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Elements of CRM are

(A) Customer interface and CRM costs

(B) Stages of ROI estimation and CRM costs

(C) ​C ome in e face and CRM a lica ion

(D) CRM implementation

. Exact moment the firm can simultaneously gather and disseminate information is called

(A) CRM system

​(B) ​To ch oin

(C) Marketing function

(D) Customer service function

. CRM system should provide current information about customer’s needs to………for sale.

(A) ​Ma imi e​ ​o o ni

(B) Minimize opportunity

(C) Control

(D) None of these

. There are …………….functions of CRM applications.



(C) ​


. Content management, relationship marketing and one to one marketing are the components of;

(A) Sales management function

(B) Customer service function

(C) Both a and b

(D) ​Ma ke ing f nc ion

. Customer Service function is a key to retain;

(A) Maximum opportunities

(B) Loyal customers

(C) Satisfied customers

​(D) ​Sa i fied lo al c ome

. CRM systems assists in managing help desk and providing.

(A) Market segments

(B) ​C ome ca e

(C) Resolution

(D) None of these

. ROI stands for

(A) Return on intrepid

(B) Reference of internship

(C) ​Re n on in e men

(D) None of these

. Formula of ROI of CRM IS;

(A) ​P ofi in e men ×

(B) Profits × investment × 00

(C) Investment/profits × 00

(D) Investment/ 00 × 00

0. CRM costs are;

(A) IT costs

(B) People costs

(C) Process of costs

​(D) ​All
. What are recurrent costs

(A) Recruitment, redeployment and training costs

(B) People costs

(C) ​Co of main aining and o e a ing og am once he ini ial

(D) Process costs

. We determine the degree to which business process re-design is necessary by;

(A) Consulting services

​(B) ​B ine oce e

(C) Information technology

(D) Vendor management

. IT cost is ………..

(A) ​One fif h o one hi d of o al co

(B) One-fifth to one-sixth of total cost

(C) One-fifth to one-third of IT cost

(D) None of these

. There are …………….software categories required for CRM investment.



(C) ​


. People cost consist of;

(A) Recruitment cost

(B) Redeployment cost

(C) Training cost

(D) ​All
. Stages of ROI estimation are;

(A) Setting the target → building consensus and commitment → reaching the target

(B) Finding the target → reaching the target → building consensus and commitment

(C) Setting the target → reaching the target → processing the target

​(D) ​Se ing he a ge → eaching he a ge → b ilding con en and commi men

. Investment in IT infrastructure is related with;

(A) Database development

(B)​ IT co

(C) Software development

(D) None of these

. The content of setting the target is;

(A) Generate ideas of how reach target

(B) Internal bottom-up participation

(C) ​De e mine he goal of CRM

(D) External views

. CRM implementation projects consist of

(A) Operational projects

(B) Analytical projects

(C) Initial projects

(D) ​a and b

0. Maximize profitability is an objective of;

(A) IT projects

(B) Analytical projects

(C) Implementation projects

​(D)​O e a ional ojec

. ………… is an objective of operational projects;

(A) ​Red ce o co

(B) Data integration

(C) Prediction

(D) Data warehousing

. There are ………… components of CRM infrastructure.


(B) ​



. Which one is the component of CRM infrastructure?

(A) Consulting services

(B) Procurement & Maintenance

(C) ​Sale fo ce a oma ion

(D) Vendor management

. Analytical projects are also called;

(A) Recruitment strategy

(B) Redeployment projects

(C) Development projects

(D) ​Da a anal ic

. Which one is the major activity of analytical projects?

(A) Customer data transformation

(B) Customer knowledge discovery

(C) ​Bo h a and b

(D) None of these

. …………….captures all relevant customer information.

(A) Data integration

(B) ​Anal ical ojec

(C) Incorporation

(D) None of these

. Customer value assessment……

(A) Analysis of customer transaction

(B) Prediction of future

(C) ​Foc e o ce

(D) Define customer segments

. There are ………. Major activities of analytical projects




(D) ​

. Customer knowledge discovery is about

(A) ​Da a anal i

(B) Data warehousing

(C) Data integration


0. Motivation and training is an …….with executing CRM strategy.

(A) Objective

​(B) ​I e

(C) Prediction

(D) Goal
. NFC technology is

(A) Near Full communication technology

(B) Neno Field communication technology

(C) ​Nea Field comm nica ion echnolog

(D) Near Field complicated technology

. La Croissanterie introduced…………..which allowed customers to record purchase through three


(A) Freedom program

​(B) ​Lo al og am

(C) Marketing function

(D) Customer service function

. Loyalty program allowed customers to record purchase through three channels. These three
channels are?

(A) Loyalty card

(B) Mobile phone

(C) Transit Pass

(D) ​All

. Giant Eagle increased use of its……

(A) Loyalty program

(B) Marketing program

(C)​C ome lo al og am

(D) Customer service function

. Economic slump, Giant Eagle realized the importance of CRM program in;

(A) 00

(B) 00
(C) 00

(D) ​

. A strategy which helps to retain customers is

(A) ​Re en ion a eg

(B) Competitive strategy

(C) Segmentation strategy

(D) Loyalty strategy

. Collections are all about;

(A) Payment Assistance

(B) Recoveries

(C) Fraud

(D) ​All of he e

. Sales system (SALSA) enables

(A) Return on intrepid

(B) Risk perspective

(C) ​Ta ge ing c o ell

(D) None of these

. CRM in FMCG industry is to…………..a suitable CRM approach.

