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Work from Home and Virtual Team

Supply Chain Industry

(Phase 1)

Submission by MBA (Core) 2020-22 - Division G - Group 4

Date: ​Monday, 7th September, 2020


Introduction should briefly introduce the Work From Home and Virtual Team phenomenon. Why
is it relevant in today’s context and in a specific industry? End your introduction with the objective
of your study

● In recent times, we have increasingly seen the use and prevalence of work from home or WFH as it's
commonly referred to. Work from home is simply the ​shift of our professional work conducted in an
assigned office or work space to our homes. While it has seen a significant rise post the pandemic, it
was already a growing concept in the IT industry as well as other software/design departments of

● WFH has three general ​reasons for its existence​ and continued penetration
○ Flexibility
○ Work-Life Balance
○ Transportation Savings

● With the increasing availability of technology to connect distances and cut away the need for physical
presence; WFH has begun trending as ​benefits begin outweighing the drawbacks
● From a company standpoint, it saves on costs related to office space and utility. From an individual
standpoint, it provides a greater degree of autonomy and allows employees to customise their own
work schedules. This allows companies to transform into goal-oriented institutions with a focus on
results over process
● While firms who problem solve and move project to project e.g. IT, design, data science benefit greatly
from a virtual team model; companies which are process-intensive with work loads that require
repetitive task as well as ​departments requiring interpersonal connections and physical presence
are not so suitable
● Our objective is to ​relate the acceptance, change in tend and overarching sentiment of WFH ​and
Virtual teams in Supply Chain industry in the current scenario using both primary stakeholder research
and secondary data so we can opine it’s future benefits, pitfalls and adaptability

Discuss what other researchers have to say about the Work From Home and Virtual
Team phenomenon.

● According to researchers, Work from Home and Virtual team discussions are ​here to stay​. As the
pandemic has forced companies to deploy work from home policies, companies are ​beginning to
capitalise on the same for the long run. ​Keeping cost reduction in mind, many companies are
adapting to a hybrid model that consists of selected roles working in the office premises with the rest
working from home. This however depends on the kind of industry a company belongs to. In the
context of supply chain companies, ​most of the factory related roles have been inelastic to the
changing work from home requirement. This holds true especially in the short run. Roles that are
identified as redundant can be automated in the future. Other roles in the supply chain that depend on
human interactions and are not directly related to the factory work are being played by the employees
from their homes

● The work from home culture comes with a cost to the employees though. Companies focusing on the
costs they incur in employees’ well being during the pandemic and benefits provided has resulted in
employees working for extra hours. This is followed by an ​increase in work-life balance disruption
and increasing levels of stress. Reduction in personal interactions have also resulted in declining
levels of motivation on behalf of employees

What is the significance of the challenges faced by individuals and businesses? Why are
these challenges more applicable to a particular industry vis-a-vis others? What
interventions/solutions have organizations used in the past to cope with the challenges?

● Some of the strongest challenges that the Industry is facing are along the lines of ​Labor shortages,
Lower production volumes, Unmatched Demand-Supply and adequate customer serviceability​.
On an individual level the problems lie in areas of collaboration, effective communication, taking on
unforeseen responsibilities and

● These challenges are more applicable to this particular Industry because technology required to
automate some of the processes to facilitate work from home isn’t easily available

● In the past, organizations have planted shock absorbing buffers and accounted for contingencies in the
Supply Chain modeling. But the ​duration and extent of the situation is unprecedented to anything
anyone has faced before.


The qualitative interview method needs to be detailed. Who are the respondents? What
questions were asked?

● Our research approach consists of accumulation of qualitative data both by primary and secondary
methods. To gauge how work from home affects various industries and specifically the Supply Chain
industry was a little difficult from the secondary sources. Given the severity and novelty of the
situation. Peer reviewed papers along with some consulting literature like McKinsey, HBR gave us
great insights into the future of the Industry.
● We believe the primary research done by interacting with the three professionals was helpful in
providing an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced. We presented them with a questionnaire,
focused around the managerial leadership responsibilities in this situation, business impact and
challenges faced by the Teams and organization working remotely. Our objective is to determine how
well the organization is coping with the problems, and how they’ve affected various employees across
the organization.


