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LAST NAME AND NAME……………………………………………………………………………..
I. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer.

Lori Nelson likes her job. She is a banker, so she helps people with their money every day. Every day, Ms. Nelson
gets up at 7:00. She takes a shower and has breakfast. Then she takes a train into the city. At the bank, Ms. Nelson
goes to one or two meetings every day. That’s because she is a manager at the bank, so she makes a lot of important
decisions. She also meets clients every day. The clients are the bank’s customers, so they are very important to Ms.
Nelson. In the afternoon, Ms. Nelson checks her e-mail one more time. Then she takes a train home.

Peter Engel doesn’t like some parts of his job. He is a chef at a restaurant, so every day he buys food for the
restaurant. Then he cooks lunch and dinner for the customers. Mr. Engel likes those parts of his job, but he is also the
head of the kitchen. He doesn’t like to teach the other cooks. And when cooks aren’t doing the job well enough, Mr.
Engel must tell them to leave the restaurant. Then the cooks don’t have a job, and Mr. Engel feels bad. Luckily, most
cooks do the job pretty well, so they can keep their job for a long time.
A. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer.
1.1 What is Lori Nelson’s job? a. chef b. banker c. artist
1.2 Where does Peter Engel work? a. at a bank b. at a school c. at a
1.3 What does Peter Engel not like to do? a. buy food b. cook dinner c. teach other cooks
b. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose True or False.
1,4.- Lori Nelson doesn’t like her job. -----
1.5-Peter Engels doesn’t like some parts of his job. -----
1.6.-Lori Nelson meets clients every day. -----
1,7-Lori Nelson walks to work. ------
1.8.- Peter Engels doesn’t cook breakfast at the restaurant. ___
II, Complete the questions use appropriate auxiliary and with the verbs in parentheses. Then short answer
Example: ___ they ______ their friends? (to phone) __Yes, They do_________

Answer: Do they phone their friends?

2.1) _______ you___________ mineral water? (to drink) ____________________

2.2) _______Andy____________ the shopping? (to do) ______________________
2.3) _______your teacher__________ your homework? (to check) _____________________
2.4) _______they________________ in the old house? (to live) _____________________
2.5) _______the cat____________ on the wall in the mornings? (to sit) _____________________
2.6) _______Nina________________ computer games? (to play) _____________________
2.7) _______your parents__________ TV in the afternoon? (to watch) ______________________
2.8) _______your grandmother______ the phone? (to answer) ______________________
2.9) _______ I ____________the music ( to listen) ______________________

2.10_______your parnert_________ your homework? (to do) ____________________

III. Instructions: Put the words in the correct order to make polite requests.
III.1 please / I / see / brown / shoes / the / can ________________________________________
III.2 size / 8 / please / you / bring / could / a __________________________________
III.3 another / try / on / I / hat / please / can ______________________________________

IV. Instructions: Complete the sentence with the correct simple present tense form of the words in parentheses. Use
contractions for negative statements.
4.1 Shirley ____________________ (get up) at 7:00 every morning.
4.2 Toshi ____________________ (not have lunch) at work.
4.3 Tara ____________________ (finish work) at 5:30.
4.4 Lance ____________________ (not take a shower) in the evening.
4.5 The baby ____________________ (take a nap) every afternoon.
4.6 Bill and Rita ____________________ (have dinner) at six thirty.
4.7 Marco ____________________ (start work) at 8:30 in the morning.
4.8 Linda ____________________ (have lunch) at twelve o’clock.
4.9 The children ____________________ (not go to bed) at 8:00.
4.10 My parents ____________________ (get up) at a quarter after six.

V.- Instructions: Match the vocabulary words and phrases to the sentences below.
a. get up
b. 5:15 5.1 It’s a hot day. You’re not clean. You should
c. seven fifteen _____.
d. go to bed 5.2 Another way to write 6:45 is _____.
e. 8:30 5.3 It’s morning. You should _____.
f. 9:45 5.4 It’s 12:30. You’re hungry. You should _____.
g. eat lunch 5.5. It’s evening. You’re tired. You should _____.
h. a quarter to seven 5.6. Another way to write five o’clock is _____.
i. take a shower 5.7 Another way to write half past eight is _____.
j. 5:00 5.8 Another way to write 7:15 is _____.
b Another way to write a quarter after five is __ 5.9 Another way to write a quarter to ten is

VI.- Instructions: Write yes/no questions and complete the short answers about Anna’s work activities. Use
information from the chart and the words in parentheses.