(A) Define

(B) Conceptualize

(C) Implement

(D)​ All

0. B B CRM implementation is used to;

(A) Implement

​(B)​ To de elo ale o ool

(C) Conceptualization

(D) None of these

. CRM program is the ……. Of all the work your company does to improve the customer experience.

(A) Process

(B) Product

(C) ​S m

(D) None of these

. …………. Program is made up of all the individual CRM projects.


​(B) ​CRM


(D) None of these

. Methodologies allow us to

(A) ​Lea n f om e io e e ience

(B) Develop infrastructure

(C) Both

(D) None of these

. There are …………….phases of CRM life cycle.





. What are the characteristics of rd phases of CRM life cycle.

(A) We will create a vision and a strategy

(B) We will create the supporting infrastructure

(C) We will deliver benefits to targeted customers

(D) ​We ill iden if he ecific c ome

. CRM life cycle is a ……….method.

(A) Linear

(B) Finding the target

(C) Maintaining loyalty

​(D) ​Non linea

. IT department is responsible for

(A) Defining the business requirement

(B) ​S ecif ing he echnical ol ion

(C) Both

(D) None of these

. The first phase of CRM life cycle encompasses surveys of key …………stakeholders.

(A) Internal

(B) External

(C) Internal or external

​(D) ​In e nal and e e nal

0- Avoiding CRM common barriers are:

a) Expectations
b) Culture
c) Operational infrastructure
d All of he e
- In creating a CRM culture,
a. Change management
b. Vision and roadmap
c. Sponsorship
d Bo h a and c
- ............ is key to changing culture and behaviour.
a. Sponsorship
b Change managemen
c. Internal communication
d. Vision and roadmap
- Making key investment decisions and providing top-level endorsement of the rationale and
objectives of a programme or project is called
a. S on o hi
b. Customer communication
c. Internal communication
d. None
- The ......... effort is aimed at developing realistic and well understood expectations.
a. Internal Communication
b S a egic lanning
c. Sponsorship
d. All of these
- .......... is your view of the future. Strategy explains the approach you will take to realize that
future state.
a Vi ion
b. Mission
c. Roadmap
d. None
- A ......... is the more tactical plan for what you will do to get there (and when you will arrive)
a. Mission
b. Vision
c Roadma
d. All of these
- A ....... should paint a picture that clearly illustrates where you want your CRM program to end
a Vi ion
b. Change Management
c. Customer communication
d. Internal communication
- Warren uses a .......... steps program to effectively reach employees with messages critical to
organizational success.
a. Two
b Fi e
c. Seven
d. One
- Incorporate interactive response to listen and adjust the program is known as
a Re ond
b. Enable
c. Motivate
d. Inform
0- The .......... within most companies was developed to support and/or automate a specific
business function.
a O e a ional Inf a c e
b. Customer communication
c. Internal Communication
d. All of these

​ RM system should provide information about customer’s need to ____ for

sale .

a) minimizing opportunity

b) maximizing opportunity

c) for equal

d) none of them

​. How many stages of ROI estimation?

a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four

.​ In phase you will have _____ view of the information process, technology
and people requirements:

a) low level

b) high level

c) both a &b

d) none of them
​. ____ management is key to changing culture and behavior.

a) change management

b) metrics and rewards management

c) sponsorship management

d) none of them

​ . Internal communication uses a five step program to effectively reach

employees with messages critical to organizational success.

a) inform , educate , motivate , enable , respond

b) educate , inform , motivate , respond , enable

c) motivate , enable , respond , inform , educate

d) all of them.

There are ----- types of IT cost


Operation and analytical projects are projects of-----

a. Implementation
b. Commitment
c. Operational
d. Analytical
---- is a view of future
a. Strategy
b. Mission
c. Roadmap
d. Vision
There are ------ most common CRM barriers
a. Many
b. Few
c. Three
d. Four

Provide tools needed to succeed

a. Inform
b. Educate
c. respond
d. enable

. How can Create realistic expectations;

a) Vi ion and oad ma ​.
b) Sponsorship.
c) Matrics.
d) Reward.

. Measuring individuals effort to improve the customer experience and it

will have a big impact ;
a) CRM culture .
b Ma ic and e a d
c) Road map.
d) Expectations.

. Recruitment , redeployment and training cost;

a) Process cost.
b) IT cost.
c Peo le co
d) Recurrent cost.

. ROI stand for:

a) Ratios .
b) Retail outlets in .
c) Response on CRM .
d Re n on in e men

. Focus resources on most valuable customer relationship ;

a C ome al e a e men
b) System infrastructure .
c) Customer service .
d) None .

. CRM systems assist in managing help desk and providing

(a) Contract
b C ome ca e
(c) Investment
(d) Order management

. Elements of CRM system

(a) Touch point
(b) CRM Application
c Bo h a b
(d) Marketing management

. One- fifth to one third of total cost is.

