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Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk FRS (/ˈiːlɒn/ EE-lon; born June 28, 1971) is an ent repreneur and business
magnat e. He is t he founder, CEO and chief engineer at SpaceX; early st age invest or,[note 1] CEO,
and product archit ect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink
and OpenAI. A cent ibillionaire, Musk is one of t he richest people in t he world.
Elon Musk

Musk at the Royal Society admissions day in London, July 2018

Born Elon Reeve Musk

June 28, 1971
Pretoria, South Africa

Citizenship South Africa (1971–present)

Canada (1971–present)

United States (2002–present)

Alma mater University of Pretoria

Queen's University

University of Pennsylvania (BS and BA; 1997)

Occupation Entrepreneur

Title Founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX

CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.

Founder of The Boring Company and

(now part of PayPal)

Co-founder of Neuralink, OpenAI, and Zip2

Former chairman of SolarCity (now Tesla
Spouse(s) Energy)
Justine Wilson
(m. 2000; div. 2008)
Talulah Riley
(m. 2010; div. 2012)
(m. 2013; div. 2016)

Partner(s) Grimes (2018–present)

Children 7

Parents Errol Musk (father)

Maye Musk (mother)

Relatives Tosca Musk (sister)

Kimbal Musk (brother)
Lyndon Rive (cousin)


Musk was born t o a Canadian mot her and Sout h African fat her and raised in Pret oria, Sout h Africa.
He briefly at t ended t he Universit y of Pret oria before moving t o Canada aged 17 t o at t end
Queen's Universit y. He t ransferred t o t he Universit y of Pennsylvania t wo years lat er, where he
received bachelors' degrees in economics and physics. He moved t o California in 1995 t o at t end
St anford Universit y but decided inst ead t o pursue a business career, co-founding t he web
soft ware company Zip2 wit h his brot her Kimbal. The st art up was acquired by Compaq for $307
million in 1999. Musk co-founded online bank t hat same year, which merged wit h Confinit y
in 2000 t o form PayPal. The company was bought by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion.

In 2002, Musk founded SpaceX, an aerospace manufact urer and space t ransport services
company, of which he is CEO and CTO. In 2004, he joined elect ric vehicle manufact urer Tesla
Mot ors, Inc. (now Tesla, Inc.) as chairman and product archit ect , becoming it s CEO in 2008. In
2006, he helped creat e SolarCit y, a solar energy services company t hat was lat er acquired by
Tesla and became Tesla Energy. In 2015, he co-founded OpenAI, a nonprofit research company
t hat promot es friendly art ificial int elligence. In 2016, he co-founded Neuralink, a neurot echnology
company focused on developing brain–comput er int erfaces, and founded The Boring Company, a
t unnel const ruct ion company. Musk has proposed t he Hyperloop, a high-speed vact rain
t ransport at ion syst em.
Musk has been t he subject of crit icism due t o unort hodox or unscient ific st ances and highly
publicized cont roversies. In 2018, he was sued for defamat ion by a diver who advised in t he
Tham Luang cave rescue; a California jury ruled in favor of Musk. In t he same year, he was sued by
t he US Securit ies and Exchange Commission (SEC) for falsely t weet ing t hat he had secured
funding for a privat e t akeover of Tesla. He set t led wit h t he SEC, t emporarily st epping down from
his chairmanship and accept ing limit at ions on his Twit t er usage. Musk has spread misinformat ion
about t he COVID-19 pandemic and has received crit icism from expert s for his ot her views on
such mat t ers as art ificial int elligence and public t ransport .

Early life

Childhood and family

Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pret oria, Sout h Africa.[3] His mot her is Maye Musk
(née Haldeman), a model and diet it ian born in Saskat chewan, Canada,[4][5][6] but raised in Sout h
Africa. His fat her is Errol Musk, a Sout h African elect romechanical engineer, pilot , sailor,
consult ant , and propert y developer.[7] Musk has a younger brot her, Kimbal (born 1972), and a
younger sist er, Tosca (born 1974).[6][8] His mat ernal grandfat her, Joshua Haldeman, was an
American-born Canadian,[9][10] and Musk has Brit ish and Pennsylvania Dut ch ancest ry.[11][12] Aft er
his parent s divorced in 1980, Musk most ly lived wit h his fat her in Pret oria and elsewhere,[11] a
choice he made t wo years aft er t he divorce and subsequent ly regret t ed.[13] Musk has become
est ranged from his fat her, whom he has described as "a t errible human being... Almost every evil
t hing you could possibly t hink of, he has done."[13] He has a half-sist er and a half-brot her on his
fat her's side.[9][14]

Aged 10, Musk developed an int erest in comput ing while using t he Commodore VIC-20.[15] He
learned comput er programming using a manual and, by age 12, sold t he code of a BASIC-based
video game he creat ed called Blastar t o PC and Office Technology magazine for approximat ely
$500.[16][17] An awkward and int rovert ed child,[18] Musk was bullied t hroughout his childhood and
was once hospit alized aft er a group of boys t hrew him down a flight of st airs.[13][19] He at t ended
Wat erkloof House Preparat ory School and Bryanst on High School before graduat ing from
Pret oria Boys High School.[20]

Musk graduated from Pretoria Boys High School in South Africa.

