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Zika virus envelope – heat shock protein A5

(GRP78) binding site prediction

Abdo A. Elfiky & Ibrahim M. Ibrahim

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Zika virus envelope – heat shock protein A5 (GRP78) binding site prediction
Abdo A. Elfiky and Ibrahim M. Ibrahim
Biophysics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma


Recent studies reported the association of the Zika virus (ZIKV) with a stress response receptor on the Received 16 January 2020
host cell membrane that facilitates viral entry. This host receptor was the heat shock protein A5 Accepted 15 June 2020
(HSPA5), also termed glucose-regulating protein 78 (GRP78). In this study, structural bioinformatics and
molecular dynamics simulations were utilized to suggest the binding site of ZIKV envelope protein
GRP78; BiP; ZIKV envelope;
during the interaction with cell-surface GRP78. The Pep42 cyclic peptide was used as a profiler, as it protein-protein docking;
was reported earlier, to target GRP78 on the cancer cell membrane selectively. Sequence and struc- structural bioinformat-
tural alignments show that part of the ZIKV envelope protein (C308-C339 region), in addition to its ics; Pep42
cyclic nature, has somehow sequence and structural similarities to the cyclic Pep42. Three amino acids
in the ZIKV envelope were identical to those in the Pep42 peptide. Cyclic peptides dynamics are
studied, and its binding to GRP78 is predicted. Protein-protein docking is further performed to explore
the binding characteristics of the ZIKV envelope to GRP78. Results revealed that the binding was favor-
able between ZIKV envelope protein and GRP78. The docking pose revealed the involvement of the
substrate-binding domain ß of GRP78 and the domain III of the ZIKV envelope protein in viral recogni-
tion for the host-cell.

Abbreviations: ATF6: Activating Transcription Factor 6; Bip: Binding immunoglobulin protein; ER:
Endoplasmic Reticulum; CS-GRP78: Cell-surface Glucose regulated protein 78; HSPA5: Heat shock pro-
tein A5; IRE1: Inositol-requiring Enzyme 1; MDS: Molecular Dynamics Simulation; NS5: Non-Structural 5;
PDB: Protein Data Bank; PERK: Protein kinase RNA-like Endoplasmic Reticulum Kinase; RMS: Root Mean
Square; RoG: Radius of Gyration; SASA: Surface Accessible Surface Area; SBD: Substrate-binding
domain; ZIKV: Zika Virus

Introduction transmission route of ZIKV is through mosquito bites, but

the sexual transmission was reported as well (Foy et al.,
ZIKV is a virus that appeared for the first time in Uganda in
2011; Magalhaes et al., 2018; Musso et al., 2015). The symp-
the year 1947 in the Zika forest, hence termed the Zika virus
(Dick et al., 1952). Its outbreak that started in 2015 in Latin toms are usually mild, like slight fever, rash, arthralgia, and
America got a high momentum even though it wasn’t the conjunctivitis. But after confirming the link between mothers
only reported outbreak for ZIKV (Cao-Lormeau et al., 2014; infected during pregnancy and the development of micro-
Duffy et al., 2009; Hayes, 2009). Other outbreaks appeared in cephaly in their babies, the World Health Organization
Africa at different times but weren’t with the same wide- (WHO) classified the situation as of international concern in
spread as the Brazilian one (Campos et al., 2015). The main 2016 (Mlakar et al., 2016). Besides, some neurological

CONTACT Abdo A. Elfiky; Biophysics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

