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Arthropods: Arthropods are futher classified as

a. Crustaceans:
i. Arthropods with more than four pairs of jointed legs not millipede or centipede.
ii. Breathe through gills.
For examples: crabs, lobsters and woodlice

b. Arachnids:
iii. Arthropods with four pairs of jointed legs
iv. breathe through gills called book lungs.
For examples: spiders, ticks and scorpions.

c. Insects:
v. Arthropods with three pairs of jointed legs.
vi. Two pairs of wings (one or both may be vestigial)
For examples: crabs, lobsters and woodlice

Examples of echinoderms: Starfish, Sea urchins and Sea cucumber etc.

Examples of molluscks: Octopus, cuttlefishes and Tusk shell etc.

Examples of trueworms: Earthworms and ragworms

Examples of flatworms: Flukes, Turbellaria and Tapeworms

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