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January 2012

National Institutes of Health • Department of Health and Human Services •

Inside News: 3 Mindfulness Matters... 4 Treating Prostate Cancer... Empathy in Rats... NIH Clinical Research Trials

Breaking Bad Habits

Why It’s So Hard to Change
If you know something’s bad for on mental auto-
you, why can’t you just stop? About pilot without really
70% of smokers say they would like thinking about the
to quit. Drug and alcohol abusers directions. “When
struggle to give up addictions that behaviors become
hurt their bodies and tear apart automatic, it gives
families and friendships. And many us an advantage,
of us have unhealthy excess weight because the brain
that we could lose if only we would does not have
eat right and exercise more. So why to use conscious
don’t we do it? thought to per-
NIH-funded scientists have been form the activity,”
searching for answers. They’ve Volkow says. This
studied what happens in our brains frees up our brains
as habits form. They’ve found clues to focus on differ-
to why bad habits, once established, ent things.
are so difficult to kick. And they’re Habits can also
developing strategies to help us develop when
make the changes we’d like to make. good or enjoyable
“Habits play an important role in events trigger the
our health,” says Dr. Nora Volkow, brain’s “reward”
director of NIH’s National Institute centers. This can set up potentially is there when you’re doing it, that
on Drug Abuse. “Understanding the harmful routines, such as overeat- strengthens the habit even more.
biology of how we develop routines ing, smoking, drug or alcohol abuse, When you’re not doing those things,
that may be harmful to us, and how gambling and even compulsive use dopamine creates the craving to do
to break those routines and embrace of computers and social media. it again,” Poldrack says. “This explains
new ones, could help us change “The general machinery by which why some people crave drugs, even if
our lifestyles and adopt healthier we build both kinds of habits are the drug no longer makes them feel
behaviors.” the same, whether it’s a habit for particularly good once they take it.”
Habits can arise through repeti- overeating or a habit for getting to In a sense, then, parts of our brains
tion. They are a normal part of life, work without really thinking about are working against us when we try
and are often helpful. “We wake the details,” says Dr. Russell Poldrack, to overcome bad habits. “These rou-
up every morning, shower, comb a neurobiologist at the University of tines can become hardwired in our
our hair or brush our teeth with- Texas at Austin. Both types of habits brains,” Volkow says. And the brain’s
out being aware of it,” Volkow says. are based on the same types of brain reward centers keep us craving the
We can drive along familiar routes mechanisms. continued on page 2
“But there’s one important differ-
ence,” Poldrack says. And this dif-
Definitions ference makes the pleasure-based
habits so much harder to break.
Dopamine Enjoyable behaviors can prompt
A brain chemical that regulates your brain to release a chemical
movement, emotion, motivation called dopamine. “If you do some- news in health
and pleasure. thing over and over, and dopamine
2 January 2012

