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Growth Responses of Coliform Bacteria

to Recombinant Bovine Cytoklnes'
Department of Dairy Science
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Wooster 44691

Department of Veterinary Science
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park 16802

ABSTRACT (Key words: Escherichia coli,cytokines,

growth responses)
Growth responses of 10 coliform iso-
lates to recombinant bovine cytokines Abbreviation key: BSB = Bacto Synthetic
were measured in vitro. Six Escherichia Broth@, IF"-y = interferon-y, IL-16 =
coli and four Klebsiella pneumoniae iso- interleukin-I& IL-2 = interleukin-2, rb =
lates obtained from bovine MI were recombinant bovine.
tested for growth responses to recom-
binant bovine interleukin-10, interleukin- INTRODUCTION
2. and interferon-y. Cytokines were
tested at IO4, lo3, IO2, and 10 U/ml of Cytokines are glycoproteins that modulate
media. Media used were a synthetic tis- activity of cells participating in immune and
sue culture medium, a chemically de- inflammatory processes. Therapeutic use of
fined synthetic bacterial growth medium, recombinant bovine (rb) cytokmes appears to
and UHT sterilized milk. Bacterial be a promising procedure to enhance non-
counts in the synthetic tissue culture specific host defenses against bacterial infec-
medium and UHT milk increased tions. Bovine lymphocyte blastogenesis and
slightly as concentration of interferon-y neutrophil bactericidal activity were enhanced
in the media increased. Recombinant bo- by exogenous rb interleukin-1/3 (IL-l@), rb
vine interferon-y increased bacterial interleukin-2 (IL-2), and rb interferon-y
populations during the log growth phase (IFN-y) treatments (1, 3). Intramammary infu-
but did not affect the number of bacteria sion of rbIFN-y also enhanced resistance
in stationary growth phase. Bacterial against experimentally induced coliform masti-
growth responses were not related to ei- tis. Mammary glands infused with rbIFN-y
ther interleukin-2 or interleukin-10 con- had fewer quarters infected, reduced severity
centrations in any of the three media. of inflammation, and IMI of shorter duration
Bacterial growth responses to cytokines than placebo-infused glands following ex-
were not related to differences in either perimental challenge with Escherichia coli
serum susceptibility, growth of isolates
in dry cow secretion, duration of IMI Studies determining growth and metabolism
from which isolates were obtained, or of microbial pathogens in the presence of
bacterial species. cytokines are limited, but data suggest that
recombinant human cytokines may have direct
effects on human pathogens. Human cytokines
Received September 28, 1992. that enhanced growth of virulent E. coli in-
Accepted November 24, 1992. cluded IL-2, IL-10, and granulocyte-
'Salaries and research support were provided by state macrophage colony-stimulating factor (4, 8). A
and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center, The Oh10 State conclusion drawn from both studies (4, 8) was
University. Manuscript Number 278-92. that cytokines may act as growth stimulators