Aware it would be easier t o ent er t he Unit ed St at es from Canada,[21] Musk applied for a Canadian
passport t hrough his Canadian-born mot her.[22][23] While await ing t he document at ion, he at t ended
t he Universit y of Pret oria for five mont hs; t his allowed Musk t o avoid mandat ory service in t he
Sout h African milit ary.[24] Arriving in Canada in June 1989, Musk failed t o locat e his great -uncle in
Mont real and inst ead st ayed at a yout h host el. He t hen t raveled west t o live wit h a second-
cousin in Saskat chewan.[25] He st ayed t here for a year, working odd jobs at a farm and lumber-
mill.[26] In 1990, Musk ent ered Queen's Universit y in Kingst on, Ont ario.[27][28] Two years lat er, he
t ransferred t o t he Universit y of Pennsylvania; he graduat ed in 1997 wit h a Bachelor of Science
(BS) degree in economics from t he Whart on School and a Bachelor of Art s (BA) degree in

In 1994, Musk held t wo int ernships in Silicon Valley during t he summer: at an energy st orage
st art up called Pinnacle Research Inst it ut e, which researched elect rolyt ic ult racapacit ors for
energy st orage, and at t he Palo Alt o-based st art up Rocket Science Games.[32] In 1995, Musk
was accept ed t o a Ph.D. program in energy physics/mat erials science at St anford Universit y in
California.[33] Musk at t empt ed t o get a job at Net scape but never received a response t o his
inquiries.[22] He dropped out of St anford aft er t wo days, deciding inst ead t o join t he Int ernet
boom and launch an Int ernet st art up.[34]

Business career


External video

Musk speaks of his early business experience during a 2014 commencement speech at USC (htt
ps:// on YouTube
In 1995, Musk, Kimbal, and Greg Kouri founded web soft ware company Zip2 wit h funds from
angel invest ors.[13] They housed t he vent ure at a small rent ed office in Palo Alt o.[35] The
company developed and market ed an Int ernet cit y guide for t he newspaper publishing indust ry,
wit h maps, direct ions, and yellow pages.[36] Musk says t hat before t he company became
successful, he could not afford an apart ment and inst ead slept on t he office couch and
showered at t he YMCA. They could only afford one comput er, and, according t o Musk, "The
websit e was up during t he day and I was coding it at night , seven days a week, all t he t ime."[35]
Musk brot hers obt ained cont ract s wit h The New York Times and t he Chicago Tribune,[37] and
persuaded t he board of direct ors t o abandon plans for a merger wit h Cit ySearch.[38] Musk's
at t empt s t o become CEO, a posit ion held by it s Chairman Rich Sorkin,[39] were t hwart ed by t he
board.[40] Compaq acquired Zip2 for $307 million in cash in February 1999.[41][42] Musk received
$22 million for his 7-percent share.[43][44] and PayPal

In 1999, Musk co-founded, an online financial services and e-mail payment company.[45]
The st art up was one of t he first online banks t o be federally insured, and, wit hin it s init ial mont hs,
over 200,000 cust omers joined t he service.[46] The company's invest ors saw Musk as
inexperienced and had him replaced wit h Int uit CEO Bill Harris by t he end of t he year.[47] The
following year, merged wit h online bank Confinit y t o prevent unnecessary
compet it ion.[35][47][48] Founded by Max Levchin and Pet er Thiel,[49] Confinit y had it s own money-
t ransfer service, PayPal, which was more popular t han's service.[43][50] Wit hin t he merged
company, Musk ret urned as CEO. Musk's preference for Microsoft soft ware over Linux creat ed a
rift in t he company and caused Thiel t o resign.[51] Due t o result ing t echnological issues and lack
of a cohesive business model, t he board oust ed Musk and replaced him wit h Thiel in Sept ember
2000.[52][note 2] Under Thiel, t he company focused on t he PayPal service and was renamed PayPal
in 2001.[54][55] In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in st ock, of which Musk—t he
largest shareholder wit h 11.7%—received over $100 million.[56][57]

In 2017, Musk purchased t he domain from PayPal for an undisclosed amount , explaining it
has sent iment al value.[58][59]

Musk explains the planned capabilities of SpaceX Starship to NORAD and Air Force Space Command, 2019

In 2001, Musk became involved wit h t he nonprofit Mars Societ y. He was inspired by plans t o
place a growt h-chamber for plant s on Mars and discussed funding t he project himself.[60] In
Oct ober 2001, Musk t raveled t o Moscow t o buy refurbished Int ercont inent al ballist ic missiles
(ICBMs) t hat could send t he greenhouse payloads int o space. He met wit h companies NPO
Lavochkin and Kosmot ras; however, Musk was seen as a novice and was even spat on by one of
t he Russian chief designers. The group ret urned t o t he Unit ed St at es empt y-handed. In February
2002, t he group ret urned t o Russia t o look for t hree ICBMs. They had anot her meet ing wit h
Kosmot ras and were offered one rocket for $8 million, which Musk reject ed. Musk inst ead
decided t o st art a company t hat could build affordable rocket s.[61] Wit h $100 million of his early
fort une,[62] Musk founded Space Explorat ion Technologies Corp., t raded as SpaceX, in May
2002.[63] As of 2021, he remains t he company's CEO and also holds t he t it le of chief engineer.[64]

