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Common Admission Test (CAT)

Chapter – Averages

1) This question gives us a sense of how averages change when entities are added to
or taken away from the system. One needs to learn how the system behaves without
having to go through the onerous algebraic route.

If the overall average weight has to increase after the new people are added,
the average weight of the new entrants has to be higher than 40.So, n > 40.
Consequently, m has to be < 10 (as n + m = 50). Working with the “differences”
approach, we know that the total additional weight added by “m” students would be
(n - 40) each, above the already existing average of 40. m(n - 40) is the total extra
additional weight added, which is shared amongst 40 + m students.

So, m * (n−40)(m+40) has to be maximum for the overall average to be

maximum. At this point, use the trial and error approach (or else, go with the answer
options) to arrive at the answer. The maximum average occurs when m = 5, and n =
45. And the average is 40 + (45 – 40) * 545 = 40 + 59 = 40.56 kg.
The question is "what is the maximum possible average weight of the class now?"
Hence, the answer is "40.56 kg". Choice B is the correct answer.

2) Question that is logical-reasoning based rather than algebraic. Given the average
of a subset of an overall set, and maximum and minimum values overall, how does
one find the average of the overall set.
10 students have scored 600 marks amongst them, and no one is allowed to
score lesser than 40 or higher than 100. The idea now is to maximize what the
highest scorer gets. The 5 least scores have an average of 55, which means that they
have scored 55 x 5 = 275 marks amongst them. This leaves 325 marks to be shared
amongst the top 5 students. Let’s call them a, b, c, d and e. Now, in order to maximize
what the top scorer “e” gets, all the others have to get the least possible scores (and
at the same time, they should also get distinct integers.)

The least possible score of the top 5 should be at least equal to the highest of
the bottom 5. Now we want to make sure that the highest of the bottom 5 is the least
possible. This can be done by making all scores equal to 55. If some scores are less
than 55, some other scores have to be higher than 55 to compensate and make the
average 55. Thus the highest score is the least only when the range is 0.
So now, we have the lowest value that the top 5 can score, which is 55. The
others have to get distinct integer scores, and as few marks as possible, so that “e”
gets the maximum. So, 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + e = 325
e = 99 marks. Choice A is the correct answer.
3) This is based on a simplified version of what people describe as "frequency
distribution" in statistics. Forget the fancy terms, solve this from first principles.

Let's employ the idea of a total of 25 students (all of the same weight) sitting on
a see-saw, which has numbers from 51 to 100 marked on it. At least as many
students are sitting on 76 (or to its right), as there are sitting to the left of 75. Now
this means that you can have only one person sitting to the left of 75 and all the rest
sitting beyond 76. But you can't do that, as you have other constraints as well.

First of all, you have to seat 3 students from 51 to 60, and 8 students from 61 to
70. Secondly, you also have to make sure that the average is the least. This means
that the see-saw should be tilting as much to the left as possible, which in turn
means that the number of people sitting to the left of 75 should be the highest
possible. This makes it 12 students to the left of 75, and the remaining 13 students
on 76 or to its right.

Next, how do you ensure that the average is least, i.e. how do you ensure that the
balance tilts as much as possible to the left? Make each student score as little as
possible given the constraints. So, the first 3 students only score 51 each. The next
8 students score only 61 each. 11 Students are now fixed. The 12th student has to
be below 75, so seat him on 71. The remaining 6 students (who are in the 71 to 80
range) have to score 76. The next 4 score 81 and the next 3 score 91.
This would give you the least average. The lowest possible average would be:

=> 70.6 Choice C is the correct answer.
4) A clear understanding of median and mean is essential to cracking these types of
questions. Median refers to the middle-term, mean to the average.
If there are an odd number of terms, say, 2n + 1, then the median is the middle
term. And if average is lesser than the middle term, there will at least be n + 1 terms
greater than the average. So, there will be more terms above the average than below
it. However, this need not be the case when there are an even number of terms. When
there are 2n distinct terms, n of them will be greater than the median and n will be
lesser than the median. The average of these two terms can be such that there are n
terms above the average and n below it.
For instance, if the numbers are 0, 1, 7, 7.5. The median is 4, average is 3.875.
Average is less than the median. And there are more 2 numbers above the average
and 2 below the average. Hence, the answer is "No, it doesn't mean that".
5) Let’s say that the students are named a, b, c, d and e, in increasing order of
weights. The average of a, b, c and d is 40 kg, whereas the average of b, c, d and e is
45 kg. The sum of a, b, c and d is 160 kg, and the sum of b, c, d and e is 180 kg.
What is the total weight of all the students? There are two ways of looking at this.
a) 160 + e
b) 180 + a

