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Possible Questions from the customers & Rebuttals

1) Who are you and where are you calling from?

I. My name is Mark and I am calling you from Voxforem technologies.

II. My name is Markcalling from VoxForem Technologies, windows help desk. We
are the authorized service partners for Microsoft.
III. I am Mark, with Voxforem Technologies. We are an authorised solution provider of
Windows computers
IV. My name is Mark. I'm calling you from a computer service company named Voxforem

2)What is the purpose of your call?

I. The purpose of my call is to let you know about the reports we received from your
computer about the drivers in your computer being out-dated.
II. This is a Service call, for updating the out dated system drivers.
III. The reason for my call is that we received your phone number and CLS id of your
computer along with a reason that your computer system drivers are out-dated .This is a
service call for your computer updation.
IV. This is actually a service call for the updation of your computer.
V. The purpose of the call is to let you know that we received an error message
from your computer and we are calling to get that resolved. So that it does not
crash your computer system.
VI. We have been getting error noti ications from your computer and I am calling you to ix

3) I have 5 computers. Which one are you talking about?

I. It is your most frequently used computer sir. Because we have been getting error
noti ications on a frequent manner.
II. The home computer, which is loaded to windows OS. I can also provide you the Device
ID please verify it on your computer.
III. It is your most frequently used computer. Because we have been getting error
noti ications on a frequent manner. i have the CLS id of that computer i will voice out the
id details from my end ,you just check it on your computer ,so that we can con irm that
which one is having the problem.
IV. I’m talking about your windows computer; also I have the license ID of your affected
computer. So I will voice out the license ID details from my end, so you just check it on
all your computers, so we can ind which computer got affected.
V. I am talking about the computer you use most often.
VI. It should be the most frequently used computer sir, because we have been getting error
noti ications on a frequent manner.

4) How did you get my phone number?

I. Your number is registered in the server of windows along with the licence key of your
operating that’s how we got your phonenumber.
II. Since you are using a genuine Windows OS your number is registered with Microsoft. So
I got your mobile number.
III. We received your phone number and CLS id of your computer from the windows server.
IV. Since you are a windows user, your computer license ID is registered along with your
phone number in the server. So that’s how I got your details.
V. Your number is associated with the licensed Id which triggered the error to the
Microsoft server
VI. Your phone number was associated with your License Key sir.

5) I am on the national DND list.Then why you call me?

I. I am sorry for disturbing you. I will remove your name from the calling list.
II. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. I am calling you since your computer is
affected by critical errors
III. Sorry sir/mam I was not aware of that .this call is actually an awareness call for your
computer since your computer is in an out-dated state.
IV. I actually don’t know that, since this phone number is used for the windows registration
I am calling you
V. Unfortunately this is not a sales call. It is an awareness call regarding the error
message we received from your computer.
VI. I understand sir. However, this is a free service call and not a sales call.

6) My computer is brand new.Then how could it have errors?

I. Though the Hardware is new, if your software has any errors, it will affect the entire
Operating System. This has nothing to do with your computer being new.
II. Sir even though it’sa brand new computer if it’s affected then the errors will be there.
III. Good to know that sir. but even though the Hardware is new, if your software has any
errors or if it has high risk percentage, it will affect the entire Operating System. This has
nothing to do with your brand new hardware
IV. Your computer hardware may be brand new, but my call is regarding the updation of
your software drivers and the operating system.
V. Whenever your computer is affected by adware or virus it gives some sort of
noti ication to the Microsoft server and we in return call to provide support.

7)How do I update my computer?

I. Only a technician can update the drivers and the operating system in your computer.You
cannot update your computer on your own
II. Once I transfer this call to our senior technician, he will speak to you and navigate you
for downloading an application from our website and then he will take access to your
computer for trouble shooting.
III. First of all we will be trouble shooting these issues in your computer and later we will be
optimising your computer by clearing all the junk iles and unwanted data’s and these
processes will be done after the veri ication of the CLS id and then we will be doing an
online support by taking the access to your computer.
IV. Once after verifying the license ID, we will take remote access to your computer by
connecting through online. After that our technician will be troubleshooting the issues
within 10-15 minutes.
V. I am going to take you through a few steps on your computer to get this resolved.
Are you near your computer?
8) I have not registered this number anywhere,then how did you get my phone number?

I. Your number is registered in the server of windows along with the licence key of your
operating that’s how we got your phone number.
II. We got this number from the windows server, this number might be linked with any of
your social media handles or any personal accounts which are being used in your
III. But it seems this number was used for the registration purpose of a windows product
IV. Whenever your computer is affected by Adware or virus it gives us some sort of
noti ication to the Microsoft server by showing your license key & the registered
phone number
V. You may have given your number while purchasing the computer. I ind this number
was associated with your License Key.
VI. Since you are using a genuine Windows OS your number is registered with Microsoft.
From there I got your mobile number.

