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Universidad Autónoma Del Estado de


Facultad de Economía.

Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales Bilingües


Organismos Internacionales

Cold war


Karla Jatziri Garatachia Ascencio


Brenda María Cristina Morales Cuenca

13 de marzo del 2021.

During the 19th century the
industry revolution provoke Communism arises in Russia in
At the end of the 2WW, the cold terrible conditions, poverty for 1917 with Lenin with the absolute In the URSS the people were
war begun, the world was the workers. Karl Marks control of the country de dying with poverty, but the rest
divided between two believed that the equality capitalism was falling, and United of the world seen
superpowers, United states and between poor and rich were States refuse to be part of this. industrialization quick push
Soviet Union, the capitalism possible with the communism. American president created the against Nazis and employment.
against communism. league of nations. Being more
successful communism with a
massive explain
In 1949 China add
Germany was divided in four The Marshall Plan in Europe to the URSS with
parts (URSS, France, US, and (1938) people will be less likely June 24 of 1948 Stalin tried to do their communism
UK) the US tried to intimidate to adopt communism to the a Berlin bloke lifting out France but US gave the
Stalin with the atomic bomb, a promote of the free markets and United Kingdom, then they independence to
unique opportunity making the gave to Germany the India, Philippines,
communism stop in Asia independence. and other countries.

In 1950 the world was divided in

In 1843 after the death of Stalin The first of second group
Korea have been divided with three the first one was the
Khrushchev took the power of the tried to expand to the third
Americans in the South and United states and their allies the
URRS he was a leader more world for economic
Soviets in the North, United second was the SU and their
progressive, but he was interested in the Congo the
States used nuclear weapons in allies and the third was the poor
unpredictable president accept support of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. countries.
the SU and he was killed
for the Americans.
John F Kennedy was a new president In Cuba Fidel Castro was having a
Khrushchev try to take advantage of revolution he asked to the URRS for
this and he meet him with the purpose help them send missiles to protect
of expand to Germany, he started the Cuba. Kennedy invaded Cuba to
construction of the Berlin Wall. prevent a nuclear war.
Nixon was trying to
In 1954 Vietnam was divided the Martin Luther King Jr. was
In 1964 to the URSS have search for a save
URSS supporting the South and the assassinated Robert Kennedy also
internal problems, a new relationship both tried
president was killed for the CIA, was assassinated and Nixon order to
leader Leonard Brezhnev to avoid a war.
attack the North millions of people die
three weeks later Kennedy was which strategic was a
assassinated they were protest the complete lack of innovation.
political situation was difficult the
people did not trust in the 1t of august 11975 Kechiche signed
government. the Helsinki trade according with In 1980 Ronald Regan win the election
United States and 33 counties he made a strategic to dominance, he
acknowledgement of this exciting tried to say that URSS was not a
URSS and US started European Barnes accepting to respect
investigations to the space SU sent superior power in the modern world
human rights but turned out it if there pressuring them to reduce their arms
the first man to this space and a were political interests
month later United States sent the and he created a new defense missile
first men to the moon NASA sent attacks convincing to negotiate.
Neil Armstrong after that URSS and
US worked together.
Constantin Chernenko the new leader
replacement Yuri, in 1976 China The Perestroika was
The new leader Yuri Andropov was adopted elements of the capitalism introducing to admit limit 8th December 1987 US
looking for evidence to the US attack and worked the GDP would quadruple markets mechanism in and URSS signed the
both were prepared for a war while the economy where one of the largest 1990 for the URSS the nuclear trade to
the negotiations were paused. In in the world. negotiation was the only eliminate nuclear
response large peace moments in option. arms.
1984 Reagan called the year of the
opportunity peace. The Perestroika was not
working the Chernobyl The URSS started the demarcation. November 9th
accident in 1989 reveal the the Berlin Wall fall. Gorchov the Noble Pace Price in
sickness of the situation in 1990, he avoids the communism monopoly.
URSS. On December 25th, 1991, the URSS arrived at the
As everybody known we live in a globalized world in which its more important how much do you beneficiate that
who do you affect, the political and economic interest are more important than a human life, we are not persons
we are numbers, and we represent a hand work. This is the way that the superpowers seen the reality, the cold
war was an important event in the history of the humanity, it is a certain remainder that the negotiation is the base
of everything, every nation needs of the rest, it does not matter if it is a world potential, in the Cold War we could
see that the political interest cannot being bigger that our sense of sensibility.

At the end, the morality and the idea of peace was more powerful, and that is exactly what is happening in the
actuality, the pandemic makes us reflect about our role in the society, to evaluate the importance of living the
moment, to keep the idea of enjoying and care about each other. Furthermore, the solution of this problematic,
the vaccine it is not accessible to everyone, and as in the past we can see the politic interest are involved, the
vaccine its accessible to the first world in fist instance, but for the rest is not as easy, the breach between the rich
and the poor it is still there, generating troubles, and making the life harder. The people dying and the idea of an
uncertain future it is every time closer to us, the nation’s representants are doing what they believe it is better for
their people, also, I do not blame them because to bring the vaccine to every corner implicates costs, and logistic
strategic, and another variable. The history is friendly reminder of the mistakes and hits of our ancestors, we can
take it as a knowledge of what we could do better or what we should not to do, the cold war was as its name said
a cold period of time that cost millions of life, and bring us a new start, that I hope we can appreciate it.

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