Aft er t hree failed launches, SpaceX succeeded in launching t he Falcon 1 in 2008. It was t he first
privat e liquid-fuel rocket t o reach Eart h orbit .[65] Lat er t hat year, SpaceX received a $1.6 billion
Commercial Resupply Services program cont ract for 12 flight s of it s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon
spacecraft t o t he Int ernat ional Space St at ion, replacing t he Space Shut t le aft er it s 2011
ret irement .[66] In 2012, t he Dragon vehicle bert hed wit h t he ISS, a first for a privat e ent erprise.[67]
Working t owards it s goal of reusable rocket s, in 2015, SpaceX successfully landed t he first
st age of a Falcon 9.[68] Landings were lat er achieved on an aut onomous spaceport drone ship, an
ocean-based recovery plat form.[69] In 2018, SpaceX launched t he Falcon Heavy; t he inaugural
mission carried a Tesla Roadst er as a dummy payload.[70][71] In 2017, SpaceX unveiled it s next -
generat ion launch vehicle and spacecraft syst em, Big Falcon Rocket (BFR), which would support
all SpaceX launch service provider capabilit ies.[72] In 2018, SpaceX announced a planned 2023
lunar circumnavigat ion mission, a privat e flight called dearMoon project.[73] In 2020, SpaceX
launched it s first manned flight , t he Demo-2, becoming t he first privat e company t o place a
person int o orbit and dock a crewed space-craft wit h t he ISS.[74]

SpaceX began development of t he St arlink const ellat ion of low Eart h orbit sat ellit es in 2015 t o
provide sat ellit e Int ernet access,[75] wit h t he first t wo prot ot ype sat ellit es launched in February
2018. A second set of t est sat ellit es and t he first large deployment of a piece of t he
const ellat ion occurred in May 2019, when t he first 60 operat ional sat ellit es were launched.[76]
The t ot al cost of t he decade-long project t o design, build, and deploy t he const ellat ion is
est imat ed by SpaceX t o be about $10 billion.[77][note 3]


Musk next to a Tesla Model S in 2011 at the Tesla Fremont Factory

Tesla, Inc.—originally Tesla Mot ors—was incorporat ed in July 2003 by Mart in Eberhard and Marc
Tarpenning, who financed t he company unt il t he Series A round of funding.[80] Bot h men played
act ive roles in t he company's early development prior t o Musk's involvement .[81] Musk led t he
Series A round of invest ment in 2004, joining Tesla's board of direct ors as chairman.[82][83] Musk
t ook an act ive role wit hin t he company and oversaw Roadst er product design but was not deeply
involved in day-t o-day business operat ions.[84] Following a series of escalat ing conflict s in 2007
and t he 2008 financial crisis, Eberhard was oust ed from t he firm.[85][86] Musk assumed leadership
of t he company as CEO and product archit ect in 2008.[87] A 2009 lawsuit set t lement wit h
Eberhard designat ed Musk as a Tesla co-founder, along wit h Tarpenning and t wo ot hers.[1][2]
Tesla first built an elect ric sport s car, t he Roadst er, in 2008. Wit h sales of about 2,500 vehicles,
it was t he first serial product ion all-elect ric car t o use lit hium-ion bat t ery cells.[88] Tesla began
delivery of it s four-door Model S sedan in 2012;[89] a cross-over, t he Model X was launched in
2015.[90][91] A mass market sedan, t he Model 3 was released in 2017.[92][93] As of March 2020, it is
t he world's best -selling elect ric car, wit h more t han 500,000 unit s delivered.[94] A fift h vehicle,
t he Model Y crossover, was launched in 2020.[95] The Cybert ruck, an all-elect ric pickup t ruck, was
unveiled in 2019.[96][97] Under Musk, Tesla has also const ruct ed mult iple lit hium-ion bat t ery and
elect ric vehicle subassembly fact ories, such as Gigafact ory 1 in Nevada and Gigafact ory 3 in

Since it s init ial public offering in 2010,[101] Tesla st ock has risen significant ly; it became t he most
valuable carmaker in summer 2020.[102][103] It ent ered t he S&P 500 lat er t hat year.[104][105]

SEC lawsuit

Musk at the 2019 Tesla annual shareholder meeting

In Sept ember 2018, Musk was sued by t he US Securit ies and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a
t weet claiming funding had been secured for pot ent ially t aking Tesla privat e.[106][note 4] The
lawsuit claimed t hat discussions Musk held wit h foreign invest ors in July 2018 did not confirm
key deal t erms and t hus charact erized t he t weet as false, misleading, and damaging t o invest ors,
and sought t o bar Musk from serving as CEO of publicly t raded companies.[106][110][111] Musk
called t he allegat ions unjust ified and claimed he had never compromised his int egrit y.[112] Two
days lat er, Musk set t led wit h t he SEC, wit hout admit t ing or denying t he SEC's allegat ions. As a
result , Musk and Tesla were fined $20 million each, and Musk was forced t o st ep down for t hree
years as Tesla chairman but was able t o remain as CEO.[113]