Or, e is 20 more than a. The total weight is 160 + e. So, the highest value of e will
correspond to the highest possible average. The highest possible value of e occurs
when it is 20 higher than the highest possible value for a, which is 40 (all the first 4
scores are equal to 40). So, the highest possible average is 160+605 = 44. This will
be the case when the weights are 40 kg, 40kg, 40 kg, 40 kg and 60 kg.
Conversely, the least possible value for the average occurs when a is the least.
This happens when e is the least too (since a is 20 less than e).

The least possible value for e is 45 = 1804. So, the least possible value for a would
be 25. The least possible average = 180+255 = 41. This will be the case when the
weights are 25 kg, 45kg, 45 kg, 45 kg and 45 kg. So, the difference between maximum
possible and minimum possible average = 3 kg. Choice C is the correct answer.
6) Yes. We can have 24 zeroes and 1500 as the 25 numbers. In this case, there are
24 numbers below the average.
No. In a sequence of 25 numbers, 12 will be greater than or equal to the median and
12 will be lesser than or equal to the median. We cannot have 20 terms in between
the average and median. Hence, the answer is "Yes, No".
7) Understanding weighted averages is very vital in this topic. When a set of terms is
counted multiple times, tracking how many times each term is counted becomes
Yes. All the terms appear the same number of times when we select them 4 at a
time. So, the average of averages will be equal to the overall average. Hence, the
answer is "Yes".
8) Let average in class C = x. Average of class B = x +16. Average of class A = y
y = 2 + 20y+30(x+16)+50x100
(y - 2) * 10 = 2y + 3x + 48 + 5x
10y - 20 = 2y + 8x + 48
8y - 8x = 68
y - x = 8.5. This is the difference between average of class A and class C.

9) Let us try to construct a scenario for getting the smallest value of the average. We
need to have the minimum value for each of the 5 medians. Now, what is the lowest
value the median of any of the 5 groups can take?
The median is the middle term among the 5 terms. So, it cannot be 1 or 2, but it
can be 3. If the set were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the median would be 3. If we choose a sub-
group such as this, the smallest median fro the next group will be 8. The next group
could be 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The idea is to create sub-groups in such a way so that the
second group can have a smaller median than 8.

Now, even a sub-group that has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 24, 25 would have the
median as 3. So, if we want to keep the medians as small as possible, we should
choose sub-groups that have small numbers till the median, and then very large
numbers. Because, these large numbers do not affect the median, we will still have
small numbers to choose from for the next group. So, choose sub-groups such that
the first 3 numbers are small, the final two are as large as possible.
1, 2, 3, 24, 25
4, 5, 6, 22, 23
7, 8, 9, 20, 21
10, 11, 12, 18, 19

13, 14, 15, 16, 17 would be an ideal set of groups. The medians would be 3, 6, 9, 12,
15, and the average of the medians would be 9. Similar set of groups can be found
to find the highest value of the average. The medians would be 23, 20, 17, 14, 11
and the average would be 17. "Smallest value: 9, Highest Value: 17".
10) We can assume a, b, c, d are in ascending order (with the caveat that numbers
can be equal to each other)
a + b + c = 90
b + c + d = 120. We need to find the maximum and minimum value of a + b + c + d.
a + b + c + d = 120 + a.
So, this will be minimum when a is minimum.
Given a + b + c = 90. a is minimum when b + c is maximum.
If b + c is maximum, d should be minimum.

Given that b + c + d = 120, the minimum value d can take is 40 as d cannot be less
than b or c.
The highest value b + c can take is 80, when b = c = d = 40. When b = c = d = 40, a
= 10.
a + b + c + d = 130. Average = 32.5.
Similarly, a + b + c + d = 90 + d. So, this will be maximum when d is maximum.
Given b + c + d = 120. d is maximum when b + c is minimum. If b + c is minimum,
a should be maximum.
Given that a + b + c = 90, the maximum value a can take is 30 as a cannot be greater
than b or c.
The lowest value b + c can take is 60, when a = b = c = 30. When a = b = c = 30, d =
a + b + c + d = 150. Average = 37.5 "Range from 32.5 to 37.5".

