Interview Questions

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Family History Interview Questions (or

1. What is your full name?
2. Do or did you have a nickname? How did you get it?
3. When were you born?
4. Where were you born? (Be specific)
5. Do you know any other circumstances of your birth? (Who was present, who
delivered, etc.)
6. Name your brothers and sisters and their years of birth.
7. What is your mother’s full name, date and place of birth?
8. What is your father’s full name, date and place of birth?
9. Tell about the naughtiest thing you ever did. If you got caught, describe the
10.Do you have any knowledge of the origins of your family name?
11.Tell about someone who had a big influence over your life?
12.What was your favorite meal as a child?
13.Tell about your first date? First kiss?
14.What do you remember as your favorite subject in school?
15.What do you remember as your least favorite school subject?
16.Tell about a favorite “hang out” place for you and your friends.
17.Tell about the best pet you ever had.
18.What do you remember about your favorite time of year?
19.Describe some household or outside chores you had as a child.
20.Did you ever need stitches? Or break any bones?
21.Do you have any other good stories about being injured?
22.As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
23.Tell about the best birthday present you ever received.
24.Tell about any sports you played.
25.Tell about the first time you were ever behind the wheel of a car.
26.What childhood fear do you remember?
27.Tell a favorite memory of your mother.
28.Tell about some good advice your mother gave you.
29.How many students were in your high school? In your graduating class?
30.Did you play a musical instrument?
31.Tell of the closest friend you had during your childhood.
32.What was your first job?
33.How much did you get paid?
34.Tell a favorite memory of your father.
35.Tell about some good advice your father gave you.
36.Did you ever go to carnivals or amusement parks? Where?
37.Share a memory involving a heatwave, drought, flood, or snow storm, or other
severe weather.
38.Describe your childhood home and neighborhood.
39.Did you ever play in the sprinkler or hose?
Family History Interview Questions (or
40.Did you mom or dad have a favorite remedy for what ailed you?
41.Tell about a time when you got lost.
42.If you ever ran away from home, tell about it.
43.If you ever had a hero, who was it? Why?
44.Describe how you used the phone to call a friend.
45.Did you ever have a fire in your home or accidentally catch something on fire?
46.Tell about an incident when you were very angry with your mom or dad.
47.Tell about an incident when you mom or dad was very angry with you.
48.Tell about your school year calendar.
49.What do you remember doing at recess?
50.If you were ever in a fight, tell about it.
51.What is the worst thing that you remember a teacher doing to a student?
52.Do you have a good piece of advice for your children/grandchildren?
53.Did you get an allowance? Did you have to earn it? How much was it?
54.What was your most prized possession as a child?
55.Relate a story about a mouse in the house.
56.What is the farthest you ever ran or walked?
57.Share a memory about being very scared.
58.Tell about how you first met your wife.
59.Tell about first date with her.
60.What qualities first attracted you to her?
61.Tell about how you proposed marriage to her.
62.When and where were you married?
63.What did you wear?
64.Who performed the ceremony? Who stood up with you?
65.Tell about any other circumstances of your wedding day.
66.Did you go on a honeymoon? Where?
67.Tell about where you lived when first married.
68.What was your job at the time?
69.Tell the full names, birthdays, and birthplaces of all of your children.
70.What was the address of ___’s first childhood home?
71.What do you remember most about ____’s first month of life?
72.Share your favorite funny story about ______ as a child.
73.Were you ever in a life-threatening situation?
74.Do you have any knowledge of how your first name was chosen?
75.Did your family go to a special church service at Christmas? Tell about it.

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