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CASE NUMBER: SP-2011-0053D

CASE MANAGER: Donna Galati PHONE #: 974-2733

PROJECT NAME: Formula 1 - United States Austin, Texas Site Improvements


SUBMITTAL DATE: March 2, 2011

REPORT DUE DATE: March 30, 2011
FINAL REPORT DATE: March 24, 2011

This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent site plan submittal. The
comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be
addressed by an updated site plan submittal.

The site plan will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. However,
until this happens, your site plan is considered disapproved. Additional comments may be generated as a result of
information or design changes provided in your update.

If you have any questions, problems, concerns, or if you require additional information about this report, please do
not hesitate to contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by writing to the City of Austin,
Watershed Protection and Development Review Department, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78704.


It is the responsibility of the applicant or his/her agent to update this site plan application. The final update to clear
all comments must be submitted by the update deadline, which is August 22, 2011. Otherwise, the
application will automatically be denied. If this date falls on a weekend or City of Austin holiday, the next City of
Austin workday will be the deadline.


You may request an extension to the update deadline by submitting a written justification to your case manager on
or before the update deadline. Extensions may be granted for good cause at the Director’s discretion.

A formal update submittal is required. You must make an appointment with the Intake Staff (974-2689) to
submit the update. Please bring a copy of this report with you upon submittal to Intake.

Please submit 7 copies of the plans and 8 copies of a letter that address each comment for distribution to the
following reviewers. Clearly label information or packets with the reviewer’s name that are intended for specific
reviewers. No distribution is required for the Planner 1 and only the letter is required for Austin Water

Planner 1 : Elsa Garza (No Distribution)
Electric : David Lambert
Environmental : Brad Jackson
Hydro Geologist : Scott Hiers
Industrial Waste : Anne Zulka
Site Plan : Donna Galati
Drainage Construction : Benny Ho
Transportation : Shandrian Jarvis
Austin Water Utility : Howard Neil Kepple
Hydro Geologist Review - Scott Hiers - 974-1916

1. Sheet 8 of 170 - The hatching around Pond B is shown as wetland enhancement –

Please provide a detail for this wetland enhancement, I believe you was submitted with
grading plan.

2. Sheet 8 of 170 – Not all the reinforced grass event parking is shown and the symbology
for the wetland CEF and the reinforced grass event parking are the same – please
change the symbology and show all reinforced and general event grass parking.

3. Sheet 8 of 170 – Please shown Blackland Prairie Restoratation Areas and provide
planting detail.

4. Sheet 9 of 170 – Pond “B” details are not included in this site plan. Please include sheets
43 of 149 thru 58 of 149 from SP-2010-0245.01D – the water quality pond details.

5. Sheets 11 of 170, Sheet 13 of 170, Sheet 27 of 170, Sheet 54 of 170, and Sheet 56 of
170 – CEF and CEF setback for Pond B not shown or labeled. Please show and label the

6. Sheet 12 of 170 and Page 54 0f 170 - Reinforced grass event parking area is not labeled.
Please label.

7. Sheet 15 of 170- Revegetation of grass parking not indicated and Reinforced grass event
parking area not shown.

8. Sheet 18 of 170 – Blackland prairie Restoration area not shown. Please show.

9. Sheet 22 of 170 – Not CEF setbacks are clearly shown. Please show.

10. Sheet 54 of 170 - Reinforced grass event parking area is not labeled. Please label.

11. Sheet 56 0f 170, Sheet 57 of 170, Sheet 58 of 170, Sheet 72 of 170 – Grass parking
should be labeled Reinforced grass event parking area.

12. Sheet 56 of 170 - Crushed Grained trial detail not included – Please provide detail.

13. Sheet 64 of 170 and 67 of 170 – Please provide callout for Blackland Prairie
Restoratation Areas planting detail.

14. Sheet 114 of 170 – CEF setback not labeled – Please label

15. Sheets 146 of 170, 147 of 170, and 148 of 170 – Please provide fencing along Vegetated
filter stripe and grass parking areas. Please provide hatching or shading for all general
event grass parking area that is not reinforced.

