (PG, R) 8.30 Mysteries at the Museum HD, C) s1ep5
7.30 ■ Jungle Shuffle (2014, 12.25 50 Ways to Kill Your Mum (PG) 4.10 Chasing Monsters (G, R, HD,
G) A mischievous coatis is (PG, R) 9.30 Escape to the Chateau: DIY C) s4ep6
exiled from the empire of 2.15 ■ Dumb and Dumber To 10.30 Rick Stein’s Road to Mexico 5.00 Impossible Engineering (G,
the Mexican rainforest for (2014, PG, R, C) Jim Carrey. (G) HD, C, AD) s3ep11
breaking a statue ordered 4.35 Celebrity Ghost Stories 11.30 Salvage Hunters Best Buys 6.00 Best of Police Ten 7 2021
by the king. Voices of Drake (PG, R) (G) (PG, R, HD, C)
Bell, Jessica DiCiccio. 5.30 Undercover Boss (PG, R) 12.30 Grand Designs (G) 6.30 Motorway Patrol (G, R,
TV Films, page 69 6.30 Million Dollar Listing NY 1.30 George Clarke’s Old House HD, C)
8.40 ■ Moon (2009, M, R) (PG) New Home (G) 7.00 Family Guy (PG, R, C)
Astronaut Sam Bell’s three- 7.30 Keeping Up with the 2.30 Forged in Fire (PG) s3ep18
year shift at a lunar mine Kardashians (PG) Kourtney 3.30 Meet the Orangutans (G) 7.30 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C)
is finally coming to an end, tries to break out of her 4.00 Kai Safari (G) s26ep21
but his health starts to comfort zone by being more 4.30 Choccywoccydoodah 8.30 ■ The Final Destination
deteriorate. Sam Rockwell, affectionate. Starstruck (G) (2009, 16, HD, C, AD) After
Dominique McElligot. 8.30 Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours 5.30 Antiques Roadshow (G) a premonition saves the lives
10.20 Holding Court with Steven to Hell and Back (16, C) MediaCityUK, Manchester. of a student and his friends,
Adams (G, R) Steven Adams 9.30 The Real Housewives of 6.30 American Pickers (G) Death sets out to collect.
engages with Kiwi kids at New Jersey (M) Teresa and 7.30 Jade Fever (PG) Bobby Campo.
basketball camps in three Joe prepare for their father’s 8.30 Lost & Found (PG) 10.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does
major cities. memorial. 9.30 Alone: The Arctic (PG) Countdown (M, R, HD, C)
10.50 Funny Whare: Gamesnight 10.30 Exhumed (16, R) 10.30 Choccywoccydoodah s7ep4
(G, R) Stacey Morrison hosts 11.25 Snapped (M, R) Starstruck (G) 11.05 Patriot Brains (16, R, HD, C)
a bilingual game show. 12.15am Infomercials 5.00 – 6.00 11.30 Meet the Orangutans (G) 12.05am – 1.00 Late Night
11.20 – 11.50 Hunt with Me (R) Love It or List It (G, R) 12.00am Programmes continue DUKEbox Music

7.42 Ford v Ferrari (2019, M) Matt 6.34 Book Club (2018, M) Diane 7.55 Dr. Strangelove (1964, PG) 6.55 Lennon’s Last Weekend
Damon, Christian Bale Keaton, Jane Fonda Peter Sellers (2020, M) UK documentary.
10.10 Love Sarah (2020, M) 8.15 Rock the Kasbah (2015, M) 9.30 Woman Times Seven (1967, 8.05 Woman at War (2018, M)
Shannon Tarbet, Celia Imrie Bill Murray, Kate Hudson M) Shirley MacLaine Halldóra Geirharosdóttir
11.45 We Summon the Darkness 9.58 Pixels (2015, PG) Adam 11.15 Fort Apache, the Bronx 9.50 King Rocker (2020, 16) UK
(2019, 16) Alexandra Sandler, Kevin James (1981, 16) Paul Newman documentary.
Daddario, Keean Johnson 11.40 Bend It Like Beckham 1.15 McLintock! (1963, PG) John 11.25 Shirley (2020, M) Elisabeth
1.13 Emma (2020) (2020, PG) (2002, PG) Parminder Nagra, Wayne, Maureen O’Hara Moss
Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Nighy Keira Knightley 3.20 Dr. Strangelove (1964, PG) 1.15 Bethany Hamilton:
3.14 A Beautiful Day in the 1.29 Van Wilder: Party Liaison Peter Sellers Unstoppable (2018, M) US
Neighborhood (2019, PG) (2002, 16) Ryan Reynolds 4.55 The Turning Point (1952, PG) documentary.
Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys 2.59 Chef (2014, M) Jon Favreau William Holden 2.55 Mogul Mowgli (2020, 16) Riz
4.59 Babyteeth (2019, 16) Eliza 4.50 Miss Congeniality (2000, M) 6.15 Fanny (1961, G) Leslie Caron, Ahmed
Scanlen, Toby Wallace Sandra Bullock Horst Buchholz 4.30 Once Were Brothers:
6.54 Unlocked (2017, 16) Noomi 6.36 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed 8.30 Union Station (1950, Robbie Robertson and the
Rapace, Orlando Bloom and Fabulous (2005, M) PG) A passenger on a Band (2019, M) Canadian
8.30 Midway (2019, M) Based on Sandra Bullock train becomes involved documentary.
the Battle of Midway in the 8.30 The Adventures of Priscilla in the search for a gang 6.10 Secrets and Lies (1996, M)
Pacific during World War II. Queen of the Desert (1994, of kidnappers. William Brenda Blethyn
Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson, M) Two drag queens and a Holden, Nancy Olson, Barry 8.30 Rialto Selection: Peterloo
Luke Evans, Aaron Eckhart, transsexual travel aboard a Fitzgerald (2018, M) Based on the story
Mandy Moore pink bus named Priscilla to 9.55 The Manchurian Candidate of the 1819 British forces’
10.50 Waves (2019, 16) An a cabaret gig in the middle (1962, PG) A Korean war attack on a pro-democracy
African-American family led of the desert. Hugo Weaving veteran whose platoon was rally in Manchester. Rory
by a well-intentioned but Terence Stamp captured by the Soviets Kinnear, Maxine Peake
domineering father navigate 10.15 O Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes suspicious that TV Films, page 69
love and forgiveness in the (2000, M) George Clooney his fellow officer has been 11.00 A Vigilante (2018, 16) Olivia
aftermath of a loss. Kelvin 12.00am Land of the Lost (2009, brainwashed. Frank Sinatra, Wilde
Harrison Jr, Lucas Hedges, M) 1.45 Bridget Jones: The Edge Laurence Harvey 12.30am Port Authority (2019, M)
Taylor Russell of Reason (2004, M) 3.35 Miss 12.00am The Turning Point (1952, 2.10 Stuffed (2019, M) 3.40 Mogul
1.10am Baby Done (2020, M) 2.40 Congeniality (2000, M) 5.25 PG) 1.20 Fanny (1961, G) 3.35 A Mowgli (2020, 16) 5.15 Once Were
Babyteeth (2019, 16) 4.35 Unlocked Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Night at the Movies (2012, PG) 4.35 Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the
(2017, 16) Fabulous (2005, M) Union Station (1950, PG) Band (2019, M)

72 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


SKY CHANNELS Joe Exotic: Tigers, Lies and Cover-Up Marathon (M)
1.05am Programmes continue

Vibe SKY 006 Sky Arts SKY 020

6.05 Private Eyes (M) s3ep8 7.05 The Good Wife 6.30 Deep Purple: Live with Orchestra 8.05
(M) s1ep4 7.55 Judging Amy Marathon (M) 12.05 Speakeasy: Nick Mason & David Fricke 9.05
Downton Abbey (M) s1ep4 1.05 Hatton Garden (16) Speakeasy: Jack Johnson & G Love 10.00
s1ep4 2.00 Judge Judy Marathon (PG) 4.30 Private Speakeasy: Nick Lowe & Jim Nelson 11.00 Grayson
Eyes (M) s3ep8 5.30 Born Different (M) s1ep9 6.00 Perry’s Big American Road Trip (PG) 11.45 Portrait
Born Different (M) s1ep10 6.30 Elementary (M) Artist of the Year 12.30 The Big Book Club 1.30
s7ep10 7.30 ■ Torvill & Dean (2018, PG) The story Grayson’s Art Club 2.30 Deep Purple: Live with
of how iceskating duo Jayne Torvill and Christopher Orchestra 4.05 Welcome to Ouzville 5.00 The
Dean found each other and formed their highly Artist’s Workshop 5.30 Critical Thinkers 6.00 Other
successful and enduring partnership. Poppy Lee Voices 7.00 Off Camera 8.00 To the Moon 9.15 The
Friar, Will Tudor. 9.15 Highland Midwives (M) In Liberators (G) Documentary about a German art
Dornoch, first-time parents Karen and Stuart face detective who tracked down medieval treasures
a real problem: neither of them drive and midwife seized by the Nazis. 10.30 ■ John Fogerty: 50 Year
Hayley is concerned about the reliability of public Trip (2019, G) John Fogerty performs at Red Rocks
transport if the baby comes at night. s2ep6 10.15 in a concert celebrating 50 years since he played at
Medium Marathon (M) 2.20am Programmes Woodstock. 12.00am Programmes continue
continue SoHo:
S H P Penny D
df l Cit
City off A
Discovery SKY 070 10.55am
UKTV SKY 007 6.05 How It’s Made (PG) 6.55 Aussie Gold Hunters
6.50 QI Marathon (M) 8.25 Would I Lie to You? (PG) 7.45 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 9.25 Aussie
Salvage Squad Marathon (PG) 12.10 Bering Sea
Marathon (PG) 10.00 The Bill Marathon (M) 2.10
Casualty (PG) s35ep21 3.00 Staged (M) s1ep5&6 Gold (PG) 1.05 Deadliest Catch (PG) 2.00 Deadliest
3.50 Holby City (M) s20ep15 4.55 A Touch of Frost Catch: Bloodline (PG) 2.55 Aussie Gold Hunters Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
(M) s2ep2 6.50 Staged (M) s2ep7 7.15 Staged (M) (PG) 3.50 UFO Witness Marathon (PG) 6.35 Gold 6.00 British Superbikes, Thruxton, 1st race, live
The guys prepare to leave their homes, and Michael Rush (PG) 7.30 House Hunters Down Under: Where 9.00 NRL Premiership, Wests Tigers v NZ Warriors,
thinks he can get to New York. s2ep8 7.40 Casualty Are They Now? (PG) 8.00 House Hunters Down replay 11.00 Farah Palmer Cup, Otago v Auckland,
(PG) s35ep22 8.30 Midsomer Murders (M) When Under (PG) 8.30 Demolition Down Under (PG) 9.30 highlights 11.15 Farah Palmer Cup, Waikato v
a man falls from a roof, Barnaby and Scott must Aussie Mega Mechanics (PG) 10.30 Homestead Canterbury, highlights 11.30 Farah Palmer Cup,
determine whether it was murder or suicide. s8ep6 Rescue (PG) 11.25 UFO Witness (PG) 12.15am Hawke’s Bay v Northland, highlights 11.45 Farah
10.20 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 11.15 Programmes continue
Palmer Cup, North Harbour v Tasman, highlights
Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) Paralympian Noon Farah Palmer Cup, Taranaki v Tasman, live
Jonnie Peacock. 12.15am Programmes continue National Geographic SKY 072 2.00 1st XV Revision 2.30 1st XV Rugby, Hastings
6.30 Alaska: The Next Generation (M) 8.30 Science Boys’ High v Tauranga Boys’, live 4.30 1st XV Rugby,
SoHo SKY 010 of Stupid (PG) 9.30 Ultimate Airport Dubai (PG) St Pat’s Silverstream v St Pat’s Town, highlights 5.00
6.15 Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (18) s1ep2 7.10 11.30 Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (PG) 12.30 Super Netball, NSW Giants v West Coast Fever, live
Fear the Walking Dead (18) s6ep16 8.00 The Great America’s Deadliest Sharks (PG) 1.30 World’s 7.00 Farah Palmer Cup, Northland v Manawatu, live
Deadliest Shark (PG) 2.30 The Sharks of Hawaii 9.00 1st XV Rugby, Hastings Boys’ High v Tauranga
(M) s1ep10 8.50 Last Week Tonight with John
(PG) 3.30 Mega Factories 4.30 Megastructures 5.30 Boys’, highlights 9.30 Farah Palmer Cup, Taranaki v
Oliver (M) s8ep18 9.20 In Treatment (M) s4ep10
WW2 Hell Under the Sea (PG) 7.30 The Two Million Tasman, highlights 10.00 Golf, European Tour, ISPS
10.00 Domina (16) s1ep4 10.55 Penny Dreadful:
Year Old Boy 8.30 Atlantis Rising: Secrets Decoded Handa World Invitational, round 2, highlights 10.30
City of Angels (18) s1ep2 11.50 Fear the Walking
(PG) 9.30 Wicked Tuna (PG) 10.30 Wicked Tuna Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World Invitational, round
Dead (18) s6ep16 12.40 The Great (M) s1ep10 1.40
S10 Best ofs (PG) 11.30 Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted 2, highlights 11.00 Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World
Pose Marathon (16) s3ep1-6 7.00 Pose (16) After
(PG) 12.30am Programmes continue Invitational, round 3, live 3.30am British & Irish
discovering an HIV clinical trial is denying access to
people of colour, Blanca joins Act Up in an effort Lions, highlights 3.50 Rugby, South Africa v British
to get Pray Tell medication. s3ep7 8.30 Westworld History SKY 073 & Irish Lions, 2nd test, from Cape Town Stadium,
(18) Bernard returns to Westworld and programmes 6.30 Oliver Stone: Untold History of the US (M) 7.30 live
Ashley to protect him, and Serac forces Maeve to Greatest Cities of the World 8.30 Time Team 9.30
go after Dolores. s3ep2 9.30 Yellowstone (16) John World’s Greatest Palaces (PG) 10.30 Time Team Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
sits down at the negotiating table with former (PG) 11.30 The Civil War by Ken Burns 12.30 Oliver 6.00 Sky Sport GrassRoots 7.00 Rugby, Currie Cup,
friends and foes. s3ep10 10.20 Eden (16) s1ep7 11.10 Stone: Untold History of the US (M) 2.30 Greatest Golden Lions v Pumas, replay 9.00 Golf, European
The Rook (16) s1ep5 12.00am Programmes continue Cities of the World 3.30 Truk Lagoon: Japan’s Pearl Tour, ISPS Handa World Invitational, round 2, replay
Harbour (PG) 4.30 The Roosevelts (PG) 5.30 The 11.00 Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World Invitational,
Flu That Killed 50 Million (M) 6.30 River Hunters
Living SKY 017 (PG) 7.30 The Blitz: Britain on Fire (PG) Actress
round 2, highlights 11.30 Golf, European Tour, ISPS
6.15 Grand Designs Australia (PG) 7.05 Salvage Handa World Invitational, round 2, highlights Noon
Mary Lawson’s decision to stay above ground had
Hunters Marathon (PG) 12.05 Heavenly Gardens Farah Palmer Cup, live 2.00 Farah Palmer Cup, Bay
tragic consequences. 8.30 The Assassination of
(PG) 1.05 Long Lost Family: Born Without a Trace of Plenty v Waikato, live 4.00 NRL Premiership,
Abraham Lincoln (PG) 10.30 Tutankhamun: Life,
(PG) 2.00 My Mortgage Free Home (PG) 4.00 highlights 4.30 NRL Premiership, St George
Death and Legacy (PG) 11.30 World’s Greatest
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (PG) 4.50 Salvage Illawarra Dragons v South Sydney Rabbitohs,
Ships (PG) 12.30am Programmes continue
Hunters Marathon (PG) 7.30 Portillo’s Greatest live 6.50 NRL Premiership, Newcastle Knights
Railway Journeys (PG) Michael reflects on 180 years v Canberra Raiders, live 9.35 NRL Premiership,
of royal fascination with the railways, recalling King BBC Earth SKY 074 Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers, from AAMI
George V and Queen Mary’s Royal Train Tour in 6.00 Life Below Zero Marathon (M) 8.35 24 Hours Park, Melbourne, live 12.30am Currie Cup, Sharks
1913. 8.30 Gardening Australia (PG) Jerry meets a in A&E (PG) 10.15 Frozen Planet: The Making of v Griquas, live 2.45 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan,
champion hibiscus grower, Costa starts his backyard (PG) 10.25 Earth from Space (PG) 11.20 Brian 3rd T20, from Guyana National Stadium, live
pool to pond conversion, and Jane explains how to Cox: Life of a Universe (PG) 12.15 Wild Thailand
(PG) 1.15 Wild West (PG) 2.20 Frozen Planet: The
propagate indoor plants. 9.40 Love Your Garden
Making of (PG) 2.30 Animal Impossible (PG) 3.25
Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
(PG) 10.30 The Weekend Workshop (PG) 11.25 My
Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities (PG) 3.50 Judi 6.30 Tokyo Olympics, day 7, Rowing, single sculls
Mortgage Free Home (PG) 1.20am Programmes
Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure (PG) 4.40 Walking finals, eights finals, from Sea Forest Waterway,
the Himalayas (PG) Levison Wood sets out to walk highlights 7.00 Men’s Golf, round 2, highlights from
the length of the world’s highest mountain range. Kasumigaseki Country Club 7.30 Women’s Rugby
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 5.35 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies (PG) Sevens, placing 9-12, quarter-finals, highlights from
6.05 Scorned: Crimes of Passion (M) 7.45 Dead of 6.25 The Blue Planet (PG) 7.20 TBA 7.30 Animal Tokyo Stadium 9.00 Tokyo 2020, day 7, highlights
Winter (M) 8.35 The Wonderland Murders (M) 9.25 Impossible (PG) Tim Warwood and Adam Gendle 10.00 Tokyo Gold, Triathlon, Teams, live 2.00am
Nightmare Next Door (M) 10.20 Disappeared (M) investigate the story that piranhas can strip a Women’s Rugby Sevens, placing 7-8, placing 5-6,
11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) 12.10 A Crime to Remember person to the bone in seconds. 8.30 Gorilla Family bronze medal match, gold medal match, and victory
Marathon (M) 3.50 Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein? (M) & Me (PG) 9.30 Life Below Zero (PG) 10.20 Meet ceremony, highlights from Tokyo Stadium 3.30 BMX,
6.35 Jeffrey Dahmer: Mind of a Monster (M) 8.30 the Humans (M) 11.20 Walking the Himalayas (PG) Women’s Freestyle Seeding Run, Men’s Freestyle
The Happy Face Killer Mind of a Monster (M) 10.30 12.10am Programmes continue Seeding Run, from Ariake Urban Sports Park

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 73

6.00 Attitude (G, R, HD, C, AD) 6.00 Paw Patrol (G, R, HD, C) 6.00 Life TV (G)
As their Outward Bound 6.20 Blaze and the Monster 6.30 Brian Houston (G)
adventure continues, a group Machines (G, HD, C) 7.00 Charles Stanley (G)
of people living with physical 6.45 Masha and the Bear (G, 8.00 Life TV (R, G)
disabilities tackle their fear R, HD) 8.30 Turning Point (G)
of heights and a challenging 6.55 Powerpuff Girls (G, R, HD, C) 9.00 Classical Destinations (G, R,
waka journey. 7.05 Lego City Adventures (G, HD) s1ep12
6.25 Cowboy Builders (G, R, HD) HD, C) 9.30 The Hui (R, HD, C) With
Dominic Littlewood and 7.30 ■ Moomin Valley (G, HD, C) Mihingarangi Forbes.
Melinda Messenger present 7.55 Jandal Burn (G, HD, C) 10.00 Newshub Nation (R, HD, C)
a UK series about cowboy 8.00 What Now? (G) Local kids’ With Simon Shepherd.
builders. show featuring challenges, 11.05 Mega Zoo (G, R, HD, C)
7.15 Tagata Pasifika (R, HD) interviews, reviews and s1ep8
Stories and information from gunge. Noon The Titan Games (PG, R, HD,
the Pacific Island community. 10.00 Shortland Street Omnibus C) s2ep2
Chimp champ: RESCUED 7.40 Praise Be (G, R, HD) (PG, R, HD, C, AD) 1.00 CRC Motorsport
CHIMPANZEES OF THE Chris Nichol presents a 12.10 Australian Spartan (G, R, HD, 1.01 Muscle Garage (PG, HD)
programme of hymns C) s1ep2 s8ep10
CONGO WITH JANE 1.30 Mobil 1: The Grid (HD)
and worship songs from 1.35 A.P. Bio (G, HD, C) s3ep2
GOODALL throughout New Zealand. 2.05 Home and Away Omnibus 2.00 Pure ETCR (HD)
DOCUMENTARY: Jane 8.10 The Living Room (G, HD, C) (PG, R, HD, C) 3.00 V8 Supercars Super2 (HD)
Australian lifestyle series. 4.25 B Positive (PG, HD) Drew 4.00 DTM (HD)
Goodall established the 9.00 Q+A with Jack Tame (HD, downloads a tracking app 5.00 ■ The ITM Fishing Show
Tchimpounga Chimpanzee C) Political interviews and to follow Gina when he Classics (PG, HD, C) s2ep11
Rehabilitation Centre in the discussions. becomes concerned about 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
10.00 Marae (HD) Issues and her reckless behaviour. s1ep5 7.00 The Block NZ (PG, HD, C,
Republic of Congo 1991, and another episode screens
information from te ao Māori. 5.10 Travel Guides Australia
this five-part series spans its 10.30 Waka Huia (G, HD) in NZ (G, R, HD, C, AD) tomorrow) Teams are doing
work for the past 30 years and Documentary series The guides must enjoy everything they can to finish
follows the establishment of featuring the unique stories Queenstown’s scenery in their family rooms. s9ep28
and histories of Māori. motorhomes. 8.30 ■ The Hitman’s Bodyguard
three new islands that will (2017, 16, R, HD, C) A
11.00 The Age of Nature (PG, 6.05 Sarah Beeny’s Renovate
house around 100 chimps. R, HD, C) US series about Don’t Relocate (PG, HD) UK bodyguard is called on to
The animals are orphaned by humanity’s relationship property expert Sarah Beeny protect his mortal enemy,
the illegal bushmeat and pet with nature and wildlife sets out to help homeowners a hitman. Ryan Reynolds,
and how scientists and optimise their space and Samuel L Jackson, Salma
trade – poachers will leave conservationists study ways transform their houses into Hayek. TV Films, page 69
baby animals or sell them as to restore the planet. functional hassle-free homes. 10.30 Head High (M, R, HD, C)
pets. “We’re trying to save Noon Olympic Games Tokyo 7.00 MasterChef Australia (G, HD, As both teams compete in
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street C, another episode screens the 1A semi-finals, Mana has
a species, but a species is some devastating news for
presents day 9 coverage of tomorrow) The contestants
made up of individuals,” says the 2020 Summer Olympics must decide how much Renee. s1ep5
Goodall. “So right from the in Tokyo, with insight from of their 90-minute cook 11.30 Body Bizarre (M, HD) s4ep2
very beginning, to me, the Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross time they use in round one, 12.25am – 6.00 Infomercials
and reporters Kimberlee because they will only have
individual has been the centre
Downs, Chris Chang, Guy the remainder of that time to
part of the message.” Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai cook in round two. s13ep40
NEON on the ground in Tokyo. 8.20 ■ Fantastic Beasts and 6.00 Religious Programming (G)
New Zealand athletes will Where to Find Them (2016, 10.00 LPGA Highlights (G) Evian
be searching for Olympic PG, R, HD, C, AD) In 1926, Championship.
glory in more than 20 Newt Scamander arrives in
11.00 NXT (PG, R)
sports. Today, Equestrian in New York during a global
Noon Outback Truckers (PG, C)
Eventing Cross Country from excursion documenting
1.05 Pawn Stars (PG, R)
Sea Forest Cross-Country magical creatures, but his
2.00 Heroes and Survivors (PG,
Course, Women’s Shot stopover goes horribly
R, C)
Put final featuring Valerie wrong when a niffler escapes
3.00 Hot Bench (G, R)
Adams, and Swimming finals from his suitcase and he is
from the Olympic Aquatics arrested for breaking magical 3.30 Sky Grass Roots Rugby (G)
Centre. law. Eddie Redmayne, 4.30 Rugby Nation (G)
6.00 1 News (HD, C) Katherine Waterston, Dan 5.00 Fish of the Day (G, R, C)
7.00 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Fogler, Samantha Morton. 5.30 Prime News
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson TV Films, page 69 6.00 Antiques Roadshow (G, R,
Game on: BLACK GOLD presents coverage of the 10.50 ■ Cellular (2004, 16, R, C) A 300-year-old Māori hei-
COLLECTION: For a spot of evening session of day 9, HD, C, AD) A man receives tiki is brought in.
with insight from Olympian an emergency call on his 7.00 Storage Wars (PG, R, C)
Olympics nostalgia, NZ On 7.30 ■ Beneath New Zealand:
Sarah Cowley Ross and cellphone from a woman
Screen has put together some reporters Kimberlee Downs, who claims to have been Creation and Destruction
magnificent archive material, Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt kidnapped. Chris Evans, Kim (PG, R, C) As Auckland is
including the story of Peter and Rapaera Tawhai on the Basinger. built over an active volcanic
ground in Tokyo. Tonight, 12.35am First Dates New Zealand field, how does a city of just
Snell, the 1984 rowing eights, under two million people
Women’s Weightlifting, 76kg, (PG, R, HD, C)
and a National Film Unit story featuring Megan Signal, 1.25 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK (16, prepare for volcanic activity?
about the New Zealand team Sailing featuring Sam Meech, HD, C) s2ep8 8.30 ANZ Premiership (G)
as they prepare to leave for Artistic Gymnastics from the 2.40 MasterChef Australia (G, R, Elimination final, 2nd v 3rd.
Olympic Gymnastics Centre, HD, C) s13ep40 10.05 Surveillance Oz (PG, C)
the 1948 London Olympics 10.35 SmackDown (PG)
and Athletics finals from 4.00 Infomercials
by ship. Olympic Stadium. 4.30 Religious Programming 11.35 QI (PG)
NZ ON SCREEN 2.10 – 6.00 Infomercials 5.00 – 6.00 Infomercials 12.10am – 3.10 Infomercials (G)

