Wiley, National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations The Modern Language Journal

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Source: The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 96, No. 1 (Spring 2012), pp. 147-148
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41478823
Accessed: 28-06-2016 15:53 UTC

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Reviews 147

progressive, reflexives, expressions of time, and and the Brazilian jeito. This last topic refers to
verbs that require complementary objects, among Brazilian creativity in social, political, and business
others. The fourth unit presents the differences relations. There is also a section on culture shock,
between preterit and imperfect, time expressions, which I found very useful, especially with the sub-
future tense, and future subjunctive. The fifth unit sequent self-reflective questions. In sum, this book
introduces more complex tenses, variable usage fulfills its intended goals and is an outstanding ad-
of preterit and imperfect, as well as conditional dition to the growing field of Portuguese language
and future tenses. It also discusses the past par- pedagogy.
ticiples plus common prepositions. It introduces
the subjunctive mood and diminutives. The sixth FERNANDA FERREIRA
unit pertains to the individualized projects, which Bridgewater State University
can be used as a final assignment in a business

One is struck by the detailed explanation of the RESEARCH METHODS

alphabet in the introductory chapter, which in-
cludes phonetic transcriptions. This feature is a
welcome addition to the field of Portuguese text-
KOZINETS, ROBERT V. Netnography: Doing
books, since the variable pronunciation of Por-
Ethnographic Research Online. Thousand Oaks, CA:
tuguese consonants is a thorny issue for learn-
Sage Publications, 2010. Pp. vii, 221. $42.95, pa-
ers. The book presents grammar explanations in
per. ISBN 978-1-84860-645-6.
Portuguese followed by English translations. This
approach may be confusing at times, but the au-
thors compensate with clearly organized charts This book is a valuable resource for researchers
and sample dialogues that are very authentic. One interested in investigating online communities.
interesting feature of the book is that the partic- Although there are a few other monographs on
ular grammar topic covered in each chapter is the topic, this text is the most practical and
highlighted with bold letters in the dialogues, so user-friendly. Throughout, Kozinets balances gen-
the learners can focus on the form. That said, eral theoretical discussions with clear and specific
a number of exercises require that learners fo- guidelines. Novice researchers will find his hands-
cus on content by prompting learners to decide on approach and illustrations from his data partic-
if something is true or not, depending on their ularly helpful; additionally, Kozinets' style of writ-
experience or a previous text. ing is lively and engaging.
Nevertheless, some of the exercises in the book Netnography bases its methodology on field-
could be improved, namely the ones that use in- work conducted online through participant ob-
correct forms underlined in a sentence. Learners servation. It was developed in marketing and
are prompted to decide if the form is correct or consumer research, disciplines that, as Kozinets
not. It is not that the form itself is wrong, but points out, are open to new research techniques.
rather its usage. Perhaps a multiple-choice for- However, he is quick to note that among some
mat would be better, so that the incorrect combi- traditional anthropologists, there remains a sense
nations of subject and verb were not reinforced of skepticism about, or outright rejection of, the
by the text. Overall, the exercises are content- possibility of conducting ethnographic research
driven, communicative, and creative. The read- in online contexts. Kozinets does not shy away
ing sections in Portuguese include key words with from such controversies; rather, he engages with
numbers in superscript, a traditional way of deal- them and takes a clear stand. Researchers study-
ing with new vocabulary. The text is followed by ing online communities who find themselves con-
the translations of these words and few questions fronted with similar skepticism or critiques of
about the reading. In the later chapters, invariably their method are likely to find Kozinets 's rational
one of the questions asks learners to make com- counter arguments useful and empowering.
parisons between Brazil and the United States, Kozinets opens the book with an explanation
which is an excellent way to delve more deeply of netnography. He argues that netnography is
into cultural similarities and differences. necessary because our lives are increasingly me-
Finally, the cultural topics throughout the diated by various technologies and also because
book are varied and complex: they include our online experiences and interactions are sig-
Brazilian geography, family relations, the history nificantly different from those that take place in
of Brazil's political system, religion and social is- offline contexts. This section is followed by a thor-
sues, food and social etiquette, popular music, ough discussion of the complex terms community

