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Assignment no.

1.Introduction To Research Methodology

Q1.what is Research methodology? Explain in detail?

Ans:-Research method implies the methods employed by the
researcher methodology signifies way to efficiently solving
research problems. Behaviour and instrument used in the
selection and construction of the research technique.
Science of understanding, how research is performed
methodology. Research methodology -is a way to
systematically solve a research problem. The process used to
collect information and data.

Q2. What is the importance of Research of methodology?

Ans:-The Importance of Research methodology:-
Its significance lies in solving various planning and
operational problems. Its aids in decision making. It involves
the study of cause and effect relationship between various
variables and helps to identify behaviour/patterns/trends in
certain variables. A research study is scientific way to
improve or develop new method of health care. Studies are
designed to answer specific question on how to prevent,
diagnose, or treat diseases and disorders.
Q3.What are the different types of research methodology?
Ans:- There are different types of Research Methodology
used in conducting research. Research methodology
professors have concluded these methods, and according to
them, Qualitative research methodology and Quantitative
research methodology are two main types of research
(a)Qualitative Research Methodology:
The qualitative research methodology is descriptive and
subjective irrespective of facts. The main aim of this type of
Methodology is to evaluate knowledge, attitudes,
behaviours, and opinions of people about the Research’s
topic. The qualitative research methodology is based on the
quality of the phenomenon.
(b) Quantitative Research Methodology:
This type of research methodology tests the importance of
the Hypothesis of Research. This is a systematic research
methodology and is in numbers. The measurement,
quantity or amount is the critical factor in Quantitative
research methodology.

Q4. What are the different steps followed while completing

research methodology?


Ans:-The steps followed while completing research

Step1:-Identify the problem

The first step in the process is to identify a problem or

develop a research question. The research problem may be
something the agency identifies as a problem, some
knowledge or information that is needed by the agency, or
the desire to identify a recreation trend nationally. In the
example in table 2.4, the problem that the agency has
identified is childhood obesity, which is a local problem and
concern within the community. This serves as the focus of
the study.

Step2:-Review the literature

the researcher must learn more about the topic under
investigation. To do this, the researcher must review the
literature related to the research problem. This step provides
foundational knowledge about the problem area. The review
of literature also educates the researcher about what studies
have been conducted in the past, how these studies were
conducted, and the conclusions in the problem area.
Step3:-Clarify the problem
In step 3 of the process, the researcher clarifies the problem
and narrows the scope of the study. This can only be done
after the literature has been reviewed. The knowledge
gained through the review of literature guides the
researcher in clarifying and narrowing the research project.
In the example, the programmer has identified childhood
obesity as the problem and the purpose of the study.
Step 4: Clearly Define Terms and Concepts
Terms and concepts are words or phrases used in the
purpose statement of the study or the description of the
study. These items need to be specifically defined as they
apply to the study. Terms or concepts often have different
definitions depending on who is reading the study. To
minimize confusion about what the terms and phrases
mean, the researcher must specifically define them for the
study. In the obesity study, the concept of “individual's
health” can be defined in hundreds of ways, such as
physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health.
Step5:-Define the population
Research projects can focus on a specific group of people,
facilities, park development, employee evaluations,
programs, financial status, marketing efforts, or the
integration of technology into the operations. For example,
if a researcher wants to examine a specific group of people
in the community, the study could examine a specific age
group, males or females, people living in a specific
geographic area, or a specific ethnic group. Literally
thousands of options are available to the researcher to
specifically identify the group to study.
Step6:-Develop the instrumentation plan
The plan for the study is referred to as the instrumentation
plan. The instrumentation plan serves as the road map for
the entire study, specifying who will participate in the
study; how, when, and where data will be collected; and
the content of the program. This plan is composed of
numerous decisions and considerations that are addressed
in chapter 8 of this text. In the obesity study, the researcher
has decided to have the children participate in a walking
program for six months. The group of participants is called
the sample, which is a smaller group selected from the
population specified for the study.
Step7:-collect data
the collection of data. The collection of data is a critical step
in providing the information needed to answer the research
question. Every study includes the collection of some type
of data—whether it is from the literature or from subjects—
to answer the research question. Data can be collected in
the form of words on a survey, with a questionnaire,
through observations, or from the literature.
Step8:analyze the data
All the time, effort, and resources dedicated to steps 1
through 7 of the research process culminate in this final
step. The researcher finally has data to analyze so that the
research question can be answered. In the instrumentation
plan, the researcher specified how the data will be
analyzed. The researcher now analyzes the data according
to the plan. The results of this analysis are then reviewed
and summarized in a manner directly related to the
research questions. In the obesity study, the researcher
compares the measurements of weight, percentage of body
fat, and cholesterol that were taken at the first meeting of
the subjects to the measurements of the same variables at
the final program session.