complications were reported after infections. ZIKV affects all not have free N-end residue (Tasaki et al., 2012). The degrad-
cells of the nervous system, including neurons. The neuro- ation rate of linear Pep42 is predicted to be 1.2 hr (by
logical disorders accompanying ZIKV infection motivated ProtParam software) in mammalian cells.
drug designers to search for an adequate drug against the Different host-cell receptors were reported to interact with
virus. Nowadays, over 84 countries confirmed ZIKV infection ZIKV proteins. Kazmirchuk and his co-workers made one of the
(Elfiky & Elshemey, 2018). The high transmission rate was previous predictions of the interaction between ZIKV mem-
attributed to its vector mosquito (Ades mosquitos), which brane (M) and non-structural proteins (NS3, NS5) with the host
spreads worldwide (Boyer et al., 2018). ZIKV encodes ten pro- receptor. (Kazmirchuk et al., 2017). In their work, they predicted
teins, among them, is the envelope protein responsible for four human proteins to be interacted with ZIKV proteins by
virus entry (Petersen et al., 2016). Several attempts to use using Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Engine (PIPE) and
antiviral drugs against ZIKV rendered good results (Elfiky, De Novo (Kazmirchuk et al., 2017). The first protein is
2016; Elfiky, 2017; Elfiky & Ismail, 2018). On the other hand, Ribonuclease T2 (RNASET2), which is related to microcephaly
targeting the viral envelope protein (responsible for host cell (Henneke et al., 2009) and was predicted to interact with NS3
attachment and entry) will be critical for drug design or in (Kazmirchuk et al., 2017). The second protein is Enolase 2
the development of a vaccine. (ENO2) and was found to be linked to humans brain develop-
Glucose Regulating Protein 78 (GRP78), Binding immuno- ment (Eriksson et al., 1998). This protein is predicted to interact
globulin protein (BiP), or Heat shock protein A5 (HSP5A) are the with NS5 (Kazmirchuk et al., 2017). The third and fourth pro-
names of the master chaperone protein of the unfolded protein teins are TNF receptor-associated factor 4 (TRAF4) and
response (Chiappori et al., 2016). GRP78 regulates the cell Centrosomal protein of 63 kDa (CEP63). They interact with M
response under stress conditions (as the accumulation of and NS3 protein (Kazmirchuk et al., 2017). A previous study by
unfolded proteins) together with other chaperones in the lumen Sujit et al. showed that cell-surface GRP78 could bind to ZIKV
of the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) (Lee, 2005; Li & Lee, 2006; envelope protein. To know the role of ZIKV infection, they over-
Quinones et al., 2008; Rao et al., 2002). Under normal circum- expressed GRP78 by increasing the temperature and by chem-
stances, GRP78 is found in the lumen of ER bound and hence, ical induction using geldanamycin, then they observed the
inactivating other enzymes responsible for cell response under production of ZIKV, which was increased (Pujhari et al., 2017).
accumulated unfolded proteins. These enzymes are Activating They found that, after inhibiting GRP78, the production of ZIKV
Transcription Factor 6 (ATF6), Protein kinase RNA-like was reduced (Pujhari et al., 2017). Therefore, it was deduced
Endoplasmic Reticulum Kinase (PERK), and Inositol-requiring that the cell-surface GRP78 is involved in ZIKV entry by binding