11) Let the numbers be a, b, c, d, e in ascending order. a + b + c + d + e = 165.

Average of the three largest numbers is 39, so c + d + e = 117, or a + b = 48.

We need to find the maximum and minimum possible values of c. For minimum
value, a and b have to be minimum. a + b = 48. Let us assume a = 23, b = 25, ca can
be as low as 26.
23, 25, 26, 45, 46 is a possible sequence that satisfies the conditions.

For maximum value, we need d + e to be minimum as c + d + e = 117. we can have

c = 38, d = 39 and e = 40. Or, the maximum value c can take = 38.
23, 25, 38, 39, 40 is a possible sequence that satisfies the conditions specified.
"23, 25, 38, 39, 40".

12) Average of a, b, c, d and e is k, Average of b, c, d and e is also k, this implies

that a = k. If we remove b, the average drops, this implies that b is higher than the
average. e is less than k, or e is less than a. c is less than d.
e < a < b, c < d
Average of a, b, c and e is greater than average a, c, d and e. This tells us that d < b
From this, we get that b is the largest number
a + b + c + d + e = 5a
Or, b + c + d + e = 4a
b + e = 2a, c + d = 2a. Or, e, a, b is an AP, c, a, d is an AP.

e is the smallest number (as b is the largest number). Or, the ascending order
should be e c a d b.
13) Let a, b, c, d, e, f be the six numbers in ascending order.
e = 43; a + b + c + d + e + f = 198. Median of 6 integers = c+d2
c+d2 is maximum when c and d are maximum since e = 43, dmax = 42 and cmax =
c+d2 is minimum when c and d are minimum amin = 1, bmin = 2, cmin = 3, dmin =
Therefore, = c+d2min = 3.5
Max – min = 41.5 – 3.5 = 38. "Highest and lowest possible median is 38".

14) We need to find out the share of the other students first! Their share plus 1/6th
is total share, from which we can find the total number of students...
Let the total students be (n + 1)
Let total badges be x
Let the average of ‘n’ students be y
The student who got 1/6th of x = 5y
Or y = x/30
Therefore ‘n’ students got 1/30th of total share each
Or n * x/30+ 1 * x/6 = x
nx + 5x = 30x
n + 5 = 30
Or n = 25
Total = n + 1 = 26. Choice B is the correct answer.

15) Based on the sum of ages of the couple and the children, we first need to find
the time gap between the birth of each child.
Sum of the ages of the couple = 24 * 2 = 48
After the 1st and 2nd children, sum = 13.5 * 4 = 54
Difference in sum = 54 – 48 = 6 years

Or after 62 = 3 years, the twin were born to the couple (Ages of children at the time
of birth is 0)
After 3rd child, sum = 13.2 * 5 = 66 yrs
Difference = 66 – 54 = 12
Or after 124 = 3 yrs, 3rd child was born (Couple + 2 children were already present.
So 4)
After 4th child, sum = 16 * 6 = 96 yrs
Difference = 96 – 66 = 30
Or after 305 = 6 yrs, 4th child was born
Current sum = 19 * 6 = 114 yrs
Difference 114 – 96 = 18 yrs
Or after 186 = 3 yrs
The gap between the children are as follows: 3 yrs, 6 yrs and 3 yrs
Age of eldest ones = 3 + 6 + 3 = 12. Choice D is the correct answer.
16) Finding the LCM of 6 and 8 will help.
Let the number of fruits be 2k, 5k and 8k
Given, 5k – 2k = multiple of 6 and 8
LCM of 6 and 8 is 24
Let’s say 5k – 2k = 24n
3k = 24n
For k to be a natural number and have minimum value, n should be equal to 1
3k = 24 Or k = 8

Hence, the number of fruits = 2k + 5k + 8k = 15 * 8= 120. Choice C is the correct


17) Difference between the age of the oldest and the newest member = 20 * 4 (because
by this number the sum of ages of all the persons in the group has reduced) = 80
years. So, age of the new person = 90 – 80 = 10 years (One should be able to think
like this directly and not solve such questions via the ‘x’ method as it is time
consuming). Choice D is the correct answer.

