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Let's Learn

Sources Administrative measures of Muhammad

The Mamluk dynasty bin Tughlaq

The Khalji dynasty Timur's invasion

Reforms of Alauddin Khalji The Sayyid dynasty
The Lodi dynasty
The Tughlaq dynasty

Tune In
Mir Taqi Mir was an 18th century Urdu poet. He expressed the sorrow of the people, who
witnessed the decline of Delhi, in the following words.

Meaning: I belong to the same devastated city of Delhi, which was once a very remarkable
city in the world.

How did New Delhi gain prominence and become the capital city ofIndia?
Delhi became an important city only during the twelfth century. It first became the capital
of a kingdom during the rule of the Tomara Rajputs. The Tomara Rajputs were defeated by
the Chauhans of Ajmer in the middle of the twelfth century. Delhi emerged as an important
commercial centre under the rule of Tomaras and Chauhans. During this time, many rich Jaina
merchants resided in the city and built temples. Coins minted in Delhi were known as dehliwal
which were widely circulated. In the beginning of the thirteenth century, the transformation of
Delhi into a capital began with the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate. The five dynasties which
are termed together as the Delhi Sultanate ruled from 1206 CE to 1526 CE. Their rulers were
known as Sultans who ruled from Delhi.

Tarikh is a valuable source to study the Delhi Sultanate. It is the history written in Persian
language. During the Delhi Sultanate, Persian was the language of administration. These
histories or tawarikh (plural of tarikh) were written by learned men who, apart from recording
events, also advised the Sultan on governance. These records were often written for Sultans in
the hope of rich rewards. The authors lived in cities (mainly Delhi) and, therefore, paid lesser
attention to the general public living in villages, They influenced the Sultans by their own

to these sources, a critical and analytical
decisions to govern the empire. Thus, while referring
Delhi Sultanate.
approach is important to study the history of the

Dynasties that Ruled the Delhi Sultanate

Delhi are as follows,
The names of the five dynasties that ruled
The Sayyid Dynasty
The Khalji Dynasty

1451 CE-1526 CE
320 CE-1414 CE 1414 CE-1451 CE
1206 CE-1290 CE 1290 CE-1320 CE

The Lodi Oynasty

The Mamluk Dynasty The Tughlaq Dynasty

The Mamluk Dynasty

The Mamluk dynasty was founded by Qutbuddin Did You Know
Aibak in 1206 CE. It was the first dynasty to Qutbuddin Aibak was also known as
establish its rule at Delhi. Qutbuddin was a slave Lakh bakhsh'or 'giver ofLakhs because
to Muhammad Ghori. In Arabic, Mamluk means of his unbounded generosity.
slave. Therefore, the dynasty is known as the
him. He trusted his slave officers
Slave dynasty. Muhammad Ghori had no male heir to succeed
appointed as the Governor for Muhammad's
more than his freeborn officers. Qutbuddin was

conquered territories of India.

After the death of Muhammad in 1206 CE, his empire was divided among his powerful

governors. Thus, Qutbuddin assumed the title

of Sultan and was acknowledged as the ruler of
Ghori's Indian possessions by the Muslim officers in India. He ruled for a brief period of 4 years

and died in an accidental fall in 1210 CE, while playing chaugan or horse polo.

The next important king of the dynasty was Iltutmish, son-in-law of Qutbuddin. He assumed

power in 1210 CE. He was a slave of Qutbuddin Aibak. His contribution to the real consolidation
of the Delhi Sultanate was significant. During his last year, he nominated his daughter, Raziya,
as his heiress. He did not consider any of his surviving sons worthy enough to administer.
Raziya ascended the throne of Delhi in 1236 CE. Her brief rule witnessed a power struggle
that started between the Sultan and the Turkish chiefs known as 'the Forty' or the chahalgani.
Raziya was killed in 1240 CE.

Did You Know

The Forty or the chahalganiwas a group established by IItutmish, which included Turkish
nobles. They advised and helped the Sultan in administration. After the death of litutmish,
the group assumed great power in its hands and wanted to install a puppet on the throne
that they could control.