Enzyme 1 (IRE1) (Ibrahim et al., 2019a). Under the stress of accu- to envelope protein. This protein (GRP78) was reported to act
mulated unfolded proteins, the GRP78 releases the enzymes, as a receptor to other viruses’ envelope-protein such as
causing the activation of ATF6, PERK, and IRE1, which inhibit Japanese encephalitis virus and Dengue virus (Das et al., 2009;
protein synthesis and enhance refolding (Ibrahim et al., 2019a; Reyes-del Valle et al., 2005).
Shen et al., 2002). Overexpression of GRP78 is also reported In this work, we provide a prediction of the interaction
upon stress conditions. This gives a chance for GRP78 to escape site between ZIKV envelope protein with human GRP78. We
ER retention and to translocate to the cell surface. Once translo- suggest a ZIKV envelope - GRP78 binding site based on
cated to the cell membrane, GRP78 is susceptible to pathogen sequence and structural similarities between the Pep42 and
recognition and entry (viral and fungal pathogens) by its C-ter- ZIKV envelope protein. Moreover, we clarify the interaction
minal substrate-binding domain (SBD) (Elfiky, 2020a; Elfiky, pattern of Pep42 with GRP78. Molecular docking combined
2020b; Elfiky, 2020c; Ibrahim et al., 2019b; Ibrahim et al., 2020). with molecular dynamics simulations were employed to, fur-
Pep42 is a cyclic peptide that is reported to be a selective ther, explore such binding and to refine the interacting
binder against cell-surface GRP78 and used to carry anti- amino acids in the binding site.
cancer agents, Doxorubicin, to the cancer cells. The cyclic
Pep42 has 13 residues (CTVALPGGYVRVC), where Cys1 forms
Materials and methods
a disulfide bond with Cys13 (Kim et al., 2006a). Its selectivity
is reported for its cyclic form but not the extended form. The thirteen x-ray crystallography solved structures for ZIKV
This may be due to the rigidity of the cyclic structure of the envelope protein were downloaded from the Protein Data
peptide that causes stabilization of the hydrophobic region Bank (PDB) database (Berman et al., 2000). Both the struc-
formed by C1, V3, A4, L5, V10, V12, and C13 that become tures (PDB) and the sequences (FASTA) were retrieved. The
close to each other by the aid of the disulfide bond, making removal of other chains, water, and ions from the PDB files
the cyclic peptide the perfect docking platform for GRP78 are carried out using PyMOL software (DeLano, 2002). The
SBDb (Elfiky, 2020b). Another reason that may cause the downloaded PDB codes were: 5KVF, 5KVG, 5KVD, 5KVE,
selectivity for only the cyclic form is the degradation of the 5JHM, 5LBV, 6JEP, 5LBS, 6DFI, 5GZO, 5GZN, 5JHL and 5VIG
linear peptide in vivo or immune system recognition with a resolution range from 1.4 to 3 Å. GRP78 solved struc-
(Davydov & Varshavsky, 2000; White et al., 2017). The N-end ture (PDB ID: 5E84) was downloaded and prepared for the
Cys in the linear peptide is degraded through the Ubiquitin docking experiment. It was the only solved structure of wild-
ligase E3 component N-recognin (UBR) E3 ligases after it is type, full-length GRP78 bound to ATP in the open configur-
subjected to oxidation and arginylation through the N-end ation (Yang et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2017). Multiple Sequence
rule in mammalian cells. In contrast, the cyclic peptide does Alignment (MSA) of the sequences of ZIKV envelope and the