■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition

74 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) Astronomer J Allen Hynek, who was
8.30 Whānau Living (G, R)
a consultant on the US Air Force’s
9.00 Oranga Ngākau (G, R)
10.00 Soul Sessions (G, R)
Project Blue Book, was brought in for
10.30 Toi Te Ora: Our Way of Life Steven Spielberg’s film; Hynek also
(G, R) created the Close Encounters scale
11.00 Te Ao Tapatahi and makes a cameo near the end.
11.30 Te Ao with Moana (R) MOVIES CLASSICS, 10.15pm
12.00 Moon Tide Fishing (G, R)

12.30 Wehi Nā Upload (PG, R)
1.00 Uka (G, R)
1.35 Tāringa Huruhuru (PG)
1.50 ■ Jungle Shuffle (2014, G, R) 6.00 Love It or List It (G, R) 6.00 Hugh’s Three Good Things 7.00 DUKEbox Music
Voice of Drake Bell. 9.10 Clean House (PG, R) 6.30 Through the Bible 3.20 Disasters Engineered (G, R,
3.30 Pio Terei Tonight (G, R) 10.50 Keeping Up with the 7.00 Leading the Way HD, C) s1ep6
4.30 Tagata Pasifika 2021 Kardashians (PG, R) 7.30 Key of David 4.10 Chasing Monsters (PG, R,
5.00 Te Ao Toa 11.40 Body Fixers (PG, R) 8.00 Rachel Allen (G) HD, C)
6.00 Waka Huia (G, R) 12.30 Celebrity Ghost Stories 8.30 Equator from the Air (G) 5.00 Impossible Engineering (G,
6.30 Te Ao Mārama (PG, R) 9.30 River Cottage: Three Go HD, C, AD) s3ep12
7.00 Lucky Dip (G, R) Luke Bird 2.10 Million Dollar Listing NY Mad (G) 6.00 Best of Police Ten 7 2021
and Marcia Hopa hosts a (PG, R) 10.30 American Pickers (G) (PG, R, HD, C)
family game show. 3.10 Shark Tank (PG, R) 11.30 Secrets of the Bermuda 6.30 Motorway Patrol (G, R,
7.30 Ake, Ake, Ake! (M, R) 6.00 Love It or List It (G) Triangle (G) HD, C)
Documentary series about 7.00 ■ Drop Dead Fred (1991, 12.30 Meet the Orangutans (G) 7.00 Family Guy (PG, R, HD, C)
the occupation of Ihumātao. PG, R) A young woman’s 1.00 Kai Safari (G) s3ep9
8.30 Ngā Tohu Matariki o childhood imaginary friend 1.30 Antiques Roadshow (G) 7.30 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C,
Te Tau 2021 An awards returns to cheer her up. 2.30 Jade Fever (PG) AD) s27ep1
event that recognises and Phoebe Cates, Rik Mayall, 3.30 Nature’s Strangest Mysteries 8.30 Russell Howard: Wonderbox
celebrates Māori who make a Marsha Mason, Carrie Fisher, Solved (G) (16, HD) Russell Howard
difference. Tim Matheson. 4.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate performs a stand-up show in
10.10 Beyond Matariki (G, 9.10 ■ The Change-Up (2011, Cookery Course (G) his home town of Bristol.
R) Professor Rangi 16, R, C) Two best friends, 5.30 Antiques Roadshow (G) 10.10 Taskmaster NZ (16, R, C, AD)
Matamua visits indigenous one a family man and the 6.30 American Pickers (G) Paul Williams has a problem
communities across the other a bachelor, wake up in 7.30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) with Swiss balls. s2ep4
world in a search for each other’s bodies. Jason 8.30 The 1980s: The Deadliest 11.10 Jonathan Ross’ Comedy
traditional astronomical Bateman, Ryan Reynolds, Decade (M) Club (16, HD, C) A showcase
knowledge. Olivia Wilde, Leslie Mann, 9.30 Murder in the Heartland (M) of new and established UK
10.40 Uka (G, R) Alan Arkin. 10.30 American Pickers (G) comedy talent.
11.10 – 11.40 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga 11.25 Shahs of Sunset (M, R) 11.30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 11.40 – 12.05am Supercar
o te Motu (G, R) 12.15am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.30am Programmes continue Customiser (G, R, HD)

7.29 The Good Liar (2019, 16) Ian 7.20 The Life and Death of Peter 7.10 The Harder They Come 6.55 Port Authority (2019, M)
McKellen, Helen Mirren Sellers (2004, M) Geoffrey (1972, M) Jimmy Cliff, Fionn Whitehead
9.19 Dark Waters (2019, M) Mark Rush, Charlize Theron 8.55 Serpico (1973, 16) Al Pacino, 8.35 Stuffed (2019, M) Canadian
Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway 9.20 Brimming with Love (2017, Tony Roberts documentary.
11.24 Miss Fisher & the Crypt of PG) Kelsey Asbille 11.05 Ragtime (1981, PG) James 10.05 A Vigilante (2018, 16) Olivia
Tears (2020, M) Essie Davis 10.50 The Love Punch (2013, Cagney, Elizabeth McGovern Wilde
1.04 Ride Like a Girl (2019, PG) M) Pierce Brosnan, Emma 1.35 Backdraft (1991, PG) Kurt 11.35 Non-Fiction (2018, M)
Teresa Palmer, Sam Neill Thompson Russell, William Baldwin Juliette Binoche
2.40 Jumanji: The Next Level 12.25 The Guardian (2020) (2020, 3.50 The Last Outlaw (1993, 16) 1.20 Capital in the Twenty-
(2019, PG) Dwayne Johnson M) Andy Garcia, Dafne Keen Mickey Rourke First Century (2019, M) NZ
4.40 Bel Canto (2018, 16) Julianne 2.10 7 Days in Hell (2015, 16) 5.25 Existenz (1999, M) Jennifer documentary.
Moore, Ken Watanabe Andy Samberg Jason Leigh, Jude Law 3.00 Vita & Virginia (2018, M)
6.20 Papillon (2017, 16) Charlie 2.55 The Longest Yard (2005) 7.00 China Girl (1987, 18) Richard Gemma Arterton
Hunnam, Rami Malek, roland (2005, M) Adam Sandler Panebianco, Sari Chang 4.50 Liverpool FC: The End of
Moller 8.30 The Graduate (1967, M) A the Storm (2020, PG) UK
4.50 Bowfinger (1999, PG) Steve
8.30 Fatman (2020, 16) A spoiled college graduate having an documentary.
Martin, Eddie Murphy
rich kid sends an assassin affair with the wife of his 6.35 I Am Woman (2019,
6.25 Bandits (2001, M) Billy Bob
after Chris Cringle when father’s business partner M) Based on the life of
Thornton, Bruce Willis
he receives a lump of coal begins to fall in love with her Australian singer Helen
at Christmas. Mel Gibson, 8.30 Step Brothers (2008, daughter. Anne Bancroft, Reddy. Tilda Cobham-Hervey
Walton Goggins, Marianne 16) Two men become Dustin Hoffman, Katharine 8.30 Rialto British: Rialto (2019,
Jean-Baptiste TV Films, stepbrothers when their Ross 16) While grieving the death
page 69 parents marry, but their 10.15 Close Encounters of the of his father, a middle-aged
10.15 The Operative (2019, 16) competitiveness threatens Third Kind (1977, PG) An married man has an intimate
A former Mossad agent is to tear the family apart. Will electrical lineman searches encounter with a younger
sent to Tehran to recover an Ferrell, John C Reilly for explanations after man. Tom Vaughan-Lawlor,
agent who disappeared after 10.05 Sex and the City (2008, 16) an encounter with an Tom Glynn-Carney
an assignment. Diane Kruger, Sarah Jessica Parker otherworldly spacecraft. 10.00 Charlatan (2020, M) Ivan
Martin Freeman, Cas Anvar 12.30am Made (2001, 16) 2.05 So I Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr Trojan
12.10am Savage (2019, 16) 1.50 The Married an Axe Murderer (1993, PG) 12.30am Nil by Mouth (1997, 18) 12.05am On the Record (2020, 16)
Fanatic (2019, 18) 3.19 Miss Fisher & 3.40 The Life and Death of Peter 2.35 The Last Outlaw (1993, 16) 1.40 Untogether (2018, 16) 3.20
the Crypt of Tears (2020, M) 4.59 Sellers (2004, M) 5.40 The Love 4.10 Existenz (1999, M) 5.45 The Women Make Film (16) s1ep4 4.25
Dark Waters (2019, M) Punch (2013, M) Graduate (1967, M) Non-Fiction (2018, M)

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 75


SKY CHANNELS Investigation Discovery SKY 018

6.05 The Perfect Murder (M) 6.55 Forbidden: Dying
for Love (M) 7.45 Deadline: Crime with Tamron
Vibe SKY 006 Hall (M) 8.35 In Pursuit with John Walsh (M) 9.25
6.20 Born Different (M) s1ep9&10 7.20 Elementary Nightmare Next Door (M) 10.20 Disappeared (M)
(M) s7ep10 8.05 Judge Judy Omnibus (PG) 9.45 11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) 12.10 Signs of a Psychopath
Medium Omnibus (M) 1.55 Highland Midwives (M) (M) 1.05 Reasonable Doubt (M) 2.00 The Murder
s2ep6 2.50 ■ Torvill & Dean (2018, PG) 4.30 The Tapes (M) 2.55 Evil Kin Marathon (M) 6.35 The
Bletchley Circle: San Francisco (M) s1ep6 5.30 Happy Face Killer Mind of a Monster (M) 8.30 Dead
Indian Dream Hotel on Tour (M) s3ep2 6.30 Kids of Winter (M) 9.30 The Wonderland Murders (M)
Say the Darndest Things (PG) s1ep10 7.30 Cruising 10.30 Evil Lives Here (M) 11.25 Nightmare Next
with Jane McDonald (PG) Jane sets off on her first Door (M) 12.15am Programmes continue
river cruise aboard the SS Maria Theresa. s1ep3 8.30
Ambulance (16) Ian and Nikki attend to a teenager Sky Arts SKY 020
who has been violently assaulted, and Graham takes 6.30 John Fogerty: 50 Year Trip 8.00 Lucrezia
a call from two children whose grandmother has Borgia 10.30 Critical Thinkers 11.00 Off Camera
fallen ill. s5ep3 9.30 Murder, Mystery and My Family: Noon To the Moon 1.15 The Liberators 2.30 John
Case Closed (M) Jeremy and Sasha revisit a case Fogerty: 50 Year Trip 4.00 Moment Musical
of rural murder and moonlighting in Ireland in 1894 4.55 Gaming in Symphony 6.05 Looking for
where the convicted man’s relatives are hoping Rembrandt 7.05 Critical Thinkers 7.30 Park Life (G) SoHo:
S H BiBig Li
l Li
Lies, 9
for an official pardon. s1ep5 10.30 How to Lose Documentary following the characters who live
Weight Well (PG) The Japanese Diet, and a headset and work in the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales
that allegedly regulates appetite and cravings.
s4ep5 11.30 Indian Dream Hotel on Tour (M) s3ep2
National Parks. 9.00 ■ Eric Clapton: Planes, Trains
and Eric (2014, G) 10.30 Rock Legends: Coldplay
12.35am Programmes continue 11.15 Rock Legends: Prince 12.00am Programmes
continue Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
UKTV SKY 007 6.00 British Superbikes, Thruxton, 2nd race, live
6.45 QI (M) 7.15 Holby City (M) s20ep15 8.15 Discovery SKY 070 9.00 Motorsport, W Series, Budapest, highlights
EastEnders Marathon (PG) 10.00 Heartbeat (PG) 9.40 CIK-FIA Karting European Championship,
6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.55 UFO Witness
s18ep1 10.50 The Graham Norton Show (M) s28ep3 Spain, highlights 10.10 1st XV Revision 10.40 SailGP,
(PG) 7.45 Bering Sea Gold (PG) 8.35 Deadliest
11.40 Hypothetical (M) s2ep8 12.25 8 Out of 10 Britain, review 11.15 Rugby, Currie Cup, Golden
Catch (PG) 9.25 Deadliest Catch: Bloodline
Cats Does Countdown (M) 1.15 Midsomer Murders Lions v Pumas, highlights 11.45 Farah Palmer Cup,
(PG) 10.20 Expedition Unknown: Hunt for
(M) s8ep6 3.00 Small Axe (M) s1ep5 4.10 Death Taranaki v Tasman, highlights Noon Farah Palmer
Extraterrestrials (PG) 11.15 Gold Rush: White Water
in Paradise (PG) s6ep4 5.15 Heartbeat (PG) s18ep1 Cup, Counties Manukau v Otago, from Navigation
(PG) 12.10 Gold Rush (PG) 1.05 Aussie Gold Hunters
6.10 Would I Lie to You? (PG) 6.45 8 Out of 10 Cats Homes Stadium, Pukekohe, live 2.00 Farah Palmer
(PG) 2.00 Naked and Afraid: Alone Marathon (M)
Does Countdown (M) 7.40 Staged (M) Michael and Cup, Canterbury v Wellington, from Rugby Park,
9.30 Blowing Up History (PG) 10.30 Gold Rush:
David discover that someone they respect is not a Christchurch, live 4.00 ANZ Premiership, elimination
White Water (PG) 11.25 Expedition Unknown: Hunt
fan of their work and are dismayed to learn who will final, live 6.00 Netball Zone, live 6.30 Bellator 263
for Extraterrestrials (PG) 12.15am Programmes
be carrying on without them. s2ep1&2 8.30 Who 9.00 Rugby Nation Sundays 9.30 Fox Sports News
Do You Think You Are? (PG) Boy George expects 10.30 Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World Invitational,
to find sadness in his family tree, but discovers they round 3, highlights 11.00 LPGA, ISPS Handa World
were part of Irish history. 9.35 A Touch of Frost (M) National Geographic SKY 072 Invitational, round 4, live 3.30am Super Netball,
A drug overdose is revealed to be murder. s2ep3 6.30 Car SOS (PG) 8.30 Drain the Oceans (PG) replay 5.00 Sky Sport GrassRoots
11.30 Small Axe: Education (M) s1ep5 12.35am 10.30 Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (PG) 12.30 Saxon
Programmes continue Gold: Finding the Hoard (PG) 1.30 Secrets of the Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
Lost Gold 2.30 Air Crash Investigation: Special
7.00 1st XV Rugby, Hastings Boys’ High v Tauranga
SoHo SKY 010 Report (M) 4.30 Ultimate Supercar (PG) 5.30
Boys’, highlights 7.30 The Fan 8.00 SailGP, Britain,
Food Factory USA (PG) 6.30 Wicked Tuna (PG)
6.05 Mayans M.C. Marathon (16) s1ep3-10 2.10 review 8.30 Rugby, Currie Cup, Golden Lions v
7.30 Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (PG) 8.30 Mega
Yellowstone (16) s3ep10 3.00 Eden (16) s1ep7 3.50 Pumas, replay 10.30 Golf, European Tour, ISPS
Factories 9.30 Great Barrier Reef: A Living Treasure
Westworld (18) s3ep2 4.50 The Rook (16) s1ep5 Handa World Invitational, round 2, highlights 11.00
(PG) 10.30 Bigger Than T. Rex (PG) 11.30 Jurassic
5.40 Yellowstone (16) s3ep10 6.30 Cinema Toast Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World Invitational, round
C.S.I. (PG) 12.30am Programmes continue
(16) s1ep1 7.00 Flatbush Misdemeanors (16) Kevin 3, highlights 11.30 Super Netball, Collingwood
accidentally spills a local drug dealer’s promethazine Magpies v Sydney Swifts, live 1.30 Rugby League,
while on a routine food delivery. s1ep1 7.30 Devs History SKY 073 NSW Cup, Blacktown Sea Eagles v Mounties,
(16) Forest and Katie wait for the completion of 7.30 Tutankhamun: Life, Death and Legacy (PG) from HE Laybutt Field, Sydney, live 3.30 NRL
the Devs project. s1ep7 8.30 Baptiste (16) Things 8.30 Time Team 9.30 The Blitz: Britain on Fire (PG) Premiership, Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs v
escalate when the police receive a hostage video, 10.30 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (PG) Gold Coast Titans, live 6.00 NRL Premiership,
and Emma takes drastic action for her family. s2ep2 12.30 Tutankhamun: Life, Death and Legacy (PG) Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks v Manly Warringah Sea
9.30 Big Little Lies (16) Mary Louise tries to get 1.30 World’s Greatest Ships (PG) 2.30 Grant (16) Eagles, live 8.00 Sunday Night with Matty Johns,
closer to Jane, Madeline is forced to confront her 4.30 Tokyo Phoenix, the Rise of Modern Japan (M) live 9.00 Big League Wrap, live 10.00 Rugby
issues in therapy, and Celeste remains conflicted 5.30 The Six Queens of Henry VIII (M) 6.30 World’s League, Queensland Cup, Redcliffe Dolphins v
by her memories of Perry. s2ep3 10.30 Real Time Greatest Ships (PG) 7.30 How the Victorians Built Mackay Cutters, replay from Moreton Daily Stadium,
with Bill Maher (M) s19ep21 11.30 Mr Inbetween (16) Britain (PG) 8.30 Secrets of the Railways (PG) Brisbane 12.00am Sky Sport GrassRoots 1.00
s3ep6 12.00am Programmes continue 9.30 The Real War of Thrones (M) 10.30 History of Rugby, South Africa v British & Irish Lions, 2nd test,
Warfare (PG) 11.30 Titans of the 20th Century (M) highlights 1.45 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan, 3rd
Living SKY 017 12.30am Programmes continue T20, highlights 2.45 West Indies v Pakistan, 4th T20,
from Guyana National Stadium, live
6.15 Salvage Hunters (PG) 7.05 Location Location
Location (PG) 7.55 Love Your Garden (PG) 8.45 BBC Earth SKY 074
Gardening Australia (PG) 9.55 The Weekend 6.00 Life Below Zero (PG) 6.45 Trust Me, I’m a Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
Workshop (PG) 10.45 Salvage Hunters (PG) 11.40 Doctor (PG) 7.45 Louis Theroux: The Night in 6.05 Tokyo Olympics, Men’s Golf, round 3, highlights
Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys (PG) 12.40 Question (M) 8.50 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 9.45 6.35 Women’s Rugby Sevens, placing 7-8, placing
Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics (PG) 1.05 30 Seven Worlds, One Planet Marathon (PG) 12.25 5-6, bronze medal match, gold medal match,
Minute Meals (PG) 1.30 Girl Meets Farm (PG) 2.00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies (PG) 2.00 24 victory ceremony, highlights from Tokyo Stadium
Escape to the Country (PG) 4.00 Salvage Hunters: Hours in A&E (M) 2.50 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 3.40 8.05, Sailing, day 8, Men’s Finn 07-08, Men’s 49er
The Restorers (PG) 4.50 Salvage Hunters Marathon Wonders of Life (PG) 4.45 Shark (PG) 5.40 Shark 10-12, Women’s 49er FX 10-12, Mixed Multihull Nacra
(PG) 7.30 Escape to the Chateau (PG) 8.30 Salvage Diaries (PG) 5.50 Animal Impossible (PG) 6.50 Life 17 Foiling 07-09, Men’s and Women’s RS:X final,
Hunters: Design Classics (PG) Drew Pritchard Below Zero (PG) 7.40 The Dog Rescuers with Alan highlights from Enoshima Yacht Harbour 9.00
explores items that transformed design in the 20th Davies (M) 8.30 Spy in the Wild (PG) 9.35 Wonders Tokyo Olympics, day 8, highlights 10.00 Tokyo Gold,
century. Tonight, the Anglepoise lamp, a stylish of Life (PG) Brian Cox reveals carbon’s unique Men’s Golf, round 4, live 1.30am Athletics, Women’s
chair, and a London underground sign. 9.00 Shed role in life on Earth and possibly elsewhere. 10.40 Shot Put, final, from Olympic Stadium 3.05 Tokyo
and Buried (PG) 9.25 Long Lost Family (PG) 10.20 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 11.40 Seven Worlds, 2020 Moments 3.35 Men’s Hockey, quarter-final
Escape to the Country (PG) 12.10am Programmes One Planet Marathon (PG) 2.25am Programmes 2, from Oi Hockey Stadium 5.20 Men’s Hockey,
continue continue quarter-final 3, from Oi Hockey Stadium

76 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

6.00 Breakfast (HD, C) John 6.00 Les Mills Born to Move (G, 6.00 The AM Show (HD) With
Campbell and Jenny-May HD, C) Duncan Garner, Amanda
Clarkson present news, sport, 6.25 Ricky Zoom (G, R, HD, C) Gillies and Mark Richardson.
information and weather. 6.35 Clifford the Big Red Dog (G, 9.00 Infomercials
9.00 Winning Combination (G, HD, C) 10.30 The Vet Life (PG, HD) s2ep6
HD, C, AD) Omid Djalili 7.00 The Dog and Pony Show (G, 11.30 Newshub Live (HD)
presents a UK game show R, HD, C) Noon House Hunters Renovation
in which nine contestants 7.25 Alvinnn!!! And the (G, HD) s10ep3
are assigned a number from Chipmunks (G, R, HD, C) 1.05 ■ The Wrong Nanny (2017,
1-9 and compete with each 7.50 Miraculous: Tales of M, HD, C) A woman with
other in general knowledge Ladybug and Cat Noir (G, R, an ostensibly perfect life
rounds. HD, C) is unaware that the nanny
10.00 The Chase (G, R, HD, C) 8.15 Darwin and Newts (G, HD, she hires is the daughter
Bradley Walsh hosts a UK C, AD) she gave up for adoption. Dance stamina:
quiz show. 8.25 Thomas & Friends (G, R, HD, Lindsay Hartley, Freya FOSSE/VERDON
11.00 The Extreme Cake Makers C, AD) Tingley, Brody Hutzler.
(G, R, HD, C) UK series 8.35 Rainbow Rangers (G, HD, C) 3.00 Match Game (PG, HD, C) BIOPIC: Some of the best
featuring the bakers of 8.55 Kiri and Lou (G, R, HD) s2ep11 darn acting you’re liable to
extraordinary cakes. Today, 9.00 Infomercials 4.00 House Crashers (G, HD) see in an era where there’s
a 2ft-square beach scene 10.00 Les Mills BodyCombat (G, s13ep2
4.30 Newshub Live (HD)
an awful lot of it about. No
complete with jelly sea, HD, C)
crispy marshmallow rocks 10.30 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat (G, HD) wonder Michelle Williams
and dozens of hand-carved 11.00 All Rise (M, HD, C) s2ep12 6.00 Newshub Live (HD) won an Emmy and a Golden
bathers enjoying the seaside. 11.50 The Royals (PG, HD, C) 7.00 The Project (HD) With Laura Globe: she is luminescent
11.30 Te Karere (C) A Māori s2ep3 Tupou, Jesse Mulligan and
perspective on the day’s 12.50 Emmerdale (PG, HD, C, AD) Jeremy Corbett. as actress and dancer Gwen
news and current affairs. 1.45 Murphy Brown (PG, R, HD) 7.30 The Block NZ (PG, HD, C, Verdon, who collaborated
Noon 1 News (HD, C) 2.40 Home and Away (PG, R, C) another episode screens with, inspired, advised and
12.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 3.05 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, tomorrow) The teams tackle
endured one of Broadway’s
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street C, AD) one of the most complicated
presents day 10 coverage of 3.40 Holly Hobbie (G, R, HD, C) spaces yet. s9ep29 most influential choreog-
the 2020 Summer Olympics 4.05 Brain Busters (G, C) 8.30 ■ 9-1-1 (M, HD, C) A sniper raphers, Bob Fosse (Sam
in Tokyo, with insight from 4.30 Friends (G, R, HD, C) s7ep7 starts targeting the LAFD. Rockwell). Although Verdon
Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross 5.00 The Simpsons (G, R, HD, C, s4ep14
9.25 9-1-1: Lone Star (M, HD, C)
was an acclaimed performer
and reporters Kimberlee AD) s18ep4
Downs, Chris Chang, Guy 5.30 Young Sheldon (G, R, HD, C) Owen helps Tommy through and won four Tonys, the eight-
Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai s1ep2 a personal emergency. part series brings her out of
on the ground in Tokyo. 6.00 Neighbours (G, HD, C) Susan s2ep13 the shadow of her husband’s
New Zealand athletes will uncovers Melanie’s secret. 10.20 Newshub Late
10.50 The Hui (HD) With legacy, which has loomed
be searching for Olympic 6.30 Home and Away (PG, C)
glory in more than 20 Roo faces the music. Mihingarangi Forbes. long after his early death in
sports. Today, Canoe Sprint 7.00 Shortland Street (PG, HD, 11.25 Newshub Nation (R, HD, C) 1987.
K1 200m featuring Lisa C, AD) Drew lowers his With Simon Shepherd.
SOHO, 10.15pm
Carrington, and Women’s expectations, Rico loses 12.25am – 6.00 Infomercials
Sailing, 49er FX medal race his fire, and Samira reaches
featuring Alex Maloney and
Molly Meech.
breaking point.
7.30 MasterChef Australia (G, HD,
6.00 1 News (HD, C) C, another episode screens 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
7.00 Seven Sharp (HD, C) Hilary tomorrow) Contestants must 9.00 A Place in the Sun (G, R)
Barry and Jeremy Wells create a three-course home 10.00 A Place in the Sun: Winter
present current affairs and delivery menu. s13ep41
Sun (G, R)
entertainment. 8.35 ■ The Undateables (G, HD,
11.00 Hot Bench (PG, R)
7.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 C, AD) UK dating show.
11.30 Married with Children
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson 26-year-old budding sports
(PG, R)
presents coverage of the commentator Nicholas
12.30 Tommy (M, R, C)
evening session of day 10, is struggling to find love,
1.30 Just Shoot Me (PG, R, C)
with insight from Olympian Robbie Williams superfan
Sarah Cowley Ross and Sam is looking for his own 2.00 The Late Show with Stephen
reporters Kimberlee Downs, “angel”, and Shantae wants a Colbert (PG, R)
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt religious family guy. s11ep1 3.00 Wheel of Fortune (G)
3.30 Jeopardy (G)
and Rapaera Tawhai on the 9.35 Renters (PG, R, HD, C) One
4.00 American Pickers (PG, R)
ground in Tokyo. Tonight, of Pru’s rentals has been
Women’s Weightlifting torched. 5.00 Tagata Pasifika (G) CANNABIS
+87kg at the Tokyo 10.35 Kura (16, C, AD) s2ep2 5.30 Prime News COOKING: Similar to Vice’s
International Forum featuring 10.45 Two and a Half Men (PG, R, 6.00 Storage Wars (PG)
7.00 The Crowd Goes Wild
Bong Appétit – chefs compete
Laurel Hubbard, Sailing, 49er HD, C) s2ep1
medal race from Enoshima 12.35am Wu-Tang Clan: An 7.30 American Pickers (PG) to make delicious weed-
Yacht Harbor featuring American Saga (16, HD, C) 8.30 ■ Ambushed (2013, 16, C) infused dishes for a panel of,
Peter Burling and Blair s1ep7 A DEA agent battles killers it must be said, very happy
Tuke, and the Equestrian 1.25 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, and dirty cops to save his
partner from a drug-dealing
judges. There is an unbe-
Eventing comes to an end C, AD)
at Sea Forest Cross-Country 1.50 Infomercials criminal mastermind. Dolph lievable number of weed
Course. 2.50 MasterChef Australia (G, R, Lundgren, Vinnie Jones. products, from cannabis
2.00 Q+A with Jack Tame (R, HD, C) s13ep41 10.35 The Late Show with Stephen sugars to CBD-infused chilli
HD, C) Political interviews 3.40 2 Overnight Colbert (PG)
oil. If we had legalised, this
and discussions. 4.15 The Middle (G, R, HD, C) 11.35 The Crowd Goes Wild
3.10 Infomercials 4.35 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C) (PG, R) could have been us.
5.35 – 6.00 Te Karere (R) 5.00 – 6.00 Infomercials 12.05am – 3.05 Infomercials (G) NETFLIX
■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition
JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 77