(a) Marketing cost
(b) People cost
(c) Process cost
d IT co

. A CRM program is the sum of all the work your company does to improve
the customer experience
(a) Increase profit
b Inc ea e lo al
(c) Increase selling products
(d) Known of these

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

(a) Response
(b) Educate
c Mo i a e
(d) Improve

.Analytical Projects are also called _______

A. Data Statistics
B. Data Analytics
C. Data Warehousing
D. Data Integration

.Formula of Roi Percentage

A. (Gross profit / Net sales) x 00

B. (Gross profit x Sales / Fixed assets) x 00
C. (Net profit / Total assets) x 100
D. (Net profit / Sales) x 00

.Which of these costs are CRM Costs

A. IT Cost
B. People Cost
C. Process Cost
D. All of Above

.What is the first major step in building a successful CRM program

A. Develop Strategy
B. Build Infrastructure
C. Know Your Customer
D. Deliver Customer Offer

.Which of these are the CRM common barriers

A. Expectations
B. Culture
C. Operational Infrastructure
D. All of These

. CRM system assist in managing help desk and providing customer care _____

a) marketing function

b) sales function

c) sales management function

d) customer service function

. _____ CRM strategy help retain customers when introductory rate expires or
risk of ‘dormancy’ exist.

a) segmentation strategy
b) retention strategy

c) operations strategy

d) all of them

. _____ phase in CRM life cycle

a) two

b) three

c) four

d) one

. Product – centered cultures virtually ignore ____ and make decisions based on
what they have bought instead of who they are.

a) management

b) staff

c) customer

d) all of them

.A ____ should paint a picture that clearly illustrate where you want your CRM
program to end up.

a) road map

b) Strategy
c) vision

d) mission

) People cost include _______

a Recruitment redeployment and training cost

b Initiative requires

c CRM investment selling process

) In ________ economic slump ________ a national grocery chain, realized the

importance of CRM program

a) ​ Giant Eagle

b Marie Curie

c Isaac Newton

) B B CRM implement ________?

a CRM approach

b To develop sales support tools

c) Internal and external sources

) In 00 capital one was named _______ to work in the UK by the Sunday times

a st best place

b nd best place
c rd best place

) CRM costs include _________?

a IT cost people cost and process cost

b Marketing cost and Transformation cost

c Motivation and Training cost

. Three most common barriers are:

a) Expectations
b) Culture
c) Operational Infrastructure
d) all of these

. our _______program will impact and make changes for our

customers as well.

a) CRM
b) Customer
c) Management

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

a) Motivate
b) Enable
c) Respond

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

d) Motivate
e) Enable
f) Respond

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

g) Motivate
h) Enable
i) Respond

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

j) Motivate
k) Enable
l) Respond

. Educate Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

m) Motivate
n) Enable
o) Respond

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

p) Motivate
q) Enable
r) Respond

. Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

s) Motivate
t) Enable
u) Respond

0.Recognize behavior, and reward and publicize achievements.

v) Motivate
w) Enable
x) Respond

) Provide current information about customer’s need to ____ for sale.

A) Minimize opportunity
B Ma imi e o o ni
C) Minimize and Maximize Opportunity
D) Non of the above

) Most customer facing systems automate a single process and do not

integrate across all functions.
A) Expectation
B) Culture
C) Change Management
D O e a ional Inf a c e
) What is the view and approach of the future.
A Vi ion and S a eg
B) Strategy and Roadmap
C) Vision and Roadmap
D) Vision and Mission

) Warren uses how much steps to effectively reach employees with messages
critical to organizational success.
A) Two
B Fi e
C) Four
D) Three

) What is everything in CRM?

A) Strategy
B) Vision
C Planning
D) Technology

) Interfaces used for___ to interact with the company

a) cost
b) customer
c) a&b
d) none of the above

) The business function is responsible for defining the ___ requirement

a) information
b) business
c) technical
d) strategy

) CRM is neither a ___ nor a magic wand

a) manage effort
b) process steps
c) silver bullet
d) none of the above

) Strategy explains the approach you will take to realize that___

a) future state
b) vision
c) Roadmap
d) CRM

) Capital One named in Forbes ___

a) 00
b) 00
c) 00
d) 00

Personalization and Customization is application of

a Sales management function
b CRM function
c Ma ke ing F nc ion
d Customer service function

______ is your view of future.

a Strategy Planning
b Vi ion
c Roadmap
d All of the above

Warren uses a ___ step program to effectively reach employees with

messages critical to organizational success.
a Fi e
b Four
c Six
d Three

Purpose of Transition step in building infrastructure is to

a) Integrate people
b) Integrate process
c) Integrate technology and information
d All of he abo e

. IT cost is
a) One-third of total cost
b) One-fifth of total cost
c) One-fourth of total cost
d Bo h a and b
MCQS of CRM (regular)

1- Major Internal Obstacles are:

a) Intellectual Barriers
b) Cultural Barriers
c) Internally Focused
d) All of these

2- A company that makes plans and decisions based

on an internal perspective is:
a) Unrealistic Expectations
b) Product centered culture
c) Customers centered culture
d) Intellectual Barriers

3- Loyalty is achieved by:

a) Providing consistent positive experience over a
long term
b) takes focus, effort and patience.
c) Potential payback is huge.
D) All of these

4- No sharing of common goals, strategies, plans,

information and practices is considered as:
a) Intellectual Barriers
b) Cultural Barriers
c) Internally Focused
d)Unrealistic expectations

5- The company has an external point of view,

making plans and decisions based on anticipated
impact on customer:
a) Intellectual Barriers
b) Cultural Barriers
c) Internally Focused
d) Customer centered culture