peptide Pep42 were performed using the T-coffee web ser- Full-length ZIKV envelope protein is tested against GRP78
ver of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) SBDb. HADDOCK web server was used to perform protein-
(Notredame et al., 2000). ESpript 3 software was used to rep- protein docking using the active amino acids for ZIKV enve-
resent the MSA (Gouet et al., 1999). ProtParam web server of lope protein as predicted from both the MSA and the struc-
the ExPASy bioinformatic resource portal (Garg et al., 2016) tural alignments (Dominguez et al., 2003). Active residues are
was used to compare the Pep42 sequence to the part of the the amino acid residues from the two interacting proteins’
ZIKV envelope protein sequence that we suggest it is the binding sites that take part in direct interaction with the
binding site to GRP78. other protein partner in HADDOCK. The active residues from
The Pep42 3 D structure was predicted using the I-Tasser the ZIKV envelope protein were predicted to be C308, T309,
web server (Zhang, 2008). The C-score and TM-score are and A311 (identical residues to that found in Pep42). GRP78
0.32 and 0.67 ± 0.13, respectively. Since the C-score ranges active residues (I426, T428, V429, V432, T434, F451, S452,
from [-5,2], and a large value means more confidence in the V457, and I459) were retrieved from the literature (Yang
model, we can say that this model is good. For TM-Score, a et al., 2015). In both proteins, the passive amino acids were
value > 0.5 means the model has correct topology. After selected to be the amino acids surrounding the
active residues.
building the Pep42 model, Gauss view v5.0 software was
used to add the disulfide bond between the C1 and C13.
Then Gaussian 09 W software was used to make geometry Results and discussion
optimization using the UFF force field (Frisch et al., 2009;
Rappe et al., 1992). Structural alignment between each of Sequence and structural alignment
the 13 structures of the ZIKV envelope and the predicted Figure 1 shows the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)
structure of Pep42 was performed with the help of the align between the 13 solved structures of ZIKV envelope protein
option of PyMOL software. and the sequence of the peptide Pep42. As mentioned
Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MDS) was performed on above, the cyclic form of this peptide selectively targets cell-
both Pep42 CTVALPGGYVRVC, cyclic peptide, and the part of surface GRP78. The existence of three identical residues
the ZIKV envelope protein suggested to bind to cell-surface (C308, T309, and A311 resemble C1, T2, and A4 in Pep42)
GRP78 (C308: C339) CTAAFTFTKIPAETLHGTVTVEVQYAGTDGPC made the sequence identity more than 23% between the
for 100 ns. MDS is performed to get the different conforma- ZIKV envelope sequences and Pep42. This value is still not
tions cyclic peptides can take (its dynamics) since we don’t enough to support the functional similarity between Pep42
have any solved structure for Pep42 peptide. Besides, MDS is and ZIKV envelope protein. Interestingly, we found that the
used to compare the dynamics of Pep42 to that of the ZIKV ZIKV envelope C308: C339 region is cyclic. A disulfide bond
envelope C308: C339 region. Additionally, 50 ns MDS of the between C308 and C339 resembles the cyclic Pep42. The
full-length ZIKV Envelope is performed. The dynamics were secondary structure of one of the solved structures is repre-
simulated in NVT ensemble (at 310 0K) using a periodic sented at the top of the MSA, while the surface accessibility
boundary condition of box sizes 28.7  28.7  28.7 A3 and of the residues is shown at the bottom. Green numbers
42.8  42.8  42.8 A3 for Pep42 and ZIKV envelope protein below the MSA indicate the position of the disulfide bond
(C308: C339 region), respectively. Langevin piston is used to C308-C339. As implicated from the MSA, the C308: C339
control the pressure of the system during the simulation region has small beta strands (b1, b2, and b3) like the main
secondary structures (antiparallel b sheet) in the predicted
(1.01325 par). Peptides were solvated using the TIP3P water
Pep42 model.
model. At the same time, the CHARMM 36 force field is uti-
Figure 2A demonstrates the structural alignment of the
lized by NAMD software to minimize (steepest descent algo-
Pep42 3 D model, built by the I-TASSER web server, and the
rithm) and equilibrate the system as well as in the
13 ZIKV envelope protein solved structures (superimposed).
production run. Backbone-Root Mean Square Deviation
The Ca Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) from each pro-
(RMSD), Per residue Root Mean Square Fluctuations (RMSF),
tein structure to the peptide ranges from 2.643 to 2.882 Å.
Radius of Gyration (RoG), Surface Accessible Surface Area
The best match for the structural superposition against
(SASA) and the number of H-bonds are calculated using Pep42 is the domain III of the ZIKV envelope protein. The
VMD TK console scripts. The clustering tool in Chimera soft- Pep42 model is validated against Molprobity, where 90.0% of
ware is utilized to represent the different conformations of the residues are in the allowed region with only one residue
Pep42 and ZIKV envelope (C308: C339) during the 100 ns outlier (Williams et al., 2018).
MDS using the implemented automated method in Chimera On the other hand, the Pep42 structure is not maintained
software (Kelley et al., 1996; Pettersen et al., 2004). after running MDS, as we can see in Figure 2B. This figure
HpepDOCK webserver was utilized to test the binding shows the superposition of different four conformations of
mode of different conformations (different clusters) of the Pep42 (representing different clusters for the 100 ns MDS
cyclic peptides (taken during the MDS) against the GRP78 run) with the ZIKV envelope structure (PDB ID: 6JEP chain E).
substrate-binding domain. HpepDOCK is a docking software Colored cartoons represent four different Pep42 peptide con-
developed to test peptides against protein docking, and it formations (at different dynamic states); cyan (at 12.7 ns),
gives good results compared to HADDOCK in the peptide- green (at 55.8 ns), yellow (at 81.5 ns), and magenta (at
protein docking mode (Zhou et al., 2018). 95.2 ns), while ZIKV envelope is represented in the gray

