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LEED Green Associate VI.

Stakeholder Involvement in Innovation

Question 1:

What is NOT a principle that should be followed for a successful green building project?

A Committing to green building early in the process

B Budgeting the planning and design costs separately from the operations costs

C Multidisciplinary approach

D Looking at long term savings

E Commitment to the process through the life of the project

Question 2:

What are the purposes of clearly defined goals to ensure project success?

A Providing a clearly defined vision statement

B Defining the green design criteria and sustainability targets

C Providing training for the project team

D Determining relevant design fees and construction costs

E Providing a point of reference that can be used when making decisions

Question 3:

Which statement is true regarding regional priority credits (RPCs)?

A RPCs are always awarded for reducing automobile use

B RPCs are awarded for using local green power

C RPCs are awarded for locating the project in urban areas

D RPCs are not new credits; they are 'bonus points'

Question 4:

Designing a building with a natural ventilation system will impact what credit categories?
A Materials and Resources

B Sustainable Sites

C Energy and Atmosphere

D Indoor Environmental Quality

Question 5:

What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building project?

A Establish project goals and green building criteria

B Document green materials and systems

C Site selection

D Test green solutions

Question 6:

The project team for an office building is considering a composting program. What statement is true regarding the
Innovation in Design (ID) credit for a composting program?

A If Project ABC earns an ID credit for implementing a composting program then Project XYZ will also
earn the credit

B LEED would reject any ID credit submission for a composting program unless it was a Regional

C A LEED AP would be required to design a composting management plan in order to meet the ID
credit requirements

D Composting 100% of a project's organic waste can earn the project exemplary performance

E The ID point can only be earned if all occupants of the building are allowed to participate in the

Question 7:

What does the success of an integrated project team depend on?

A The choice of materials used

B Meeting the project schedule

C Commitment to the sustainability goals

D Building codes

Question 8:

What review practice identifies design alternatives that reduce costs while yielding higher performance?

A Environmentally responsive design

B Life cycle costing

C Value engineering

D Life cycle assessment

Question 9:

What accounting methodology is used to evaluate the economic performance of a product or system over its useful

A Triple bottom line accounting

B Cradle-to-cradle

C Life cycle assessment

D Life cycle costing

Question 10:

A LEED consultant helps a company earn an innovation point on a school project in Michigan using a strategy not
found in the LEED rating system. What is true regarding this consultant's ability to use this strategy and earn this
innovation point on other projects?

A The consultant is guaranteed to earn points using this strategy on other projects

B Other projects can not earn the point using this strategy

C This strategy can be used on one other project

D It is not guaranteed that this strategy will earn points on other projects
Question 11:

Collecting and using stormwater to replace the use of potable water in flush fixtures helps with what project areas?

A Stormwater management

B Reducing heat islands

C Water use reduction

D Reducing the development footprint

Question 12:

What is true about integrative design?

A Integrative design is a linear process

B Integrative design is applicable to any phase in the life cycle of a building or land-use project

C Integrative design is only used for new construction design processes

D Integrative design results in longer construction schedules

Question 13:

Reducing the heat island effect by installing paving materials with a high SRI can have an impact on credits in what
LEED categories?

A Energy and Atmosphere

B Sustainable Sites

C Indoor Environmental Quality

D Water Efficiency

E Materials and Resources

Question 14:

How would a project team member determine if a credit has Regional Priority?
A Check the appropriate LEED reference guide

B Submit a Credit Interpretation Ruling (CIR)

C Visit the USGBC website

D Look at the LEED credit checklist

Question 15:

What is the term for the analysis of the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product,
process, or service?

A Life-cycle costing

B Triple bottom line accounting

C ASHRAE Level I audit

D Life-cycle assessment

Question 16:

What statement is true about a project that has achieved exemplary performance for using Recycled Materials and
Regional Materials?