16. Please provide addition cobble base roads and pad areas near the Type II driveways,
similar to that proposed for west parking, for general event grass parking to help with
vehicle tracking.
17. Sheet 160 of 170 – please provide additional fencing between Vegetated Filter Stripes
and Grass parking areas.

18. Sheet 170 – Please provide more detail on type of bridge. The detail provided looks like
just a concrete slab – is this correct.

19. Please provide an overall landscape plan for the riparian and blackland prairie
restoration, the tree planting in parking lot areas similar to Sheet 48-149 from grading
plan – SP-2010-0245.01D.

20. Riparian Restoration needs to be provided. As discussed during our December 16, 2010
meeting, we request that creek crossings with pedestrian bridges or infrastructure
upgrades they should perform adequate riparian restoration plantings 50’ from both sides
of the bridge/trail from the stream to the flood plain and 100’ from both sides of the
stream 250’ upstream and down stream from the structure.

21. Please include the wetland Mitigation Plan from SP-2010-0245.01D.

22. Please provide a detail response to how you are complying with the five conditions for the
COA Land Use Commission Variance as stated on sheet 2 of 170.

a. Compliance with new commercial landscape ordinance for parking lots.

b. Compliance with paved parking lot shading using trees
c. Restoration of riparian areas of Dry Creek – please provide landscape plan with
planting detail and a management plan.
d. Blackland Prairie Restoration – please provide landscape plan with planting detail
and a management plan
e. Establish Monitoring program of the pervious pavement areas – provide a scope of
work for monitoring program.

23. Please information on how track designed will to contain spills from hazardous materials
and which site plan submittal will be addressing this concern.

24. Sheet 2 of 170 - add a note stating that “all activities within the CEF buffer must comply
with Section 30-8-281(C)(2). This section states that the natural vegetative cover must be
retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited; and wastewater
disposal or irrigation is prohibited.”

Site Plan Review - Donna Galati - 974-2733

SP 1. 2010 tax certificates are required showing all taxes paid.

SP 2. Change the case number in the lower right hand of each sheet to SP-2011-0053D.

SP 3. Travis County TNR, Austin Water Utility, and the Fire Marshall must sign the cover sheet
prior to site plan approval.

SP 4. Have you shown all existing and future dedicated easements, including joint access,
drainage, conservation, utility, communication, etc? Indicate volume and page or
document number, or dedication by plat. All buildings, fences, landscaping, patios,
flatwork and other uses or obstructions of a drainage easement are prohibited, unless
expressly permitted by a license agreement approved by the City of Austin authorizing
use of the easement.


SP 5. All applications submitted for completeness check after 5/10/10 for Administrative Site
Plan Revision, Consolidated Site Plan, Non-Consolidated Site Plan, CIP Streets and
Drainage, Major Drainage/Regional Detention, and Subdivision Construction Plans will
require the additional items listed in Exhibit VII of the application packet on a USB flash
drive prior to release of permit. The flash drive must be taken directly to the Intake Dept
by the applicant after site plan approval. For more information, contact the Intake Staff.

SP 6. This site is located in the Desired Development Zone. Expiration for this site plan will be
three years from the date of approval however; under Project Duration [25-1-535(C)(3)]
the site plan can only be extended to a maximum of five years from initial submittal date
of 02/23/11.

SP 7. Change the submittal date on the cover sheet to 02/23/11.

SP 8. This site is within the Controlled Compatible Land Use Area of Austin-Bergstrom
International Airport, but outside the Airport Overlay Zones. Please add the following
note on the plan:

This property is within the Controlled Compatible Land Use Area defined by Chapter
241 of the Local Government Code. Development on this property is limited by
Chapter 25-13 of the Austin City Code. Airport hazards as defined in Federal Aviation
Regulations Part 77, as adopted by the City in Sections 25-13-23, are prohibited. For
more information, contact Joe Medici, Airport Planner, 530-6563.

Water Quality Review - Benny Ho - 974-3402


This site is located at 12700-1/2 Farm to Market Road in the Dry Creek, East Watershed,
which is classified as a Suburban Watershed.