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148 The Modern Language Journal 96 (2012)

and culture ; an understanding of both is crucial to Chapter 6 and 7 address the technical matters
the endeavor of netnography. Chapter 2 extends of data collection (e.g., how to deal with potential
this discussion by exploring the particularities of information overload, given the fact that every
online communities. The author draws attention single discussion of the organization is archived)
to how early understandings of online environ- and data analysis, respectively. The latter chapter
ments (e.g., lack of social cues, impersonal inter- provides a well-balanced discussion of the pros
actions) have evolved into a realization of sophisti- and cons of both manual and computer-assisted
cated social interactions and community construc- data analysis. Ethical issues in ethnography more
tion through diverse relationships, participation generally, and specific ethical issues related to on-
styles, and membership patterns, some of which line research, are the topics of Chapter 8. Chap-
are unique to online communities (e.g., lurking). ter 9 provides ten criteria for evaluating netnogra-
This reality serves as another justification for an phy, several of which are applicable to other forms
ethnographic approach to study online communi- of qualitative research as well: verisimilitude, re-
ties. Chapter 3 presents an overview of data collec- flexivity, rigor, and so forth. The book concludes
tion methods, including surveys, interviews, and with a discussion of future directions for netnog-
focus groups, along with examples of strategies raphers, such as explorations of social networking
for how to adapt them using online tools. This sites and virtual worlds.

chapter also explores the potential complemen- Whether or not one is interested in studying
tary relationship between social network analy- communities that exist primarily online, it is un-
sis and netnography. Although Kozinets acknowl- deniable that in contemporary life, many peo-
edges that the former provides more concrete ple around the world participate in some type of
information about the structure and flow of com- online community. Social networking sites are per-
munication among individuals, an ethnographic haps the most obvious, but others include on-
approach is essential to gain an understanding of line professional, political, religious, special in-
how culture evolves and functions in these com- terest, or consumer groups. Kozinets asserts that,
munities. as the boundaries between our online and of-
Following the three opening chapters, which fline affiliations become increasingly blurred, for
provide important background information, the researchers interested in exploring the situated
next five chapters contain practical methodolog- meanings and social practices of specific groups
ical information. Chapter 4 is concerned with of people, some form of netnography will soon
participant observation, including a discussion become necessary, either as a complement to tra-
of some of the challenges specific to working ditional ethnography, or as a standalone research
with online data (anonymity, archiving, etc.). The methodology.
methodological focus continues in the next chap-
ter, which is devoted to issues of planning and CAMILLA VÁSQUEZ and DERYA KULAVUZ-
entrée. This emphasis on preparation and enter- ONAL
ing the field is certainly justified: Without access University of South Florida
to and the cooperation of the community being
studied, data collection is impossible. However,
what the book is missing is a discussion of the
LITOSSELITI, LIA. (Ed.). Research methods in lin-
opposite side of the process; that is, how to exit
guistics. New York: Continuum, 2010. Pp. vii, 227.
the field eventually. For the traditional ethnog-
$34.95, paper. ISBN 978-0-8264-8993-7.
rapher, an eventual physical separation from the
field is inevitable. In contrast, there is no clear
endpoint to a researcher's participation in an on- Instructors looking for a comprehensive, cur-
line community, and in some instances access to rent, practical, and readable research methods
community archives or pages is maintained only text for introductory courses in linguistics re-
through continued membership. Yet some shift search will relish this new volume. This text con-
in primary role (from participant to researcher) cisely and deeply shares information about es-
seems necessary to proceed with the later stages of sential approaches to diverse linguistics research
data analysis. Similarly, a subsequent edition of the questions. The contents range from designing
book might include a discussion of the question of studies (i.e., posing research questions, using
what it means to go native in this type of research, mixed methods, managing data, and conduct-
as well as the additional challenges that netnog- ing interviews) and the basics of quantitative and
raphers may face when studying the cultures of qualitative methodologies to in-depth applica-
distributed, multisite, global online communities. tions of corpus, discourse, conversation, linguistic

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