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Quarter 1- Week 1- Module 2

Submitted by:
Temporosa, Marjun B.

Submitted to:
Dr. Veminrose C. Samuel
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer
that best describe the idea. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer
C 1. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor that best describe the idea.
underlying disaster? D 1. These are variables that either
C 2. Which is NOT a risk driver?
aggravate or mitigate the effects of hazards,
C 3. The variables that amplify affecting the degree or scope of a disaster.
the effects of hazards, C 2. Which is NOT a risk factor underlying
affecting the degree or disaster?
scope ofa disaster is called A 3. All of the following could be expose to
D 4. Which of the following affects hazard, except?
the probability that a risk A 4. Which of the following is vulnerable
mitigation option will be factor of risk?
implemented? D 5. Which of the following is a contributing
C 5. Which of the following typically leads to factor to disaster?
increased risk for a for a population?


Your Idea: A natural hazard is a danger that a naturally occurring event will cause harm to
humanity. Natural disasters are the term for this detrimental effect. To put it another way, we
term an event a natural catastrophe when a dangerous threat occurs and causes human
harm. Disaster risk is defined by the UNDRR as "the potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed or
damaged assets that could occur to a system, society, or community in a specific period of
time, as determined probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and
capacity in a specific period of time."

The hazard's effect on

this house type is
devastating damage
or wash out.

The cause of the

hazard in this type of
house is that there is no
serious damage or that
the damage is minor.

The impact of hazard

on this type of house is
frequently felt about
economic downturns
and damage to other
Which do you think is the contributing factor underlying disaster?
Answer. Poverty and inequality, climate change and variability, unplanned and rapid urbanization,
and the lack of disaster risk considerations in land management and environmental and natural
resource management are underlying disaster risk drivers, as are compounding factors such as
demographic change, non-disaster risk-informed policies, and the lack of disaster risk considerations
in land management and environmental and natural resource management.
1. Compare the effects of the hazard on the three types of houses.
Answer. The impact of the hazard on the first type of house is devastating damage or wipe out,
whereas the cause of the hazard in the second type of house is that there is no severe damage or
that the damage is minimal, whereas the impact of the hazard on the last type of house is frequently
felt during market crisis and damage to other structures.
2. Which of the types of houses is the most vulnerable to the given disaster? Which is the least?
Justify your answer.
Answer. The first type of house due to poor building construction, inadequate asset protection, a lack
of public knowledge and awareness, limited acknowledgement of risks and preparedness measures,
and a disregard for cautious environmental management, but when it comes to physical
vulnerability, the safest one is the first type of house.
1. What does the weakness that you have identified represents?
Answer. The weakness that I have identified is about financial aspect and it represents the
vulnerability of economic. It is the characteristic or state of being exposed to the possibility of being
attacked or damaged, either physically or emotionally, as defined by the internet. It evaluates the
likelihood of harmful effects, or expected losses (deaths, injuries, property, livelihoods, economic
activity disrupted, or environmental damage) coming from interactions between natural or human-
induced hazards and susceptible circumstances when it comes to disasters.
2. If a society is unguarded and unprepared, what do you think would be the correct term for them if
a hazard would be coming?
Answer. Vulnerable
3. Elaborate your answer in number 2.
Answer. In the event of a disaster, you risk death or serious injury. You could potentially lose your
home, belongings, and sense of community. You are at risk for emotional and physical health
problems as a result of such pressures. The stress reactions that occur after a disaster are quite similar
to the ones that occur after any sort of trauma. I conclude that the degree of vulnerability and the
level of their capability to resist, deal and restore from hazards are determined by physical,
economic, social and environmental factors.
Pictures Type of hazard POSSIBLE SCENARIO

During both eruptions and degassing activity, any

Geological Hazard volcanic activity can inject huge amounts of gases
and aerosols into the atmosphere, posing a health
feature-062716-01.jpg danger to the local people.
Technological / Man- made Toxic or hazardous chemicals are substances that
Hazard can cause poisoning, respiratory issues, skin rashes,
allergic reactions, allergic sensitization, cancer, and
other health problems if they are exposed.

Hydrometeorological Hazard / Generalized shaking and damage, surface faulting,

Geological Hazard liquefaction, rock falls, landslides, and snow
avalanches are among the earthquake
consequences discussed in the paper.

Biological Hazard Microorganisms found in the air, food, water, soil,

animals, and the human body contaminate food,
creating a microbiological danger. Bacteria,
viruses, and parasites are common microorganisms
involved with foodborne diseases.

Technological / Man- made “The environment is not contained inside the
Hazard confines of our homes or buildings.” Tobacco
smoke, radon, asbestos, lead, combustion gases,

water pollution, household chemicals and

pesticides, allergies, and food poisoning are
among the risks covered by the checklist.
1. What causes the possible scenario to happen? Explain your answer.
Answer. Hazard allows the potential situation to happen because it can result in death, illness or other health
consequences, collateral destruction, loss of livelihoods and resources, social and economic disturbance, or
environmental harm.
2. What could possibly be done to prevent the scenario to happen when hazard strikes?
Answer. We have no control over natural occurrences. However, we can lessen their impact if we better
understand why they occur and what we can do to prevent or reduce them. Education, preparation,
readiness, and assessment and alert services will also help to lessen the impact areas affected by a hazard.
However, mitigation mechanisms such as zoning, land-use practices, and safety regulations are needed to
avoid or mitigate actual harm from hazards. We should always care for ourselves not the things on the earth
because being exposed to the hazard zones and taking risk for something become not capable of resisting,
dealing and restoring from hazards.
Check Your Understanding
Poverty and Inequality

Environmental Degradation

Climate Change

Globalized Economic Development

Weak Governance



Essential Services








Critical Thinking
1. Explain the difference of risk factors underlying disasters based on your examples above.
Answer. Vulnerability, exposure, and weather and climate events all contribute to disaster risk. While
certain disaster risk variables, such as environmental factors, are evident and well-known, others may
not. This unusual situation is referred to as underlying.
Would you think building Well, I believe that constructing such residential houses in the vicinity of Taal Volcano is
residential houses like in the inappropriate. Actually, living near a volcano is beneficial because of thermal energy from
area near Taal Volcano certain volcanoes can be used to produce electricity, but being exposed to danger zones
appropriate? Why? can result in loss of human life, injuries or other health effects, property destruction, loss of
livelihoods and resources, social and economic disturbance, or environmental destruction.
Think of an expose property House and I could help lessening the risk through educating people, preparation, readiness,
of yours as a family that is and assessment and alert services just like what I said before that being exposed to the
risky towards disaster and hazard zones and taking risk for something become not capable of resisting, dealing and
then write down how you restoring from hazards. Life is once not more. Anything is possible! Nobody wants to consider
could help lessening the risk. the possibility of a calamity, but it is precisely what we must consider.

Care and Concern for Others

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