6- Fragmented infrastructure due to:

a) Traditional automation of vertical processes
b)Implemented system
c) Integration of old and new systems difficult
d) All of above

7- Functional Silos companies act as a:

a) loose confederation
b) Weak confederation
c) Strong confederation
d) All of above

8- Channel members may be giving

a)same message to two different segments
b) Different message to three same segments
c) Same message to two same segments
d) Different message to two different segments

9- Product development of product centric basis is:

a) Value creation through features
b) Product varieties
c) Technology innovation, functionally
d) All of above

10- Product development of customer centric basis

a) Value creation through service
b) Personalized solution
c) Market innovation, emotionally
d) All of above

11- CRM of product centric basis is

a) Short term transaction
b) % market share
c) New customer for existing products
d) All of these

12- CRM of customer centric basis is

a) Long term relationship
b) % best customer
c) Existing customer for new products
d)All of these

13- Marketing of product centric basis is

a) Push strategy
b) Awareness
c) Sales driven
d) All of above
14- Marketing of customer centric basis is
a) Pull strategy
c) Buyer driven
d) All of above

15- Back office functions are

a) Design and development
b)Product mfg
c) Marketing
d) Both a and b

16- Front office functions are

a) Marketing
b)Product Support
c) Customer services
d)All of these
20: Process of managing information about
customers to maximize loyalty is said to be
a. company relationship management
b. supplier management
c. retailers management
d. customer relationship management

21. According to Oxford A person of a specified kind

with whom one has to deal is called
a. Retailer
b. Supplier
c. Customer
d. None of the above

According to Webster s a customer is one

a. specified distinctive traits
b. distinctive demands
c. distinctive personality
d. all of the above

23. One who is buying a product but it includes all

other influencers directly visible or not is called
a. Seller
b. Buyer
c. Customer
d.B and c

24. A customer may be a

a. A son , a father
b. A daughter, a mother , a kid
c. A businessman,
d.All of the above
25. In B2B, all members of buying committee or the
influencers are
a. Sellers
C. Retailers
d. None of the above

26. According to Oxford, A strong feeling of support

or allegiance is known as
a. Functionality
b. Processing
c. Loyalty
d. Customer serviceability

27. A loyalty is a feeling of strong support for

someone or something defined by
a. Oxford
b. Deming
c. Webster
d. Phill B.m

28.A behavior built on positive experiences with a

product, company or retailer is called
a. CRM planning
b. Customer loyalty
c Retailer s behavior
d. Both b and c

29. Customer loyalty is the result of consistently

a. positive emotional experience
b. physical attribute-based satisfaction
c. perceived value of an experience
d. all of the mentioned above

30. loyalty of customer includes positive consistent

behavior towards
a. product
b. service
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

31.a loyal customer is one who

a. buys from a specific brand

b. buys from a specific company
c. can wait for few days for a specific product or
d.all of the above

32. customer loyalty cycle consists on

a. 3 steps
b.4 steps
c. 5 steps
d. 6 steps

33. All are the steps of customer life cycle except

a. Customer retention
b. Customer commitment
c. Customer development
d. Customer requirement

34. The customer loyalty life cycle is basically a

a. Customer development cycle
b. Customer acceptance cycle
c. Customer satisfaction cycle
d. Customer assurance cycle

35. The assurance phase of customer loyalty life

cycle is also called
a. customer acquisition
b. Customer retention
c. Customer commitment
d. Customer development

36.The second phase of customer loyalty life cycle is

a. Assure the customers
b. Educate the customers
c. Sale (commitment )
d. The continuation and activity

37. Customer relationship management based on

a. The internal situation of company
b. The external situation of company
c. The background of company
d. The policies of company

38. The competitive advantage is built on

a. Operational excellence
b. Product leadership
c. Customer intimacy
d. All of the above

39. Operational excellence is the competitive

advantage builder which means
a. Offer Best product
b. Offer Best cost
c. Strong customer relationship
d. All of the above

40. Increase in Loyalty by 5%, increases profits from

----- in both B2C and B2B
a. 18 to 99%
b. 18 to 125%
c. 35 to 100%
d.Both B & C
42. Loyalty due to positive experience has not
changed with
a. Access and globalization
b. Internet and automation
c. Control and speed
d. All of the above

43.Loyalty can be reduced by

a. Operational excellence
b. Product leadership
c. Negative experiences
d. Customer intimacy

44.use of information for better interaction with

customers can help
a. in improving loyalty
b. In reducing cost
c. In making product attractive
d. In increasing revenue

45.All are impacts of commoditization except

a. Less profits
b. Less R & D budget
c. Less differentiation
d.Less interaction

46.Customers have more

a. Information & budget
b. Information and demands
c. Information and control
d. All of the above

47.Customer expectations have raised due to

a. Internet
b. Money
c. Variety of products
d. Variety of markets

48. Which is the most common obstacle to meet

the customer expectations
a. Supplier
b. Customer
c. Internet
d. Market

49. Customer installs the product and learns how to

use it known as
A) Set up
B) Use
C) Consider
D) purchase
50: Customer operates and maintains the product
and finally makes the decision to retire it or to
upgrade, which starts the cycle all over again known
A) Set up
B) Use
C) Consider
D) purchase

