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Playmax (Jay Clinton)

Can an ordinary person's life suddenly be changed into a life out of

a comic book? Another violent month in New York City, safety is a
major problem here; the innocent residents need protection. But can
mixing someone’s heredity, really create one of the most powerful
creatures? Well yes, I can say that assuredly. Sometimes two organisms
work magically well together, they have the power to ruin or make the
world a better place; it all depends on your goals, opinions and
worldview. This is where Playmax comes in.

Jay Clinton belongs to a middle class family in Toronto. He grew

up as a very bright and clever student; he was interested in science,
especially in looking at reptiles. Jay never hesitated holding spiders,
snakes or even baby lizards. ​His father understood that there was
something to look forward to. He needed to understand that his family is
not a regular family.

Christopher Clinton, Jay’s father, used to get bullied at school for

having no such friends, he was only concerned about his future, he came
from a poor family, where his mother was a maid and father was a
custodian. All the times he saw his mother and father working hard to
feed their son every meal of the day, he decided to give them a better
life. But one night, everything changed. Christopher was walking across
the street and he got pulled in a van. After a few hours, he sees himself
caged in a ginormous glass capsule. With the bright white light brushing
against his eyes; he sees a glimpse of a black shadow of an old man
smoking a cigarette. Mr. Blanco… it was that science professor, who
was always impressed with the work and assignments.
“I know you have thoughts that are running a marathon in your
mind,” he claimed. “I will tell you… tell you why you are here and what
we would like from you. Look Chris, you are someone who can
contribute to society and all our labs. We need you for the future of all
of us.” That was it then; He felt something unknown running up against
his nerves; something started to feel abnormal, he screamed with all his
strength. He started to act vigorously. His brain was not in command,
everything was reacting negatively; and then, it's all calm.

Everything was still dark but he heard a recognizable voice. “ The

new future is here. We have created history,” Mr. Blanco announces
proudly. “ Christopher Clinton, you are no longer like anyone in this
room right now, your characteristics have changed, but don't you worry
you will get to know yourself soon enough. Wanna know what
happened?” His jaw feels extremely flexible and loosely joined; his
vision is extremely strong that he could see elbowed antennae on the ant
crawling on the floor around him, but strangely, he forces to shut and
open his eyelids but why can’t he? “We have inserted 23 chromosomes
of a snake into your body. Which means half of you is now a reptile -
isn’t it exciting-” said Mr. Blanco with an ugly laugh.

19 years go past in just a click of fingers, nobody knows, nobody

has heard what happened and what hasn’t happened. But ​he​ enters with
all the powers which his father gave him as blessings and wishes.
Playmax decides to do whatever it takes, whatever his genes are made
of, his soul would never change this decision. Scyther... he could not
digest the fact that she wants the United States to fall apart; Couldn’t
even think of that fact that jealousy would erase all sympathy she ever
had. But there was no time to be sentimental about those childhood
Playmax was convinced with the fact that he would manage to
convince Scyther; it might not be the easiest job but he ​will ​have to do it.
With the blue pants, an off white color coat and a hood for disguise,
attaching his hard metal shield to his chest which will help to destroy
anything else that comes against him in just a split second; the poison
will quickly enter the body but slowly kill them brutally in agony. With
his heavy but sturdy axe on the back.

Playmax’s snake hoods flared out; Scyther could see them out
more than anyone. As she tried to give off her bolt of electricity using
that L.C Bottle; Playmax pulled out his shield to stop the energy to
protect himself for this country. Putting his sword out against her neck,
she kicked him off on the elbow; Accompanied by his distinctive shoes,
he bounced up on top and as he was trying to put his axe through
Scyther’s belt; She tried to lean back on him. But the force came back
on her and she fell in the Hudson River.

Just as that happens, about 15-20 cars with blue and red sirens
crowd around the Brooklyn Bridge. Vladimir Lem and the whole of his
NYPD force with guns in their hands, the police officers run down in the
river. “ Thank you so much for the help today” greets Playmax “If your
force came 2 minutes late then I would have killed her, I swear” “ Who’s
saying that thanks? Playmax or Jay Clinton; And also, I still remember
our martial class where I ​finally b​ eat you'' smiled Vlad “I mean you
already have ruined my Sunday night so I guess you need to pay for it,
but right now, we need information from her: where she has been, why
is she doing this, and what does she want from all this” “Exactly!” said
Playmax with anger “ She has tried to harm people which is not
acceptable, she has encouraged people to be violent”
As soon as they finish the conversation, Scyther jumps back on the
edge of the bridge, as where the cops were down in the river looking for
her. She runs towards Officer Lem, so he can’t be the disruption of
anything, because she knew that they would capture her and then she
would fail in her mission. But Playmax manages to defend him but Vlad
falls on the floor. “ It is not over ​Jay Clinton​'' says Scyther with an
attitude. “ I couldn’t expect anything more than you ​Sofiya,”​ replies
Playmax. “ Why would you ever do thi..s?” As he finishes his sentence,
Scyther grabs his neck. “Don’t you dare speak word” she tries to crush
his neck even more “I am not the ​Sofiya​, you ​ever​ knew” she whispers

“ HANDS UP!” the officers shouted, pointing the gun at her.

Scyther notices a red beam on her forehead “ Don’t move or the sniper
on the 28th floor’s balcony on the building in front of you will shoot
you.” Says Vladimir Lem. Scyther stares at Playmax, Vlad, the police
and everyone who was on the bridge; And finally walks with officers
towards the car and is under arrest. “ So I guess that is it for now, and
you better go home and take some rest Playmax.” says Vladimir.
“ Mhm” replies Playmax with a confused look on. “ Don't you
worry, I will inform you about all her statements and actions” says Lem
confidently. “Also, if there are any more problems then you can tell me,
and ofcourse, I will tell you if our police force ever needs you, because I
don’t hesitate to beg for some help” They both laugh with no tension.


Picture of hero with labels↓

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