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I m calling from window help desk

(Wait for customer response)

am i speaking with Mr. john we have received few no fica on from your computer that your
computer have some spyware,adware ,malware that are affec ng the performance of your system .

Customer:how does u know my computer has a problem?

Agent:Mr John whenever your computer is affected by adware or virus it give no fica on to
Microso server

Who in turn update informa on to solu on provider like us so we call the customer and provide the

Customer: what do you want me to do now?

Agent: firstlyI would like to know whether you arein front of your computer now.

(Ifcustomer says no)

Please get to the computer so i can guide u through few steps and help u out.

Customer will tell i m in front of computer now.

Agent: thank you very much

Please press the windows bu on on your keyboard and alphabet r as in Romeo together.

Ask the customer what do u see on the screen now?

Customer: a small window /small screen popped up at the bo om of the screen.

Agent: very good

Agent: you will find a space where u can type in things

Customer: yes

Ask the customer to type eventvwr

Recheck the spelling

Please press the enter bu on

A er pressing enter bu on ask the customer what u sees on the screen now

Customer: somethingpopped up on the screen

Agent: this window is called event viewer I am goanna show u the errors that are present in your

tell the customer u will find an op on window logs at the le side of window plz click on it .now u
will have four op on double click on system op on ,right side of the window u will have filter current
log op on asked the customer to put a check mark on error,warning,cri cal

Ask the customer to press ok bu on.

Tell the customer Mr. John these are the errors I m talking to you about,

(Asked the customer to specify no. of event on your window)

Customer: will tell u the no. of error

If the error is more than 20 it will crash your computer.

Customer: what doyou want me to do?

Not to worry I can help u out in removing the errors through few steps

Tell the customer that please do as I guide u.

(Ask the customer) Mr John please press windows bu on on your keyboard and alphabet r as
Romeo together

Agent: you will find the same window popping up at the bo om of your screen.

Ask the customer please remove whatever is in the box

ask the customer as hotel ,h as hotel please press space once and type h as hotel again .rechecked it
with customer

Ask him to press enter.

Ask the customer what you see on the screen now

Customer: somethingpopped up on the screen

Agent: doyou find the window on the right top corner of your screen?
Customer: yes

Agent: could u please click on yellow colour ques on mark on the le top corner of the window

Customer: I did it

Agent:u will have an op on jump to url please click on it and then u will have a small window
popping up on your screen where u can type in u see that

Customer: yes

Ask the customer to type /msrc1 .now click enter now u will have a op on run, save or
cancel. Please click run

Now u will get so ware downloaded on your computer. It will have a licensed id and password
provided from our side

Ask the customer do u see it?


For valida on purpose please help me with the user id first

Please tell me the password.

Rare case: there will be popup coming up on your screen asking for authen ca on please click on
'secure connec on'

Open eventviewer on customer screen a er opening up

Igoanna transfer these call to senior technician who will be able to remove the error from your

Could you please be on the line for a minute?

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