Musk has st at ed in int erviews he does not regret t he t weet t hat t riggered t he SEC
invest igat ion.[114][115] On February 19, 2019, Musk st at ed in a t weet t hat Tesla would build half a
million cars in 2019.[116] The SEC react ed t o Musk's t weet by filing in court , init ially asking t he
court t o hold him in cont empt for violat ing t he t erms of a set t lement agreement wit h such a
t weet , which was disput ed by Musk. This was event ually set t led by a joint agreement bet ween
Musk and t he SEC clarifying t he previous agreement det ails.[117] The agreement included a list of
t opics t hat Musk would need preclearance before t weet ing about .[118] In May 2020, a judge
prevent ed a lawsuit from proceeding t hat claimed a t weet by Musk regarding Tesla st ock price
("t oo high imo") violat ed t he agreement .[119][120]

SolarCity and Tesla Energy

SolarCity solar-panel installation vans in 2009

Musk provided t he init ial concept and financial capit al for SolarCit y, which his cousins Lyndon and
Pet er Rive co-founded in 2006.[121] By 2013, SolarCit y was t he second largest provider of solar
power syst ems in t he Unit ed St at es.[122] In 2014, Musk commit t ed t o building a SolarCit y
advanced product ion facilit y in Buffalo, New York, t riple t he size of t he largest solar plant in t he
Unit ed St at es.[123] Const ruct ion on t he fact ory st art ed in 2014 and was complet ed in 2017. It
operat ed as a joint vent ure wit h Panasonic unt il early 2020 when Panasonic depart ed.[124][125]

Tesla acquired SolarCit y for over $2 billion in 2016 and merged it wit h it s bat t ery energy st orage
product s division t o creat e Tesla Energy. The announcement of t he deal result ed in a more t han
10% drop in Tesla's st ock price. At t he t ime, SolarCit y was facing liquidit y issues; however, Tesla
shareholders were not informed.[126] Consequent ly, mult iple shareholder groups filed a lawsuit
against Musk and Tesla's direct ors, claiming t hat t he purchase of SolarCit y was done solely t o
benefit Musk and came at t he expense of Tesla and it s shareholders.[127][128] During a June 2019
court deposit ion, Musk acknowledged t hat t he company reallocat ed every possible employee
from t he solar division t o work on t he Model 3, and, according t o Musk, "as a result , solar
suffered." This had not previously been disclosed t o shareholders. Court document s unsealed in
2019 have confirmed t hat Musk was also aware of t he company's liquidit y issues.[126] Tesla
direct ors set t led t he lawsuit in January 2020, leaving Musk t he sole remaining defendant .[129][130]


Musk discussing a Neuralink device during a live demonstration in 2020

In 2016, Musk co-founded Neuralink, a neurot echnology st art up company t o int egrat e t he human
brain wit h AI. Neuralink's purpose is t o creat e devices t hat are embedded in t he human brain t o
facilit at e t he merging of t he brain wit h machines. The devices will also reconcile wit h t he lat est
improvement s in art ificial int elligence t o st ay updat ed. Such improvement s could enhance
memory or allow t he devices t o communicat e wit h soft ware more effect ively.[131][132]

At a live demonst rat ion in August 2020, Musk described one of t heir early devices as "a Fit bit in
your skull" t hat could soon cure paralysis, deafness, blindness, and ot her disabilit ies. Many
neuroscient ist s and publicat ions crit icized t hese claims;[133][134][135] MIT Technology Review
described t hem as "highly speculat ive" and "neuroscience t heat er".[133]

The Boring Company

Musk during the 2018 inauguration of the Boring Test Tunnel in Hawthorne, California

In 2016, Musk founded The Boring Company t o const ruct t unnels.[136] In early 2017, t hey began
discussions wit h regulat ory bodies and init iat ed const ruct ion of a 30-foot (9.1 m) wide, 50-foot
(15 m) long, and 15-foot (4.6 m) deep "t est t rench" on t he premises of SpaceX's offices as it
required no permit s.[137] A t unnel beneat h t he Las Vegas Convent ion Cent er was complet ed in
early 2020. Local officials have approved furt her expansions of t he t unnel syst em.[138]

As a merchandising and publicit y st unt , The Boring Company sold 2,000 novelt y flamet hrowers in
2018.[139][140] The idea was allegedly inspired by t he Mel Brooks-direct ed film Spaceballs