A The project will earn a Materials and Resources credit for exemplary performance

B The project will earn a Materials and Resources credit for exemplary performance and an Innovation in
Design credit for exemplary performance

C The project will earn an Innovation in Design credit for exemplary performance

D The project will earn a Regional Priority credit

E The project will earn a Materials and Resources credit for innovative performance

Question 17:

What is different about green building design compared to conventional design?

A Green building does not have a bidding phase

B Green building has longer schedules

C Green building costs more

D Green building uses an integrated building design

Question 18:

Bonus points under the LEED rating systems are awarded when what occurs?

A Exemplary or innovative performance is achieved

B Two LEED APs work as principal participants on the project

C Prerequisites and a certain number of credits are earned

D The project exceeds the Minimum Program Requirements

Question 19:

What amount of time do people in the United States spend on average indoors?

A 60%

B 50%

C 90%

D 80%

E 70%

Question 20:

Finding synergies among prerequisites and credits is aided by:



C LEED Score Card

Question 21:

What tool would a project team use to set the project's green design criteria?

A Construction bids

B LEED Score Card

C Vision statement

D Project schedule

Question 22:

How many points would a project earn for having 3 LEED APs as principal participants on a project?

A 1

B 3

C 2

D 0

Question 23:

When should innovative techniques first be addressed for a LEED project?

A After the design phase is complete

B During the planning process

C Throughout the construction process as new ideas arise

D When products are ordered

Question 24:

The use of open grid pavement can help a project achieve points in what LEED areas?

A Water Use Reduction

B Development Density
C Stormwater Management

D Heat Island Effect

Question 25:

What would not describe a LEED AP?

A Someone with understanding of green building practices and principles

B Someone separate from the integrated project team

C Someone with knowledge of the requirements, resources, and processes of LEED

D Someone with knowledge & skill applicable to the LEED certification process

Question 26:

Which LEED credit category addresses light pollution reduction?

A Indoor Environmental Quality

B Innovation in Design

C Energy and Atmosphere

D Sustainable Sites

Question 27:

Which of the following are not required to be identified in writing to achieve an Innovation in Design (ID) credit for
innovative performance?

A The intent of the proposed credit

B The baseline threshold of the existing LEED credit

C The proposed requirement for compliance

D The proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance

Question 28:

How do the LEED Rating Systems reward the development and adoption of new technologies and strategies that can
produce quantifiable environmental and human health benefits?

A Discounts in certification fees

B Additional points

C Additional plaque for showing creativity

D Upgrade to the next certification level

Question 29:

Which of the following may earn a project Innovation in Design credit for innovative performance?

A Implementing a green education program

B Achieving LEED certification under two different rating systems

C Achieving a higher certification level than the one set in the preliminary rating

D Having a building with 100% occupancy

Question 30:

If an HVAC engineer is a LEED AP and also a principal participant on a project, what type of credit can be earned??

A Bonus

B Innovation in Design

C Platinum

D Quantifiable

Question 31:

Which LEED category has the greatest total number of points a project can earn?

A Indoor Environmental Quality

B Energy and Atmosphere

C Sustainable Sites

D Water Efficiency

Question 32:

What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building project?

A Review materials test data

B Develop, test, and select green systems

C Develop a project schedule

D Review laws and standards

Question 33:

How can regional priority credits be earned?

A Developing an educational or training system that addresses local building issues

B Addressing green measures or strategies that are more important to a climate or region

C Using materials that are located within 500 miles of the project site

D Using 100% native plants for the site's landscaping

Question 34:

What statement is true regarding regional priority credits (RPCs)?

A RPCs reward the use of salvaged materials

B RPCs are prerequisites

C RPCs are referenced by zip code

D RPCs reward the use of local materials

Question 35:

What statement is true about exemplary performance?

A Exemplary performance is not available for all credits

B Locating a project near ten basic services is an example of exemplary performance

C Exemplary performance will result in rebates of all certification fees

D Exemplary performance will earn a project a Platinum rating

Question 36:

What intense workshop is used to establish green building goals across all aspects of the building design, drawing on
the expertise of all participants?