9) I don’t have internet.Then how did you receive error reports?

I. Error reports are passed to the Microsoft server as and when you use your computer.So
it has nothingto do with your computer having internet or not.
II. Have you ever connected your computer to internet in any situations ,like using WiFi or
something like that
III. To send error reports from a computer, heavy data conception is not required
IV. Internet is not necessary because these reports are from an application called windows
driver updater which monitors the performance of your is an inbuilt
V. When looking at the error message that we received, it indicates that your
computer has internet connectivity. I can show you the same error report on
your computer If not you can disconnect the call
VI. There should be an internet connection for Microsoft servers to receive error reports. I
will guide you to check the same error report on your computer

10) My computer has not been plugged in for some time.Then how did you receive error
noti ications from your computer?

I. No matter whether you use your computer on a regular basis or not, however - by the
time you use it the errors captured will be forwarded to the server of Microsoft
II. Ya, that’s the exact reason of my call, if you are a regular user of your computer, it will
update the drivers automatically. Since you are not using that regularly, the automatic
updation has failed, So until the drivers are manually updated the automatic update
system will be disabled
III. You may not have plugged in your computer for some time but this error may be
from the last time you used your computer and this has not been recti ied; as yet.

11) I am a mac/apple user. Then how did you receive error noti ications from my

I. We do services for mac/apple computers as well because we are the technical solution
provider, are you facing any performance related issues?
II. Does anybody use windows products at your home like any laptops or tablets?
12) I don’t have a computer.Then how did you receive error reports from my computer?

I. I guess we must have the wrong information sorry and have a great day.
II. I think I have received wronginformation - have a great day sorry for the inconvenience.
III. Do you use any windows laptops or tablets?

13)Can you tell me which operating system I am using?

I. I really apologies that I am not supposed to voice out those details due to security
reasons, however I can voice out the licence id for you to verify the same on your

14) Why is your phone number is not displaying on my caller id?

II. I am calling you from a voice over internet phone that’s why the number is not
displaying at your caller ID.
III. I am calling you through a voice over internet phone which is basically an internet call
and it will not show numbers at times. You can always call me on the toll free number
IV. I’m calling you from a voice over internet phone so that’s why you are receiving a 4-digit

15) My computer is up to date then why should I go for the updation?

I. If your computer is up-to-date we would not have been receiving error reports.
II. We are receiving noti ications stating your PC is not updated. If you are in front of you
PC, I can show you were to check these details. So that you can understand your PC is
updated or not.
III. If your computer is up to date we will not be getting this error noti ication.And we the
authorised service providers have the certi ied technicians who can update your
computer at free of cost.
IV. But the noti ications we received indicates that your computer system drivers are out-
dated. Drivers in the sense they are the interface which connects the hardware and the
software of your computer.
V. I am so sorry. At my end, I can see the error message occurred while updating
your drivers. As days go by it will affect your computer's performance.

VI. There are updates which happen automatically on a regular basis. If some updates did
not happen properly, that is when your computer triggers error noti ications to the
Microsoft servers.

17) I will call Microsoft and ix my issues, you don’t worry.But I appreciate your call?

I. Microsoft will not call or answer any customer’s calls. That’s why they have given
authorisation to us to help their customers who have issues.
II. Sir you can’t communicate to Microsoft directly. You can connect them only through
authorised windows service providers
18) Is this a sales call?

I. No, this is not a salescall. This is a service call for the updation of the drivers and the
operating system of your computer to the latest version.
II. No, This is a Service call for your computer
III. No this is not at all a sales call, this is a service call for the updation of your computer
IV. No, I am not trying to sell you anything. I am trying to touch bases with you
regarding the error noti ication we received through the Microsoft server

19) How much will it cost me for the service?

I. This is a free service call for your computer.

II. Our service is free of cost, only you need to pay for licence fee and software key charges.
Basic will cost you $50.

20) Are you trying to get into my computer?

1. No. we are just trying to help you to update the drivers and the operating system in your
computer which are out-dated.
2. Without accessing your computer technician cannot reprogram your computer.
3. No I am helping you to update your computer to the latest version and making you
aware about the failed driver updation in your computer.
4. Don’t worry we take only a temporary access to your computer by installing a software,
so once after the service is inished it will automatically uninstall from your computer
5. I am not going to do anything in your computer sir. I will just be guiding you through a
few steps to ix the issue.

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