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& with the WORLD

Why Sri Aurobindo ?

(article de Satprem)

* * *

Extrait de « Sept jours en Inde »

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(The following text is extracted from a letter from

Satprem addressed to the Association of Canada).

The function of Associations of Auroville:

Auroville has direction only insofar as each one and each country builds Auroville in oneself. It is not a
model of remote city: it is a new type of association or collective communication. And as it is not a mental
model which one once puts on rails for all, this new type of community must grow spontaneously, be modelled
spontaneously, according to the needs specific to each country and particular qualities of each country. One
first step only should be taken - to go step by step -, and the same circumstances create the following step.
Especially not of preconceived ideas nor of diagram: it is a new species to build, not a small Church with some
pleasant and convenient ideas. Auroville-India remains as a first company that each one can and must help, a
kind of first laboratory where one can find indices already; but it is not Auroville “over there” which imports
primarily: it is Auroville where one is. And initially in its own heart and its own experience. One can embark
some, without knowing too well where one goes and how one goes there, but if the heat is sincere, if the will
of realization is pure, Mère will take your hands effort and will give him an unexpected direction and a width.
All depends on the extent to which some beings can put themselves sincerely and with enthusiasm with the
service of the New World to be built. If one wants to make a small Church or small a sect or an small group,
small a ashram moreover, one leads to the one of these innumerable charitable uselessnesss which stagnate, is
petrified in odor of holiness and breaks up. It is a new vibration which it is necessary TO INCARNATE, a
novel mode of “tending”. Yes, it is an Adventure - the chart of the New World is not made in advance.
Then Auroville-Canada and Auroville India can go hand in the hand with other innumerable points of
Truth throughout the world, and all together, invisibly joined together by the gold wire of the Experiment, push
slowly, or quickly, on the doors of the New World. Survival depends on the capacity to incarnate, of living the
experiment. One does not know really which is the experiment, but it is necessary to tend towards. Auroville-
France starts to flicker a little veraciously. Would be needed that all these small headlights of Mother, these
small lights of the New World, sweeps the terrestrial night more and more, crosses and recrosses, and forms a
first network of the new Harmony. It is necessary to begin some share, Mère will make the remainder.
With a fraternal smile,
* * *

11 octobre 1969
Chère Yolande,
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22 février 1971
Cher Roger,

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8 novembre 1971

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29 mai 1973

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Au sujet d’un article de Michel Gérard dans « La France australe » intitulé « La folie de Dieu »

2 mai 1974

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Réponse de Satprem la lettre du 12 septembre 1974 (traduit du français)

13 septembre 1974

You want to add my “influence” amid all the other competing influences ? I am no competitor in any ego race.
As long as the idea of any person, or the suprema aesthetics or truth of any person, sets itself against that of any
other, the Matrimandir is no more. We are not constructing an astrologically or mathematically perfect temple,
but Men in Unity. That is the foremost Matrimandir. In the vision from above, there are no centimetres : there is
an inner perfection which fit itself spontaneously into certain
measures. It is As inner perfection of the constructors of the Matrimandir which should be the exterior perfection
of the temple. It is not then a question of discussing centimetres or columns but of working towards the unity of
our consciousness. All the “waverings” between Mother's vision and the workers's translation give the exact
measure of the ego's interference. No egos will be rectified by omitting a few meters of concrete here and there
and by adding columns.
As far as I know, Mother has always considered Roger as the architect and the person responsible for the
work. Consequently, it is by coming to an understanding with him that it should be possible to rectify the
“errors'' if any.
If each one of the eminent persons attending to matters in Auroville wants to add his idea or his
interpretation or his particular truth, we shall get a Matrimandir with lumps, even if these lumps have ostensily
been inspired by the Mother.
I do know what Mother told me, but I am not going to shout : “Mother said, Mother said.. “. - I refer to
There are no contradictions in Mother, but many in our consciousness.
Good sincerity to all,
Regarding the aspiration you ask me
to share. . . may you all share my own !

* * *


November 10th, 1975

To some Auroviliens,

I passed my life to be apart from the “institutions " whatever they are. I even left in the forest because I
wanted of no law and any government.
Here, I was close to Mother, a point it is all.
I always saw and felt that the men needed to let themselves control because they are unable to have
themselves the vision and interior knowledge. But it is the only true government. The only one that I accept. If
not the forces change mask and all starts again under another ego.
Therefore, the situation of Auroville, whatever it is, is a makeshift while waiting for that each one
sufficiently lost its ego to see clearly and obey spontaneously at the rate/rhythm of the truth in perpetual
“We want a race without ego”, said Mère… it is the key of the true government of Auroville.
Here what Sri Aurobindo says: “Governments, societies, Kings, police force, judges, institutions, churches,
laws, customs, armies are temporary necessities imposed there custom for is few group off centuries, because
God has concealed his face from custom. When it appears to custom again in its truth and beauty, then in that
light they will vanish” (Thoughts and Aphorisms).
While waiting, that Auroviliens follow their highest conscience, and the results will be exactly
proportional to their sincerity and their abscence of ego.

* * *


25 Mars 1976

(a letter to an Aurovillian)

There is nothing wrong with Auroville. Auroville is in the process off being born. That is all. There is No
“fault” anywhere. There has flame which must awaken - At any cost. And Auroville will Be hammered till the
flame is born. And when it is born in the heart off the Aurovilians, this will Be the automatic coil government
off Auroville. Because that flame knows.

* * *

July 16th, 1976

With my brothers and sisters of Matrimandir,

in Auroville,

This accident should not have arrived. According to the spiritual law, it is the sign of the lie. And those
which believe that it is a “accident” veil the eyes not to see.
I like enough Auroville to say the truth to Auroville - and because, after all, Auroville interests me only if
it is a place where the truth can appear. Therefore, that one forgives me if the truth is not pleasant.
There is a double lie, and a long time ago that I knew that there was something which did not go in
Matrimandir, but it was necessary to wait the moment to say it - the men, alas, include/understand only when
they start to receive blows.
First lie. Those which believe that it is necessary to build “at all costs” Matrimandir and that the goal is to
build Matrimandir or two hundreds Matrimandir, are mistaken coarsely. It is not a question to build
Matrimandir: it is a question of building the men of the next world while making use of their effort symbolic
system. Mother makes fun of the tons of cement - It is interested in one gram of sincerity, with a very small
pure, conscious gesture.

* * *


I like very much your letter, it is a change from the spate of mental muddle and arrogant cries I receive
from all sides. There is a Need in you, you want to really know what is happening and it is your heart which
cries at last. I shall try, though English is somewhat difficult for expressing with clearness my feelings.
We may start from any end, it leads all to the same point. It is very striking that none of you seem to have
grasped the basic fact that after all Mother and Sri Aurobindo wanted to establish a supra-mental world, whish
means first of all that the mind must either disappear or be replaced by something else. Now all of you are
joyously walowing in the Mind each with his war-cry, his "Truth", his idea — specially this "at the service of
Thruth" has become a disgusting farce. Not only so, but all of you are very eager to seize all of Mother's words
and align them nicely, if possible in ten little paras, clean and dry, for hanging at his own special door, like
Moses with his Ten Commands. But truly we are fed up with this kind of Sinaï, and so were Mother and Sri
Aurobindo. So if you hope to seize Mother's Truth in writing and deliver it to the world and to Auroville, you
will land exactly in the kind of mess you all are in Auroville and in the world. Because the Truth is not a
mental thing and Mother is hammering this on the head of all nations and all groups and individuals till they
realize their own ineptitude and floundering panacea. This is especially hammered on Auroville's reluctant
head. Mother is purposely reducing the whole mental world into such a suffocating imbroglio of Truth-lie and
lie-Truth, or true lie and lying truths, that people will really need and want to breathe another air. Then the
Supramental will have its chance, not before. Until then you can align the whole of Mother's Agenda and put
in writing all of Her wonders, people will simply see nothing — the secrets are transparent. Another kind of
eyes are needed, other organs of understanding. And Auroville must understand in the first place that her
"raison d'être" is to work out other organs, another level of understanding, and finally another being beyond
the mental being. We are not here to buid a Matrimandir (and I will repeat that until I get a hoarse throat) nor
to grow cabbages, but to build a new being, and incidentally some cabbages to help his transitory way of
digesting, and some Matrimandirs to help his transitory way of meditating — and both are most useful as a
means towards developing this other things, supramental thing, which will dispense very well with all our
radishes and more of less spacious buildings. Sorry if I hurt your feeling, but this is a fact, an evolutionary fact,
and we are here to make a new evolution, is it not? So, by the same stroke, we put in this real perspective all of
our provisional attempts, be it a Committee, a kitchen for all, an external relations office, a Matrimandir or
what not. And if we miss the central thing, we miss everything — and we truly are in the process of a
resoundind crash if we do not sieze on this central fact.
Now, how are we to work out this other level of understanding and these new organs? It is not far, it is
nothing mysterious, it is there at hand at every moment of the day. We may just as well start with any of the
"big" problems of Auroville (believe me, it is very laughable if it were not so sad), the problem of a collective
organization for channeling all of Auroville's needs and projects towards the governmental commitee which
will be responsible for finances. If this simple Aurovilian body is properly constructed, everything can work
smoothly instead of a clash of conflicting ideas. Moreover, it would be a perfect test and occasion to bring
together the various communities and see whether they can understand each other and act as a single body. An
excellent excuse for developing the other level of understanding, which is a first step towards the "something"
Auroville was meant for.
Now, see how it works at the mental level. I can give you here a very good example of the mental prowess
(mind is the king acrobat). As you know some people in "Aspiration" have tried to work out something for
organizing this collective body dealing with external relations — good or bad, I am not here to judge their
merits nor the soundness of the thing — but they have tried and called all others to join in the attempt. The
mental response may be taken from a letter of one of you whom I do not wish to name, and it is very
illustrative of the mental "understanding", it might have been written by a dozen other Aurovilians here and
there : "So", says sarcastically the letter, "after an Auroville 'gestion Navajata', an Auroville 'gestion
Shyamsundar', we will have now an Auroville 'gestion française'..." Then, really, if such is the reaction in
people's minds, there is nothing left but to have an Auroville 'gestion nothingness' or call back Navajata, for,
indeed, this is exactly the kind of force which is destroying or wants to destroy Auroville. It plays on the
mental level, destroys every attempt, corrupts every endeavour, sows its seed of doubt and distrust and
jealousy, pushes up everyone against everyone. If Frederick had wanted to try some organization, it would
have been the 'German gestion', nicely labelled and condemned in advance. And everything is rottened and
corrupted in advance with this kind of reasoning — nobody can try anything, there is nothing to be done
except to entrench ourselves into our Swedish radishes, Italian Matrimandirs, and Swiss cows. And we are
supposed to be here to build another being! Moreover, mark that this kind of reasoning puts on the same
footing and by the same breath 'gestion Navajata' and 'gestion française' — of course those wonderful acrobats
have a wide mind and liberal views : those who put the Aurovilians in jail and blackmailed the Aurovilians, are
just human beings like those who are put in jail and resist the blackmailing — the complete muddle. Result :
nobody knows anymore where he stands and "everything is the same", and all are equally the children of
Mother and long live to Hitler! or to any other brother in the world. Now you have understood "everything"
and you are stuck like a fly in the mental "honey". And Auroville is nowhere. And the funny thing in this
mental game is that Satprem receives the same treatment from those Aurovilian voices as he receives from the
Ashram voices — the same kind of arguments and doubts and this and that... as if it were the same voice. And
it is the same voice, the same force, which is trying to corrupt all our attempts in advance. Now Satprem does
not care for himself, but he cares for this child of Mother which is Auroville. He has no ambition there except
to see this naughty child standing on his own feet and developing the real organs of perceptions and the new
level of understanding as a first step towards the "other being".
I have come, Patricia, to one conclusion. Men — I mean the male species — are hopelessly shut up in
their ineffectual and triumphant Reason — they can reason out anything and everything. After 2000 years of
male speeches we will be exactly where we are today and maybe Auroville will have a dozen Matrimandirs,
French, German, etc..., but not a single heart. We will have missed the purpose for which we gathered here. I
have always seen that women have a deeper perception and more direct understanding, something which is at
the level of the body because they bear children — this corporeal level is precisely the one on which Mother
and Sri Aurobindo work. We could say a physical understanding which can pierce through the mental mist and
seize directly on the reality of beings and facts and forces. Men have built around themselves a mental fortress
and whoever is outside the particular fortress is an "Enemy", a "rival", a German or French or Indian, someone
else, a foreigner of this or that Community, a suspect. It is a huge fog which distorts everything, every idea,
every attempt and throws a shadow on every candid vibration. At this stage, I do not believe that any man in
Auroville can do something useful for Auroville — but I believe that Women can. If only they could throw
themselves with all their hearts and break those pygmean male barriers more solid than the Himalayas, and
join together and try together to make this real heart of Auroville beat and pray and repeat the Mantra together,
then there is a hope for Auroville, then a new level of understanding will develop, then all these mental ghosts
and scarecrows will dissolve this unreality of Auroville — and the Truth will shine in its bare reality, physical
reality, out of the mental mist. Something will be born by their united hearts. Something true and simple and
joyous will beat among you — and suddenly, unexpectedly, you will find that the new species is born among
you. Mother's Truth will be like the air one breathes, escaped from all books and paras. Everything will be
seen in its simple clarity and the old mental world will crumble in a laughter or unreality. And Auroville will
be. Now go on, join together, find out the new living path.
With love, Satprem.