A Technical Advisory Group meeting

B Charrette

C LEED roundtable

D Facility manager meeting

Question 37:

A project will achieve exemplary performance by having 100% of the materials extracted, harvested, or recovered, as
well as manufactured within 500 miles of the project site. The project can earn credit in what LEED categories?

A Indoor Environmental Quality

B Innovation in Design

C Materials and Resources

D Energy and Atmosphere

E Sustainable Sites

Question 38:

What design decision would a project building located in a cooler climate least benefit from?

A The use of passive ventilation

B Increasing the amount of open space

C Using a white EPDM roofing material

D Having underground parking

Question 39:

What needs to occur to have an integrated team?

A Durability planning

B Regular meetings of all key project members

C Regular meetings of only the owner, architect, and contractor

D Quarterly meetings between engineers

Question 40:

A project will achieve exemplary performance for using 100% Regional Materials. In what credit or which category
would the exemplary performance point be awarded for this achievement?

A Innovation in Design credit

B Regional Priority category

C Materials and Resources category

D Regional Materials credit

Question 41:

A project team reduces indoor water use 50% from a baseline, well above the 40% credit requirements. What type of
performance does this describe?

A Incremental

B Innovative

C Integrated

D Exemplary

Question 42:

What are the results of incorporating green measures through a comprehensive, holistic design?

A Cost savings

B Credit synergies

C Longer schedules

D Shorter schedules
Question 43:

What statement is true regarding the evaluation process if a project team is considering a new technology to bring
more sunlight into a building?

A Adequate time for research and testing will be needed for evaluation

B If it is a proven technology, alternatives do not need to be considered

C Further evaluation is not necessary if new information becomes available

D The technology does not need to be evaluated in relation to other systems

Question 44:

A project team for a LEED for New Construction project has decided to implement a community recycling program
that will allow community residents to drop off computers and electronics at the project site. What LEED category
could the project earn points under?

A Indoor Environmental Quality

B Innovation in Design

C Materials and Resources

D Sustainable Sites

E Energy and Atmosphere

Question 45:

How many Innovation & Design Process Points can a non-home project earn in LEED v3?

A 10

B 4

C 6

D 8

Question 46:

A project using recycled materials manufactured 750 miles from a project site would not impact what LEED credit?

A Community Connectivity

B Recycled Materials
C Regional Materials

D Construction Waste Management

Question 47:

What is a stakeholder meeting?

A A meeting where research is conducted about materials

B An intense workshop to solve a problem or plan the design of something that includes the project team
and stakeholders

C A meeting with everyone that has a vested interest in the outcome of a project

D A meeting where engineers work together to discover new synergies

Question 48:

What is the primary reason that a LEED project can have higher development costs compared to conventional

A Material costs rose

B New, green building technologies were used

C Team members worked together instead of separately

D Green building goals were not set in the pre-design phase

Question 49:

A project team has decided to modify a low SRI roof design to include a vegetated roof to help with stormwater
management. What other credit would this decision help with?

A Recycled Materials

B Heat Island Effect

C Green Power

D Water Use Reduction

Question 50:

The process of green building begins with the idea of the project and continues until:

A The project is reused or recycled

B The project begins operating

C The schematic design is completed

D The construction documents are prepared

Question 51:

A Green Education program is widely known as an innovative strategy worthy of an ID point in the LEED rating
systems. What characteristics does this program display that must be present in all innovative performance

A Unique

B Comprehensive

C Rare

D Quantifiable

Question 52:

A contractor purchased some carpet containing VOCs that was manufactured 250 miles from the project site. What
LEED category would this material negatively impact?

A Indoor Environmental Quality

B Energy and Atmosphere

C Innovation in Design

D Sustainable Sites

E Materials and Resources

Question 53:

Which of the following statements is true about innovative design?

