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What is Creating an
this game? EXILE
You have been exiled, whether your 1. roll 3d6 for each stat
crime is real or not you have been sen- Body (physical prowess, intimidation)
tenced to a life of tomb robbing in the name Intellect (education, quick thinking)
of the INQUISITOR. Motorics (reflexes, aiming, coordination)
Psyche (empathy, magic)
In the forbidden continent, exiles struggle 2. Choose a class
to live, picking out what they can from the Roll HP and note down you save. If HP
rotting corpse of the ETERNAL EMPIRE. reaches 0, you are dead.
3. Note down your attack bonus
The more powerful exiles create city-states Save for the fighter, this is equal to your
in the wastelands of this continent, obeying level.
only the law of copper. 4. Roll 3d6*10 for your starting
Now go forth exile, into the dungeons be- 5. Buy and organize your gear
low, for absolution and copper. You have 12 slots. Every item beyond your
max reduces your maximum HP by 1.
And may BALTHAZAR have mercy on your 6. Write down your crime.
damned souls. Why were you exiled?

Cleave: You can attack again whenever you Divine intervention: Your god (create
deal maximum damage with your weapon. one) can help you with miracles. When you
ask for a miracle roll 1d6, if the result is
Weapon master: Your attack bonus is lower than your level a miracle happens, if
equal to your level*2. its equal something must be sacrificed in
exchange, if it is higher it fails.


SKILL MONKEY: You gain 1 skill per level. Spellcasting: You can cast a number of
Whenever you attempt a test with said skill, spells equal to your level*2 per day. Further
you may roll twice and keep the best result. spellcasting costs 2 HP per spell. Known
spells go into the gear section.
Pick 1 starting skill:
1. Sneaking 3. Lockpicking 5. Acrobacy Roll for a starting spell:
2. Traps 4. Juggling 6. Bluffing 1. Flashbang 3. Grease 5. Desintegrate
2. Speak with the Dead 4. Control Fabric
6. Telekinesis
when the outcome of an action is Once per session you may rest.
uncertain, make a test. Roll 1d6 and recover that much HP.
Roll 1d20 under the relevant stat.
Resting for 1 hour and eating a meal
When taken by surprise or affected allows you to heal again.
by a magical ability, Save. Roll 2d6 and recover that much HP.
Roll 1d20 under your save.
Any other form of healing recovers
FIGTHING only 1d6 hp.
Sides alternate. Side with most
members begins.
You may move up to obstacle or opponent You gain 1 xp per copper piece.
and do something. Further movement for- Treasure must be brought back to a safe
feits the rest of your action. place to count.

ATTACKING Roll 1d20 and add your attack You need 2000*current level xp to
bonus, if that is higher than your oppo- level up.
nent’s armor, deal damage. Add 1d6 to your maximum HP when
you do. Wizards gain spells when they level
up. Maximum level is 5.
Tuna Leather Armor - 15 Copper - 12 armor
Red Coral Chainmail - 75 Copper - 14 armor
Carbide Platemail - 150 Copper - 16 armor
Shield - 20 Copper - +1 armor

Shortsword - 5 Copper - 1d6 damage
Greatsword - 50 Copper - 1d6+2 damage
Dagger - 3 Copper - 1d6-1 damage
Spear - 5 Copper - 1d6 damage
Mace - 3 Copper - 1d6 damage
Chain Rifle - 60 Copper - 1d6+2 damage
Pistol - 40 Copper - 1d6+1 damage
Longbow - 15 Copper - 1d6
Crossbow - 20 Copper - 1d6+1

GEAR - 5 copper each

Crowbar - Chalk - Torch - Rations - Shovel
- Dog - 50ft. Rope - 10ft. Pole - Oil Bottlen -
Tinderbox - Iron Spike - Lockpick - Wineskin

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