continued from page 1

things we’re trying so hard to resist. “self-control is like a muscle. Once Web Links
The good news is, humans are not you’ve exerted some self-control, like
simply creatures of habit. We have a muscle it gets tired.” For more information about breaking
many more brain regions to help us After successfully resisting a bad habits, see our links online:
do what’s best for our health. temptation, Baumeister’s research
“Humans are much better than shows, willpower can be temporarily
any other animal at changing and drained, which can make it harder
orienting our behavior toward long- to stand firm the next time around. ing that. It’s not guaranteed to work,
term goals, or long-term benefits,” In recent years, though, he’s found but it certainly can help.”
says Dr. Roy Baumeister, a psycholo- evidence that regularly practicing dif- One way to kick bad habits is to ac-
gist at Florida State University. His ferent types of self-control—such as tively replace unhealthy routines with
studies on decision-making and will- sitting up straight or keeping a food new, healthy ones. Some people find
power have led him to conclude that diary—can strengthen your resolve. they can replace a bad habit, even
“We’ve found that you can improve drug addiction, with another behav-
your self-control by doing exercises ior, like exercising. “It doesn’t work for
Wise Choices over time,” Baumeister says. “Any everyone,” Volkow says. “But certain
Break Bad Habits regular act of self-control will gradu- groups of patients who have a history
ally exercise your ‘muscle’ and make of serious addictions can engage in
n Avoid tempting situations. If you stronger.” certain behaviors that are ritualistic
you always stop for a donut on Volkow notes that there’s no single and in a way compulsive—such as
your way to work, try a different effective way to break bad habits. “It’s marathon running—and it helps
route. Keep fatty foods, ciga- not one size fits all,” she says. them stay away from drugs. These
rettes, alcohol and other tempt- One approach is to focus on alternative behaviors can counteract
ing items out of your home. becoming more aware of your un- the urges to repeat a behavior to take
n Replace unhealthy behaviors healthy habits. Then develop strate- a drug.”
with healthy ones. Try exercise, gies to counteract them. For example, Another thing that makes habits
a favorite hobby or spending habits can be linked in our minds especially hard to break is that
time with family. to certain places and activities. You replacing a first-learned habit with
n Prepare mentally. If you can’t could develop a plan, say, to avoid a new one doesn’t erase the original
avoid a tempting situation, walking down the hall where there’s behavior. Rather, both remain in
prepare yourself in advance. a candy machine. Resolve to avoid your brain. But you can take steps
Think about how you want to going places where you’ve usually to strengthen the new one and
handle it and mentally practice smoked. Stay away from friends and suppress the original one. In ongoing
what you plan. situations linked to problem drinking research, Poldrack and his colleagues
n Enlist support. Ask friends, or drug use. are using brain imaging to study the
family and co-workers to sup- Another helpful technique is to differences between first-learned and
port your efforts to change. visualize yourself in a tempting situ- later-learned behaviors. “We’d like to
ation. “Mentally practice the good find a way to train people to improve
n Reward yourself for small behavior over the bad,” Poldrack says. their ability to maintain these
steps. Give yourself a healthy “If you’ll be at a party and want to eat behavioral changes,” Poldrack says.
treat when you’ve achieved a
vegetables instead of fattening foods, Some NIH-funded research
small goal or milestone.
then mentally visualize yourself do- is exploring whether certain
medications can help to disrupt
NIH News in Health (ISSN 1556-3898) hard-wired automatic behaviors in
National Institutes of Health Editor Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
the brain and make it easier to form
Office of Communications Assistant Editor Vicki Contie new memories and behaviors. Other
& Public Liaison scientific teams are searching for
Contributors Joe Balintfy, Vicki Contie, Alan
Building 31, Room 5B64 Defibaugh (illustrations), Bonnie Tabasko and genes that might allow some people
Bethesda, MD 20892-2094 Harrison Wein to easily form and others to readily suppress habits.
Tel: 301-435-7489 Fax: 301-496-0019 Bad habits may be hard to
Attention Editors Reprint our articles and change, but it can be done.
illustrations in your own publication. Our material For more health information from NIH, visit Enlist the help of friends, co-
is not copyrighted. Please acknowledge NIH News
in Health as the source and send us a copy. workers and family for some
extra support. n January 2012 3

Mindfulness Matters
Can Living in the Moment Improve Your Health?
At some point in your life, someone unfolds moment to moment, good
probably told you: “Enjoy every and bad, and without judgment or
moment. Life is short.” Maybe preconceived notions.
you’ve smiled and rolled your eyes “Many of us go through our lives
at this well-intentioned relative or without really being present in the
co-worker. But the fact is, there’s moment,” says Dr. Margaret Chesney
something to it. Trying to enjoy of the University of California, San
each moment may actually be good Francisco. She’s studying how
for your health. mindfulness affects health. “What is
The idea is called mindfulness. valuable about mindfulness is that it
This ancient practice is about is accessible and can be helpful to so
being completely aware of what’s many people.”
happening in the present—of all Studies suggest that mindfulness
that’s going on inside and all that’s practices may help people manage
happening around you. It means stress, cope better with serious illness
not living your life on “autopilot.” and reduce anxiety and depression.
Instead, you experience life as it Many people who practice mindful-
ness report an increased ability to
relax, a greater enthusiasm for life
and improved self-esteem.
Wise Choices One NIH-supported study found a
Being Mindful link between mindfulness meditation
and measurable changes in the brain
The concept of mindfulness is
simple, but becoming a more regions involved in memory, learning
mindful person requires commit- and emotion. Another NIH-funded
ment and practice. Here are some researcher reported that mindfulness Finding time for mindfulness in our
tips to help you get started: practices may reduce anxiety and culture, however, can be a challenge.
hostility among urban youth and We tend to place great value on
n Take some deep breaths. lead to reduced stress, fewer fights how much we can do at once and
Breathe in through your nose and better relationships. how fast. Still, being more mindful is
to a count of 4, hold for 1 sec- A major benefit of mindfulness is within anyone’s reach.
ond and then exhale through that it encourages you to pay atten- You can practice mindfulness
the mouth to a count of 5. tion to your thoughts, your actions throughout the day, even while
Repeat often. and your body. For example, studies answering e-mails, sitting in traffic or
n Enjoy a stroll. As you walk, have shown that mindfulness can waiting in line. All you have to do is
notice your breath and the help people achieve and maintain a become more aware—of your breath,
sights and sounds around you. healthy weight. “It is so common for of your feet on the ground, of your
As thoughts and worries enter people to watch TV and eat snack fingers typing, of the people and
your mind, note them but then food out of the box without really voices around you.
return to the present. attending to how much they are Chesney notes that as people start
n Practice mindful eating. Be eating,” says Chesney. “With mindful to learn how to be more mindful, it’s
aware of taste, textures and eating, you eat when you’re hungry, common and normal to realize how
flavors in each bite, and listen focus on each bite, enjoy your food much your mind races and focuses
to your body when you are more and stop when you’re full.” on the past and future. You can just
hungry and full. notice those thoughts and then
n Find mindfulness resources return to the present moment. It is
in your local community, Web Links these little, regular steps that add up
including yoga and meditation and start to create a more mindful,
classes, mindfulness-based For more about being mindful, healthy life.
stress reduction programs see our links online: So, before you roll your eyes
and books. again, take a moment and consider
mindfulness. n
4 January 2012