A Coming in under budget and on schedule is innovative design

B Having an integrated project team is innovative design

C Using graywater on a project is innovative design

D Prerequisites cannot earn innovative design credits

Question 54:

A project is anticipating earning Innovation in Design for exemplary performance for three different credits. What
statement is true about this achievement?

A The credits will be submitted for final review by the project administrator

B The project team will need to submit fees for each of the credits

C The credits are submitted using the CIR process

D A LEED AP will need to submit the credits for review

Question 55:

How is the documentation for Innovation in Design credits for innovative performance submitted?

A Using LEED Online

B Using GBCI's website

C Using USGBC's website

D Using the CIR process

Question 56:

Which of the following are not required to be identified in writing to achieve an Innovation in Design (ID) credit for
innovative performance?

A The regional variations for the credit

B The strategies used to meet the requirements

C The intent of the proposed credit

D The proposed requirements for compliance

Question 57:

Reducing external light pollution will result in synergies between what LEED credit categories?

A Innovation in Design

B Indoor Environmental Quality

C Sustainable Sites

D Energy and Atmosphere

Question 58:

When does a successful integrated project begin?

A In the pre-design phase

B After occupancy

C At the project handover

D In the construction phase

Question 59:

What is at the core of the integrated process?

A Cost-based decision making

B Collaborative team members

C Working toward individual goals

D Linear planning

Question 60:

Which of the following actions/concepts may earn a project Innovation in Design (ID) credit for innovative

A Providing an educational program on the environmental and human health benefits of a green
building's practices

B Achieving the next incremental threshold of a credit's requirements

C Doubling a credit requirement's threshold of achievement

D Addressing a geographically specific environmental priority for an existing LEED credit

Question 61:

What would earn a project Innovation in Design credit?

A Implementing an Environmental Tobacco Smoke control policy for the entire building

B Achieve double the requirements or meet the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing
LEED credit

C Having a LEED Green Associate work on a project as a principal participant

D Using 100% passive ventilation (natural ventilation) in a building

Question 62:

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Innovation in Design credits for exemplary performance?

A There are limits as to how many exemplary performance points can be awarded

B They are generally awarded for doubling the credit requirements and/or achieving the next incremental
percentage threshold

C Exemplary performance is available to all LEED credits

D One point is awarded for each Innovation in Design credit for exemplary performance achieved

Question 63:

Which of the following requires the submission of a proposed requirement as part of the documentation?

A Credit Interpretation Request (CIR)

B Innovation in Design (ID) credit submission

C CFC phase-out plan

D Baseline water use calculations

Question 64:

What are some of the economic benefits of green building?

A Increasing the tax base to the community

B Reduced liabilities due to poor indoor air quality causing health issues

C Reduced disturbance of greenfield sites

D Reduced utility costs

Question 65:

A project team is removing cisterns from a project design and will install a green roof instead. What project area
would this change impact?

A Construction Waste Management

B Onsite Renewable Energy

C Stormwater Management

D Heat Island Effect

Question 66:

Which LEED category has the least total number of points a project can earn?

A Sustainable Sites

B Indoor Environmental Quality

C Energy and Atmosphere

D Water Efficiency

Question 67:

Reducing the light pollution of a project site to preserve night views and not interfere with nocturnal species may
negatively impact what project areas?

A Onsite renewable energy

B Safety and security

C Energy conservation

D Heat islands

Question 68:

What should be addressed in the project and building construction budget?

A Request for qualifications

B Life-cycle costs

C Green design criteria

D Statement of work

Question 69:

A project team achieved an 80% water use reduction for an office building. What is true about this achievement?

A All of the flow and flush fixtures in the building must be WaterSense labeled in order for the project to
be eligible for LEED certification

B The project will earn an exemplary performance point under Innovation in Design

C The project team must verify that all flush fixtures in the office building are low-flow

D The project will earn a Regional Priority credit

Question 70:

What best defines durability?