Q5.What are the benefits of research methodology?

Ans:- 1. Market research guides your communication
Once you have your research results, you can formulate
themost effective way to communicate to your customers
and potential customers, you will know what they
like/don’t like to hear/see/do.

2. Helps you to identify opportunities in the marketplace

Research can make it obvious that a new product you have
planned may not be what your market wants or needs. You
are then able to make modifications on what you are going
to offer to suit your audience.
3. Minimise risks
Through market research, you may find all the information
you need to decide whether to take action or not. For
example, you may find that the particular location where
you wanted to open a shop already has a saturated market
in your line of business.

4. You can measure your reputation

It’s always worth knowing how you measure up against
your competitors and then you can take action.

5. Uncover and identify potential problems

You can get consumers’ reactions to a new product or
service whilst it is still being developed. This should
enlighten any further development so it suits its intended

6. Plan ahead
Research can estimate the likely sales of a new
product/service which then allows you to allocate the
advertising expenditure required to achieve and maximise
your profits.

7. Identify and establish trends

If you treat market research as an ongoing exercise that you
do periodically, you’ll find that you have a lot of data to be
able to analyse your customers and establish any particular

Q6.What are the types of research?

1.Quantitative research:-
Quantitative research is refers to the numbers where data
is collected based on numbers, and a summary is taken
from these numbers. Graphs help to quantify the results in
quantitative research.
2.Qualitative Research:-
Qualitative research is a numerical elements in the
research. When the information or data cannot be grasped
in terms of numbers, qualitative research comes for the
rescue. Though not reliable as much as quantitative,
qualitative research helps to form a better summary in
terms of theories in the data.
3.Descriptive Research:-
The descriptive methods and surveys and case studies are
done to clarify the facts. These help to determine and
explain with examples, the facts, and they are not
rejected. Many variables can be used in descriptive
research to explain the facts.
4.Analtical Research:-
Analytical research uses the facts that have been confirmed
already to form the basis for the research and critical
evaluation of the material is carried out in this method.
Analytical methods make use of quantitative methods as
5.Applied Research:-
Applied research is action research where only one domain
is considered and mostly the facts are generalized. Variables
are considered constant and forecasting is done so that the
methods can be found out easily in applied research. The
technical language is used in the research and the summary
is based on technical facts.
6.Fundamental Research:-
Fundamental research is the basic or pure research done to
find out an element or a theory that has never been in the
world yet. Several domains are connected and the aim is to
find out how traditional things can be changed or
something new can be developed. The summary is purely in
common language and logical findings are applied in the
7.Exploratory Research:-
Exploratory studies are based on the theories and their
explanation and it does not provide any conclusion for the
research topic. The structure is not proper and the methods
offer a flexible and investigative approach for the study. The
hypothesis is not tested and the result will not be of much
help to the outside world.
8.conclusive Research:-
Conclusive Research aims at providing an answer to the
research topic and has a proper design in the methodology.
A well-designed structure helps in formulating and solving
the hypotheses and give the results. The results will be
generic and help the outside world.

Q7.what do you understand by research?

Ans:-The research is the organised and systematic method
of finding answer to the questions. Its is systematic because
it is a process broken up into clear steps that lead to
conclusions. Research is organised because there is a
planned structure or method used to reach the conclusion.
Development research is focussed on relevant, useful and
important questions. If there are no questions, there can be
no research. it is important that the decisions they make
are based on valid and reliable information and thorough
analysis. The search for this information is referred to as the
research process. There maybe an existing body of evidence
(prior research, studies etc) you can make use of. If there is
not, there is a need for research.
Q8.What is Qualitative and Quantitative data?
Ans:- (A).Qualitative data:-
Qualitative data is non-statistical and is
typically unstructured or semi-structured. This data isn’t
necessarily measured using hard numbers used to develop
graphs and charts. Instead, it is categorized based on
properties, attributes, labels, and other identifiers.
. Generating this data from qualitative research is used for
theorizations, interpretations, developing hypotheses, and
initial understandings.
(B).Quantative data:-
The quantitative data is statistical and is typically structured
in nature – meaning it is more rigid and defined. This data
type is measured using numbers and values, making it a
more suitable candidate for data analysis. quantitative
data is much more concise and close-ended. It can be used
to ask the questions “how much” or “how many,” followed
by conclusive information.

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