18) Let the distance travelled be d. Average Speed = Total Distance Travelled/Total
time taken
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑 1 160
=𝑑 + + = 1+1+2 = = 40𝑘𝑚𝑝ℎ. Choice D is the correct answer.
∗80 4∗40 4∗20 4
2 160

19) Deficit in each of the previous 11 months is $500, Sambhunath has to account
for this in addition to $6,000 in the last month to have an average salary of $6,000
in the year. So, he has to earn: 500 * 11 + 6000 = 11,500 to have an average salary
of $6,000 for the year. Choice B is the correct answer.
20) Let the original target be x trees/day and the number of planned days be y.
=> y = 128/x
Also, as per the question (y-4-1) * (x+4) + 4x = 164
(y-5) * (x+4) + 4x = 164
xy – 5x + 4y – 20 + 4x = 164
x * 128/x + 4 * 128/x - x = 184
128 + 512/x - x = 184
512/x - x = 56
Taking LCM, we get, (512−x2)/x = 56
=> 512 - x2 = 56x
=> x2 + 56x - 512 = 0
Solving for x, we get x = -64 or x = 8; x cannot be -64, so, x is 8. Choice C is the
correct answer.
21) Let the number of floors be x and rooms per floor be y
So, xy = 500
After the change,
(x-5) * (y+5) = 450
xy – 5y + 5x – 25 = 450
500 – 5(y-x) – 25 = 450 (As, xy = 500)
5(y-x) = 25
y-x = 5; Choice C is the correct answer.
22) Let Nike make x pair of Shoes/day. So, Adidas makes (x + 21) pair of Shoes/day.
Also, let the schedule delivery be in Y number of days.
x(y-3) = 810
=> xy – 3x = 810………………….(1)
and, (x+21) (y-6) = 900
=> xy + 21y – 6x -126 = 900
Putting xy from (1)
=> 810 + 3x + 21y – 6x = 1026
=> 21y – 3x = 216
=> y = (72+x)/7
Putting y in equation (1) (Sometimes, you just got to solve)

[(72+x)∗x]/7 - 3x = 810
=> 72x + x2 – 21x = 810 * 7
=> x2 + 51x – 5670 = 0
From the looks of the equation, x has to be a large number. Start by putting the
largest number in equation x = 54 satisfies the equation. Choice D is the correct

23) For minimum, teams with minimum score would be transferred from A to B. So,
total score transferred = 15 * 5 = 75

B (Minimum Average) = (25∗25+75)/30 = 23.33

For maximum, teams with maximum score would be transferred from A to B. So,
total score transferred = 25 * 5 = 125
B (Maximum Average) = (25∗25+125)/30 = 25. Choice D is the correct answer.
24) For minimum, teams with minimum score would be transferred from B to A. So,
total score transferred = 24 * 5 = 120

A(Minimum Average) = (20∗20+120)/25 = 20.8

For maximum, if we take teams with maximum score,
total score transferred = 32 * 5 = 160
However, if we assume that 5 teams scored the highest score, the average of
remaining teams in B would come out to be,

(625−160)/20 = 465/20 = 23.25 which is lower than the lowest score of B. So, 5
teams in B can’t have score of 32. So, minimum total score which need to be on
group B = 24 * 20 = 480
Score that can be transferred = 625 – 480 = 145

A(Maximum Average) = (400+145)/25 = 545/25 = 21.8. Choice D is the correct

25) Let the numbers be n, n+1, n+2………………n+8
Average of these numbers = n + 4

When n +9, n+10, n+11 are added, the difference of these numbers from the earlier
average = 5, 6, 7 respectively = 18. This 18 will increase the average by 1815 = 1.5.
Choice B is the correct answer.

26) For the average to be minimum, the numbers should be as close to each other
as possible.

Why? Let us take a simpler example to check this out. Let us say product of two
natural numbers is 64. We could take the two extremes 1 * 64 and 8 * 8. In the first
instance the average is 32.5, in the second one the average is 8. The closer the
numbers are, the smaller their sum and average are going to be. In our case, we are
looking at 66. If the numbers need not have been distinct, then 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6
would work best. Now, let us anchor around 6 and try to figure out a mechanism of
keeping numbers as close to 6 as possible. We need to look for

1. 6 numbers multiplying to give 26 * 36

2. With the numbers as close to 6 as possible

Let us get in a 6 obviously, then include 8 and 9 as well. 6 * 8 * 9 = 24 * 33. So, the
other 3 numbers should multiply to give 22 * 33. There are more 3’s than 2’s, so
perhaps we could include 18. So, we could have 6, 8, 9, 18 – these 4 multiply to give
25 * 35. The last 2 could be 2 and 3. So, we could have 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 18. These
numbers add up to 46 giving us an average of 46/6. Between 2 and 18 the only other
numbers that are factors of 66 that we have missed out on are 4 and 12. We will
need to see if we can have some combination that includes either one or both of these
numbers that can bring down the average.
Scenario I – Including 12.

