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Adverbs and adverbial phrases are used to describe where, when or how often
something happens.

1. How often 2. When

every morning / day / week etc. today / tomorrow / tonight etc.

once a day, now / soon / later / then (at that time) etc.
twice a day,
three / four / five times a day In 1991 / on the 24th of February / on New Year's
Eve etc.
sometimes / usually / never / always / all the time

1. I buy new make-up every month.
2. Tomorrow, we are going to the supermarket. 
3. Let's go to that shoe shop over there. 

Form - Summary

Adverbial phrases of frequency (how often) usually go at the end of sentences.

1. Subje
E.g. every day

Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb.

2. Subj
E.g. usually

3. Adve
Adverbs of time (when) usually go at the beginning or the end of a sentence or clause.
4. Subj

Adverbs of place (where) usually go after a verb or after the object of the sentence.
5. Subje
1. We go on a shopping holiday every year. 
2. We never go to New York.
3. Yesterday, I bought a new coat.
4. I bought a new coat yesterday.
5. The coat I like is in the shop over there.

Tips and Tricks

1. After "every" DO NOT use the plural form: 
John goes swimming every day. 

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