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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Final Exam (Practical) / Fall 2020 (Paper Duration 24 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: CS-704 Course Title: Database System

Total Marks: 20 Date of Exam: 8-2-2021
Degree: MCS Semester: 2 Section: A
Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: Saba Un Nisa
Who taught the course: Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 20-ARID-417 Name: UMAIR FAZAL

Answer the following questions.

Question NO 1:
1)First step is the 1NF form.

1NF form is the entity which does not have any repetitive columns in the table or group which means
every column in the table is unique and not same to each other.

Let the 1NF form for given data table be as follows-

Ac No Cust_ Ac_type bal Int_rate Cust_cit BranchId branchNam Branchcity

name y e
8097 2345 xyz Saving 600 5.6% Isl Branch1 Saddar br Isl
8765 1239 Pqr Current 2000 4.7% Rwp Branch1 Mall Road br Rwp
8934 6785 abc Saving 400 3.9% Isl Branch2 Saddar br Isl
8003 7612 Jkl saving 7000 5.8% isl Branch1 Saddar br isl
Here both the columns for account and branch table is mixed into one and none of them are similar to
each other.

2) second normal form(2NF)

This consists of 1NF and one of its attribute is defines as a primary key and remaining are dependent on
the primary key.

Therefore our table now becomes:

Account Table

Ac No Ac_type Int_rate
8097 2345 Saving 5.6%
8765 1239 Current 4.7%
8934 6785 Saving 3.9%
8003 7612 saving 5.8%
Customer table

Ac No Ac_type Int_rate
8097 2345 Saving 5.6%
8765 1239 Current 4.7%
8934 6785 Saving 3.9%
8003 7612 saving 5.8%
Branch table

Ac No Bal BranchId branchName Branchcity

8097 2345 600 Branch1 Saddar br Isl
8765 1239 2000 Branch1 Mall Road br Rwp
8934 6785 400 Branch2 Saddar br Isl
8003 7612 7000 Branch1 Saddar br Isl

3)Third normal form (3NF)

It should consists of second normal form and the column of the table are non transitively dependent on
the primary key.

Account Table

Ac No Ac_type Int_rate
8097 2345 Saving 5.6%
8765 1239 Current 4.7%
8934 6785 Saving 3.9%
8003 7612 saving 5.8%
Customer table

Ac No Ac_type Int_rate
8097 2345 Saving 5.6%
8765 1239 Current 4.7%
8934 6785 Saving 3.9%
8003 7612 saving 5.8%
Branch table

BranchId branchName branchcity

Branch1 Saddar br Isl
Branch1 Mall Road br Rwp
Branch2 Saddar br Isl
Branch1 Saddar br Isl

Question NO 2: Elaborate your semester project in maximum 5 lines.

Answer: My Semester project was about System failures and Transaction Log where I briefly explained
about various reasons of system failures which included software crash, power failures and logical errors
that may cause system failure at any time. After that the process of system recovery was explained
through transaction log which resides in disk instead of memory. Transaction log keeps all the details of
all transactions. With the help of transaction log the process of transaction redone and undone can be
carried out respectively.

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