Let us start by including 6 and 12. We have accounted for 23 * 32. We have more 2s
than 3’s in the system so we can perhaps offset this by including a 9. If we had 6, 9
and 12, the product would be 23 * 34. The remaining 3 numbers should give us 23 *
32. We have already included 6, 9 and 12. So, if we need more multiples of 3, we
need either 3 or 18. Merely having 3 does not help as we still need to accommodate
2 more 3’s. If we include 18, our average will go higher anyway. We will have 1, 4, 6,
9, 12, 18.

Let us rejig our approach. We need six 3’s. We can include 3, 6, 9 and 12 but that
gets us to only 5 3’s. So, we need to have 18 or 24. 24 is too large and would mangle
the average so we NEED to have an 18 in the mix. From 3, 6, 9, 12 we need to find
4 more 3’s. We cannot drop 9 from the mix as the other 3 would give us only three
more 3’s. So, we will DEFINITELY need to have 9 also. So, we have 9 and 18 in the
mix. And 2 of 3, 6 and 12 in the mix. We could have
3, 6, 9, 18 , or 3, 9, 12, 18 or 6, 9, 12, 18 –

3, 6, 9, 18 – Product of remaining two numbers should be 24. Best case scenario

would be 3, 6, 9, 18, 2, 8 yielding a sum of 46
3, 9, 12, 18 - – Product of remaining two numbers should be 23. Best case scenario
would be 3, 9, 12, 18, 2, 4 yielding a sum of 48.

6, 9, 12, 18 – – Product of remaining two numbers should be 22. Best case scenario
would be 6, 9, 12, 18, 1, 4 yielding a sum of 50.

Overall best-case scenario is 3, 6, 9, 18, 2, 8 yielding a sum of 46 and an average of

46/6. Choice C is the correct answer.
27) 31 + 33 + 36 + 37 = 137
If Avg (inc M) = 40 => Total 40 x 5 = 200 => M = 200 – 137 = 63
If Avg (inc M) = 43 => Total 43 x 5 = 215 => M = 215 – 137 = 78

Therefore, Number of possible values M can take = 78 – 63 + 1 (Don’t forget to add

the 1) = 16. Choice A is the correct answer.
28) New Average, u = t + (z−s)/n (when z > s)………………..(1)
= t - (s−z)/n (when s < z)
= t + (z−s)/n (same as (1))
=> u – t = (z−s/)/n
=> (u–t/)(z−s) = 1/n
=> (t−u)/(s−z) = 1/n. Choice C is the correct answer.
29) Total number of chocolates = 13 * 17 = 221
For one box to have maximum number of chocolates, the other boxes need to have
minimum number of chocolates i.e. 11, 12, ………………….., 22
Total = 11 * 12 + (0+1+2+……………+11) = 132 + 66 = 198

Therefore, maximum possible chocolates = 221 – 198 = 23. Choice A is the correct

Previous Years’ Questions


1) Let's consider Tom's age to be 'x' years. Dick is thrice as old as Tom,
Dick's age = 3 × x = 3x
Harry is twice as old as Dick,
Harry's age = 2 × 3x = 6x
Dick's age is 1 year less than the average age of all three,
3x = Average(x, 3x, 6x) - 1
3x = (x+3x+6x)/3 - 1
3x = 10x/3 - 1
1 = 10x/3 - 3x
1 = (10x−9x)/3
1 = x/3
x = 3; Harry's age = 6x = 6 × 3 = 18 years.
2) The average score of the last 2 innings = (38+15)/2 = 26.5
The average of the first n innings = 30
The average of all the n+2 innings = 29
29(n + 2) = n(30) + 2(26.5)
n = 5 (You may choose to use the allegation method too)

The average of the first 5 innings = 30 and in none of the innings did the batsman
score 38 or above. Let's assume the scores of the 5 innings of the batsman in
ascending order to be 30, 30, 30, 30, 30. (This complies with the avberage being 30).

