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1. Management Issues
Word/ Part of
No. Phonetic Meaning Example
Collocation speech
Collaborate with The company collaborated
/kəˈlæbəˌreɪt/ hợp tác, cộng
21. sb to sth V with a German firm to develop
/wɪð/ tác
the product.
Be conducive for
The new factory is more
somebody /kənˈdu:sɪv/ có lợi, thuận
22. ADJ conducive for their employees
/fɔr/ lợi
to work

The workers who work hard

Move up thăng tiến,
23. V /muv ʌp/ will move up the corporate
thăng chức
If he opts to join us, we will
24. Opt to do sth V /ɑpt/ chọn, chọn lựa
cooperate to run the project
The worker adhered to the
25. Adhere to sth V /ədˈhɪr/ Tuân thủ rules of the company and
finished his job perfectly.
The manager gave us an
chương trình
/əˈʤendə/ agenda to prepare for the
26. Agenda N hội thảo, hội

A controversal issue was

/brɪŋ ʌp/ giới thiệu, đưa
27. Bring up V brought up just after the
chairman came in
After discussing for a long time,
Conclude that /kənˈklu:d/ kết luận, kết
28. V they has concluded that the
/ðæt/ thúc
contract wouldn’t be signed
In order to operate effectively,
29. ADV /ˌpiriˈɑdɪkəli/ định kỳ the equipment should be
tested periodically
This product is no longer on
30. Defect N khuyết điểm sale because there is a
manufacturing defect
Enhance This is a golden opportunity to
31. something V tăng, nâng cao enhance the reputation of the
The manager did not inspect
kiểm tra, every product carefully, which
32. Inspect sth V /ɪnˈspekt/
thanh tra led to ruin the company’s
thuộc về nhận To be a good manager, you
33. Be perceptive ADJ /pərˈseptɪv/ thức, thấu need a highly perceptive
hiểu analysis of the problem
To avoid losing customers, the
34. Throw out sth V /θroʊ aʊt/ vứt đi, bỏ đi company threw out hundreds
of shoody products.
Conform to /kənˈfɔ:rm/ phù hợp, thích These equipments conform to
35. V
something hợp với the safety standards
Anxious about sth /ˈæŋkʃəs əˈba (lo lắng về cái The manager seemed anxious
ʊt/ gì đó) about the meeting.
It is reasonable to assume
cho rằng, thừa
37. Assume (that) V /əˈsu:m/ (ðæt) (that) the economy will
xem xét chi It is necessary to examine how
38. Examine sth V /ɪgˈzæmɪn/
tiết this project can be carried out.
Conduct an /ˈkɑndʌkt/ ən
làm một cuộc Try out the equipment before
39. experiment V /ɪks’perəmənt
thí nghiệm conducting an experiment.
They are conducting a market
Conduct a /ˈkɑndʌkt/ ə làm một cuộc
40. V research to improve their
research /riˈsɜ:rʧ/ nghiên cứu
Have hæv We have responsibility for
có trách nhiệm
41. responsibility for V /riˌspɑnsəˈbɪlə ensuring the project
làm gì
something ti/ fɔr finishes on time.
Solve a problem /sɑ:lv ə Giải quyết một No one can solve a problem in
42. V
ˈprɑbləm/ vấn đề a short time
I have responsibility for
43. Supervise sth V /ˈsupərˌvaɪz/ giám sát supervising a team of
ten customer relations staff.
They are
Be apprehensive /ˌæprɪˈhensɪv/
44. ADJ lo lắng, lo sợ apprehensive about tomorrow
about sth əˈbaʊt
's meeting.
Under the /ˈʌndər ðə Trong trường Under the current economic
45. circumstance ˈsɜ:rkəmˌstæn hợp, trong circumstances, it is difficult to
s/ tình hình spend money travelling.
The plan was cancelled due to
46. Due to sth /du: tu/ Do, bởi
the lack of capital
The rate of inflation has been
47. Fluctuate V /ˈflʌkʧəˌweɪt/ dao động
fluctuating constantly this year
thoát khỏi, rời I wish I could have got out of
48. Get out of sth V /get aʊt ʌv/
khỏi that meeting
đã được sử How much memory is the
49. Occupied V /ˈɑkjəˌpaɪd/
dụng program occupied?
sự/quyền lựa We have an option to sign the
50. Option to do sth N /ˈɑpʃən/
chọn contract tomorrow morning
lệ thuộc vào, Signing the contract is subject
51. Be subject to sth ADJ /ˈsʌbʤɪkt tu/
tùy theo to their meeting
The report clearly exposes the
phơi bày, bộc
52. Expose sth V /ɪkˈspoʊz/ weakness of the government’s
economic policy
xác định, định It is difficult to determine the
53. Determine sth V /dəˈtɜ:rmən/
rõ, quyết tâm fate of the project
kế cận, gần The receptionist area is
54. Be adjacent to sth ADJ /əˈʤeɪsənt/
bên adjacent to our office
tốn thời gian,
Be /taɪm – It is quite time – consuming for
55. ADJ mất nhiều thời
time - consuming kənˈsu:mɪŋ/ us to train her.
The company argues that it
56. Wage N /weɪʤ/ lương
offers competitive wages.
That manager didn’t have
Success in doing
57. N /səkˈses/ sự thành công much success in managing her
At the meeting esterday
morning, he urged the
58. Reject sth V /ˈri:ʤekt/ loại bỏ, bác bỏ
committee to reject those

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