* * *
21 Décembre 1976


I like very much your letter, it is a change from the spate of mental muddle and arrogant cries I receive
from all sides. There is a Need in you, you want to really know what is happening and it is your heart which
cries at last. I shall try, though English is somewhat difficult for expressing with clearness my feelings.
We may start from any end, it leads all to the same point. It is very striking that none of you seem to have
grasped the basic fact that after all Mother and Sri Aurobindo wanted to establish a supra-mental world, whish
means first of all that the mind must either disappear or be replaced by something else. Now all of you are
joyously walowing in the Mind each with his war-cry, his "Truth", his idea — specially this "at the service of
Thruth" has become a disgusting farce. Not only so, but all of you are very eager to seize all of Mother's words
and align them nicely, if possible in ten little paras, clean and dry, for hanging at his own special door, like
Moses with his Ten Commands. But truly we are fed up with this kind of Sinaï, and so were Mother and Sri
Aurobindo. So if you hope to seize Mother's Truth in writing and deliver it to the world and to Auroville, you
will land exactly in the kind of mess you all are in Auroville and in the world. Because the Truth is not a
mental thing and Mother is hammering this on the head of all nations and all groups and individuals till they
realize their own ineptitude and floundering panacea. This is especially hammered on Auroville's reluctant
head. Mother is purposely reducing the whole mental world into such a suffocating imbroglio of Truth-lie and
lie-Truth, or true lie and lying truths, that people will really need and want to breathe another air. Then the
Supramental will have its chance, not before. Until then you can align the whole of Mother's Agenda and put
in writing all of Her wonders, people will simply see nothing — the secrets are transparent. Another kind of
eyes are needed, other organs of understanding. And Auroville must understand in the first place that her
"raison d'être" is to work out other organs, another level of understanding, and finally another being beyond
the mental being. We are not here to buid a Matrimandir (and I will repeat that until I get a hoarse throat) nor
to grow cabbages, but to build a new being, and incidentally some cabbages to help his transitory way of
digesting, and some Matrimandirs to help his transitory way of meditating — and both are most useful as a
means towards developing this other things, supramental thing, which will dispense very well with all our
radishes and more of less spacious buildings. Sorry if I hurt your feeling, but this is a fact, an evolutionary fact,
and we are here to make a new evolution, is it not? So, by the same stroke, we put in this real perspective all of
our provisional attempts, be it a Committee, a kitchen for all, an external relations office, a Matrimandir or
what not. And if we miss the central thing, we miss everything — and we truly are in the process of a
resoundind crash if we do not sieze on this central fact.
Now, how are we to work out this other level of understanding and these new organs? It is not far, it is
nothing mysterious, it is there at hand at every moment of the day. We may just as well start with any of the
"big" problems of Auroville (believe me, it is very laughable if it were not so sad), the problem of a collective
organization for channeling all of Auroville's needs and projects towards the governmental commitee which
will be responsible for finances. If this simple Aurovilian body is properly constructed, everything can work
smoothly instead of a clash of conflicting ideas. Moreover, it would be a perfect test and occasion to bring
together the various communities and see whether they can understand each other and act as a single body. An
excellent excuse for developing the other level of understanding, which is a first step towards the "something"
Auroville was meant for.
Now, see how it works at the mental level. I can give you here a very good example of the mental prowess
(mind is the king acrobat). As you know some people in "Aspiration" have tried to work out something for
organizing this collective body dealing with external relations — good or bad, I am not here to judge their
merits nor the soundness of the thing — but they have tried and called all others to join in the attempt. The
mental response may be taken from a letter of one of you whom I do not wish to name, and it is very
illustrative of the mental "understanding", it might have been written by a dozen other Aurovilians here and
there : "So", says sarcastically the letter, "after an Auroville 'gestion Navajata', an Auroville 'gestion
Shyamsundar', we will have now an Auroville 'gestion française'..." Then, really, if such is the reaction in
people's minds, there is nothing left but to have an Auroville 'gestion nothingness' or call back Navajata, for,
indeed, this is exactly the kind of force which is destroying or wants to destroy Auroville. It plays on the
mental level, destroys every attempt, corrupts every endeavour, sows its seed of doubt and distrust and
jealousy, pushes up everyone against everyone. If Frederick had wanted to try some organization, it would
have been the 'German gestion', nicely labelled and condemned in advance. And everything is rottened and
corrupted in advance with this kind of reasoning — nobody can try anything, there is nothing to be done
except to entrench ourselves into our Swedish radishes, Italian Matrimandirs, and Swiss cows. And we are
supposed to be here to build another being! Moreover, mark that this kind of reasoning puts on the same
footing and by the same breath 'gestion Navajata' and 'gestion française' — of course those wonderful acrobats
have a wide mind and liberal views : those who put the Aurovilians in jail and blackmailed the Aurovilians, are
just human beings like those who are put in jail and resist the blackmailing — the complete muddle. Result :
nobody knows anymore where he stands and "everything is the same", and all are equally the children of
Mother and long live to Hitler! or to any other brother in the world. Now you have understood "everything"
and you are stuck like a fly in the mental "honey". And Auroville is nowhere. And the funny thing in this
mental game is that Satprem receives the same treatment from those Aurovilian voices as he receives from the
Ashram voices — the same kind of arguments and doubts and this and that... as if it were the same voice. And
it is the same voice, the same force, which is trying to corrupt all our attempts in advance. Now Satprem does
not care for himself, but he cares for this child of Mother which is Auroville. He has no ambition there except
to see this naughty child standing on his own feet and developing the real organs of perceptions and the new
level of understanding as a first step towards the "other being".
I have come, Patricia, to one conclusion. Men — I mean the male species — are hopelessly shut up in
their ineffectual and triumphant Reason — they can reason out anything and everything. After 2000 years of
male speeches we will be exactly where we are today and maybe Auroville will have a dozen Matrimandirs,
French, German, etc..., but not a single heart. We will have missed the purpose for which we gathered here. I
have always seen that women have a deeper perception and more direct understanding, something which is at
the level of the body because they bear children — this corporeal level is precisely the one on which Mother
and Sri Aurobindo work. We could say a physical understanding which can pierce through the mental mist and
seize directly on the reality of beings and facts and forces. Men have built around themselves a mental fortress
and whoever is outside the particular fortress is an "Enemy", a "rival", a German or French or Indian, someone
else, a foreigner of this or that Community, a suspect. It is a huge fog which distorts everything, every idea,
every attempt and throws a shadow on every candid vibration. At this stage, I do not believe that any man in
Auroville can do something useful for Auroville — but I believe that Women can. If only they could throw
themselves with all their hearts and break those pygmean male barriers more solid than the Himalayas, and
join together and try together to make this real heart of Auroville beat and pray and repeat the Mantra together,
then there is a hope for Auroville, then a new level of understanding will develop, then all these mental ghosts
and scarecrows will dissolve this unreality of Auroville — and the Truth will shine in its bare reality, physical
reality, out of the mental mist. Something will be born by their united hearts. Something true and simple and
joyous will beat among you — and suddenly, unexpectedly, you will find that the new species is born among
you. Mother's Truth will be like the air one breathes, escaped from all books and paras. Everything will be
seen in its simple clarity and the old mental world will crumble in a laughter or unreality. And Auroville will
be. Now go on, join together, find out the new living path.
With love, Satprem.

