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Raw Materials Expected amount Monthly Yearly

Coffee 300 7,500 90,000

Creamer 299 7,475 89,700

Sugar 120 2,500 30,000

Total 17,475 209,700

Equipment Expected amount Monthly Yearly

Coffee maker 5,291 5,291 5,291

Chairs and table 3,500 3,500 3,500

Cups 300 7,500 90,000

Spoon 25 625 7,500

Total 16,916 106,291

Utility expense Monthly Yearly

Electricity bill 5,000 60,000

Water bill 3,500 42,000

Telecommunication bill 1,500 18,000

Total 10,000 120,000

Rent expense Monthly Yearly

Rental 10,000 120,000

Total 10,000 120,000

Salary expense Daily salary Monthly Yearly

Manager 400 8,800 105,600

Cashier 310 6,820 81,840

Sale person 310 6,820 81,840

Crew 310 6,820 81,840

Total 29,260 351,120

Schedule of Taxes and License

DTI Registration 215.00

BIR Registration 500.00

Mayor’s Permit 3,000.00

SSS Registration 500.00

Business Plate 500.00

Community Tax Certificate 100.00

Barangay Permit 600.00

Sanitary Permit 500.00

Fire Certificate 700.00

Total 6,615.00

Project projected cost

Raw materials 209,700

Equipment 106,291

Utilities expense 120,000

Rent expense 120,000

Salary expense 351,120

Total 907,111

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