51.Customer becomes aware of a need and

investigates alternative solution is known as
A) Set up
B) Use
C) Consider
D) purchase

52: Customer evaluates and chooses the best

alternative and places an order known as
A) Set up
B) Use
C) Consider
D) purchase

53:message via electronic mail with a specifically

identified customers known as
A) Broadcast
B) E-mail
C) event
D) Fax

54:interaction with a customer through computers

that communicate directly with each other this type
of medium is known as
A) personal
B) E-mail
C) event
D) systematic

55:Interaction with a specific customer over the

internet who may or may not be individually
identified ,this type of medium is known as
A) Broadcast
B) E-mail
C) Internet
D) Fax

56:Message distributed to non targeted audience

via any one of the broadcast media is known as
A) Broadcast
B) E-mail
C) mail
D) personal
57:Interaction with a specific customer via hardcopy
mail is known as
A) Broadcast
B) Mail
C) Personal
D) E-mail

58:interaction with a customer at a seminar,trade

show ,training events known as
A) Personal
B) Mail
C) Event
D) Broadcast

59:interaction with a customer via telephone,

cellular phone known as
A) Fax
B) Personal
C) E-mail
D) Mail

60:CRM covers the activities of the _____ functions

A) Three
B) Four
C) Nine
D) six

60:activities of CRM includes

A) Product
B) Support
C) Customer service
D) All of these
Subject: CRM by Sir Irfan
1. The one who is buying a product but it includes
all other individuals
a) a) loyalty b) customer
b) c) leadership d) competitors

2. Opportunity to do business 24 hours due to

24/7 online
a) speed b) control
c) globalization d) access

3. ___is when a customer is prepared to wait for

few days to buy the specific product.
a) loyalty b) customer
c) leadership d) competitors

4. Decisions should be made considering __values

a) vendor b) access
c) mutual d) none of the above

5. Wave Magic wand-customer will be loyal

a) intellectual barrier b) cultural barrier
c) both a&b d) none of the above

6. Entire word opened as marketplace for

b) Speed
c) Globalization
d) Access

7. Opportunity to do business 24 hours due to

24/7 online.
a) Globalization
b) Access
c) Control
d) Automation
8. Use of information for better interaction with
________ can help improve loyalty.
a) Management
b) Customer
c) Competitors

9. _______ can copy without heavy investment of

time and money.
a) Customer
b) Management
c) Third party
d) Com e i o

10. Increase loyalty by 5%. , Increased profit

from _____
a)18 to 125%
b) 12 to 125%
c) 15 to 126%
d) 14 to 125%
11. Customer expectations significantly raised
due to _____
a) Third party
b) Competitor s
c) Internet

12. _____ is more important in absence of

a) Customer retention
b) Customer loyalty
c) Customer specification

13. There are ______ key areas in which the

internet has impacted the way we do business.
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) Five
14. loyalty due to ____ experience has not
changed with internet and automation.

15. Outsourcing at third party at _____

a) Higher cost
b) Fixed cost
c) Lower cost

16. Involves building business processes that

provide the best products quality
a) Operational excellence
b)Product leadership
c) Customer intimacy
Answer, a.
17. Actual work for creation of loyalty
abandoned is called
a)Culture barriers
b) Intellectual
c) Internally barriers
d)A, B both
Answer, b

18. Product leadership is called

a)Best cost
b) Best product
c) Best marketing
d)Customer relationship
Answer, b
19. Customer install the product and learn how
to use it
c) Setup
Answer, c
20. Commerce on the internet occurs at
unheard of speed
c) Globalization
d) Speed
Answer, d
21. Behavior built on positive experience and
value with a product company or retailer
b) Customer loyalty
c) Understanding
Answer b

22. 5%increase in loyalty (customer retention)

increase profits by.......... To 100%
c) 35%
Answer c

23. Which step is product centric company

c) Satisfaction
Answer, a
24. Dissatisfied customer is
b) Not credit loyalty
c) Change product
Answer, b
25. Customers evaluate and choose the best
alternatives and place an order
c) Use
d) Purchases
Answer, d

26. Entire world opened as

marketplace for everyone, no border restriction are
known as?
a) Globalization
b) Access
c) Control

27. The competitive advantage built on?

a) best production, automation and market place
b) best cost, best product and strong customer
c) increase in loyalty
28. Total time that the customer is engaged
with your company from the customer s experience
and viewpoint are known as?
a) B2B CRM
b) customer relationship management
c) customer life cycle
29. Product Support is not part of?
a) planning
b) customer life cycle
c) set up
30. Elements needed to build successful
relationships with customers are known as?
a) customer relationship management (CRM)
b) ensuring customer loyalty
c) building loyalty
31. Dissatisfied Customers
a) loyal
b) May not be loyal always
c) are never loyal

32. Internet used for easy

a) information
b) technology
c) communication
33. loyal customers
a) understand customer better
b) buy more
c May shift to competitor s products
34. 5% increase in loyalty (customer retention)
increase profits by 35 out of?
a) 100%
b) 200%
c) 300%

35. R & D and Mktg, want consistent?

a) relation
b) planning
c) quality

36. Satisfaction and loyalty are ____ factors

A) independent
B) unique
C) dependent
37. Customer intimacy means that:
A)best product
B)best cost
C)strong customer relationship
38. Which crm function are the part of
organization front office and directly interact
with customer.
A) marketing
B) sales
C)both a&b
D) none of the above
39. Dissatisfied customers are the:-
A)may not be loyal always
B) May shift to competitors product
D) none