Things Anna does every day ∙ check emails

∙ make photocopies

Things Anna does every week ∙ go to meetings

∙ go to the bank

∙ meet clients

6.1 (check emails; every day) ______________________________________________________?

A: Yes, __________________________________________

6.2 go to meetings; every day) ______________________________________________________?

A: No, ____________________________________________.

6.3 (go to the bank; every week) ______________________________________________________?

A: Yes, ____________________________________________.
6.4 (meet clients; every week) ____________________________________________________?
A: Yes, ____________________________________________.
6.5 (go to the bank; every day) ______________________________________________________?
A: No, ____________________________________________.

VII.- Instructions: Write a question for each answer.

7. 1 A: _____________________________________? B: Arthur finishes work at six o’clock.
7. 2 A: _____________________________________________? B: Yes, I check e-mails every day.
7.3 A: ____________________________________________? B: No, I don’t travel every week.
7.4 A: ___________________________________________? B: Sue and Ron have dinner at eight o’clock.
7.5 A: ___________________________________________? B: No, I don’t meet clients every day.
7.6 A: _______________________________________? B: My children go to bed at 9:00.
7.7 A: _______________________________________? B: Yes, Julian makes photocopies every day.

VIII. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

I’m having a party tonight for my friends, Zahra, Helena, and Suchir. We all work in the fashion industry. I’m a
photographer and take pictures of new designs in clothes. Zahra and Helena are high fashion models from Nunavut,
Canada. They are both beautiful Inuit women. Suchir is a famous designer from India. I really like his designs. He
always uses beautiful colors. You know, I think that the color of your clothes says a lot about you.
This evening I see some of my favorite colors in my friends’ clothes. There’s a lot of pink, blue, and black. Black is a
nice color, of course. It goes with just about everything and dark clothes really make a person look more powerful.
Pink is very romantic and blue is, of course, calm.

Helena is wearing a blue evening dress with long silver earrings and a small bracelet to match. She also has on a
man’s hat! I don’t like the hat, but Helena’s look is always a little unusual.

Suchir is wearing a light blue shirt and red tie with a gray sweater. He’s also wearing black pants and black shoes. It’s
interesting that Suchir never wears his own designs.

Zahra has on her favorite black skirt with a pink blouse. I like her shoes. They are beige Italian leather. Her scarf is
light beige too. Zahra is one of my favorite models. She’s a real chameleon. It’s easy for her to change her look with
different clothes.
And me, what am I wearing? Well my clothes are both formal and informal. I have on white jeans, a black t-shirt, a
black tie, and blue vest.
I love what everyone is wearing this evening. We all look good!

8.1 Suchir’s pants and shoes are ____ .a. red b. light blue c. blac
8.2 here are Zahra and Helena from? a. from Canada b. from Italy c. from India
8.3 Suchir never wears ____ . a. hats or ties b. Inuit clothes c. his own desig
8.4 Suchir is a ____ . a. photographer b. designer c. model
Instructions: Read the article. Then choose True or False.
8.5 Helena is an Inuit model. _____
8.6 Suchir is from India. ___
8.7 Suchir has on white jeans, a black t-shirt, a black tie, and blue vest. ____
8.9 Helena is wearing a blue evening dress with long gold earrings. _____

IX.- Instructions: Put the words in the correct order to make polite requests
9.1 please / I / see / brown / shoes / the / can _______________________________________?
9.2 try / it / I / can / please / on _______________________________________?
9.3 bring / me / another / sweater / you / can / please ____________________________________?
9.4 pay / I / could / please / credit / card / by ____________________________________?
9.5 see / I / please / black / jacket / could / the ____________________________________?
9.6 dress / the / purple / I / could / see / please ____________________________________?

X. Complete the sentences in present progressive:

1. I ____________________ (teach) English at that highschool.
3. She __________________ (cry) because she is angry.
4. They __________________ ( not win) the match.
5. She _____________________ (sleep) in her bedroom.
6. The taxi __________________(stop) in that corner.
7. He ________________________ ( not walk) the dog.
8. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
9. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
10. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
11. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.
12. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.
13. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.
14. I ___________ (not wear) something blue
15. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth.
16. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?
17. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.
18. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?
19. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?
20. ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
21. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for? I´m ____________ (wait) for John.
22. ____________ it ____________ (snow)? No, it ____________ (rain)
23. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today? We ____________ (go) to the park.
24. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me? No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.
25. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV? No, we ____________ (study).
26. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I ____________ (do) my homework.

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