How did the group analyse the interview responses to identify meaningful insights?
Discuss the interview findings and draw relevant insights and inferences from them
within the context of concepts discussed in the Literature Review Section.

● Three members of the group approached different industry contacts with the questionnaire. Three other
members joined in with the call to transcribe the conversation and fill any gaps in communication. The
qualitative opinions were shared and insights were then generated which were then compared across
the team to find common patterns and establish a behaviour about the challenges faced and responses
the organization undertook to minimize the impact.

Key Interview findings :

○ The major problem faced by Planners was effective communication with customers and
contract Manufacturers.

Insights​ :

○ Person-to-person interactions are sometimes vital to instil trust and better convey ideas.

○ Major problems faced in Manufacturing were associated with labour. The scarcity of Labour,
varying production schedules and susceptibility of workers to catch the virus made the process
very erratic.

○ The uncertainties in the system have pushed the Employers and employees to work in a very
non-conventional manner than they were used to. There were few incidents in the past that
would act as a wake up call to be prepared for the anomaly we call ‘normal’ right now

Identify 3 unique and important challenges that emerged from your interview analysis
and recommend innovative and feasible solutions to them.

Challenges Feasible Solutions

1. A lot of ​Supply Chains​ haven’t utilised Strengthening research in collaborative

technology to the extent that other sectors have. technologies​, staying updated about the market
Manufacturing sector in a lot of Supply Chains offerings and having better flexibility when it comes
needs to automate its non-production processes to accepting automation solutions.

2. Workforce disruptions ​have been very Implementing ​better resource tracking​ machinery
frequent in these uncertain times. Which has can sense shortages at an earlier stage and help
been affecting the production volumes to a overcome this problem in its preliminary stages.
large extent.

3. The bigger players in the Industry are facing Top management needs to collaborate with their
some ​problems caused by Demand-Supply planners, understand and ​be open to accepting the
shocks ​due to the model they are designed to modelling changes​ that the planners suggest.
operate under. E.g. Some Supply Chains Reducing Planning durations to a more aggregate
operate with low Inventories in spite of having level even if it is more cumbersome.
capital for it.


Use APA citation style.

- Dharma Raju Bathini and George Kandathil, (2015), Work from Home: A Boon or a Bane? The
Missing Piece of Employee Cost, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations ,Vol. 50,
- Mckinsey & Company, (July, 2020), Reimagining the post pandemic workforce,
- Mckinsey & Company, (August, 2020), Four considerations for Helix success beyond structure,
- Mckinsey & Company, (July, 2020), Industry 4.0 - Reimagining manufacturing operations after
- Deloitte - COVID-19: Managing supply chain risk and disruption

We hereby declare that the research has been conducted with the highest standards of rigour
and integrity. The work does not include libellous, defamatory or unlawful statements.
Permission has been cleared for any third-party material included. Proof of consent has been
obtained for any named individuals or organisations. For recorded conversations, permission
has been taken from the interviewees.

Group Number ​ oorva Mangal - G018

Group Members: P
Karan Tulsian - G025
Nishtha Negi - G040
4 Vivek Rai - G056
Sudeep Bhaskar - G063
Harshil Shah - G066



A) Questionnaire for Corporate Managers:

The following questions should be asked during the interview. In addition, please create
your own sub-questions to probe for more information as and when necessary during
the interview.

1. Working in virtual teams in a work from home context, what kind of challenges do you, your team and
your organisation face? (Explore as many areas of challenges for discussion and ask them which
challenges they consider to be most significant).

2. How were you able to cope in this new context of work from home?

3. What were the initiatives/policies/guidelines adopted by your organisation to effectively work from
home and in virtual teams in this scenario?

Additional sub questions:

4. In your supply chain which aspects require more human resources? How have you been able to manage
these processes virtually?

5. What are the different kinds of shocks that your supply chain is undergoing because of the demand
supply fluctuations?