* * *


24 march 1977

(To my companions of Auroville)

We are here, in Auroville, to learn the law of the new World, which is nor a mental law nor an
economic or political law, nor any of the insolvent cure-all remedies.
And all events - whatever they might be , seemingly happy or seemingly disastrous - are made to teach us that
Law and the mechanism of the real Power which will finally transform the world and our body, it is for this that
you came here: to learn the secret of the New World, to understand the real Law and to find the real Lever.
It is obvious that as long as we put our hope in the old mechanisms, as long as we depend on old powers
and look for protection in the old world, we can not access the New World, we can not find the Lever.
Everything has to drop from our hands, really, the old hopes and the old ideals as much as the old dirt and
the ancient ways.
We are maybe in the moment, today, where all drops from our hands, all the old supports, to find the only
Support – that which CAN really and which will make the new World, and which will make Auroville. As long
as there is another hope then that only Hope, we are off, we knock on old doors in an attempt to open the only
Door without key.
For she does not have any key, that Door. She has no external mean, no thing can open her. We had too
many “things” until yesterday, we relied on too many means, we looked for old keys. One takes away all from
our hands.
It’s maybe indeed the Moment of Grace in Auroville. The Moment in which we can open the Door because we
have nothing left.
It is possible, it is probable that all the old falsehoods will make their triumphal re appearance. They will make
their big spiritual circus and a terrific touristic Matrimandir and behind this their profitable business will take
refuge. They will make a terrific Mother Centenary at last deified thanks to their care. Mother’s words will flow
abundantly, the high priests of the Truth will have the law with them, the governments, the dignities, and the
unstained dhotis to replace a certain number of badly shaved loafers, who wanted to make another kind of world.
The cement mixers and the millions are against us.
It’s the eternal story of Christ and his disciples, of Karl Marx and his disciples – it’s the living Truth cut up and
legalized by their legitimated owners, in Rome as in Pondichery.
The “dissidents” are excommunicated. One will take away maybe their passport. All the reasons of the world will
be against them – they are stuffed with good reasons. The constables are with them.
Maybe we are indeed the thieves of the New World, the without reason of another Reason.
We have nothing in our hands, nothing in our pockets. And our impotence is our only Power.
Because, when nothing more is left, Something Else has to arise. When there are no more means, no more
doors, the only Outlet has to open up.
So, my companions, do understand this well:
We have been put EXACTLY in the circumstances needed to open the only door and create Auroville and
touch the Lever of the New World. Understand well that all our obstacles, our apparent defeats, our apparent
impotence, are THE Way and THE Lever. Because it’s only in that Nothing-there that the Some thing can spring.
Say to yourselves, understand well that everything is the path of Auroville, and that even when one chases you out
of Auroville, you are still on the path of Auroville, and that when, in your heart, where ever you might be, banished
or not, you are holding on to the only Positive of all that enormous non-sense, the only Mantra which beats in those
triumphant obscurities, you will open the door of the true Matrimandir within and you will come, you will come
back to build beyond your work because no one can triumph against that living Truth, it’s the only Reality among
Everything is the path of Auroville.
We are precisely at the moment of the Path.
We can not cheat to do it; you have to BE the path. The Mantra has to beat and beat in your heart. You have to call
Mother and Mother. You have to be naked and real. You have to find what is the own Power of the New World.
Then all ghosts will collapse.
It’s the Meaning itself of Auroville.


* * *

31 of August 1977

Dear Yolande,

Quickly a few line. Our friend is so marvelous, I discover it more and more. It is he himself I believe
who will go Thursday to Delhi to look for the two big suitcases. Therefore you will be able to come very soon as
soon as our friend gives you the green light. I hope that you will make the detour and come to my small terasse
in Nandanam. I feel that our treasures must soon leave India - radical things are preparing themselves here and in
the world. It is in France karma where Mother came from the new wave must leave. I sent to Harper’s in New
York, the first english volume that is just come out. Everything is materializing itself very quickly. We are
inevitably reaching a world intersection. I am waiting for the declic when everything will be in its place.
Things will necessarly go worst and worst in Auroville, up to when the claim field will be cleaned of
these impostors and corrupted financial people. It is umbelievable how much Navajarata plays on corruption,
Total from top to toe – money is flowing in rivers. But thanks to Him our Aurovillians are becoming very good
karma and awaken. They are becoming conscious of the other law that can change everything. I am happy but
squeezed with work.
These tapes of Mother, I don’t know if I should stock them in Paris, Because it is very cumbersomb. I
would like very much that it would be with you, without encumber you to much, in any case it should be
protected from humidity and too close radiators.
It will please me much to see you, you are in my heart. I have a high opinion of you, and I love you.

* * *
5th of October 1977

Dear Yolande,
I very much feel your presence and silent efficiency. This meating of three in Bombay, had I don’t
know what echo, as if an old understanding simple and profound lived over a number of times. Our friend is very
much in my heart, with a type of very conscious and active prayer, it should participate in the new world, that
this old failure should on the contrary be the prelude of a new realisation. I feel that Mother keeps and holds him
to her heart. He’s very dear and very pure.
We are cought up in the cuting of from the old world, it is painful in thouasand ways for everybody but
if one hold to the supreme positivity of this apparent negativity, then everything turns over differently and
becomes filled with sense. Our friend is 35 years old in his heart - he will live as long as he grows, he will live as
long as he believes. And if he belives in the new world, everything is possible and easy. I believe we are going
very quickly toward a radical uncoupling simply the change that I was telling your friend two years and four
months ago. The epicentre of Mother’s earthquake is in India, It is India that represents the battle of the world,
the place of battle. It is there also where the enemy is the most osbcure, the most thick, the most hidden, like the
beast in its hiding place. It is beginning to come out from its hiding place. You know one could say that the Veda
had been chased from India, although papers and tapes recordings of the new wolrd, despite all of our desperate
efforts to have them published here, that means a great night, a chaos where India will have to deliver its soul
from its falsifiers or die.
The soul of India cannot die. Indira is in Prison, it is another symbol like none the number besieged by
its falsifiers. The blows of the enemy are there to purify the soul in a mean time the tourment like a black cloud
is preparing itself that would like to swallow everything, but I feel the victory very close. Closer as the nightest
darker, only the black of black has to be crossed, and then just one breath and will all go. May our firend keep
his prayer in his heart, I have the feeling that these prayers are significant for all of India, as if some pure
vibrations here and there had the possibility to establish the contact with the Grace and to change everything.
One needs him there, india needs him.
I would be curious to know what Therese de Saint phalle said about my letters to the west, if she intend
to do anything with them. In fact I would like to above all unlink the institute from the old circle of Mother and
Sri Aurobindo followers and some aurovillians to put that on a universal, scientific scale, without small schools
and churches.
Here, nothing to say. It is the poison battle, one has years and years on one shloulders, strange how I felt
lightened as soon as I left for Bombay with you. Finally one should hold on to the mother’s vibration in the
middle of that poison. It is that that will disolve all the nightmare. I embrace you with Sujata.


* * *

25th of October 1977

To an Aurovillian,

I took my time answering you. Excuse me. The all book and the all experience say that Mother is not
dead – I am here to tell it to the world. She is not physically dead. Your vision says it also : She is only veiled to
our physical vision of the old species. It is this staring of veile that would be the first step, the first phase of the
new world. So we will emerge from our false matters or false death (or rather from a false matter wich is the
veile of death) and we will see her. She has chosen this procedure or terrible strategie because no one was able to
support her here – It was necessary for her to hide. The toom is her hiding place.
Time is necessary to transform oneself : One was not giving her enough time, and this transformation is
only possible if the survivors of the old species are already awaken or modified, purified, to support the vibration
of the vision of the new species. What is needed is a minimum of collective transformation, already the way
things were it was unbearable for Mother’s surrounding entourage, they didn’t want her anymore. If one looks at
the world, one well sees the swarming of the entire old species that struggles under the new power, of irresitible
transformation that is working itself out that resists and says no - one can also look at the parts that refuse in one
body. Death is planted in each of us.
Everybody has to win the victory of the new species and it will be these small individual victories, these
awakenings here and there, more and more this growing understanding this growing adhesion that prepare and
accelerate the moment.
Yes you say it well my formal remain and need tending to while I am gone, until I return. Ma forme
restera et elle a besoin qu’on en prenne soin pendant que je suis parti et jusqu’à ce que je revienne.
This « tending », ce soin de Mère is the principal process, this body of Mother it is not only enclosed in a
body of skin and bones those vibrant living cells, universal that are repeating and repeating the Mantra, or can be
also in our own bodies and in the bodies of everybody, and all those who accept and culivate the new vibration.
They are those who accept, they are those who call, who unate themselves with the vibration of Mother, that
make her becoming in their bodies, yes they are taking care of her, and letting themselves be filled up with her.
And when these small vibrations accross the world will have grown enough have sufficiently taken a body when
they will be suffiecently awakened everywhere it will be like as if our old vibration our crying need of love our
call went to meet the same vibration there in Mother’s body in that toom and would wake her up. Yes the
sleeping beauty fairy tale for the new world. One must knock at the door of that toom, one must cross that wall
of the coffin and the cavern yes cross that false matter in our own matter then she will be there. Our wakening is
her wakening. Then I shall return. Or if one can surrender with enough love and care how she would come back,
or maybe she already there smiling amongst us, waiting for the moment where we can bear the glory and beauty
of the new world. At the end a breath will suffice one must knock at the door of that false death one must
hammer and hammer against that coffin up to the point where her cells can hear us or perceive that she is there.
It is in one’s own body that must percieve, it is the cells that make the bridge. Every time that a vibration is pure
in our consciousness in our heart in our bodies, Itwill directly touch the body of Mother there in that toom and
prepare her real wakening. Mother cannot be lightening like or miraculous, like an apparition amongst us one
must create the miracle in one’s own matter it should be the miracle of everyone one has to communicate. Does a
larver percieve a buterrfly when it begins to percieve that is to communicate with the other thing it is already on
the road of transformation – the cells of the world must go to meet Mother then it will be the simple and natural
miracle one will be there it is that taking care of Mother’s body to hammer and hammer again that coffin of
falsehood the old larver skin that does not want to die to emerge in the new light on earth.
How if the new vibration could be pure enough to break through this concrete barrier and feel and touch the
body of mother to embrace it forever. Sometimes I look and look at this coffin that neck where a ray of sun was
shining on that ray of sun shown on I tell myself that I cannot love her enough to bring her out of there otherwise
surely she will answer me and will come and break this coffin or that toom on the head of those adores in white
lord lets pull her from there ! Then they will be scare and the ghosts in this ray will spread out with their incense
sticks and their letters of property, in front of the smile of the new world.
It is that the true Kouroukshetra of the world one must be with them who our drawing her from there not with
those who want to keep her enclose forever for one or two centuries of their impostures and their lies. That is
taking care of Mother, it is to make her become in us, it is to force her to come out of her hiding place where
falshood emprisonned her it is to make vibrate and vibrate a small vibration in our bodies up to the moment
when the two meet.
So let us make the bridge, let us through a gold string across the night walls. Oh come on let be those who call
and bring the new world, let us break the toom like the rishis would break the rock with their cries, let us wake
her up forever let us wake up from this night that is strangling us and may the true earth be.
With lots of Love.

