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Brain and Cognition 87 (2014) 52–56

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Neural correlates of viewing paintings: Evidence from a quantitative

meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data
Oshin Vartanian a,⇑, Martin Skov b,c
University of Toronto—Scarborough, Toronto, ON, Canada
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark
Decision Neuroscience Research Group, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many studies involving functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have exposed participants to
Accepted 8 March 2014 paintings under varying task demands. To isolate neural systems that are activated reliably across fMRI
Available online 4 April 2014 studies in response to viewing paintings regardless of variation in task demands, a quantitative meta-
analysis of fifteen experiments using the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) method was conducted.
Keywords: As predicted, viewing paintings was correlated with activation in a distributed system including the
Visual art occipital lobes, temporal lobe structures in the ventral stream involved in object (fusiform gyrus) and
scene (parahippocampal gyrus) perception, and the anterior insula—a key structure in experience of emo-
Default mode network
tion. In addition, we also observed activation in the posterior cingulate cortex bilaterally—part of the
Scene perception brain’s default network. These results suggest that viewing paintings engages not only systems involved
in visual representation and object recognition, but also structures underlying emotions and internalized
Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction structures underlying visuospatial processing such as the parietal

lobes (Cupchik, Vartanian, Crawley, & Mikulis, 2009).
Two theoretical models have proposed that aesthetic experi- Recently, Brown, Gao, Tisdelle, Eickhoff, and Liotti (2011) con-
ence associated with exposure to works of art arises as a function ducted a large-scale meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of po-
of the engagement of a distributed set of perceptual, cognitive, and sitive-valence aesthetic appraisal across sensory modalities. Their
emotional processes (Chatterjee, 2003; Leder, Belke, Oeberst, & aim was to highlight regions reliably activated during appraisal of
Augustin, 2004). Uncovering the neural systems that underlie this the valence of perceived objects in the visual, auditory, gustatory
distributed functional architecture is one of the major goals of the or olfactory domains. They were motivated by their search for
field of neuroaesthetics (Skov & Vartanian, 2009). Descriptive re- the core processes underlying aesthetic evaluation. As a result,
views of studies to date have indicated that aesthetic experience although some studies that had used paintings as stimuli were also
in response to viewing artworks is indeed a function of a distrib- included, the selected studies had necessarily used tasks involving
uted set of brain areas, each of which is hypothesized to underlie aesthetic evaluation, thereby excluding studies in which paintings
a different component process modulated by task demands (see, had been used to study sensory processing, decision making alone,
e.g., Cela-Conde et al., 2011; Nadal, Munar, Capó, Rosselló, & or passive viewing. In contrast, here we subject data from func-
Cela-Conde, 2008). For example, whereas explicit instruction to fo- tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in which partic-
cus on subjective emotions while viewing artworks is more likely ipants viewed paintings to a quantitative meta-analysis. Our aim
to activate structures underlying the experience of visceral emo- was different from Brown et al.’s in that we were motivated to re-
tion (e.g., anterior insula), explicit instruction to examine the ob- veal brain regions activated reliably as a function of exposure to
jects that make up scenes in paintings is more likely to activate paintings regardless of variation in task demands (e.g., passive
viewing, active ratings, etc.). Given that paintings constitute a
key stimulus set across studies of neuroaesthetics, isolating the
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Psychology, University of neural structures that are activated in response to viewing them
Toronto—Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada. will be a useful tool in teasing apart task-related and stimulus-re-
E-mail address: (O. Vartanian). lated effects in future studies.
0278-2626/Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O. Vartanian, M. Skov / Brain and Cognition 87 (2014) 52–56 53

Table 1
List of studies included in the meta-analysis.