6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) Appropriately, special effects legend
8.00 Kōrero Mai (G, R) Rick Baker won the first Academy Award
9.00 Oranga Ngākau (G) in the newly created category of Best
10.00 Iwi Anthems (G, R)
Makeup and Hairstyling. It was his first of
10.30 Whānau Living (G, R)
11.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G) seven; his last one, perhaps also appro-
11.30 Takiura (G, R) priately, was for 2010’s The Wolfman.
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi MOVIES CLASSICS, 6.50pm
12.30 Ka Pai Living (PG, R)

1.00 It’s in the Bag (G, R)
1.30 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga o te
Motu (G, R)
2.00 Tōku Reo (G, R) 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Flipping Bangers (G) 2.05pm Two and a Half Men (PG,
3.00 Kids’ Programmes (G) 10.00 Celebrity Ghost Stories 7.00 Equator from the Air (G) R, HD, C) s10ep18
6.30 Te Ao Mārama (PG, R) 8.00 Nature’s Mysteries (G) 2.30 Hunting Aotearoa (PG, HD)
7.00 Haka Ngahau ā-Rohe: 10.55 Snapped (M, R) 9.00 James Martin’s Great British 2.55 River Monsters (PG, HD, C)
Tamararo (G, R) Coverage 11.55 Buried in the Backyard Adventure (G) 3.50 The Chase Australia (G,
of Tamararo kapa haka (M, R) 10.00 Jade Fever (PG) HD, C)
performances at Te Poho ō 12.55 The Real Housewives of 10.30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 4.40 ABC World News (PG)
Rāwiri, Gisborne. New York City (M, R) s2ep2 11.30 American Pickers (G) 5.05 My Country Kitchen (G, HD)
7.30 Matangireia (G) A series of 1.55 Million Dollar Listing NY 12.30 Nature’s Mysteries (G) 5.35 Impossible Engineering (G,
conversations examining the (PG, R) s5ep12 1.30 Antiques Roadshow (G) R, HD, C, AD)
political legacies of Māori 3.25 Keeping Up with the 2.30 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate 6.35 The Big Bang Theory (G, R,
politicians. Tonight, Hone Kardashians (PG, R) s12ep17 Cookery Course (G) HD, C) s11ep1
Harawira. 4.25 Love It or List It (G, R) 3.30 Meet the Penguins (G) 7.00 Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
8.00 Te Ao with Moana Moana 5.30 Shark Tank (PG) 4.30 James Martin’s Islands to HD, C) s10ep19
Maniapoto presents current 6.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) Highlands (G) 7.30 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C,
affairs. s1ep1 5.30 Mysteries at the Museum AD) s27ep3
8.30 Ake, Ake, Ake! (M) 7.30 Snapped (M) A South (PG) 8.30 Family Guy (M, R, C, AD)
Documentary series about Carolina father is found dead. 6.30 The Yorkshire Auction 10.30 Rick & Morty (M, HD) After
the occupation of Ihumātao. 8.30 An Unexpected Killer (16) A House (G) a series of exhausting
9.30 Boy Nomad (G, R) mother with a bright future 7.30 Russia with Simon Reeve adventures, Rick and Morty
Documentary following nine- in showbusiness is gunned 8.30 Lost Treasures of Egypt (G) decide they need a relaxing
year-old Janibek, who lives in down. 9.30 The Nile: 5000 Years of day at a spa. s3ep6
Mongolia’s Altai Mountains, 9.30 Exhumed (16) The unsolved History (G) 11.00 Robot Chicken (M, HD)
as his father takes him on the murder of Marilyn McIntyre. 10.30 The Yorkshire Auction 11.25 ■ YOLO: Crystal Fantasy (M,
toughest journey, the winter 10.30 Snapped (M, R) House (G) HD) Animated series about
migration. 11.25 Buried in the Backyard 11.30 Mysteries at the Museum two Australian party girls.
10.00 Marae (M, R) (PG) 11.50 – 12.05am The Eric Andre
11.00 – 11.30 Te Ao Mārama (R) 12.15am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.30am Programmes continue Show (16)

7.04 Best Friends Forever (2021, 7.15 Death Becomes Her (1992, 7.30 The Tuskegee Airmen (1995, 6.10 Vita & Virginia (2018, M)
M) Leah Merritt, Harlan Drum PG) Meryl Streep M) Laurence Fishburne Gemma Arterton
8.38 The Operative (2019, 16) 9.00 Intolerable Cruelty (2003, 9.15 Always Outnumbered (1998, 8.00 Liverpool FC: The End of
Diane Kruger M) George Clooney, M) Laurence Fishburne the Storm (2020, PG) UK
10.33 A Beautiful Day in the Catherine Zeta-Jones 11.00 Dementia 13 (1963, M) Luana documentary.
Neighborhood (2019, PG) 10.40 The Frighteners (1996, M) Anders, William Campbell 9.45 I Am Woman (2019, M) Tilda
Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys Michael J Fox, John Astin 12.10 The Graduate (1967, M) Anne Cobham-Hervey
12.23 We Summon the Darkness 12.30 The Cherokee Kid (1996, M) Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman 11.40 Rialto (2019, 16) Tom
(2019, 16) Alexandra Sinbad, James Coburn 1.55 Invasion of the Body Vaughan-Lawlor
Daddario, Keean Johnson 2.05 Mechanics of Love (2017, Snatchers (1956, M) Kevin 1.10 In My Blood It Runs (2019,
1.57 Knives Out (2019, M) Daniel PG) Shenae Grimes-Beech McCarthy, Dana Wynter PG) Australian documentary.
Craig, Chris Evans 3.30 Death at a Funeral (2010) 3.15 The Sailor Who Fell from 2.35 Hava, Maryam, Ayesha
4.10 Little Women (2019, G) (2010, M) Chris Rock Grace with the Sea (1976, 18) (2019, M) Arezoo Ariapoor
Saoirse Ronan 5.05 About a Boy (2002, M) Kris Kristofferson 4.05 People You May Know
6.25 Bad Boys for Life (2020, 16) Hugh Grant, Toni Collette 5.00 Being John Malkovich (1999, (2020, M) UK documentary.
Will Smith, Martin Lawrence 6.45 The Break-Up (2006, M) M) John Cusack 5.40 The Humorist (2019, 16)
8.30 Hooking Up (2020) After breaking up, a couple 6.50 An American Werewolf Aleksey Agranovich
(2020, 16) A freshly- continue to live together as in London (1981, 16) Two 7.25 Oceans Apart: Greed,
fired sex columnist and a hostile roommates. Jennifer American backpackers are Betrayal and Pacific Rugby
recently-diagnosed cancer Aniston, Vince Vaughn attacked by a werewolf while (2020, M) UK documentary.
patient embark on a road 8.30 Valley Girl (1983, 16) A travelling in Britain. David 8.30 Rialto World: The Ground
trip. Brittany Snow, Sam sweet-natured girl from the Naughton, Griffin Dunne, Beneath My Feet (2019,
Richardson Valley falls for a boy from Jenny Agutter 16) Valerie Pachner, Pia
10.20 The Doorman (2020, 16) the wrong side of the tracks. 8.30 It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Hierzegger
A former soldier faces Deborah Foreman, Nicolas World (1963, G) A group 10.15 The Hunt for a Killer (18)
armed thieves searching for Cage of people race to score a s1ep5
priceless art in her building. 10.10 Let’s Be Cops (2014, M) Jake stash of stolen loot. Spencer 11.00 Hail Satan? (2019, M) US
Ruby Rose, Jean Reno Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr Tracey, Milton Berle documentary.
11.55 Hard Kill (2020, 16) Jesse 11.55 Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001, 11.00 The Man Who Fell to Earth 12.35am Girls Lost (2015, 16) 2.25
Metcalfe, Bruce Willis M) Renee Zellweger (1976, 18) David Bowie Brassic (16) s1ep1 3.10 Women Make
1.35am The Good Liar (2019, 16) 1.30am Roxanne (1987, PG) 3.13 1.15am Warpath (1951, PG) 2.47 The Film (16) s1ep5 4.15 People You
3.25 Hunt for the Truth (2016, M) Are We Officially Dating? (2014, 16) Tuskegee Airmen (1995, M) 4.30 May Know (2020, M) 5.50 Hava,
4.58 Hooking Up (2020, 16) 4.44 Let’s Be Cops (2014, M) Always Outnumbered (1998, M) Maryam, Ayesha (2019, M)

78 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


SKY CHANNELS Next Door (M) 10.20 Disappeared (M) 11.15 Evil
Lives Here (M) 12.10 The Perfect Murder (M) 1.05
Scorned: Crimes of Passion (M) 2.00 Forbidden:
Vibe SKY 006 Dying for Love (M) 2.55 I’d Kill for You (M) 3.50 The
Happy Face Killer Mind of a Monster (M) 5.40 Evil
6.00 Judging Amy (M) s4ep23 6.50 Judge Judy
Kin (M) 6.35 The Perfect Murder (M) 7.30 People
(PG) 7.15 Medium (M) s2ep20 8.05 Cold Case (M)
Magazine Investigates (M) 8.30 American Monster
8.55 Parenthood (M) s2ep10 9.45 The Good Wife
(M) 9.30 Evil Lives Here (M) 11.25 Nightmare Next
(M) s1ep5 10.35 Judge Judy (PG) 11.25 Murder,
Door (M) 12.15am Programmes continue
Mystery and My Family: Case Closed (M) s1ep5
12.15 How to Lose Weight Well (PG) s4ep5 1.05
The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco (M) s1ep6 2.00 Sky Arts SKY 020
Medium (M) s2ep20 2.50 Cold Case (M) 3.40 6.30 Rock Legends: Coldplay 7.15 Rock Legends:
Parenthood (M) s2ep10 4.30 Judge Judy (PG) 5.30 Prince 8.00 Moment Musical 8.55 Gaming in
Judging Amy (M) s4ep23 6.30 The Good Wife (M) Symphony 10.05 Looking for Rembrandt 11.05
s1ep5 7.30 Our Girl (16) s2ep5 8.30 Unforgotten (M) Critical Thinkers 11.30 Park Life 1.00 Eric Clapton:
Cassie and Sunny’s four suspects all deny knowing Planes, Trains and Eric 2.30 Rock Legends: Coldplay
the victim. s4ep2 10.15 Parenthood (M) s2ep10 11.05 3.15 Rock Legends: Prince 4.00 ■ The Death of
Judge Judy (PG) 11.35 Our Girl (16) s2ep5 12.45am Antonio Sanchez Lomas (2019, PG) 5.30 ■ The
Programmes continue Ghost of Peter Sellers (2018, G) 7.00 Scenes from
a Ferry by Alexander Ekman 2017 7.30 Put Some
Colour in Your Life 8.20 Boswell and Johnson’s Sky Sport 1: Lille v Paris Saint-Germain
UKTV SKY 007 Scottish Journey 9.15 Cold War and Cinema 10.00 6.55am
6.40 The Jonathan Ross Show (M) s15ep8 7.30
The Disordered Eye 11.00 Renzo Piano: Architect of
The Bill (M) 8.20 A Touch of Frost (M) s6ep4 10.10
Call the Midwife (PG) s4ep5 11.10 Doc Martin (M)
Light 12.00am Programmes continue SKY SPORT
s2ep6 Noon Midsomer Murders (M) s16ep3 1.35 The
Bill (M) 2.25 New Tricks (M) s4ep7 3.25 8 Out of Discovery SKY 070
10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 4.20 The Jonathan 6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.30 How It’s Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
Ross Show (M) s15ep9 5.15 Who Do You Think You Made (PG) 6.55 Gold Rush Marathon (PG) 9.25 6.00 Super Netball, highlights 6.30 ANZ
Are? (PG) 6.20 QI (M) 6.55 EastEnders (PG) 7.25 Gold Rush: White Water (PG) 10.20 Aussie Gold Premiership, elimination final, highlights 6.55
QI (M) With Janet Street Porter, Sandi Toksvig and Hunters (PG) 11.15 Naked and Afraid: Alone (M) Football, Trophée des Champions, Lille v Paris Saint-
Johnny Vegas. 8.00 Would I Lie to You? (PG) With 12.10 Mysteries at the Museum (PG) 1.05 NASA’s Germain, live 9.10 Farah Palmer Cup, highlights
Jo Brand, Simon Day, Kiri Pritchard-McClean and Unexplained Files (PG) 2.00 Aussie Salvage Squad 9.30 South Africa v British & Irish Lions, 2nd test,
Henning Wehn. 8.30 Death in Paradise (PG) s6ep5 (PG) 2.55 Homestead Rescue (PG) 3.50 Gold Rush: replay 11.30 Farah Palmer Cup, highlights Noon 1st
9.35 Guilt (M) Two very different Scottish brothers Parker’s Trail Marathon (PG) 7.30 Aussie Mega XV Rugby, Hastings Boys’ High v Tauranga Boys’,
kill an old man while driving home. s1ep1 10.40 Mechanics (PG) 9.30 Airplane Repo (PG) 10.30 highlights 12.30 British & Irish Lions, highlights 12.45
Traces (M) Emma’s digging ruffles a few feathers. Bering Sea Gold (PG) 11.25 Naked and Afraid (M) Football, CONCACAF Gold Cup, final, from Nevada,
s1ep3 11.30 Midsomer Murders (M) s16ep3 1.05am 12.15am Programmes continue live 3.00 Rugby Nation Sundays 3.30 British &
Programmes continue Irish Lions, highlights 4.00 Farah Palmer Cup,
replay 6.00 Bellator 263, replay 8.00 Rugby Nation
National Geographic SKY 072 Sundays 8.30 The Breakdown 9.30 Rugby, Lions
SoHo SKY 010 6.30 Airport Security: Peru (M) 7.30 Sharks Tour 2009, South Africa v Lions, replay 11.45 Farah
6.05 Cinema Toast (16) s1ep1 6.35 Flatbush vs Dolphins: Blood Battle (PG) 8.30 Air Crash Palmer Cup, replay 1.40am 1st XV Rugby, Hastings
Misdemeanors (16) s1ep1 7.05 Devs (16) s1ep7 Investigation: Special Report (PG) 9.30 Air Crash Boys’ High v Tauranga Boys’ 3.10 Farah Palmer Cup,
7.55 Baptiste (16) s2ep2 8.55 Big Little Lies (16) Investigation (PG) 10.30 Shark Attack Files (M)
Taranaki v Tasman, replay 5.05 Cricket, West Indies
s2ep3 9.40 Real Time with Bill Maher (M) s19ep21 11.30 Wicked Tuna (PG) 12.30 Decades Remixed:
v Pakistan, 4th T20, highlights
10.40 Mr Inbetween (16) s3ep6 11.10 Dave (16) The 80s Greatest (PG) 1.30 Invasion Earth (PG)
s2ep7 11.40 Cinema Toast (16) s1ep1 12.10 Flatbush 3.30 Seconds from Disaster (PG) 5.30 Drain the
Misdemeanors (16) s1ep1 1.00 Baptiste (16) s2ep2 Oceans (PG) 6.30 Airport Security: Peru (M) 7.30 Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
2.00 Real Time with Bill Maher (M) s19ep21 3.00 Outback Wrangler (PG) 8.30 Wicked Tuna (PG) 7.00 Golf, US Senior Women’s Open, from
Mr Inbetween (16) s3ep6 3.30 Dave (16) s2ep7 9.30 Wicked Tuna S10 Best ofs (PG) 10.30 When Connecticut, live 9.00 Netball Zone, replay 9.30
4.15 Animals (16) s3ep8 4.45 New Amsterdam (M) Sharks Attack (PG) 11.30 Australia: Life on the Edge Super Netball, replay 11.00 Sunday Night with
s1ep18 5.30 The Deuce (18) s2ep3 6.30 Ballers (16) 12.30am Programmes continue Matty Johns Noon Golf, LPGA, ISPS Handa World
s5ep6 7.00 Black Monday (16) s3ep8 7.30 Last Invitational, round 4 12.30 Golf, European Tour,
Week Tonight with John Oliver (M) s8ep19 8.00 In History SKY 073 ISPS Handa World Invitational, round 4 1.00 NRL
Treatment (M) Brooke learns that Laila’s desire to Premiership, Sydney Roosters v Parramatta Eels
escape dates back to her earliest memories. s4ep11 6.30 The Real War of Thrones (M) 7.30 History
of Warfare (PG) 8.30 Time Team 9.30 How the 1.30 NRL Premiership, Brisbane Broncos v North
8.30 The White Lotus (16) After Shane shoots down Queensland Cowboys 2.00 NRL Premiership,
her latest career plans, Rachel is further blindsided Victorians Built Britain (PG) 10.30 Secrets of the
Railways (PG) 11.30 The Real War of Thrones (M) St George Illawarra Dragons v South Sydney
by an unexpected arrival. s1ep4 9.30 Eden (16) Rabbitohs 2.30 NRL Premiership, Newcastle
Scout steps into Hedwig’s mind to uncover the 12.30 History of Warfare (PG) 1.30 WWII: Total
War (16) 2.30 Tanks 3.30 Line of Fire (PG) 4.30 Knights v Canberra Raiders 3.00 NRL Premiership,
truth. s1ep8 10.15 Fosse/Verdon (M) s1ep1 11.05 Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers 3.30 NRL
Shameless (18) s9ep1 12.00am Programmes Secrets of War (M) 5.30 Secrets of Britain’s Great
Cathedrals (PG) 6.30 Time Team (PG) 7.30 Ancient Premiership, Canterbury Bulldogs v Gold Coast
continue Titans 4.00 NRL Premiership, Cronulla Sharks v
Engineering (PG) 8.30 River Hunters (PG) 9.30
David Starkey’s Magna Carta (PG) 10.30 Myth Manly Sea Eagles 4.30 NRL Premiership, Wests
Living SKY 017 Hunters (PG) 11.30 Broken Arrows: The Bombs of Tigers v NZ Warriors, replay 6.30 Sunday Night with
6.15 Escape to the Country (PG) 7.10 30 Minute the Cold War (PG) 12.30am Programmes continue Matty Johns 7.30 Big League Wrap 8.30 NRL 360,
Meals (PG) 7.40 The Pioneer Woman (PG) 8.10 live 9.30 Fox Sports News, live 10.30 AFL on the
House Hunters (PG) 9.00 Escape to the Country Couch, live 11.30 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan, 4th
(PG) 10.00 Long Lost Family UK 11.00 Salvage
BBC Earth SKY 074 T20, replay 3.00am ANZ Premiership, eliminator
Hunters (PG) 11.55 Location Location Location 6.00 Frozen Planet (PG) 6.50 Frozen Planet: The final, replay 4.30 Super Netball, replay
(PG) 12.55 Long Lost Family (PG) 1.50 Escape to Making of (PG) 7.00 Life Below Zero (M) 7.50
Where the Wild Men Are: Revisited (PG) 8.40
the Country (PG) 2.45 House Hunters (PG) 3.45
Wonders of the Universe (PG) 9.40 Trust Me, I’m Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
30 Minute Meals (PG) 4.10 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 7.05 Tokyo Olympics, Athletics, Women’s Shot Put,
4.45 Long Lost Family UK 5.40 Selling Houses a Doctor (PG) 10.40 The Dog Rescuers with Alan
Davies (PG) 11.25 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 12.15 final 8.40 Men’s Golf, round 4 9.40, Sailing, day 9,
Australia 6.35 Location Location Location (PG) 7.30
Dynasties (PG) 1.10 Wonders of the Universe (PG) Mixed Multihull Nacra 17 Foiling 10-12, Men’s Finn
Salvage Hunters (PG) 8.25 Grand Designs Australia
2.10 Frozen Planet (PG) 3.05 Animal Impossible 09-10, Men’s and Women’s 470 07-08, Men’s Laser
(PG) 9.20 Selling Houses Australia (PG) 10.15 The
(PG) 4.00 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 5.05 Life final, Women’s Laser Radial final, highlights 10.30
World’s Most Extraordinary Homes (PG) 11.20
Below Zero (M) 5.55 Where the Wild Men Are: Tokyo 2020, day 9, highlights 11.30 Tokyo Gold,
House Hunters (PG) 12.10am Programmes continue
Revisited (PG) 6.50 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Athletics, live 2.00am Track Cycling, Women’s

Davies (PG) 7.40 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 8.30 Life Team qualifying, Women’s Team Sprint and finals,
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 Below Zero (PG) 9.25 Where the Wild Men Are: Women’s Team Pursuit qualifying, highlights
6.05 Forbidden: Dying for Love (M) 6.55 Signs Revisited (PG) 10.20 Dynasties (PG) 11.15 Dynasties: 2.30 Women’s Weightlifting, 87kg Group A, 87kg
of a Psychopath (M) 7.45 Reasonable Doubt (M) The Making of (PG) 11.25 Animal Impossible (PG) victory ceremony 4.55 Men’s Shooting, 50m Rifle 3
8.35 Hometown Homicide (M) 9.25 Nightmare 12.20am Programmes continue Positions, finals, from Asaka Shooting Range