6. What are the safety and social distance precautions you are currently taking when it comes to your
factory workers?

7. Are they insured any better and how frequently are they expected to work on site, has there been any
impact on their wages?
B) Interviews with Corporate managers

1) Interview with Mr. Navneeth Chidambaram

Corporate Manager Navneeth Chidambaram

Designation Supply Chain Solutions Advisor

(10 Yrs of work experience and area of specialty - Semiconductor Supply Chain)

Contact No. +91 9978895524

Email Address

Date of first Contact 6.43 PM 1st August, 2020


In order to better understand the impacts of working from home on the Supply Chain
Industry, we conducted an interview with a manager working at a ​leading Supply
Chain IT Consultancy firm ​o9 Solutions​. The manager and the team have closely
been working with one of their ​Semiconductor Industry clients. We received some
of the insights from him about how work from home has been affecting this client
and their supply chain, How it has been affecting the Industry, some of the aspects or
initiatives that the company has taken in order to facilitate an easier transition
(​limited to his interactions).


(Conversation in hindi has been ​italicised.​ ​Questions​ are in black ink while the ​Answers​ are in blue.
Highlighted​ parts are for quick reference to the important points in focus)

Harshil​: Hi, Nav is this a good time? I wanted to ask you a few questions about that work from home project
that I had initially spoken to you about.
Navneeth​: Yes, Harshil you can begin with the questions.
Harshil​: Since you have so much experience in the semiconductor industry I was looking for some insights,
maybe from your experience working with SLB teams.
Navneeth​: Okay sure go ahead.

Harshil​: My first question is, ​what are the various challenges faced ​by SLB teams, organization, and the
semiconductor industry as a whole due to working from home?
Navneeth : ​Virtual interaction with customers, Brainstorming, Strategy discussions have all taken a big dip for
the teams. But for day to day work I would say that ​productivity has improved​. It has given employees ​more
flexibility and convenience.

Harshil​: Which problem according to you is more pressing than others?

Navneeth​: ​The virtual interaction with the customers is a huge challenge. Explaining the progress, explaining
the problems that arise from inefficient modelling etc. ​Could be explained much better in board rooms​, person to
person interaction was a ​huge advantage when it came to customer satisfaction​, Data widgets and NLP reports
are not making it easy to substitute this interaction
Harshil ​: What about the impact on the overall Industry?
Now coming to the overall industry, one area is the work you do as a part of collaboration with the factory,
manufacturing. That cannot be done like this! ​Due to the impact of COVID there is a delay in supply it is hard to
get a hold of construct manufacturers and suppliers. We never prepared for this. ​It was so easily coordinated
during working in an office, covered in meetings. Now everybody is working from home. Everyone is ​heavily
reliant on teleconferencing. ​It has been very difficult to relentlessly pursue these parties to communicate, having
so much of your routine work load already to take care of, which ​adds to stress.

There is no work from home possible. ​You don’t see these activities coming to a standstill even at times like
this. ​They do however operate at much lower strengths, 50%, 75% so on. ​The limited staff ​works in different
shifts to meet the target put forward by the Factory Planner. ​Coordination however becomes very difficult with
senior management, that visits only periodically, much less frequently. It’s not just a phase where people can get
work done from home. There are geographical factors involved. ​As a whole for the semi industry the whole
virtual thing has not been working out.

Harshil​: Oh, I see. That makes sense. Thank you for such a detailed answer. About the last part you mentioned,
can you elaborate more on the effects of the current situation on the Semiconductor supply chain?
Navneeth​: You know, ​it’s effect is seen pretty much everywhere​. You can say starting from the procurement.
Your collaboration with the supplier can happen virtually. ​Everything is automated already. Placing orders and
everything. ​The problem arises with borders sealed, like for example the RM to be shipped from China got
stuck. Movement of other goods got stuck. ​Collab with suppliers in the sense of physical movement wasn’t very
smooth. ​In the factory nothing can be done virtually. Work capacity was lowered. The same applies to
Warehousing. There was a huge dependency on humans.
Harshil​: In that case, ​how is the industry coping with this​? With the ‘new normal’? And how do they improve
their Supply Chain ​resilience​?
Navneeth​: They are evolving. Planners haven’t gone to the office in almost 6 months, the way they coordinate
is, the ones belonging to the same business unit or have the same product line replicate their work setup
virtually. ​In order to improve resilience, you are well aware of the practices as well. ​Scenario planning for
example can be implemented with multiple versions to simulate situations like Line down, Max service etc. ​A
plant in Thailand actually underwent line down and remained shut for a month. ​So basically building scenarios
and data models for accommodating better contingencies. Some practice changes like departing from
conventional Inventory optimization to accounting for contingencies with extra stocks. Responding to shocks is
something that can be different across the same Industries as well.

