LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri: English For Public Information

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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Public Notice
2. Poster and Banner
3. Graphic Organizers
4. Infographics
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. Public Notice
dan definisi) di modul ini a. Definition of Notice is a form of
functional Text used as instruction or
guidance to someone doing or not
doing something. Notice / caution
may be in the form of phrases
(combination of words), clause
(Sentence), or an image / mark / sign.
b. Social Function of Public Notice text
used as instruction or guidance to
someone doing or not doing
c. Characteristics of Notice text
1) Short text (simple words, phrases,
or clauses)
2) Easy to understand
3) Written in capital font
4) Mostly use images/pictures
d. Generic Structure of Public Notice text
1) Attention gather (optional)
2) Information
3) Closure (optional)
e. Language Features of Public Notice
1) Using Imperative mood
(imperative sentence)
2) Using Declarative reference
3) Spoken / written language
f. Kinds of Notice
1) Command: Command sentences
are used when you are telling
someone to do something.
2) Caution
A caution is a formal warning that
is given to a person who has
admitted the offence.
3) Information: Information means
giving information.
4) Prohibition: Prohibition is the
action of prohibiting or inhibiting
or forbidding (or an instance there
of) to do something
5) Warning: Warning usually refers
to a message informing of danger.

2. Poster and Banner

a. Definition of Poster and Banner
Poster is one of the communication
media that is used to convey a
message or an information.
A banner is a typically rectangular
advertisement placed on a Web site
either above
b. Generic Structure of Poster and
1) Generic Structure of Poster
a) Header area
b) Title area
c) Author’s photo and addres
d) Main area
e) Footer area
f) Background
g) Font
2) Generic structure of Banner
a) Logo
b) Value preposition
c) Body copy
d) Image
e) Call to action (CTA)
c. Social/languannge function of Poster
1) to alert and engage the viewer
2) to challenge and call an audience
into action.
3) to promote an event
Social/languannge function of
Banner are used as a media to
promote a product, event, or
d. Language features of Poster
1) Short Text Elements
2) Phrases and Active voice
3) Serif font for text and san-serif
font for title and Heading
Language features of Banner
1) Use Simple Present Tense
2) Use simple phrases or statement

3. Graphic Organizers
a. Definition of Graphic Organizers
b. Generic structure of Graphic
c. Social/language function of graphic
d. Language features of Graphic

4. Infographics
a. Definition of Infographics
represents visual understanding
that structures information by
organizing significant elements of a
notion or subject in a pattern using
b. Generic structure of Infographics
1) Headline/title
2) Beginning/ introduction
3) Middle/ main infographic content
4) End/ conclussion
5) Sources/ footnotes
c. Social/ language fuction of
1) Tools for critical and creative
2) Tools for organizing information
3) Tools for understanding
information and relationships
4) Tools for depicting knowledge and
5) Tools for self-learning
d. Language features of Infographics
1) Complex information is conveyed
in a simple-to-understand
2) Analytical, critical, planning, and
creative thinking skills are
3) The organizers are made to be
easily edited, revised, and added.
4) Have multiple uses such as
planning, brainstorming,
studying, or summarizing.
5) Use short words or phrases, or
drawings, so they can
appropriately be used with all
levels of learners.

2 Daftar materi yang sulit Language features of Infographics

dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Differences between spoken and writen
mengalami miskonsepsi language features in writing notice

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