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Civility in Politics


What has contributed to the rise of incivility?


How can we act in a civil manner?

LDS church and civil rights for all

How can we work with those who are different from us?

Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill

How can we develop empathy?

Value of multiple viewpoints

Responsibility to teach Civility

Dallin H. Oaks: “We all lose when an atmosphere of anger or hostility or contention prevails. We
all lose when we cannot debate public policies without resorting to epithets, boycotts, firings,
and other intimidation of our adversaries. We need to promote the virtue of civility.” [Mormon
Studies conference, Claremont, CA, March 2016]

President Oaks: “In these distressing times our freedom and hope can be fostered by five actions:
One, we must concentrate on what we have in common with our neighbors and fellow citizens.
Two, we must strive for mutual understanding and treat all with goodwill. Three, we must
exercise patience. Four, we should all speak out for religion and the importance of religious
freedom. And five, we must, above all, trust in God and His promises.” [“Elections, Hope, and
Freedom,” BYU-Provo Devotional, September 2016]

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