The maximum score that he can score is 37 runs, Let's distribute the score of the
first innings among the rest 4, as 7 per innings so that the score of the first innings
is minimized. Now the scores will be 2, 37, 37, 37, 37

Now we can't distribute the score of the first innings anymore, because, that makes
the score of atleast one of the remainin 4 overs 38 or greater. Hence the least score
of any inning is 2. Choice C is the correct answer.

5) We are told that exactly 20 of the 30 integers do not exceed 5. That means exactly
10 of the 30 integers do exceed 5. In order to keep the average of the 20 integers as
high as possible, we need to keep the average of the 10 integers above 5 as low as
possible. Since we are dealing with integers, the least value that the 10 integers above
5 can take is 6.
So, the sum of the 10 integers = 10 * 6 = 60
So the sum of the remaining 20 integers = Total sum - 60 = 5 * 50 - 60 = 90

Hence the average of the remaining 20 is 90/20 = 4.5. Choice C is the correct

6) It is given that, a1, a2, a3,..... Ramesh, Gautham, ...., a22 writes an examination.
Given that, Average score of the 21 students other than Gautham = 62
So, Total Score - Gautham's score = 62 x 21
Ramesh scored 82.5

It is given that, when Ramesh leaves, the average score drops down by 1 mark. Which
means that Ramesh scored more than the Overall class average. Since his departure
has resulted in the decrease of the overall class average by 1, his score is 21 more
than the average.
Overall Class average = 82.5 - 21 = 61.5 marks
Total Score - Gautham's score = 62 x 21
61.5 x 22 - 62 x 21 = Gautham's score
1353 - 1302 = Gautham's score
Gautham's score = 51 marks. Choice A is the correct answer.
7) Let there be 'n' tests and the Overall Average score be k
Average (n) = k => Total marks = nk
So, when we ignore the first 10 questions,
Average (n-10) = k+1
Similarly, if we ignore the last 10 questions,
Average (first (n-10)) = k-1
It is given that when the first 10 tests are not considered, the overall average
increases by 1 (Each question carries 20 marks)
Total marks – 20×10 = (k+1) (n-10)
kn – 200 = (k+1) (n-10) ---(1)
Similarly, If the last 10 tests are not considered, the overall average decreases by 1
(Each question carries 30 marks)
kn - 300 = (k-1) (n-10) ---(2)
Solving (1) and (2), we get
kn - 200 = (k+1) (n-10)
(-) kn - 300 = (k-1) (n-10)
100 = 2(n-10)
50 = n-10
n = 60 questions.
8) Given that the Average age of all the residents in the complex = 38 years
Number of people having ages 51 and above = 30
Number of people having ages below 51 ≤ 39

Since we need to maximize the average age of people below 51 and to maintain the
combined average as 38 years, we need to consider the ages of people above 51 as
51 (Any more than that would lower the other value). Also, We need to take the
Number of people having ages below as 39 (Again, for maximizing the value).

So, 13 : 38-x = 39 : 30 = 13 : 10
38 - x = 10
x = 28

Average age of people whose ages are below 51 = 28 years. Choice D is the correct
From the given data let us assume the average height of 22 toddlers to be a. If two of
them leaves this group then average height of 20 toddlers increases by 2 so a + 2

If the average height of two toddlers who leaves the group is one third the average
height of the original 22
No.of toddlers × average = Total
Hence we can write the equation in such a way that,
22a = 20(a + 2) + 2a/3
2a – 2a/3 = 40

⟹ 4a/3 = 40
a = 30
We need to find the average of remaining 20 toddlers.

⟹ a + 2 = 30 + 2 = 32. Choice C is the correct answer.

10) Given that an elevator has a weight limit of 630 kg. It is carrying a group of
people of whom the heaviest weighs 57 kg and the lightest weighs 53 kg. We have to
find the maximum possible number of people in the group. We can take one person
to be 57 kg and since they have asked for the maximum possible number of people
it can accommodate in the lift we can take more no. of people with lightest weight.
So, at least one guy with 57 kg.
⟹ 630 – 57 = 573

⟹ 573/53 = 10.8 or at most there can 10 people.

Hence, 10 + 1 = 11 people.

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