1993 J Dairy Sci 76:978-982 978

for some virulent bacteria. The purpose of this fresh trypticase soy broth and incubated 2.5 h
experiment was to determine in vitro growth at 37°C and 50 rpm. Bacteria were centrifuged
responses of coliform bacteria isolated from 6500 x g for 30 min at 4°C and resuspended in
naturally occurring bovine IMI to rb cytokines. PBS (pH 7.1). Bacterial cultures were diluted
in PBS to 75% transmission at 540 nm (Beck-
MATERIALS AND METHODS man DU-50 Spectrophotometer; Beckman In-
struments, Fullerton, CA). Bacterial numbers
were confirmed by removing a portion of as-
say suspension prior to incubation, serially
The rbIL-10 (American Cyanamid, Prince- diluting bacteria in PBS, and plating bacteria
ton, NJ), rbIL-2 (American Cyanamid), and on trypticase soy agar for 24 h at 37°C.
rbIFN-y (Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Basel, Switzerland)
were provided by the manufacturers in sterile Microassay of Bacterial Growth
pyrogen-free water. Both rbIL- 10 and rbIL-2
were stored according to manufacturers A single 96-well U-bottomed tissue culture
specifications at 4"C, and rbIFN-y was frozen plate (Sarstedt Inc., Newton, NC) facilitated
at -2O'C prior to testing. Bioactivity of each duplicate assays for effects of one cytokine at
cytokine was reported by the manufacturers as four concentrations on growth of four isolates
rbIL-10, 6000 U/pg; rbIL-2, 1250 U/pg; and in two growth media. Each plate well had a
rbIFN-y, 5100 Ulpg. capacity of 300 pl: 200 pl were allotted to the
medium, 25 p1 to bacterial inoculum, and 25 pl
to sterile cytokine. Bacterial growth media
were RPMI-I640 with L-glutamine and with-
Bacteria tested were six E. coli and four out sodium bicarbonate (Sigma Chemical Co.,
Klebsiella pneumniae isolated from naturally St. Louis, MO), Bacto Synthetic Broths (BSB;
occumng cases of clinical mastitis. Bacteria Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) supplemented
were identified by Gram-stain reaction, cellular with 10 g/L of dextrose, and UHT sterilized
morphology, ability to ferment lactose, citrate milk (Farm Best; Dairyman, Inc., Savannah,
utilization, motility, and a miniaturized bio- GA). Both RPMI-1640 and BSB were adjusted
chemical test system (api-20E@; Analytab to pH 7.1 and sterilized by filtration through a
Products, Plainsview, NY). Three E. coli and .45-pm pore size membrane. Cytokines were
two K. pneumoniae strains were susceptible to diluted in sterile PBS and added to the assay at
the bactericidal activity of bovine serum ( 5 ) . final concentrations of 104, lo3, lo2, and 10 U/
Isolates were paired within species as either ml of media. Control cultures were 25 pl of
poorly adapted (<lo2 cfu logldml) or highly bacterial inoculum, 25 pl of PBS, and 200 p1
adapted (>lo7 cfu logldml) for growth in dry of bacterial growth medium. Viable bacteria
cow mammary secretion (12) and by duration were determined by the procedures outlined by
of IMI from which isolates were obtained. Nonnecke and Smith (7) after assay plates
Duration of IMI was the time in days between were incubated at 37°C for 2 h. Bacteria were
the first and final isolation of bacteria. Chronic enumerated on trypticase soy agar.
IMI were those with durations of greater than
30 d (geometric mean, 78 d; range, 33 to 212 Growth of E. coli 28 in rblFNr
d). Acute IMI were those that resulted in a
single isolation of bacteria from clinically in- The growth responses of isolate E. coli 28
fected quarters. to rbIFN-y during log and stationary growth
Bacteria were stored in trypticase soy broth phases were investigated. A 2.5-h culture was
(BBL Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, prepared as described for inoculating the bac-
MD) containing 20% glycerin at -70°C. A terial growth microassay. Duplicate 5-ml poly-
total of .1 ml of thawed stock culture was styrene tubes were inoculated with .1 ml of E.
inoculated into 12 ml of trypticase soy broth coli 28 culture into .9 ml of RPMI-1640 con-
and incubated overnight at 37°C on a gyratory taining lo4 U/ml of rbIFN-y. Controls were
shaker at 200 rpm. A .2-ml portion of the lo4 U/ml of rbIFN-y in 1 ml of RPMI- 1640
overnight culture was inoculated into 24 ml of and 1 ml of RPMI-1640-E. coli culture without

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 4, 1993

980 HOGAN ”*
rbIFN-y. Growth responses were measured af-
ter 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h of incubation at 37’C (7).
After 4 h of incubation, a .4-ml sample from
each tube was removed and centrifuged (2000
i 8.1
t: 1
x g for 1 h at 473, and the supernatant was \
filtered (.45-pm pore size). The rbIFN-y bioac-
tivity of each supernatant was tested by a virus
inhibition assay (1 1) to determine the ability of
E. coli 28 to alter rbIFN-y concentrations in
the medium. All assays were replicated on 2
separate d.

Statistical Analyses
o id io2 io3 io4
rb1FN-y (U/ml UHT)
Distribution of bacterial counts was normal-
ized by log 10 transformation. Linear relation- Figure 2. Mean growth responses of 10 coliform iso-
ships and correlations among bacterial growth lates to recombinant bovine interferon-y (rblFN-y) in
and cytokine concentrations were measured by UHT milk. Bars represent standard error.
Model 1 regression with data blocked by iso-
late (9). Main effects tested by ANOVA were growth were significant, actual differences in
serum susceptibility, growth in dry cow secre- bacterial counts among concentrations of
tion, duration of IMI, and bacterial species (9). rbIFN-y were small. Geometric mean colony-
forming units for isolates exposed to lo4 U/ml
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of rbIFN-y were 14 x lo7 cfdml compared
with 8 x lo7 cfdml for negative controls in
WMI-1640 media. This increase was similar
rblFNr to the twofold increase in growth of E. coli in
Linear relationships were significant (P < media containing human IL-2 and granulocyte-
.05) among bacterial counts and rbIFN-y con- macrophage colony-stimulating factor (4).
centrations in WMI-1640 (Figure 1) and UHT Bacterial counts in BSB were independent of
milk (Figure 2) when data from all isolates rbIFN-y concentration. Growth responses to
were combined. Although the relationships be- rbIFN-y did not differ between E. coli and K.
tween rbIFN-y concentration and bacterial pneumoniae isolates and were independent of
serum susceptibility, growth in dry cow secre-
tion, and duration of IMI.
Bovine IMI isolates were incubated for 2 h
to determine whether growth responses to rb