Study N Peaks Analysis Task

Kawabata and Zeki (2004) 10 3 Contrast Aesthetic judgment
Vartanian and Goel (2004) 12 9 Parametric Aesthetic judgment
Fairhall and Ishai (2008) 12 12 Contrast Recognition
Kirk, Skov, Hulme, Christensen, and Zeki (2009) 14 7 Contrast Aesthetic judgment
Cupchik et al. (2009) 16 4 Contrast Active viewing
Wiesmann and Ishai (2010) 24 11 Contrast Recognition
Lebreton, Jorge, Michel, Thirion, and Pessiglione (2009) 20 26 Contrast Mixed judgment
Harvey et al. (2010) 87 6 Parametric Passive viewing
Lacey et al. (2011) 8 15 Contrast Active viewing
Kirk, Harvey, and Montague (2011) 40 5 Parametric Passive viewing
Huang, Bridge, Kemp, and Parker (2011) 14 6 Contrast Unrestricted
Ishizu and Zeki (2012a) 21 2 Parametric Aesthetic judgment
Vessel et al. (2012) 16 19 Contrast Active viewing
Ishizu and Zeki (2012b) 21 13 Contrast Aesthetic judgment
Silveira et al. (2012) 15 16 Contrast Affective judgment

Note. N = number of participants. Peaks = Foci of activation for selected contrast or parametric analysis. Aesthetic judgment = making a preference or beauty judgment,
passive viewing = viewing not coupled with instruction to form an attitude, active viewing = viewing coupled with instruction to form an attitude, mixed judgment = making
aesthetic and other judgments, recognition = memory task, unrestricted = subjects instructed to view each image as they pleased, affective judgment = judging the extent to
which one is affected by the painting.

We focused on the visual modality and paintings specifically for exclusively region-of-interest (ROI), and (d) the complete list of acti-
two reasons. First, we were able to locate a sufficient number of vation peaks (i.e., foci) was published in the paper or made available
fMRI studies in this area to enable a meta-analysis. Second, both to us. This resulted in fifteen experiments, involving a total of 330
models discussed above (Chatterjee, 2003; Leder et al., 2004) are participants and 166 peaks of activation (Table 1).
based primarily on vision. For this latter reason, we were able to
make predictions regarding the involvement of specific neural
2.1. Activation likelihood estimation
structures across studies. First, we hypothesized that viewing
paintings would activate regions of the visual cortex involved in
Our meta-analysis was conducted using the activation likeli-
processing of early, intermediate, and late visual features that
hood estimation method (ALE) (Turkeltaub, Eden, Jones, & Zeffiro,
underlie painting perception, including color and form (Chatterjee,
2002). ALE is a quantitative meta-analysis technique that high-
2003; Greenlee & Tse, 2008; Wandell, Dumoulin, & Brewer, 2009).
lights brain regions that are activated reliably across studies. Much
Second, we hypothesized that structures involved in the percep-
like traditional meta-analytic approaches, ALE’s advantages
tion of objects and spaces would also be activated, specifically
include ‘‘seeing the ‘‘landscape’’ of a research domain, keeping sta-
structures in the ventral stream tuned towards object recognition
tistical significance in perspective, minimizing wasted data,
(Grill-Spector & Sayres, 2008; Kanwisher & Yovel, 2009; Mishkin,
becoming intimate with the data summarized, (and) asking
Ungerleider, & Macko, 1983; Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982). Third,
focused research questions’’ (Rosenthal & DiMatteo, 2001, p. 59).
it is almost universally assumed that a primary objective of art is
In addition, the method has been shown to provide a reliable
to evoke affective responses in the viewer, although whether the
means for conducting coordinate-based meta-analyses of func-
brain’s emotion and reward systems would be activated across
tional imaging data (Eickhoff, Bzdok, Laird, Kurth, & Fox, 2012).
studies with varying instructions remains an open question. Con-
We believe that meta-analyses and qualitative reviews are comple-
veniently, the structures known to play a role in emotion and re-
mentary, jointly providing windows into common and nuanced as-
ward are well established (Montague & Berns, 2002), including
pects of a domain, respectively.
the nucleus accumbens (Aharon et al., 2001), the ventral striatum
ALE’s approach involves comparing activation likelihoods calcu-
(Kampe, Frith, Dolan, & Frith, 2001), the orbitofrontal cortex
lated from observed activation foci with a null distribution of ran-
(O’Doherty et al., 2003; Winston, O’Doherty, Kilner, Perrett &
domly generated activation likelihoods. It pools peak activation
Dolan, 2006), and the insula (see Di Dio & Gallese, 2009). Therefore,
coordinates across studies that have investigated an effect of inter-
our third and exploratory hypothesis was whether viewing paint-
est (Laird et al., 2005). For this meta-analysis all coordinates were
ings would activate the brains’ reward and/or emotion systems.
renormalized to Talairach space using the icbm2tal transformation
(Lancaster et al., 2007) implemented in the GingerALE 2.0 toolbox
2. Material and methods (; Research Imaging Center of the University of
Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX). The resulting coor-
Studies were selected by conducting Boolean searches in Pub- dinates were used to generate ‘‘activation likelihoods’’ for each
Med using the terms ‘‘painting’’, ‘‘art’’, ‘‘aesthetic’’, ‘‘beauty’’, voxel in the brain. For each focus, ALE computes each voxel as a
‘‘MRI’’, ‘‘brain’’, and ‘‘neuroimaging’’ in February 2014. This set of function of its distance from that focus using a three-dimensional
papers was augmented by others in which participants viewed Gaussian probability density function centered at its coordinates.
paintings under non-aesthetic conditions. Extracted fMRI studies This generates vectors of values for each voxel representing prob-
were subsequently checked to ensure that (a) they involved view- abilities of belonging to specific foci. These values are assumed to
ing paintings,1 (b) they were comprised of neurologically healthy be independent such that the existence of one focus does not give
and adult participants, (c) the analyses were whole brain rather than information about whether another focus will occur. The vector
values are combined with the addition rule for log-probabilities,
yielding ALE statistics. Thus, the ALE statistic represents the prob-
For this meta-analysis we only selected studies that used paintings, resulting in
the exclusion of fMRI studies which had used sculptures or geometric patterns as
ability of a certain voxel to belong to any of the included foci. Sig-
stimuli (e.g., Di Dio, Macaluso, & Rizzolatti, 2007; Jacobsen, Schubotz, Höfel, & von nificance tests are conducted by comparing the ALE statistic in
Cramon, 2005). each voxel with a null distribution, generated via repeatedly
54 O. Vartanian, M. Skov / Brain and Cognition 87 (2014) 52–56