40. Wave magic wand-customer will be loyal:-

A)Intellectual barrier
B) cultural barrier
C)Both a&b
D) none

41. Increase in Loyalty by

a. 10%. b. 15%. c. 5%
42. Competitor can copy without heavy
Investment of time
a. Money b. Experience c. Cost
Ans. Money
43. Opportunity to do business 24hours due
to 24/7 online
a. Control. b. Access. c. Speed
Ans. Control
44. Customer install product and learns how
to use it
a. Purchase. b. Setup. c. Use
Ans. Setup
45. We discussed many of changes in
and impact of those changes on
a. Business failure b. Business success
C. Both a and b
Ans. Business success

46. An individual usually having some specified

distinctive trait this definition about Customer
belongs to:
Stanford University
None of the above

47. A feeling of strong support for someone or

something this definition belongs to :
Stanford University
None of the above

48. Many employees;

administrators, coordinators, eliminated due
to automated response through internet Does
it belong to Globalization?

1. Are cultural barriers the common CRM


49. The company has an _______ point of view,

making plans and
decisions based on _______ impact on customer
Internal, big
External, Small
External, anticipated

50. The______ is the total time that the

customer is engaged with your company from
the customer s experience and viewpoint
Customer life cycle
Customer loyalty
Customer expectations
Internal service

51. A person of specified kind with whom one

has to deal.
a) Customer. b) competitor
C) third party

52. The competitive advantage build on

a) operational excellence. b) product
c) customer intamacy. d) All of the above

53. oppertunity to do business with ____ hours

a) 20 hrs. b) 12 hrs. c) 24 hrs

54. 4.Many employee due to due to automated

responses through internet.
a) globalization. b) control
c) automation. d) Access

55. Negative experience has ________ loyalty.

a) increased. b) reduced
c) equal
56. _______ can emulate ( match ,copy) your
a) customer. b com e i o
c) management

57. Duplication by competitor s is possible

a product b process s
c) both a& b. d) knowledge

58. Sustained advantage in loyalty is ______

a) high. b) achieved
c) lost d) none of the above

59. loyalty is achieved by providing consistent

positive experience over a____
a) short term. b)long term
c) between three years. d) none of the above
60. product- centured cultures impact _____
the company.
a) outside. b)inside

61. \Customer Relationship Management is


a) Acquiring the right customer

b) Instituting the best processes
c) Motivating employees
d) All of the above
ANSWER: d) All of the above

62. CRM technology can help in

a) Designing direct marketing efforts

b) Developing new pricing models
c) Processing transactions faster
d) All of the above
ANSWER: d) All of the above
63. The main drawback of CRM is

a) Implementing CRM before creating a

customer strategy
b) Rolling out CRM before changing the
organization to match
c) Stalking, not wooing, customers
d) All of the above
ANSWER: d) All of the above

64. The marketing messages committed to

customers wishes is a part of

a) Permission marketing
b) Activity marketing
c) Supplier marketing
d) None of the above
ANSWER: a) Permission marketing

65. _______is any occasion on which the brand

or product is used by end customers.
a) Customer touch point
b) Retailers touch point
c) Company touch point
d) None of the above
ANSWER: a) Customer touch point

66. ________ is the fundamental determinant

of a person s wants and behavior

a) Culture
b) Attitude
c) Value
d) None of the above
ANSWER: a) Culture

67. More information and at faster rate for the

customer due to internet.
(a) Access
(b) Speed
(c) Control
(d) Limit
Ans. (a) Access

68. Entire world opened as market place for

everyone, no border restriction.
(a) E-commerce
(b) Banking
(c) Globalization
(d) Automation

Ans. (c) Globalization

69. Many employees, administrators,

coordinator s, eliminated due to automated
response through internet.
(a) Speed
(b) Automation
(c) E- Marketplaces
(d) Control
Ans. (b) Automation

70. A company that makes plans and decision

based on an internal perspective (impact inside
the company).
(a) Market cultural
(b) Customer centered cultural
(c) Product centered cultural
(d) Cultural Barriers

Ans. (c) Product centered cultral

71. The company has an external point of view,

making plans and decisions based on
anticipated impact on customer.
(a) Customer centered cultural
(b) Market cultural
(c) Cultural barriers
(d) Product centered cultural

Ans. ( a) Customer centered cultural

72. ___________ is a discipline that covers all

the elements needed to build successful
relationship with customers.
(a) Customer loyalty
(b) Customer Relationship Management
(c) Customer experience's
(d) Customer Satisfaction

Ans. (b) Customer Relationship Management

73. The________ is the total time that the

customer is engaged with your company from
the customer's experiences and viewpoint.
(a) Product life cycle
(b) Service life cycle
(c) Management life cycle
(d) Customer life cycle
Ans. (d) customer life cycle

74. Customer evaluates and Chooses the best

alternative and places an order.
(a) Consider
(b) Purchase
(c) Set up
(d) Use

Ans. (b) Purchase

75. How many function activities CRM are

(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10

Ans. (a) 4
76. There are five key areas in which the
internet has impacted the way we do business.
(a) Access, control,speed,
(b) Access,control,limit,
(c) Access,control,limit, speed, globalization
(d) Access, limit,control,speed,automation