Figure 1. Part of the multiple sequence alignment of all the solved structures for ZIKV envelope protein and Pep42 sequence. The PDB code for each sequence is
written in the sequence header. The alignment is made using the T-coffee web server and represented by ESpript 3 software. The red highlighted residues are the
identical residues found in both ZIKV envelope protein and the Pep42. Secondary structures are represented at the top of the MSA, while the surface accessibility
is shown at the bottom.

cartoon with the C308: C339 region in red. As shown in Molecular dynamics simulation
Figure 2B and 2C, the C308: C339 region of the ZIKV enve-
MDS is performed for both Pep42 and the ZIKV envelope
lope is surface accessible. Additionally, there is a disulfide
C308: C339 peptides (PDB ID: 6JEP, Chain E) up to 100 ns.
bond (shown in black sticks) between C308 and C339, mak-
The 100 ns MDS was enough to equilibrate the two peptide
ing this part of the envelope protein (all the 13 solved struc-
systems, as indicated by RMSD values. Figure 4A shows the
tures) cyclic like the Pep42 peptide. The superposition
Ca RMSD, RoG, and SASA over time for Pep42, and ZIKV
indicates the similarity between the two peptides at the
envelope C308: C339 cyclic peptides. Both systems are equili-
disulfide ends, due to three identical residues, C308, T309, brated as implied from the flattened RMSD versus time of
and A311. The best conformation for Pep42 in terms of devi- the simulation. Pep42 is more stable compared to the larger
ation from the ZIKV envelope is the conformation at 95.2 ns peptide of the ZIKV envelope. Both RoG and SASA indicate
(magenta) with only 0.66 Å RMSD. stabilization of the simulated systems as there are little fluc-
tuations of the values of RoG ( ̴ 7 Å and 13 Å) and SASA ( ̴ 6 Å
and 5 Å) for Pep42 and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 cyclic pep-
Pep42 versus C308: E339 ZIKV envelope
tides, respectively. Figure 4B shows the per-residue RMSF for
As predicted from both MSA and structural alignment, and
both Pep42 (orange) and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 (gray)
since Pep42, which targets cell-surface GRP78, and ZIKV
cyclic peptides. As expected, the RMSF of the small peptide
envelope C308: C339 region are both cyclic; This part of the
(Pep42) is lower than the larger one (ZIKV envelope C308:
ZIKV envelope may be the binding site to the cell-sur-
C339). The average RMSF for Pep42 is 1.97 Å ± 0.4 while it is
face GRP78.
3.22 Å ± 0.9 in the case of ZIKV envelope C308: C339, where
ExPASy bioinformatics research portal ProtParam web ser-
the errors here are the standard deviation of the values.
ver (Gasteiger et al., 2005) is used to compare the sequences
Mann-Whitney U test shows a score of 26 out of 416 (multi-
of Pep42 and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 peptides. The grand
plication of the number of data points), which means the
average of hydropathy (GRAVY) is 1.1 for Pep42. Yet, it is data are significantly different (McKnight & Najab, 2010). It is
only 0.219 in ZIKV envelope C308: C339 peptide, indicating expected that the C308: C339 region of the ZIKV envelope
that despite this part of the ZIKV envelope is still hydropho- will gain some stability when bound to the other parts of
bic, its average hydrophobicity is lower compared to the the domain III of the ZIKV envelope. Additionally, the pres-
Pep42 and hence the binding to GRP78 maybe somehow dif- ence of a disulfide bond stabilizes the terminal residues that
ferent. The non-polar residues contents of Pep42 is about are usually movable in linear peptides. The stabilization
85%, while it is only 60% in ZIKV envelope C308: C339 pep- effect is more apparent in Pep42 cyclic peptide (RMSF > 3 Å)
tide. Figure 3 depicts the hydropathy versus the amino acids while in the larger peptide (ZIKV envelope C308: C339), the
in the two cyclic peptides. Notably, the first part of the two RMSF fluctuate between 2 and 5.5 Å.
cyclic peptides has the same hydropathy trend, which can Additionally, MDS (100 ns) for the protein GRP78 in free
be harnessed to speculate the pattern of interaction of the (blue) and bound states (with Pep42 (orange) and ZIKV enve-
first part of the ZIKV envelope C308-C339 cyclic peptide lope C308: C339 (gray)) are performed using the same soft-
with GRP78. ware (see Figure 4C). The most fluctuating region is depicted

Figure 2. A) Structural alignment of the model for Pep42 (black cartoon) with the 13 solved structures of ZIKV envelope protein (colored cartoons). An enlarged
panel of the pep42 structure aligned with the 13 solved structures of the domain III of the ZIKV envelope protein. B) The superposition of Pep42 (four different
conformations from different clusters after 100 ns MDS) with the structure of ZIKV envelope protein (PDB ID 6JEP chain E). The Pep42 conformations are repre-
sented by the cyan (12.7 ns), green (55.8 ns), yellow (81.5 ns), and magenta (95.2 ns), while ZIKV envelope is represented in a gray cartoon with the C308: C339
region in red. Disulfides are shown in black sticks. The superposition indicates the similarity between the two peptides at the disulfide ends, due to three identical
residues, C308, T309, and A311. C) The C308: C339 region (red surface) of the ZIKV envelope (gray surface) is surface accessible, as shown in the front and back
view of the domain III (PDB ID: 6JEP chain E).