Harshil​: How do you think the Managers are able to provide guidance and comfort to their employees at the
moment. Any initiatives or policies the organization has undertaken to help with work from home aspects?
Navneeth​: See the ​main driver in a lot of these situations is the fear and uncertainty of losing jobs. ​Several
industries are operating with ​pay-cuts, no appraisals, performance guided firing. Employees are under ​immense
stress ​not just from the ​complications of their work but also these uncertainties. But in this company, there is
quite a healthy relationship that managers have with their team. Not everyone is always available, ​the team
covers for each other. ​There is a ​stronger sense of responsibility ownership. I’m not sure about the initiatives
SLB has taken. For the SCS, Dev teams, it is usually the standard HR stuff like ​grievance counselling, forums to
share COVID hobbies, HR events. ​I’m not sure about any incentives or policies they've introduced to their
factory workers. Our interaction is mostly with their SCS team.

Harshil​: That sounds good. Well Navneeth, that’s it for now as you’ve answered all my questions very
diligently and in a great amount of detail. Thank you so much for your help.
Navneeth​: Anytime Harshil!

Harshil​: Just a reminder before dropping off, I will need a mail confirmation from your official ID to validate
our conversation today. Hope that’s not an inconvenience.
Navneeth​: No, that’s alright. I’ll confirm it.
Harshil​: Thank you that’ll be all then. I appreciate your time on a weekend!
Navneeth​: It’s alright. Bye.
Harshil​: Bye, Navneeth.

- End of conversation -
2) Interview with Mr. Aaquib Jawed

Corporate Manager Aaquib Jawed

Designation Assistant Manager, Vedanta Resources, Odisha

Contact No. 9693481530

Email Address

Date of Contact 2:18 PM , 6th September 2020


To procure a more direct industry insight on some tangible Supply Chain

aspects, we approached Vedanta. It was a very informative discussion, we
have a stronger understanding now of how work from home has impacted
different facets of the Supply Chain Industry, its business implications, its
impact on factory workers, Laborers and Managers. And lastly to get a
better understanding of their core problems and practices employed to
overcome and simplify this situation.


(Conversation in hindi has been ​italicised.​ ​Questions​ are in black ink while the ​Answers​ are in blue.
Highlighted​ parts are for quick reference to the important points in focus)

Poorva​ : Hello Sir. Can we begin?

Aaquib​ : Yes. We can

Poorva​ : Sir, my first question is, working in virtual teams, what kind of challenges do you and your team face?
Aaquib​: Working in the virtual phase? See the thing is most of the things are happening on ground. We faced a
lot of problems in the ​initial lockdowns because the whole supply chain was stopped​. Are we talking about the
phase where everything was locked up or after lockdown? Because currently everything is happening, vessels
are running and in virtual phase people are trying to go more digital, organize virtual meetings and everything
but on the ground it’s always a challenge.

Poorva​ : How are we managing? How are we able to load so much?

Aaquib​: Currently we are trying to monitor things online, through video calls. ​Workers are getting infected in
between. Today itself one labor got infected and all the subordinates he worked around, have been quarantined.
Further, we need more manpower to compensate for him. There is a lag, and on health grounds you cannot push
someone to work when someone is sick. We are managing but the imports have drastically reduced in the last
3-4 months.

Poorva​: So your business itself has been affected?

Aaquib​ : Yes, the whole business has been affected.
Poorva​: What is your biggest challenge among all this?
Aaquib: Arranging labor has been the biggest challenge since Day-1. First of all when the first lockdown
happened for one month, ​a lot of labor did not have work because of plant closures​, they left for their
hometowns and even when it reopened a lot of them have not come back. Whoever is available is ​charging high
wages​. Labor cost has gone up and drivers are not available. Things are going back to normal but, there was a
time 2 months back where transportes had a fleet of 200. Out of 200 he was able to run maybe 50-60.
Poorva​: That is quite inefficient also.
Aaquib​: It is inefficient, the companies are also suffering but somehow it is being managed.
Poorva​: Sir which aspects require more human resources
Aaquib : Bulk businesses mostly require more manpower, container wise the requirement is not very high.
Container business is running normally from our point of view. ​There is a ​big gap between import and export
now​. That is not linked with manpower that is linked with the entire supply chain. Manpower is required at the
port for loading-unloading. Most other things have gone virtual. Even the ​documentation process now is very
paperless​. Entry filing and assessment is also going to become faceless starting october.

