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1. How many periods are on the periodic table?

a. 4
b. 7
c. 9

2. What do the groups/families in the periodic table have in common?

a. The number of electron orbitals
b. The exact same characteristics
c. The number of valence electrons

3. What do the periods on the periodic table have in common?

a. The number of electron orbitals
b. The exact same characteristics
c. The number of valence electrons

4. The ability to pound metal into a flat sheet without breaking it is:
a. Luster
b. Malleability
c. Ductile

5. The most reactive family of metals is the:

a. Transition Metals
b. Alkaline Earth Metals
c. Alkali Metals

6. Which of the following is not a physical property of metals:

a. Luster
b. Corrosion
c. Malleability
d. Ductile

7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of nonmetals:

a. Malleable
b. Brittle
c. Dull
d. Poor conductors of heat

8. What are the elements to the left of the zigzag line called?
a. Nonmetals
b. Metalloids
c. Metals

9. The atomic mass tells the number ____________________ in an atom.

a. Electrons and neutrons
b. Electrons and protons
c. Protons and neutrons

10. Elements on the periodic table are ordered according to their:

a. Number of neutrons
b. Atomic mass
c. Atomic number
d. Which side (left or right) of the periodic table are the metals?
e. A. Left
f. B. Right

11. Where the

transitional metals
located on the
periodic table?  
a. A. On the left side of
the periodic table
b. B. In the middle of
the peridic table
c. C. On the right side
of the periodic table.

12. Who invented the periodic table?

a. A. Ernst Rutherford
b. B. Henry Mosely
c. C. Dimitri Mendeleev

13. Which direction (up/down or left/right) are the families?

a. A. Left/right
b. B. Up/down

14. Which element is located in group 2, period 3?

a. A. Be
b. B. Mg
c. C. B

15. How many electrons can fit in the first energy level?
a. A. 2
b. B. 8
c. C. 18

16. What does the number 3 indicate in this cell from the
periodic table?
a. A. Number of neutrons in a lithium atom
b. B. The atomic mass in the lithium atom
c. C. The number of protons in the lithium atom

17.  Which are characteristics of metals?

a. A. Conduct electricity and heat.
b. B. Non-shiny and generally liquid at room temperature.
c. C. Shiny and generally gas at room temperature.

18.  Where are the metalloids?

a. A. They are the bottom two periods on the periodic table.
b. B. They are the first family of metals
c. C. They are the elements that straddle the step-like like between the metals and non-
metals. They share characteristics of both groups.

19.  Which group of elements are called the Alkali metals?

a. A. Group 1 (IA)
b. B. Group 2 (IIA)
c. C. Group 3 (IIIA)
d. D. Group7 (VIIA or 17)
e. E. Group 8 (VIIIA or 18)
20. Which element from the periodic table would this correspond
with? (Assuming the same number of protons as electrons).
a. A. 6 electrons and 6 protons means carbon
b. B. 4 valence electrons indicates it is beryllium
c. C. one of the above

21.  Which element would have 20 protons and 19 neutrons?

a. A. Potassium
b. B. Calcium
c. C. Sodium

22.  The rows going across the table are called ______________. The elements
in a row all have the same number of _____________.

o A. Periods, Electron Shells

o B. Periods, Protons
o C. Group, Electron Shells
o D. Group, Neutrons

23. The periodic table is often separated into three categories:

o A. Metals, Gases and Liquids
o B. Metals, Organic, and Atoms
o C. Nonmetals, Metals and Metalloids
o D. Metalloids, Plastics and Plasma

24  The term metalloid refers to:

o A. Elements that are 80% metal and 20% nonmetal
o B. Elements can have both characteristics of metals and nonmetals
o C. Elements that have metal characteristics
o D. Elements that have a charged nucleus

25  What are the vertical columns on the periodic table called:

o A. Periods
o B. Symbols
o C. Atomic Mass
o D. Groups
26. Hydrogen is considered to be an Alkali Metal.
o A. True
o B. False

27.  They ___________________ are found in the first group of the periodic
table. They have the reputation of being very_____________________.
o A. Alkali Metals, Reactive
o B. Alkaline Earth Metals, Good Conductors
o C. Alkali Metals, Flammable
o D. Transition Metals, Reactive

28. In what group do you find the non-reactive Noble Gases?

o A. Period 8
o B. Group 7
o C. Group 18
o D. Group 1

29. Elements in the same group will possess...

o A. Similar Chemical Properties
o B. Similar Physical Properties
o C. The Same Number of Protons
o D. Both A and B
o E. A,B, and C

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