Figure 3. Hydrophobicity versus amino acids for Pep42 (blue) and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 (orange) cyclic peptides. The dashed lines mark disulfide bonds for
each peptide.

in red-colored cartoons (SBDa), while SBDb is encircled with the residues that lie around the disulfide bond (C1-C13), resi-
dashed-green on the GRP78 structure at the top of the fig- dues 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, and 12. This part of the peptide is the
ure. The corresponding residues are shown in the corre- most hydrophobic (see Figure 3) and agrees with previous
sponding squares on the RMSF chart. As implied from Figure reports about the selectivity of GRP78 to the hydrophobic
4C, the addition of the small Pep42 peptide (13 residues) patches of the unfolded proteins (Kim et al., 2006b; Yoneda
doesn’t affect the dynamics of GRP78. In comparison, the et al., 2008).
larger (32 residues) and hence more fluctuating peptide from The same binding mode is found for ZIKV envelope C308:
ZIKV envelope affects the per residue RMSF of GRP78. C339 cyclic peptide (cyan cartoon in Figure 5B). We use a
conformation at 51.4 ns representing the most populated
cluster of the MDS for the peptide. The residues, F312, T315,
Pep42 & ZIKV envelope C308: C339 - GRP78 V328, E329, V330, and T335 near the disulfide bond (C308-
binding mode C339) are the interacting residues. Three H-bonds are estab-
lished between T315, V328, and E329 of the ZIKV envelope
The selectivity of cyclic Pep42 to cell-surface GRP78 was
C308: C339 cyclic peptide and Q449, T434, and T434 of the
reported, but the binding mode between Pep42 and GRP78
GRP78 SBD, respectively. Additionally, nine hydrophobic con-
is yet to be determined (Ibrahim et al., 2019a; Kim et al.,
tacts are reported between F312, T315, E329, V330, and T335
2006b; Yoneda et al., 2008). This study provides a proposed
from ZIKV envelope peptide and I426, T428, V429, L436,
binding mode between cyclic Pep42 and GRP78 using
Q449, F451 (3), and V490 from GRP78. The HpepDOCK score
HPEPDOCK webserver. Four different conformations of the
(rigid docking) for the binding between ZIKV envelope C308:
cyclic Pep42 peptide (representing the main four distinct
C339 cyclic peptide and GRP78 is 74.3. In Figure 5B and C,
clusters of the MDS trajectories), taken at various times dur- the two cyclic peptides (the most populated cluster for each
ing the MDS run after system equilibration, are docked into peptide) are superimposed on the SBD of GRP78 to show
the substrate-binding domain (SBD) of GRP78 (PDB ID: 5E84). how these two cyclic peptides are interacting upon docking

Figure 5A depicts the docking of these four conformations of (see the enlarged panel of Figure 5B and C and the 90
Pep42 cyclic peptides (yellow, magenta, cyan, green car- rotated view of Figure 5B). Noticeable, the two peptides
toons) to GRP78 SBD (wheat cartoon). The C1 and C13 (black lying superimposed to each other, while the binding mode is
sticks) and the amino acids around it are the central part of mostly through the disulfide (black sticks) ends of the cyclic
Pep42 that form interactions with GRP78 SBD, except for the peptides. Both peptide associate with T428, V429, T434,
Pep42 at 12.7 ns. We have to mention that this is the first Q449, and F451 (pink sticks) of the GRP78 SBD, but ZIKV
time to predict the binding mode between Pep42 cyclic pep- envelope peptide has more chance to form other interac-
tide and cell-surface GRP78. Table 1 summarizes the interac- tions with I426 and V490 (blue colored residues) of GRP78
tions that formed upon docking the different conformations SBDb through its E329 and T335 residues. The HpepDOCK
of Pep42 cyclic peptides to the GRP78 substrate-binding score for the top-ranked cluster of conformations of ZIKV
domain. Noteworthy, the interacted residues from Pep42 are envelope C308: C339 cyclic peptide is 74.3.