Ans. (a) Access, Control,speed , globalization,


77. Customers have more information and

more control

A- To decide what to buy and from whom

B- Internet itself obstacle
C- Information due to online system
D- All of the above

78. Product focused-no plans; Same form filled

by patients in every dept.
A- Internally Focused
B- Intellectual Barriers
C- Cultural Barriers
D- None of the above

79. A company that makes plans and decisions

based on an internal
perspective (impact inside the company):-

A- Product-Centered Cultures
B- Customer-centered cultures
C- Infrastructure
D- CRM techniques

80. The company has an external point of view,

making plans and
decisions based on anticipated impact on

A- Customer-centered cultures
B- Product-centered culture
D- Infrastructure

81. 5% increase in loyalty (customer retention)

increase profits by 35 to _____

A- 100%
B- 20%
C- 30%
D- 5%

82. Satisfaction and Loyalty are ____ factors

A- Unique
B- Independent
C- Common
D- Dependent

84. The total time that the customer is engaged

with company is called ____
A- Customer Life Cycle
C- Supply Chain
D- Time Period

85. Customer operates and maintains the

product and finally makes the decision to:-

A- System set up
B- Use product
C- Purchase
D- Consider

86. CRM covers the activities of the four

functions normally labeled

A- Marketing
B- Sales
C- Product Support and Customer Services
D- All of the above
87. Customer Intimacy means that:-

A- Best Product
B- Best Cost
C- Strong customer relationship
D- None of the above

88. The one who is buying a product but it

includes all other individuals:
a) Buying manager.
b) CEO.
c) Customer.
d) Consultant.
89. Opportunity to do business 24 hours due
24/7 online;
b) Access.
c) Speed.
d) Automation
90. __________ Can emulate (match, copy)
your processes.
a) Customer
b) Competitors
c) Loyalty.
d) None.

91. A company that makes plans and

decisions based on an internal perspective
(impact inside the company);
a) Customer centered cultures.
b) Unrealistic expectation.
c) External perspective.
d) Product centered cultures.

92. The total time that the customer is

engaged with your customer from the
customer experience and view point;
a) CRM
b) Customer life cycle.
c) Manufacturing cycle.
d) None.
93. Customer evaluates and chooses the best
alternative and places an order;
a) Consider.
b) Purchase.
c) Set up.
d) Use

94. Interaction with a specific customer over

the ________ who may or may not be
individually identified.
a) E mail.
b) Broadcast.
c) Systematic.
d) Internet.

95. Which CRM function are the part of the

organization`s front office and directly interact
with customer.
a) Marketing
b) Sales
c) Customer service
d) Product support
e)All of the above.

96. Interaction with a customer at a seminar,

trade show, training event, etc customer may or
may not be identified;
a) Phone /fax.
b) Personal.
c) Event .
d) Mail.

97. Customer installs the product and learns

how to use it.
a) Purchase.
b) Set up.
c) Use.
d) None.
98. The one who is buying a product but it
includes all other individuals:
f) Buying manager.
g) CEO.
h) Customer.
i) Consultant.
99. Opportunity to do business 24 hours due
24/7 online;
f) Access.
g) Speed.
h) Automation
100. __________ Can emulate (match, copy)
your processes.
f) Competitors
g) Loyalty.
h) None.

101. A comoany that makes plans and

decisions based on an internal perspective
(impact inside the company);
e)Customer centered cultures.
f) Unrealistic expectation.
g) External perspective.
h) Product centered cultures.
102. The total time that the customer is
engaged with your customer from the
customer experience and view point;
f) Customer life cycle.
g) Manufacturing cycle.
h) None.
103. Customer evaluates and chooses the best
alternative and places an order;
f) Purchase.
g) Set up.
h) Use.

104. Interaction with a specific customer over

the ________ who may or may not be
individually identified.
e)E mail.
f) Broadcast.
g) Systematic.
h) Internet.
105. Which CRM function are the part of the
organization`s front office and directly interact
with customer.
f) Marketing
g) Sales
h) Customer service
i) Product support
j) All of the above.
106. Interaction with a customer at a seminar,
trade show, training event, etc customer may or
may not be identified;
e)Phone /fax.
f) Personal.
g) Event .
h) Mail.

107. Customer installs the product and learns

how to use it.
f) Set up.
g) Use.
h) None.
108. .More information and at faster rate for the
customer due to internet is
a) Control
b) Access
c) Speed
d) d.Automation
Ans. B
109. Software and consulting magic is example
a)a.intellectual Barriers
b) b. Cultural Barriers
c) c. Internally Barriers
d) d.None of these
Ans. A
110. Customer evaluates and choose the best
alternative and place an order
a) a.consider
b) b. Set up
c) c.purchase
d) d.use
Ans. C
111. There are keys areas in which the internet
has impacted the way we do business
a) a.3
b) b.5
c) c.4
d) d.2
112. Major internal obstacles are:
a) Intellectual barriers
b) Cultural barriers
c) Internally focused
d) All of these

113. Back office functions are:

a) Design and developments
b) Product manufacturing
c) Marketing
d) Both a & b

114. A customer maybe a

a) A son, a father
b) A daughter, mother, a kid
c) A businessman
d) All of the above