Poorva​: Sir, I did not get your point about faceless?

Aaquib​: Earlier ​someone had to appear before customs​, now they are bringing some amendment in the clause.
No one needs to visit custom sites at all.
Meetings have reduced. It has definitely made people more efficient. Out of 8 hours we were driving for 2-3
hours. ​Now there is bandwidth to have a virtual meet throughout the day. No one is allowed at the port as well.
Custom is also not accepting any visitors. It's basically like the railway customs, to approach them also usually
you had to video call them. No physical interactions at all. That has ​improved managers efficiency but on
ground you need people right? That is affected. Things were very crucial in April, May, June. Things are going
back to normal now.

Poorva​: But even now as things are coming back to normal, people are getting infected so that is still a labor
Aaquib​: ​Yes, Yes in my own team some were infected. Out of 6, two got infected. The teams were split into 2
sub-teams, working in different shifts. This saved half the team from getting infected.

Poorva​: Sir when you get a new team, you would also have the challenge to train them?
Aaquib​: Out of 6 members. Supposed 3 people are going home. They work from home, that is how we
coordinate our operations here.
Poorva​: So there would always be people who know the procedures and would be there to guide the people?
Aaquib​: Correct.

Poorva​: Sir what about the ​Demand-Supply fluctuations?

Aaquib​: ​Heavily impacted​, As i told in the starting. ​Coal imports have drastically reduced​. Other imports are
also impacted. Businesses are trying to take it from the ​domestic market​. Because of falling market demand they
do not have any immediate need to import. ​When we don't import containers wont come from outside. But India
has been exporting just as much as we were before lockdown. Export is still very substantial at our plant.
Numbers are the same for export. Due to which there is a container shortage. Earlier most of steel was sold in
the domestic market market. Now more than 80% is getting exported from Chennai. ​Businesses are not trying to
import anything​. We were also suffering in the domestic market in April. We had to export everything. Still and
other commodities still have very low demand.

Poorva​ : Sir do you do anything to keep our team motivated in these times?
Aaquib​: See, Most of the companies in the sector have ​laid off many employees​. It feels like a big deal to
people to get paid at these uncertain times itself. Someone who hasnt been laid off has the biggest motivation
right now.
The ​COO is doing town hall meetings, bi-monthly​, where he is assisting managers to keep everybody motivated.
When everything goes back to normal, people will start making money. ​Monetary support and motivation given
earlier is not happening now. No extra incentives, even the PPS that we used to give earlier, that is also not
happening. It is demoralizing.
Poorva​: Sir what are the precautions taken by the workers and how have their wages been affected?
Aaquib: Masks have been enforced vert strictly, entry to port is not allowed without a mask. ​Mask has been
added to the essential items list​, containing helmets and boots. Entry inside the office isn't allowed without a
mask and plastic wrap, social distancing has been implemented inside the premises also. ​Tables have been
alternately marked red​. Occupancy is reduced.

Poorva:​ How are the wages of the workers affected, Sir? You were saying they have not received their PPS.
Aaquib: ​If you’re talking about laborers. They are getting paid much higher wages because of the uncertainty
and high demand. If the old wages were 500, now they are being given 600-700. And in the early stages of the
lockdown ​Transportation was not there​. The labor normally ​stays outside, in a village close to the port​.
Commuting requires arrangements by employers.

Poorva:​ Has this work from home situation come in this industry before? How were the challenges faced?
Aaquib: ​No. We couldn't even imagine a situation like this before. The closest situations to these were ​cyclones
and transport strike and Railway disruption​. In the transport union strike, the drivers went on strike for freight
increase, Road Movement was briefly stopped, When the cyclone hit, everybody had to leave. There was
another issue when the railway bridge collapsed. ​Rail movement was stopped​. But the thing is we ​always had
alternatives​, For Railway contingency we had roads and for road contingencies we could use the railway, they
were temporary problems. And the cyclone passes away in a day doing all the damage. ​Nothing has stayed this
long​. There was a cyclone in 2014. Hood Hood, which caused a lot of property damage. There were no other
difficulties at our time. ​Manufacturing did not have the concept of work from home​. Even the Finance sector is
working from home now.