Raziya's successors were worthless and lacking in ability.
It was a period of disorder and confusion. In 1246 CE
some nobles raised Nasiruddin Mahmud, a younger

son of Itutmish, to the throne. Since Nasiruddin was

young and inexperienced, Ghiyasuddin Balban,
Fig. 4.1: Coins of Ghiyasuddin Balban
minister and later on his deputy, took advantage and
death of
began to control the affairs of the state. The
Nasiruddin cleared Balban's, way to succeed him. Ghiyasuddin Balban finally ascended the
throne in 1266 CE.(With his accession, the struggle between the Sultan and the Turkish chiets
6came to an end. Balban, one of 'the Forty, assumed power and eliminated 'the Forty.

Garrison town to empire

confined to fortified
In the early thirteenth century, the control of the Delhi Sultanate was largely
controlled the hinterland
settlements with soldiers known as Garrison towns. The Sultan rarely
in the beginning tor
of the cities. Therefore, he had to depend on trade, tribute or plunder
Sultanate andhe
led to the expansion of the
Balban's accession to the throne of Delhi Sultanate land
hinterlands of the garrison towns, A Doab is a rich and fertile
focused on consolidating the
Yamuna. Forest regions
such between the Ganga and the
between two rivers and there is one
Yamuna Doab. Hunter-gatherers
and pastoralists were expelled
cleared in the Ganga and
new towns and
was promoted. Many
to peasants(and agriculture
and these lands were given trade.
intention of protecting trade routes and to promote regional
fortress were built with the
from peasantry, traders,
to the South, the Sultan collected taxes
When the Sultanate expanded
from the local rulers.
instances, the tribute was taken
and, in some
turmoil in the empire
fresh disturbances and a widespread
CE led to
Balban's death in 1287 of the empire. Foreign
vasions and
throne resulting in the weakening
for succession of the and the Mamluk dynasty finally declined.
further weakened the empire
the internal rebellions

The Khalji Dynasty Jalaluddin

In 1290 CE, a noble named
the Khalji dynasty.
was succeeded by s u c c e s s o r s of
The Mamluk dynasty overthrew the incompetent
external threat of
o v e r c a m e the
were of a mixed
Turkish-Afghan origin
Khalji The Khaljis
the Khalji dynasty. the high offices.
Balban and established of controlling
the Turkish hegemony CE and
and the rise of the Khaljis ended father-in-law, Jalaluddin Khalji in 1296
murdered his uncle and
succeeded him.
power. He
annexed Gujarat,
Sultanate became
an imperial
Delhi Jalore in Rajasthan.
Under Alauddin's reign, the Mewar, Malwa,
such as Ranthambore,
fortified places
and the principal
Kakatiyas, Pandyas and
ne reduced the chief Hindu kingdoms of South, namely, Hoysalas,
successfully took on serious Mongol
ddavas of Devagiri to vassalage. His forces also
several reforms to
onslaughts. After consolidating the empire, Alauddin Khalji undertook
the land
improve the administrative system, to strengthen the military system and to improve
revenue administration.

92 96
68 76 80 84 88






8 PANDYAS Extent of the Delhi

Sultanate Under
Alauddin Khalji
Sketch Map not to Scale
INDIAN OCEAN An Artist's Impression
172 76 88 192
Fig. 4.2: Extent of the Delhi Sultanate under Alauddin Khalji
Iqta and iqtadar

The Delhi Sultans needed reliable governors and administrators.

They favoured their slaves on
bandagans rather than appointing landed chieftains and aristocrats as governors. The Khaljis