115. A loyalty is a feeling of strong support for

someone or something defined by
a) Oxford
b) Deming
c) Webster
d) Phill B.m

116. Customer loyalty cycle consist on

a) 3 steps
b) 4 steps
c) 5 steps
d) 6 steps

117. Activities of CRM includes

a) Sales
b) Product
c) Support
d) All of these

118. The assurance phase of customer loyalty life

cycle is also called
a)Customer acquisition
b) Customer retention
c) Customer dedication
d) Customer development
119. A strong feeling of support or commitment
is loyalty is definition by
Webster s

120. In customer loyalty cycle, Customer

Retention is
The sales phase
The assurance phase
The continuation and activity phase
The bonding phase
121. No border restrictions in e-marketplace is
due to
Internet access

122. What does not create customer loyalty?

The demography
Understanding Customer
All of the above

123. What does customer intimacy means in

Reducing cost of provided product
Using information to improve performance
Improve customer experience and build
Eliminating direct customer interaction
124. What is not a part of customer life cycle in
Product support
All of the above

125. How CRM impacts operation excellence ?

Build loyalty
Provide service to customer
Improve customer experience
None of Above


is about?
a) Acquiring the right customer
b) Instituting the best processes
c) Motivating employees
d) All of theses
127. are study of how individuals, group
and organization select, buy, use and dispose
A) Customer behavior
B) Product cycle
c) Purchase behavior
d) None of these

128. A customer buying behavior is influenced

A) Cultural and social factors
b) Personal factors
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

129. Opportunity to do business 24 hours due to

24/7 online?
A) Speed
B) Automation
c) Control
D) Access

130. A company that makes plans and decision

based on an internal perspective?
a) Customer centered cultures
b) Product centered cultures
c) CRM obstacles
d) None of these

131. The total time that the customer is engaged

with your company from customers experience
and viewpoint?
A) Customer relationship management
b) Common CRM obstacles
c) Customer life cycle
D) all of these

132. Interaction with specific customer via hard

copy, mail, usually, an identified individuals?
A) event
b) E-mail
c) Mail
D) Internet
133. Customer installs the product and learns
how to use it?
A) set-up
b) Use
c) Consider
d) None of these

134. is any occasion on which brand or

product is used by end customers?
a) Customer touch point
b) Retailer touch point
c) Company touch point
D) All of above
135. CRM technology can help in?
a) Designing direct marketing efforts
B) Developing new pricing models
c) Processing transactions faster
d)All of these

136. In CRM _________have more information

and more control
A. Owner
B. Customer
C. Employees
D. Share holders

137. Product-Centered Cultures decisions based

A. Internal Perspective
B.External perspective
C. Multipoint perspective
D. None of above

138. Customer-Centered Cultures decisions

based on
A. Internal Perspective
B. External perspective
C. Multipoint perspective
D. None of above

139. A person of a specified kind with whom one

has to deal
A. Owner
D. Share holder

140. How many key areas are there to internet

has impacted the way we do business
A. 3
D. 8

141. Customer Relationship Management is

A. Acquiring the right customer
B.Instituting the best processes
C. Motivating employees
D. All of the above

142. CRM obstacles include:

(a) Intellectual Barriers
(b)Cultural barriers
(c)Internally Focused
(d) All of the above

143. Implemented system becomes a part of

(a)Dependencies built
(b)Difficult to make changes
(c)Both a &b
(d) None of these

144. A company that makes plans &decisions

based on internal perspective (impact inside the
(a)Customer-Centred cultures
(b)Product-Centred cultures
(d)None of these

145. Satisfaction and loyalty are ------------

146. Customer evaluates and chooses the best
alternative and places an order to:
(d)Use product

147. There are --------key areas in which the

internet has impacted the way we do business.

148. 5% increase in loyalty (customer retention)

increases profit by------------
(a) 35 to 95%
(b) 35 to 40%
(c) 35 to 100%
(d) 35 to 60%

149. Many employees; administrators,

coordinators, eliminated due to automated
response through internet:
(c) Globalization

150. Customer loyalty is the result of ------------

which includes the products or services.
(a)Positive emotional experience
(b)Physical attributes based satisfaction
(c)Perceived value of an experience
(d)All of the above
151. 10. In internal situation, the competitive
advantage built on ---------------
(a)Best product
(b)Best cost
(c)Strong customer relationship
(d)All of the above

152. Competitive advantage built on;

Operational excellence
Product leadership
Customer intimacy
All of the mentioned

153. Strong customer relationship includes in

Product leadership
Customer intimacy
154. A company that makes plans and decisions
based on an internal perspective is a;
Customer centered cultures
Product centered cultures
Cultural barriers
All of the mentioned

155. Dissatisfied customers are;

May not be loyal always
May shift to competitors product

156. ______ that covers all elements needed to

build successful relationship with customers
Unrealistic expectations

157. CRM elements are;

Information needed to understand customer
Software tools that allow us to use that
Understanding customer, demography,
Both a & b

158. Which one is the step 2 in a customer

loyalty cycle
Customer retention
Customer acquisition
Customer commitment
Customer development

159. Which one is the continuation and activity

Customer development
Customer retention
Customer commitment
160. Competitors can emulate your processes
includes in
Loyalty in new marketplace
Loyalty and product leadership
Loyalty and customer intimacy
Loyalty and operational excellence

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