Managerial style and treatment of employees

Musk's managerial st yle and t reat ment of his employees has been heavily
crit icized.[143][144][145][146][147][148] One person who worked closely wit h Musk said he exhibit s "a
high level of degenerat e behavior" such as paranoia and bullying.[144] Anot her person described
him as exhibit ing "t ot al and complet e pat hological sociopat hy".[144] Business Insider report ed
t hat Tesla employees were t old not t o walk past Musk's desk because of his "wild firing
rampages".[149] The Wall Street Journal report ed t hat , aft er Musk insist ed on branding his vehicles
as "self-driving", he faced crit icism from his engineers, some of whom resigned in response, wit h
one st at ing t hat Musk's "reckless decision making... ha[d] pot ent ially put cust omer lives at

Other efforts

In 2013, Musk announced plans for a version of a vact rain, assigning a dozen engineers from
Tesla and SpaceX t o est ablish t he concept ual foundat ions and creat e init ial designs.[151] On
August 12, 2013, Musk unveiled t he concept , which he dubbed t he Hyperloop.[152] The alpha
design for t he syst em was published in a whit epaper post ed t o t he Tesla and SpaceX blogs.[153]
The document scoped out t he t echnology and out lined a not ional rout e where such a t ransport
syst em could be built bet ween t he Great er Los Angeles Area and t he San Francisco Bay Area at
an est imat ed t ot al cost of $6 billion.[154] The proposal, if t echnologically feasible at t he cost s
he has cit ed, would make Hyperloop t ravel cheaper t han any ot her mode of t ransport for such
long dist ances.[155]

In June 2015, Musk announced a design compet it ion for st udent s and ot hers t o build Hyperloop
pods t o operat e on a SpaceX-sponsored mile-long t rack in a 2015–2017 Hyperloop pod
compet it ion. The t rack was used in January 2017, and Musk also announced t hat t he company
st art ed a t unnel project wit h Hawt horne airport as it s dest inat ion.[156] In July 2017, Musk claimed
t hat he had received "verbal government approval" t o build a hyperloop from New York Cit y t o
Washingt on, D.C., st opping in bot h Philadelphia and Balt imore.[157]


In December 2015, Musk announced t he creat ion of OpenAI, a not -for-profit art ificial int elligence
(AI) research company aiming t o develop art ificial general int elligence int ended t o be safe and
beneficial t o humanit y.[158] A part icular focus of t he company is t o "count eract large corporat ions
[and government s] who may gain t oo much power by owning super-int elligence syst ems".[159][13]
In 2018, Musk left t he OpenAI board t o avoid possible fut ure conflict s wit h his role as CEO of
Tesla as Tesla increasingly became involved in AI t hrough Tesla Aut opilot .[160]

Tham Luang cave rescue and defamation case

In July 2018, Musk arranged for his employees t o build a small rescue pod t o assist t he rescue of
children st uck in a flooded cavern in Thailand.[161] Named "Wild Boar" aft er t he children's soccer
t eam,[162] it s design was a five-foot (1.5 m)-long, 12-inch (30 cm)-wide sealed t ube weighing
about 90 pounds (41 kg) propelled manually by divers in t he front and back wit h segment ed
compart ment s t o place diver weight s t o adjust buoyancy,[163][164] int ended t o solve t he problem
of safely ext ract ing t he children. Engineers at SpaceX and The Boring Company built t he mini-
submarine out of a Falcon 9 liquid oxygen t ransfer t ube [165] in eight hours and personally
delivered it t o Thailand.[163] However, by t his t ime, eight of t he 12 children had already been
rescued using full face masks and oxygen under anest hesia and Thai aut horit ies declined t o use
t he submarine.[166]

Vernon Unswort h, a recreat ional caver who had been exploring t he cave for t he previous six years
and played a key advisory role in t he rescue, crit icized t he submarine on CNN as amount ing t o
not hing more t han a public relat ions effort wit h no chance of success, and t hat Musk "had no
concept ion of what t he cave passage was like" and "can st ick his submarine where it hurt s". Musk
assert ed on Twit t er t hat t he device would have worked and referred t o Unswort h as "pedo
guy".[167] He subsequent ly delet ed t he t weet s, along wit h an earlier t weet in which he t old
anot her crit ic of t he device, "St ay t uned jackass."[167] On July 16, Unswort h st at ed t hat he was
considering legal act ion.[168][169]

Two days lat er, Musk issued an apology for his remarks.[170][171] Then, on August 28, 2018, in
response t o crit icism from a writ er on Twit t er, Musk t weet ed, "You don't t hink it 's st range he
hasn't sued me?"[172] The following day, a let t er dat ed August 6 from L. Lin Wood, t he rescuer's
at t orney, emerged, showing t hat he had been making preparat ions for a libel lawsuit .[173][174]

Around t his t ime, James Howard-Higgins emailed Musk claiming t o be a privat e invest igat or and
wit h an offer t o "dig deep" int o Unswort h's past , which Musk accept ed; Higgins was lat er
revealed t o be a convict ed felon wit h mult iple count s of fraud.[175][176] On August 30, using
det ails produced during t he alleged invest igat ion,[177] Musk sent a BuzzFeed News report er who
had writ t en about t he cont roversy an email prefaced wit h "off t he record", t elling t he report er t o
"st op defending child rapist s, you fucking asshole" and claiming t hat Unswort h is a "single whit e
guy from England who's been t raveling t o or living in Thailand for 30 t o 40 years... unt il moving t o
Chiang Rai for a child bride who was about 12 years old at t he t ime." On Sept ember 5, t he
report er t weet ed a screenshot of t he email, saying t hat "Off t he record is a t wo-part y
agreement ," which he "did not agree t o."[178][179][180]

