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Examples of Change

OBC2020 How Optus Business Operates – Transitional Change

Why the Change was needed Optus Business Channel partners frustrated due
to the lack of support and understanding with
Optus Processes and Products. This resulted in
decrease in sales performance due to mounting
Admin work. (COVID didn’t help)
Exec Leadership (ELT) listened and decided on 2
1. Increase sales revenue
2. Support Optus Business Channel
partners. (Focus on sales instead of

What impacts were experienced 2 Teams were affected, and combined into 1
new department.

 Team 1: Took care of High valued

customers. Teir 1 customers (min 10K

 Team 2: Took care of Medium to Small

businesses valued customers. T2 and T3
customers (less than 10K spend)

 Main role is to assist OBC partners with

administrative work and so that they
can focus on sales.

 Mediate between customer and OBC

channel grievances.

4 I’s  Inspirational Motivation – the goal was

clearly set. It was a recognised change
that was needed therefore there was
Shared Vision. (Partnership was

 Idealised influence – Moral was low at

first. The relationship between internal
staff and OBC partners were strained
due to conflicting egos and bravado. Its
still a slow process but Trust needs to
be built.

 Intellectual Stimulation – High

collaboration happened between the
teams, discussion was conducted on
the best and most effective way to
solve problems. There was evidential
resistance be it rational and irrational
at first. Team 2 embraced the change
due to the open communication and
co-collaboration within my team.

 Individualised consideration – Different

learning patterns. Some took longer to
learn new things. Support was
implemented between Team 1 and 2.

COVID-19 Working from home – Transformational Change

Why the Change was needed Global Pandemic Hit everyone had to work
from home news business practices.
What impacts were experienced  New style of working.
 Systems weren’t working.
 Loosing entire offshore department
due to lockdown
 Emotional and physical stress
 Other strived whilst working form
home while other suffered due to their
social personality.

4 I’s  Inspirational Motivation – A lot of

planned was conducted to ensure all
our staff were support during these
stressful times
 Idealised influence - Moral was low at
first. Motivating staff was very difficult.
With implemented support structure
and quick decision making from Senior
leadership and Exect leadership
changes that were affecting staff were
quickly addressed.
 Intellectual Stimulation - High
collaboration happened between the
teams, discussion was conducted on
the best and most effective way to
solve problems.
 Individualised consideration -

New program and system implementation i.e. JARVIS - Development Change

Why the Change was needed  Whole of business transformation.

 To many systems were being used by
staff which contributed to a lot of mis
communication, slow and out-dated
 New CRM program implemented
JARVIS to eliminate 33 systems and
combine it onto one.
What impacts were experienced Think of a new program that needed to be
rolled out to 400 + staff and the planning and
effort it took.
4 I’s  Inspirational Motivation -
 Idealised influence -
 Intellectual Stimulation -
 Individualised consideration -

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