* * *


7th of January 1978


The words of Mother are always actions. She says, or she sees, and it is done it is like that. You have
received from her grace. The essential is to always remain plastic and transparent so as not to block the
unfolding. And always the words of Mother have a double sense for the individual and for the world. She never
sees the little isolated individual point her progress and her development are the development of the world
around. You have not received anything from a double grace for you and for your action around the essential
thing is not to deform or deviate the ray in its passage. The more one is pure, the more ones action is becomes
direct in the spite of oneself.

It is probably what I felt when I without knowing believed you were one of Mother’s instrument in
Canada. It all depends on the extend you will be able to dissolve your ego. The instrument in fact is not he or she
or put himself in the center it is that one who makes other instruments be born when all the little individual
points become united by the same golden strings, the work will unfold automatically, in innumerably centered.

Your question for an association of Auroville is therefore very pertinent. Auroville does not have any
sense except to the point where each individual or each country build Auroville up in it. It is that the model of a
distant city it is a new being to build up in oneself and because of this internal remodeling a new type of
association or collective communication and as it is not a mental model that one put on rails once and for all a
new type of collectivity has to grow up spontaneously Model itself spontaneously according to the proper
necessity of each country and the particular qualities of each country One must only make a step towards – go
step by step and circumstances will create the rest above all no preconceived ideas or schemas may things grow
from within as a tree grows from the seeds but it has to be a pure seed It is a new species to build up not a little
church with a few convenient and pleasant ideas. Auroville India remains like a first project that everybody must
and should help like a first laboratory where one can find already some hints in this but it is not Auroville down
there that matters particularly but the Auroville where one is and first of all in once heart and once experience A
few of us not very well knowing where one is going and how one gets there but if the order is sincere if the will
for realization is pure Mother will take the effort from your hands and give it a direction and unexpected
amplitude Everything depends on the extend which certain people can give themselves sincerely and with
enthusiasm to the service of the new world to come If one wants to make a new small church or little sect or little
group or one more little ashram one arise another one of those innumerably useless and charitable things that
stagnate petrified themselves in a saintly order and decompose themselves. It is a new vibration one must
incarnate a new way of tending towards yes it is an adventure the map of the new world is not made before him
So Auroville Canada and Auroville India can walk hand in hand with other innumerable points of truth crossed
the globe all together invisibly united by the golden thread of the new world survival depends on the possibility
to incarnate to live the experience one does not where truly is the experience one must head toward Our friend is
becoming to shine truthfully Although little light houses of Mother should shine Those little lights of the new
world to sweep away the terrestrial light that cross and cross again and form a new first network of new harmony
one must start somewhere Mother will do the rest.

With the fraternal smile


* * *

20th of January 1978

Dear Yolande,

It is frightening the police like dimension of this Ashram with spies everywhere, copy telegrams, bugged
phones, last letters disappeared, followed journeys, even plane tickets and taxi are on their list – It is not the iron
curtain, but a frightening curtain of falsehood it is time that the impostors crumbles what a battle since four
years ! Of course, Mother has supported us all along but without this support of this handful devoted friends, It
would have been very difficult almost impossible. This coming out of the Agenda is truly the symbol of the birth
of the new world, in despite all of the dangerous obstacles of the old world. Even if I disappear today, the work
is by now sure I would like very much that our friend Andre Brancourt tells a bit about this fabulous adventure
of Mother, The great possible that she had come to saw in the hearts and the bodies of men there was nothing so
important since the beginning since the first man began to think and create the mental world - Now it is another
vibration that will remake the world. One should not fail this great first step of the new world.

Me I am truly a warrior of the pen Fortitudes style (but to say truthfully I prefer the machete) but the fact
is we have to make this volume of the agenda come out in beauty and dignity Mother has paid dearly for this
experience to truly see those who fight to the death to impede censure or ashramise this message one understand
the greatness of the gamble if I had not been there after all this message would have been pitilessly cut and
commercialized like Auroville and we would have seen the flowering of one more church one would have
replaced the experience with a cult The fact that I had not gone to the Steak is a good luck for the Twentieth
century, but I am besieged, surrounded by police and spies and I do no know if my bones will survive or last or
weather my heart this quite ferocious struggle after all they have already excommunicated me but how our friend
Tata help me with this combating courage full of heart.

Our friend Aigueperse was very impressed by his visit to Auroville. He had expected to find another grouping
but he has discovered a laboratory where men are trying to live.

When we have been surrounded by policemen and strangle by financiers one must absolutely find another
is that the laboratory. A material force stronger than the other false matter we are all living. The other side of the
web one must go there an put his energy at work it is that deep down the true creativity. Instead of creating on
paper or “epures” one create in once body – one invents man we are irredeemably higher monkeys having come
back from America misunderstood a well understands the emergency of the new experimentation that can only
make us leave the monster. Or then the monster becomes more and more monstrous until it will explode why not
by preference explodes into the true earth? It is that that Andre Brancourt should see truly, How much the
situation has to be practical experimental and physiological the new physique is very good but it has to be
applied what would the new physique of reptiles on the way to extinction if they did not invent wings there
should be a few of us that invent those wings there thus the agenda is a great event my heart is full and a bit
beating because of this first coming out of the agenda if only Mother could make a royal entry where Sri
Aurobindo was looking for only two hundred readers, it would be very comforting and I could leave this
Pondichery for good seeking a place elsewhere. I would like to forget this nightmare and enter into the new life
of beauty and creativity.

I am happy that you are there.


* * *
Nandanam, February 1978

With my friends, readers and readers,

We are dispersed, moved away, each one on its small continent, with small concern, great concern, and
the life like the every day. However, it is not any more like the every day, a marvellous history seeks to slip
through the meshs of our screen - if we want well. What let us can be made to help this history, to hasten its
Moment - it would be necessary so much that goes more quickly. The Earth is painful, our small continents are
so gray and out-of-date. Here and there, we are some like points of burning thirst and that to make to help this
new species to be born among us.
Certainly, greatest help is to call this “another thing”, this tomorrow of the ground, in its heart, its acts, its
thoughts, with each step, each gesture, dully, obstinately, as one knocks with a door, like a call of oxygen, and
the hope and the smile in this suffocating life. To call, it is to invisibly make push the wings of the other
species, it is to make a hole in the carapace of the practice. If there were not a need, never the species would
not have left their sticky hole. We are in the sticky hole of the Mental one. To call - one does not know what -,
it is already to grope in the Future, it is already to touch a shone upon beach for which we do not have eyes yet.
But perhaps one needs much eyes so that it is - a new species, that is done together, there is a gilded contagion,
as one day much of birds took their flight for the sunny country. If we were much, perhaps that would hasten
the hour of the Country of Mother.
This call inside, you can make it divide, wake up it around. To work with the great Supramentale
Contagion. We need to be together, not like the followers of a new Church, packed well around some
convenient ideas. The “idea”, it is not convenient whole. It is rather as if an infinity of research in all the
directions were to ignite around a central Direction, of a central Push, a force which excentriquement propels
each small point of light while making him cross layers of different consciences, zones of different human
actions. In the passing of a layer, each one lights the corresponding points which, in their turn, will clear other
zones. It is a whole terrestrial whole of work which takes place. It is necessary that many types of vibrations
arrive at the point of change: a painter or a surgeon does not have the same manner “of operating”, and yet the
end of their concentration can lead to another universe, which is the same one. It is necessary to lead to another
universe, like a multitude of exit or perforation points of the old bubble which imprisons us. It is inevitably the
phenomenon which is occurring. It is necessary to include/understand the Direction of the phenomenon, which
is not to make super surgery or supers tables, but to lead to another capacity to be. To include/understand, it is
to hasten the phenomenon, it is to take part in the great Contagion of the New World.
The experiment of Mother, it is the Force of Propulsion. Then, we will find ourselves all, not packed up in
a small Church, but burst and inexpressibly joined together in another material dimension, like as many
butterflies on the Nouvelle meadow.
Practically, you pouver to help with Work by répendant Work, the Direction, the Dynamics of all that. It is
necessary that others touch. Is needed that other feels, breathe a little this light air which tries to thread
between the meshs of the screen. The Thing should be tasted. To let itself go a little to That… You who love
Mère, which felt this Smile, this large Possible to beat, give you a little. Leave your shell. Carry this
unperceivable quivering of the New World. The books of Mother, the Diary, are not really “books”, nor even a
“explanation”, a new philosophy: it is a capacity of action, it is a Force moving, it is a Lever. If you put it in
the hands of a friend, in the window of a bookstore of your district or your city, in a corner of newspaper or
review, on an end of improvised poster, they will act beyond any comprehension, at the most unexpected
levels, like a radioactive ore. It is perhaps well the ore of the New World. Then, you empoignez, made Work.
A grain of Heart has unexpected results. By filling others you will be filled. And finally, we all together, will
be filled there, in this garden of the future which is the direction even of this million years of inadequate
mental species.
If each one of you touches ten people, it will have done a priceless work.
If we look at a little the “small miracles” of Mother multiplying around us with this so light smile… to
multiply as long as the world will melt in a smile and the other Law will take us by surprised as small the
axolotl désembourbé.
That your smile embraces always more smiles. That the Earth is light.