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 79

6.00 Breakfast (HD, C) John 6.00 Les Mills Born to Move (G, 6.00 The AM Show (HD) With
Campbell and Jenny-May HD, C) Duncan Garner, Amanda
Clarkson present news, sport, 6.25 Ricky Zoom (G, R, HD, C) Gillies and Mark Richardson.
information and weather. 6.35 Clifford the Big Red Dog (G, 9.00 Infomercials
9.00 Winning Combination HD, C) 10.30 The Vet Life (PG, HD) s2ep7
(HD, C, AD) Omid Djalili 7.00 The Dog and Pony Show (G, 11.30 Newshub Live (HD)
presents a UK game show R, HD, C) Noon House Hunters Renovation
in which nine contestants 7.25 Alvinnn!!! And the (G, HD) s10ep4
are assigned a number from Chipmunks (G, R, HD, C) 1.00 ■ A Mother’s Crime (2017, M,
1-9 and compete with each 7.50 Miraculous: Tales of HD, C) A widow who adopts
other in general knowledge Ladybug and Cat Noir (G, R, her niece is targeted by her
rounds. HD, C) sister when she gets out of
10.00 The Chase (G, R, HD, C) 8.15 Darwin and Newts (G, HD, prison. April Bowlby, Jenny
Orbital: VICE VERSA: Bradley Walsh hosts a UK C, AD) Gabrielle, Brytnee Ratledge.
BETWEEN MUSK AND quiz show. 8.25 Thomas & Friends (G, R, HD, 3.00 Match Game (PG, HD, C)
11.00 The Extreme Cake Makers C, AD) s2ep12
MARS (G, R, HD, C) UK series 8.35 Rainbow Rangers (G, HD, C) 3.55 House Crashers (G, HD)
DOCUMENTARY: What’s with featuring the bakers of 8.55 Kiri and Lou (G, R, HD) s13ep3
extraordinary cakes. Today, 9.00 Infomercials 4.30 Newshub Live (HD)
these billionaires and their they may have the passion, 10.00 Les Mills BodyBalance (G, 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat (G, HD)
rockets? Richard Branson’s but can extreme cake HD, C) 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
been to the edge of the makers deliver to the highest 10.30 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C) 7.00 The Project (HD) With Laura
atmosphere, Jeff Bezos spent standards expected of them? 11.00 All Rise (M, HD, C) s2ep13 Tupou, Jesse Mulligan and
11.30 Te Karere (C) A Māori 11.50 The Royals (PG, HD, C) s2ep4 Jeremy Corbett.
10 minutes out there, and perspective on the day’s 12.50 Emmerdale (PG, HD, C, AD) 7.30 The Block NZ (PG, HD, C,
Elon Musk has taken over a news and current affairs. 1.45 Murphy Brown (PG, R, HD) another episode screens
whole town in Texas for his Noon 1 News (HD, C) 2.35 Home and Away (PG, R, C) tomorrow) Budget woes
12.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 3.05 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, push one team to the edge.
SpaceX project, where he s9ep30
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street C, AD)
launches rockets, houses presents day 11 coverage of 3.40 Holly Hobbie (G, R, HD, C) 8.30 Emergency (M, HD, C)
employees and plans to build the 2020 Summer Olympics 4.05 Brain Busters (G, C) Dr Miriam Yassa helps an
a simulated Mars village. The in Tokyo, with insight from 4.30 Friends (G, R, HD, C) s7ep8 off-road motorbiker who
Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross 5.00 The Simpsons (G, R, HD, C, collided with a roo. s2ep5
sleepy retirement town of 9.25 NCIS: Los Angeles (M, HD,
and reporters Kimberlee AD) s18ep15
Boca Chica has been turned Downs, Chris Chang, Guy 5.30 Young Sheldon (PG, R, HD, C) Callen and the team must
into a war zone, according to Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai C) s1ep3 rescue Anna before she is
one resident; others say he is on the ground in Tokyo. 6.00 Neighbours (PG, HD, C) forcibly returned to Russia.
New Zealand athletes will Polyamory is considered on s12ep14
destroying a wildlife corridor. be searching for Olympic Ramsay Street. 10.20 Newshub Late
This doco meets the people glory in more than 20 6.30 Home and Away (PG, 10.50 Westside (16, R, HD, C) A
who have refused to leave sports. Today, Canoe Sprint C) Justin returns to the sexy blast from Rita’s prison
K1 200m from Sea Forest interview room. past arrives with dangerous
and the tactics SpaceX has intentions. s3ep3
Waterway featuring Lisa 7.00 Shortland Street (PG, HD, C,
been employing to get them Carrington, Athletics, Men’s AD) Jack rages against an 11.55 – 6.00am Infomercials
to sell up. 1500m heats from Olympic injustice, Chris is caught in a
NEON Stadium featuring Nick Willis
and Sam Tanner, and Sailing
compromising position, and
Leanne pushes herself to the
from Enoshima Yacht Harbor, limit. 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
featuring Josh Junior. 7.30 MasterChef Australia (PG, 9.00 A Place in the Sun (G, R)
6.00 1 News (HD, C) HD, C, another episode 10.00 A Place in the Sun: Winter
7.00 Seven Sharp (HD, C) Hilary screens tomorrow)
Sun (G, R)
Barry and Jeremy Wells Contestants must create
11.00 Hot Bench (PG, R)
present current affairs and Khanh Nguyen’s pork
11.30 Married with Children
entertainment. wellington with lattice
(PG, R)
7.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 crackling and flavours of
12.30 Tommy (M, R, C)
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson banh mi. s13ep42
1.30 Just Shoot Me (PG, R, C)
presents coverage of the 8.35 ■ Amazing Grace (M, C, AD)
evening session of day 11, Grace and Kirk struggle on 2.00 The Late Show with Stephen
with insight from Olympian the day of Eadie’s adoption. Colbert (PG, R)
Sarah Cowley Ross and s1ep8 3.00 Wheel of Fortune (G)
3.30 Jeopardy (G)
One world: ZULU SUMMER reporters Kimberlee Downs, 9.35 Grey’s Anatomy (M, HD,
4.00 American Pickers (PG, R)
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt C) Koracick begins to go
DOCUMENTARY: Described and Rapaera Tawhai on stir crazy, and Maggie gets 5.00 3rd Rock from the Sun
as a “real-life Coming to the ground in Tokyo. New a glimpse into Winston’s (PG, R, C)
Zealand athletes will be background. s17ep4 5.30 Prime News
America” by Indiewire, this 6.00 Storage Wars (PG)
searching for Olympic glory 10.30 2 Broke Girls (M, R, HD, C)
feelgood doco follows the in more than 20 sports. s2ep18 7.00 The Crowd Goes Wild
stranger-than-fiction story of Tonight, Kiwis in action on 12.20am All Rise (M, R, HD, C) 7.30 Making New Zealand (PG, R,
a Zulu prince who contacted the Cycling track, Athletics, s2ep12 C) Farming ingenuity.
Hammer final featuring Julia 1.05 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, 8.30 ■ North America with
a radio host in Butte, Mon- Simon Reeve (PG, R, C)
Ratcliffe and Lauren Bruce, C, AD)
tana, to ask if he could visit. and Artistic Gymnastics 1.30 Infomercials Central America.
Once it was established as not final from the Olympic 2.30 MasterChef Australia (PG, R, 9.35 ■ Extreme Love Stories (16,
a hoax, the town welcomed Gymnastics Centre. HD, C) s13ep42 R, C)
2.15 Infomercials 3.25 2 Overnight 10.35 The Breakdown (G)
the prince and his delegation
5.35 – 6.00 Te Karere (R) A Māori 4.15 The Middle (G, R, HD, C) 11.45 The Late Show with Stephen
with open arms. perspective on the day’s 4.35 Neighbours (PG, R, HD, C) Colbert (PG)
TVNZ ONDEMAND news and current affairs. 5.00 – 6.00 Infomercials 12.45am – 3.45 Infomercials (G)

■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition

80 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


The movies are littered with guys who
6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) must step up after they are dumped
8.00 Kōrero Mai (G, R)
with a kid, but this French drama is
9.00 Life of Kai (G, R)
9.30 Ōpaki (G)
more profound than those light-
10.00 Iwi Anthems (G, R) weights: seven-year-old Amanda’s
10.30 Whānau Living (G, R) mother is killed in a terrorist attack
11.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G) and her 24-year-old brother must take
11.30 My Māori Midwife (G, R) responsibility. RIALTO, 3.20pm
11.45 Te Awe (G, R)

Noon Te Ao Tapatahi
12.30 Ka Pai Living (PG)
1.00 It’s in the Bag (G, R)
1.30 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga o te 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Flipping Bangers (G) 2.10pm Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
Motu (G, R) 10.00 Judge Jerry (G, R) 7.00 Islands to Highlands (G) HD, C) s10ep19
2.00 Tōku Reo (G, R) 10.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 8.00 Meet the Penguins (G) 2.35 Hunting Aotearoa (M, HD)
3.00 Kids’ Programmes (G) 11.25 Snapped (M, R) 9.00 Great British Adventure (G) 3.00 River Monsters (PG, HD, C)
6.30 Te Ao Mārama 12.20 Buried in the Backyard 10.00 Jade Fever (PG) 3.55 The Chase Australia (G,
7.00 Senior Kapa Haka Regionals (M, R) 10.30 Mysteries at the Museum HD, C)
(G, R) 1.20 The Real Housewives of (PG) 4.45 ABC World News (PG)
7.30 Toi Te Ora: Our Way of Life New York City (M, R) s2ep3 11.30 The Yorkshire Auction 5.10 My Country Kitchen
(G) Building a pallet bar, 2.20 Million Dollar Listing NY House (G) (PG, HD)
raising tamariki, gardening (PG, R) s6ep1 12.30 The Nile (G) 5.35 Impossible Engineering (G,
tips and cooking from 3.30 Keeping Up with the 1.30 Lost Treasures of Egypt (G) R, HD, C, AD)
garden to table. Kardashians (PG, R) s12ep18 2.30 Russia with Simon Reeve 6.35 The Big Bang Theory (G, R,
8.00 Moon Tide Fishing (G) The 4.30 Love It or List It (G, R) 3.30 Hope for Wildlife (G) HD, C) s11ep2
Māwharu phase is known as 5.30 Shark Tank (PG) 4.30 Jamie’s Quick and Easy (G) 7.05 Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
a good day for fishing. 6.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 5.00 Gino’s Italian Escape (G) HD, C) s10ep20
8.30 Animal Armory (G) s1ep2 5.30 Mysteries at the Museum 7.30 The Simpsons (G, R, HD,
Wildlife series about animal 7.30 Rich Kids Go Skint (M) (PG) C, AD) Lisa befriends a
defences. Series in which young adults 6.30 Forged in Fire: Beat the super-rich new kid at school.
9.30 Wild Kai Legends (PG) forgo their wealthy lifestyles. Judges (PG) s27ep6
Tamati Rimene-Sproat meets 8.30 The Real Housewives of 7.30 George Clarke’s Amazing 8.30 ■ Abduction (2011, 16, HD, C,
hunters around Aotearoa. Beverly Hills (M) Sutton and Spaces (G) AD) A young man sets out
10.00 Hunting with Tūī (M, R) Tūī Crystal connect with Erika. 8.30 The House that 100K Built to uncover the truth about
and her daughter Stevie 9.30 Killer Couples (M) An 9.30 Money for Nothing (G) his life after finding his baby
go hunting in rugged Te Oklahoma father is murdered. 10.30 Forged in Fire: Beat the photo on a missing persons
Urewera country. 10.30 Snapped (M, R) Judges (PG) website. Taylor Lautner, Lily
10.30 2021 Waka Ama 11.25 Buried in the Backyard 11.30 Mysteries at the Museum Collins.
Championships (M, R) (PG) 10.25 – 12.00am ■ Live PD: PD
11.00 – 11.30 Te Ao Mārama (R) 12.15am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.30am Programmes continue Cam (M, HD)

6.41 Escape from Pretoria (2020, 6.25 Van Wilder: Party Liaison 6.15 Earthly Possessions (1999, 7.15 Oceans Apart: Greed,
M) Daniel Radcliffe (2002, 16) Ryan Reynolds M) Susan Sarandon Betrayal and Pacific Rugby
8.25 Psycho Wedding Planner 7.55 Greed (2020, 16) Steve 7.59 The Gathering Storm (2002, (2020, M) UK documentary.
(2017, M) Heather Morris Coogan, Isla Fisher M) Albert Finney 8.20 The Humorist (2019, 16)
10.00 The Night Clerk (2020, 16) 9.36 The Legend of Baron To’a 9.32 Rio Grande (1950, G) John Aleksey Agranovich
Tye Sheridan (2019, 16) Uli Latukefu Wayne, Maureen O’Hara 10.05 Hail Satan? (2019, M) US
11.30 Bloodshot (2020, M) Vin 11.20 Let’s Be Cops (2014, M) Jake 11.15 The Carpetbaggers (1964, documentary.
Diesel, Eiza Gonzalez Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr M) George Peppard 11.40 The Ground Beneath My
1.20 Force of Nature (2020, 16) 1.05 Chance of a Lifetime (1998, 1.40 Perfect Friday (1970, M) Feet (2019, 16) Valerie
Mel Gibson, Emile Hirsch PG) John Ritter, Katey Sagal Ursula Andress Pachner
3.00 I Still Believe (2020, PG) 2.35 A Moving Romance (2017, 3.15 The Three Musketeers (1973, 1.30 Hillary: Ocean to Sky (2019,
KJ Apa, Britt Robertson PG) Ambyr Childers G) Oliver Reed PG) NZ documentary.
4.55 The Invisible Man (2020) 4.00 Yes, God, Yes (2019, 16) 5.00 Awakenings (1990, PG) 3.20 Amanda (2018, 16) Vincent
(2020, 16) Elisabeth Moss Natalia Dyer, Timothy Simons Robert De Niro Lacoste
7.00 Jungleland (2020, 16) To 5.15 Land of the Lost (2009, M) 7.00 Stand by Me (1986, M) 5.10 Pond Life (2018, M) Siobhan
pay off a debt, two brothers Will Ferrell, Danny McBride Four youngsters set out to Finneran
travel to a no-holds-barred 6.55 David Brent: Life on the find the body of a missing 6.50 Strokes of Genius (2018, G)
boxing match. Charlie Road (2016, M) Ricky boy. River Phoenix, Corey US documentary.
Hunnam, Jack O’Connell, Gervais, Mandeep Dhillon Feldman, Wil Wheaton, Jerry 8.30 The Hunt for a Killer (18)
Jessica Barden 8.30 Three Amigos! (1986, PG) O’Connell Pelle decides to tear apart
8.30 Bellbird (2019, M) A rural Three Hollywood western 8.30 Crossroads (1986, PG) A the cabin where Ulf Olsson
community rallies around stars go to Mexico for a wannabe blues guitarist lived when Helen went
a recently widowed farmer publicity appearance, but seeks a long-lost song by missing. s1ep6
to help him cope with his find they’ve been summoned legendary musician Robert 9.20 Being Frank: The Chris
grief. Marshall Napier, Cohen to save a village. Chevy Johnson. Ralph Macchio, Joe Sievey Story (2018, M) UK
Holloway, Annie Whittle, Chase, Steve Martin Seneca, Jami Gertz, John documentary.
Rachel House 10.15 Chef (2014, M) Jon Favreau, Hancock 11.05 Acid (2018, 18) Aleksandr
10.10 Midway (2019, M) Ed Skrein, Sofia Vergara 10.10 All That Jazz (1979, M) Roy Kuznetsov
Patrick Wilson 12.10am Bridget Jones: The Edge of Scheider, Jessica Lange 12.45am Made in Boise (2019,
12.25am The Postcard Killings Reason (2004, M) 1.55 David Brent: 12.10am The Dead Zone (1983, PG) M) 2.05 Brassic (16) s1ep2 2.50
(2019, 16) 2.10 Papillon (2019, 16) Life on the Road (2016, M) 3.30 1.55 Earthly Possessions (1999, M) Women Make Film (16) s1ep6 3.55
4.20 The Grudge (2020, 16) 5.55 Bend It Like Beckham (2002, PG) 3.40 The Gathering Storm (2002, Acid (2018, 18) 5.35 Strokes of
The Courier (2019, 16) 5.20 Chef (2014, M) M) 5.15 Rio Grande (1950, G) Genius (2018, G)

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 81


SKY CHANNELS (M) 1.05 Scorned: Crimes of Passion (M) 2.00

Forbidden: Dying for Love (M) 2.55 I’d Kill for You
(M) 3.50 American Monster (M) 4.45 Evil Lives
Vibe SKY 006 Here (M) 5.40 Evil Kin (M) 6.35 The Perfect Murder
(M) 7.30 People Magazine Investigates (M) 9.30
6.00 Judging Amy (M) s4ep24 6.50 Judge Judy
The Happy Face Killer Mind of a Monster (M) 11.25
(PG) 7.15 Medium (M) s2ep21 8.05 Cold Case (M)
Nightmare Next Door (M) 12.15am Programmes
8.50 Parenthood (M) s2ep11 9.40 The Good Wife
(M) s1ep6 10.25 Judge Judy (PG) 11.15 Unforgotten
(M) s4ep2 12.55 Our Girl (16) s2ep5 2.00 Medium
(M) s2ep21 2.50 Cold Case (M) 3.40 Parenthood Sky Arts SKY 020
(M) s2ep11 4.30 Judge Judy (PG) 5.30 Judging 6.00 The Disordered Eye 7.00 Renzo Piano:
Amy (M) s4ep24 6.30 The Good Wife (M) s1ep6 Architect of Light 8.00 ■ The Death of Antonio
7.30 Frankie Drake Mysteries (M) A man claiming to Sanchez Lomas (2019, PG) 9.30 ■ The Ghost
be Frankie’s half-brother shows up at the agency. of Peter Sellers (2018, G) 11.00 Scenes from a
s3ep4 8.30 Vera (M) Vera investigates a 30-year-old Ferry by Alexander Ekman 2017 11.30 Put Some
case when the remains of a teenage girl are found Colour in Your Life 12.20 Boswell and Johnson’s
in the woods. s5ep2 10.15 Parenthood (M) s2ep11 Scottish Journey 1.15 Cold War and Cinema 2.00
11.10 Judge Judy (PG) 11.40 Frankie Drake Mysteries The Disordered Eye 3.00 Renzo Piano: Architect
(M) s3ep4 12.40am Programmes continue of Light 4.00 Comedy Legends 5.30 Up to the
Sky 6.00 Artist to Icon 7.30 The Art Detectives BBC Earth:Walking
Earth: Walking the Himalayas
Himalayas, 8
UKTV SKY 007 8.30 Art of Architecture Specials 10.00 ■ The
Sea of Itami Jun (2019, G) Documentary about a
6.45 EastEnders (PG) 7.10 The Jonathan Ross Show
(M) s15ep9 8.00 The Bill (M) 8.50 A Touch of Frost
(M) s7ep1 10.10 Call the Midwife (PG) s4ep6 11.10
Korean architect who was raised in Japan. 12.00am
Programmes continue SKY SPORT
Doc Martin (M) s2ep7 Noon Midsomer Murders (M)
s16ep4 1.35 The Bill (M) 2.25 New Tricks (M) s4ep8 Discovery SKY 070 Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
3.25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 4.20 6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.30 How It’s 6.00 Super League, Leeds Rhinos v Warrington
The Jonathan Ross Show (M) s15ep10 5.15 Who Made (PG) 6.55 Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail Marathon Wolves, highlights 6.30 Super League, Hull v St
Do You Think You Are? (PG) 6.20 QI (PG) 6.55 (PG) 9.25 Fast N’ Loud (PG) 10.20 Aussie Mega Helens, from MKM Stadium, Hull, live 9.00 British
EastEnders (PG) 7.25 QI (M) 8.00 Would I Lie to Mechanics (PG) 11.15 Aussie Gold Hunters (PG) & Irish Lions, highlights 9.15 Currie Cup, Golden
You? (PG) 8.35 Heartbeat (PG) An old villain returns 12.10 Mysteries at the Museum (PG) 1.05 Naked and Lions v Pumas, replay 11.15 Farah Palmer Cup,
to Aidensfield and has a score to settle with the Afraid (M) 2.00 Aussie Salvage Squad (PG) 2.55 Taranaki v Tasman, highlights 11.45 Farah Palmer
Ashfordly police. s18ep2 9.30 Call the Midwife (PG) Homestead Rescue (PG) 3.50 Gold Rush: Dave Cup, highlights 2.15 British & Irish Lions, highlights
As Poplar prepares for Christmas, the nuns leave for Turin’s Lost Mine Marathon (PG) 8.30 UFO Witness 2.30 Football, Trophée des Champions, Lille v Paris
the Mother House to vote in a new mother superior (PG) 9.30 Vampires: Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Saint-Germain, replay 5.00 Football, CONCACAF
and to help care for a group of Chinese orphans. 10.30 Alien Highway (PG) 11.25 Naked and Afraid Gold Cup, final, replay 7.30 Farah Palmer Cup,
11.10 Doc Martin (PG) s6ep5 12.00am Programmes (M) 12.15am Programmes continue Taranaki v Tasman, highlights from TET Stadium &
continue Events Centre, New Plymouth 8.00 Farah Palmer
National Geographic SKY 072 Cup, highlights 8.30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 9.00
SoHo SKY 010 6.30 Airport Security: Peru (M) 7.30 Outback The Breakdown 10.00 Rugby Heaven 11.00 Farah
6.05 Black Monday (16) s3ep8 6.35 Last Week Wrangler (PG) 8.30 Wicked Tuna (PG) 9.30 Palmer Cup, replay 1.00am Farah Palmer Cup,
Tonight with John Oliver (M) s8ep19 7.10 High Wicked Tuna S10 Best ofs (PG) 10.30 When Sharks replay 3.00 NRL Premiership, Cronulla Sharks v
Maintenance (16) s2ep1 7.40 In Treatment (M) Attack (PG) 11.30 Australia: Life on the Edge 12.30 Manly Sea Eagles, replay 5.00 Super League, Hull
s4ep11 8.10 The White Lotus (16) s1ep4 9.10 Eden Decades Remixed: The 80s Greatest (PG) 1.30 v St Helens, highlights 5.30 Super League, Leeds
(16) s1ep8 9.55 Shameless (18) s9ep1 10.50 Black Megastructures 2.30 Food Factory Marathon (PG) Rhinos v Warrington Wolves, highlights
Monday (16) s3ep8 11.20 Last Week Tonight with 4.30 Wicked Tuna S10 Best ofs (PG) 5.30 Wicked
John Oliver (M) s8ep19 11.55 In Treatment (M) Tuna (PG) 6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M) Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
s4ep11 12.25 The White Lotus (16) s1ep4 1.25 Eden 7.30 Hitler’s Secret Attack on America (PG) 8.30 6.00 Tennis, ATP 500, Citi Open, day 1, from Rock
(16) s1ep8 2.10 Fosse/Verdon (M) s1ep1 3.00 Share Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (PG) 9.30 Titanic: 20 Creek Park Tennis Center, Washington DC, live 1.00
(16) 4.25 Animals (16) s3ep9 4.50 New Amsterdam Years Later with James Cameron (PG) 10.30 When NRL Premiership, highlights 1.30 Super League,
(M) s1ep19 5.35 The Deuce (18) s2ep4 6.35 Jett Sharks Attack (PG) 11.30 Seconds from Disaster (M) Hull v St Helens, highlights 3.30 Super League,
(16) s1ep8 7.30 Warrior (18) Ah Sahm retreats into 12.30am Programmes continue Leeds Rhinos v Warrington Wolves, highlights
the Chinese working class. s1ep10 8.30 Intergalactic 5.30 Sunday Night with Matty Johns 6.30 Big
(M) Ash and Verona stage a daring rescue, and Tula History SKY 073 League Wrap 7.30 NRL 360 8.30 NRL 360: Yvonne
plays poker in a bid to win her way to the Promised Sampson and Paul Kent discuss the latest from the
Land. s1ep7 9.30 I Know This Much Is True (16) After 6.30 David Starkey’s Magna Carta (PG) 7.30 Myth
Hunters (PG) 8.30 Time Team 9.30 Secrets of NRL Premiership, live 9.30 NRL Try Time 10.30
Thomas Birdsey has a violent public breakdown, Super League, Hull v St Helens, highlights 11.00
Dominick Birdsey steps up to defend his twin. s1ep1 Britain’s Great Cathedrals (PG) 10.30 Time Team
(PG) 11.30 Ancient Engineering (PG) 12.30 River Super League, Leeds Rhinos v Warrington Wolves,
10.30 Watchmen (18) s1ep6 11.30 We’re Here (M) highlights 11.30 Tennis, ATP 500, Citi Open, day 1,
s1ep1 12.30am Programmes continue Hunters (PG) 1.30 Living in the Shadow of World
War Two (PG) 2.30 Zeppelin (PG) 3.30 Line of Fire highlights 12.30am The Back Page 1.30 British &
(PG) 4.30 Secrets of War (M) 5.30 The Nineties (M) Irish Lions, highlights 1.45 West Indies v Pakistan,
Living SKY 017 6.30 Time Team (PG) 7.30 How the Victorians Built 4th T20, highlights 2.45 Cricket, West Indies v
6.15 Escape to the Country (PG) 7.10 30 Minute Britain (PG) 8.30 Chivalry and Betrayal (PG) 9.30 Pakistan, 5th T20, from Guyana National Stadium,
Meals (PG) 7.35 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 8.10 House Europe’s Last Warrior Kings (M) 10.30 The Battle live
Hunters (PG) 9.00 The World’s Most Extraordinary of Little Bighorn (PG) 11.30 The Australian SAS: The
Homes (PG) 10.05 Grand Designs Australia (PG) Untold History (M) 12.30am Programmes continue Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
11.00 Salvage Hunters (PG) 11.55 Location Location
6.30 Tokyo Olympics, Track Cycling, Women’s
Location (PG) 12.55 Selling Houses Australia (PG) BBC Earth SKY 074 Team qualifying, Women’s Team Sprint and finals,
1.50 Escape to the Country (PG) 2.45 House
6.00 Frozen Planet (PG) 6.50 Frozen Planet: The Women’s Team Pursuit qualifying, highlights from
Hunters (PG) 3.45 30 Minute Meals (PG) 4.10
Making of (PG) 7.00 Life Below Zero (M) 7.50 Izu Velodrome 7.00 Tokyo 2020, day 10, highlights
Classic Mary Berry (PG) 4.45 Grand Designs
Where the Wild Men Are: Revisited (PG) 8.40 8.00 Women’s Sailing, day 10, 49er FX final, from
Australia (PG) 5.40 Selling Houses Australia 6.35
Wonders of the Universe (PG) 9.40 Trust Me, I’m Enoshima Yacht Harbour 9.00 Men’s Sailing, day
Location Location Location (PG) 7.30 Salvage
a Doctor (PG) 10.40 The Dog Rescuers with Alan 10, 49er final, from Enoshima Yacht Harbour 10.00
Hunters (PG) 9.25 Restoration Man: Best Builds
Davies (PG) 11.25 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 12.15 Track Cycling, Women’s Team qualifying, Women’s
(PG) 10.25 Grand Designs New Zealand (PG) 11.25
Dynasties (PG) 1.10 Wonders of the Universe (PG) Team Sprint and finals, Women’s Team Pursuit
House Hunters (PG) 12.15am Programmes continue
2.10 Frozen Planet (PG) 3.05 Animal Impossible qualifying, highlights from Izu Velodrome 10.30
(PG) 4.00 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 5.00 Life Tokyo 2020, day 10, highlights 11.30 Tokyo Gold,
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 Below Zero (M) 5.50 Where the Wild Men Are: Athletics, from Olympic Stadium, Tokyo, live 1.30am
6.05 The Perfect Murder (M) 6.55 People Magazine Revisited (PG) 6.45 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Canoe Sprint, Men’s K1, C2 semi-finals, Women’s
Investigates (M) 7.45 Deadline: Crime with Tamron Davies (PG) 7.35 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 8.30 K1, K2 semi-finals, from Sea Forest Waterway 3.10
Hall (M) 8.35 In Pursuit with John Walsh (M) 9.25 Walking the Himalayas (M) 9.25 Louis Theroux: Canoe Sprint, Men’s K1, C2 finals, Women’s K1,
Nightmare Next Door (M) 10.20 Disappeared (M) Selling Sex (M) 10.30 Dynasties (PG) 11.25 Animal K2 finals, from Sea Forest Waterway 5.15 Men’s
11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) 12.10 The Perfect Murder Impossible (PG) 12.20am Programmes continue Basketball