and ialet
ughlaqs continued tobandagans and also appointed people of humble birth
as generals or
governors that caused an element of
their masters as well
political instability. They were loya
as to their patrons but
not to their successors. Hence the accesSion f a
new Sutdn orten created
discord between the old and the new nobility. These Sultans chose
military commanders as
governors of the territories of different sizes These lands were called
iqta and their holders were called
iqtadar or muqti
The important duty of the muqti was to provide
law and order in their
military assistance to the Sultan and maintain
iqtas. In exchange for their military service, the muqtis had the authority
to collect revenue of their
iqgtas as their salary Their soldiers were also paid from these revenues
During the reign ot Khaljis and
Tughlaqs, strict rules were imposed and ensured that the office
of the muqt was not
inheritable. The igtas were assigned for a short span of time and were
frequently transferred. The Sultan appointed accountants to check the
amount of revenue
collected by the muqtis. Utmost care
was taken to ensure that the
muqtis collected only the
taxes authorised by the State and even
kept the required number of soldiers
Reforms of Alauddin Khalji
Under Alauddin Khalji,
the assessment and collection of land revenue was
brought under the
control of the State. He ordered the
measuring of land under cultivation in the Doab and on
this basis the land revenue would be
assessed. He introduced the policy of direct collection of
land revenue by the State. He fixed fifty
per cent of the produce to be paid as land tax (known
as khara) by all including the landlords of the area (called khuts and muqadams).
taxes on cattle and houses.
He aiso
The most significant reform of Alauddin was the Did You Know
price control system. He was in need of a large The markets in
Delhi were controlled by
standing army to save Delhi from recurring
two officers namely
Mongol invasions. Therefore, he devised the price the Shahana-i-Mandi
control system to increase the size of the army
without incurring additional expenditure. The Sultan decided to pay salaries to his soidiers in
cash in lieu of iqtas.
The soldiers would buy their supplies and commodities from the merchants in Delhi and this
would lead to rise in the prices. To enable the soldiers to lead their life on a moderate pay, he
controlled the prices of all the articles in Delhi. He fixed the prices of all commodities such as
food grains, cattle, clothes, slaves, etc. Alauddin fixed the prices of goods on the basis of careful
survey done by his officers and set up markets. Anyone caught hoarding goods or a merchant
did not sell the commodities at prescribed rates was punished.

Rapid Round
1. Who established the Khalji dynasty?
2. Who was called an iqtada?
3 What is Kharaj?

The Tughlaq Dynasty

replaced by the Tughlaqs in 1320 CE. The founder of this dynasty
The Khaljis were
in the field of
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. Soon after his accession, he introduced reforms
administration. He built Tughlaqabad, the fortress city near Delhi.

Fig. 4.3: Ramparts of Tughlaqabad

Prince Jauna Khan, better known as Muhammad bin Tughlaq, ascended the throne in 1324 CE.
He was undoubtedly one of the most erudite and accomplished Sultans of the Delhi Sultanate.
He had a brilliant memory, keen intellect and a great capacity for assimilating knowledge.
He was proficient in different branches of knowledge such as logic, philosophy, astronomy,
mathematics and physical sciences. He was also a fine calligrapher and had a good knowledge
of Persian poetry.

Administrative measures of Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Muhammad bin Tughlaq tried to undertake many administrative reforms. But despite
being innovative, most of his plans failed because he was impractical. There are number of
administrative measures credited to him.

Raising of the taxation in Doab

Muhammad not only tried to raise the rate of taxation in Doab but also revived and levied some
additional taxes. The State neither gave any concessions when the region came under famine
nor took any measures to mitigate the sufferings of the peasants.The farmers, therefore, could

not pay taxes.Relief measures such advancing loans to the farmers, digging wells came too
late. AgriCulture suffered
adversely and the poor peasants abandoned their lands and shifted
to other places. The increased taxation in Doab caused
hardships to the people
Transfer of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad
Muhammad bin Tughlaq's next administrative
measure was transferring his capital from
Delhi to Daulatabad (earlier Devagiri) in the
Deccan. The chief motive behind this
was the strategic and central location of
Devagiri. It is near Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
It was more centrally located than Delhi.
Further, it was safe from Mongol attacks He
ordered the entire population of Delhi to
shift to Daulatabad. He provided all facilities
Fig. 4.4: Daulatabad Fort
to make the journey comfortable. But the
people of Delhi were not happy with this move. Large number of people died on the way. The
Sultan, after realising his folly, ordered to move back to Delhi.

Introduction of token currency

The failure of the earlier measures of Muhammad bin Tughlaq had drained the royal treasury.
He tried another novel experiment in order to replenishthe treasury and to find the resources
for his territorial expansions and administration. This wasthe introductien of token (bronze)
currency. He instructed
that the bronze coins should be considered equal in value to the
silver coins, known as tanka. This experiment also failed because of forging of new coins. The
was not able to prevent counterfeit coins. When he came to know about the
with the silver
failure of his monetary measure, he ordered that all token coins be exchanged
coins. Even the forged coins were exchanged in return of the silver ones, resulting in a great

loss to the government 5

Expansion schemes
universal conquest prompted him to undertake expeditions
Muhammad bin Tughlaq's desire of
was not able to establish his hold over these territories.
into Khorasan and Qarachal regions. He
task and it was beyond the strength of his army. Thus,
The conguest of Khorasan was not easy
Even the Qarachal expedition resulted in a failure.
Muhammad abandoned this scheme.