* * *

13th of September 1978

Dear Gloria,

I did not have the time to answer your long last letter but you have found the answer yourself! In fact I
believe that Mother always gives the answer when one calls her with one’s all heart but it is not a mental answer
it is often a response in facts and material circumstances inescapable situations that arrange themselves in an
unexpected way. You should perhaps pray that she arranges things situations according to harmony. It is not
necessary that you suffer. Mother does not like to make her children suffer the low and obscure thing in us have
the sufficient occasion to come out without it been necessary to provoke and excite them. Why do you go on
purpose to choose painful situations if you can deal otherwise? It is better on the contrary to have the courage
the necessary separations before everything becomes rotten or it is too late. When one is clear things are easier
that is the say when one says the things clearly and calmly the way one feels then if that foreign presences to
bothersome say clearly and strongly and take the necessary measures before it is too late.

I think frequently of you and Martha all of you. Give Pierre all my fraternal friendship. May the beauty
grow in your hearts and your lives.

With lots of Love Satprem.

* * *
5 octobre 1978
(Lettre à deux Auroviliens)

* * *


7th of October 1979

Dear Gloria Dear Pierro,

It has been a while that I have wanted to write you to tell you my affection for you but I had lots of work I
have just finish my new book a fairy tale I read that awful letter of the Sri Aurobindo Society kicking Pierro out
in the name of the ideal of human unity (with the police behind it all). Are there still some blind people in
Auroville I want to tell you something we are now reaching the end of the battle these are the last days or months
they are defeated. They are desperate and they are behaving as desperate people. Keep your faith and your
courage despite all the appearances and soon soon Auroville will be free. What is absolutely needed is that some
pure beings like you Gloria like a few others keep their flame their faith in Mother they imagine that she is dead
they think that Sri Aurobindo is dead ! but soon when all the circumstances are ready in India and in the world
they will show us the marvelous truth they are preparing for the Earth and all those ghosts will disappear like rats
last days of the struggle are the most difficult but there is only our flame our love for them that can take us to the
other side nothing else.


May the confidence the faith the flame be with you.

* * *

12th of July 1980

Dear Gupi,

Mother made you a beautiful gift. One must never be afraid. She takes us by the hand through all the
details and one lets one self be taken by her from the moment one gets out the small mental box everything is in
a great rhythm so sweet and light and vast. One must learn how to live there it is the big secret, truly, to open
one’s hands. It is to you to you for you and all of the rest has no importance.
Fraternally Satprem.

* * *
August 7th, 1980


You are a little the heart of Auroville. Even its suffering, its discouragement, its impatience belong to the
beat of this heart - it is necessary to continue to beat, it is all, whatever appearances. The evil of Auroville, it is
that he lives too much in appearances, then today they are marvellous and full with hope, tomorrow it is
abominable and despairing, and still the kaleidoscope turns and the consciences turn like small puppets. And
then it is hoped that SAS will disappear soon and then one despairs… It is as the clouds which pass on the sea:
all shines and then very dies out. In fact, Auroville lives in its Mental and its desires - the Mental one can be
idealistic and noble, the desires can be right and generous, but all that, it is the human pulp, and one does not
leave there, and that continues 4677 more years until the men have enough of their admirable ideas and their
invaluable feelings. The monkeys also were due to their invaluable gymnastics in the trees.
But really, Ba Ba of the new world, it is to learn how to live in another depth to be it where appearances
do not touch more than the clouds touch the deep sea. On this basis, on this major and immutable solidity,
another being can start to build itself - if not, we will always build circus.
They is heard, it is necessary that these swindlers disappear, it is necessary that Matrimandir either built, it
is necessary that Auroville or free - but free for what? - for the small heaps polichinelles ones which will
continue their speeches of polichinelles and their feelings the polichinelles ones? Who will be in Auroville?
Who will meditate in Matrimandir? - the same old men catches?
Auroville will not advance a step as long as it will not understand that it is its heart which must change
and which all is a PRETEXT to oblige it to make this deep change. Which interest, a town of more? a temple
moreover? if is not there to live with another way, another conscience.
Battles it of Auroville is only one very small symbol of the battle of India and the battle of the world - you
will release the world, to purify India in a few days? Do you understand only that your own purification and
your own transformation and your own interior release are the most powerful assistance which you can bring
to India and the world? It is this battle which it is necessary to deliver in oneself and each day, instead of
turning like wind vanes with least appearances.
India is in a serious situation, like the whole world; there is an immense corruption, as that of SAS under
your eyes - it is not in a few days nor month that Indira Gandhi can clean the immense stable of India. But you
can help while becoming more and more what Auroville must become: a place where will be born a new
conscience and a new way of being on the ground. If you change yourselves, the remainder will change more
quickly - but if you remain the same small human idiots, how want you that other human even the more idiotic
Will Auroville understand that it is a laboratory? The place where another conscience is manufactured.
The “release” of Auroville, it is initially the release of the small consciences which are contained in Auroville.
Then really, I am very sad to learn, for example, whether my brothers of Aspiration condemned or judged
badly Michel under pretext that the businesses with Dehli did not go more quickly or not better - are rather
childish and small and jealous, and really ridiculous, to have still similar “judgments” ones on the others. One
will thus not leave this “judging” humanity, will always be necessary it that one has lawsuits between us - then
yes, I understand that you have a score of “short boxes” on the back! They are well deserved.
Michel made and makes very a good work, and I estimate what it did, and our friend Sir SPN Singh did
and makes a difficult work, and I estimate what it did, and Kireet did and makes a hard work, and I estimate
what it does. It would be time to leave these small appearances stupid and obscure to plunge a little deeper in
the heart, where one includes/understands really what occurs behind appearances. There, one
includes/understands the beings and the circumstances, and what they are really. And from there one can act to
change the things.
It is necessary that Auroville plunges in its heart and left appearances.
It is necessary that Auroville ceases cheating with its goal and becomes really it for what it was made.
Gloria, I kiss you and I have confidence.

My tenderness with Marta. My friendship with Piero.

* * *
September 21st, 1980


Your letter is good. You can see clearly. But the mental one is a malignant snake which twists the tail - it
is without exit. It is necessary to have courage to pass beyond, not to fall into some mystical pulp nor spiritual
somnolence, but because there is a larger clearness across, and even a larger effectiveness.
Only one does not pass beyond the mental one by the forces of mental and one does not fight against the
mental one with the fists of mental, it is obvious.
You have a Treasure at your disposal, it is Mantra de Mère. You do not have the right to let the small
mental one throw his dribble on this Treasure and doubt - the function of mental, it is to doubt all. Then seizure
this Treasure so invaluable - that it is the release, this Mantra-là, one passes through all with that - it is Mantra
de Mère. You cannot know what it is, but it there forever have such a pure purity in the terrestrial atmosphere.
All the others “will mantra” are turns of travelling acrobats to have this and that. That, this Mantra-là, it is a
pure divine gift, if pure, if ingenuous.
Repeat it like a mule, until it assembles in the cells of your body, and go ahead!

I cannot maintain correspondence, too much work. But Mère is there.

* * *

Dehli, Feb. 20, 1981

My friends and brothers,

I want some deeper understanding from you.

We are not here for small things, not even for a "big Auroville"; but for a more portentous thing.
Certainly, the first aim is to lend our body and soul to the Force so that it can re-mould our humanity. But
there is also a world-meaning in Auroville. This new humanity or whatever it is, is not a personal achievement,
not even a group achievement — it concerns the whole of humanity. If this world of ours is blown to
smithereens, then there is no humanity at all. Giant powers are confronting each other. And what can we do
about it? What can Auroville do about it?
Here you have to understand a little the world-meaning of Auroville beyond our small affairs.
And I say that we can do something. By a unique Grace as never happened in recent History, the so-called
Iron-Curtain is opening up for us. Mrs Zhivkhova is coming to Auroville. Mother had long, long prayed for
such an opportunity. She had repeatedly said in Her Agenda that "Auroville is a chance for humanity to avoid
a Third World-War".
So, please do understand in your heart and body the deep significance, the vast significance of Mrs
Zhivkhova's visit — don't talk about small things, don't think of small things — think of the great thing, the
great chance. Have a real Prayer in your heart, widen your small horizon and rise to the occasion.
You know, we are here to tread a new path in our own body- consciousness. We are here to open our
small humanity to a new experiment. It is not a matter of creed and dogma and philosophy and policies; it
transcends all ideologies whether capitalistic or socialistic; all religions and all atheism; all races whether
white or black or yellow. We have to survive, and we can only survive if we change our human structure. On
this point every human being can agree, whether from the East Bloc or the West Bloc. And we are here to
attempt this experiment in our soul and body. Here all ideologies can meet, all creeds or non-creeds can meet.
And this meeting-point is Auroville.
We must call Mrs Zhivkhova and other representatives to come from America or Africa, with our deepest
heart, call them to share in this Human Experiment, in this new evolution, and to send from their countries a
few human samples who will join in this Experiment — we cannot succeed unless it is a world-experiment.
The Iron-Curtain or the Dollar Curtain or the Bamboo Curtain and all the curtains can fall only if we find the
central point where all the human barriers melt into a deeper Necessity.
We know what this deeper Necessity is and we are here to try it. Let the new wave start from one point at
least, from one small corner of the world. Let us try together the New Being. Let us change this catastrophic
wave menacing to engulf the world into a new wave of creation and hope. Instead of confronting the old
international ghosts of terror and war, let us confront our own deeper Humanity whith its own future and its
own challenge.
Here we can all meet and here we can all try.
This is the real world-meaning of Auroville.

My prayer is burning with yours,


* * *


April 2nd, 1981

(For Auroville c/o the Co-operative)

Friends and brothers,

Jean-Marie gave me your large envelope for the Diary.