In Sept ember, Unswort h filed a defamat ion suit in Los Angeles federal court .[181][182] In his
defense, Musk argued t hat in slang usage "'pedo guy' was a common insult used in Sout h Africa
when I was growing up... synonymous wit h 'creepy old man' and is used t o insult a person's
appearance and demeanor."[183] The defamat ion case began in December 2019, wit h Unswort h
seeking $190 million in damages.[184] During t he t rial Musk apologized t o Unswort h again for t he
t weet . On December 6, t he jury found in favor of Musk and ruled he was not liable.[185][186]

2018 Joe Rogan podcast appearance

On Sept ember 6, 2018, Musk appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast and discussed
various t opics for over t wo hours. One of t he highest -profile and cont roversial aspect s of t he
program was Musk's sampling a single puff from a cigar consist ing, Joe Rogan claimed, of
t obacco laced wit h cannabis. The Washington Post observed t hat , "In t he media's hands, it
became a st ory about Musk's growing inst abilit y."[187]

Tesla st ock dropped aft er t he incident , which coincided wit h t he confirmat ion of t he depart ure
of Tesla's vice president of worldwide finance earlier t hat day.[188][189] Fortune wondered if t he
cannabis use could have ramificat ions for SpaceX cont ract s wit h t he Unit ed St at es Air Force,
t hough an Air Force spokesperson t old The Verge t hat t here was no invest igat ion and t hat t he Air
Force was st ill processing t he sit uat ion.[190][191] In a 60 Minutes int erview, Musk said of t he
incident : "I do not smoke pot . As anybody who wat ched t hat podcast could t ell, I have no idea
how t o smoke pot ."[192][193]

Music ventures

On March 30, 2019, Musk released a rap t rack, "RIP Harambe", on SoundCloud as Emo G Records.
The t rack, which is an allusion t o t he killing of Harambe and t he subsequent "t ast eless" Int ernet
sensat ionalism surrounding t he event , was performed by Yung Jake, writ t en by Yung Jake and
Caroline Polachek, and produced by BloodPop.[194][195] On January 30, 2020, Musk released an
EDM t rack, "Don't Doubt Ur Vibe", feat uring his own lyrics and vocals.[196] While Guardian crit ic
Alexi Pet ridis described it as "indist inguishable... from umpt een compet ent but unt hrilling bit s of
bedroom elect ronica post ed elsewhere on Soundcloud",[197] TechCrunch said it was "not a bad
represent at ion of t he genre".[196]

Donations and non-profits

Musk is chairman of t he Musk Foundat ion, which st at es it s purpose is t o provide solar-power

energy syst ems in disast er areas as well as ot her goals.[198][199] Since 2002, t he foundat ion has
made over 350 cont ribut ions. Around half were t o scient ific research or educat ion nonprofit s.
Not able beneficiaries include t he Wikimedia Foundat ion, his alma mat er t he Universit y of
Pennsylvania, and Kimball's Big Green.[200] Vox described t he foundat ion as "ent ert aining in it s
simplicit y and yet is st rikingly opaque", not ing t hat it s websit e was only 33 words in plain-
t ext .[201] The foundat ion has been crit icized for t he relat ively small amount of wealt h
donat ed.[202] From 2002 t o 2018, it gave out $25 million direct ly t o non-profit s, nearly half of
which went t o Musk's OpenAI,[201] which was at t he t ime a non-profit organizat ion.[203]
Musk is also a t rust ee of t he X Prize Foundat ion.[204][205] In January 2021, he promised t o donat e
$100 million as a prize t o whomever developed t he best carbon capt ure t echnology.[206][207]


Musk's net worth from 2012 to 2021 as estimated by Forbes magazine

Musk made $165 million when PayPal was sold t o eBay in 2002.[208] He was first list ed on t he
Forbes Billionaires List in 2012, wit h a net wort h of $2 billion.[209]

At t he st art of 2020, Musk had a net wort h of $27 billion.[210] Throughout t hat year, his net wort h
increased by $150 billion, largely driven by his ownership of around 20% of Tesla st ock.[211] During
t his, Musk's net wort h was oft en volat ile. For example, it dropped $16.3 billion in Sept ember, t he
largest single-day plunge in t he hist ory of t he Bloomberg Billionaires Index.[212] In November of
t hat year, Musk passed Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg t o become t he t hird-richest
person in t he world; a week lat er he passed Microsoft co-founder Bill Gat es t o become t he
second-richest .[213] In January 2021, Musk, wit h a net wort h of $185 billion, surpassed Amazon
founder Jeff Bezos t o become t he richest person in t he world.[214] Bezos reclaimed t he t op
spot t he following mont h.[215]