WQ1. There is no outstanding water quality issue.

All water quality comments are cleared.

Environmental Review - Brad Jackson - 974-3410

EV 0 Please be advised that additional comments may be generated as update information is

reviewed. If an update has been rejected, reviewers are not able to clear comments
based on phone calls, e-mails, or meetings, but must receive formal updates in order to
confirm positive plan set changes.

Administrative Requirements

EV 01 Please revise SWPPP from grading plan as needed. SWPPP from grading plan can be
used for this site. This comment cleared.

EV 02 Please revise the cover sheet notes on variances to the cut/fill requirements to say “4’ to
__ feet” instead of 8’. The variances granted were to exceed 4’ feet since an administrative
variance from 4-8 feet was not processed.

Fees and Fiscal [LDC 25-1-82, 25-7-65, 25-8-234]

EV 03 This comment pending transfer of the fiscal posting for erosion/sedimentation controls
and revegetation based on Appendix S-1 of the Environmental Criteria Manual to this
new site plan. This reviewer will contact Bettye Holey to request the transfer and contact
the applicant with any required documents.

EV 04 Payment of the landscape inspection fee may be required prior to permit/site plan
approval. This comment pending verification of if a landscape inspection will be required.
Payment of the fee is made through Intake. You may use the area that lies within LOC to
calculate the fee for this site. Upon payment, please forward a copy of the receipt to the
environmental reviewer. The fee for this site is $ [<1acre =$315; 1-5 acres =$500; >5
acres =$500+40/acre] [LDC 25-2-983]



EV 05 Due to the proposed work within a channel, include the following notes on the E/S Sheet:
Contractor shall maintain the dewatering system to ensure performance. If the
dewatering system is not performing, the contractor must immediately make the
necessary modifications, following the environmental inspections direction to ensure
adequate system performance.

CWQZ Requirements

EV 06 The radial sidewalk layout appears to dead end into the CWQZ in two places and does
not connect with the sidewalk crossing the CWQZ. Please explain.

EV 07 The construction of the two pedestrian bridges is not clear from sheet 170. What will the
bridges be made of? How will they be secured to the creek banks? How much creek
bank disturbance will be required to secure them? Please provide more detail on the
E&S Control sheets on the grading required in the creek crossing locations and how the
bridge will be constructed. Please call out additional sheets (sheet 170) for reference to
the bridge details on the pertinent E&S Control sheets.

EV 08 The following board conditions for the variance were not adequately demonstrated in the
site plan:
Board Conditions:
1. The applicant will work with City of Austin staff to analyze how this project can comply
with the new Commercial Landscape Ordinance standards for parking lots and irrigation.
2. Will work with the City of Austin staff to analyze compliance with the paved parking lot
shading using trees.
3. The applicant will work with staff to investigate the restoration of riparian areas of dry
4. The applicant will choose selected areas to demonstrate a black land prairie land
5. The applicant will work with the City of Austin staff to establish a monitoring program of
the pervious pavement they will be using.

Please provide a landscape plan for the paved parking lots, a restoration of riparian areas of
dry creek near the creek crossings with planting plan approved by ERM staff, show the
location and size of the blackland prairie restoration and include planting plan as approved
by ERM staff, and show the area for the monitoring program for the pervious pavement.

This comment may best be addressed through a meeting with this reviewer and ERM staff.

Flood Plain Review – Jameson Courtney – 974-3399

FP1 – FYI – Please note that as this project is located within the ETJ that Travis County is the
governing jurisdiction in regards to the FEMA floodplain. Please coordinate with Travis
County for any considerations regarding modification of the FEMA floodplain. Also,
please be advised that Travis County may require a CLOMR/LOMR for any proposed
floodplain modifications.

Industrial Waste Review - Anne Zulka - 972-1060


WATER PROTECTION – Chris Perez (512) 972-1060

WP1. Add Austin Water Utility Water Protection Signature line on the cover sheet.

WP2. Sheet 99 of 170 Reflection pool shall be protected with a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ).

WP3. Sheet 108 of 170 Fire Line shall be protected with a Double Check Valve Assembly and
the drawing shall indicate specification 520S-19A.