You cannot know as I was touched. Immediately, I went to put that at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and I said
to him: “You see, that, it is Auroville which gives for the work of Mother.”
You did that with your heart, but you do not measure very well the importance of the gesture which you
made. It is very important. It is as important as the installation of the first stone of Matrimandir. It means that
your material being included/understood a little what the presence of Mother means on the ground. It is as a
pont direct which you threw between your physical being and the Grace of the future.
What you do not know, perhaps, it is that these Diary, they are not books, it is not a teaching, they are not
even experiments; it is beyond all that, more powerful than all that: it is the body of Mother. It is its alive Force
to transform the world. Without that, there is no Auroville. Without that, there is not again world. It is not a
book: it is a powerful radioactive ore. You can read it and include/understand, or not include/understand, or a
little include/understand what there is inside, but that little really imports; what is essential, it is that you touch
this book, it is that you touch this Force, it is that you come into contact with the Force which CAN transform.
It is that, the Diary.
And then, Mère appreciated the material gesture so much “to give”, yes, of banknotes. The money, it is
precisely the den of Adver- saire. It is that which always goes to the egoistic use, even if its appearances are
altruistic. But to give for Mother, it is a concrete act which is more important than all philosophies, the
speeches or even the more or less cloudy feelings which one wraps the things. To give, that wants to say to
make take part its body.
Then, I am sure that your gesture has a deep sense for the future, and that it is a promise and a blessing for
Perhaps what you do not know, either, it is that this Diary, it is a little (or perhaps much) the symbol of the
battle of the New World. It is a formidable battle, whose Auroville is only one small reflection. What could
include/understand some men, two thousand years ago, around a being which was called Christ? What did they
know, these some men, from what was going to become the seed thrown by Christ? What do we know, today,
of the direction of Mother and Sri Aurobindo? And will this seed, once more, be perverted, imprisoned in a
religion, locked up in a politico-spiritual power? Or will it bear fruit and radiate it free lies and completely with
its Capacity living to change the ground?
This Diary, it is all the battle of the future. You do not know which battle really…
Today, it is in India that the battle of the world is played. It is capital that the Diary is spread in India and
wakes up this deadened heart. It is that which can save India and Auroville. You do not know all the material
and invisible obstacles. But your gesture has a great importance in this battle.
I thus want that this money goes to the work of the Diary to India. If you want to continue your effort in
the future, I would wish that your offering be made anonymously, when you want it, with the Co-operative, in
a special envelope reserved for the Diary. It is not at all a question of giving two rupees or thousand rupees. It
is the question of your material awakening within the meaning of the Diary. It is not a money superfluity
which you give, it is something of different, which is not measured numerically. Practically, materially, this
envelope can be to me sent here, at home, if you wish it. But it is necessary that I give you some details on the
practical organization of the distribution of the Diary in India.
We were thus obliged to constitute a legally recorded organization which is called: ADITI REFLECTED
CENTERS. It is this organization which deals with the Diary in India. It is Michel (Danino) who occupies
himself some since the beginning and which made good work. It is its work with Auroville, as others deal of
the gardens, Matrimandir or the kitchen. By concéquent, finally, this envelope, I will give it to Mira Aditi
Center, today and in the future.
The Co-operative can thus proceed as she wants: either to send these envelopes here to me, or to give
them directly to Mira Aditi, but in all the cases, it is its final destination there. And I insist on the anonymity
necessary of the gifts. Because it is a direct business between Mère and each one.
Our goal with Mira Aditi is not only to regulate all the problems of impression and of edition of the books,
there is also the problem of the translation, and some beings devoted themselves to this work, also in Auroville.
And then especially, it is the problem of publicity and the diffusion. There too, you can help, each one with
your manner, to spread these books among your friends and relations in India. IT IS NECESSARY, it is
necessary that these books reach thousands and million people: it is the safety of India.
There is thus this advertizing problem, if I then to say, and of diffusion. It is obvious that for a long time,
our company will be overdrawn, but certainly, little by little, these books must represent a materials source of
revenue. It was decided that all the possible profits of the sale of these books would go in Auroville, like all the
profits of the other activities of Auroville, and it was decided that the possible benefit of the sale of these
books would be used to constitute a printing works interned tionale with Auroville. It is necessary that
Auroville has its printing works and radiates its action throughout the world. It would be so beautiful to see
this Diary published and printed with Auroville.
Such are the broad outlines of our action plan to which you can cooperate, each one with your manner.
Practically still, I would wish, if you have practical suggestions to make or proposals, that you directly do
them in Michel, since he is the person in charge of this work. I am always ready to listen to you and read your
letters, but you will understand that I am very workload and of various battles. I suggest that, from time to time,
Michel keeps the Co-operative and Auroville the informed of the development of our work (insofar as it is
possible without indiscretions).
I do not leave you.
I am with you at every moment in the battle - yes, at every moment, I can say it.
Your gesture makes me hot in the middle. I am very moved, really. I am very content for Auroville. I feel
that Mère surrounds you in her arms.
Can you wake up more and more with concrete, material perception of its love and its grace so active, so
I love you, I am your brother of always and for always.

* * *

September 10th, 1981


What you say is primarily true, but not very practically true if we have judged some by the circumstances
for 8 years - 1973.
It is true that the only capacity of our sincerity should have obliged the elements undesirable from to go
away or to change. And I find that to a certain extent we succeeded, because eight years ago, Auroville was a
kind of muddy soup where all kinds of more or less unconscious and more or less desirable people splashed:
did the mongeese embras- saient the snakes and were made bite in the name of the “Human Unit” - to know if
it were the unit of the poison or the unit of the truth? And then there was a certain number of limaceux which
were neither on a side nor other and let simply their trail of sticking and spiritual dribble to decorate the
situation and to try to take the place of both others - I do not know what is preferable, of the dribble or venom,
and perhaps if the three joined together would not make another soup which, at the end of some generations of
Auroviliens, about the year 2000 or after the Flood, would make ideal Auroville?
Me, I find that our enemies helped us much: for 8 years, it has crowned one there progress in the
conscience of Auroviliens - they started to open the eyes, to see clearly, to put each thing about at its place:
one knows who is Leon and who is Caméléon! It is an enormous progress. The undesirable ones helped us to
see what was desirable - to know what one wants all in all: pulp of cat to the slug or what? Then now, 8 years
afterwards, you want to start again the experiment of the pulp of cat to see whether that will make human unit
with the end? “To remove the hooks of the snake”, do you say? Eh well, thus tests! Here are a few thousands
of years that various prophets and Avatars came to try the aforementioned operation. But all the same, at the
end of the day, at the end of the painful history, the human poor started to see a little more clearly and to leave
a little less emberlificoter by the devil - i.e. in the year 1981, all is more or less uncovered, exposed: one sees
the little devils grouiller publicly; they had to drop on the way their false spiritual aureoles and their false
moustache - one knows who is what. It is that, the real progress of the Earth: it is not that it swallowed and
transformed the undesirable ones, it is that it arrives at the point where it starts to know or to guess the only
Désirable thing. “Apocalypse” (Greek word), that does not want to only say “to reveal”, that wants to say to
expose. It is the time of the setting to naked. Clothing falls, of snake, chameleon or baboon, and one knows
what is there, one is what one is and anything else. And if you are not, misfortune with you.
We are thus in this situation, in Auroville, where the masks more or less fell. It is the immense progress of
Auroville. Now, these uncovered, that will you make? To be “neutral”? But it is not neutrality, it is pulp of cat
to the slug, I said it to you! To drive out? But we are not gestapo! Then what?
Then it seems to me that cleaning necessary, very necessary, can be done in a simple way: Auroviliens can
agree on a certain number of material points (I do not say spiritual, I say material) like, for example, not of
personal profits, not of personal money, not of drugs, not of “prosperity” on the right and on the left, but only
one co-operative center who distribute the needs and receive gifts… etc…, one can make a list. Then,
automatically, you will see a certain number of small slugs and average snakes which will say non-non-non.
And the sorting will be made. Those which do not want to follow the law of Auroville have to only go
elsewhere to make their own law. The whole is of knowing what one wants. It is not a question any more of
hiding behind a spiritual coat and great words, but of defining some simple material points which will form the
practical code of Auroville, here all. Then one accepts or one does not accept, but one cannot at the same time
hold up the flag of Mother and make his small particular business or distribute money on the right and to sow
corruption on the left.
What Mère said of the corruption of India is perfectly applicable to Auroville: “As when one puts a fruit
rotted beside a good - England came, it remained too a long time, that rotted much…” (Diary of July 14th,
1962). It should be known if you want to put “order” on your premise and that the house is clean. One “drives
out” nobody: one puts each one in front of the choice of cleanliness or the rot.
It is simple.
It is clear.
It is a question of odor.
With you in the fresh air,

: One should not confuse the “softness of heart” and the softness of the rag, because Kalki also is armed
with a sword.

(2): In fact, one of great confusions with Auroville (and a little everywhere), is of a mental and pseudo-
spiritual nature. Many people seem to forget that there exist various plans of reality or conscience, and that
what is true on a plan, is not it, or not yet, on another plan. Thus, it is true on the supramental plan that all is
Divin, but it is not true on the material plan that Sri Aurobindo and Mr Guruprasad are also divine. It is as true,
on the plan supramental as all is equal in the Divine one, a grain of sand or the exploits of Alexandre, but it is
not true on the material plan which the coolie or Einstein is of an equal value. It is true on the supramental plan
that all is ONE and fraternal, but it is completely false to believe, on the material plan, that the skill of a
swindler is equal to that of an engineer and that snakes avalent step small birds. These are simple truths, that
much seems to be unaware of. What is true, it is that this plan of truth, supramental, tries to infiltrate in the
material plan in spite or through the material darknesses, but its action first when a drop, one small drops
supramentale goes down in this mud pit, it is to show with mud its true nose and the small aspiration its truth
capacity - but it is not true that this mud and this aspiration are pareillement divine, although the smothering of
mud can lead to the aspiration with the fresh air.
The simple truth, supramentale and material at the same time - where both meet - it is that all, in this
world, is done to wake up the aspiration of Divine in the Matter, because all is the Divine one which forgot
itself, but one should not confuse those which aspire and those which strangle you to oblige you to aspire - if
one is strangled, it does not have there more nobody to aspire and more nobody to remember.