82 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

6.00 Breakfast (HD, C) John 6.00 Les Mills Born to Move (G, 6.00 The AM Show (HD) With
Campbell, Jenny-May HD, C) Duncan Garner, Amanda
Clarkson and the Breakfast 6.25 Ricky Zoom (G, R, HD, C) Gillies and Mark Richardson.
team present news, sport, 6.35 Clifford the Big Red Dog (G, 9.00 Infomercials
information and weather. HD, C) 10.30 The Vet Life (PG, HD) s2ep8
9.00 Winning Combination (G, 7.00 The Dog and Pony Show (G, 11.30 Newshub Live (HD)
HD, C, AD) Omid Djalili R, HD, C) Noon House Hunters Renovation
presents a UK game show 7.25 Alvinnn!!! And the (G, HD) s10ep5
in which nine contestants Chipmunks (G, R, HD, C) 1.00 ■ The Midwife’s Deception
are assigned a number from 7.50 Miraculous: Tales of (2018, M, HD, C) A pregnant
1-9 and compete with each Ladybug and Cat Noir (G, R, woman begins to suspect
other in general knowledge HD, C) that her midwife may have
rounds. 8.15 Darwin and Newts (G, HD, ulterior motives. Penelope
10.00 The Chase (G, R, HD, C) C, AD) Mitchell, Katie Savoy.
Cartooning around:
Bradley Walsh hosts a UK 8.25 Thomas & Friends (G, R, HD, 3.00 Match Game (PG, HD, C) TIG NOTARO: DRAWN
quiz show. C, AD) s2ep13
4.00 House Crashers (G, HD)
COMEDY: It sounds like the
11.00 The Extreme Cake Makers 8.35 Rainbow Rangers (G, HD, C)
(G, R, HD, C) UK series 8.55 Kiri and Lou (G, R, HD) s13ep4 perfect pandemic perfor-
featuring the bakers of 9.00 Infomercials 4.30 Newshub Live (HD) mance idea: an animated
extraordinary cakes. Today, 9.30 Religious Programming 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat (G, HD) stand-up special. However,
Jamie and Joe are tackling 10.00 Les Mills BodyAttack (G, HD, 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
7.00 The Project (HD) With Laura unless the laughter is canned,
their most challenging C, AD)
commission yet, a realistic 10.30 Neighbours (PG, R, HD, C) Tupou, Jesse Mulligan and there is also an animated audi-
model of the island of 11.00 All Rise (PG, HD, C) s2ep14 Jeremy Corbett. ence for Notaro’s charming
Santorini. 11.50 The Royals (PG, HD, C) s2ep5 7.30 The Block NZ (PG, HD, C) observational comedy. There
11.30 Te Karere (C) A Māori 12.50 Emmerdale (PG, HD, C, AD) With such a large space to
perspective on the day’s 1.45 Murphy Brown (G, R, HD) complete, there is the very are different animated styles
news and current affairs. 2.40 Home and Away (PG, R, C) real threat that some teams illustrating her stories, which
Noon 1 News (HD, C) 3.05 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, will not finish. s9ep31 makes a change from watch-
12.30 Olympic Games Tokyo C, AD) 8.30 L.A.’s Finest (M, HD, C) After
a stunning discovery, Syd
ing someone walk around
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street 3.40 Holly Hobbie (PG, R, HD, C)
presents day 12 coverage of 4.05 Brain Busters (G, C) and McKenna wonder who a stage with a microphone
the 2020 Summer Olympics 4.30 Friends (G, R, HD, C) s7ep9 they can trust. s1ep11 for an hour. “Stand-up can
in Tokyo, with insight from 5.00 The Simpsons (G, R, HD, C, 9.25 Hawaii Five-0 (M, HD, C) be a very solitary art form, so
Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross AD) s18ep16 When Grover’s niece goes
missing from the police combining it with a collabora-
and reporters Kimberlee 5.30 Young Sheldon (G, R, HD, C)
Downs, Chris Chang, Guy s1ep4 academy, it is discovered tive years-long creative effort
Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai 6.00 Neighbours (PG, HD, C) that her boyfriend is a was a joyful experience. I’m so
on the ground in Tokyo. Melanie’s past comes back to member of the Yakuza. proud of this special and can’t
New Zealand athletes will bite. s10ep15
10.25 Newshub Late wait for everyone to be fully
be searching for Olympic 6.30 Home and Away (PG, C)
glory in more than 20 sports. Nikau goes through a hard 10.55 Designated Survivor (M, HD, vaccinated watching with
Today, Women’s Canoe time after the breakup. C) s2ep21 their Nana,” Notaro told The
Sprint, K1 500m featuring 7.00 Shortland Street (PG, HD, C, 11.55 – 6.00am Infomercials
Lisa Carrington and Caitlin AD) Leanne struggles with
Regan, Men’s Canoe Sprint,
K2 500m featuring Max
matters of the heart, Esther
spills all her secrets, and

Brown and Kurtis Imrie, and Chris is caught between two 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
Women’s Skateboarding. challengers. 9.00 A Place in the Sun (G, R)
6.00 1 News (HD, C) 7.30 MasterChef Australia (PG, 10.00 A Place in the Sun: Winter
7.00 Seven Sharp (HD, C) Hilary HD, C, another episode
Sun (G, R)
Barry and Jeremy Wells screens tomorrow) Before
11.00 Hot Bench (PG, R)
present current affairs and the cook starts, contestants
11.30 Married with Children
entertainment. can barter for ingredients
(PG, R)
7.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 from each other. s13ep43
12.30 1st XV Rugby Palmerston
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson 8.30 All New Taskmaster NZ (16,
North Boys’ v Napier Boys’,
presents coverage of the C, AD) Jeremy Wells sets
evening session of day 12, bizarre tasks for a group of live.
with insight from Olympian comedians. s2ep5 2.30 Just Shoot Me (PG, R, C)
Sarah Cowley Ross and 9.35 Coronation Street (PG, C, 2.00 The Late Show with Stephen
reporters Kimberlee Downs, AD) Colbert (PG, R) Blowing up: WHITE
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt 10.35 8 Out of 10 Cats Does 3.00 Wheel of Fortune (G)
3.30 Jeopardy (G) FAMOUS
and Rapaera Tawhai on Countdown (M, R, HD, C)
the ground in Tokyo. New Jimmy Carr presents a UK 4.00 American Pickers (PG, R) COMEDY: Saturday Night
Zealand athletes will be comedy panel show. s9ep8 5.00 3rd Rock from the Sun (PG,
Live comedian Jay Pharoah
searching for Olympic glory 11.35 Best Foods Comedy Gala R, C)
5.30 Prime News is a proxy Jamie Foxx in this
in more than 20 sports. (16, R, HD, C)
Tonight, Kiwis in action 12.50am Wentworth (16, R, HD, C) 6.00 Storage Wars (PG) comedy series about an
on the Cycling track at s8ep9 7.00 The Crowd Goes Wild African American comedian
the Izu Velodrome, Men’s 1.45 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, 7.30 Traffic Cops (PG, C)
who is trying to maintain his
Weightlifting, +109kg C, AD) 8.30 ■ Ambulance (16, R, C)
featuring David Liti, and 2.10 Infomercials 9.45 Nightmare Tenants, Slum credibility as he starts cross-
Athletics, including Men’s 3.10 MasterChef Australia (PG, R, Landlords (M, C) ing over into being “white
800m and 200m finals. HD, C) s13ep43 10.45 The Late Show with Stephen famous”. The sitcom is based
2.10 Infomercials 4.00 2 Overnight Colbert (PG) on Foxx’s career, and he also
5.35 – 6.00 Te Karere (R) A Māori 4.15 The Middle (G, R, HD, C) 11.45 The Crowd Goes Wild
perspective on the day’s 4.35 Neighbours (PG, R, HD, C) (PG, R) appears.
news and current affairs. 5.00 – 6.00 Infomercials 12.15am – 3.15 Infomercials (G) NEON

■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 83


Dolly Wells and Emily Mortimer’s Doll
6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) & Em is something of an unheralded
8.00 Kōrero Mai (G, R) gem and Wells puts all her experience
9.00 Toi Te Ora: Our Way of Life as an actor and writer into this charming
directorial debut, shot in 10 days in New
9.30 Ōpaki (G, R)
10.00 Iwi Anthems (G, R) York. Grace Van Patten plays an aimless
10.30 Whānau Living (G, R) millennial who moves in with a reclusive
11.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G) author (Mortimer). RIALTO, 3.25pm
11.30 Ki Tua (G, R)

Noon Te Ao Tapatahi
12.30 Animal Armory (G, R)
1.30 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga o te
Motu (G, R) 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Flipping Bangers (G) 2.10pm Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
2.00 Tōku Reo (G, R) 10.00 Judge Jerry (G, R) 7.00 Jamie’s Quick and Easy (G) HD, C) s10ep20
3.00 Kids’ Programmes (G) 10.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 7.30 Gino’s Italian Escape (G) 2.30 Hunting Aotearoa (PG, HD)
6.30 Te Ao Mārama 11.25 Snapped (M, R) 8.00 Hope for Wildlife (G) 3.00 River Monsters (PG, HD, C)
7.00 Haka Ngahau ā-Rohe: Te 12.25 Buried in the Backyard (M, R) 9.00 James Martin’s Great British 3.55 The Chase Australia (G,
Arawa (G) 1.20 The Real Housewives of Adventure (G) HD, C)
7.30 Merchants of the Wild (G, R) New York City (M, R) s2ep4 10.00 Jade Fever (PG) 4.45 ABC World News (PG)
8.00 Find Me a Māori Bride 2.20 Million Dollar Listing NY 10.30 Mysteries at the Museum 5.10 My Country Kitchen (PG, HD)
(PG, R) (PG, R) s6ep2 (PG) 5.35 Impossible Engineering (G,
8.30 The Adventures of Suzy 3.25 Keeping Up with the 11.30 Forged in Fire (PG) R, HD, C, AD)
Boon (PG) Suzy decides to Kardashians (PG, R) s12ep19 12.30 Amazing Spaces (G) 6.35 The Big Bang Theory (G, R,
re-enter the online dating 4.25 Love It or List It (G, R) 1.30 Money for Nothing (G) HD, C) s11ep3
world. 5.30 Shark Tank (PG) 2.30 The House that 100K Built 7.00 Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
8.40 Colonial Combat (M, R) 6.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 3.30 Hope for Wildlife (G) HD, C) s10ep21
Harold is worried about s1ep3 4.30 Giada Entertains (G) 7.30 The Simpsons (G, R, HD, C,
Tuwhare taking a big cut of 7.30 Undercover Boss (PG) 5.00 Giada at Home (G) AD) s27ep8
his profits. 8.30 24 Hours in Emergency (M) 5.30 Mysteries at the Museum 8.30 Disasters Engineered (G, HD,
8.50 Tāringa Huruhuru (PG, Natasha has damaged her (PG) C) Explosions at a chemical
R) Comedy series with leg while trampolining at her 6.30 Ice Cold Gold (PG) factory in China and at the
kaumātua Wī and Wā. son’s birthday party. 7.30 Forged in Fire (PG) Evangelos Florakis naval
9.00 Uka (G) A showcase of Uka 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M, 8.25 Wild Weather with Richard base in Cyprus. s1ep9
card players. C) A 37-year-old has been Hammond (PG) 9.30 Fast Justice (M, HD, C, AD)
9.30 Mura o te Ahi (PG) Debate suffering with a rare penis 9.30 Guy Martin: The World’s Series following police in
series problem for 10 years. Fastest Tractor (G) Suffolk.
10.00 Ki Tua (G, R) 10.30 Snapped (M, R) 10.55 Ice Cold Gold (PG) 10.30 The Island with Bear Grylls
10.30 Haka Ngahau ā-Rohe: Te 11.25 Buried in the Backyard 11.55 Mysteries at the Museum (16, R, HD, C) s6ep4
Arawa (G, R) (M, R) (PG) 11.30 – 1.05 ■ The 100 (PG, R, HD,
11.00 – 11.30 Te Ao Mārama (R) 12.15am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.40am Programmes continue C) s6ep1

7.31 Jungleland (2020, 16) 7.15 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 7.00 Ragtime (1981, PG) James 7.15 Amanda (2018, 16) Vincent
Charlie Hunnam (2010, M) Michael Cera Cagney, Elizabeth McGovern Lacoste
9.01 Midway (2019, M) Ed Skrein, 9.05 BFF Bride (2019, PG) 9.35 Brothers in Arms (2018, M) 9.05 Being Frank: The Chris
Patrick Wilson Jocelyn Hudon, Ryan Paevey Documentary. Sievey Story (2018, M) UK
11.17 The Good Liar (2019, 16) Ian 10.35 The Longest Yard (2005) 11.05 Distant Drums (1951, G) Gary documentary.
McKellen, Helen Mirren (2005, M) Adam Sandler Cooper, Mari Aldon 10.50 Pond Life (2018, M) Siobhan
1.07 Savage (2019, 16) Jake Ryan, 12.30 Bowfinger (1999, PG) Steve 12.50 Birdman of Alcatraz (1962, Finneran
John Tui Martin, Eddie Murphy PG) Burt Lancaster 12.30 Wrinkles the Clown (2019,
2.47 The Broken Hearts Gallery 2.10 Fixed (2019, M) Andy 3.15 The Four Musketeers (1974, M) US documentary.
(2020, M) Geraldine Comeau PG) Oliver Reed 1.50 I See You (2019, 16) Helen
Viswanathan 3.45 For Love or Money (2019, 5.00 Tucker: The Man and His Hunt
4.36 The Crime Boss (2019, 16) 16) Robert Kazinsky Dream (1988, PG) Jeff 3.25 Good Posture (2019, M)
Liam Hemsworth 5.20 Dinner with Friends (2020, Bridges, Joan Allen Grace Van Patten
6.15 Waves (2019, 16) Kelvin 16) Malin Ackerman 6.50 Benny & Joon (1993, PG) 5.00 Martin Margiela: In His Own
Harrison Jr, Lucas Hedges 6.55 Burn After Reading (2008, A fragile young woman Words (2019, M) German
8.30 Ford v Ferrari (2019, M) 16) Brad Pitt finds love with an eccentric documentary.
Based on the rivalry between 8.30 Bull Durham (1988, M) A stranger, much to the 6.35 In Fabric (2018, 16) Marianne
Ford and Ferrari and the minor league baseball team displeasure of her protective Jean-Baptiste
battle to win 24 Hours of Le has a rare asset – a poetry- brother. Johnny Depp, Mary 8.30 The Mystery of DB Cooper
Mans in 1966. Matt Damon, loving groupie who has an Stuart Masterson (2020, M) US documentary
Christian Bale, Catriona Balfe, affair with one player per 8.30 First Blood (1982, 16) When about an unsolved heist
Jon Bernthal season. Kevin Costner, Susan a former Green Beret that has taunted the FBI for
11.03 Luce (2019, 16) A couple Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Trey is arrested, his wartime decades.
are forced to reckon with Wilson nightmares return, causing 10.00 The Captain (2017, 16)
their idealised image of their 10.20 The Pink Panther (2006) him to flee to a mountain A young German soldier
son after a teacher makes (2006, PG) Steve Martin, hideaway. Sylvester Stallone, impersonates a Nazi officer.
troubling allegations against Beyonce Knowles Richard Crenna Max Hubacher
him. Naomi Watts, Octavia 11.55 Bridget Jones’s Baby (2016, 10.05 Wolf (1994, M) Jack 12.05am It Must Schwing: The Blue
Spencer, Kelvin Harrison Jr M) Renee Zellweger, Nicolson, Michelle Pfeiffer Note Story (2018, 16) 2.00 Brassic
12.53am Dark Waters (2019, 1.55am Made of Honor (2008, M) 12.10am California Split (1974, 16) (16) s1ep3 2.45 Women Make Film
M) 2.56 A Beautiful Day in the 3.35 Brimming with Love (2017, 2.00 Brothers in Arms (2018, M) (16) s1ep7 3.50 Wrinkles the Clown
Neighborhood (2019, PG) 4.42 The PG) 5.05 The Pink Panther (2006) 3.30 Distant Drums (1951, G) 5.15 (2019, M) 5.10 Good Posture (2019,
Fanatic (2019, 18) (2006, PG) The Four Musketeers (1974, PG) M)

84 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


SKY CHANNELS (M) 1.05 Scorned: Crimes of Passion (M) 2.00

Forbidden: Dying for Love (M) 2.55 I’d Kill for You
(M) 3.50 People Magazine Investigates (M) 4.45
Vibe SKY 006 Reasonable Doubt (M) 5.40 Evil Kin (M) 6.35
The Perfect Murder (M) 7.30 People Magazine
6.00 Judging Amy (M) s5ep1 6.50 Judge Judy
Investigates (M) 8.30 Deadline: Crime with Tamron
(PG) 7.15 Medium (M) s2ep22 8.05 Cold Case
Hall (M) 9.30 In Pursuit with John Walsh (M) 10.30
(M) 8.50 Parenthood (M) s2ep12 9.40 The Good
Evil Lives Here (M) 11.25 Nightmare Next Door (M)
Wife (M) s1ep7 10.30 Judge Judy (PG) 11.25 Vera
12.15am Programmes continue
(M) s5ep2 1.10 Frankie Drake Mysteries (M) s3ep4
2.00 Medium (M) s2ep22 2.50 Cold Case (M) 3.40
Parenthood (M) s2ep12 4.30 Judge Judy (PG) 5.30 Sky Arts SKY 020
Judging Amy (M) s5ep1 6.30 The Good Wife (M) 6.00 ■ The Sea of Itami Jun (2019, G) 8.00 Comedy
s1ep7 7.30 Jamestown (16) A boat arrives from Legends 9.30 Up to the Sky 10.00 Artist to Icon
England with news for Temperance and important 11.30 The Art Detectives 12.30 Art of Architecture
instructions for Yeardley. s1ep8 8.30 Outlander (18) Specials 2.00 ■ The Sea of Itami Jun (2019, G)
Claire tries to discover the source of an epidemic 4.00 Verbier Festival 2019: Gabor Takács-Nagy
aboard a disease-stricken ship before hundreds of Conducts Mozart and Brahms 5.25 Orchestre de
sailors die. s3ep10 9.40 Harlots (16) The women la Suisse Romande Performs Dvorak and Strauss
galvanise into taking action against Fallon, leaving 6.55 Beethoven: The Five Cello Sonatas 9.00
Lucy in a difficult position. s2ep8 10.40 Parenthood Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra: Andris Nelsons
(M) s2ep12 11.30 Judge Judy (PG) 12.00am Conducts Beethoven and Skryabin 10.25 Great Film History:
Hi t End
E d off Empire:
E i Ri Rise & F
ll off
Programmes continue Composers 12.00am Programmes continue Dynasties, 9.30pm


6.45 EastEnders (PG) 7.10 The Jonathan Ross Show
Discovery SKY 070
6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.30 How It’s
(M) s15ep10 8.00 The Bill (M) 8.50 A Touch of Frost Made (PG) 6.55 Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine
(M) s7ep2 10.10 Call the Midwife (PG) s4ep7 11.10 Marathon (PG) 9.25 Fast N’ Loud (PG) 10.20 UFO Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
Doc Martin (M) s2ep8 Noon Midsomer Murders Witness (PG) 11.15 Vampires: Mysteries at the
6.00 Rugby, Farah Palmer Cup, highlights 6.45
(M) s16ep5 1.35 The Bill (M) 2.25 New Tricks (M) Museum (PG) 12.10 Mysteries at the Museum (PG)
Farah Palmer Cup, Taranaki v Tasman, highlights
s6ep1 3.25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 1.05 Naked and Afraid (M) 2.00 Aussie Salvage
from TET Stadium & Events Centre, New Plymouth
4.20 The Jonathan Ross Show (PG) s15ep11 5.15 Squad (PG) 2.55 Homestead Rescue (PG) 3.50
7.30 Rugby Heaven 8.30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 9.00
Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 6.20 QI (M) 6.55 Bering Sea Gold Marathon (PG) 7.30 Deadliest
British & Irish Lions, highlights 9.30 The Back Page
EastEnders (PG) 7.25 QI (M) With Victoria Wood, Catch (PG) 8.30 Deadliest Catch: Bloodline (PG)
10.30 Farah Palmer Cup, highlights 10.45 1st XV
Richard Osman and Jason Manford. 8.00 Would I 9.30 Bering Sea Gold (PG) 10.30 Moonshiners (M)
Rugby, Hastings Boys’ High v Tauranga Boys’, replay
Lie to You? (PG) Previously unseen material. 8.35 11.25 Naked and Afraid (M) 12.15am Programmes
12.30 1st XV Rugby, Palmerston North Boys’ High v
Father Brown (M) A hill climb track ends with one continue
Napier Boys’ High, live 2.30 Super League, Hull v St
of the drivers killed. s2ep10 9.30 Holby City (M)
Helens, highlights 3.00 Super League, Leeds Rhinos
Desperate to impress Frieda, Nicky helps with the
tricky diagnosis of her first patient. s20ep16 10.35
National Geographic SKY 072 v Warrington Wolves, highlights 3.30 British & Irish
6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M) 7.30 Hitler’s Lions, highlights 4.00 Rugby Heaven 5.00 Aotearoa
Hold the Sunset (PG) s1ep1 11.10 Midsomer Murders
Secret Attack on America (PG) 8.30 Gordon Rugby Pod 5.30 1st XV Revision 6.00 1st XV Rugby,
(M) s16ep5 12.45am Programmes continue
Ramsay: Uncharted (PG) 9.30 Titanic: 20 Years Palmerston North Boys’ High v Napier Boys’ High,
Later with James Cameron (PG) 10.30 When replay 7.45 Farah Palmer Cup, highlights 8.00 1st XV
SoHo SKY 010 Sharks Attack (PG) 11.30 Seconds from Disaster Revision 8.30 Rugby Heaven 9.30 Aotearoa Rugby
6.05 Jett (16) s1ep8 7.00 Warrior (18) s1ep final (M) 12.30 Decades Remixed: The 80s Greatest Pod 10.00 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan, 5th T20,
7.55 Intergalactic (M) s1ep7 8.40 I Know This (PG) 1.30 Banged Up Abroad Best ofs (M) 2.30 highlights from Guyana National Stadium 11.00 1st
Much Is True (16) s1ep1 9.40 Watchmen (18) s1ep6 Ultimate Airport Dubai (PG) 4.30 Gordon Ramsay: XV, Palmerston North Boys’ High v Napier Boys’
10.40 We’re Here (M) s1ep1 11.40 Jett (16) s1ep8 Uncharted (PG) 6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil High, highlights 11.30 Currie Cup, Sharks v Griquas,
12.35 Warrior (18) s1ep10 1.30 Intergalactic (M) (M) 7.30 Mega Factories 8.30 Food Factory USA replay 1.30am Rugby, Currie Cup, Western Province
s1ep7 2.15 I Know This Much Is True (16) s1ep1 3.15 (PG) 9.30 Food Factory (PG) 10.30 When Sharks v Blue Bulls, replay 3.30 Rugby Heaven 4.30 The
Watchmen (18) s1ep6 4.15 Animals (16) s3ep10 4.45 Attack (PG) 11.30 Monkeying Around (PG) 12.30am Breakdown 5.30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod
New Amsterdam (M) s1ep20 5.30 The Deuce (18) Programmes continue
s2ep5 6.30 Baptiste (16) s2ep2 7.30 Save Me Too Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
(16) A high-profile trial brings fresh hope in Nelly’s History SKY 073 7.00 NRL 360 8.00 NRL Try Time 9.00 Fox Sports
quest to find Jody. s2ep2 8.30 Tig Notaro: Drawn
6.30 Europe’s Last Warrior Kings (M) 7.30 The News 10.00 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan, 5th T20,
(M) Tig Notaro stars in HBO’s first fully animated
Battle of Little Bighorn (PG) 8.30 Time Team 9.30 replay from Guyana National Stadium 1.30 British
stand-up special. 9.30 Domina (16) Gaius’ sudden
The Nineties (M) 10.30 Time Team (PG) 11.30 How Superbikes, highlights 3.00 Super Netball, round
illness provokes a political crisis and reveals the true
the Victorians Built Britain (PG) 12.30 Chivalry and 13, highlights 4.00 ANZ Premiership, elimination
weakness of Livia’s position. s1ep5 10.20 Industry
Betrayal (PG) 1.30 Living in the Shadow of World final, highlights 4.30 Cricket, West Indies v Pakistan,
(16) s1ep5 11.10 Eden (16) s1ep8 11.55 Baptiste (16)
War Two (PG) 2.30 Bombers of World War II (PG) 5th T20, highlights 5.30 The Back Page 6.30 NRL
s2ep2 12.55am Programmes continue
4.30 Secrets of War (M) 5.30 Britain’s Greatest 360 7.30 NRL Try Time 8.30 NRL 360, live 9.30
Bridges (PG) 6.30 Time Team (PG) 7.30 America Face-2-Face with Matty Johns 10.00 Tennis, ATP
Living SKY 017 in Colour (PG) 8.30 Abandoned Engineering 500, Citi Open, day 2, match of the day from Rock
6.15 Escape to the Country (PG) 7.10 30 Minute (PG) 9.30 End of Empire: Rise & Fall of Dynasties Creek Park Tennis Center, Washington DC 11.30 ATP
Meals (PG) 7.35 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 8.10 House (PG) 10.30 The Hitler Chronicles (PG) 11.30 WWII: 500, Citi Open, day 2, highlights 12.30am Cricket,
Hunters (PG) 9.00 Grand Designs New Zealand Witness to War (PG) 12.30am Programmes West Indies v Pakistan, 5th T20, highlights 1.30 AFL
(PG) 10.00 Salvage Hunters (PG) 11.55 Location continue on the Couch 2.30 NRL Try Time 3.30 Tennis, ATP
Location Location (PG) 12.50 Restoration Man: Best 500, Citi Open, day 2, highlights 4.30 ATP 500, Citi
Builds (PG) 1.50 Escape to the Country (PG) 2.45 Open, day 2, match of the day
House Hunters (PG) 3.45 30 Minute Meals (PG)
BBC Earth SKY 074
4.10 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 4.45 Salvage Hunters 6.00 Frozen Planet (PG) 6.50 Africa: The Future:
(PG) 5.40 Selling Houses Australia 6.35 Location The Making of (PG) 7.00 Life Below Zero (M) 7.50 Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
Location Location (PG) 7.30 Salvage Hunters Where the Wild Men Are (PG) 8.40 Wonders of 7.30 Tokyo Olympics, Track Cycling, Men’s Team
(PG) 8.30 Love Your Garden (PG) 9.30 Location the Universe (PG) 9.40 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) Sprint qualifing, Men’s Team Pursuit, Women’s Team
Location Location (PG) 10.25 Grand Designs House 10.40 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies (PG) Pursuit finals, Men’s Team Sprint finals, highlights
of the Year (PG) 11.25 House Hunters (PG) 12.15am 11.25 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 12.15 Dynasties (PG) from Izu Velodrome 8.00 Sailing, day 11, Mixed
Programmes continue 1.10 Wonders of the Universe (PG) 2.10 Frozen Multihull Nacra 17 Foiling final, from Enoshima Yacht
Planet (PG) 3.05 Animal Impossible (PG) 4.00 Harbour 9.00 Tokyo 2020, day 11, highlights 10.00
Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 5.00 Life Below Zero Tokyo Gold, Women’s Golf, round 1, live 1.30am
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 (M) 5.50 Where the Wild Men Are (PG) 6.45 The Sailing, day 12, Men’s 470 final, from Enoshima
6.05 The Perfect Murder (M) 6.55 Deadline: Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies (PG) 7.35 24 Hours Yacht Harbour 2.30 Canoe Sprint, Men’s K1, K2
Crime with Tamron Hall (M) 7.45 People Magazine in A&E (PG) 8.30 Blue Planet (PG) 9.25 Seven heats, Women’s C1, K1 heats, from the Sea Forest
Investigates (M) 8.35 The Murder Tapes (M) 9.25 Worlds, One Planet (PG) 10.25 Dynasties (PG) Waterway 4.30 Canoe Sprint, Men’s K1, K2 quarter-
Nightmare Next Door (M) 10.20 Disappeared (M) 11.20 Dynasties: The Making of (PG) 11.30 Animal finals, Women’s C1, K1 quarter-finals, from Sea
11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) 12.10 The Perfect Murder Impossible (PG) 12.25am Programmes continue Forest Waterway