WP4. Sheet 108 of 170 6” Potable Water line shall be protected with a RPZ, due to a restricted,
classified or other closed facilities. §290.47 (i) Appendix I.

WP5. (FYI) Any site using or planning to use auxiliary water (e.g., reclaim, rain water, well
water, etc.) in addition to water supplied by Austin Water Utility (AWU) may be required to
provide backflow prevention at all connections. Review applicable details of requirements
at www.ci.austin.tx.us/water/downloads/wwwssd_cc_bfp_aux.pdf . Please contact the
Water Protection Section of the Special Services Division at (512) 972-1060.

INDUSTRIAL WASTE – Anne Zulka (512) 972-1060

IW1. Add Austin Water Utility Industrial Waste Signature line on the cover sheet.

IW2. Chapter 15-10 of the Austin City Code forbids the discharge of non-flow measured
wastewater to the sanitary sewer for any site discharging or proposing to discharge
industrial wastewater to the City of Austin's sanitary sewer system. Therefore, no more
than one sewer tap may exist per water meter. When more than one water meter
supplies water to a site with more than one sewer tap, each water meter must discharge
to a unique wastewater tap, or the wastewater generated must combine at one location
before mixing with wastewater from another water meter.

The plans show two watermeters (one 6” and one 8”) feeding an inner and outer supply
loop. These loops feed a multitude of toilet blocks, commissaries, food tents, clubs,
automotive service areas, etc. From these numerous sources wastewater is developed
and discharged into numerous taps into the two 12” WW mains in the two “Public WW
Easements” crossing the property (that will be carrying wastewater from offsite in the
future). Beyond that there are two more WW taps leaving the property and connecting
into the WW main in FM 812. All of this is in violation of Chapter 15-10.

IW3. Inconsistancy: Page 112, the building at the tip of the property is called “Sport Area”, on
page138 it is called “Waste Collection”.

IW4. (FYI) A Wastewater Discharge Permit is required from the Austin Water Utility's Special
Services Division (SSD) for the proposed discharge of industrial wastewater to the
sanitary sewer system as authorized by Chapter 15-10 of the Austin City Code.

IW5. (FYI) Wastewater from food preparation or equipment cleanup areas from restaurants,
caterers, delis, bakeries, meat markets, etc. requires pretreatment by a grease
interceptor and other approved device.

IW6. (FYI) Pretreatment of process wastewater discharged from an industrial, commercial, or

other non-residential type sanitary sewer user is required. Examples of such non-
residential type users that may discharge process wastewaters to the sanitary sewer
system may include, but are not limited to: hospitals, medical and other laboratories, car
washes, parking garages, dumpster drains, automotive service bays, industrial,
commercial and other laundries, manufacturers, chilled water plants and cooling towers,
photo developers, x-ray developers, publishers, printers, radiator shops, etc. A variety of
devices and equipment may be required for pretreatment of such wastes.

IW7. (FYI) When available, submit plumbing plans to the Austin Water Utility's Special Services
Division (SSD) for pretreatment review prior to issuance of the plumbing permit. For
projects that do not require a City of Austin building permit, the plans must still be
submitted to the SSD for pretreatment review prior to construction if the wastewater will
be treated by the City of Austin.
PARD / Planning & Design Review - Chris Yanez - 974-9455

No comments.

Transportation Review - Shandrian Jarvis - 974-2628

TR1. This site is located outside the City's zoning jurisdiction and is subject only to
transportation requirements of the subdivision ordinance.

TR2. A driveway permit must be obtained from Travis County to take access to a
County-maintained road. Written approval from Travis County is needed prior to site
plan release. Contact Travis County at 854-9383 for more information.

TR3. Additional comments may be provided when more complete information is


Austin Water Utility Review - Howard Neil Kepple - 972-0077

WW1. The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities.
The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by the Austin
Water Utility for compliance with City criteria and the approved SERs (2955 & 2956). All
water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The
landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner
must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of
Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit.