* * *


3 July 1983

Dear Yolande,

I feel your pain, like I felt the pain of Carmen and all those who are close. I also feel your disappointment
as if I had let you down but it is not true!
Do you think it was nice for me to have to come to Paris and to see you there and not to embrace you?
My heart is not is so infidel or ungrateful I must have taken this decision to retire because I was no
longer advancing in my work merely going around in circles the world has no longer the time for turning around
in circles.
If Mother during all this years had sewn something in me, I owed to myself to attempt her adventure,
and not only talk about it. If one sole human being tries to walk the path which she had so painfully opened with
Sri Aurobindo, She would not have done in vain and men would not be as pitiful as those in the ashram.
It was necessary - it is necessary - that one human being at least proves and shows the world that the
path is possible for men, otherwise what good is it all that Mother and Sri Aurobindo had done?
Even if it is a crazy and courageous undertaking – and I now know that it is not crazy at all - I owed to
myself to try and I prefer dying like that instead of piling up books and interviews. And I can tell you that what
they have announced is there, that the path is open and that the new life already exists on Earth. If god wants one
day you will see it.

I love you.


* * *
Approximate date: at the end of 83/at the beginning of 84

I dictate these notes with Sujata.

I spend my time in concentration. It is difficult for me of mentaliser the problems - precisely because all
the problems are non-problems created by the mental one and by the ego. I prefer outward journey with the
true root and to find the true cure. If Auroviliens did that sincerely, there would be no more problems. I check
step by step the experiment of Sri Aurobindo and of Mother and I see at which point it is concrete and radical.
I do not like either to mix with the businesses of Auroville, not because I ignore some, on the contrary, but
because I think that the beings must grow freely by themselves and progress through their own errors. If there
are no more errors, it is possible no more to progress.
However, precisely, the means suggested “to control” Auroville tend to replace the provisional and
profitable errors by rules durable and imprisoning. I do not speak about the changes of label: Exécutive
Council is pompeux than the simple “Co-operative” which wanted to say well than she wanted to say (one
operates together). But I conceive that in the untrue world where we live, one still needs titles and appearances.
This does not have importance.
One wants to thus draw with the fate 12 elected officials on a list from 50 Auroviliens chosen by
“consensus”. It is a manner of replacing wisdom and the expertise by the lottery. It is also a manner of
replacing the “democratic” blindness by the blind law of fate.
Mother found that the democracy was “pestilential” and She wanted to replace the political parties or
groups by a government of the “organizers”, as She said, i.e. able, effective, and expert men each one in her
field (while waiting for a “government of wise” which will come… when the men decide to lose their ego).
Where will you find 50 men with Auroville who are really organizers? It is already difficult to find 12 of them.
You thus will ask the lottery to drown these 12 among 38 others whose capacities of organization are not
obvious. Then you will imperturbably establish the reign of these 12 lucky or badly lucky for 18 months. Does
that seem to me a very blind rule which has only the merit to hide the lack of courage behind the back of fate,
because if a certain number of Auroviliens are dissatisfied with the decisions of current Coopérative, what
prevents them expressing their criticisms and from requiring the withdrawal of the ineffective or unable “co-
operators”? From now on there will be to criticize no more since it will be the fate which will have chosen the
new “executive advisers”.
It is true that the Divine one can also play caster and choose 12 the best among the 50 proposed, but I do
not believe that it is the divine method which wants that the men grow by themselves while working
themselves constantly through their errors. I do not believe that the drawing lot is a good “substitute” of the
wisdom nor of the effectiveness.
In Greece also, since Périclès, Archontes were chosen by drawing lot. They were in front of the same
problem of the incapacity or the average mediocrity of the elected officials, and Archontat became a purely
honorary load while practical truths problems were to be solved differently. Our new “executive advisers” are
likely to fall into the same trap, and finally, like everywhere in the world, one will replace the lack of talent
and clear ideas by the democratic policy and expédients.
If Auroviliens are convinced that the members of their Co-operative (or anything under another label)
must be organizers and experts, like Mère wanted, and not cottony speakers or spirits, it does not have there
reason which one does not find in Auroville 12 men able, who will remain always open to public criticism.
Errors, there will be always, but if the men are sincere they will be able to progress through their errors without
being locked up in a “system”. One goes towards the Truth by a constant modelling.
The error subjacent with the difficulties of the “Co-operative” with Auroville is an error in the spirit of
certain Auroviliens which subconsciously keep the egoistic idea of the “capacity” and of “prestige”. It would
be necessary that they understand that the task of the “organizers” is ungrateful, difficult and demanding, and
that it is really necessary to be an organizer. As soon as an incompetent interferes himself, the policy is
interfered, because the incompetent wants to hide his incapacity behind a rhetoric.
It seems to me anti-veracious to replace the effort of the conscience by the blindness of the caster…
As for the remainder of the proposals, they seem to me conceived well and I do not have anything to say.


* * *

March 1984

in Auroville

If one can make in Auroville a “exposure on the Evolution” without speaking about the Diary of Mother,
that wants to say that Mère does not have a place with Auroville. Therefore, I tell you good-bye.


* * *

Mars 1984

Dear Fred,

I am making a last desperate attempt.

A few days ago I have sent a note to Auroville which you probably have read by now.
Today I have felt that I should write to you. Though we have seldom met I have always felt a special
relationship with you and I have never forgotten. I have also a few brothers and sisters in Auroville who are
dear to my heart because of their sincerity and deep truthfulness. But Truth without Strengh becomes easily a
prisoner for the greatest skill of the Falsehood is always and everywhere to hid itself behind a truth. This
mixture of Truth and Falsehood is the scourge of our world. I remember so poignantly Mother's deep sadness
the day She spoke to me of the "black and gluey fingers of Falsehood creeping everywhere — everywhere".
For the past eleven years I have met this sad fact everywhere, and fought with the blood and tears of my soul.
Mother has kept me informed, if I dare say so, of the inner situation of Auroville through a serie of
pictorial images giving me the point of the situation. I don't know if I should tell you what the last image
where, but in one of them, a few months ago, you were the only one to materially help me — should I say that
this "me" has nothing to do with the person. On November 17, 1973, the person has died in me.
Only one thing is left in me — I don't know wether it is a prayer or a cry, when I saw this little white body
with a ray of sun on her neck being screwed up in a coffin. This prayer or this cry is that all She has suffered,
all She has wanted, and tried so much for the Earth should not go in vain.
Now comes the central point, and to miss the central point is to miss the very meaning of Her effort and
break or corrupt the foundation of the future. And the central point or the seed which contains, the very power
of realization is "the Mother's Agenda". A dozen Matrimandir may be built if the Agenda is not enshrined in
each and every Aurovilians, there is nothing and the very foundation of Auroville is broken or corrupted.
After Sri Aurobindo's departure in 1950 there was (and still exist) a very powerful hostile "formation"
against the Mother : Sri Aurobindo, yes; the Mother...? Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy, yes; Mother's searching
and pitiless white light on the Human compromise with Falsehood...?
This indomitable Ray was put into the coffin, another very powerful "formation" of the hostile forces (not
a human formation, mind you, but a direct action from the power of Darkness which now dominates the world)
sprang up : the Mother, yes, may be, but the Agenda...? Mother's talk on evolution, yes maybe, but the coming
to grips with the root of falsehood in ourselves and the black gluey fingers everywhere...? The cunning gluey
powers have even a last righteous mask : the Agenda, yes, but Satprem's distortion...?
There is no more "Satprem", there is no more a writer or even "a confident of the Mother" — all this is
dead. There is a crying soul, there is a bleeding child who is desesperatly trying to bring into his flesh what
She wanted so much for the Earth. This child does not care a damn for the approbation or the mud of the world.
He cares that Her suffering and agony do not go in vain.
In Auroville Her effort and attempt are very much about to go in vain or be corrupted for the single raison
that the central point is not fully and unshakably understood by too many Aurovilians. Only one single little
cell is enough to make a cancer. This simple obvious truth is not properly grasped. Auroville is already, but nor
irreversibly contamined by the gluey fingers, which have strangled and reduced to an empty mummy the
Ashram. The cruel and insidious and surreptitious ways of those fingers to befog the clear consciousnesses of
men and muddle the single truth under various slogans and righteous fallacies, is a world fact.
If Auroville has not the courage to cleanse itself of its galloping cancer, if Auroville has not the strengh to
cling to the One central point and establish without compromise the Agenda as Mother's own body and the
very fount of the power for the realization of the future, then you break your own strength and are eaten away
from within.
This is the crucial point and no nonsense. Truth is the cripple if it has not the uncompromising sword of
the soul.
With my deep love and trust in the few who truly love Mother and are ready to fight for Her, and the great
Avec mon affection fraternelle,

P.S. : 1) As part of the same Falsehood, I inform you that recently an article on the Agenda written by
Mirra Additi was rejected by "Auroville Review". Reason "controversial". This speakes a lot.
2) The Truth must be brought out into the open.
Freedom does not -mean the right to betray the basic truths of Auroville.
That's that.

* * *

September 1984

(in Patrice)

Considering this: the boat of command of Auroville. A very powerful engine encumbered heteroclite
objects. Nobody starts the engine. The tide ebbs and the boat could be failed one moment the other. There
remained perhaps 20 centimetres of water under the skittle. Time ago to lose. A bottom of vase.

* * *


August 1985

What a step forward!

It reminds me what Mother told me… I don’t know when, 1970 or 1971, when speaking of Auroville. She had
said: “The sincerity of the realization has to be such that the undesirable elements are obliged to leave.”
(Laughing) So we reach an opposite situation!
It is sad.
What a mess…
Luc wrote to serge (I read it recently) is true but it is a linear and mathematical reality It is like that (straight line
gesture) It is seen as a straight mathematical line it has bumps and holes and abysses and graces. We don’t have
the right I understand very well what Luc wrote He wanted to shake up probably a few aurovilians, finally
everyone see things in their way and there is a usefulness. Only as appearances are always false people only look
at the line and don’t understand what the goal behind is, what is that wants to make arise in Auroville.

But one doesn’t have the right in my opinion to say something is finished or failed, one doesn’t have the
right to say negative things without proposing a positive solution. His negativity is real is it not there is many
good reason why he said it, and when one looks at Auroville it is a bit sad.

What they do not want to understand (Well I tried to make them understand for twelve years) What they
do not want to understand is necessity of inner progress, they want outer progress. Inner progress is difficult.
And if one doesn’t want to make inner progress, one is destroyed, one destroys oneself. The appearances are
perhaps lively but one destroys oneself.

It is the story of Shanti Nekatam after the departure of Tagore what effort was there for it to live they
lived on what Tagore created, laid down.