Poorva:​ Thank you so much, your insights were very helpful. This will help me a lot with my project.
Aaquib : ​You’re Welcome.

- End of conversation -
3) Interview with Mr. Brahmadeo V. Rai

Corporate Manager Brahmadeo V. Rai

Designation Chairman, Jayshree Textiles, Thane, Maharashtra

Contact No. 9820543503

Email Address

Date of Contact Saturday, 5th September, 2020


Having covered large and established corporations, our group tried to next contact a small scale textile
company that is primarily divided into two verticals - firstly, buying raw material from manufacturers
and selling them to wholesalers in nearby areas and secondly, processing of the raw cotton into rolls
and pillows. We believed that the sudden lockdown must have obviously hit the redistribution part of
the business for sure and hence we had a talk with Mr. Brahmadeo Rai to present our questionnaire and
get his stand on how small businesses are coping with the hit on supply chain industry.


(Conversation in hindi has been ​italicised.​ ​Questions​ are in black ink while the ​Answers​ are in blue.
Highlighted​ parts are for quick reference to the important points in focus)

(Disclaimer:​ Although Mr. Rai’s conversation was majorly in Hindi, the information gained by his candid
answers and industry experience were very insightful, relevant and greatly appreciated by us.)

Vivek​: Hello uncle. ​Namaste.

BDR​: hello ​beta. Bolo…
Vivek​: Uncle jaise kal message kiya tha, thoda supply chain ke baare me poochna tha. Abhi sahi time rahega
BDR​: ​haa haa bolo. Free hi hu abhi. Notes banate raho

Vivek​: C​haliye uncle mai question poochta hu aur note bhi karta hu. O​ kay first one is, what are the challenges
being faced by the small scale companies due to lockdown?
BDR: ​Challenges toh obvious hain dekho, s​ ab bahadur log gaav chale gaye. K ​ hali mai aur Jung bahadur
bache hain factory me. Maine toh bola tha ki salary wagere nahi cut karenge par unka darr bhi sahi hai. Biwi
bacche leke sab truck me baithke chale gaye Jaunpur aur Baliya.
Dusri taqleef ye hai ki B​hiwandi se raw material aana band ho gaya. Waha manufacturer me kisi ko Positive
nikla toh ab c​ orporation ne godown hi band karwa di. ​Ab pichle hafte truck bheje Gujarat toh border pe rok
diya bolke ki sabka latest covid test result ke bina nahi cross karne denge. Saara maal atka hua hai abtak. Ye
sab taqleefein toh bohot aa rahi hain abtak. Dekho shayad December tak kuch theek ho.

Vivek​: J​i Uncle, samajh raha hu. Sabse major issue toh raw material ka hoga aapko?
BDR​: ​Haan. Tumhare topic se related batata hu. Hamare yaha do main income hain. Pehla manufacturers se
rui (cotton) leke wholesalers ko bechna - acting as a transportation middleman and supply chain aage ke
process ke liye. Dusra hai wahi rui (cotton) ko leke apna khudka product banao - takiya roll etc - aur usse
market me yaha Thane ya Navi Mumbai me bech do. Ab isme dikkat kaha aa rahi hai vo batata hu - ​kyuki
supply chain poora bigad gaya hai, raw material pehle ke hisaab se 20% aa raha hai. Mere truck khade hain 3
mahine se. Ekdum. Dusra, product kaise beche aur kisko beche? Demand hi zero ho gayi hai! Jo wholesalers
mujhse leta tha, uska aage ka contact toot gaya hai - matlab chain break ho gayi hai toh ab mera business down
aur uska toh down tha hi.

