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3.1. Data target

 Surveying the age group using the most Internet banking services, therefore
helping banks to come up with appropriate strategies to promote age-appropriate
utilities to use Internet banking.
 Understanding which industries are occupying a certain position in the use of
Internet banking services today, therefore it is easy to hit the right market segment
for banks that provide Internet banking services.
 Answer the question whether income and education level have a great influence on
customers' decision to use Internet banking today. From there, banks can offer fees
and terms suitable for today's competitive market.
 Concretizing the identification and use of banks is partly through trust in Internet
banking services, because in today's extremely competitive environment, banks
are registered by customers for online services partly proves the customer's trust in
that bank.
 Knowing the customer satisfaction with Internet banking services today is the
most accurate measure for any bank to promptly improve and offer effective
solutions to promote the use of Internet banking services and increase customer
satisfaction in the future.
3.2 Data approach
Variables Variable label Scale Sources
Age From 15 to over 46 Ratio Survey
Gender Male, female or others Nominal Survey
Occupation Students, public employee, proprietor Nominal Survey
Monthly income From under 3 million to over 12 million Ratio Survey
Academic High school, undergraduates and higher Ordinal Survey
background education
Using time From 1 to over 4 years Ratio Survey
Using year From before 2017 to 2021 Ratio Survey
Weekly using times From 1 to over 7 Ratio Survey
Banks All banks available in Vietnam Nominal Survey
Service expense Expense for using Internet banking Ratio Survey
Satisfaction level From dissatisfied to very satisfied Ordinal Survey
Assessment on a Assessment from 1 to 10 Survey
10-point scale
3.3. Analytical plan
 Google Survey Software Forms for Online Surveys
 Some reference websites and dissertations, as secondary sources of information
 Formulas and tables are used and taught in Statistics in economics and business.
 Using Excel software to summarize and present data from the survey.
3.4. Reliability and validity
Factors affecting the reliability and accuracy of data collected:
 Errors in the process of aggregating and collecting unwanted data.
 The creator of the survey has not asked specific confusing questions.
 The survey participants did not perform appropriately and in accordance with the
survey requirements.
 Survey participants are not dedicated and responsible for the data they give.
 The scope of the survey does not fully cover the current social situation.
 Survey participants intentionally filled in wrong information for personal purposes
such as privacy.
Solutions given to increase the reliability and accuracy of collected data:
 Careful and thorough with the process of data collection and collection
 Maximize the content of survey questions to minimize confusion.
 Remind survey participants to take the survey correctly, quickly answer their
 Express your desire and encourage survey participants to conduct accurate surveys
in various ways such as online gifts, courses, learning materials, etc.
 Build a survey questionnaire that is socializing and accessible to many classes and
objects in society.
 Encourage accuracy and ensure absolute confidentiality for information provided
by survey participants.

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