In the ashram it is the same thing, it is worst, after things falsifies themselves, become an institution they
all have appearance of success official recognition, Shanti Nekatam is a big big … I don’t know what, I do not
know what but a type of a vacant and ruined shell. The ashram has superb appearances but it is dust and dead:
The courant is past elsewhere. If one doesn’t want to make an effort (that well one can say is mathematical and
true) if one well does not want to make an effort one condemns oneself.
The only thing that Mother showed me they say I am not informed or I do not receive correct information should
I need information? It is not a question of information or false information, it is all informed.

Sujata: The truth is shown to you, is it not, with images?

Satprem: People can think what they want, that does not concern me, but Mother showed me only one thing, it
was that boat with the formidably powerful motor that was cluttered up with all sorts of incredible things, things
that has nothing to do with the boat. So the motor was not working, wasn’t it. It was one of these block-motor
and it was cluttered up with an impossible bric-brac and no one was able to start it. That Mother showed me and
then the ocean that was flowing away and the mud of the bottom good that that was shown it is the true situation
so they can recant whatever they want, either for or against, one shows me exactly what is correct what
corresponds to reality well then the truth is we are not getting the motor to work that is the truth and it is the root
of the all story of Auroville and they don’t get the motor to work and if they don’t get the motor to work they
condemn themselves to death it is obvious. To get the motor to work truly means to make some inner progress,
to make of the inner progress the true thing. Not allies plantations executive councils resolutions none of all that
the motor that means truly the inner power that is formidable and it is that that they are not using it is what is
wrong with Auroville and if they don’t want to use it they go straight to fossilization a successful one they will
be like at the ashram they will succeed very well but no one is getting the motor to work that was shown to me I
don’t discuss it, it is a fact it is the fact of Auroville, the rest are all stories. Is that they don’t want do understand
the necessity of true progress, something that no one can see there is only Mother and Sri Aurobindo that can see
it, not things that are shown that is true progress difficult hard and then the enemy shows all his teeth and claws
every time one wants to progress it is not convenient they are very quite because the enemy hasn’t put his claws
in him he lets them proliferate go ahead my little ones, make some beautiful things.

Sujata : You mean there is no effort to get out of the domain of the enemy ?

Satprem : No there is no effort in the true inner sense, we are at the end of the world, when one is at the end of
the world, and man is in the process of disappearing the point is to know if there is something in this humanity
that will survive and transform itself or wether a new being ( by witch mean I don’t know) will manifest itself.
That is the problem. Sri Aurobindo said if man doesn’t want to overpass himself he will be overpass, a new
being will come and take the head of the evolution well it is the key phrase of these four and a half billions
ignoramuses that live on earth. And it is the key for that small group of aurovilians that don’t understand grace
the grace that is given to them so what do they want are they truly trying to go beyond man ? they are trying to
ameliorate him they are trying to make small pictures small temples small comedies and then when one has the
recognition of this or that person Mister Rajiv is with us one has Mister whoever this or that all those idiocies
that are truly in the process of perishing truly perishing everywhere.

So they will ask what is this mean to go beyond man and to make the new being well one has to walk to find it, it
is not given, it is not in any book, one must walk, one must make steps, and from the moment you want to make
steps you see the enemy who shows his teeth and his claws and is there, immediately right there, and one is
immediately on the path way one is on the path automatically it is the thing that is truly marvelously automatic
or abominably automatic. One must simply want to understand that. That is the nod of the problem this new
being how to create it how to make it manufactured if one loves Sri Aurobindo or understand Mother a bit good
they know so there is a way one will have to look for it but how how how ? They will have to pose the question
three times with a bit of sincerity because as the first the enemy will be there to scratch in the face it is that
getting the motor to work.

* * *
Août 1985

(Satprem commente avec Sujata les dernières nouvelles d'Auroville : les réactions
soulevées par la récente lettre de Luc à Serge, où Luc laisse entendre que pour
Auroville c'est "trop tard". Ce qui incite treize Auroviliens à décider de quitter

* * *


Octobre 1988

Dear Frédérick,

I am always glad to see something from you. Several time I have met you or came in the inner worlds,
always with a sort of thirst or aspiration to understand or know. This is what makes you dear to me.
You have put up a brave battle in Dehli. I don't feel I should be "involved" as you say, in the
"International Advisory Council". It would imply my presence (physical presence) here or there and meeting
people. This I cannot do. I am exclusively and one pointedly involved in Their work for the great change.
Step by step I have come to re-discover what They and the Vedic Rishis have discovered and done.
This is the one important thing in the world and for the world — all the rest pass and crumble. What was
done must continue and unfold. So many times Sri Aurobindo had warned his disciples about what He called
the "downward pull". Avatars come and go, churches are built up and crumble or become a travesty, sects and
prophets lecture to their deaths; everything seems to dissolve or rot from within and obey an inexorable
downward gravitation — individuals and associations and countries and institutions. This is why He and She
wanted to establish on Earth a new power, which would no more be submitted to the inner and obscure
decomposition — a Power which cannot be swallowed back by the "eternal" Enemy, not a mental power but a
supramental power. Human beings do not know what it is. They fancy some super intellectual power or super
power, but this is not the case. So Auroville should be True to its destiny and sincerely set itself in search of
this new Power, otherwise they will be swallowed back and pulled down like so many other Institutions and
eaten up from within. This is the old story. My hope is that they will look for the new Story — truly the great
Legend of the Future, this "Hundred headed battle" as the Vedic Rishis said and truly this is a great Challenge
and a difficult Battle.
With my love to you and to my brothers in Auroville,

P.S. : I don't write letters any more. I feel I have no advice to give to any one. It's all a matter of simple
sincerity for every one and something like an intense call towards the Supreme — then the path
opens up all by itself. The Darkness is so great, the misery is so deep, but a simple and pure fire in
one's heart can open up doors where there is only night and sordity.

* * *


April 1989 TO VERIFY


Your letter entered straight my heart and that of Sujata. But if it there has only one being which wants to
be true, which tries to be true in the middle of this black pulp of the world, it is a grace! and the grace is with
him - and Mother is with you.
I am sad for Auroville, but it is the history of all the institutions, without exception - they live only by the
few individuals, rare and sparse, who try to progress. To progress, it is difficult, it is tearing, and one very only
saw because all the remainder simply seeks to enjoy its comfort and looks like a threat what is likely to come
to disturb its comfort. But it is a history of all times.
Those which have heart cross and save the remainder. There does not need many people, some hearts are
enough. Auroville de Mère will be.
And then really, we are at one hour so critical of the history of the Earth - what Sri Aurobindo and Mère
sowed is making crack all the old structures. It is necessary TO CHOOSE the new one and it will carry you on
its wings of the lightning in spite of all our human smallnesses - but one needs a choice, it is necessary, it is
necessary, it is necessary .........
It is something in the heart between the small man and the Supreme Mother.
She carries us. I love my brothers.

: You give my tenderness to Gloria.

* * *

April 1989

(Message for the creation of association International Diary France.)

The urgency is not the development of a place or groups particular, the urgency it is the awakening at the
next inevitable stage of our own evolution in the middle of the decomposition of the current man. The Diary of
Mother is the alive process to carry out this urgent change and I share the goals of International Diary fully
My brotherly love with all those in France and other countries which wish to take up this challenge.


* * *

September 2nd, 1994


I am very happy good work which you make for India. This so rich country of heart, that the centuries and
the invasions do not have did not succeed in destroying, and then… one has sorrow for India, for what the
Indians do even. Sri Aurobindo was to have much sorrow, silently, only, which saw coming this destruction
from the consciences, this perversion. But he also said: “This too will not” - after which purifying fire? Is India,
it the heart of Supreme, you include/understand? The heart in the middle of this stunned sphere. Then works
for this Heart, for this only Hope of our ground in ruin.
And the Occident does not know anything India - except the perverse voices English and them false
notions of the German exégètes. That made me if pleasure of seeing what you wrote, in the Barber, I believe.
Francois, small, when all passed, when all was lived so much of time and the old characters left fallen
their clothing which covered the same sorrow, it remains this Love at the bottom for all our brothers in the
Night, and one would like to strike so much with their secret door to say to them…
Take your own key, Francois, seized your own heart eternal and offers it to the large Mother so that It puts
it at the service change, because let us be there we.
With you fraternally.

* * *


November 1995


They is good to know that I still have friends - brothers, sisters - with Auroville. Twenty-two years have
passed for this day, and I have soixante-douze of it. But I walked. As I would like to say to these brothers
extraordinary Chose which is born, which is planted in the Earth by Them - at which price. When they put Mère
in the hole, this November 20th in the night, close to this hole, I said myself, or I shouted: one will make it leave
from there. It was obvious. But I made a long way to know that it is in its skin that it is necessary to make the
hole and that there It leaves. And it is the miracle, the extraordinary thing, Fait sublimates it which is perforating
all the Earth and to make leave its old evil for all to change with the root. I would not cease astonishing me by
this new Life, not in the clouds - in the Matter, which is upsetting us all. It is difficult, it is upsetting.
Fifty years ago, I wanted the “Truth in a body” - eh well, that exists. I had good reasons to want that
exists… Today old Cruelty bursts everywhere. On which side are my brothers?
I have a major sorrow for Auroville. I do not manage to include/understand. But at least I have some
brothers and I would like to say to them that exists, that the way is everywhere open and in spite of all, and that
Their Love will leave this tomb on a new Earth.
In this Love, I am your brother,

* * *

February 12th 00000 YES

Serge, Luisa, Olivier, Herve,

Your chart on the threshold of this temple touched me, it was a stage moving by my life. You made Beauty,
rare in this world, your books make breathe and touch a quality, an interior taste. Mother would have been very
glad to see that and to touch it in Auroville. If some beings can incarnate and materialize this Beauty of heart,
they will have done what Mère wanted so much for the Earth. Points of Reality which radiate.
With my Love for what you are and made and a smile of Sujata.

“But the key, it is really this null transparency which does not want anything, nothing knows, nothing can

open large eyes as a child - simply one is in his “concrete peace”

and that occurs all alone .....

The other stage, it is to pass from “concrete peace” to “knowledge concretes”

The last stage, it must be the “concrete joy”, then there one will fly.
Excel program.

Satprem - 12/5/1979

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