FYI: For plan review status contact George Resendez with Pipeline Engineering at 972-
0252. The Landowners Engineer will be notified by Pipeline Engineering once the red-
lines/comments are ready for pickup at the Austin Water Utility Waller Creek office
located at 625 E.10th St., Austin, TX 78701. Response comments and corrections, along
with the original redlines, must be returned to the assigned Pipeline Engineering reviewer
at the Waller Creek office.

Drainage Construction Review - Benny Ho - 974-3402

This site is located at 12700-1/2 Farm to Market Road in the Dry Creek, East Watershed,
which is classified as a Suburban Watershed.

DC1. Please identify and call out the unpaved parking area on Sheet 54, the overall site plan.

DC2. Please provide closed landfill certification as required by Section 25-1-83 of the Land
development Code.

Informal Update is acceptable.

Electric Review - David Lambert - 322-6109

Austin Energy – Contact Lora Teed at ph. 505-7159 or lora.teed@austinenergy.com if

you have any questions regarding these comments.

Site Plan Review Comments (SP-2010-0245.02D)

General Comments:
1) Provide SWPPP document and plans
2) Provide NOI submitted to the State (AE/LCRA should be included on that document)
3) Staging/spoils disposal not permitted within AE’s easement

Plan Comments:
1) Sheet 22 of 170 – Grading plan within AE easement has been revised, show correct grades
2) Sheet 23 of 170 – Grading plan within AE easement has been revised, show correct grades
3) Sheet 57 of 170 – Layout of the substation has been revised, show correct layout
4) Sheet 57 of 170 – Substation driveways are road base/surface rock, not asphalt as shown
5) Sheet 72 of 170 – Layout of the substation has been revised, show correct layout
6) Sheet 72 of 170 – Substation driveways are road base/surface rock, not asphalt as shown

The comments below were provided by LCRA. Contact Gina Rubio at

gina.rubio@lcra.org if you have any questions regarding these comments.

Lower Colorado River Authority

General Comments:
1) Substation layout will need to be updated
2) The fence location along F1 boulevard will need to be updated if moved

Spoils Piles:
The plans that were sent to us on 3/8 in an email from AE regarding spoils piles (stamped
by engineer 2/3/11) do not seem to be the same plans that are in Brad’s office (stamped
by engineer 2/22/11).
On the PDF drawings received 3/8, the permanent spoils location is depicted as abutting
the transmission line easement. Transmission line engineering has no comments as long
as there is no change in the grade of the ground along our existing easement at all. The
site crew can’t let their spoils extend beyond the spoils boundary and into our easement.
If that is not feasible, then we will need to discuss modifying or moving that permanent
spoils location. We will be staking our easement boundary at that specific location and
we will be performing intermittent inspections to ensure our easement is not being
Plan sheet 16(R) of 149 (from 2/3/11 set) showed a sediment trap and spoils pile to the
right (east) of our substation. In the set in Brad’s office, that drawing (now called 15 of
170) shows the sediment trap and the spoils pile/staging area on top of our substation
location. Does the sediment trap and spoils pile need to be moved off our substation
site? I would like a revised spoils map to show the location of where LCRA will be putting
their spoils.
Erosion and Sediment Controls:
LCRA will be getting a TCEQ Construction General Permit for Storm Water Discharges
(for “large construction” within a common plan of development) because they will be
considered a “primary operator” at the site. In our Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan, we are assuming that Formula One will provide erosion and sediment controls and
will perform any revegetation that is required around the substation site and around any
transmission line pole locations that need to be relocated.
Drawing (now called 15 of 170 from 2/22/11 set) shows a silt fence along the west side of
our substation but the silt fence might need to be adjusted more to the west based on the
final AE grading plan.
The Formula One contractor wasn’t sure how LCRA will access the site at the time of our
construction. I just want to ensure that Formula One will be installing the Stabilized
Construction Entrance at the Elroy access point, if LCRA uses that entrance.
LCRA requests any specific details regarding how Formula One would like concrete
washout to be handled during substation and TL construction.
A month prior to LCRA’s construction start date, LCRA Environmental requests the most
revised copy of the Erosion and Sediment Control plan for the site, including any field
revisions so we can include this information in our SWPPP.

End of Report

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