A Materials that reduce operating costs and maintenance expenses over the product's lifetime

B The practice of managing resources to meet the long-term product needs of humans

C The design choice that has the least environmental impact while considering the triple-bottom-line

D The ability of a building or any of its components to perform its required function in its service
environment over the period of time without unforeseen cost for maintenance or repair

Question 71:

Which of the following strategies would NOT earn Innovation in Design / Operations credit?

A Evaluating the life-cycle assessment of a project's products to show their environmental benefits

B Having stakeholders divert and recycle waste from sources other than the building project

C Implementing a green parking design

D Implementing an educational outreach program

Question 72:

What is not true about Innovation in Design (ID) credits?

A Each innovative performance credit awarded requires a 12 month follow up to verify the strategy is

B ID credits can be awarded for specific environmental issues related to the region the project is located
C Exemplary performance is only available for existing LEED credits

D ID credits are awarded for environmental impacts

Question 73:

What is the primary benefit of an integrated process?

A Obtaining local, state, and federal incentives for green design and construction strategies

B Achieving the highest LEED rating possible

C Reducing costs over traditional construction practices

D Maximizing opportunities for integrated, cost-effective adoption of green design and construction strategies

Question 74:

Each LEED 2009 Rating System has ___ Regional Priority credits specified by zip code and can earn ___ points for
the Regional Priority section.

A 4, 4

B 6, 5

C 6, 3

D 6, 4

Question 75:

What statement is true regarding a facility manager?

A A facility manager would be most involved in a project for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and

B The facility manager has sole responsibility for designing a building recycling plan

C A facility manager that is a LEED AP could not earn a project an Innovation in Design point

D A facility manager would not be part of an integrated team

Question 76:

How can project teams be awarded points for innovative performance?

A Implementing a strategy not addressed by the LEED rating system

B Exceeding the requirements of a LEED credit

C Meeting the requirements of a LEED credit

D Addressing geographically specific environmental priorities

Question 77:

What will help with reducing stormwater runoff and reducing the heat island effect?

A Harvesting rainwater

B Installing pervious pavement that has high SRI values

C Maximizing the floor-area ratio

D Installing a bioretention pond

Question 78:

What is the purpose of having a LEED AP on a project?

A To serve as the project administrator

B To submit all project data

C To streamline the LEED process

D For building commissioning

Question 79:

Which statements are not true regarding LEED projects?

A LEED APs are required for projects that use the LEED Volume Program

B Projects can earn an Innovation in Design credit by having an individual within the organization who is
already a LEED AP participate in the project

C A LEED for New Construction project requires a LEED Green Associate to earn an Innovation in
Design credit

D Projects can earn an Innovation in Design credit by hiring an outside consultant who is a LEED AP to
support the project

Question 80:

A project team discovers a new way to avoid the heat island effect. How does the LEED certification process reward
this new concept?
A An extra Heat Island Effect point would be awarded

B An innovative performance point would be awarded

C Heat Island Effect is covered by LEED, so no additional points would be awarded

D An exemplary performance point would be awarded

Question 81:

What has the greatest long-term impact on building performance and on the environment?

A Site selection

B Water use

C Purchase of green power

D The use of recycled materials

Question 82:

A LEED AP on a project works exclusively on the HVAC system and does not serve as a principal participant. What
statement is true regarding this scenario?

A The project would earn an Energy and Atmosphere credit

B No Innovation in Design credit would be earned for having the LEED AP work on the project

C The project would earn an Innovation in Design credit

D The project would earn a Regional Priority credit

Question 83:

What should guide a LEED project from registration to certification of a project?

A LEED Reference Guide

B Refrigerant choice

C Plumbing codes

D Landscape design

Question 84:

What part of a project would need to have a documented quantitative performance improvement?
A Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) process

B Confirmation that the Minimum Program Requirements (MPRs) were met

C Innovation in Design (ID) credit

D The project narrative

Question 85:

A project that uses 100% green power can earn credit in what LEED categories?

A Energy and Atmosphere

B Indoor Environmental Quality

C Water Efficiency

D Sustainable Sites

E Innovation in Design

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