Figure 4. A) RMSD (blue), SASA (gray) and RoG (orange) for the Pep42 (upper panel) and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 (lower panel) cyclic peptides versus time in
ns. B) RMSF for Pep42 (orange columns) and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 (gray columns). The box diagram shows the difference between the Pep42 (orange) and
ZIKV envelope C308: C339 (gray) RMSF values. C) the RMSF of GRP78 in the free state (blue) bound to Pep42 (orange), and bound to ZIKV envelope C308: C339
(gray). The highly fluctuating regions are circled in the structure and the RMSF chart.

Figure 5. A) Superposition of the four most populated cluster conformations of Pep42 cyclic peptide (yellow, magenta cyan, and green cartoons) after docking in
GRP78 SBDb (wheat cartoon). The interacting residues of GRP78 are labeled. B) superposition of the docked structures of Pep42 at 55.8 (magenta cartoon) and
ZIKV envelope C308: C339 region at 51.4 ns (cyan cartoon) into GRP78 (wheat cartoon) SBDb. The interacting residues are labeled and colored pink (both Pep42
and ZIKV envelope C308: C339 region) and blue (ZIKV envelope C308: C339 region only), as shown in the enlarged panel and the rotated view. C) The same as B
but with GRP78 in surface representation.

Table 1. The interactions formed between Pep42 cyclic peptides and GRP78 SBDb upon docking. The four peptide conformations are taken at different times
after clustering the coordinates to represent the most populated four conformations (after the equilibration period).
H-bonding Hydrophobic interaction
Pep42 conformation at HpepDock score number Residues from Pep42 Residues from GRP78 number Residues from Pep42 Residues from GRP78
12.7 ns 68.5 3 C1 S452 4 T2 V490
T2 S452 L5 V429
R11 S452 Y9 V429
Y9 V429
55.8 ns 94.2 4 V3 V429 3 T2 V429
Y9 Q449 V3 T428
R11 T428 R11 F451
R11 T434
81.5 ns 69.8 1 C13 S452 3 R11 T428
V12 I426
V12 F451
95.2 ns 92.9 3 C1 T456 2 Y9 V490
Y9 G454 R11 V453
V10 G454

Figure 6. The docking pose of the ZIKV envelope solved structure (PDB ID: 5GZN) with GRP78 structure (PDB ID: 5E84) is achieved using the HADDOCK web server.
Colored cartoons represent the structures according to the domains. GRP78 nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) in dark green, GRP78 substrate-binding domain a
(SBDa) in yellow, GRP78 substrate-binding domainb(SBDb) in lime, ZIKV envelope domain III in sky blue and the rest of the envelope proteins in red. The active
amino acids involved in the interaction are represented in dark blue and yellow sticks for ZIKV envelope and GRP78, respectively.

Full-length ZIKV envelope - GRP78 binding 15.8. As shown from the enlarged panel, the docking occurs
between the substrate-binding domain b of the GRP78 (lime
Before dealing with the docking data, a redocking experi-
colored cartoon) and the domain III of ZIKV envelope protein
ment is performed for the docking software to test whether (sky blue colored cartoon). After analyzing the docking com-
it is trustworthy for the present system under investigation plex, the residues involved in the interaction are I426, T428,
or not. The peptide binding structure of GRP78 (PDB ID: V429, V432, T434, F451, S452, V457, and I459 (yellow sticks)
5E84) is used to re-dock the peptide NR (a unique peptide from GRP78 and C308, T309 and A311 (blue sticks) from ZIKV
solved with Hsp70 structures that consist of 7 residues envelope protein. The interactions are established and main-
NRLLLTG) to its binding site. Then the resulting docking pose tained by mainly the hydrophobic residues (C308, T309, and
is compared with that of the solved structure (NR peptide is A311) that lie in the predicted region of ZIKV envelope pro-
part of the solved structure for crystallization procedures). tein near the disulfide bond. The same conclusion can be
The RMSD between the NR peptide of the solved structure reflected from Table 2, where the different dynamical states
and that docked using the HADDOCK web server is 1.51 Å. (during 50 ns MDS run) of the ZIKV Envelope protein is
Figure 6 shows the best model (based on the docking tested against GRP78. The results agree with that of the
score generated by the HADDOCK web server) for the dock- HpepDOCK in the previous section. This further supports our
ing of the ZIKV envelope structure (PDB ID: 5GZN) with hypothesis of the binding site, as shown in Figure 6.
GRP78 solved structure (PDB ID: 5E84). The number of struc- The predicted binding site for ZIKV envelope protein to
tures of the best docking score cluster is 160, with a docking GRP78 in this study is in good agreement with previous
score value of 112.6 kcal/mol and a standard deviation of studies that proved the recognition of ZIKV envelope domain