Around t hree-quart ers of Musk's wealt h derives from Tesla.[213] Musk does not receive a salary
from Tesla; he agreed in 2018 t o a compensat ion plan wit h t he board t hat t ies his personal
earnings t o Tesla's valuat ion and revenue.[211] The deal st ipulat ed t hat Musk only receives t he
compensat ion if Tesla reaches cert ain market values.[216] It was t he largest such deal ever done
bet ween a CEO and board.[217] In t he first award, given in May 2020, he was eligible t o purchase
1.69 million TSLA shares (about 1% of t he company) at below-market prices, which was wort h
about $800 million.[217][216]

Musk has repeat edly described himself as "cash poor",[218][219] and has "professed t o have lit t le
int erest in t he mat erial t rappings of wealt h".[218] In 2012, Musk signed The Giving Pledge and, in
May 2020, Musk pledged t o "sell almost all physical possessions".[219][220] In 2021, Musk
defended his wealt h by saying he is "accumulat ing resources t o help make life mult iplanet ary
[and] ext end t he light of consciousness t o t he st ars".[221] He owns a privat e jet .[222][223] The jet 's
heavy use of fossil fuels—it flew over 150,000 miles in 2018—has received crit icism.[222][224]



Musk with US Vice President Mike Pence in 2020 at the Kennedy Space Center shortly before SpaceX's Crew Dragon
Demo-2 launch

In an int erview wit h The Washington Post, Musk st at ed he was a "significant (t hough not t op-t ier)
donor t o Democrat s," but t hat he also gives heavily t o Republicans. Musk furt her st at ed t hat
polit ical cont ribut ions are a requirement t o have a voice in t he Unit ed St at es government .[225]
Musk has crit icized Donald Trump[226] and aft er joining Trump's t wo business advisory
councils,[227][228] Musk resigned from bot h in June 2017 in prot est against Trump's decision t o
wit hdraw t he Unit ed St at es from t he Paris Agreement .[229] In t he 2020 Democrat ic president ial
primaries, Musk endorsed candidat e Andrew Yang and expressed support for his proposed
universal basic income;[230] he endorsed Kanye West 's independent campaign in t he general
elect ion.[231] Musk has st at ed t hat he t hinks a t heoret ical government on Mars should be direct
In July 2020, Musk t weet ed "Pronouns suck" t o significant backlash on Twit t er, including from his
part ner Grimes.[233][234][235][236] The t weet has been perceived by some as t ransphobic and an
at t ack on non-binary ident it ies.[237] In a series of December 2020 t weet s, Musk again mocked
t he use of pronouns. The Human Right s Campaign, which had previously given Tesla t he number
one ranking on it s Corporat e Equalit y Index, crit icized his t weet s and called for him t o

Musk has st at ed t hat he does not believe t he US government should provide subsidies t o
companies but should inst ead use a carbon t ax t o discourage poor behavior. Musk says t hat t he
free market would achieve t he best solut ion, and t hat producing environment ally unfriendly
vehicles should come wit h it s own consequences.[240] His st ance has been called hypocrit ical as
his businesses have received billions of dollars in subsidies.[241]

Musk, a longt ime opponent of short -selling, has repeat edly crit icized t he pract ice and argued it
should be illegal.[242][243] Musk's opposit ion t o short -selling has been speculat ed t o st em from
how short -sellers oft en organize and publish opposit ion research about t he companies t hat t hey
believe t o be current ly overvalued.[244] In early 2021, he encouraged t he GameSt op short


Musk was crit icized for his public comment s and

conduct relat ed t o t he COVID-19 Elon Musk Twitter
pandemic.[248][249] He spread misinformat ion
Based on current trends, probably close to
about t he virus, including promot ing chloroquine
zero new cases in US too by end of April
and claiming t hat deat h st at ist ics were
manipulat ed.[250][251] He claimed t hat "Kids are March 19, 2020[247]
essent ially immune" t o t he SARS-CoV-2
coronavirus,[252][253] and called "t he coronavirus
panic...dumb".[254][255][256] Musk repeat edly crit icized lockdowns and violat ed local orders by re-
opening t he Tesla Fremont fact ory.[257][258][259] In March 2020, Musk predict ed t here would be
"close t o zero new cases in US t oo by end of April".[260][261] Politico lat er labeled t his st at ement
one of "t he most audacious, confident and spect acularly incorrect prognost icat ions [in
2020]".[262] In November 2020, t he phrase "Space Karen" t rended on Twit t er in connect ion wit h
Musk aft er he t weet ed misinformat ion about t he effect iveness of COVID-19
t est ing.[263][264][265] In April 2021, he t weet ed a modified version of a Ben Garrison cart oon wit h a
caricat ure of Bill Gat es and an ant i-vaxxer message, before lat er delet ing it .[266]
Also in March 2020, Musk offered t o donat e vent ilat ors which Tesla would build or buy from a
t hird part y.[267] Mult iple hospit als not ed t hat t he devices event ually donat ed were BiPAP and
CPAP machines, not t he sought -aft er vent ilat ors, but t he machines could st ill be used t o free up
vent ilat ors for t he sickest pat ient s.[268][269] In 2021, findings of an ant ibody-t est ing program t hat
Musk and a SpaceX medical execut ive worked wit h doct ors and academic researchers t o creat e
were published in Nature Communications wit h Musk list ed as a co-aut hor.[270][271]

