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Grammar & Usage

Gerunds & Infinitives:

Meaning Changes
Verbs with Meaning Changes

Verb Meaning Example

Try + Gerund means you started

• She tried learning French,
doing something but stopped at
but she gave up after a few months.
some point (usually because it
(She found French too difficult.)
was too difficult).
• I tried to call you last night.
Try + Infinitive means you attempted
(You never picked up the phone,
something but didn’t succeed.
so I couldn’t talk to you.)

Stop + Gerund means • He stopped smoking last week.

you quit doing something. (He quit smoking.)

Stop • Even though he was behind in his work,

Stop + Infinitive means you were
he stopped to smoke a cigarette. (He
doing something and then took
stopped working to have a smoke break.)
a break, or you stopped on your
• I stopped to buy milk on my way home.
way somewhere.
(I went to the store before going home.)

Forget + Gerund means you have • She didn’t recognize him at all. She forgot
already done something but can’t meeting him last summer. (She forgot
remember doing it. that she had met him before.)

• She forgot to meet her client for lunch,
Forget + Infinitive means you had
so she got an angry phone call from him
the intention of doing something
later. (She had plans to meet her client,
but didn’t remember to do it.
but she didn’t remember to do it.)

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Gerunds & Infinitives: Meaning Changes
Grammar & Usage

Verbs with Meaning Changes cont.

Verb Meaning Example

Remember + Gerund means you

• I remember falling down the
did something in the past and can
stairs when I was four years old.
remember doing it. (This is usually
• We remembered performing in the school
used when you’re surprised that you
concert when we were in elementary
can recall that far back. It’s also used
Remember school. What great memories!
when you’re reminiscing with friends.)

Remember + Infinitive means you • My husband was so happy that

had the intention of doing something I remembered to pay the bills on
and you remembered to do it. time this month.

• I regretted telling him my secret

Regret + Gerund means you did
because he told everyone at my school.
something that you wish you hadn’t.
(I wish I hadn’t told him my secret.)
• We regret to tell you that your
Regret + Infinitive means you’re sorry
application was not accepted.
(usually used in formal cases only).
(We’re sorry to have to tell you this.)

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Gerunds & Infinitives: Meaning Changes
Grammar & Usage

Fill in the gerund or infinitive form of the verb in parentheses.
Use the chart on pages 1 and 2 and the context of the sentences
below to help you decide whether a gerund or infinitive is needed.

1. We regret              you that we are not hiring at this time.


2. I am halfway through this book, but I suddenly remember              it last summer.

3. My brother tried              hockey, but he quit after two weeks.


4. She stopped              a coffee on her way to work.


5. My father said I always danced around the house when I was little, but I forget              it.

6. My friend tried              bungee jumping, but she was too scared to even go near the platform.

7. When are you going to stop              your nails?


8. I’m glad I remembered              my college applications on time.


9. He regrets              his ex-girlfriend five times last night.


10. I can’t believe I forgot              the lights before I went on vacation.
(turn off)

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