Health Capsules For links to more information, see these stories online:

Delaying Treatment for Prostate Cancer

An independent panel convened by control—without improving survival.
Featured Website
NIH recently studied strategies for “It’s clear that many men would NIH Clinical Research
managing low-risk prostate cancer benefit from delaying treatment,” Trials andYou
that hasn’t spread. It found that close says panel chairperson Dr. Patricia A.
monitoring and delayed treatment Ganz of the University of California,
may be a better option than immedi- Los Angeles. “I think the real chal-
ate surgery or radiation therapy for lenge that we have is that the word Clinical trials help scientists find better
many patients. ‘cancer’ immediately elicits the equa- ways to prevent, diagnose and treat
Prostate cancer is the buildup of tion with death.” disease. Read about the experiences of
abnormal cells in the prostate, a There are 2 alternatives to imme- clinical trial volunteers and researchers,
male gland below the bladder and diate treatment. “Watchful waiting” and learn more about how you might
in front of the rectum. It usually involves avoiding treatment unless participate in these life-saving studies.
occurs in older men, affecting about symptoms develop. “Active surveil-
30% to 40% of men over age 50. lance” also involves delaying treat-
More than half of prostate cancers ment, but includes periodic testing
are confined to the prostate and to detect cancer progression. More
unlikely to become life-threatening. work needs to be done to know who
But about 90% of patients receive would benefit from which approach.
immediate treatment, such as sur- Ganz added that after a review of
gery or radiation therapy. These the research, “we feel confident that
treatments can have serious short- in the very low-risk patients [active
and long-term side effects for many surveillance] is a reasonable thing to
patients—including problems with offer men when they are being told
sexual function and loss of urinary that they have this diagnosis.” n

Rats Show Empathy, Too another with 5 chocolate chips, a fa-

A new study shows that empathy rat roamed freely while the other was vorite rat snack. The free rats opened
may drive rats to help each other. The restrained in a clear tube. Each tube both tubes in no consistent order and
finding gives insight into the roots of had a door that could be nudged allowed their liberated cagemates an
our urge to assist others in need. open only from the outside by the average of 1.5 chips.
Empathy motivates us to take free rat. “That was very compelling,” says
action when we see someone suf- Most rats learned how to quickly researcher Dr. Peggy Mason. “It said
fering. Apes and other primates also release the door to set their com- to us that essentially helping their
help each other when they perceive panion free. But the rats paid little cagemate is on a par with chocolate.
distress. Rats share the distress of attention to tubes that were empty or He could hog the entire chocolate
other rats, too, but whether they contained only a toy rat. Even when stash if he wanted to, and he does
would take the next step to help a the free rats couldn’t get to the liber- not. We were shocked.”
fellow rat was unknown. ated rats to play with them, they still The researchers say their experi-
A team of NIH-funded research- released the trapped rats. ments suggest we have a biological
ers at the University of Chicago put The scientists then tried giving rats need to act on our empathic feelings.
pairs of rats together in cages. One 2 tubes—one with a rat inside and “It’s in our brain,” Mason says. n

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