The sudden death ofMuhammad bin Tughlaq urged the nobles to nominate his cousin. Firuz
benevolent ruler. He abolished many unjust taxes levied
Shah Tughlag, to the throne. He was a
He also constructed
several canals and repaired the old ones to improve
by his predeessor.

the city
and gardening activities. He founded
undertook building
dgriculture production. He humane by
to make the judicial system more
of Firuzabad (in modern Uttar Pradesh). He of prosperity and
remembered as the period
banning inhuman punishments,
His reign was
not save the Delhi
weak s u c c e s s o r s could
After the death of Firuz,
happiness for his people. to be the last Tughlaq
Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq happened
Sultanate from disruption.
to an end.
ruler. With his death, the Tughlaq dynasty came

Timur's Invasion
Sultanate was by
shattered the
Further, the power of the Delhi
ascended the throne of
invasion of Amir Timur (Tamerlane). He
attacked India in 1398 CE as a part of
Samarkand in 1369 CE. He
ransacked several places and
aggressive territorial conquests. He
number of
occupied Delhi. He carried immense booty and a large
Before leaving India,
captives including Indian artisans with him.
Timur amply rewarded Khizr Khan Sayyid for his support during
the time of invasion. He appointed Khizr Khan as the governor
Multan, Lahore and Dipalpur to rule over on his behalf. Fig. 4.5: Statue of Timur

The Sayyid Dynasty

After the Tughlaqs, Khizr Khan established the rule of the Sayyids in 1414 CE. Khizr Khan was
succeeded by his son Mubarak Shah, who patronised the contemporary chronicler, Yahiya bin
Ahmad Sarhindi. The last ruler of the Sayyid dynasty was Alauddin Alam Shah. He was a feeble
and inefficient ruler who oluntarily abdicated the throne in favour of Bahlul Lodi in 1451. He
left for Badaun and continued to live there till his death.

The Lodi Dynasty

The last dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate was the Afghan dynasty known as Lodis. Bahlul
Lodi was the founder of the Lodi dynasty. He was succeeded by Sikandar Lodi. He was the
ablest of the three rulers of the Lodi dynasty. After the death of Sikandar Lodi, his eldest son,
Tbrahim Lodi, ascended the throne. He was killed by Babur in the First Battle of Panipat (1526 CE).
leading to the collapse of the Delhi Sultanate and the founding of the Mughal rule in India.

Rapid Round
1. Who replaced the Khaljis?
2. Who was the last Tughlaq ruler?
3. When did Timur ascend the throne of Samarkand?
4. Who founded the Sayyid dynasty?

5. Name the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate?

Global Connection
The Rise and Fall of the
ACCOraln9 To Nahuatl (the
native lanauage of the Aztec), Azteca means someone wno
comes from
Aztlan. It is
thought to be a mythical place located in Northern Mexico. The
Aztecs were migrants who
arrived from the North into the Anahuac Valley and established
themselves the shore of Lake Texcoco. In
1325 CE, they founded Mexico-Ienocnttan
(present-day Mexico
City), the capital city of the Aztecs. Sometime around 1428 CE, they
formed a Triple alliance with two cities,
namely, Texcoco and Tlacopan, and eventualy
expanded their empire. The Aztecs were very advanced and had strong spiritua
Their empire ended in 1521 CE when the
Spanish conqueror, Hernan Cortez, with his army
took over their land and
destroyed their city.

Word Galaxy

forge- to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive

fortify to make something stronger, especially in order to protect it

freeborn- not born in slavery
and services
hinterland a n area adjacent to a city or port that supply it with goods
mitigate- make something less severe, serious, or painful
live or the process of settling in such a place
settlement -

a place where people come to

Concept Map
Qutbuddin Aibak
Tarikeh/ Tewarih
the Mamluk dynasty

Nasiruddin Mahmud
garrison town
Ghiyasuddin Balban
JalaluddinKhali reforms ot Alauddin Khalji