Vivek: ​Uncle poori textile industry ka situation aisa hi hoga, supply chain break hone se?
BDR​: ​Haa haa ekdum. Mere Wagle estate me jo friends hain, jinka thoda bada scale pe operation hota hai,
unka bhi same issue hi hain na. Dekho hum e​ k point hain ye jo chain tum bata rahe ho, isme agar humpe stress
hai toh matlab poora aage ka saare points pe stress hai. L ​ ogistics providers hain jo hamare - accha ye jo
transport wala part hai vo ​kabhi kabhi outsource karte hain kyuki sasta padta hai long distance me - permit
wagere ke hisaab se. Toh ab ​truckein khadi hain, 20% maal distribute ho raha hai, demand hi khatam hai
pillow ki toh ab kya karein. ​Baaki sab textiles wale phirbhi logisticals manage kar liye. ​Unke 2-3 backup rakhte
hain, toh usse safety rehti hai ki agar ek nahi provide kiya toh dusra toh hai hi.


Vivek:​ Hello? Ji Uncle mai continue karu?
BDR: ​Haan haan bolo. Sorry vo jaroori tha.

Vivek​: ​Uncle ye work from home wala concept kaise apply kar sakte hain Supply Chain me?
BDR​: ​Work from home toh aajkal IT wale khoob kar rahe hain. ​Humare line me iska application kuch kam hi
hoga. ​Dekho goal kya hai? 2 aadmi ek dusre se naa mile taaki Corona na failey. Theek? To ab usme work from
home ke badle hum log aisi vyvastha kar rahe hain ki do aadmi ek time pe delivery naa kare. M ​ atlab truck me
ek time pe ek aadmi. Baaki operations wagere toh phone hi chalta hai na. Usme maal aaya ki nahi, kitna
requirement hai, kaunsa quality kisko chahiye, kab chahiye, kya rate fix karenge -​ accha rate bada high ho gaya
hai aajkal - swabhavik hai kyuki jo khareedne aaya hai market me usse kisi bhi keemat pe chahiye na maal. Toh
matlab poora yaha se waha contact bilkul affect nahi hua - bhale hi factory pe taala lagg jaye. ​Teesra work
from home laane ke liye humne Jung Bahadur ko bola hai ki staff ki duty aise lagao ki din me jaada se jaada 2
jane aayein aur 2 machine pe kaam karein jo door door ho.

Vivek​: ​Haa uncle ye bohot effective hoga. Aur kuch setting kar rahe hain kya employee log ke liye? Jaise ki pay
ya kuch incentive wagere?
BDR​: ​Hahah arey sab toh bhaag gaye. Par haa hum association walo ne decide kiya tha aur uspe amal bhi ho
raha hai ki jo bhi labour hain kaam karne ke liye, unhe salary thoda jaada diya jayega 5% ya 10%, incentive ke
roop me, Diwali pe bonus bhi behtar denge thoda aur baaki sanitiser wagere toh baat hi rahe hain. Dekho unke
angle se socho toh n​ aukri bachi hai wahi badi baat hai. Bhiwandi me kitne band ho gaye textile wale! Aur ye
sab incentive dene se apna thoda loss toh hoga hi, ​revenue down hai aise hi, par chalo gareeb aadmi se accha
mujhe taqleef hoye​.

Vivek​: Wow uncle, that’s really thoughtful. ​Last ek question, ye work from home aur lockdown khatam hone
tak, kya strategies laga rahe hain textile association wale jisse thoda impact sahi ho?
BDR​: ​Sabse pehle toh a​ pna apna charter bana liya gaya. Theek hai. Usme ye decide kiya ki differences ek
tararf rakhke l​ ogistics aur truck wale share karenge sab. D
​ usra, kyon ki bahut downham market toh rui (cotton)
ka price manmaane level pe nahi karenge - isse sabko nuksaan hoga. Border pe truck jo paas nahi ho rahi, uske
liye ​permission ka arrangement ab chalu hai t​aaki vo chain open ho jaye. Mera yeh hai ki pune wagere me
clients lock kar raha h​ u taaki diversity rahe. A
​ gar Bhiwandi aur Gujarat wala band bhi ho toh ek source chalta

Vivek: ​Okay uncle. Thank you so much! Isse kaafi points mil gaye. Mai Bahadur uncle ko email bhej dunga.
Please unse confirm karwa dijiyega.
BDR​: Haa haa pareshaan mat ho. Chalo okay then.

- End of conversation -
C) PLAGIARISM REPORT (for the main report):

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