(English (Auto-Generated) ) Writing A Job Application Letter! (4 TIPS, Words & Phrases + JOB APPLICATION LETTER TEMPLATES!) (DownSub - Com)

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one of the most annoying things when

applying for any job

is that you submit your resume or cv and

then you don't hear

anything back it's really frustrating i

feel your pain

however in this tutorial i'm going to

help you

land that job and to achieve that goal

i'm going to teach you how to write

a brilliant job application letter so

whenever you apply for any job

make sure you submit a job application

letter along

with your resume or your cv now to help

you achieve success within this tutorial

this is what i will cover i am going to

tell you the four things you must


in a job application letter for it to be


i will tell you the exact words and

phrases you should be using

in your job application letter i will

give you

two brilliant example job application

letters that you can use

when applying for any job and i will

include one for non-management roles

and also one for management and team

leader roles

and finally i will tell you how you can


my 10 ready-made job application letter


that you can use and submit straight


when you are applying for any job now

here are the four things that you should

include in a job

application letter number one a powerful

opening statement that grabs the

attention of the hiring manager

they have to sift through lots of job

applications lots of resumes and cvs

but if you include a powerful opening


they are more likely to invite you along

to a job interview number two

you should list the skills and qualities

that you have

that match the job description number


you should explain briefly why you want

to work for their company

and number four most importantly tell

them how you will

add value to their organization

and before i give you those two example

brilliant job application letters

let me give you four important tips tip

number one

keep your job application letter to just

one side of a4

it should not be any longer because they

don't have time

to read it and this is why we really

need to grab their attention

tip number two make sure you include

your email

and telephone number within the letter

make it easy for them to contact you

your email should be professional


and also in respect of your telephone

number two important things

give them your mobile number and also

make sure

that your answer phone message is


tip number three make sure you conduct a

spell check and a grammar check

of your job application letter for

errors check for errors if there are any

errors you will not get invited

along to an interview and number four

make sure you send

the letter via email and also in the

put a hard copy in the post now that

serves two purposes the first purpose

is that sometimes emails don't get


but also secondly if you send it via the


then they are getting to look at your


two times which will help to make you

stand out

so let's now take a look at two job


letters let's walk through them together

and i will explain why they are


the first one is for non-manager or team

leader roles

and the second one will be for

management roles

so here is the first one let's walk

through it

so the parts that i have highlighted

yellow are the bits that you just need

to insert and i will tell you where you

can download these soon so on the right

hand side

we have your full name your address and

also insert the date

dear sir madam re application for

and then you insert the name of the

position and any reference number let's

get started please find attached

my resume or cv in support of my


for the above position i am a standard


positive and enthusiastic person who is


employment in a role where i will have

responsibility for numerous tasks and


that help the organization achieve its

commercial and financial goals

i have studied the job description in

detail and the skills qualities and

experience i possess

that are a match for the role include

exceptional customer service skills

the ability to work as part of a team

and complete tasks on time

experience of working alongside other

like-minded people who are all striving

to achieve the same goal or task

strong communication and interpersonal

skills the ability to solve difficult

problems on my own or as part of a team

the desire to continually improve and

develop in the role

i am applying to work for your company

because you have an impressive track

record of achievement

you create superb product products and

services and i believe

this is a place i can stay working at

for a long period of time

if i am successful in my application i

will work hard to make a positive

difference in the role

whilst carrying out my duties to a high

standard and in line with company

policies and procedures

yours faithfully insert your name your


and your email there and that is all you

need to do

that is one page that is extremely

powerful and it will grab the attention

of the hiring manager it is also very

easy to read

and that is important now i am going to

come on to straight away

a manager and team leader application

job application letter but

if you want to now download my 10

brilliant job application

letters in word document template format

click that link in the top right hand

of the video all you need to do is fill

in the blanks and then use them

as part of your application so click

that link if you want to download them

let's now take a look at my job

application letter number two which is

for manager

and team leader role so you will need to

submit a different

type of letter with different keywords

and phrases

here's my suggested letter so again

on the right hand side we have your full

name and the date

dear sir madam re application for

and you put the name of the position and

the reference number

please find attached my resume stroke cv

in support of my application for the

above position

as a focused determined and confident

manager stroke team leader

i can be relied upon to deliver

challenging targets whilst ensuring the

team i am responsible for

reaches its full potential i have

numerous skills qualities and attributes


are a positive match for the person

specification including
the ability to manage large workloads

whilst delivering

everything to exacting standards

outstanding management and leadership

skills whilst at the same time

ensuring i build positive relationships

with stakeholders

customers and clients excellent

negotiating techniques to ensure my team

achieves its goals

strong attention to detail skills and

the attitude that i am responsible for

everything that happens within my team

the ability to conduct regular

performance appraisal reviews of my


while setting challenging targets that

are designed to help the organization

meet its objectives a flexible and

supportive management style that is

designed to support the senior

management team

in helping them achieve their objectives

i am applying to work for your company

because you are forward thinking

innovative you set high standards and i

believe this is a place i can make a

long lasting positive difference

being a transformational and

strategically led manager stroke team


i assure you i will work hard to achieve

your financial and commercial goals

whilst acting as a positive role model

for the company brand yours faithfully

insert your name telephone number email

address that is another brilliant

job application letter so

next thing click that link in the top

right hand corner of the video

have a look at my 10 ready-made job

application letters

download them you just fill in the

blanks there are

a number of different templates that can

be used for a variety of different jobs

and you can use them for any job

application in the future

whatsoever thank you for watching i hope

you've enjoyed that please support the

channel don't forget to subscribe

please click the like button and if you

have any questions put them in the

comments section below and i will answer

them for you

thank you for watching and i wish you

all the best in landing your job

have a brilliant day

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