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 85

6.00 Breakfast (HD, C) John 6.00 Les Mills Born to Move (G, 6.00 The AM Show (HD) With
Campbell, Jenny-May HD, C) Duncan Garner, Amanda
Clarkson and the Breakfast 6.25 Ricky Zoom (G, R, HD, C) Gillies and Mark Richardson.
team present news, sport, 6.35 Clifford the Big Red Dog (G, 9.00 Infomercials
information and weather. HD, C) 10.30 The Vet Life (PG, HD) s2ep9
9.00 Winning Combination (G, 7.00 The Dog and Pony Show (G, 11.30 Newshub Live (HD)
HD, C, AD) Omid Djalili R, HD, C) Noon House Hunters Renovation
presents a UK game show 7.25 Alvinnn!!! And the (G, HD) s10ep6
in which nine contestants Chipmunks (G, R, HD, C) 1.00 ■ The Legend of Alice Flagg
are assigned a number from 7.50 Miraculous: Tales of (2016, M, HD, C) On her
1-9 and compete with each Ladybug and Cat Noir (G, R, honeymoon, a woman learns
other in general knowledge HD, C) that a girl who died of a
rounds. 8.15 Darwin and Newts (G, HD, broken heart haunts the B&B
10.00 The Chase (G, R, HD, C) C, AD) where she and her husband
Bradley Walsh hosts a UK 8.25 Thomas & Friends (G, R, HD, are staying. Catherine Hicks,
quiz show. C, AD) Cameron Richardson.
Queerspace: THE LEGEND 11.00 Extreme Cake Makers (G, 8.35 Moon & Me (G, R, HD, C) 3.00 Match Game (PG, HD, C)
OF THE UNDERGROUND R, HD) UK series featuring 8.55 Kiri and Lou (G, R, HD) 4.00 House Crashers (G, HD)
the bakers of extraordinary 9.00 Infomercials s13ep5
DOCUMENTARY: Directors cakes. Today, cake makers 9.30 Religious Programming 4.30 Newshub Live (HD)
Giselle Bailey and Nneka Christine and Phil seek royal 10.00 Les Mills Core (G, HD, C) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat (G, HD)
Onuorah are hopeful in this approval. 10.30 Neighbours (PG, R, HD, C) 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
11.30 Te Karere (C) A Māori 11.00 All Rise (PG, HD, C) s2ep15 7.00 The Project (HD) With Laura
documentary about Nigerian Tupou, Jesse Mulligan and
perspective on the day’s 11.50 The Royals (PG, HD, C) s2ep6
youth challenging the hor- news and current affairs. 12.45 Emmerdale (PG, HD, C, AD) Jeremy Corbett.
rific anti-LGBTQ laws in their Noon 1 News (HD, C) 1.40 Murphy Brown (PG, R, HD) 7.30 Lego Masters USA (PG, HD,
country, which is remarkable 12.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2.35 Home and Away (PG, R, C) C) Will Arnett hosts a Lego
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street 3.00 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, building competition series.
in itself. Some “noncomform- presents day 13 coverage of C, AD) s2ep8
ists”, as they are described for the 2020 Summer Olympics 3.35 Bluey (G, R, HD) 8.30 ■ Crocodile Dundee II
safety reasons, have left the in Tokyo, with insight from 3.40 Holly Hobbie (G, R, HD, C) (1988, PG, R, HD, C) Just as
Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross 4.05 Brain Busters (G, C) Mick Dundee is starting to
country that passed a law pro-
and reporters Kimberlee 4.35 Friends (G, R, HD, C) adjust to life in New York
hibiting same-sex marriage Downs, Chris Chang, Guy 5.00 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C, City, he and his girlfriend
and locks up its queer citizens. Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai AD) s18ep17 are targeted by a gang of
One such is Michael, who lives on the ground in Tokyo. 5.30 Young Sheldon (PG, R, HD, ruthless drug dealers. Paul
New Zealand athletes will C) s1ep5 Hogan, Linda Kozlowski.
in New York, but who returns 10.35 Newshub Late
be searching for Olympic 6.00 Neighbours (G, HD, C)
to Nigeria to support a young glory in more than 20 Amy makes a life-changing 11.05 SVU: Special Victims Unit
drag queen who is among sports. Today, Canoe Sprint decision, and Melanie’s (16, R, HD, C) A member of
dozens detained by police. featuring Lisa Carrington actions cause a rift. a women’s empowerment
and Caitlin Regan, Athletics, 6.30 Home and Away (PG, C) group is found murdered.
He is part of a new generation s20ep5
Men’s Shot Put final from Ryder and Chloe are at
who use underground radio Olympic Stadium featuring opposites, and can Roo help 12.05am – 6.00 Infomercials
and social media in their fight Tom Walsh, Karate from Kieran?
to be free. Nippon Budokan featuring
Andrea Anacan, and Men’s
7.00 Shortland Street (PG, HD,
C, AD) Chris’ lie catches up
Skateboarding from Ariake with him, Prince’s jealousy 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
Urban Sports Park. is sparked, and Louis’s car 9.00 A Place in the Sun (G, R)
6.00 1 News (HD, C) costs him deeply. 10.00 A Place in the Sun: Winter
7.00 Seven Sharp (HD, C) Hilary 7.30 MasterChef Australia (G, HD,
Sun (G, R)
Barry and Jeremy Wells C) The top four cooks from
11.00 Hot Bench (PG, R)
present current affairs and yesterday’s mystery box
11.30 Married with Children (PG, R)
entertainment. challenge battle it out for
12.30 Tommy (M, R, C)
7.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 immunity and a guaranteed
1.30 Just Shoot Me (PG, R, C)
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson spot in the top 10. s13ep44
3.00 Wheel of Fortune (G)
presents coverage of the 8.35 Police Ten 7 (PG, C) Rob
evening session of day 13, Lemoto presents a series 3.30 Jeopardy (G)
with insight from Olympian featuring Kiwi ne’er-do-wells. 4.00 American Pickers (PG, R)
Sarah Cowley Ross and 9.10 A Current Affair (PG, C) 5.00 3rd Rock from the Sun (PG,
reporters Kimberlee Downs, Susie Nordqvist presents R, C)
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt current affairs. 5.30 Prime News
and Rapaera Tawhai on 9.40 Coronation Street (PG, C, 6.00 1st XV Rugby Revision (G)
the ground in Tokyo. New AD) 6.30 Storage Wars (PG)
Rainbow world: PRIDE Zealand athletes will be 10.40 Kings Cross ER (M, HD, C, 7.00 The Crowd Goes Wild
searching for Olympic glory AD) Australian docu-series. 7.30 ■ Inside the Red Arrows (M,
DOCUMENTARY: While R, C) The Reds compete at
in more than 20 sports. 11.10 Police Ten 7 (PG, R, C)
we’re talking about equal Tonight, Kiwis in action on 11.40 Batwoman (M, HD, C, AD) the Royal International Air
rights, here’s a six-part series the Cycling track at the Izu s1ep8 Tattoo.
that illustrates how far the Velodrome, Athletics, Men’s 1.15am Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, 8.30 ■ Prison (16, R, C)
1500m semi-finals from C, AD) 9.45 ■ The 2000s (PG, R, C)
US has come. Each episode Olympic Stadium, and Men’s 1.40 Infomercials Barack Obama wins the
spans a decade, starting with Hockey gold medal match 2.40 MasterChef Australia (G, R, 2008 presidential election.
the 1950s, which were dark from Oi Hockey Stadium. HD, C) s13ep44 10.45 The Late Show with Stephen
times, except, as the title 2.15 Infomercials 3.35 2 Overnight Colbert (PG)
5.35 – 6.00 Te Karere (R) A Māori 4.15 The Middle (G, R, HD, C) 11.45 The Crowd Goes Wild
suggests,”People Had Parties”. perspective on the day’s 4.35 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C) (PG, R)
DISNEY+ news and current affairs. 5.00 – 6.00 Infomercials 12.15am – 3.15 Infomercials (G)

■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition

86 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) Such a fun romp and, as far as we
8.00 Kōrero Mai (G)
know, the final outing for the fabulous
9.00 Pacific Island Food
Revolution (G, R)
female detective. Essie Davis’ movie
10.00 Iwi Anthems (G, R) career continues apace; she is cur-
10.30 Whānau Living (G, R) rently appearing, with Thomasin
11.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G) McKenzie, in Kiwi film The Justice of
11.30 Merchants of the Wild (G, R) Bunny King. MOVIES PREMIERE, 1.30am
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi

12.30 Ka Pai Living (PG, R)
1.00 It’s in the Bag (G, R)
1.30 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga o te
Motu (G, R) 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Flipping Bangers (G) 2.10pm Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
2.00 Tōku Reo (G, R) 10.00 Judge Jerry (G, R) 7.00 Giada Entertains (G) HD, C) s10ep21
3.00 Kids’ Programmes (G) 10.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 7.30 Giada at Home (G) 2.30 Hunting Aotearoa (PG, HD)
6.30 Te Ao Mārama 11.25 Snapped (M, R) 8.00 Hope for Wildlife (G) 3.00 River Monsters (PG, HD, C)
7.00 Senior Kapa Haka Regionals 12.25 Buried in the Backyard (M, R) 9.00 James Martin’s Great British 3.55 The Chase Australia (G,
(G, R) 1.20 The Real Housewives of Adventure (G) HD, C)
7.30 Easy Eats (G, R) Hera Te New York City (M, R) s2ep5 10.00 Jade Fever (PG) 4.45 ABC World News (PG)
Kurapa recreates restaurant- 2.20 Million Dollar Listing NY 10.30 Mysteries at the Museum 5.10 My Country Kitchen (G, HD)
quality dishes at home. (PG, R) s6ep3 (PG) 5.35 Impossible Engineering (G,
8.00 Lucky Dip (G) Luke Bird and 3.25 Keeping Up with the 11.30 Ice Cold Gold (PG) HD, C, AD)
Marcia Hopa host a family Kardashians (PG, R) s12ep20 12.30 Forged in Fire (PG) 6.35 The Big Bang Theory (PG, R,
game show. 4.25 Love It or List It (G, R) 1.25 Wild Weather with Richard HD, C) s11ep4
8.30 The Koi Boys (G, R) The 5.30 Shark Tank (PG) Hammond (PG) 7.00 Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
boys’ manager drops a 6.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 2.30 Heritage Rescue: Ardmore HD, C) s10ep22
bombshell. s1ep4 3.30 London Zoo: An 7.30 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C,
9.00 Waiata Nation (G) A new 7.30 Tattoo Fixers (M) A woman’s Extraordinary Year (G) AD) s27ep10
group of artists take on the tattoos were an attempt to 4.30 The Great Food Truck Race 8.30 8 Out of 10 Cats Does
challenge to create their own impress her maths teacher. (PG) Countdown (M, R, HD, C)
waiata. 8.30 Below Deck Sailing Yacht 5.30 Mysteries at the Museum With Jack Whitehall, Vic
9.30 Ahikāroa (M) The whānau (M) Andy Cohen interviews (PG) Reeves and Joe Wilkinson.
from Te Pā returns to excite the cast. 6.30 American Pickers (G) s6ep6
your world 9.30 The Real Housewives of 7.30 Deadliest Catch (PG) 9.30 8 Out of 10 Cats (M, R, HD,
10.00 Wehi Nā Upload (PG, R) New York City (M) Leah 9.30 Where the Wild Men Are C) Jimmy Carr hosts a UK
Guest presenters award McSweeney looks to convert with Ben Fogle (G) comedy panel show. s21ep10
cash prizes to the most to Judaism. 10.30 American Pickers (G) 10.30 Hypothetical (M, R, HD, C)
entertaining online clips. 10.30 Snapped (M, R) 11.30 Mysteries at the Museum s2ep1
10.30 Mura o te Ahi (PG, R) 11.25 Buried in the Backyard (M, R) (PG) 11.25 – 12.10am Angie Tribeca (PG,
11.00 – 11.30 Te Ao Mārama 12.15am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.30am Programmes continue R, HD, C) s4ep3

6.09 Little Women (2019, G) 6.40 Mr. Write (2016, PG) 7.00 And Justice for All (1979, M) 6.45 Martin Margiela: In His Own
Saoirse Ronan Charlotte Sullivan Al Pacino, Jack Warden Words (2019, M) German
8.21 Ford v Ferrari (2019, M) Matt 8.05 The Guardian (2020) (2020, 9.00 Hysterical Blindness (2002, documentary.
Damon, Christian Bale M) Andy Garcia, Dafne Keen M) Uma Thurman 8.20 In Fabric (2018, 16) Marianne
10.51 Luce (2019, 16) Naomi Watts, 9.50 Sex and the City (2008, 16) 10.45 Dark Command (1940, PG) Jean-Baptiste
Octavia Spencer Sarah Jessica Parker Claire Trevor, John Wayne 10.15 The Mystery of DB Cooper
12.41 Sorority Sister Killer (2021, 12.15 The Pink Panther (2006) 12.20 The Story of G.I. Joe (1945, (2020, M) US documentary.
M) Sarah Fisher (2006, PG) Steve Martin, PG) Robert Mitchum 11.45 The Captain (2017, 16) Max
2.17 The Operative (2019, 16) Beyonce Knowles 2.10 A Night in Casablanca (1946, Hubacher
Diane Kruger 1.50 Chef (2014, M) Jon Favreau, G) Groucho Marx 1.50 Waterproof (2019, PG)
4.15 Tenet (2020, M) John David Sofia Vergara 3.35 Union Station (1950, PG) German/Jordanian
Washington 3.45 The Love Punch (2013, M) William Holden, Nancy Olson documentary.
6.45 How to Build a Girl (2020, Pierce Brosnan 4.55 Steel Magnolias (1989, PG) 3.20 Charter (2020, M) Ane Dahl
16) A Wolverhampton 5.20 Made (2001, 16) Vince Sally Field, Dolly Parton Torp
teenager from a working- Vaughn, Jon Favreau 6.50 Reservoir Dogs (1992, 4.55 Maiden (2018, M) UK
class family travels to 6.55 L.A. Story (1991, PG) Steve 18) When a simple heist documentary.
London and reinvents herself Martin, Victoria Tennant, goes wrong, the surviving 6.30 Portrait of a Lady on Fire
as an edgy music journalist. Richard E Grant criminals begin to suspect (2019, M) Adèle Haenel,
Beanie Feldstein, Alfie Allen 8.30 Bird on a Wire (1990, PG) that one of them is an Noémie Merlant
8.30 Fatman (2020, 16) A spoiled Old flames are reunited informant. Harvey Keitel, 8.30 Rialto Documentary: The
rich kid sends an assassin when a crook is released 8.30 Halloween (1978) (1978, 16) Air of the Time (2020, PG)
after Chris Cringle when from prison and goes after A psychotic murderer stalks US documentary about the
he receives a lump of coal the witness who put him a teenager and her friends. impact and empowerment
at Christmas. Mel Gibson, there. Mel Gibson, Goldie Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald of female fashion designers
Walton Goggins Hawn, David Carradine, Bill Pleasence over the past 100 years.
10.15 The Furies (2019, 18) Airlie Duke 10.00 The Adventures of Priscilla, 9.35 Helene (2020, PG) Laura
Dodds, Linda Ngo 10.20 Rock the Kasbah (2015, M) Queen of the Desert (1994, Birn
11.40 Thank You for Your Service Bill Murray, Kate Hudson M) Hugo Weaving 11.35 The Wind (2018, M) Caitlin
(2017, 16) Miles Teller 12.05am Miss Congeniality (2000, 11.45 St Elmo’s Fire (1985, M) Rob Gerard
1.30am Miss Fisher & the Crypt of M) 1.55 Death at a Funeral (2010) Lowe, Demi Moore 1.05am Leftover Women (2019, M)
Tears (2020, M) 3.10 Capone (2020, (2010, M) 3.25 The Cherokee Kid 1.35am Hysterical Blindness (2002, 2.30 Brassic (16) s1ep4 3.15 Women
18) 4.55 We Summon the Darkness (1996, M) 4.55 Mechanics of Love M) 3.15 Dark Command (1940, PG) Make Film (16) s1ep8 4.20 Charter
(2019, 16) (2017, PG) 4.50 Union Station (1950, PG) (2020, M) 5.55 Maiden (2018, M)

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 87


SKY CHANNELS (M) 4.45 In Pursuit with John Walsh (M) 5.40 Evil
Kin (M) 6.35 The Perfect Murder (M) 7.30 People
Magazine Investigates (M) 8.30 Chaos in Court
Vibe SKY 006 (M) 9.30 The Murder Tapes (M) 10.30 Evil Lives
Here (M) 11.25 Nightmare Next Door (M) 12.15am
6.00 Judging Amy (M) s5ep2 6.50 Judge Judy
Programmes continue
(PG) 7.15 Medium (M) 8.05 Cold Case (M) 8.50
Parenthood (M) s2ep13 9.35 The Good Wife (M)
s1ep8 10.20 Judge Judy (PG) 11.10 Outlander (18) Sky Arts SKY 020
s3ep10 12.15 Harlots (16) s2ep8 1.05 Jamestown 6.25 Great Film Composers 8.00 Verbier Festival
(16) s1ep8 2.00 Medium (M) 2.50 Cold Case (M) 2019: Gabor Takács-Nagy Conducts Mozart and
3.40 Parenthood (M) s2ep13 4.30 Judge Judy Brahms 9.25 Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
(PG) 5.30 Judging Amy (M) s5ep2 6.30 The Good Performs Dvorak and Strauss 10.55 Beethoven:
Wife (M) s1ep8 7.30 Hospital (M) Glendon hopes The Five Cello Sonatas 1.00 Royal Concertgebouw
an unlicensed immunotherapy drug will treat his Orchestra: Andris Nelsons Conducts Beethoven
aggressive brain tumour. s2ep2 8.40 Inside the and Skryabin 2.25 Great Film Composers 4.00
Children’s Hospital (M) A youngster has slipped on Raul Julia: The World’s a Stage 4.55 The Artist’s
an icy road, and baby Cameron hear’s his mum’s Workshop 5.10 The Art of Craft 6.05 Finding Your
voice for the first time. s2ep5&6 9.40 Death and Roots 7.00 Landscape Artist of the Year Canada
Nightingales (M) Beth puts her plan into action. 7.45 Photos That Changed the World 8.30 Secrets
s1ep2 10.50 Parenthood (M) s2ep13 11.35 Judge of the Museum 9.30 Rankin’s 2020 9.55 Finding
Judy (PG) 12.00am Programmes continue Your Roots 10.50 The Artist’s Workshop 11.05 Other
Vibe: The Good Wife, 6.30pm
Voices 12.00am Programmes continue
6.45 EastEnders (PG) 7.10 The Jonathan Ross Show Discovery SKY 070 SKY SPORT
(PG) s15ep11 8.00 The Bill (M) 8.50 A Touch of Frost 6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.30 How It’s Made
(M) s8ep1 10.10 Call the Midwife (PG) s4ep8 11.10 (PG) 6.55 Bering Sea Gold Marathon (PG) 9.25 Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
Doc Martin (M) s3ep1 Noon Midsomer Murders Fast N’ Loud (PG) 10.20 Deadliest Catch (PG) 11.15 6.00 Tennis, ATP 500, Citi Open, day 3, from
(PG) s17ep1 1.35 The Bill (M) 2.25 New Tricks (M) Deadliest Catch: Bloodline (PG) 12.10 Mysteries at Washington DC, live 1.00 Rugby Heaven 2.00
s6ep2 3.25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) the Museum (PG) 1.05 Naked and Afraid (M) 2.00 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 2.30 Farah Palmer Cup,
4.20 The Jonathan Ross Show (PG) s15ep12 5.15 Aussie Salvage Squad (PG) 2.55 Homestead Rescue Taranaki v Tasman 3.00 Farah Palmer Cup, Hawke’s
Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 6.20 QI (M) 6.55 (PG) 3.50 Aussie Gold Hunters Marathon (PG) 8.30 Bay v North Harbour 3.30 Farah Palmer Cup,
EastEnders (PG) 7.25 QI (M) 8.00 Would I Lie to Gold Rush: White Water (PG) 9.30 Gold Rush: Dave Northland v Manuwatu 4.00 Farah Palmer Cup,
You? (PG) 8.30 Dragons’ Den (PG) s17ep1 9.30 The Turin’s Lost Mine (PG) 10.30 Bering Sea Gold (PG) Bay of Plenty v Waikato 4.30 Farah Palmer Cup,
Graham Norton Show (M) With Bruce Springsteen, 11.25 Naked and Afraid (M) 12.15am Programmes Counties Manukau v Otago 5.00 Farah Palmer
Dame Kristen Scott Thomas, Mawaan Rizwan, continue Cup, Canterbury v Wellington 5.15 1st XV Rugby,
Stephen Mangan, Matthew McConaughey and Sam Palmerston North Boy’s High v Napier Boy’s
Smith. s28ep4 10.25 Call the Midwife (PG) 12.05am
Programmes continue
National Geographic SKY 072 High, replay 7.00 1st XV Revision 7.30 Sky Sport
6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M) 7.30 Mega GrassRoots 8.30 Inside the Lions Den: 2005 Tour of
Factories 8.30 Food Factory USA (PG) 9.30 Food New Zealand, All Blacks v Lions 11.00 Rugby, South
SoHo SKY 010 Factory (PG) 10.30 When Sharks Attack (PG) 11.30 Africa v British & Irish Lions, 2nd test, highlights
6.10 Save Me Too (16) s2ep2 7.00 Tig Notaro: Drawn Monkeying Around (PG) 12.30 Decades Remixed: 11.30 1st XV Rugby, Palmerston North Boy’s High
(M) 8.00 Domina (16) s1ep5 8.50 Industry (16) s1ep5 The 80s Greatest (PG) 1.30 Gordon Ramsay: v Napier Boy’s High, highlights 12.00am Cycling,
9.40 Eden (16) s1ep8 10.25 Baptiste (16) s2ep2 11.25 Uncharted (PG) 2.30 Apollo: Missions to the Moon Tour de Savoie Mont-Blanc, stage 1, replay 2.00
Save Me Too (16) s2ep2 12.15 Tig Notaro: Drawn (M) (PG) 4.30 Air Crash Investigation: Special Report Tour de Savoie Mont-Blanc, stage 2, live 4.00 Pure
1.15 Domina (16) s1ep5 2.05 Industry (16) s1ep5 2.55 (PG) 6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M) 7.30 Motorsport 4.30 Tennis, ATP 500, Citi Open, day 3,
Eden (16) s1ep8 3.40 Last Week Tonight with John Lost Treasures of Egypt (PG) 8.30 Explorer (M) match of the day
Oliver (M) s8ep19 4.15 Camping (16) s1ep1 4.45 New 9.30 The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great (PG)
Amsterdam (M) s1ep21 5.30 The Deuce (18) s2ep6 10.30 Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth (PG) Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
6.30 The White Lotus (16) s1ep4 7.30 A Teacher (18) 11.30 Banged Up Abroad (M) 12.30am Programmes
6.00 League, NRL 360 7.00 Face-2-Face with
s1ep2 8.00 Dave (16) s2ep8 8.30 Mr Inbetween (16) continue
Matty Johns 7.30 NRL Premiership, Newcastle
s3ep7 9.00 Black Monday (16) s3ep9 9.30 Flatbush
Knights v Canberra Raiders, replay 9.30 NRL
Misdemeanors (16) s1ep2 10.00 Cinema Toast History SKY 073 Premiership, Wests Tigers v New Zealand Warriors,
(16) A youngster falls victim to America’s biggest
6.30 End of Empire: Rise & Fall of Dynasties (PG) replay 11.30 NRL Premiership, Melbourne Storm
threat, reanimated Russian dog corpses that can
7.30 The Hitler Chronicles (PG) 8.30 Time Team v Penrith Panthers, replay 1.30 NRL Premiership,
communicate with machinery and vehicles. s1ep2
9.30 Britain’s Greatest Bridges (PG) 10.30 Time Sydney Roosters v Parramatta Eels, replay 3.30
10.30 Intergalactic (M) s1ep7 11.15 Yellowstone (16)
Team (PG) 11.30 America in Colour (PG) 12.30 NRL Premiership, Brisbane Broncos v North
s3ep10 12.05am Programmes continue
Abandoned Engineering (PG) 1.30 Living in the Queensland Cowboys, replay 5.30 NRL Try Time
Shadow of World War Two (PG) 2.30 Omaha 6.30 NRL 360 7.30 Face-2-Face with Matty Johns
Living SKY 017 Beach Honor and Sacrifice (PG) 3.30 Hitler’s Most 8.00 NRL Tonight, live 8.30 Warriors TV 9.00 NRL
6.15 Escape to the Country (PG) 7.10 30 Minute Wanted (M) 4.30 Secrets of War (M) 5.30 Carriers Premiership, live 11.45 The Late Show with Matty
Meals (PG) 7.35 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 8.10 House at War (PG) 6.30 Time Team (PG) 7.30 Abandoned Johns, live 12.45am Warriors TV 1.15 NRL Tonight
Hunters (PG) 9.00 Grand Designs House of the Year Engineering (PG) 8.30 World’s Greatest Ships 1.45 Face-2-Face with Matty Johns 2.15 NRL
(PG) 10.00 Love Your Garden (PG) 11.00 Salvage (PG) 9.30 Apollo’s Moon Shot (PG) 10.30 War on Premiership, highlights 3.00 The Late Show with
Hunters (PG) 11.55 Location Location Location Witches (PG) 11.30 The Machinery of War (PG) Matty Johns 4.00 Golf, WGC FedEx Championship,
(PG) 1.50 Escape to the Country (PG) 2.45 House 12.30am Programmes continue St Jude Invitational, from TPC Southwind, Mempis,
Hunters (PG) 3.45 30 Minute Meals (PG) 4.15 live
Classic Mary Berry (PG) 4.50 Love Your Garden BBC Earth SKY 074
(PG) 5.40 Selling Houses Australia 6.35 Location Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
Location Location (PG) 7.30 Salvage Hunters (PG) 6.00 Dynasties (PG) 6.50 Dynasties: The Making of
(PG) 7.00 Life Below Zero (M) 7.50 Where the Wild 6.00 Tokyo Olympics, Tokyo 2020, day 12, highlights
8.30 Girl Meets Farm (PG) 9.00 Delicious Miss
Men Are (PG) 8.40 Wonders of the Universe (PG) 7.00 Women’s Golf, round 1, highlights f 7.30 Track
Brown (PG) 9.30 The Pioneer Woman (PG) 10.00
9.40 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 10.35 The Dog Cycling, Women’s Keirin first rounds, Men’s Sprint
Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics (PG) 10.30 Grand
Rescuers (PG) 11.20 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 12.10 1/32 finals, Women’s Keirin Repechages, Men’s
Designs New Zealand (PG) 11.25 House Hunters
Dynasties (PG) 1.05 Wonders of the Universe (PG) Sprint 1/32 finals, Men’s Team Pursuit finals, Men’s
(PG) 12.15am Programmes continue
2.05 Dynasties (PG) 3.00 Dynasties: The Making Sprint 1/16 Finals, highlights 8.00 Sailing, day 12,
of (PG) 3.10 Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure Men’s 470 final 9.00 Tokyo 2020, day 12, highlights
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 (PG) 4.00 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 5.00 Life 10.00 Tokyo Gold, Women’s Golf, round 2, live
6.05 The Perfect Murder (M) 6.55 Chaos in Below Zero (M) 5.50 Where the Wild Men Are 1.30am Tokyo 2020 Moments 2.10 Track Cycling,
Court (M) 7.45 The Happy Face Killer Mind of a (PG) 6.45 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies (PG) Men’s Omnium Scratch, Men’s Sprint 1/8 quarter-
Monster (M) 9.25 Nightmare Next Door (M) 10.20 7.35 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 8.30 The Dog Rescuers finals and finals, Women’s Keirin quarter-finals, semi-
Disappeared (M) 11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) 12.10 The with Alan Davies (M) 9.20 Shark (PG) 10.15 Shark finals and finals, highlights 2.40 Canoe Sprint, Men’s
Perfect Murder (M) 1.05 Scorned: Crimes of Passion Diaries (PG) 10.25 Dynasties (PG) 11.20 Dynasties: K1, K2 semi-finals, Women’s C1, K1 semi-finals 3.55
(M) 2.00 Forbidden: Dying for Love (M) 2.55 I’d Kill The Making of (PG) 11.30 Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Canoe Sprint, Men’s K1, K2 finals, Women’s C1, K1
for You (M) 3.50 Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall Adventure (PG) 12.25am Programmes continue finals, from Sea Forest Waterway