Artificial intelligence and public transit

Musk has frequent ly spoken about t he pot ent ial dangers of art ificial int elligence (AI), repeat edly
calling it t he great est t hreat t o humanit y.[272][273] Musk's opinions about AI have provoked
cont roversy.[274] Consequent ly, according t o CNBC, Musk is "not always looked upon favorably"
by t he AI research communit y.[275] Musk and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have clashed on
t he issue, wit h Zuckerberg calling his warnings "pret t y irresponsible".[276][277][278][279][280] Musk's
claims t hat humans live in a comput er simulat ion have also been crit icized.[281][282]

Musk has crit icized public t ransport at ion,[283][284] a st ance t hat has been called elit ist .[285] His
comment s have sparked widespread crit icism from bot h t ransport at ion and urban planning
expert s.[286][287]

Personal life

Musk met his first wife, Canadian aut hor Just ine Wilson, while at t ending Queen's Universit y. They
married in 2000 and separat ed in 2008.[288] Their first child, son Nevada Alexander Musk,[289] died
of sudden infant deat h syndrome (SIDS) at t he age of 10 weeks.[290][291] They share cust ody of
t heir five surviving children, all sons.[292][293][294]

In 2008, Musk began dat ing English act ress Talulah Riley, and in 2010, t he couple married. In
2012, Musk announced a divorce from Riley.[295][296][297] In 2013, Musk and Riley remarried. In
December 2014, Musk filed for a second divorce from Riley; however, t he act ion was
wit hdrawn.[298] A second divorce was finalized in 2016.[299] Musk t hen dat ed Amber Heard for
several mont hs in 2017;[300][301] he had report edly been pursuing her since 2012.[301] Musk was
lat er accused of having an affair wit h Heard while she was st ill married t o Johnny

In May 2018, Musk and Canadian musician Grimes revealed t hat t hey were dat ing.[306][307][308]
Grimes gave birt h t o t heir son in May 2020.[309][310] According t o Musk and Grimes, his name was
"X Æ A-12"; however, t he name would have violat ed California regulat ions as it cont ained
charact ers t hat are not in t he modern English alphabet ,[311][312] and was t hen changed t o
"X Æ A-Xii". This drew more confusion, as Æ is not a let t er in t he modern English alphabet .[313]
The child was event ually named "X AE A-XII", wit h "X" as a first name and "AE A-XII" as a middle

From t he early 2000s unt il lat e 2020, Musk resided in California where bot h Tesla and SpaceX
were founded and where t heir headquart ers are st ill locat ed.[315] As of December 2020, Musk
resides in Texas.[315][316][317]

While host ing Saturday Night Live in May 2021, Musk said t hat he has Asperger syndrome.[318]

In popular culture

Musk has had mult iple cameos and appearances in films such as Iron Man 2 (2010),[319] Why Him?
(2016),[320] and Men in Black: International (2019).[321] Television series on which he has appeared
include The Simpsons (2015),[322] The Big Bang Theory (2015),[323] South Park (2016),[324][325] and
Rick and Morty (2019).[326][327] He has cont ribut ed int erviews t o t he document aries Racing
Extinction (2015) and t he Werner Herzog-direct ed Lo and Behold (2016).[328][329]


Musk has received recognit ion and praise for his cont ribut ions t o business and t echnology. He
was elect ed a fellow of t he Royal Societ y in 2018[330] and was list ed among Time magazine's
100 Most Influent ial People in 2010,[331] 2013,[332] and 2018.[333][334] He has received various
ot her awards, such as t he Order of t he Direkgunabhorn given for his cont ribut ions t o t he Tham
Luang cave rescue.[335][336]

Notes and references

1. A lawsuit settlement agreed to by Martin Eberhard and Tesla in September 2009 designated five people
as company founders, including Musk, Eberhard, JB Straubel, Marc Tarpenning, and Ian Wright.[1][2]

2. Musk remained on the board and served as an advisor.[53][54]

3. SpaceX received nearly $900 million in Federal Communications Commission subsidies for
4. Musk stated he was considering taking Tesla private at a price of $420 a share, an alleged reference to
marijuana.[107] Members of Tesla's board and rapper Azealia Banks alleged that Musk may have been
under the influence of recreational drugs when he wrote the tweet.[108][109]

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Works cited
Belfiore, Michael (2007). Rocketeers. New York Cit y: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-114902-3.

Jackson, Erik (2004). The PayPal Wars: Battles with EBay, the Media, the Mafia, and the Rest of
Planet Earth. Los Angeles: World Ahead Publishing. ISBN 9780974670102.

Kidder, David; Hoffman, Reid (2013). The Startup Playbook: Secrets of the Fastest Growing Start-
Ups from the founding Entrepreneurs. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-1-4521-0504-
Vance, Ashlee (2015). Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping Our
Future. HarperCollinsPublishers. ISBN 978-0-7535-5563-7.

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