calculating ALE statistics from randomly placed activation foci.

This null distribution is then used to estimate the threshold result-
ing for a given false discovery rate (FDR). Finally, a cluster thresh-
old (minimum spatial extent of significant contiguous clusters) can
be applied. Here the FDR was set to p < .01, and the minimum clus-
ter size to 50 contiguous voxels. To ensure that the assumption of
independence was not violated, we selected only one contrast from
each study, comparing the main judgment or viewing condition
with a baseline (or rest) condition. In two cases the foci involved
a parametric analysis of brain activation co-varying with prefer-
ence ratings (Harvey, Kirk, Denfield, & Montague, 2010; Vartanian
& Goel, 2004). ALE can handle contrast and parametric foci within
the same analysis.

3. Results and discussion

As predicted, viewing paintings activated a distributed network

of structures in the brain (Table 2). Supporting our first hypothesis,
Fig. 1. Viewing paintings activated the middle occipital gyrus, the lingual gyrus, the
viewing paintings activated areas in the visual cortex including the inferior temporal cortex, the insula and the putamen.
lingual gyrus and the middle occipital gyrus, as well as the fusiform
gyrus (Table 2 and Fig. 1). These activations can be attributed to the
processing of various early, intermediate, and late visual features
of the stimuli embedded within paintings, including orientation,
shape, color, grouping, and categorization (see Chatterjee, 2003;
Greenlee & Tse, 2008; Wandell et al., 2009). Although not located
in the occipital lobes, the inferior temporal cortex (Table 2 and
Fig. 1) has a well-established role in visual representation of form
and color (Gross, 1992), and likely contributes to that process here.
Activation was also observed in the precuneus (Fig. 2), which we
attribute to visuospatial exploration of pictorial stimuli. Specifi-
cally, the precuneus has been activated in studies that facilitated
spatial exploration of paintings (see Cupchik et al., 2009; Fairhall
& Ishai, 2008).
Supporting our second hypothesis, we observed activation in
the fusiform gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus (Table 2 and
Fig. 3). The fusiform gyrus is involved in object perception and rec-
ognition (Grill-Spector & Sayres, 2008), and its activation here
likely represents the detection of objects within paintings (e.g.,
faces) (Kanwisher & Yovel, 2009). The parahippocampal gyrus is in-
volved in the perception and recognition of places (Epstein & Fig. 2. Viewing paintings activated the precuneus.
Kanwisher, 1998), which explains its involvement while viewing
paintings rich in representations of scenes (e.g., landscapes). Our
analysis also activated the anterior temporal lobe (i.e., superior
temporal gyrus) (Fig. 4). Recent evidence suggests that this ante-
rior region of the temporal lobes is involved not just in semantic

Table 2
List of structures activated in the meta-analysis.