I cytokines were comparable with growth

responses of human derived E. coli to human
cytokines after 2 h of incubation (4, 8).
Growth of isolate E. coli 28 in rbIFN-y was
measured during both log and stationary
growth phases to provide information on the
influence of rbIFN-y on growth dynamics of
coliform populations. Escherichia coli 28 was
selected for additional testing because growth
of this isolate was positively correlated with
rbIFN-y concentrations in each medium.
o id io2 io3 io4 Coefficients of determination among E. coli 28
rbIFN-7 (U/ml of RPMI 1640) bacterial counts and rbIFN-y concentrations
were .76, SO, and .94 in WMI-1640, BSB,
Figure 1. Mean growth responses of 10 coliform iso-
lates to recombinant bovine interferon-? (rbIFN-y) in a and UHT milk, respectively. The rbIFN-y in-
synthetic tissue culture medium (RPMI-1640). Bars repre- creased (P c .05) bacterial populations after 2
Sent standard error. and 4 h of incubation but did not affect the
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 4, 1993
that result in impaired immune responses and
r increased bacterial growth. However, E. coli
28 did not decrease concentrations of rbIFN-y
when it was cultured in RPMI-1640 (data not
shown). The responses of coliforms to rbIFN-y
varied among growth media, indicating a pos-
sible nutritional role of the cytokine. The
cytokine or excipient carrier may have con-
tained substrates or cofactors that optimized
bacterial growth. In support of this theory, the
greatest increases in growth were measured in
RPMI- 1640, a chemically defined minimal
4 0 2 4 6 8 medium. The growth-promoting effects of
Hours rbIFN-y were the least in BSB, a complex
medium used for the rapid growth of coliform
Figure 3. Growth curves of Escherichia coli 28 in bacteria (12). Enhancement of growth by other
synthetic tissue culture medium (RPMI-1640) with ( 0 ) and cytokines was independent of growth medium
without (V) 104 Ulml of interferon-y. Bars represent
standard error. (4, 8).

rblL-2 and rblL-16

number of bacteria after 6 and 8 h of incuba-
tion (Figure 3). Cultures incubated in the pres- Bacterial growth responses were not related
ence of rbIFN-y reached stationary phase after to either rbIL-2 or rbIL-10 concentrations in
4 h of incubation compared with 6 h of incuba- any of the three media. Combined growth
tion in control cultures. Porat et al. (8) also responses to rbIL-2 or rbIL-lP in all three
reported that human IL-10 enhanced growth of media are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 ,
E. coli isolates during log growth phase but respectively. These results differ from previous
did not alter the number of bacteria in station- findings, indicating that human cytokines
ary phase. stimulated the growth of virulent E. coli. Denis
Previous studies (4) have suggested that et al. (4) reported that recombinant human IL-2
bacteria reduced the concentration of cytokines and recombinant human granulocyte-
in media after only a few hours of incubation. macrophage colony-stimulating factor en-
Consumption of cytokines by pathogens could hanced the growth of an E. coli strain in
have several implications for the host, includ- RPMI-1640. The enhanced growth by human
ing decreased local concentrations of cytokine IL-2 WilI jignificant at concintrationi as low

1 T

-E 8.1

2 8.0


o io1 io2 lo3 lo4 o id 102 lo3 io4
rbIL- 2 (U/ml) rbIL-lp (U/ml)
Figure 4. Mean growth responses of 10 coliform iso- Figure 5. Mean growth responses of 10 coliform iso-
lates to recombinant bovine interleukin-2 (rbIL-2) in three lates to recombinant bovine interleukin-lp (rbIL-Ip) in
media. Bars represent standard error. three media. Bars represent standard error.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 4, 1993


as 1 U/ml. Porat et al. (8) reported that as little has not been reported. However, monitoring
as I O ng/ml of human IL-1/3 enhanced growth naturally occurring infections and establishing
of E. coli strains. The disparity between the growth responses of bacteria to cytokines used
current trial and previous reports may be due in experimental infections may be warranted in
to differences in cytokines tested. For example, future studies.
bovine IL-10 is only 62% homologous to the
human IL-lp protein (6). Porat et al. (8) con- REFERENCES
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 4, 1993

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