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Tem Numbers __ (Ge Comm Cease only) AGENDA COORDINATION FORM Bexar County Commissioners Court ‘Type of Agenda Item (Choose one): Ceremonial [] Special Presentation [7] Time Certain] Consent] Individual [& Sponsoring Office/Department: County Judge/Commissioner Pet 3 Recipient Agency Individual Name: Contact Person: Nicole Erfurth Phone Number: 335-2280 Cour Date equested: _August 10. 2021 Presenter: Phone Number: Des 1 Action: _ August 10,2021, Audio / Visual Presentation: Y] NO] efired (typey: NIA. Officia/Department Head Signature CAPTIO! insurance premium payments, not to exceed $1,000, subject to employee eligibility and presenting evidence of complete COVID-19 vaccine by December 15, 2021 ESTIMATED PRESENTATION TIME: BACKGROUND: Bexar County employees continued services without disruption throughout the COVID-19 pandemic under difficult circumstances. Practicing social distancing, wearing personal protective equipment and finding alternatives to engage with the County constituency, many employees were among the first to undergo vaccinations. In February 2021, Bexar County secured 1,950 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for then- cligible employees that met the Phase 1A or 1B criteria (at least one chronic medical conditions). COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting the vaccinated and the community. Even those who contracted COVID-19, are helping by getting vaccinated as experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Vaccination represents a tool to help the world get back to normal. The vaccinated are less than 10% of the already taxed hospital systems in COVID-19 admissions, and subsequently offer savings to the County community through the preventive measure of vaccination. ‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have standardized a process for tracking adult vaccinations. A vaccination certificate is created at the time of vaccination in which the recipient receives a vaccination card, For COVID-19 vaccines that are 2 part (2 doses), multiple lines are populated. This will represent the primary method of evidence to be eligible for a premium rebate in 2021 not to exceed $1,000, Eligible employees may receive a premium rebate if enrolled in a Bexar County Self-Insured Medical Plan with Aetna up to $1,000 in 2021. If an employee is enrolled in Medical insurance outside of Bexar County, they must show evidence of the premium payment in 2021 from the Carrier or employer sponsored plan for a rebate not to exceed $500 in 2021 RECOMMENDED MOTIO! Direction to the County Manager to develop a health insurance pret employees and associated costs for court consideration, 1m reimbursement plan for eligible FISCAL ASSESSMENT: APPLICABLE Yes O No O Hem Number: (toe Comm Cruse only) Fiscal Note o Is this a revenue or expense? Revenue o Expense Dollar amount of revenue or expense associated with item? Is this a budgeted revenue or expense? Yes Does this item require additional staff? Yes Will this increase your current budget? Yes on] en| ero] | Impact on future Budget? If Yes, Explain in Comments, Yes Oooo) ooo oO (Current End-of- Year Expenditure Estimate-for impacted Object Code(s)? fan expense, what is the current Object Code budget amount? Ifan expense, are sufficient funds currently budgeted in the Object Code? Yes No Bol <0] 4) Ifan expense, are sufficient funds currently budgeted in the Appropriation Yes oo No oo} u List impacted offices or departments or note if countywide: Fund number: 13 (Org number and Agency Code: 4 Activity Code: 15 If this is a grant, what is the estimated amount of program income? 16 is a grant, what is the amount of Grantor funding? 17 isa grant, what is the required County eash match? 18 is a grant, what is the required County in-kind/allocation match? 19 If this is a grant, was item approved by the Grant Review Committee? Yes No 20 ‘Comments: 21 ‘Coordinated by:

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