Structure BA x y z Cluster size (mm3)

Lingual gyrus 17 17 91 0 1776
Middle occipital gyrus 17 22 88 0 3928
19 33 79 12 592
19 33 75 15 336
Fusiform gyrus 19 27 59 10 376
19 28 57 10 216
37 40 45 18 304
Parahippocampal gyrus 37 31 41 14 2560
36 23 40 9 544
Inferior temporal gyrus 37 43 68 2 160
Superior temporal gyrus 38 41 17 15 216
Insula 13 39 18 5 80
Fig. 3. Viewing paintings activated the fusiform gyrus and the parahippocampal
13 34 17 4 392
Posterior cingulate cortex 30 8 52 11 520
30 12 51 10 176
Precuneus 7 27 62 45 120
memory—including our knowledge of objects—but also in higher-
Putamen – 19 7 0 72
order conceptual integration of information in relation to objects
Note. BA = Brodmann area. All coordinates are listed in Talairach space (see text). (e.g., how does a knife function?) (Bonner & Price, 2013; Patterson,
O. Vartanian, M. Skov / Brain and Cognition 87 (2014) 52–56 55

& Schooler, 2009), activated when we ‘‘maximize the utility of mo-

ments when we are not otherwise engaged by the external world’’
(Buckner, Andrews-Hanna, & Schacter, 2008, p. 1). This finding of-
fers an interesting angle to the study of paintings by highlighting a
process that many consider essential to deep appreciation of art-
works, namely a focus on inner emotions and thoughts (see Vessel,
Starr, & Gabrielle, 2012).
Finally, it is important to note that structures involved in visual
perception can also contribute to the computation of preferences.
For example, not only is the parahippocampal cortex involved in
scene perception, but its activity while viewing scenes is correlated
with pleasure (Biederman & Vessel, 2006; Yue, Vessel, &
Biederman, 2007). In fact, discovering the contributions of the
brain’s perceptual apparatus to preference formation holds one of
the great promises for the field of neuroaesthetics.

4. Conclusion
Fig. 4. Viewing paintings activated the anterior temporal pole (superior temporal
gyrus) and the fusiform gyrus. The aim of our study was to reveal the neural correlates of view-
ing paintings based on a quantitative meta-analysis of fMRI data.
Our results complement the ALE meta-analysis conducted by
Nestor, & Rogers, 2007; Peelen & Caramazza, 2012). The activation Brown et al. (2011), geared toward uncovering the core processes
of this region indicates that the perception of paintings might trig- underlying aesthetic evaluation. This is because much like in
ger higher-order semantic analysis of the represented objects be- experimental aesthetics, many researchers in the field of neuroaes-
yond mere recognition. thetics have adopted paintings as their preferred stimuli for study-
With our third hypothesis we set out to explore whether view- ing aesthetic phenomena. As such, it is useful to know which brain
ing paintings would activate structures involved in emotion and/or regions respond to a specific category of stimuli (i.e., paintings) in
reward processing. Indeed, we observed activation in the anterior addition to those that contribute reliably to positive-valence aes-
insula bilaterally (Table 2 and Fig. 1). The anterior insula is known thetic appraisal. As researchers in the field move toward testing
to play a critical role in emotional processing (Craig, 2010), and is progressively more fine-grained hypotheses, such meta-analytic
part of the brain’s core affective system (Barrett, Mesquita, results should prove useful in interpreting findings and formulat-
Ochsner, & Gross, 2007). In addition, there was activation in the ing predictions.
putamen (Table 2 and Fig. 1). This structure in the basal ganglia
is reliably activated by the anticipation of rewards (Liu, Hairston,
Schrier, & Fan, 2011), and its activation here could signal the per-
ceived rewarding properties of paintings. The involvement of the
⁄ Data from these studies were included in the meta-analysis.
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