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Direct System of Cold Water Suppty

:pzrotion, o high pressure wotzr suppty is essentiol

:-- periods of peok damond. Pipework is minimot ond the
- :-...n supptying the hot wotzr cytinder nezd onty hove 115
hova y. The cistern moy be locotad within the oiring cupboord
with the hot wqter cytinder. Drinking woter iS
at every drow-off point ond mointenonce volves shoutd bz
orit y isolote eoch saction of pipework. With every outlet supptied
moin. the poss.ihitity of bock siphonoge must bu considered.
con occur when lhere is o high demond on the moin.
:-zssure con then drow woter bock into the moin from o
^ zt, e.g.o rubber tube ottochzd to o top or o showar
o chzck volve focitity tzft tying in dirty both woter.

valves to
: -: ..ded on supply pipes to
sage and flushing cisterns
'iube pipe sizes
Absene of cistern and pipes
in roof space redues risk of Iro51 6136399

Cold water
feed cistern

22 mm overf low pipe

cold fed pipe

Bath Basin WC


Hot water cylinder

15 mm
rts!ng marn

WC Easin

+_ Combined stop and

lance drain valve
Ground level

750 mm min

Mastic sal Pip€ duct 76 mm bore

,'./ater Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.

lndirect System of Cold Water Supply
The indirect systzm of cotd woter suppty hos onty one drinking wotzr
outtet, of the sink. Thz cotd woter storoge cistern hos o minimum
copocity of 23O Iitres, for Iocotion in the roof spoca. ln oddition to
its normoI suppty function. it provides on odequote z.marga.ncy
storoge in tha evant of wotzr moin foilure. The system requires more
pipework thon the direct system ond is lheref ore. more expensive to
instott, but uniform prassure occurs of ott cistern-supptied outtets.
The woter outhorities prefer this system os it imposes [ess damond
on thz moin. Also, with fewe.r fittings ottoched to the moin. there is
Iess choncz of bock siphonoge. Othzr odvontoges of towzr pressuru
inctude Iess noisz ond weor on fittings, ond the opportunity to instott
o botonced pressure shower from tha cistern.

(1) Servicing valves to
be provided on supply pipes to
Crld water storage cistern
storage and flushing cisterns.
(2) Copper tube pipe sizes


22 mm overflow pipe

cold feed pipe
distributinq pipe

Bath Basin WC

Hot water cylinder

15 mm
rising main
15 mm


Combined stop and

drain valve
Orain valve
Ground level

750 mm min.

Mastic seal Pipe duct 76 mm bore

Ref.: The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999


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