The Delhi
theDelhi Sultanate Alauddin Khalii
Timur's invasion
Sultanate theKhali dynasty
raising of the taxation in Doab
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
Bahlul Lodi the Lodi dynasty iqtaand iqtader
Muhammad bin Tughlaq transfer of capital from Delhi to Devagiri
Sikandar Lodi
the Tughlaq dynasty introduction of token currency
Ibrahim Lodi Firuz Shah Tughlaq
expansion schemes
Khizr Khan the Sayyid dynasty

Mubarak Shah
Alauddin Alam Shah

Let's Exercise

1. Choose the appropriate option.

a ) n B h _ i s a valuable source to study Delhi Sultanate.

iTarikh ii) Numismatic

ii) Inscription iv) Biography
b) The Mamluk dynasty was founded by wuudd AsoP.
i) Raziya i) Balban
ii) Iltutmish Qutbuddin Aibak

)Timur appointed hu honas a governor of Multan, Lahore and Dipalpur.

) Babur Khizr Khan
ii) Muhammad bin Tughlaq iv) Ibrahim Lodi

d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq transferred his capitalfrom anuP Durioin the Deccan
Delhi to Lahore Delhi to Devagiri
ii) Delhi to Ranthambore iv) Delhi to Malwa

2. Fill in the blanks.

a built Tughlaqabad, the fortress city near Delhi.

b) fixed the prices of all commodities.

Thelastruler of the Sayyid dynasty wasaudduu Kom{or

r waa the original name of Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
d) PAimpunal
e)SultanItutmish nominated- - as his Successobr.

3. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
a) Mamluk dynasty i) Raising of the taxation in Doab

b)Khaljidynasty ii) 1414 CE to 1451 CE

c)Tughlaqdynasty ii) Price control system

d) Sayyid dynasty iv) First Battle of Panipat (1526 CE)

e)Lodidynasty v)Slavedynasty
o i c i d, iie
4. Answer the
following questions in 10 to 20 words.
a)What does Doab mean?
b) Name the two officers who controlled the markets of Delhi.

C)Why did Muhammad bin Tughlag abandon the Khorasan

d) Name the three important rulers of Lodi
5. Answer the following questions in 50 to 70 words.
a) Describe 'the Forty or the chahalgani.
b) What steps did Alauddin Khalii take to improve the land revenue administration

c)Write in brief about the price control system.

d) Why did the Doab experiment fail?

e) How did the introduction of token currency cause a great Ioss to the government

invasion of Amir Timur?

)How did the power of the Delhi Sultanate shatter by the
6. Give reasons.
Delhi Sultanate.
a) A critical analysis of tawarikh is important to study the history of the

Balban's accession to the throne of Delhi

led to the expansion of the Sultanate.
c)Muhammad bin Tughlaq transferred his capital.
is remembered as the period of prosperity and happiness.
d) Firuz Shah's reign
administrative measures were very
Muhammad bin Tughlaq's
7. Do you think
to be in his place and suggest m e a s u r e s
advanced for his
times? Imagine you
to rectify the
8. Life Skills female monarchs as compare to their
there were very few
reasons that
What could be the
medieval period?
in the

Do it to know it!
'Can the reforms of Alai
debate on
organise a
class into two groups.
9. Debate: Divide
in today's time?
Khalji's be adopted Turkish nobles of the IItutmish's 'the
are one of the
of the
Imagine you Rarh
between Raziya
started between
that started and
ative Writing:
10. Creati on a
p o wer struggle
e r :struggle
Write an
the Turkish nobles.
extent of the Delhi Sultanate
11. Map Work: On an outline map of medieval India, mark the
under Alauddin Khalji.
12. Arrange the following events in a chronological
accidental fall.
a) Death of Qutbuddin Aibak in an

b) Khizr Khan marched against Daulat Khan.

c)Timur ascended the throne of Samarkand.

d) Balban's accession to the throne.

e) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq founded the Tughlaq dynasty.

People Who Made History

Yahiya bin Ahmad Sarhindi

Ahmad Sarhindi wrote the
During the reign of Mubarak Shah, Yahiya bin
It furnishes the
Shahi. It is a valuable source for study of history of the Sayyid dynasty.
Shah and his predcessörs. It
information about the achievements of his patron, Mubarak
activities of the Sayyid
throws light on the life of the early Sultans, and military and political
of the work. The accounts
rulers. He referred to various sources while writing the earlier part
information. According to
of Sayyids are based on his personal knowledge and trustworthy
Elliot,he was a careful and an apparently honest chronicler.


As on 30/04/2019

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