88 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

6.00 Breakfast (HD, C) John 6.00 Les Mills Born to Move (G, 6.00 The AM Show (HD) With
Campbell, Jenny-May HD, C) Duncan Garner, Amanda
Clarkson and the Breakfast 6.25 Ricky Zoom (G, R, HD, C) Gillies and Mark Richardson.
team present news, sport, 6.35 Clifford the Big Red Dog (G, 9.00 Infomercials
information and weather. HD, C) 10.30 The Vet Life (PG, HD)
9.00 Winning Combination (G, 7.00 The Dog and Pony Show (G, s2ep10
HD, C, AD) Omid Djalili R, HD, C) 11.30 Newshub Live (HD)
presents a UK game show 7.25 Alvinnn!!! And the Noon House Hunters Renovation
in which nine contestants Chipmunks (G, R, HD, C) (G, HD) s10ep7
are assigned a number from 7.50 Miraculous: Tales of 1.00 ■ The Narcissist (2019, M,
1-9 and compete with each Ladybug and Cat Noir (G, R, HD, C) A single mother
other in general knowledge HD, C) begins to wonder if her
rounds. 8.15 Darwin and Newts (G, HD, new boyfriend, a professor,
10.00 The Chase (G, R, HD, C) C, AD) is telling the truth. Amber Cancel culture: THE DAY
Bradley Walsh hosts a UK 8.25 Thomas & Friends (G, R, HD, Goldfarb, Daymon Runyan,
quiz show. C, AD) Alanna Bale. SPORTS STOOD STILL
11.00 Extreme Cake Makers (G, 8.35 Moon & Me (G, R, HD, C) 3.00 Match Game (PG, HD, C) DOCUMENTARY: Antoine
R, HD) UK series featuring 8.55 Kiri and Lou (G, R, HD) s1ep4
Fuqua’s documentary could,
the bakers of extraordinary 9.00 Infomercials 3.55 House Crashers (G, HD)
cakes. Today, Lancashire 9.30 Religious Programming s13ep6 perhaps, have been two films,
cake maker Molly attempts 10.00 Les Mills BodyBalance (G, 4.30 Newshub Live (HD) or a series. He set out to make
her largest sculpture to HD, C) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat (G, HD) a doco about the effects of
date, a giant cow, Suzanne 10.30 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C) 6.00 Newshub Live (HD)
7.00 The Project (HD) With Laura
the pandemic on sport in the
crafts a succulent-themed 11.00 All Rise (PG, HD, C) s2ep16
wedding cake, and Nastassja 11.50 The Royals (PG, HD, C) s2ep7 Tupou, Jesse Mulligan and US, but then there is another
assembles a hexagonal work 12.45 Emmerdale (PG, C, AD) Jeremy Corbett. reason that sports stood still
of edible art. 1.40 Murphy Brown (PG, R, HD) 7.30 ■ Jurassic Park III (2001, M, in 2020: Black Lives Matter.
11.30 Te Karere (C) A Māori 2.35 Home and Away (PG, R, C) R, HD, C) A divorced couple
perspective on the day’s 3.05 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, convince Alan Grant to help It begins with the night of
news and current affairs. C, AD) them find their son, who is March 11, 2020, when an
Noon 1 News (HD, C) 3.35 Bluey (G, R, HD, C) missing on Isla Sorna. Sam NBA game between Utah
12.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 3.40 Holly Hobbie (G, R, HD, C) Neill, William H Macy, Tea
Jazz and Oklahoma City was
2020 (HD, C) Toni Street 4.05 Brain Busters (G, C) Leoni, Laura Dern. TV Films,
presents day 14 coverage of 4.30 Friends (G, R, HD, C) s7ep11 page 69 called off due to a player’s
the 2020 Summer Olympics 5.00 The Simpsons (PG, R, HD, C, 9.20 Cocaine Trade Exposed: positive test. Many cancella-
in Tokyo, with insight from AD) s18ep18 The Invisibles (M, HD, C) tions followed. But after the
Olympian Sarah Cowley Ross 5.30 Young Sheldon (G, R, HD, C) The most ingenious forms
of smuggling and the
murder of George Floyd and
and reporters Kimberlee s1ep6
Downs, Chris Chang, Guy 6.00 Neighbours (G, HD, C) investigations that caught the shooting of Jacob Blake,
Heveldt and Rapaera Tawhai Toadie questions his them. s1ep3 Fuqua pivots to include the
on the ground in Tokyo. relationship. 10.15 Newshub Late unprecedented involvement
New Zealand athletes will 6.30 Home and Away (PG, C) 10.45 Love Island: Australia (M, R,
HD, C) s2ep20&21 of athletes in protests across
be searching for Olympic Ziggy takes her frustration
glory in more than 20 out on Tane. 12.45am – 6.00 Infomercials the US.
sports. Today, Canoe Sprint, 7.00 Shortland Street (PG, HD, SOHO, 8.30pm
Women’s K4 500m heats
featuring the New Zealand
C, AD) Louis goes the extra
mile, Esther pays detective,
team, Women’s Hockey, and Desi’s eyes are on the 6.00 Kids’ Programmes (G, R)
bronze medal match, and prize. 9.00 A Place in the Sun (G, R)
Women’s Beach Volleyball 7.30 All New Wipeout (G, HD, C) 10.00 A Place in the Sun: Winter
gold medal match. John Cena and Nicole Byer
Sun (G, R)
6.00 1 News (HD, C) host a US series in which
11.00 Hot Bench (PG, R)
7.00 Seven Sharp (HD, C) Hilary thrillseekers take on an
11.30 Married with Children
Barry and Jeremy Wells extreme obstacle course.
(PG, R)
present current affairs and 8.30 8 Out of 10 Cats Does
12.30 Tommy (M, R, C)
entertainment. Countdown (16, HD, C) With
1.30 Parks and Recreation (M,
7.30 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Jimmy Carr. s11ep13
(HD, C) Scotty Stevenson 9.35 Coronation Street (PG, C, R, C)
presents coverage of the AD) NB: Coronation Street 2.00 The Late Show (PG, R)
evening session of day 14, moves back to TVNZ 1 from 3.00 Wheel of Fortune (G)
with insight from Olympian Tuesday. 3.30 Jeopardy (G)
Sarah Cowley Ross and 10.35 Casual (16, HD, C) Valerie 4.00 American Pickers (PG, R)
reporters Kimberlee Downs, and Alex’s mother shows up 5.00 3rd Rock from the Sun (PG, High flyer: PAPER PLANES
Chris Chang, Guy Heveldt unannounced. s1ep5 R, C) FILM: Robert Connolly usu-
and Rapaera Tawhai on 11.35 Bride and Prejudice: The 5.30 Prime News
6.00 Storage Wars (PG) ally concerns himself with
the ground in Tokyo. New Forbidden Weddings (PG,
Zealand athletes will be HD, C) s3ep3 7.00 The Crowd Goes Wild injustice (Balibo) and crime
searching for Olympic glory 12.50am Will & Grace (M, R, HD, C) 7.30 ■ Paper Planes (2014, G, C) (The Bank), but this family film
in more than 20 sports. s11ep3 An Australian boy sets out to is a sweet diversion and won
Tonight, Kiwis in action on 1.15 Shortland Street (PG, R, HD, compete in the World Paper
Plane Championships. Sam
Connolly an AACTA Award
the Cycling track at the C, AD)
Izu Velodrome, Women’s 1.40 Infomercials Worthington, Ed Oxenbould. for his screenplay. Kiwi Julian
Football gold medal match, 2.40 ■ Big Sky (2015, 16, R, HD, C, 9.30 RAW (PG) Dennison plays the mate of
Equestrian, Team Jumping AD) Bella Thorne. 10.30 The Late Show with Stephen the wee chap (Ed Oxenbould)
qualifier, and Women’s 4.15 2 Overnight Colbert (PG)
11.30 The Crowd Goes Wild
who goes all the way with his
Hockey, gold medal match 4.40 Neighbours (G, R, HD, C)
from Oi Hockey Stadium. 5.05 – 6.00 Brain Busters (G, R, (PG, R) paper planes.
2.10 – 6.00 Infomercials HD, C) 12.00am – 3.00 Infomercials (G) PRIME, 7.30pm
■ NEW ■ RETURN ■ FINAL ■ FILM C Captions AD Audio Description HD High Definition
JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 89


A typically muscular, masculine actioner
6.30 Kids’ Programmes (G) from Walter Hill, who once said that
8.00 Kōrero Mai (G, R) every movie he ever made was a west-
9.00 Cam’s Kai (G, R) ern. Well, this neo-western is set on the
9.30 Ōpaki (G, R)
US-Mexico border, where a good guy
10.00 Iwi Anthems (G, R)
10.30 Whānau Living (G, R) with a gun (Nick Nolte) battles a bad guy
11.00 Tangaroa with Pio (G) with many guns (Powers Boothe).
11.30 Lucky Dip (G) MOVIES CLASSICS, 8.30pm
Noon Te Ao Tapatahi

12.30 The Ring Inz (G, R)
1.00 It’s in the Bag (G, R)
1.30 Ngā Pari Kārangaranga o te
Motu (G, R) 6.00 Infomercials 6.00 Sarah Off the Grid (G) 2.10pm Two and a Half Men (M, R,
2.00 Tōku Reo (G, R) 10.00 Judge Jerry (G, R) 7.00 The Great Food Truck Race HD, C) s10ep22
3.00 Kids’ Programmes (G) 10.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) (PG) 2.30 Hunting Aotearoa (G, HD)
6.30 Te Ao Mārama 11.25 Snapped (M, R) 8.00 London Zoo: An 3.00 River Monsters (PG, HD, C)
7.00 ASB Polyfest (G, R) Tonight, 12.25 Buried in the Backyard (M, R) Extraordinary Year (G) 3.55 The Chase Australia (G, C)
Westlake Boys’ High School 1.20 The Real Housewives of 9.00 James Martin’s Great British 4.45 ABC World News (PG)
7.30 Pacific Island Food New York City (G, R) s2ep6 Adventure (G) 5.10 My Country Kitchen (G, HD)
Revolution (G) Robert 2.20 Million Dollar Listing NY 10.00 Jade Fever (PG) 5.35 Impossible Engineering (G,
Oliver presents a cooking (PG, R) s6ep4 10.30 Mysteries at the Museum R, HD, C, AD)
competition series. Tonight, 3.25 Keeping Up with the (PG) 6.35 The Big Bang Theory (G, R,
all three Fijian teams are Kardashians (PG, R) s12ep21 11.30 American Pickers (G) HD, C) s11ep5
returning to compete in the 4.30 Love It or List It (G, R) 12.30 Where the Wild Men Are 7.00 Two and a Half Men (PG, R,
second round, but only one 5.30 Shark Tank (PG) with Ben Fogle (G) HD, C) s10ep23
can go to the finals. 6.30 Botched by Nature (PG, R) 1.30 Deadliest Catch (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons (PG, R,
8.30 ■ What We Did on Our An ex-CIA disguise specialist 3.30 Project Grizzly (G) HD, C, AD) Apu’s nephew
Holiday (2014, M) While on helps a musician born 4.30 Rick Stein’s Road to Mexico makes big changes when he
holiday in Scotland, a couple without an ear. s1ep5 5.30 Mysteries at the Museum takes over the Kwik-E-Mart.
try to hide their separation. 7.30 ■ Waterworld (1995, M, (PG) s27ep12
David Tennant, Rosamund R, C) On an Earth that is 6.30 Salvage Hunters Best Buys 8.30 ■ Beverly Hills Cop III (1994,
Pike, Billy Connolly. TV Films, almost entirely submerged, 7.30 Grand Designs (G) M, HD, C, AD) Detroit cop
page 69 the human race struggles 8.30 George Clarke’s Old House Axel Foley returns to Beverly
10.20 Tāringa Huruhuru (PG, R) to survive on dilapidated New Home (G) Hills to stop a gang of
Comedy with kaumātua boats and makeshift floating 9.30 Escape to the Chateau: DIY counterfeiters. Eddie Murphy,
superduo Wī and Wā. cities. Kevin Costner, Jeanne (G) Judge Reinhold, Hector
10.30 Hari with the Māori Tripplehorn. 10.30 Salvage Hunters Best Buys Elizondo.
Sidesteps (PG, R) Comedy 10.15 The Witnesses (M, R) 11.30 Mysteries at the Museum 10.25 South Park (16, R, HD) s11ep9
and waiata. 11.15 Snapped (M, R) (PG) 11.50 – 12.30am Late Night
11.00 – 11.30 Te Ao Mārama (R) 12.10am – 6.00 Infomercials 12.30am Programmes continue DUKEbox Music

6.25 Tenet (2020, M) John David 6.20 7 Days in Hell (2015, 16) 6.10 The Dead Zone (1983, PG) 7.30 Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Washington Andy Samberg Christopher Walken (2019, M) Adèle Haenel
8.50 Thank You for Your Service 7.05 Miss Congeniality (2000, M) 7.55 Close Encounters of the 9.30 The Air of the Time (2020,
(2017, 16) Miles Teller Sandra Bullock Third Kind (1977, PG) PG) Documentary.
10.40 The King of Staten Island 8.55 An Hour Behind (2017, PG) Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr 10.35 The Wind (2018, M) Caitlin
(2020, 16) Pete Davidson Emily Rose, Barry Watson 10.10 Cloak and Dagger (1946, G) Gerard
12.55 Papillon (2019, 16) Charlie 10.25 Bend It Like Beckham Gary Cooper, Robert Alda 12.05 Unraveling Athena: The
Hunnam, Rami Malek (2002, PG) Keira Knightley Noon Ride Lonesome (1959, G) Champions of Women’s
3.05 Babyteeth (2019, 16) Eliza 12.15 Van Wilder: Party Liaison Randolph Scott, James Best Tennis (2019, PG) US
Scanlen, Toby Wallace (2002, 16) Ryan Reynolds 1.15 The Man Who Fell to Earth documentary.
5.00 The Doorman (2020, 16) 1.50 Greed (2020, 16) Steve (1976, 18) David Bowie 1.45 At War (2018, 16) Vincent
Ruby Rose, Jean Reno Coogan, Isla Fisher 3.35 Kings Go Forth (1958, PG) Lindon
6.35 1917 (2019, 16) During World 3.35 Are We Officially Dating? Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis 3.40 The Dakota Entrapment
War I, two British soldiers are (2014, 16) Zac Efron 5.25 Existenz (1999, M) Jennifer Tapes (2020, M) US
sent on a mission to deliver a 5.10 So I Married an Axe Jason Leigh, Jude Law documentary.
message to call off an attack. Murderer (1993, PG) Mike 7.00 Bill & Ted’s Excellent 5.10 All Is True (2018, M) Kenneth
George MacKay Myers, Nancy Travis Adventure (1989, PG) Keanu Branagh, Judi Dench
8.30 Archive (2020, M) In 2038, 6.45 Pixels (2015, PG) Adam Reeves, Alex Winter 6.50 Busby (2019, PG) UK
a man who working on a Sandler, Kevin James 8.30 Extreme Prejudice (1987, documentary.
human-equivalent AI has the 8.30 Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 16) Two former childhood 8.30 Lucky Grandma (2019, M) A
secret goal of reuniting with (2019, 16) Jay and Silent Bob friends find themselves on Chinese grandma goes all-in
his dead wife. Theo James, try to stop Hollywood from opposite sides of the law on at the casino. Tsai Chin
Stacy Martin TV Films, page making a reboot of an old the US-Mexico border. Nick TV Films, page 69
69 movie based on them. Jason Nolte, Powers Boothe 10.00 Peterloo (2018, M) Based
10.23 Savage (2019, 16) A guy Mewes, Kevin Smith 10.15 The House That Dripped on the story of the 1819
grows from a boy into the 10.15 Step Brothers (2008, 16) Will Blood (1971, M) Christopher British forces’ attack on
violent enforcer of a gang. Ferrell, John C Reilly Lee, Peter Cushing a pro-democracy rally in
Jake Ryan, John Tui 11.50 The Break-Up (2006, M) 11.55 Awakenings (1990, PG) Manchester. Rory Kinnear,
12.03am Jumanji: The Next Level Jennifer Aniston Robert De Niro Maxine Peake
(2019, PG) 2.03 The Night Clerk 1.35am Miss Congeniality 2: Armed 1.55am Rock’n’Roll High School 12.30am Daniel Isn’t Real (2019, 16)
(2020, 16) 3.33 Force of Nature and Fabulous (2005, M) 3.30 A (1979, M) 3.30 McLintock! (1963, 2.10 Brassic (16) s1ep5 2.55 Women
(2020, 16) 5.10 The Kindness of Moving Romance (2017, PG) 4.55 PG) 5.35 Being John Malkovich Make Film (16) s1ep9 4.00 At War
Strangers (2020, M) Land of the Lost (2009, M) (1999, M) (2018, 16) 5.55 All Is True (2018, M)