Table 2. The binding affinity pattern of the docking of GRP78 (PDB ID: 5E84) with the different conformations of ZIKV full-length Envelope protein (at 10.9,
17.1, 20.4, 28.5, 33.9, 34.8, 38.1, 43.4, and 44.5 ns). Bold residues are the same residues reported in other docking trials of HpepDock and HADDOCK. Red-colored
residues are salt bridges, while the blue-colored residue is p-cation interaction.
H-bonding Hydrophobic interaction
ZIKV Envelope HADDOCK Residues from Residues from ZIKV Residues
Conformation at score number ZIKV Envelope from GRP78 number Envelope from GRP78
10.9 ns 70.3 5 C308 T434 10 Y305 V453
± 2.7 Q344 K447 L307 T428
N362 V490 L307 T434
N362 Q492 L307 F451
G392 K435 L307 F451
T309 T428
T309 V432
D336 V429
L352 K447
N362 V490
17.1 ns 85.5 10 F312 G454 7 A311 V453
± 0.8 Q331 G489 T313 V490
Q350 K460 A333 V490
Q350 D525 V391 V429
N371 G489 E393 T428
E393 T428 E393 I459
E393 T428 I396 V453
E393 T428
K395 T458
K395 T458
20.4 ns 63.3 10 T309 T428 8 T309 V432
± 2.5 T309 T434 A311 F451
F312 S452 F314 V490
T313 S452 F314 V490
T313 Q492 V391 V429
A333 Q449 K394 T428
T335 K435 K394 F451
E393 T458 W400 R488
W400 R488
E370 K447
28.5 ns 60.7 7 T309 V429 5 T309 V432
± 2.2 F312 S452 A311 F451
T313 Q492 F314 V490
F314 S452 V391 V429
E370 Q449 E393 V457
K394 E427
E370 K447
33.9 ns 83.3 17 T309 V429 7 T309 V432
± 3.0 F312 S452 A311 T428
F314 S452 T313 I450
F314 Q492 F314 V490
P318 R488 F314 V490
P318 R488 V391 V429
T335 T434 K394 T428
T335 K435
E370 Q449
E393 E427
E393 T428
H398 R488
H398 G489
H399 A486
H399 G489
E370 K447
E393 K460
34.8 ns 57.0 11 L307 T434 5 T309 I426
± 0.9 C308 T428 T309 T434
T309 T434 T313 V490
T309 Q449 E370 I450
A311 S452 V391 V429
T335 S448
T335 Q449
T335 Q449
T335 I450
D336 Q449
E370 K512
38.1 ns 64.7 8 T309 V429 7 T309 V432
± 4.4 F314 S452 A311 F451
E393 T428 F314 V490

Table 2. Continued.
H-bonding Hydrophobic interaction
ZIKV Envelope HADDOCK Residues from Residues from ZIKV Residues
Conformation at score number ZIKV Envelope from GRP78 number Envelope from GRP78
E393 K460 F314 V490
T397 G454 V391 V429
W400 R488 K394 T428
W400 R488 K394 F451
E370 K447
43.4 ns 54.4 7 S306 V429 6 T309 F451
± 5.8 T335 T434 T335 K435
T335 K435 D336 T428
D336 T434 L352 V490
S368 K435 E393 I450
G392 S452 K394 I450
E370 K447
44.5 ns 74 14 V303 S452 7 Y305 T428
± 1.5 V303 S452 Y305 V429
Y305 V429 Y305 V432
L307 I450 L307 I450
C308 Q449 T335 K435
T309 S448 T335 P438
T309 Q449 V391 I450
T335 K435
D336 T434
D336 Q449
G337 K435
P338 T434
S368 K435
D336 K447

III by neutralizing antibodies (Pujhari et al., 2017). This bind- Author contribution
ing site would open the door for in depth experimental stud-
AAE; own the research idea, perform MDS calculations, and wrote the
ies and also simulations on the mode of envelope protein manuscript. IMI; did the docking calculations and revised
determination by the GRP78 substrate-binding domain. the manuscript.

Conclusion Data availability

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