90 LISTENER JULY 31 2021


SKY CHANNELS 12.10 The Perfect Murder (M) 1.05 Scorned: Crimes
of Passion (M) 2.00 Forbidden: Dying for Love
(M) 2.55 I’d Kill for You (M) 3.50 Dead of Winter
Vibe SKY 006 (M) 4.45 The Wonderland Murders (M) 5.40 Evil
Kin (M) 6.35 The Perfect Murder (M) 7.30 People
6.00 Judging Amy (M) s5ep3 6.50 Judge Judy
Magazine Investigates (M) 8.30 Reasonable Doubt
(PG) 7.15 Medium (M) s3ep2 8.05 Cold Case (M)
(M) 9.30 Hometown Homicide (M) 10.30 Evil Lives
8.50 Parenthood (M) s2ep14 9.35 The Good Wife
Here (M) 11.25 Nightmare Next Door (M) 12.15am
(M) s1ep9 10.20 Judge Judy (PG) 11.00 Hospital
Programmes continue
(M) s2ep2 Noon Inside the Children’s Hospital (M)
s2ep5&6 1.00 Death and Nightingales (M) s1ep2
2.00 Medium (M) s3ep2 2.50 Cold Case (M) 3.40 Sky Arts SKY 020
Parenthood (M) s2ep14 4.30 Judge Judy (PG) 6.50 The Artist’s Workshop 7.05 Other Voices 8.00
5.30 Judging Amy (M) s5ep3 6.30 The Good Raul Julia: The World’s a Stage 8.55 The Artist’s
Wife (M) s1ep9 7.30 Rizzoli & Isles (M) s6ep15 8.30 Workshop 9.10 The Art of Craft 10.05 Finding Your
Downton Abbey (M) It’s the annual flower show Roots 11.00 Landscape Artist of the Year Canada
and Isobel and Violet are in conflict over blooms. 11.45 Photos That Changed the World 12.30 Secrets
s1ep5 9.30 Blue Bloods (M) The Attorney General’s of the Museum 1.30 Rankin’s 2020 1.55 Finding
office obtains new evidence against Danny in the Your Roots 2.50 The Artist’s Workshop 3.05 Other
self-defence shooting of serial killer Thomas Wilder. Voices 4.00 Speakeasy: Seal & Amy Thomson
s7ep1 10.30 Parenthood (M) s2ep14 11.20 Judge 5.00 Speakeasy: Joe Elliot & David Fricke 6.00
Judy (PG) 12.15am Programmes continue Speakeasy: Sting & Shaggy 7.00 Grayson Perry’s Vibe: Blue
Vib Bl Bloods,
Bl d 9.30pm
9 30
Big American Road Trip (PG) 7.45 Portrait Artist of
UKTV SKY 007 the Year 8.30 The Big Book Club 9.30 Grayson’s
Art Club 10.30 Dire Straits: Alchemy Live 12.00am
6.05 New Tricks (M) s4ep8 6.55 EastEnders (PG)
7.20 The Jonathan Ross Show (PG) s15ep12 8.10
Programmes continue SKY SPORT
The Bill (M) 9.00 A Touch of Frost (M) s8ep2 10.20
Call the Midwife (PG) s5ep1 11.20 Doc Martin (M) Discovery SKY 070
s3ep2 12.10 Midsomer Murders (M) s17ep2 1.45 The 6.05 How Do They Do It? (PG) 6.30 How It’s Made
Sky Sport 1 SKY 051
Bill (M) 2.35 New Tricks (M) s6ep3 3.35 8 Out of 10 (PG) 6.55 Aussie Gold Hunters Marathon (PG) 9.25 6.00 Tennis, ATP 500, Citi Open, day 4, from
Cats Does Countdown (M) 4.30 The Jonathan Ross Fast N’ Loud (PG) 10.20 Gold Rush: White Water Washington DC, live 1.00 Cycling, Tour de Savoie
Show (PG) s15ep13 5.25 Who Do You Think You (PG) 11.15 Aussie Gold Hunters (PG) 12.10 Mysteries Mont-Blanc, stage 2, replay 3.00 1st XV Rugby,
Are? USA (PG) 6.15 QI (M) 6.50 Mrs Brown’s Boys at the Museum (PG) 1.05 Naked and Afraid (M) Palmerston North Boy’s High v Napier Boy’s High,
(M) s1ep6 7.25 QI (M) With Sue Perkins, Reginald D 2.00 Aussie Salvage Squad (PG) 2.55 Homestead highlights 3.30 1st XV Revision 4.00 Sky Sport
Hunter and Jimmy Carr. 8.00 Would I Lie to You? Rescue (PG) 3.50 Gold Rush Marathon (PG) 7.55 GrassRoots 5.00 Farah Palmer Cup, Manawatu
(PG) With Josh Widdicombe, Gemma Cairney, Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 8.55 Gold Rush: Dave v Hawke’s Bay, from Central Energy Trust Arena,
Raj Bisram and Sophie Hermann. 8.35 8 Out of 10 Turin’s Lost Mine (PG) 9.55 Aussie Mega Mechanics Palmerston North, live 7.00 Rugby, National
Cats Does Countdown (M) 10.25 Hypothetical (M) (PG) 10.55 UFO Witness (PG) 11.50 Naked and Provincial Championship, Manawatu v Counties
s2ep7 11.15 Midsomer Murders (M) s17ep2 12.50am Afraid XL (M) 12.40am Programmes continue Manukau, from Central Energy Trust Arena,
Programmes continue Palmerston North, live 9.00 Motorsport, Can-Am
Loveday 400, highlights from South Australia
National Geographic SKY 072 9.30 Pure Motorsport 10.00 The Darts Show
SoHo SKY 010 6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M) 7.30 Lost 10.30 1st XV Rugby, Palmerston North Boy’s High
6.40 A Teacher (18) s1ep2 7.10 Dave (16) s2ep8 Treasures of Egypt (PG) 8.30 Explorer (M) 9.30 v Napier Boy’s High, highlights 11.00 Golf, World
7.40 Mr Inbetween (16) s3ep7 8.10 Black Monday The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great (PG) 10.30
Championship, highlights 11.30 Golf, European
(16) s3ep9 8.40 Flatbush Misdemeanors (16) s1ep2 Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth (PG) 11.30
Tour, round 4, highlights 12.00am Golf, European
9.10 Cinema Toast (16) s1ep2 9.40 Intergalactic Banged Up Abroad (M) 12.30 Decades Remixed:
Tour, live 5.00 Motorsport, Can-Am Loveday 400,
(M) s1ep7 10.25 Yellowstone (16) s3ep10 11.15 The The 80s Greatest (PG) 1.30 Buried Secrets of
highlights from South Australia 5.30 The Darts
White Lotus (16) s1ep4 12.15 Dave (16) s2ep8 12.45 WWII (PG) 3.30 Evacuate Earth (M) 4.30 Mega
Mr Inbetween (16) s3ep7 1.10 Black Monday (16) Factories 6.30 Airport Security: Peru & Brazil (M)
s3ep9 1.40 Flatbush Misdemeanors (16) s1ep2 2.10 7.30 Seconds from Disaster Best ofs (M) 8.30 Air
Cinema Toast (16) s1ep2 2.40 Intergalactic (M) Crash Investigation: Special Report (PG) 9.30 Air Sky Sport 2 SKY 052
s1ep7 3.25 Yellowstone (16) s3ep10 4.15 Camping Crash Investigation (PG) 10.30 When Sharks Attack 11.00 Warriors TV 11.30 NRL Premiership, Brisbane
(16) s1ep2 4.45 New Amsterdam (M) s1ep final 5.30 (PG) 11.30 Wicked Tuna (PG) 12.30am Programmes Broncos v North Queensland Cowboys, replay 1.30
The Deuce (18) s2ep7 6.30 Domina (16) s1ep5 7.30 continue The Late Show with Matty Johns 2.30 The Back
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (18) s1ep3 8.30 ■ Page: Tony Squires and a panel discuss the latest
The Day Sports Stood Still (2021, M) Documentary History SKY 073 sporting news 3.30 Golf, US Women’s Amateur,
about the effect on the US sports world of the highlights from Westchester Country Club, Rye,
2020 shutdown. 10.00 High Maintenance (16) s2ep3 6.30 Apollo’s Moon Shot (PG) 7.30 War on
Witches (PG) 8.30 Time Team 9.30 Carriers at New York 4.00 Golf, European Tour, round 4,
10.30 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (M) highlights 4.30 Golf, WGC FedEx Championship,
s8ep19 11.05 In Treatment (M) s4ep11 11.35 Knightfall War (PG) 10.30 Time Team (PG) 11.30 Abandoned
Engineering (PG) 12.30 World’s Greatest Ships (PG) highlights from TPC Southwind, Memphis 5.00
(16) s2ep3 12.20am Programmes continue NRL Premiership, highlights 5.30 The Late Show
1.30 The Bomb (PG) 3.30 Hitler’s Most Wanted (M)
4.30 Secrets of War (M) 5.30 Hidden Britain by with Matty Johns 6.30 Warriors TV: Adam Blair
Living SKY 017 Drone 6.30 Time Team (PG) 7.30 The Civil War by and Goran Paladin present the latest news from the
6.15 Escape to the Country (PG) 7.10 30 Minute Ken Burns 8.30 Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty (M) 9.30 NZ Warriors training camp in Australia 7.00 NRL
Meals (PG) 7.35 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 8.10 House Hiroshima: 75 Years Later (M) 11.30 Spies of War Premiership, Canberra Raiders v St Geoge Illawarra
Hunters (PG) 9.00 Grand Designs New Zealand (M) 12.30am Programmes continue Dragons, live 9.55 NRL Premiership, Rarramatta
(PG) 10.00 Girl Meets Farm (PG) 10.25 Delicious Eels v South Sydney Rabbitohs, live 12.40am NRL
Miss Brown (PG) 11.00 Salvage Hunters (PG) 11.55 Premiership, highlights 1.30 Golf, WGC FedEx
Location Location Location (PG) 12.50 The Pioneer
BBC Earth SKY 074 Championship, highlights from TPC Southwind,
Woman (PG) 1.20 Barefoot Contessa: Back to 6.00 Dynasties (PG) 6.50 Dynasties: The Making of Memphis 2.00 Cycling, Tour de Savoie Mont-Blanc,
Basics (PG) 1.50 Escape to the Country (PG) 2.45 (PG) 7.00 Life Below Zero (M) 7.50 Where the Wild stage 3, live 4.00 Golf, WGC FedEx Championship,
House Hunters (PG) 3.40 30 Minute Meals (PG) Men Are (PG) 8.35 Planet Earth II (PG) 9.40 Trust St Jude Invitational, from TPC Southwind, Memphis,
4.10 Classic Mary Berry (PG) 4.45 Girl Meets Farm Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 10.35 The Dog Rescuers with
(PG) 5.10 Delicious Miss Brown (PG) 5.40 Selling Alan Davies (PG) 11.20 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 12.05
Houses Australia 6.35 Location Location Location The Hunt (PG) 1.00 The Hunt: The Making of (PG)
(PG) 7.30 Salvage Hunters (PG) 8.30 Long Lost 1.10 Planet Earth II (PG) 2.10 Dynasties (PG) 3.05 Sky Sport 3 SKY 053
Family UK 10.30 Escape to the Country (PG) 11.25 Dynasties: The Making of (PG) 3.15 Judi Dench’s 6.00 Tokyo Olympics, Women’s Golf, round 2,
House Hunters (PG) 12.15am Programmes continue Wild Borneo Adventure (PG) 4.05 Trust Me, I’m a highlights from Kasumigaseki Country Club 6.30
Doctor (PG) 5.00 Life Below Zero (M) 5.50 Where Track Cycling, Men’s Omnium Scratch, Men’s
the Wild Men Are (PG) 6.45 The Dog Rescuers with Sprint 1/8 quarter-finals and finals, Women’s Keirin
Investigation Discovery SKY 018 Alan Davies (PG) 7.35 24 Hours in A&E (PG) 8.30 quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals, highlights from
6.05 The Perfect Murder (M) 6.55 Reasonable Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (PG) 9.30 Meet the Humans Izu Velodrome 7.00 Tokyo 2020, day 13, highlights
Doubt (M) 7.45 Hometown Homicide (M) 8.35 (M) 10.25 The Hunt (PG) 11.25 Judi Dench’s Wild 8.00 Tokyo Gold, Walk, Men’s 50km, from Odori
Chaos in Court (M) 9.25 Nightmare Next Door (M) Borneo Adventure (PG) 12.20am Programmes Park, Sapporo, live 2.30am Women’s Football 5.20
10.20 Disappeared (M) 11.15 Evil Lives Here (M) continue Men’s Football

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 91



News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
FREEVIEW 51 SKY 422 iHeartRADIO noon, 5.00pm
6.00 Daybreak 9.00 The Works Noon Upbeat
1.00 Onstage 3.00 Classical Connection 7.00
Evening Classics 8.00 Music Alive Orchestra
News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
Wellington: Fantastic Symphonies – Berlioz:
Symphonie fantastique; Lelio, or The Return to
6.00 Classic Morning 9.00 Weekend Brunch
Life, Andrew Laing (actor), Declan Cudd (tenor),
Noon From the Top 1.00 Onstage 2.00 Worlds Daniel O’Connor (baritone), Orpheus Choir,
of Music with Trevor Reekie 3.00 Afternoons Orchestra Wellington/Marc Taddei (recorded in
5.00 Inside Out with Nick Tipping 7.00 Evening the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington) 10.00
Classics 8.00 Music Alive Fazioli International Day’s End 12.00am Music Through the Night
Piano Recital Series: Jun Bouterey-Ishido –
Mozart: Piano Sonata No 17 in B flat K570; Ravel: TUESDAY
Miroirs; Bartok: 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs, News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
Selection; Bach: Little Preludes in C, A minor, noon, 5.00pm
and D, Jun Bouterey-Ishido (piano) (recorded in 6.00 Daybreak 9.00 The Works Noon Upbeat
the Auckland Museum Auditorium) 9.30 Sound 1.00 Onstage 3.00 Classical Connection 7.00
Lounge 12.00am Music Through the Night Evening Classics 8.00 Music Alive Beethoven
Live Around the World: Quatuor Ebène –
SUNDAY Beethoven: String Quartet in G Op 18/2; String
Emma Pask,
News and Weather 6.00am, 8.00, 9.00, noon Quartet in F minor Op 95, Serioso; String
Music Alive,
6.00 Sanctuary 7.30 Hymns on Sunday with Friday, 8.00pm. Quartet in E flat Op 74, Harp; Davis: Milestones,
Robyn Jaquiery 8.00 Grace Notes 9.00 Quatuor Ebène (recorded in the Michael Fowler
Weekend Brunch Noon Pick and Mix 1.00 Centre, Wellington) 10.00 Day’s End 12.00am
Onstage 3.00 The Musical Omnivore with Music Through the Night
Elijah; Wagner: Das Rheingold, excerpts; Trad
David Morriss 5.00 New Horizons with William
arr Weatherley, Dennis: Danny Boy; Burns, Trad:
Dart 6.00 Opera on Sunday Simon O’Neill in WEDNESDAY
A Red, Red Rose; Bizet: Au fond du temple
Concert – Beethoven: An die ferne Geliebte News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
Op 98; Vaughan Williams: Songs of Travel, saint; Rodgers: Some enchanted evening, from
noon, 5.00pm
excerpts; Ireland: Sea fever; Tosti: Non t’amo più; South Pacific; D’Hardelot: Because; Brodszky: 6.00 Daybreak 9.00 The Works Noon Upbeat
Verdi: Come dal ciel precipita, from Macbeth; Be My Love, Simon O’Neill (tenor), Iain Paterson 1.00 Onstage 3.00 Classical Connection 7.00
Niun mi tema, from Otello; Puccini: Dovunque (bass baritone), Manase Latu (tenor), Samson Evening Classics 8.00 Music Alive Southbank
al mondo, from Madama Butterfly; Strauss: Setu (bass baritone), Terence Dennis (piano) Series: Tasmin Little Says Farewell – Brahms:
Zueignung Op 10/1; Donizetti: Una furtiva (recorded in the Auckland Concert Chamber) Scherzo, from F-A-E Sonata in C minor;
lagrima, from L’elisir d’amore; Mendelssohn: 9.00 Made in New Zealand 11.00 New Music C Schumann: Three Romances Op 22; L
Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel!, from Dreams 12.00am Music Through the Night Boulanger: Nocturne; Brahms: Violin Sonata

Ferguson 9.06 Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan Ferguson 9.06 Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan
RNZ National Noon Midday Report with Mani Dunlop 1.06 Noon Midday Report with Mani Dunlop 1.06
FREEVIEW 50 SKY 421 iHeartRADIO Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan 3.45 The Panel Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan 3.45 The Panel with Wallace Chapman 5.00 Checkpoint with with Wallace Chapman 5.00 Checkpoint with
Lisa Owen 6.30 Trending Now 7.06 Nights with Lisa Owen 6.30 Trending Now 7.06 Nights with
SATURDAY Bryan Crump 10.00 News at Ten 10.15 Lately Bryan Crump 10.00 News at Ten 10.15 Lately
6.08 Storytime 7.08 Country Life 8.10 Saturday with Karyn Hay 11.04 Nashville Babylon 12.04am with Karyn Hay 11.04 Music 101 Pocket Edition
Morning with Kim Hill 12.12 Music 101 with All Night Programme 12.04am All Night Programme
Charlotte Ryan 5.00 The World at Five 5.10
Focus on Politics 5.30 Tagata o te Moana
6.06 Nashville Babylon Mark Rogers presents
5.00 First Up with Nathan Rarere 6.00 5.00 First Up with Nathan Rarere 6.00
Americana, alt country, folk, soul and blues 7.06
Morning Report with Corin Dann and Susie Morning Report with Corin Dann and Susie
Saturday Night with Phil O’Brien Requests,
Ferguson 9.06 Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan Ferguson 9.06 Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan
nostalgia and musical memories 12.04am All
Noon Midday Report with Mani Dunlop 1.06 Noon Midday Report with Mani Dunlop 1.06
Night Programme
Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan 3.45 The Panel Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan 3.45 The Panel
with Wallace Chapman 5.00 Checkpoint with with Wallace Chapman 5.00 Checkpoint with
Lisa Owen 6.30 Trending Now 7.06 Nights with Lisa Owen 6.30 Trending Now 7.06 Nights with
6.08 Storytime 7.10 Features Hour The Best of
Bryan Crump 10.00 News at Ten 10.15 Lately Bryan Crump 10.00 News at Ten 10.15 Lately
RNZ’s podcasts 7.45 The House 8.06 Sunday
with Karyn Hay 11.04 Worlds of Music With with Karyn Hay 11.04 The Mixtape 12.04am All
Morning with Jim Mora 12.12 Standing Room
Trevor Reekie 12.04am All Night Programme Night Programme
Only with Lynn Freeman Including 1.10 At the
Movies 2.05 The Laugh Track 3.05 Classic
Drama 4.06 Smart Talk Author Witi Ihimaera WEDNESDAY
talks with Jacinta Ruru about Navigating the 5.00 First Up with Nathan Rarere 6.00
Stars: Māori Creation Myths, in which he traces Morning Report with Corin Dann and Susie
the history of Māori (recorded at the 2021 Ferguson 9.06 Nine to Noon with Kathryn
Dunedin Writers and Readers Festival) 5.00 The Ryan Noon Midday Report with Mani Dunlop
World at Five 5.10 Heart and Soul 5.35 Te Manu 1.06 Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan 3.45 The Marcus Lush,
Korihi Māori news and issues 6.06 Te Ahi Kaa Panel with Wallace Chapman 5.00 Checkpoint Newstalk ZB,
6.40 Voices 7.04 The TED Radio Hour (NPR) with Lisa Owen 6.30 Trending Now 7.06 Nights weeknights,
8.06 The Sunday Night Retro Show with Phil with Bryan Crump 10.00 News at Ten 10.15 8.00pm.
O’Brien An evening of music and memories Lately with Karyn Hay 11.04 Inside Out Nick
10.00 The 10 O’Clock Report 10.10 Mediawatch Tipping presents classic recordings and modern
10.45 The House 11.04 The Retro Cocktail Hour masterpieces from the world of jazz 12.04am All
(KPR) 12.04am All Night Programme Night Programme

5.00 First Up with Nathan Rarere 6.00 5.00 First Up with Nathan Rarere 6.00
Morning Report with Corin Dann and Susie Morning Report with Corin Dann and Susie

1 20
No 3 in D minor Op 108; R Panufnik: Hora
Bessarabla; Coleridge-Taylor: Petite Suite de
Classical Home Listening
Concert (2); Beach: Romance for violin & piano by ELIZABETH KERR
Op 23; Violin Sonata Op 34; Trad: Danny Boy,
Tasmin Little (violin), Andrey Gugnin, Piers
Lane, John Lenehan, Martin Roscoe (pianists)
(recorded in the Royal Festival Hall, London)
10.00 Day’s End 12.00am Music Through the

News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
noon, 5.00pm
6.00 Daybreak 9.00 The Works Noon Upbeat
1.00 Onstage 3.00 Classical Connection
7.00 Evening Classics 8.00 Music Alive APO:
Elgar’s Cello Concerto – Boulanger: d’un matin A French-themed
de printemps; Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor
Op 85; Sollima: Alone; Stravinsky: Petrushka, concert of wind
Umberto Clerici (cello), Auckland Philharmonia
Orchestra/Ludovic Morlot (recorded in the
Auckland Town Hall) 10.00 Day’s End 12.00am
instruments and
Music Through the Night piano by a talented
News and Weather 6.00am, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00,
new chamber trio.
noon, 5.00pm
6.00 Daybreak 9.00 The Works Noon Upbeat

1.00 Onstage 3.00 Classical Connection 7.00 he essence of chamber music Melanie Lançon: “Audiences are in for a
Evening Classics 8.00 Music Alive APO: James real treat.”
is found in intimate artistic
Morrison: A Celebration of Louis & Ella – James
Morrison and vocalist Emma Pask channel relationships between the
Ella and Satchmo in a concert of American musicians. The newly formed 20th-century French music was a golden
Songbook classics, James Morrison (trumpet), trio of flautist Melanie Lançon, oboist age for wind-instrument writing,” says
Emma Pask (vocal), Auckland Philharmonia
Bede Hanley and pianist Stephen De Lançon. She describes the Trio for Flute,
Orchestra/Benjamin Northey (recorded in
the Aotea Centre, Auckland) 10.00 Day’s End Pledge have that kind of rapport and Oboe and Piano, by Englishwoman Made-
12.00am Music Through the Night Lançon describes the feeling as “magical leine Dring, as another obvious choice. “It
– when you have such a level of trust in also features flute and oboe beautifully,
a group that you can be spontaneous on and Poulenc’s influence [on Dring’s work]
Newstalk ZB stage and know the awareness between links it to our French theme.”
you is so high the others will play off it.
SATURDAY That’s what we live for.”
6.00 All Sport Breakfast with D’Arcy Waldegrave
9.00 Jack Tame Noon Sportstalk 3.00 Tim Roxborogh
& Tim Beveridge 6.00 Bruce Russell 12.00am Jim
Louisiana-born Lançon came to New “Early 20th-century
Snedden Zealand in 2017 on a temporary contract
as the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s
French music was a
6.00 Peter Wolfkamp 9.00 Francesca Rudkin Noon principal flute and later won the perma- golden age for wind-
Sportstalk 3.00 Tim Roxborogh & Tim Beveridge 6.00
Frank Ritchie & Jax van Buuren 7.30 John Cowan
nent position. From her first rehearsal, instrument writing.”
8.00 Miles Davis 11.00 The Nutters Club with Hamish she knew she had come to “a special place”
Coleman-Ross & Kyle MacDonald 1.00am Bruce Russell and her affinity with Hanley, the principal
5.00 Kate Hawkesby
oboe, and other colleagues in the wind Rivet, a CMNZ commission from
MONDAY section was immediate. “We were rehear- Wellington composer Glen Downie,
6.00 Mike Hosking 9.00 Kerre McIvor Noon Andrew
Dickens 4.00 Heather du Plessis-Allan 7.00 Sportstalk sing Prokofiev’s Symphony No 5, with a premieres on the tour. “He’s imitating
8.00 Marcus Lush 12.00am Bruce Russell 5.00 Kate lot of wonderful flute and oboe writing, hammer dulcimer, harp and bagpipes
and right off the bat, Bede and I thought, – the outer sections are fireworks, the
TUESDAY ‘Wow, it’s so easy to play together.’ We are middle dreamy and nocturne-like,” says
6.00 Mike Hosking 9.00 Kerre McIvor Noon Simon
Barnett & James Daniels 4.00 Heather du Plessis-Allan musical soulmates.” Lançon. “And then Stephen woke up
7.00 Sportstalk with D’Arcy Waldegrave 8.00 Marcus Experienced chamber musician De in the middle of the night and thought,
Lush 12.00am Tim Beveridge 5.00 Kate Hawkesby
Pledge was invited to join the pair this ‘What about arranging Robert Schu-
WEDNESDAY year and together they will set out in mann’s Abegg Variations for trio?’ It’s a
6.00 Mike Hosking 9.00 Kerre McIvor Noon Simon
Barnett & James Daniels 4.00 Heather du Plessis-Allan August on a national 10-concert tour for delightful, flashy spin on the piano work.
7.00 Sportstalk with D’Arcy Waldegrave 8.00 Marcus Chamber Music New Zealand (CMNZ). Audiences are in for a real treat.” l
Lush 12.00am Tim Beveridge 5.00 Kate Hawkesby
The three musicians have curated Fantasy
THURSDAY and Romance, featuring music by Clara Fantasy and Romance Melanie
6.00 Mike Hosking 9.00 Kerre McIvor Noon Simon
Barnett & James Daniels 4.00 Heather du Plessis-Allan and Robert Schumann, alongside Gabriel Lançon (flute), Bede Hanley (oboe) and
7.00 Sportstalk with D’Arcy Waldegrave 8.00 Marcus
Lush 12.00am Bruce Russell 5.00 Kate Hawkesby
Fauré and other composers with a French Stephen De Pledge (piano), Chamber
flavour. “It’s a really fresh programme of Music New Zealand national tour,
FRIDAY new repertoire,” says Lançon. August 1-27. The programme will be
6.00 Mike Hosking 9.00 Kerre McIvor Noon Simon
Barnett & James Daniels 4.00 Heather du Plessis-Allan Tarantelle, a trio by Frenchman Phil- recorded by RNZ Concert for future
7.00 Sportstalk with D’Arcy Waldegrave 8.00 Marcus
Lush 12.00am Tim Beveridge lipe Gaubert, opens the recital. “Early broadcast.

JULY 31 2021 LISTENER 93


Token gesture

ast Friday, on Masterton’s You just say, ‘Speak up, Fred or Jack.’ The farmers, or at least their dogs, are
Queen St, we met Bill and They all have one-syllable names.” howling mad at the Government over,
Token. Token is a foodle, As the march (can it be a march if it is among other things, a new levy on utes.
which, we learnt, is a made up of utes and tractors and dogs?) People who buy swanky electric cars will
breed of dog that is a cross passed by, I shouted “Speak up!” to no be rewarded with rebates. Farmers can’t
between a poodle and buy electric utes because
a fox terrier. It results there aren’t any to buy.
in a dog that looks
like Hairy Maclary.
Token was a present
to Bill from his ex-wife.
He had always had big
dogs; he preferred pit
A t Paper Plus, in
the Lotto queue,
somebody was
wondering aloud whether
the local MP, Kieran
bulls. Bill said that, when McAnulty, owner of the
presented with Token, most famous ute in the
“I didn’t know whether Wairarapa, would make
to laugh or cry or shoot an appearance. Somebody
myself!” Of course, he else doubted it. “He’s
adores him. I said, “Does Jacinda’s lapdog,” she said.
he sleep on the bed?” Bill I said, “I think she’s more
said, “On the bed? He of a cat person,” and got
sleeps under the covers!” the hell out of there.
Token is about as high The local MP and his
as your ankle, but he is ute did not make an
still, undeniably, a dog. appearance, and he took to
Dogs are not allowed Twitter to explain at length
on Masterton’s Queen why not. What he didn’t
St. There were coppers say was that he’d have
everywhere, but Token The “Howl of a been barking to turn up.
was in no danger of being Protest” comes When I was a city
taken into custody. to Queen St, person, I would have
He and Bill, and us, probably thought, if I’d
hundreds of other thought at all, that farm-
people and scores of tractors and utes ers were, after journalists, New Zealand’s
and dogs, were on Queen St. We were When I was a city biggest whingers. And here they were
all there for the “Howl of a Protest” again, whingeing their way up main
march. Specifically, I was there for
person, I would have streets up and down the country.
the finale: the great bark-up. Token thought that farmers I never knew any farmers. Now
was going to do his bit, said Bill. Token
barked on cue. Good boy, Token.
were, after journalists, most of the people I meet are farm-
ers. I have yet to meet a farmer who
I really wanted to know how you got New Zealand’s big- didn’t care for the land. It’s pretty basic:
a pack of hounds to howl on cue. I asked gest whingers. if you treat the land like crap, you’ll
a hardcore member of the local Jacinda get crap farming results in return.
“fan club”. The club was assembled on Of course, there are crap farmers, just
a corner. They call Jacinda Ardern “old dog in particular. A dog obliged. I think as there are crap people who live in cities
toothy”. “Was that hate speech?” one of it was a silky terrier. Its bark was louder and drive swanky electric cars. I could
the fan-club members wondered. than its height. say that I hate people who drive swanky
They looked at me a bit incredulously A joker wandered by, holding a electric cars. But that would be silly. I’ve

when I asked the question about how placard. It said, cryptically, at least to never met anyone who drives an electric
to make dogs bark on cue. “Easy,” said me: “Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot”. For- car. It’s easy to hate farmers when you
one of the geezers. “They’re farm dogs. tunately, Greg was there to interpret. have never met one. l

94 LISTENER JULY 31 2021

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